Mixer      06/12/2019

How to clean the hoods in an apartment building. Self-cleaning ventilation. How to check for traction in a simple way

Any residential, industrial or public premises must be equipped with a ventilation system that is designed to remove exhaust air. The power and design of the system directly depends on the value of the room, so ventilation clean rooms, such as hospital wards, medical laboratories, etc. should be characterized by increased power. In order for the ventilation system to work smoothly and efficiently, it needs regular cleaning.

To clean or not to clean ventilation?

The vast majority of users think about cleaning the ventilation system, only when they already appear clear signs lack of air exchange in the apartment, such as:

  • Mold on walls and ceilings.
  • The smell of cooking food coming from neighboring apartments.
  • The smell of the toilet from neighboring apartments.
  • Stuffiness and stuffy air.

Many are sure that cleaning the ventilation in apartment buildings special services are required. This is indeed true, but this rule applies to common risers that combine ventilation outlets from all apartments; special ventilation cleaning equipment is used to service them. The owner of each apartment must carry out cleaning of his pipeline to a common riser independently.
To understand whether cleaning of the ventilation in the apartment is required, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  1. The ventilation grille was overgrown with dust and cobwebs.
  2. A day after wet cleaning, dust appears on the floor.
  3. Stuffy and stale air in the apartment.

On average, the frequency of ventilation cleaning for preventive purposes is 1 time per year, but under certain circumstances, work must be carried out at least 1 time in 6 months. It all depends on the state of the system, the presence of dust in the air, the characteristics of the room. So, for example, in the kitchen, ventilation has to be cleaned more often than in other rooms. If the ventilation system is weak, in addition to regular cleaning, additional conditions must be created to improve ventilation, which can significantly increase its efficiency.

Important! Do-it-yourself cleaning of the ventilation system is possible only in the section of the pipeline exit from the apartment to the common riser.

Methods for improving the efficiency of the system.

Often, apartment owners face the problem of ventilation when replacing old wooden windows with plastic ones. At the same time, all window slots that previously served for natural air flow are removed. As a result, the efficiency of air exchange decreases, the humidity in the apartment increases and mold can appear on the walls, and cleaning the ventilation systems does not help to restore a healthy microclimate. The first sign of a violation of air exchange in the apartment is fogging of the windows..
In this case, you can increase the efficiency of the system by installing window vents or a special ventilation mode on the windows. The problem is also solved by installing supply fan, which will force fresh air into the room.
To create better ventilation of the room, it is worth considering the option of a full-fledged supply and exhaust system. The ideal option an autonomous network of ventilation ducts can become independent of a common ventilation riser, but it is rather difficult to create such a system in an apartment.

How to clean the ventilation in the apartment.

In order to clean the air duct attached to the apartment, you need to prepare the simplest equipment for cleaning ventilation - a broom, a long-handled brush, a vacuum cleaner, rubber gloves and a respirator. Having prepared all these devices, you can get to work.

  1. Remove the ventilation grill.
  2. Use a broom or vacuum cleaner to remove dust from the channel.
  3. Scrub the channel up and down with the brush, scraping off dirt and soot.
  4. Once again, collect the dirt particles with a vacuum cleaner.
  5. Wipe the accessible parts of the hood with a damp cloth.
  6. Wash the ventilation grille and reinstall.

For many users, at the stage of cleaning ventilation systems, the question arises of how to wash the ventilation grille. Indeed, sometimes it is not so easy to do this. Especially if the grate was in the kitchen, and grease and dirt accumulated on it. To effectively clean the grate, you can use special means for washing dishes and kitchen appliances. The rack can also be washed in the dishwasher.

Important! Only professionals can completely clean the ventilation in an apartment building, so for these works, contact management company to call technicians.

ventilation disinfection.

The ventilation system is a collection of various microorganisms that multiply perfectly in the thickness of fat and dirt. As soon as there are too many microbes, they begin to penetrate the living quarters, causing various diseases and allergic reactions in the residents of the apartment. To get rid of pathogenic bacteria, after cleaning the ventilation in an apartment building, it must be disinfect.
At home, it is forbidden to use professional disinfectants, but microbes can be destroyed with ordinary hydrogen peroxide. This compound effectively fights pathogens, while remaining absolutely safe for humans. To disinfect the ventilation ducts, you need to dilute pharmacy peroxide with water in a ratio of 1: 1.
Next, pour the solution into a spray bottle and treat the inside of the air duct. The solution should be left on the canal walls for 10-15 minutes, after which it should be washed off with a clean damp cloth. If all of the above actions did not bring the desired results, you should contact professionals who will conduct a more thorough cleaning. ventilation ducts.

Features of professional cleaning.

Professional cleaning of ventilation is carried out using special equipment and includes the following work:

  1. System Diagnostics. At this stage, experts special chamber explore the entire path of the output of waste air masses. Diagnostics allows you to determine the degree of contamination of the air duct, detect blockages of debris and assess the degree of complexity of the upcoming work.
  2. Sample collection. At this stage, a special robot collects samples from internal surfaces for the subsequent cleaning of air ducts of ventilation systems. Samples are sent to a laboratory for pathogen detection. This procedure is mandatory for enterprises Catering.
  3. Cleaning of chambers and shafts. At this stage, with the help of various special equipment, the ventilation ducts are thoroughly cleaned from dirt, grease and soot.
  4. Cleaning fan blades. All fans are removed and cleaned with special compounds.
  5. W Filter change. If necessary, specialists change all air filters.
  6. System disinfection. Professional disinfection helps to get rid of all types of dangerous pathogens when cleaning ventilation systems, including Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus aureus. Disinfection is carried out along the entire length of the channels and guarantees the complete safety of the system after treatment.

What equipment is used.

Professional equipment for cleaning air ducts necessarily includes the following installations:

  • Brush installation for cleaning ventilation.
  • Installation with filters.
  • Installation of vacuum cleaning.

This equipment for cleaning ventilation systems is selected individually for each object. So for industrial and restaurant chains, the power of the equipment should be maximum. Also, when performing work, professionals can use additional settings for disinfection and various sets of brushes corresponding to the diameter of the pipes.
To date, specialized companies providing the service of cleaning ventilation ducts use two types of cleaning - mechanical and chemical. professional cleaning It is used in industries, in public catering networks and for cleaning ventilation risers in apartment buildings.
Now knowing how to clean the ventilation in the apartment, you can easily do this work yourself on your site of the engineering network.

At the same time, one should not forget that when cleaning it yourself, it is forbidden to use chemical reagents that can harm the health of residents.


The concept of ventilation has been known since Ancient Rome and meant measures to ventilate the premises. At present, things are much more complicated.

For example, many residents apartment buildings, where common ventilation shafts are installed, sometimes there are very serious problems with the state of air in housing.

What is ventilation for?

The main task of ventilation is to maintain clean air in residential premises. It must be maintained in good condition and for hygienic reasons. With poorly functioning ventilation, not only the condition of the apartment worsens, but also the health of the people living in it. The exhaust air leaving the ventilation takes with it dust particles, various harmful microorganisms, and unwanted substances contained in the room. Thanks to normal ventilation, it is possible to regulate heat and humidity in the house - with timely ventilation, the excess of them goes away, preventing the occurrence of mold and rot.

With timely cleaning of the ventilation, the ventilation process is regular, which is correct in sanitary terms. With additional equipment with different types of fans, cleaning can be done less frequently, but this does not eliminate the need to regularly clean the ventilation system as a whole.

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How to know when it's time to clean your ventilation system

If dust or cobwebs have accumulated around the ventilation inlets, then it's time to clean the entire system.

Pay attention to signs that indicate the need for another cleaning of the ventilation system. Here are the simplest of them: fine dust, cobwebs, and other debris accumulate around the ventilation inlets. In the summer, the room heats up faster, even after the most thorough cleaning, dust quickly appears. This means that something must be done as soon as possible to clean up the atmosphere in the room.

In this regard, apartment buildings have the following feature: since the ventilation system is common, pollution from many apartments enters the common shaft, and gradually it can become clogged.

You can determine that it is time to clean the ventilation in other ways. Pay attention to drafts that occur when opening entrance doors or windows. If the draft was quite noticeable, and after some time disappeared or weakened, it's time to call the housing office workers.

The efficiency of ventilation can be checked with a lit match.

You can also use this method to determine the degree of purity of ventilation: bring a lit match to the ventilation hole. Do not get carried away - if you bring a match very close, and cobwebs have accumulated in the ventilation shaft, it can flare up. A similar test can be carried out with a strip of thin paper - the simplest, newspaper, will do.

By an even flame that does not deviate towards the decorative grill that covers air vent, we can conclude that the mine is clogged and needs urgent cleaning. With normal air circulation in houses, the flame leans towards the mine, and in some cases simply goes out. With this behavior, cleaning the ventilation is optional, but if the last time it was cleaned at least six months ago, it is still advisable to do a little work.

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How to clean the ventilation in the apartment

At first glance, if representatives of public utilities perform their duties in a timely manner, there is no need to independently take measures to clean the air ducts. But in reality, things are somewhat different. The ventilation structure should perform the following functions:

Scheme of ventilation in the apartment: 1 - air inflow zone; 2 - air flow zone; 3 - air exhaust zone

  • ensure that sufficient air enters the room;
  • give away, together with the air exhausted during the cleaning process, harmful microscopic particles that can have Negative influence on people's health;
  • perform the functions of a thermal regulator, control the humidity in the apartment.

Cleaning the ventilation risers in an apartment building should be carried out only by specialists, but you can urgently clean the air duct in your own apartment yourself. With the low efficiency of these actions once again the fact of the need to clean the ventilation riser is confirmed. This means that you need to make this request to the building maintenance company as soon as possible.

To clean the ventilation well inside the apartment, remove from it protective grille and wash it well. It is advisable to use a detergent that can break down fat: it will create a film on the surface of the grate, which will help it stay clean longer. Remove dirt and debris from the outside of the open hole. If deposits are stuck to the wall, use a spatula, but do not use chemicals cleaning.

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Removing dirt from the inside

Each of the ventilation vents in the apartment must be checked separately. If you are testing with a lighter, bring it to each of the holes in turn and check if the direction of the flame or the angle of the newspaper does not differ if a newspaper strip is used. Deviations can signal that there is a blockage in the middle of the room. Here you will come to the aid of a dish brush or a thin steel cable, which must be placed in the vent and thoroughly cleaned from the inside. You can use thin aluminum wire. The cleaning procedure should be carried out along the entire channel. The remaining debris can be removed with a vacuum cleaner. Place his hose in the shaft and try to cover as much space as possible by moving it in different directions.

The industrial method of cleaning air ducts involves the use of professional equipment. It will not only allow you to clearly see the dirt, but also more thoroughly cleans the channels, and also allows you to perform disinfection. This method of cleaning makes it possible to remove any garbage, whatever its origin.

If it is not possible to use professional equipment and decided to carry out the cleaning yourself, you must follow the precautions. Sometimes inside the ventilation ducts there are wasp nests with live insects or other equally dangerous creatures. But, taking on such work, we must remember that cleaning the ventilation apartment building- the responsibility of the owners of the building or the organization that serves it. An ordinary occupant is not allowed to work inside the main duct. The relevant authorities must clean the central air ducts in a timely manner, and if they neglect their duties, a complaint must be written against them.

Cleaning the ventilation ducts of an apartment in an apartment building is not difficult. The main thing is to know what, how and where to look for a blockage.

The ventilation scheme of residential and utility rooms in a building is a complex and branched system of channels. Cleaning simple blockages can be done independently. To break through a large cork, you will need special tools and equipment, so the work should be entrusted to specialists.

What is the ventilation scheme of an apartment building, you will receive the answer to this question by reading the next chapter.

Features of the house ventilation system

The ventilation system is extensive and complex scheme location of ventilation shafts. The design of the ventilation circuit is influenced by many factors. The basis that affects the project being developed is the number of floors in the building.

For the arrangement of the premises of an apartment building, 2 main schemes are used:

  • Each room of the apartment has its own channel exhaust ventilation. It goes directly to the roof and ventilation pipe. This scheme has been established before. In conditions of multi-storey construction, it is not used. This is influenced by a large section of the intra-house cubic capacity for arranging the installation of ventilation of the premises.

For this reason, in the conditions of modern construction, the arrangement of this type of air ventilation system is not carried out.

  • Ventilation is carried out with the help of exhaust openings from each room, which are connected to a common horizontal duct. Here, all air flows are connected and brought to the attic using a common channel. Air from each exhaust system, for one entrance, enters the common ventilation duct and is released into the atmosphere.

This scheme began to be used in "Khrushchev", it is also used in modern construction. Such an apartment ventilation scheme is considered the most inexpensive and reliable.

The principle of operation of the ventilation system

The installation of the system is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 30494 - 11. According to the norms, the quality level of the air masses in the room should not exceed the level of carbon dioxide content and the humidity of the living room should not exceed 60%, with an air speed of less than 0.2 m / s.

Previously Used natural system ventilation. Special gaps were made above the doors of the rooms for the entry of air masses, wooden windows missed a sufficient amount, even in the closed position. Windows were fitted with vents to let in fresh air.

New buildings, when installing plastic windows, are equipped with a forced ventilation system. Supply and exhaust circuits are equipped with the installation of fans. These devices allow you to maintain a normal level of humidity and carbon dioxide in the apartment.

But the principle of operation of the main ventilation system remains unchanged. The main thing is to carry out routine maintenance in time and eliminate blockages.

Important. Checking ventilation in apartment buildings should be carried out at least 2 times a year. It is usually held in the summer and winter time. But when the first signs of blockages occur, you need to call the specialists of the management company.

Signs of a faulty ventilation system in the apartment

Many homeowners do not take this problem seriously, considering this situation not dangerous to health. It is in vain to believe that the dust and blockage of the mine or channel will “dissolve” themselves and you will not get anything for it. There will be a fire due to greasy dust, which ignites instantly and the gas, when burned, will cause injury to the respiratory system. And no one wants to live in a damp room and breathe stale air without a fire.

Important. It is required to clean the ventilation ducts qualitatively, responsibly, and most importantly, regularly.

The main work of the flow-output channels is the removal of invisible fungal spores, various allergens and microbes from living quarters. Accumulating on a bed of dust, they, with a reverse thrust, penetrate into adjacent rooms, people inhale a dangerous air mixture.

The following “symptoms” indicate the cleansing of the channels:

  • a large layer of dust and cobwebs on the ventilation grate and next to it;
  • stuffy and humid indoor atmosphere in summer;
  • on the floor and furniture, after wet cleaning, a layer of dust settles in a day;
  • condensation forms on the windows;

If one of the listed items occurs in the apartment, it is urgent to deal with the elimination of a critical blockage of the ventilation duct or equipment repair forced ventilation. Checking ventilation in an apartment managed by a company includes air quality measurements and an audit of the duct system. Preventive examinations should be carried out at least once a quarter.

Who should clean the ventilation in an apartment building - there is no definite answer to this question. If the ventilation grille is overgrown with dust, simple repairs can be done independently. But serious problems with the channels of the system can only be eliminated by specialists with professional tools and equipment.

Carrying out work by professionals

Using special tools, professionals from the management company or a specialized company will quickly and reliably eliminate malfunctions and severe clogging of the ventilation system. Diagnostics is carried out using a video camera that will show the location of the garbage plug or the section of the destroyed channel.

After the examination, using a pneumatic brushing machine, mud accumulation or debris is removed from the canal. The brush is launched into the air duct. Under the action of air pressure, it passes through the pipe and destroys the cork. The brush cleans the channel and in parallel, using a special liquid, disinfects the ventilation duct system.

Using any source of open fire, you can detect the problem without the use of technology. Hold a burning candle or lighter near the ventilation grill. Pay attention to the position of the fire. If the light deviates towards the channel, this means that the draft is good and there is no blockage. With a vertical position of the fire - it is necessary to eliminate the malfunction.

Do-it-yourself air duct cleaning

How to clean the ventilation in an apartment building on your own, but very simple. Such work involves the implementation of simple tricks:

  • remove and clean the ventilation grille, then wash it in a disinfectant;
  • in case of blockage, near the opening of the channel, it can be easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a broom.

Advice! Before carrying out work, remember the safety rules. Be sure to wear goggles, gloves and a respirator.

There are situations when the system works properly, and humidity and dust interfere with normal life. In such cases, you need to think about purchasing and installing supply valves and exhaust fans. These devices will eliminate the trouble, and installing them is quite easy and simple. The main thing is to know how and where.

In conclusion, a few tips from experts.

Old houses and overgrown ventilation ducts do not always allow a simple mechanical cleaning to be repaired. For this situation, there are several simple ways.

When replacing windows, choose metal-plastic products with double-glazed windows equipped with the possibility of micro-ventilation. If the windows are already installed, they can be equipped with these devices additionally and for not very big money. Plus, you can install them yourself. The simplest ventilation valve will allow fresh air from the street to enter the apartment.

Carry out a ventilation check at least once every 3 months, and you need to clean the grate immediately after the formation of a small amount of dust on it. Monitor the humidity in the room. With a sharp increase in it, it is necessary to call specialists to carry out repair work.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Residents of apartments rarely remember about normally working ventilation. But if windows begin to fog up in the rooms, the smell of dishes being prepared in the kitchen spreads freely throughout the apartment, water constantly appears on the walls in the bathroom, the air is stuffy and stuffy, then the ventilation system has stopped working normally. In order not to risk the health of people living in the apartment, the condition of furniture and other interior items, it is better to eliminate the causes of these problems as quickly as possible. This may require cleaning.

Checking the operation of the ventilation system

Before proceeding with active actions, you should check how the ventilation in the house works. Doing it yourself is not at all difficult.

On the forums, it is advised to check with the flame of a burning match or lighter. With a normally operating hood, the flame should deviate towards the ventilation grille. Many people remember similar pictures from Soviet times, calling to check the draft in the gas column and the hood in the kitchen.

Representatives of utilities, especially gas workers, strongly oppose the method of checking the operation of ventilation in an apartment with a lighter. IN residential buildings with main gas pipelines, gas leaks are quite possible, which should just be pulled into a common ventilation pipe. In this case, you can provoke an explosion combustible mixture, which will lead to the most unfortunate consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to do the check in a safer way.

Similarly, you need to do with all the ventilation grilles to get the full picture. In most apartments, they must be in the kitchen, bathroom or bathroom.

Causes of clogged ventilation

The most common problem leading to malfunctions in the ventilation system is clogging of the channels that conduct air. Most often this is due to the long-term accumulation of grease, soot and dust inside them, because most residents of apartment buildings are limited to wiping the outer part of the gratings.

In old houses brickwork air ducts are destroyed under the influence of time and water getting inside, seeping from above or evaporating from the bathroom, and brick fragments can fill up the ventilation shaft, interfering with air exchange. There are frequent cases when unscrupulous tenants, wanting to improve their apartment and expand their living space, destroy the ledge in which the ventilation shaft passes, blocking the access of air to the apartments of the other inhabitants of the house. Uninvited tenants also contribute to blockages in ventilation: birds or wasps.

Residents of multi-apartment residential buildings should remember that representatives of special services should be involved in cleaning the main air duct. So if the ventilation does not work due to clogging, you should contact the management company that services the house. The maximum that residents can do on their own is to clean the ventilation ducts leading from the apartment to the common duct.

How to clean ventilation

After checking each hood in the kitchen, bathroom and rooms, it will become clear which channels are clogged. If ventilation does not work in all rooms, most likely the problem is in the common channel and nothing can be done on your own, if only in one - there is a local blockage that can be eliminated. For this you need:

  • Remove the decorative grille and clean it of accumulated deposits. In this case, it is quite possible to use neutral detergents.
  • Carefully remove dust, dirt and soot from the walls of the ventilation duct with a scraper, and then pull it out with a vacuum cleaner.

When cleaning, do not use aggressive chemicals that can corrode and damage the walls of the shaft. It is unacceptable for debris from the ventilation duct leading from the apartment to enter the common duct. When cleaning, care must be taken: sometimes nests of wasps or hornets are found in the ventilation.

Ways to improve ventilation in the apartment

What to do if cleaning the ventilation did not help? It is possible that the air circulation inside the apartment itself is disturbed. Having dealt with the causes of this violation, it is possible to improve the ventilation of the air in the living room.

Violation of air circulation between separate rooms

The first step is to repeat the test with a strip of paper, but at the same time open all interior doors. If the paper is attracted under such conditions, then the air circulation between the individual rooms of the apartment is disturbed. To improve it, it is recommended that when installing doors, make a gap between their lower edge and the floor of several centimeters.

If the doors are already installed or you don’t want to make such a gap, for example, in a bathroom or a bathroom, then you can drill a series of holes in the door, tilting inward. Subsequently, they should be decorated with a fine mesh. This design will provide ventilation with tight closed doors and will not violate the privacy of people in the bathroom or bathroom.

Airtight double-glazed windows

Another reason for the violation of ventilation can be the installation of plastic windows with double-glazed windows. In Soviet-built houses, the influx of fresh air from the outside was implied through small cracks and gaps in wooden window frames. Well established plastic windows in a fully closed state exclude such replenishment. As a result, the ventilation in the apartment is also disturbed. Therefore, if you are thinking about installing double-glazed windows, then preference should be given to models with a micro-ventilation system.

Already installed double-glazed windows, devoid of such functional features, easy to modify yourself. Inexpensive ventilation valves are available for sale, installed on the frame and sash of the window.

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Optimum conditions in the room are created thanks to a properly organized ventilation system. At the same time, it is important that the amount of air that enters the room and is removed from it is approximately equal. This will help avoid drafts. All the necessary parameters of the air environment (temperature, humidity and air exchange rate) must be normal so that it is not only pleasant, but also useful to be in such a room. Cleaning ventilation greatly contributes to this and normalizes the operation of the system.

Causes of failure of ventilation systems

Even the most productive and efficient system can fail over time. You can determine the deterioration in the circulation of air flows if you pay attention to the lack of a sufficient supply of fresh air, also the cause bad smell indoors, there may be weak draft in the exhaust ducts, condensation in rooms with a high level of humidity, the formation of fungus and mold. The main reasons that the ventilation system has reduced its functionality are the following factors:

  • blockage in the air duct;
  • depressurization of the ventilation duct section;
  • failure of equipment that maintains normal parameters using automatic control.

Most often, a breakdown of the system is the result of a blockage, in which case it is necessary to clean the ventilation. To avoid such consequences, it is recommended to perform regular preventive maintenance of the entire system. Measures that even the owner of private housing can take are to organize the cleaning of the most difficult areas (knees, entrances and exits of ventilation ducts). For this, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of access to them when designing the system.

Consequences of dirty ventilation

Cleaning the ducts of ventilation systems will avoid a number of problems that usually occur if the air has stopped circulating due to blockage:

  • equipment breakdown, because if the system performance has not been reduced, but at the same time there are obstacles to the free movement of air in one of the sections, the device will operate at the maximum power values, which threatens with overload and breakdown;
  • irregular cleaning of ventilation systems causes a deterioration in the well-being of people who are in the room;
  • a decrease in the efficiency of the system, along with its loading, leads to a decrease in the service life of the entire ventilation system;
  • the accumulation of various contaminants in the air ducts, as well as layers of substances on their walls, is dangerous due to the possibility of fire.

Applied technique

Special equipment for cleaning ventilation can greatly simplify the task. At the same time, forces and time are saved, but the owners of private housing do not own specialized equipment, which means that it is necessary to attract professionals to perform such work. Cleaning the ventilation of industrial and civil buildings has its own characteristics: harmful substances in the air, the likelihood of spent elements settling on the walls of the air ducts, the intensity and level of pollution of the air flow passed through the ventilation ducts, and so on. It is often necessary to clean the ventilation from fatty deposits, for example, this is necessary in catering establishments or in residential buildings in the hood above the stove.

Exists whole line ways to remove dirt accumulated in the ventilation ducts. Here, a lot depends on the configuration of the system in the room, which allows you to use different equipment for cleaning ventilation:

  • Brush pneumatic machines.
  • Flexible shafts for cleaning ventilation grilles, valves and all kinds of splitters.
  • Vacuum type installations.

Self-cleaning of ventilation from grease and other complex contaminants will require the use of brushes and detergents. If the central ventilation systems are recommended to be serviced for preventive purposes several times a year, then with local ventilation (exhaust above the grill, stove), the ventilation ducts should be cleaned once a week, otherwise the accumulation of fatty deposits can lead to fire.

Maintenance Features

Technologies allow to make video inspection of a condition of an air duct. Thanks to these devices, the specialist analyzes the degree of contamination of the system. In order to determine the level of harmfulness of the circulated air due to the content of dust, bacteria and fungal spores in it, an additional chemical analysis is performed. Cleaning the ventilation and air conditioning system also includes disinfection. This is due to the characteristics of the air conditioner device.

Condensation regularly falls on the surface of the evaporator (one of the main components of cooling technology), which causes constant moisture in the mechanism. Taking into account the fact that air flows of varying degrees of pollution pass through it, part of the dust from the air settles on the evaporator.

As a result, they create favorable conditions to support the vital activity of various bacteria, fungal spores. In this case, the ventilation systems are cleaned and disinfected.

In addition to the use of special equipment, other methods are used to clean the ventilation ducts, for example, the use of dry ice. This is the most gentle way, removing almost any contamination. Dry ice can be used in systems with air ducts made of different material, besides, after evaporation, it does not leave condensate.

Cleaning ventilation in an apartment building and other large facilities is carried out using this method due to its effectiveness. Along with it, other cleaning equipment can be used in certain areas of particular complexity.