Mixer      04/14/2019

Irga - useful properties and contraindications. Where does irga (yurga) grow? Irga berry: what is the use? What to cook from irgi

Irga is a small deciduous tree or shrub that has spread throughout the world from regions of the northern hemisphere of the planet with a temperate climate. Its fruits were well known and often used as food by the Indians. North America, as well as the first settlers who arrived in the New World. Irga berry served as a seasoning for dishes of venison and bison meat.

The inhabitants of Europe learned what an irga is in the 16th century. Wine was prepared from its fruits, which tasted like Cahors. 300 years later, the plant began to be grown on an industrial scale. It was made in Canada and the USA.

Since then, the plant has managed to spread to many regions of the globe. There are 25 types. They grow in the countries of young and central Europe, Asia, North America. Many varieties have such qualities as winter hardiness, so they can be grown even in the Far North. In Russia, wild shadberry is found in the Caucasus Mountains and on the Crimean Peninsula. And as a garden crop, it is grown in Siberia and the Urals. You can see it in European Russia.

Fruits are eaten fresh, dried, boiled. In their value, they are comparable to currants.

Botanical description of irgi

Irga, or currant, is a deciduous shrub or tree belonging to the rose family. The name of this plant comes from the Mongolian languages ​​and means "shrub with very hard wood."

Irga ordinary has rounded or oval leaves with a serrated edge, located on long petioles. Their color changes depending on the time of the year: blooming, they acquire a brownish-green hue, in summer they are bluish-green, and in autumn they become crimson and golden. Buds and leaves appear on the shrub in the second half of April.

Cinnamon blooms abundantly, begins in late April - early May and lasts for two weeks. The flowers are white or cream in color, form corymbose inflorescences. The berries are round, with a diameter of about 1 - 1.5 centimeters, when ripe, dark red, almost black. Ripens at the end of July. Their flesh is sweet and juicy.

The shoots of the plant are erect, thin. They grow until the end of July and during the season they add up to 100 cm in length, forming a wide rounded or funnel-shaped crown of the shrub. The roots are well developed, going 30 - 100 centimeters deep, sometimes - 200 cm. Their radius is approximately 2 times larger than the crown span. The height of the trees can reach up to 4 - 6 meters.

Irga grows rapidly, so that the full productivity of the plant occurs at the age of 8-10 years and continues for 20-30 years. Then its average yield is 10 - 14 kilograms of berries from one bush. The life expectancy of a shrub or tree is 60-70 years.

The distinctive properties of cinnamon are its winter hardiness and drought resistance, undemanding to the composition of the soil, the ability to grow in conditions of slight shading. In the northern regions, this plant is almost the only one among all fruit "relatives".

Among gardeners, Canadian, round-leaved, spiky, profusely flowering are considered the most preferred for cultivation. In addition, the plant is considered decorative. It is used for single and group plantings, in hedges.

The chemical composition of berries

The main value of the plant for humans lies in its berries. They taste slightly acidic, slightly tart. The astringent properties of the fruits are given by the tannins included in their composition. Sourness is a consequence of the content of organic acids, mainly malic. Irga vulgaris is rich in fructose and glucose, ascorbic acid, provitamin A and vitamin B2, includes iodine, sterols, flavanols, carotene.

The fruits of this shrub, which should not be confused with poisonous wild berries, are a source of beneficial nutrients. In percentage terms, berries consist of:

  • 40% - ascorbic acid;
  • 12% - sugars (glucose, fructose);
  • 1% - organic acids;
  • 0.5% - tannins.

In addition, the composition contains compounds:

  • Pectins - normalize bowel function, remove toxins, improve appetite.
  • Phytosterols - have anti-sclerotic properties, reduce the fragility of blood vessels and strengthen them.
  • Bioflavonoids - help maintain normal blood sugar levels, protect against hypertension and coronary heart disease, prevent blood clots.

Useful and medicinal properties of irgi

Among the many varieties, Canadian shadberry is considered the most suitable for eating, its berries are the largest and juiciest. But the benefits of common and round-leaved shadberry are higher.

  • Irga plant - good remedy to maintain cardiovascular health. It contains antioxidants that help prevent strokes and heart attacks, vitamin P, which strengthens the vascular walls, and phytosterols, which reduce the risk of thrombosis. With the help of tinctures of the flowers of the plant, you can lower blood pressure.
  • Irga berry is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Its pulp contains a special enzyme that blocks the pain of inflammation. An infusion of the bark of irgi has a similar effect.

  • Thanks to cinnamon, you can remove toxins and reduce cholesterol in the blood. Eating fruits, a person learns pectins, which help the liver get rid of toxic compounds, normalize the urinary system. And the acids included in the irgi regulate cholesterol.
  • All parts of the plant include polyphenolic compounds that slow down the aging process. Therefore, irga can be considered a berry of youth and health.

Contraindications to the use of berries

No matter how valuable irga is for health, the benefits and harms are combined in any product. And cinnamon is no exception. Its use is contraindicated in:

  1. diabetes due to high level carbohydrates in the composition of the berry, which is dangerous by exceeding the norm of glucose in the blood;
  2. reduced blood pressure - due to the fact that the common irga contains substances that reduce pressure;
  3. poor blood clotting - due to the presence of compounds in the composition of the berry that thin the blood;
  4. prone to skin rashes and other manifestations of allergies:
  5. obesity.

Children can eat no more than 50 grams of berries per day due to the risk of allergies.

In addition, cinnamon has a calming effect on a person. Therefore, it is not recommended to abuse tinctures, juices, teas based on irge, otherwise it can lead to a deterioration in attention, drowsiness, and chronic fatigue.

Like all medicinal plants, irga can benefit a person, or maybe not. correct use harm health. Therefore, when using irgi for food, a reasonable dosage must be observed. And then fresh berries, fruit drinks, tinctures, jam, jam will delight with their taste and benefits.

Korinka is an unpretentious shrub, in the garden, especially during flowering, it serves as an ornament, and in summer it gives a tasty and healthy harvest.

In the summer, every person enjoys the gifts of nature - fresh vegetables, fruits and, of course, berries. This period allows us to enjoy the pleasant taste and aroma of fresh fruits and berries, as well as saturate our body. beneficial substances and vitamins. Today we will talk about how useful irga is and how it can be used.

Irga berry - composition, types

Irga - plant Rosaceae family. It refers to both trees and shrubs. The shape of the leaves is round-oval, and the color is dark green. IN autumn period The leaves turn red and then fall off. Almost every gardener knows about the benefits of irgi for the human body. But, not everyone uses its positive properties, someone, on the contrary, uses it only as a decoration for their summer cottage.

The plant blooms really beautifully. Its flowers are small and collected in inflorescences. light color. They do not exude aroma and are mainly located at the ends of the shoots.

After flowering, the tree begins to bear fruit. Irgi berries are small in size. To some extent, they resemble small apples. In diameter, they are no more than 1 centimeter, and sepals are located at the base. Shrub bears fruit, as a rule, at the end of summer every year. Fruits ripen irregularly, it is for this reason that the harvest occurs several times during the summer. In order for ripening to occur immediately, the shrub must be well lit.

It is not difficult to understand that the berries are ripe. color them dark purple or blue depending on the type of tree. And also there are such varieties of shadberry, on the fruits of which you can find a small coating, for example, like plums.

The ripened berry is tender, juicy and sweet to its taste. By properly caring for a tree, you will get the maximum benefit in the form of big harvest for myself.

Today in the world of varieties of shadberry you can find a large number. Growers account for approximately about 25 kinds, but despite the great diversity in Russia, only a few are grown.

Each type is useful for the human body in its own way. All of them survive the winter well, and in care considered unpretentious. So, the most common species that our gardeners grow is the common irga (round-leaved). In height, it reaches about 2.5 meters. Its fruits are painted black and have a slight coating.

Canadian species of shadberry- the height of the tree is 6 meters. The berries are large, but usually used as a decoration.

Eared irga 5 meters high, planted as a hedge structure.

Alder-leaved irga reaches a height of 2.5 meters. Berries are black, tasty and juicy. Such a plant can bear fruit even in a shaded place.

The unique composition of berries

The composition of the berries contains a large amount of useful substances and vitamins, as well as micro and macro elements. So, let's analyze what is included in the fruits of the irgi tree:

For medicinal purposes, not only berries are used, but bark, leaves and inflorescences. And the seeds of irgi are also considered useful. They contain fatty oils in their composition.

Irga benefit and harm

Consider the benefits of irgi for the human body:

  • Reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • Reduces the risk of developing diseases of the urinary system, as well as the liver;
  • Acts as a prophylactic against cardiovascular diseases, as well as atherosclerosis;
  • Used as an anesthetic for disorders of the digestive system;
  • Eliminates various diseases of the oral cavity, has a disinfecting effect;
  • Reduces the risk of varicose veins;
  • Prevents a heart attack;
  • Facilitates the course of diseases of the respiratory system;
  • It is an antibacterial agent, treats purulent wounds.

As already mentioned, not only fruits, but also other components of the plant have useful properties: bark, flowers, leaves. So, let's look at what their benefits are:

Despite such a large number of useful properties, irga can also be harmful to the human body. In order to prevent this from happening, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications:

  1. The manifestation of an allergic reaction to the components of the tree;
  2. Children's age up to 2 years;
  3. You can not use fresh fruits with milk drinks, as such mixing can lead to a violation of the stool;
  4. With a large intake of berries, a person may have a condition such as difficulty in action and lethargy. That is why it is necessary to use berries in moderation;
  5. As a contraindication, diseases such as low blood pressure, hemophilia, and individual intolerance are used.

Application of irgi

It is used in cooking and medicinal purposes. Let's consider each of the applications separately.

Medicinal properties - use in traditional medicine

On the basis of irgi, you can cook a huge amount medicines that help with most diseases. Let's consider some of them.

Application in cooking

What to cook from irgi? This question is asked by beginners in gardening. This berry can be used to make juice, compote, jam, pudding and other various tasty and unusual desserts. Consider more detailed description cooking dishes from berries of irgi.

It is not difficult to prepare compote from irgi at home. To do this, you need to prepare the following components:

  • Sugar - 2.5 tbsp;
  • Pure filtered water - 1.4 l;
  • Ripe berries of a bush - 1.5 cups;
  • Slice of lemon.

Pour water into a small saucepan and add granulated sugar. We install it on the stove and bring to a boil, stirring from time to time until the bulk product is completely dissolved. As soon as the sugar water boils, it is necessary to lay the berries, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. We filter the finished compote and put it in a cool place. The drink is served chilled. At the end of cooking, it is recommended to add a slice of lemon.

Delicious can be cooked from berries winter jam:

  • Fresh fruits - 5 glasses;
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Water - 200 ml.

The collected berries are sorted and spoiled and unfit for food are removed. Pour liquid into a small saucepan and add sugar.

We install it with the contents on the stove for slow heating, wait for the complete dissolution of the bulk product, do not forget to stir from time to time so that the sugar does not burn. As soon as the sugar is completely dissolved, pour in the berries and mix gently, it is advisable to use a plastic or wooden spoon so as not to crush the berries. Cook on low heat for an hour.

And also, from the fruits of irgi you can make very a lot of delicious meals . Especially if you combine it with others garden berries. From this combination, you can make juice for the winter or jelly. Experienced housewives add fruits to confectionery.

Irga reminds me of purple apples. Why do gardeners like to grow it? The plant is distinguished by increased winter hardiness, early maturity, plentiful and annual harvest. And its charming fruits are a source of valuable vitamins.

By the way, berry berries can rightfully be called apples, since the plant belongs to the Apple subfamily.

Appearance: spreading shrub or medium sized tree

Family: Pink

Leaves: round, sometimes oval, with denticles along the edges, rich green color on the outside, lighter inside.

Flowers: Irga blooms with densely arranged white or cream flowers.

Fruits: Dark blue or purple-red, with a grayish bloom. Weight - 0.5 - 0.8 gr. Pleasantly sweet in taste.

Irga is very beautiful and useful. She decorates the garden with herself for 3 seasons. In the spring it dresses up in white fragrant flowers, in the summer it flaunts with earrings - clusters of dark blue fruits, and in the fall it puts on a luxurious crimson sundress.

Irga is not whimsical to the composition of the soil, not whimsical to growing conditions. During the flowering period, it is an excellent honey plant.

In conditions middle lane In Russia, they usually grow Irga Canadian (average tree from 2 to 6 meters) and ordinary (compact sprawling bush 0.5 - 4 meters).

Common Canadian

The plant begins to fully bear fruit with purple apples at 5-7 years of age. Irga lives quietly up to 70 years. And the average yield from one bush is 9 - 14 kg.

Irga easily overwinter, there is no need to cover it even in especially cold and snowy winters, it can withstand temperatures of -40 and more. It will never leave you without a harvest, even if there are long spring frosts - it easily and without any problems overcomes all the hardships of life.

It can be safely planted in windy places - it will grow a reliable wall for other fruit and berry plantations.

Irga cultivation: pruning, top dressing

Irgu is sheared in the form of a bush, weak shoots are cut out. For the first time, 2-3 years, they almost do not touch the plant, only the bad ones are removed. The finished bush should consist of 10 - 15 branches of various returns.

Further care consists in cutting off extremely weak and unnecessary shoots (shoots), as well as damaged or broken ones.

Every year in early spring before bud break, I do anti-aging pruning of the tips of the branches to stimulate productivity. Extra (more than 15) I delete completely. I check the reproductive branches - they should not be older than 5 years. I cut the “old men” to the very base, and in return I leave a young shoot.

top dressing

Watch your game. If you notice that in the first season after planting, it does not develop fast enough, the rate of development is weak, then in May or June it is worth feeding the plant. To do this, you can make nitrogen supplements (20 - 30 g per 1 square meter), mullein tincture (1:6) or chicken manure (diluted with water 1:12).

When the plant begins to bear fruit (usually for 4 - 5 years), it is advisable to feed it with rotted manure (z - 4 kg per square meter) every two years.

Harvest Features

The ripening of the fruits of irgi does not occur simultaneously. The former ripen in early July, and the latter at the end of August. In one brush, multi-colored apples are not uncommon: blue, green, red.

So that you do not figure out how to deal with voracious birds, but the simplest and most effective way crop protection from them is (oh, how birds love to feast) - using a fine mesh or spandond, you can use ordinary gauze (only good density and several layers) to wrap the bushes. Believe me, if this is not done, you will not see the harvest - everyone will peck in a few hours.

Irgi berries are eaten fresh, and they also cook compote or jam, you can freeze it for the winter or dry it. Such dried apples are often referred to as northern raisins. It is often used as an additive for pastries, cakes, rolls. An excellent ingredient for jelly cooked from dried fruit.

Juice from it is advised to mix with sour juices, such as apple, cherry, plum, or add lemon to taste.

Growing irgi: bush propagation

I usually propagate from cuttings that I take from root shoots. I plant 4 good root shoots in one common hole in early spring (deadline 2nd decade of April). It is desirable to fertilize the hole with organic matter and wood ash. The result is 1 strong bush with 4 trunks.

During planting, irgi seedlings go deep into the ground 5-7 cm deeper than they grew before. The seedling should be cut off immediately, leaving 4-5 buds.

propagation by seed:

Fresh seeds germinate well. In summer, July or August, I sow shadberry seeds to a depth of 1-2 cm. Over the course of several years, seedlings grow and develop. The first fruiting begins after 2 seasons for the third, but plentiful only for 4, or even 5.

Irga is rapidly growing, so every year you need to cut out all the extra shoots that can be used for grafting. There should always be 10-15 trunks in a bush. I control the height at the level of 2 - 2.5 meters.

Beneficial features

  • Irgi berries are good to eat with increased mental stress, overwork, insomnia.
  • The fruits are rich in vitamin P. Juice from purple apples contributes to the normalization of the cardiovascular system, in particular the strengthening of the walls of blood vessels, which reduces the risk of heart attack and varicose veins.
  • A large amount of vitamin A is present in the berries of the berry. Thanks to him, vision returns, this is a good prevention of cataracts.
  • I promote the healing of wounds and ulcers on the skin. To do this, the washed leaves are crushed to form juice and applied to the affected areas.

New varieties

There are Canadian and American varieties of this plant, belonging to the species alder-leaved irga.

So, for example, the Forestburg variety has VERY large fruits, and the Altaglow variety has white and sweet fruits.

These plants are not pollinated by their pollen. On the site you need to grow 2 - 3 varieties so that they are pollinated by bees.

But, I like the proven, responsive, native ordinary irga more. All heaped varieties are hybrids.

» Irga

For many centuries, people have been treated with the help of plants. Sometimes we do not even suspect how many useful properties an inconspicuous-looking herb or berry has.

One of these useful plants is irga. Today, a small number of people know about it, but in the Middle Ages it was actively used by healers and healers to prepare various potions. Let's take a closer look beneficial features and contraindications to the use of this unique berry.

Irga belongs to shrub ornamental garden plants of the apple genus, the Rosaceae family. scientific name of this plant - "amelanchier", in the language of the Celts means "honey". You can also find such a name as "lady", which is more common among the people.

There are almost two dozen different varieties this plant. It is a tall shrub with deep green leaves. Irgi fruits are red-purple round berries small size, sweet in taste. They ripen in mid-summer. The average lifespan of this shrub tree is 60 years..

Irga grows in northern Africa, America, central and southern Europe, as well as in Japan. In Russia, the shrub can be found in many regions, but it is most common in the Crimea and the Caucasus..

The composition and beneficial properties of irgi for the human body

Irgi berries are widely used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. They contain many vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

  • Phytosterols, which are part of the berry, have an anti-sclerotic effect, strengthen blood vessels, reduce the fragility and fragility of capillaries and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Thanks to pectins contained in irga, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is restored, appetite improves, toxins and carcinogens are removed from the body. A decoction of these berries also helps relieve stress and fatigue, normalizes work nervous system. In addition, irga is an excellent immunomodulator.
  • Vitamin C helps fight infections, improves metabolism and lowers blood cholesterol levels.
  • Bioflavonoids (Vitamin P) help maintain normal blood sugar levels, prevent blood clots and support heart function in coronary disease and hypertension.

Vitamin P is very rarely found in food. The game is one of the few plants where this substance is contained in sufficient quantities, and the beneficial effect of the berry on the human body is largely due to the presence of this component.

  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2) actively participates in metabolic processes, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and is necessary to maintain normal vision.

Berries are low in calories (43 kcal), due to which they are actively used in weight correction programs.

IN traditional medicine found application not only berries, but also leaves, bark and flowers of shadberry. Decoctions of these components have a wound healing, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.

Harm and contraindications: who should not use irgu?

The benefits of irgi are obvious, but at the same time, it can harm the human body if used in the following cases:

  • Availability diabetes (the berry is rich in carbohydrates, which can lead to a sharp increase in blood glucose levels);
  • obesity(excessive consumption of berries can lead to weight gain);
  • low blood pressure(the components contained in the fruits help to reduce blood pressure);
  • prone to skin rashes(irga can cause severe reactions in people with allergies);
  • low blood clotting(the substances that make up the berry contribute to blood thinning).

IN childhood the use of irgi should not exceed 50 grams per day otherwise there is a risk of allergy.

You can pick berries away from roads and industrial complexes. Irga has a high ability to absorb toxins and heavy metals.

The use of irgi in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, irga has found wide application. Decoctions, teas and healing infusions are prepared on the basis of the fruits, inflorescences, leaves and bark of this plant.

Apply irgu in the following cases:

  • heart disease, high blood pressure and varicose veins;
  • poisoning and diseases of the digestive tract;
  • high cholesterol in the blood and the presence of cholesterol plaques;
  • diseases of the nervous system and increased fatigue;
  • prevention and complex therapy of diseases of the organs of vision;
  • low vascular patency and increased capillary fragility;
  • ARI and SARS;
  • periodontal disease and bleeding gums;
  • diseases of the bronchopulmonary system;
  • recovery of the body after illness;
  • purulent wounds, burns and abrasions.

In these cases, you can eat fresh berries, take irgi juice diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio, or prepare tinctures. Made from flowers and leaves medicinal teas, and for external use in the treatment of wounds and burns, a compress from a decoction of the bark of the plant is necessary.

Irga helps not only to alleviate the condition with various diseases, but also saturates the body with useful substances, and also has a healing and rejuvenating effect.

When can irga hurt?

Even a healthy person who uses Irga for general strengthening purposes can harm his health if he consumes this product in excess. What can happen in this case?

Among other things, irga has a strong sedative effect. Excessive consumption of juice, tincture or tea can lead to drowsiness, loss of energy and decreased attention.

Also, signs of allergies may appear even in people who have not previously suffered from such manifestations.

When using irgi in combination with dairy and sour-milk products the digestive system is disturbed, which leads to discomfort, bloating and diarrhea.

Children can eat no more than 50 grams of berries per day, the norm for an adult is 100-150 grams.

Recipes for decoctions and teas with leaves and berries

Traditional medicine offers a huge number of ways to prepare medicinal potions based on berries, flowers, leaves or bark of shadberry. If you have health problems or to replenish the balance of beneficial trace elements in the body, you can use one of the recipes.

flower infusion

The tincture is prepared on the basis of vodka, but those who cannot tolerate alcohol can replace it with water. To prepare a remedy, you will need to do the following:

  • pour into a small saucepan or a liter jar 2-3 tablespoons dried flowers;
  • pour 2 glasses of vodka or boiling water;
  • if alcohol is used you need to infuse the drink for 3 days, in the case of boiling water - wait for cooling, after wrapping the container with tincture;
  • when the drink is infused, it must be strain.

Tincture is consumed 3 times a day, taking one tablespoon 15-20 minutes before meals.

berry juice

Berry juice can be consumed fresh, diluted with water, or canned. Prepare canned juice in this way:

  • berries are thoroughly washed and allow excess water to drain;
  • pound with the help of a pestle to a state of puree;
  • squeeze juice in a juicer or manually using gauze;
  • diluted with the juice of a more acidic berry(because in irga high content sugar, you can add cranberry, cherry or currant juice);
  • warm up, but do not bring to a boil, and roll hot into jars.

Before proceeding with canning, jars need to be doused with boiling water. Drinking juice is recommended at 50-100 grams before meals.

In case of disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, it is not recommended to drink juice. In these cases, tea from flowers or leaves of shadberry, as well as a decoction of the bark, is suitable.

Berry tincture

To prepare a healing tincture of irgi berries, you will need glass jar and quality vodka. The drink is prepared in this way:

  • berries are brought to puree state with the help of a pestle;
  • jar ¾ fill crushed mass;
  • pour vodka, leaving unfilled space 3-4 cm from the neck of the vessel;
  • insist 2-3 days in a dark cool place;
  • filter and throw away the rest of the berries.

It is better to store this tincture in the cold. It is recommended to take the remedy 3 times a day, a tablespoon before meals.

Leaf based tea

Fresh leaves are best used to make tea, but last resort dry will do as well.

A few leaves of irgi are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for 15-20 minutes.. You can add 1 teaspoon of natural honey. Flower tea is prepared in the same way.

It is better to drink tea in the evenings, it perfectly calms the nervous system and provides a healthy sound sleep.

A decoction of the bark

The decoction is intended not only for internal, but also for external use. With the help of compresses, festering wounds can be treated, as well as burns can be treated. To prepare the product, you need:

  • grind the bark using a coffee grinder;
  • pour into a saucepan 2 tablespoons of the resulting powder and pour 2 cups boiling water;
  • put the dishes on low heat and boil the remedy for 15-20 minutes;
  • cool the drink and strain through a sieve or gauze;
  • add 1 cup cool boiled water.

Take tincture 3-5 times a day for ½ cup. If the product is prepared for external use, it is not necessary to dilute it with water.

Like any medicinal plant, irga can provide invaluable benefit the human body when used correctly, and can harm. For this reason, it is necessary to follow the rules for the preparation of therapeutic agents and control their dosage.

Irga - ornamental plant, which has the appearance of a direct large shrub, less often small tree. Irga blooms with beautiful white inflorescences. Every summer, numerous bluish-black fruits can be seen on its branches, and in autumn this tree acquires an excellent multi-colored outfit.

amazing plant

irga photo

Extraordinarily aromatic and beautiful plant irga belongs to the Rosaceae family. Irga does not have any special preferences for the growing environment, it is quite resistant to severe frosts and even frosts, it grows in any soil with different acidity. The only thing you need to do to get good harvest large fresh sweet berries, this is to provide a large amount of irga sunlight. In this regard, if the gardener's plans do not include growing a large dense hedge, but he wants to get its fruits, it is necessary that the distance between the bushes be at least 3 m.
Around the world, there are about 25 species of this shrub. Most often, irgu can be found in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, in the Urals, in Siberia, Kazakhstan, less often in Far East. Irga grows very quickly, has powerful roots, and the first fruits can be harvested after planting already in the third year. Since it has very sweet fruits, birds love to feast on it, so the gardener needs to be on the alert and protect the plant from various damage.
In order for the irga plant to have a large and juicy berry every year, in addition to sunlight, it needs to be provided with regular fertilization, weed and loosen the ground nearby, and cut off excess branches. It is advisable to fertilize the plant with organic and nitrogen-containing substances every spring, and apply potassium sulfate in the fall, as well as wood ash.

Varieties of irgi

several varieties of irgi are known

Exist different types irgi:

  • Ordinary is a two-meter shrub with dense dark green leaves. As a rule, it begins to bloom in mid-May, and the collection of purple fruits with a waxy bluish coating occurs in July. Among the people, the common irga has another name - oval.
  • Round-leaved - in some areas, such an irgu is referred to as an oval species. It has long narrow white flowers and matures in July.
  • The spiked irga belongs to tall plants, differs in egg-shaped leaves and bright pink or white flowers. Its large purple-black fruits, reminiscent of round-leaved shadberry in taste, begin to be harvested at the end of July.
  • Canadian - the most vigorous species of this plant, with thin drooping branches, large oblong leaves, white flowers and almost black large fruits, which are collected in July and August. At proper care eight year old berry bush irga of this kind can give about 10 kg. fruits.
  • Lamarck, growing, forms a wide large bush. Egg-shaped leaves reach a size of 7-10 cm, the flowering period begins in early June.

The composition and useful properties of irgi

In that amazing plant contains a lot of useful substances that have a favorable and therapeutic effect on the human body. First of all, it is:

  • organic acids (especially a lot of malic acid in it),
  • pectins,
  • flavonols,
  • trace elements (copper, cobalt, lead),
  • monosaccharides and disaccharides,
  • cellulose,
  • sterols,
  • vitamins of groups B, C, P and many others.

The bark and leaves of the plant contain tannins, and the seeds contain fatty oil.
Irga is considered a pantry of carotene, which, in combination with ascorbic acid, acts as a powerful antioxidant. Its action is aimed at increasing resistance to stress, viral and infectious diseases It relieves depression. Also, such an antioxidant creates a protective barrier against cancer and damage to the nervous system. Pectins, which contains irga, remove heavy metals, radionuclides, toxins from the human body, lower cholesterol levels, and normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Application in medicine

with a sore throat, it is useful to drink fresh juice from berries of irgi

The fruits of the irga plant help to improve digestion and strengthen the intestines. Fresh berries are a good multivitamin remedy and are used as a prophylaxis and for the treatment of beriberi, atherosclerosis, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases. Quite often, the fruits of irgi are prescribed as an astringent in the treatment of inflammatory processes occurring in the intestines.
With sore throat, sore throat, stomatitis in folk medicine, it is recommended to use fresh juice made from its berries, and as a dietary and astringent drink, it is useful to drink shadberry juice in combination with juice from wild pears and apples.
Thanks to a large number vitamin P, irga is often prescribed for older people who have problems with blood vessels to increase their elasticity. It is also used for varicose veins and to prevent myocardial infarction. Irga has an excellent calming effect with increased nervousness, insomnia, it is used to strengthen the central nervous system. A tincture made from the flowers of this medicinal plant, is indicated for use by hypertensive patients to reduce blood pressure and normalize disruptions in the heart rhythm.
In addition, fresh juice from its berries has an antibacterial, hemostatic, healing effect, is used in the treatment of purulent wounds, ulcers, cuts, fractures, as well as in diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder.

The use of irgi in cooking

obtained from berries of irgi delicious jam

Irga shows useful properties not only in the form of medicines, it is a popular product in cooking. Separately collected, its fruits lose juice, so if you want to dry it, remove them with whole brushes.
This is a dietary berry, so irgu can often be "met" in many complex diets for those who are going to lose weight and at the same time replenish the body with useful substances. It can be consumed fresh, frozen, dried. Irga Krasnoyarsk and common are often used as raw materials for compote, jam, marmalade and jam.
Properly dried berries are also called northern raisins: they practically do not differ in taste from real raisins. Our grandmothers often called irgu cinnamon and used it to prepare various confectionery products as a filling. From the dried fruits of the shrub, a powder is prepared, which is then added to sauces to give them a special piquancy. For the preparation of pies, you can also use the fruits of the plant ground with sugar, just keep in mind that such a filling, unlike jam, will not stand for a long time even in the refrigerator, since sugar can begin to ferment.

  • Irga ordinary retains useful properties if kvass is made from it. Ripe berries (1 kg.) Should be crushed with a wooden pestle, pour water (10 l.), Bring to a boil, cool and strain. Then add 2 cups of honey and 25-30 gr. yeast. The mixture should ferment, so it must be left in a warm place for 10-12 hours. Then the finished kvass is bottled.
  • Sweet tooth can make jelly from berries of shadberry. After harvesting, they must be kept for one week in order to make it easier to squeeze the juice. Then the berries are washed, crushed, heated at a temperature of 60 ° C for about 10 minutes and the juice is squeezed out. 2 glasses of irgi juice are mixed with 2 glasses of red or white currant juice, add 600 gr. sugar and bring to a boil. When the finished juice has cooled, it can be drunk.
  • Dessert wine can be made from irgi. Just keep in mind that the acidity of the berries is insufficient, so you need to add about 20% of white or red currant juice to their juice. Before starting the process, it is good to slightly dry the berries of the irgi, this will improve the aroma and increase its sugar content.