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How to make your own big wall clock. How to make a watch with your own hands - ideas and a master class. Wood clock

In kitchens, clocks are an indispensable attribute. In addition to the fact that the hostess is guided by them while cooking, collects her family for work and school, modern chronometers demonstrate the taste of the owner and decorate the interior of the room.

How to decorate your watch

How to make your watch, stamped in a Chinese factory and having thousands of clones, the only and exclusive model? Especially if, after repair, they do not fit the new style at all. But did you know that there are completely inexpensive means to make this necessary kitchen attribute serve as a source of pride for your household and admiration for guests in the future?

Decoupage clock update

Decoupage is a way to decorate objects with napkins.

Do you think this clock was bought in a store or converted from an ordinary old one that has been hanging on the wall for several years?

Even a novice master can master the decor of watches with his own hands using this technique, the only condition here is the presence of accuracy and perseverance. To restore clocks in this way, you just have to stock up on decoupage or ordinary beautiful paper napkins that are sold in supermarkets. Important point- they should be two- or three-layer (they are more durable).

    Necessary tools and materials:
  • beautiful napkin;
  • PVA glue;
  • tassel;
  • white paint (you can buy acrylic at a hardware store)
  • fine skin;
  • clock in need of alteration;
  • file;
  • alcohol, acetone or white spirit for degreasing the surface;
  • soft cloth.

    The update steps are as follows:
  1. The device is disassembled, the clock mechanism is removed.
  2. If the old picture was pasted, it is removed. In the case when the pattern was applied to the surface, it is degreased and covered in several layers of white paint with intermediate drying.
  3. The surface is sanded, removing all roughness.
  4. Remove the upper paint layer from the napkin, try it on the clock and carefully tear out (do not cut out) the beautiful middle so that there are no clear boundaries of gluing.
  5. The next manipulation is best done near the sink. The napkin is placed face down on the file. Moisten it abundantly with water from a spray bottle so that it floats on the file. Carefully straighten the folds with a brush. Then, tilting the file, drain the excess water. The napkin is placed on the place of the intended gluing and, carefully lifting it from one side with a brush, remove the file.
  6. The paper is smeared with a mixture of water and PVA glue (1: 1). Allow to dry, small folds can be removed by lightly passing over them with a fine sandpaper.
  7. The product is covered with several layers acrylic lacquer. A beginner needleworker should not spend money on expensive professional glue. You can buy an acrylic substance for saunas and baths in hardware stores.

The final touch is the collection of the chronometer. Then the product is mounted on the wall and admire the result.

Using craquelure in watch decor

If just using a decoupage napkin is boring, then you can complicate the work and create an imitation of an old clock. Layers of special varnishes and structural pastes are applied to the product, as a result of which one layer breaks the other and cracks form, giving the craft a touch of antiquity.

What is the best way to transform an old product? There are many ways, someone resorts to craquelure.

    In this photo, watches made using the craquelure technique can be seen as decorations:
  • white openwork napkin;
  • vintage picture in the center;
  • white thin lace;
  • rhinestones and half beads.

The paper napkin, the second hand and the dial are painted in gold, gold paint has been rubbed into the cracks, which allows them to be attributed to the now fashionable vintage style.

Another work done using craquelure. Butterflies cut out of plywood and decorated with decoupage napkins attract attention.

Decorating watches using the alter-scrap technique

This method involves decorating products with various volumetric details and is characterized by a multi-layered composition. It is always something unusual and creative. "Alter" in translation from English means "change", "alter", "improve", "update".

In the case when it is not possible to repair a broken alarm clock, it is advisable to restore it in this way, giving a second life.

See how beautifully you can decorate an old broken alarm clock. I want to look at the details endlessly.

Literally everything is used in alter scrap: the remains of lace, beads, scraps of chains, keys, fabric and paper flowers, various stickers, etc.

Even old spare parts from an alarm clock and fragments of a figurine are suitable as decor.

And look at this beauty. Don't you want to create something similar?

Decorating old clocks with plastic spoons

interesting design decision(and also very cheap) will decorate a round wall clock with disposable plastic spoons.

Such an idea can be realized even by an absolute non-professional. Will you take on this job?

What is needed to create such a "sun" on the wall?

    You will need:
  • round clock;
  • cardboard from the box;
  • scissors;
  • ceiling glue or any other;
  • about 250 spoons;
  • paint of the desired shade.

Before starting work, determine the size of the product. Then:

  1. Cut a ring out of cardboard inner side which is equal to the diameter of the clock, and the outer one should be slightly less than the estimated volume that is needed as a result of decoration.
  2. Handles are cut off from spoons, leaving very small stumps. On the outer circle at a small distance from each other, they begin to stick. Spoons are glued next row so that they cover the space between the previous ones. And thus fill all the rows.
  3. Produce staining in the desired color.
  4. Glue the cardboard to the finished clock.
  5. Hang a chronometer on permanent place residence

Plastic spoons are easy to paint with spray paint.

Decorating old watches with textiles

You can make the clock an interesting interior detail by decorating with textiles. Lace will give the chronometer airiness, romance and hide the shabby case.

How to decorate a wall clock with textiles can be seen in this photo.

How do you like this transformation of the device? And all you need is a twisted tourniquet, braid, lace, a brush, tape (in order to close the joint), glue and scissors. They will look great in the kitchen of a hostess who loves ruffles and frills, complete with curtains and capes for stools or chairs.

You can restore an old shabby watch with a twisted rope with tassels, lace, artificial
flowers and beads

Do-it-yourself clock painting and painting

IN country house, decorated in retro style, shabby and artificially aged wall clocks are quite suitable. Painting can be done with the paints remaining in the household and, without waiting for complete drying, lightly rub the surface with a cloth (create scuffs and the appearance that the walkers have been repainted many times).

To build such a clock, you need a minimum of knowledge and skills.

So that's good too. You can originally paint the surface to your liking. Do you like this painting?

The style in which this table clock is made can be attributed to shabby chic. Soft decoupage in the middle and a little wear on the body give the impression of repeated repainting and exposure to the sun. In this way, you can make almost an antique thing.

    Creating scuffs is not difficult at all:
  1. Paint the watch case black and let dry.
  2. Apply white paint on a dry layer and, without waiting for it to dry completely, remove it with light touches upper layer paint in the right places.

This watch combines the decoupage of the inner part, which is under the glass, and the painting of the outer case with golden color from a can. This is an example of a very simple product update.

Decorating a wall clock with coffee beans

    Very easy to update round Wall Clock with your own hands. Decor coffee beans quite popular. There are many transformation options. You only need:
  • watch;
  • coffee beans;
  • glue "Moment";
  • desire and time.

How to update several former and completely identical round wall clocks with your own hands using coffee beans?

Coffee products not only look beautiful, but also smell delicious. Do you want these for yourself? Take risks! It is easy to restore fashionable walkers from the "kitchen" material.

Shell clock decoration

What do vacationers bring home from the sea? Probably, shells, which then gather dust for years idle on antesols. There is a wonderful way to update your watch with these marine gifts. The easiest trick is to stick shells on the body.

boring regular watch have become maritime

Other ideas

There are many ways to decorate walkers. The most common ones will be discussed below.

Provencal notes

If outwardly the watch is not suitable for restoration, but the mechanism is still working, you can cut out a case of arbitrary shape from plywood and allow the clock mechanism to work in full.

This clock is made in the style of Provence, there are village pictures on them: lavender, roosters, cages with birds

Restoration of old watches with leather decoration

Craftsmen who can work with natural material create exclusive products. Old leather gloves, bags, raincoats and leather scraps are used.

A chic composition that will not leave indifferent any guest

The amazing compositional work, which is presented in the photo, shows that a small ordinary round clock, decorated with leather and flowers, framed by a painted wooden frame capable of becoming a masterpiece.

Restoration with wood and jute rope

The original clock made of wood and thick rope will easily fit into the design of a wooden country house.

These walkers look great in a rustic style.

As you can see, everything can be used, even the remaining boards, knots and thick rope trimmings. Sticks from boxes are used, which are initially burned blowtorch, then scraped off with an iron brush until the texture of the wood appears, then covered with several layers of varnish.

2 knots are used as holders, on which recesses are made in the middle so that the middle board does not stick out of the composition. Then a hole is drilled in the center for fastening the clock mechanism, a dial is made from furniture nails and the product is decorated with a rope.
The masterpiece is ready!

Here is a variant of the walkers, which are made of a rope twisted into a ring.

This work is made in the technique of "Jute filigree". Here, ordinary, bleached and dyed jute is used. This material is sold in reels in hardware stores.

Human fantasy is limitless. There are many options for reworking and restoring old watches. All you need is a little time, love for your home and a desire to make your home individual.

In each house, it is not global surface finishing methods that give a special atmosphere, but small accessories and decorations. Do you want to decorate the house original things self made? Try to make a wall clock with your own hands - it's not as difficult as it seems. Let's try to make an author's wall clock?

Materials and tools

What do you need to make a watch? First of all, it is a clock mechanism. It can be taken from factory alarm clocks or bought in art stores. If you need large, openwork arrows, make them yourself from a strip of thin metal:

  1. Print the template on the printer.
  2. Transfer it to the tin, pushing along the contour.
  3. Cut out with scissors and make a hole with a hole punch.
  4. paint spray paint in any color.

You can make walkers with figures moving in a circle: butterflies, flowers or a running person. To do this, parts cut out of thick but lightweight cardboard are glued onto the finished arrows. As a result, an original object with running, decorated arrows is obtained.

Important! There are special mechanisms with a pendulum that can be decorated to your liking. As a result, it turns out a thing, looking at which you can’t believe that it was made with your own hands.

In addition to the mechanism, you will need a scale with marked numbers. Where can I get it?

Make numbers from:

  • Salt dough. Knead a stiff dough from salt and flour (1: 1), adding PVA glue to it. After rolling up the sausages, put them in figures and dry them. When the dough dries, paint the molding with paint and fix it with varnish.
  • polymer clay. This material is similar to children's plasticine, but when baked in the oven, it hardens, turning into plastic. It can be painted with gold paint or leave the colors of clay.
  • Ready numbers for front door. Large numbers made of plastic and metal are suitable for large dials. They can also be dyed in any shade.
  • stencil. Print and transfer the timeline to paper. Cut with a sharp knife and the stencil is ready. Now you can make numbers by painting them with paint or texture putty.
  • improvised materials. Some ideas do not require purchased parts. Divisions will replace buttons, keys, dominoes, beads, artificial flowers and colored paper.

Important! To complete the product, think over the design in advance by drawing it on paper.

Look among the old things and sewing trifles - is there something suitable there? Determine the style in which you want to make the watch: will it be a luxurious Modern, laconic Minimalism or a cheerful decor for a nursery? And the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to make a watch with your own hands will finally take shape in your head. It remains only to bring it to life, using the tips below.

Decoupage clock

An interesting design option not only for watches, but also for other household items - decoupage, creates an imitation of painting. For this decoration method, printouts, patterned napkins and special decoupage cards are used, which are glued to a base of any material:

  • tree;
  • plywood;
  • cardboard;
  • gypsum;
  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • metal.

It cannot be said about such a finished thing that it is homemade, and the drawing is not an author's painting, but ordinary paper with a drawing.

To make your own watch more original in addition to decoupage:

  1. Apply brushing (firing). It is suitable for hardwood blanks.
  2. Use gilding. Thin sheets potali (rolled metal) are glued to the numbers, the edge of the clock or part of the pattern.
  3. Decorate the clock with a stencil pattern.
  4. Add decorative effects. For example, paint with metallic paint, mother of pearl, or decorate with small glass beads.
  5. Age your watch with craquelure compounds that create a light network of cracks on the surface of the lacquer, just like in old paintings.

To make a simple wooden wall clock decorated with decoupage, take:

  • patterned napkins;
  • water acrylic varnish;
  • acrylic paints;
  • fine sandpaper;
  • bristle brushes.

Operating procedure:

  • Prepare the workpiece so that the soil adheres to the surface. To do this, sand the surface with fine sandpaper.
  • Apply primer with a wide brush and dry.

Important! If there is no special primer at hand, prepare it from PVA glue and white water-based paint mixed in a ratio of 1:2.

  • Go over the workpiece again with sandpaper. The surface must be perfectly flat, otherwise the pasted paper will lie unevenly and go into bubbles.
  • Apply glue to the workpiece, transfer the pattern to the base.
  • Spread the paper over the surface, from the center to the edges, expelling air bubbles.
  • When the decoupage is dry, cover the picture in 2-3 layers with varnish.
  • Paint the sides of the clock with paint.
  • Print the dial to fit the watch, transfer the markings to the blank with a pencil.
  • Glue or draw on the numbers and the timeline.
  • Install with reverse side clockwork.
  • Attach arrows.

Important! Use several methods to create a unique piece of art. Apply craquelure over the gilding, fire along the edge of the clock, draw the numbers through the stencil.

Cardboard clock in the nursery

This material is undeservedly considered flimsy and unreliable, but on its basis you can make a wall clock with any kind of decor and a wide variety of shapes.

There are 2 types of cardboard suitable for watches:

  1. corrugated cardboard - the same from which packaging boxes are made;
  2. beer - this paper is used for book binding and looks like thin plywood.

Important! Thin cardboard from creative kits does not hold its shape, use it to design finished watches: cut out decor for decorating watches from it - numbers, figures and flowers.

Let's tell you how to make a watch for a nursery with large numbers:

  1. Mark the circle with a compass and cut it out with a clerical knife. To make the workpiece durable, make 2-3 parts of the substrate with a hole for the mechanism, and 1 front. Glue them together and the watch will be durable.
  2. Divide the circle in half, pierce a hole under the mechanism rod with a pencil.
  3. Mark the numbers and stick on large buttons, bright covers from children's plasticine.
  4. Draw numbers on the felt, cut out a circle to fit the lids.
  5. Glue the numbers on the clock.

It remains to collect the clock and hang it in the nursery.

Important! Complete the design with painting, appliqué and characters of your favorite cartoons.

Record clock

To decorate a watch from a record with your own hands, you will need a special tool - a jigsaw or an engraver. Cutting vinyl with a clerical knife or soldering iron will not work:

  1. Cover the plate with paper tape.
  2. Prepare a stencil on squared paper.
  3. Cut out the template with a blade.
  4. Attach it to the plate, circle it with a pencil.
  5. Cut the vinyl along the contour with a jigsaw, and then remove the tape.
  6. Smooth out any imperfections with sandpaper.
  7. Enlarge the hole and insert the clock mechanism.

Additionally, you can make a backlight that will highlight the contour of the clock and serve as a light source:

  • Glue led strip on double-sided tape to the clockwork around its perimeter.
  • Install a crown with a switch and connect the wires.

Important! You can paint the plate with spray paint. If you need a multi-color pattern, then several stencils are created, each under specific color, which are superimposed one after the other, starting with the lightest.

Watches from CDs

Old laser discs are perfect for making desktop and kitchen clocks. To turn an unwanted CD into stylish decor, there are several ideas:

  1. Paint the disc with black acrylic paint. Scratch the numbers and the floral pattern. Rainbow patterns on a black background will turn a boring blank into a stylish watch.
  2. Connect several discs by gluing them to the cardboard base. Insert a mechanism in the middle, and you will get original watch in high-tech style.
  3. Fix the disk on its plastic box, drill a hole for the arrow rod. Install the mechanism from the alarm clock. As a result, a compact timer will be released on a desktop stand.
  4. To decorate the clock, use the buttons from the old keyboard, securing them around the circumference.
  5. The plastic circle can be used as a dial for big clock, decorating it with a painting.

Important! A CD cut into pieces can be used to make a mosaic. Decorate a clock, record, tray or box with colorful shards to make a stylish set.

Wooden wall clock

Wall clock made of wood with your own hands is a wonderful interior decoration. Learn how to make a stylish Eco-style watch.


  • cut down a tree;
  • sandpaper;
  • water stain;
  • Matt lacquer;
  • drill.

Operating procedure:

  1. Take a wooden round, sand the surface.
  2. Cover it with stain several times, achieving the desired color saturation.
  3. When the wood is dry, mark out the numbers and the center of the circle.
  4. Drill a hole for the mechanism.
  5. Varnish the wood and set the clock.

Important! Take for decorating saw cuts with chips, cracks, traces of knots to give individuality.

In addition to this idea, a wooden clock can be made from:

  • small boards from vegetable boxes. Fix them on a square base, glue and paint acrylic paint.
  • From square scraps of timber and parquet remnants. Connect them in a panel and pick up interesting numbers.
  • Plywood. Saw out a curly blank with a jigsaw, decorate to taste.
  • From saw cut branches filled with epoxy resin.

Important! wooden clock are considered a classic piece of furniture and will not go out of fashion for a long time. They fit any style, be it Loft, Vintage or Provence. By choosing interesting numbers and a color that is in harmony with other decor, you will have a great functional thing that will decorate your home for a long time.

hoop clock

To make a watch with your own hands at home, you do not need to buy expensive materials. Neat textile watches can be made from old hoops:

  1. Find a round hoop and tuck a smooth, solid fabric into it.
  2. Cut the material, make a hole in the middle of the fabric for the clock.
  3. Decorate front side buttons and embroidery.
  4. Insert mechanism.
  5. Glue the decorative ribbon around and make a loop to hang the clock.

Additionally, you can decorate the hoop with lace, a motif cut from an old napkin, decoupage or painting.

Important! These clocks look good in a child's room, rustic living room.

Clock on canvas

Artist stores sell ready-made frames with a stretched fabric, from which you can make a fake watch:

  • Prime the canvas with an aqueous solution of PVA glue.
  • Apply putty mixed with glue with a flexible trowel.

Important! Simulate broad brush strokes to create a textured surface.

  • When the canvas dries, paint it with light paint.
  • Then emphasize all the irregularities with dark and gold paint.
  • Decorate part of the cloth with decoupage or painting.
  • Glue the finished numbers and attach the clock on the back.

You will get a picture with a clock that will decorate the interior and show the time.


An interesting type of creativity, which is an application of strips of paper folded into various details. A drawing is then assembled from them.

Important! Play with contrast - openwork elements will look good only on a dark or light background.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut the paper into strips.
  2. Using a curly ruler, twist the spirals, securing the tip of the tape to a pin.
  3. Assemble the composition into one whole.
  4. Transfer the paper clock to a dense base and put a frame in the photo.

Important! Complete the watch with rhinestones, which will serve as marks for the arrows.

Hours from improvised material

A do-it-yourself wall clock made from improvised materials is an original piece of furniture. You can be sure that no one will have the second one. They can be made from:

  • Coffee beans, gluing them to the workpiece and decorating with twine.
  • Tin cans with vintage pattern.
  • Car caps from wheels painted in bright colors.
  • Natural materials - shells, dried flowers, cones, spices, nuts, collected in a beautiful composition.
  • Large plates, trays, baking dishes and pans.
  • Hard drive from an old computer.
  • Covers from old books and magazines.
  • Plastic spoons and forks fixed on a round clock base.
  • Broken musical instruments.

Important! Having decorated these items with painting, appliqué, decorative materials, you will succeed unique item interior. The main thing is to show a little imagination.

By learning how to make a wall clock with your own hands, you can not only decorate your home and realize your creativity, but also give new life old household items. Try to create an interesting author's thing that will tell about your hobbies, taste and love for cozy things.

Karina Moroz | November 9, 2015 | 9525

Karina Moroz 9.11.2015 9525

Tired of the mediocre interior? We will share ideas on how you can decorate any room with unusual clocks made by yourself.

Happy hours are not observed. However, a decorative wall clock can be not only a great addition to any interior, but also an original gift.

You will need a watch mechanism (you can buy it in a special shop or take it from an old watch), some kind of flat object to create a dial and a little imagination.

This idea will appeal to creative people.

You will need:

  • dominoes;
  • strong glue;
  • clockwork;
  • metal sieve for filtering noodles;
  • ruler;
  • ballpoint pen, marker or pencil.

1. Wash the sieve thoroughly and dry.

2. Use a ruler and a pen to mark where the dominoes should be placed. Glue them to the sieve and leave to dry completely.

3. Install the clockwork as indicated in the instructions on its packaging.

Set the time on the clock and hang it on the wall.

2. Vinyl wall clock

You will need:

  • clockwork;
  • vinyl record.

Make a hole in the center of the vinyl record. Attach the mechanism on the back side, and the arrows on the front side.

Vinyl record can be given unusual shape. To do this, you need to put it in a preheated oven for several minutes, then take it out with kitchen gloves and “blind” any figure from the melted plate.

3. Clock with a floral motif

If you haven't been able to get hold of a clockwork, you can creatively remake an old wooden clock.

You will need:

  • wooden wall clock;
  • acrylic paint for wooden surfaces;
  • tassel;
  • glue spray;
  • rhinestones or beads;
  • a printed color drawing with a floral motif (you can use beautiful wrapping paper or a piece of wallpaper instead).

1. Unscrew the clock mechanism.

2. Paint the edge of the dial with colored acrylic paint. Wait for it to dry.

3. Place the clock face on the plant motif and draw around the outline of the clock. Then cut out a circle slightly smaller than the clock face.

Clocks don't just tell the time and keep us from staying late - they can also serve as impressive pieces of art to decorate our home.

Beautiful and ornate watches can be expensive, but there are many ways to make your own watch. All you need is a little time, creativity and motivation to start and you can create something completely different, something that no one else has, a thing that has no analogues in the world.

floating wall clock

Collect all necessary material. To create a floating clock, you will need the following tools:

  • adhesive putty;
  • wooden numbers from 1 to 12;
  • 4 different sheet scrapbook paper;
  • glue;
  • knife;
  • set of watch mechanisms.

Wooden numbers can be purchased at a craft store, or you can cut your own. A set of watch mechanisms can be purchased in specialized stores, they are inexpensive. Search the internet and you will find several. You can use a mechanism with hands from an old clock that you have in your house or gathering dust somewhere in the attic.

More interesting wooden numbers will look in different fonts and sizes. You can lacquer the wooden numbers or glue on scrapbooking paper and then lacquer them. An interesting effect is obtained if the numbers are sprayed with metallic silver paint.

Set the clock. The size of the clock will be about 60 centimeters wide, so choose a place to mount it where you have plenty of space. Once you have chosen a spot, use a ruler to determine the center of the spot. Here you will hang the clock mechanism.

Attach the clock mechanism to the wall using adhesive putty. This piece looks great when placed above a mantelpiece or low cabinet.

Decide where you will hang the numbers. Use a ruler to measure 30 centimeters right on top of the watch. Mark this spot with a pencil. Here you will hang the number 12. Measure 30 centimeters to the right of the clock and mark it with a pencil. This is where you will hang number 3. Measure 30 centimeters below your clock and mark it with a pencil. Here you will hang number 6. Measure 30 centimeters to the left of the clock and mark it with a pencil. Here you will hang the number 9.

Hang up the numbers and set the clock. Use adhesive putty to hang 12, 3, 6 and 9 on the pre-marked pencil spots. You can then use a ruler and pencil in space and mark where the rest of the numbers will stay.

Use adhesive putty to hang the remaining numbers. The adhesive putty is easy to remove, so if you need to customize the placement of the room, you can easily remove it from the wall and reinstall it elsewhere. Insert the batteries into the clock mechanism and set them to the correct time.

Clock “Rainbow”

Know that recycling of old things is of great importance for the preservation of our nature. And if you learn to recycle things instead of throwing them away and polluting environment- it will be wonderful.

An additional bonus will be cost savings and the opportunity to make a great gift for your loved ones. Try making this watch out of recycled items. Consider how to make a wall clock with your own hands using ice cream sticks.

What you need:

  • 12 ice cream sticks;
  • Watch mechanism;
  • Styrofoam;
  • 1 sheet of plywood;
  • fabric or acrylic paints;
  • glue.


  • Color the popsicle sticks the colors of the rainbow. Line them up on the wall and mark the line with a ruler. This is to determine how much space you need to insert numbers.
  • Cut a circle with a diameter of 5 centimeters from the foam. Draw numbers on it with a pencil. Then you need to paint the circles with acrylic paints.

  • Form the face of the clock. Make a circle out of a sheet of plywood and paint it white. Take a ruler and divide the circle into 12 parts. Drill a hole (you can use a large nail if you don't have a drill).
  • Apply glue. Lightly glue the line on the right side of the clock and stick with glue.

  • Now all you have to do is stick on the numbers. Add a clock mechanism and you're done!

Instead of popsicle sticks, you can use buttons and barbecue sticks, or felt that you can cut out flowers from. Use any material at hand - it can be fragments of broken children's toys, etc. Remember that you can create a masterpiece from garbage and help nature.

Photo clock

Enough original idea make a clock with your own hands from portraits of loved ones, which can become a true decoration of your interior.

To make this original clock, you will need the following materials:

  • 2 sheets of 18x24 newsprint or banner paper;
  • scotch;
  • pencil;
  • 12 photo frames 2×3;
  • 12 photos sized 2×3;
  • Watch mechanism;
  • ruler;
  • a sheet of cardboard measuring 8.5 x11;
  • scissors;
  • insulating tape;
  • hammer;
  • nails.

Post the clock. Place two sheets of newsprint or banner paper on the floor, then tape them together. Place the clock mechanism kit in the center of the sheets, and then position the photo frames around the clock mechanism.

Experiment with the frames by placing some horizontally and some vertically. Play with the layout until you find the design that works best for you.

When you are satisfied with the result, draw the outlines of the photo frames on a piece of paper with a pencil.

Insert photos into frames. Choose the best photos for this project. Try to come up with a theme and choose twelve pictures that match that theme. For example, choose pictures of twelve places on your vacation. Or choose twelve different photos from key events in your life or relationship with your partner.

Attach the clock mechanism. Use a pencil, ruler, and scissors to cut the card paper into a square or rectangle. It should be large enough to cover the clock mechanism.

If the clock mechanism is small, cut out 3.25 x 3.75 cardboard, the same size as the picture frames. Cut a hole in the center of the cardboard. The metal part of the watch mechanism will be located here, attach it. Use a sheet of cardboard instead of a "dial".

Find an empty wall where you can hang a wall clock. Attach your paper blanks to the wall with tape, and hammer the photo frames with nails. Make sure they match the dial pattern.

After you've finished scoring, pull the newsprint off the wall. The nails should stay in place and the paper should slide out easily.

Button watch

Such a clock will look quite original, and give the room more comfort. Take the hoop, buttons, do not forget about the clockwork, stock up on braid and fabric you need colors.

The fabric should be well fixed on the hoop, the edges should be trimmed so that they do not crawl out of the form. This will be your dial, of course you need to make numbers for it. To do this, sew on the buttons in the order in which the numbers are located on the dial.

Make a hole in the center so you can attach the clockwork. And in order for the clock to hang beautifully on the wall, you need to hang it. To do this, take a ribbon, attach them to the hoop, and then hang them on a carnation on the wall.

Other creative ideas

As you can see, a lot of interesting things can be created from improvised materials. Globe halves or wooden spools for winding the cable can be used. Needlewomen can create this piece of furniture from a lace doily or knit a cover with threads.

It will be interesting for children to have a clock made of lollipops or sweets in their room. Vinyl records will perfectly fit into the interior in modern style. The shape of a vinyl record can be easily changed by heating it. You can also paint a vinyl disc with acrylic paint and then your product will take on an absolutely incredible shape.

And if you take a cut wooden circle as a dial, you can place a clock made of wood in any room.

A great idea is a cardboard clock in the form of a picture or map of the area, or grandfather clocks. You can also take old unnecessary mechanisms and make a clock for the kitchen, decorating it with scrapbooking paper or coffee beans. Even if you don't have anything at home, you can buy cutting board for the kitchen and create a clock out of it. And the decoupage technique will help you decorate the board and turn it into a true masterpiece.

Feel like a real designer, create your own own projects, decorate the space of your home and give joy to your friends!

Do-it-yourself watch. Step-by-step instruction with photo

Author: Bulatova Elizaveta, student of grade 6, MBOU "School No. 1", Semyonov, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description: the master class is intended for schoolchildren, parents and creative children.
Purpose: interior decoration.
Target: Making watches with your own hands.
- to develop individual creative abilities, fantasy and imagination;
- Cultivate perseverance and accuracy.
Materials and tools:
1. Clockwork
2. Scissors
3. Glue
4. decorative ornaments(ribbon, rhinestones, sequins, red sisal, paper cord)
5. Ruler
6. Wire
7. Cardboard
8. Disks (7)
Safety precautions when working with scissors:
- handle scissors carefully;
- scissors should be well adjusted and sharpened;
- put the scissors on the right with closed blades pointing away from you;
- pass the scissors rings forward with closed blades;
- when cutting, the narrow blade of the scissors should be at the bottom;
- store scissors in a certain place (box or stand).

Safety precautions when working with glue:
- when working with glue, use a brush, if necessary;
- use the amount of glue that is required to complete the work at this stage;
- it is necessary to apply glue evenly thin layer;
- try not to get the glue on clothes, face and especially in the eyes;
- close the adhesive tightly after work and remove it;
- wash your hands and workplace with soap.

S. Usachev "Clock"
Hours go by day by day.
Hours run after century...
- Where are you in a hurry, Clock? -
A man once asked.
The clock was amazing.

The history of the invention and development of watches.

The first primitive concepts for measuring time (day, morning, day, noon, evening, night) were subconsciously suggested to ancient people by the regular change of seasons, the change of day and night, the movement of the Sun and Moon across the firmament.
The history of clocks is very interesting and informative. It was important for a person to know the exact time in order to optimally plan his actions, so progressively solar, water, mechanical clocks were invented. The result at the moment are those complex mechanisms that can be seen in modern stores.
The origin of the name of the word "clock".
The word "clock" appeared in everyday life in the XIV century, its basis was the Latin "clocca", meaning bell. And before that, the first experiments in determining the time were associated with the observation of the movements of the sun across the sky. In 3500 BC, the first sundial. The principle of their work was to observe the shadow formed during sunlight, since the position and length of the shadow change at different times.
In Greece, however, they came to the conclusion that it was necessary to divide the year into twelve months of thirty days each. Subsequently, the inhabitants of ancient Babylon and Egypt divided the day into hours, minutes, seconds, which played important role in the development of watchmaking.
Jost Burgey made the first clock in 1577 using the minute hand. This product also had a minute hand, the oscillations of the pendulum turned the cogwheel, which, in turn, changed the position of the hands on the dial. The dial was graduated at 12 o'clock, so the hand went around twice in a day.
At present, humanity has complex, reliable and high-precision watch movements created with the latest scientific research and designed in a wide variety of styles.
An unusual clock, ideally suited in style to the interior of the room, is always a good element of decor. Not only in terms of aesthetics, but also in terms of functionality. Here are some original clocks you can make with your own hands.
A watch is a necessary, useful and, in general, everyday thing. Few people think about their design, because the main thing is that they show the time correctly.
But try to make a wall clock with your own hands - and you will notice that the atmosphere in this room has subtly changed.
Of course, this is not about assembling and adjusting the clockwork yourself - it should be used ready-made, bought in a store or removed from an old watch. But you can even fantasize about the design of the dial.

Step by step workflow:

1. Two sheets of A4 cardboard are glued onto an A3 sheet.

2. A circle is made on cardboard with a compass, after which it is cut out.

3. We wrap the discs with tape.

4. We wind a paper cord on the wire.

5. Then we wrap the wire around a round stick to make a curl.

6. Find the middle of the circle along the ruler.

7. Glue the discs and start decorating the watch.

8. Cut out hearts from discs and wrap with ribbon.

9. Decorate the heart with red sisal balls and glue them on the clock.

10. Glue sisal and rhinestones in the middle of the disks. On the central disk we install hands with a clock mechanism.

Such a trifle as an ordinary clock can become a central element of the interior if they are made by hand. The main thing in these watches is their uniqueness and the soul invested in them.