Toilet      04/15/2019

Coffee tree: growing at home. How to plant a coffee bean

Care of a coffee tree and the process of growing it in a residential area is quite simple. During cultivation, it can be formed in the form of a lush bush or a small tree, while it will only need to be cut off in a timely manner from growing branches.

Growing a coffee tree at home

There are about fifty varieties of culture that can be found in Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands, as well as in the tropics of Africa. Also cultural forms of coffee today are grown in the tropical regions of Africa, America and Asia. Figure 1 shows how this culture grows in nature.

Figure 1. Coffee tree in nature

Most indoor ornamental gardeners grow Arabian coffee and rarely Brazilian or Libyan.

Very often people ask the question - is it possible to grow coffee at home, from beans sold in the supermarket? Of course not, because they do not have the ability to germinate. The seeds of this crop lose their germination very quickly. In fact, growing coffee at home bears a strong resemblance to cultivating citrus fruits.

Arabica coffee - indoor plant

Arabica coffee grown at home can reach a height of up to three meters. It has oblong leathery dark green leaves with wavy edges. This species bears fruit only once a year (in April-May) and brings bright red berries (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Houseplant arabica on different stages vegetation

Also, among lovers of ornamental crop production, a dwarf species is common, which is a variety of Arabian and can reach a height of no more than one meter. It can be grown indoors without much difficulty in care, as it has a high resistance to disease and dry air.

Caring for a coffee tree at home

Although a coffee tree - exotic plant, there are practically no difficulties in caring for him. The culture normally tolerates changes in temperature and humidity. In winter, she feels great even at a temperature of 14-15 degrees, but if the indicator drops below, it will stop developing and bearing fruit.

Selecting a landing site

Growing coffee at home always starts with planting or transplanting. The soil should be acidic, but since it is quite difficult to check this indicator, it is recommended to use a mixture of acidic peat, humus, sand, leafy and greenhouse soil for cultivation (Figure 3).

Note: To maintain the optimal level of moisture and acidity, it is recommended to add sphagnum moss to the soil mixture.

Lighting is essential. It is desirable to place the plant on windows facing south. There is an opinion that the location on the north window can ruin it, but this is not entirely true. Placement on the north window can only slow down growth and further development.

Figure 3. Planting a coffee tree

However, do not forget that an excess sun rays can also be harmful, especially to plants younger than two years old. In an adult plant, with a lack of sun, full-fledged inflorescences will not form.

Note: Experienced growers recommend shading the crop only after fruit set is complete.

This technique is used in the homeland of coffee, where other crops are planted around it, giving the necessary shade.


Transplantation is carried out annually until the plant reaches the age of three. After that, transplantation is recommended to be done once every 2-3 years. However, do not forget that in the intervals between transplants, a mandatory replacement of the top layer of soil should be carried out annually (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Tree transplantation process

Under natural conditions, the culture grows in a fairly humid climate, so the air in the room should not be allowed to be too dry. Regular spraying will help ensure the required level of humidity, but this method is not always effective. It is better to use a deep pan with pebbles. The stones are filled with water, and a pot with a plant is placed on top. However, the soil must be well drained.

Temperature and humidity

An important factor for normal growth is the temperature in the room. In spring and summer, normal enough room temperature, and during the winter cold, coffee needs a cool temperature regime (14-15 degrees), but it should not fall below +12 degrees. Figure 5 shows the optimal placement of the crop on the windowsill and one of the methods of watering.

Figure 5. Watering and placing the crop on the windowsill

In summer, watering should be carried out more often and more abundantly than in winter. Establishing the required dose for irrigation depends on temperature regime in room. But the soil and air should not be too dry or wet, as this will negatively affect the development of the plant. For irrigation, it is better to use melt or rain water.

Top dressing and fertilizer

The best for the coffee tree are special liquid fertilizers. They are introduced into the soil once every two weeks from April to September, since it is at this time that the plants bear fruit and actively develop.

In more detail about how to properly care for the plant, the author of the video will tell.

Harvesting coffee

To date, there are several ways to harvest grains by hand (Figure 6).

The first method is called the stripping method. It is very simple. When most of the berries are ripe, the branch is held with the left hand, and the fruits are grabbed with the right, moving from top to bottom. But in this case, not only ripe fruits are plucked, but also green, rotten berries, leaves and flowers.

Figure 6. Collection and processing of coffee

The second method is based on the collection of fruits with a special comb, which has rare and flexible teeth. With its help, only ripe fruits are plucked from the branches of the coffee tree, and green berries and leaves will remain on the branches. After harvesting, the fruits are cleaned of pulp, the grains are sorted and roasted for further storage.

First of all, I note that the coffee tree is amazingly beautiful and always looks elegant. Its leaves are dark green, shiny, from the trunk in different directions lateral branches stretch up in tiers, strewn with pretty fruitlets (each with two grains). In general, a Christmas tree with toys, not a plant!

IN best grown at home undersized varieties such as Arabica or Robusta, which reach a height of no more than 2.5 m. Now about how to determine the quality planting material: seeds with good germination are light gray in color.

The coffee tree loves slightly acidic soil. I personally add two more special mixtures: humus, soddy soil and river sand (4: 4: 1) or humus, stale peat, river sand (2: 2: 0.5). Before planting, the seeds are disinfected (soaked in a light solution of manganese for 3 hours), and then hot stratified (I lower them into water heated to 60 ° and keep it there until it cools). I plant in small pots with a diameter of 10 cm with drainage in the form of sand or crushed bricks.

In each I lay out two or three seeds with the convex side up, close up shallowly, cover with glass and put in the warmest place in the apartment. Here I will add that you can grow a coffee tree at any time of the year, but it seems to me that it is best in winter.

After all, it loves warmth, and 22-25 ° is the most optimal temperature for it, and near the steam heating battery it just keeps constantly. A cold window sill, and even more so an open window, is undesirable.

When three true leaves appear on the plants, I dive the seedlings. The main thing in this operation is two points: it is absolutely impossible to touch the bark-shocks and you need to take care of the composition of the soil (soddy soil, riding peat, river sand (4: 2: 1) or sod land, leafy soil, river sand (12: 1) ).

Picked plants can already be kept near the window, and in the summer they can be taken out to the balcony. The longer the branches on the tree, the higher the yield (but you can pinch very long ones). In the third year, I transplant the plants again - into pots 50 cm high and wide.

If everything is done according to the mind, then fruiting will begin next season: fragrant white flowers appear first, and then fruits. The crop matures in about a year.

Top dressing should be carried out from April to October: the main ones - with nitrogen fertilizers and every 10 days - with a solution of mullein. Poli you: in the evening or in cloudy weather. I also water with a solution of ash (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

The appearance of brown spots on the leaves indicates improper care and not about illness.

By the way, about care: branches that bear fruit for three or four years should be cut at the base. I peel the ripened grains, dry them, roast them, pass them through a coffee grinder and invite guests to get-togethers with cups of fragrant freshly brewed coffee.

Maybe someone will respond and give you seeds or cuttings (a tree can be propagated in this way). And the last. Connoisseurs say that home-grown coffee is different best quality. Good luck to you!

Julia Vern 31 837 10

Love for the exotic and tropical countries has long drawn the attention of amateur flower growers to plants that seem to be atypical for our climate. However, many of them turned out to be suitable for growing at home. And they feel at the same time no worse than on the slope of some mountain range in conditions of high annual temperature and stable humidity.

One of these exotic guests was coffee. Homemade coffee tree showed itself from the very better side- not capricious and unpretentious, responsive to elementary care and conditions of detention.

Homemade coffee tree looks very beautiful

Some happy owners of mature plants grown before their eyes say that green coffee beans fell into the ground almost by accident. And after a while, when the fact was safely forgotten, they sprouted and began to grow together. So much so that there was no desire to get rid of tenacious sprouts. shiny dark leaves, their beautiful shape, ease of formation of the bush, quickly made coffee a favorite plant in the house.

So, arm yourself with facts and remember how to grow coffee at home and even get a crop from it.

The bush form of coffee, which can be grown and maintained in good condition for many years, has the appearance of a compact, strongly leafy plant. Exactly a large number of greenery, as well as the aroma of flowering buds - the main advantage of the tree. A variety of undersized arabica is suitable for growing at home. Robusta just won't fit in your apartment, and it requires cross-pollination to bear fruit.

A bush that grows rapidly in length and width is quite suitable for artificial formation. You can give it the shape of a real tree with a lignified trunk and a compact rounded crown.

Remembering what a riot of plants can be found on small area any tropical region, it is quite possible to count on good compatibility of the coffee tree, in terms of neighborhood, with ordinary indoor flowers. You just need to take care of good lighting. Coffee is photophilous, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. And does not really approve of frequent permutations. The side on which the windows of the room with the coffee tree overlook must certainly have a southern orientation. But light shading, nevertheless, is necessary. If you decide to move the pot from corner to corner or often take the plant out to “breathe” on the balcony on a fine summer day, this can favorably affect the crown. It will be smooth and thick. But flowers that emit an incredibly delicate aroma and, moreover, valuable beans for the "production" of exclusive homemade coffee, in this case, you do not expect. That is, it is better to choose a permanent place.

Caring for your home coffee tree is easy.

Conditions for a normal growing season

How to grow a coffee tree, given that it is native to hot countries? Yes, you just need to provide him with stable living conditions. Under natural conditions, the plant lives at fairly moderate average annual temperatures. It is required to create similar opportunities for him in the apartment. In summer, the temperature should not rise above 25 °, and in winter it should not fall below 15-16 (this is quite cool for a person).

It is worth watering regularly, but without excess, just do not let the earth dry out, keep it slightly moist all the time. In summer, this is 2-3 one-time watering per week, in winter one is enough. It is better to take soft water, temperatures above room temperature. The coffee tree is very responsive to care. If in the warm season and heating season occasionally arrange for him warm shower, taking a break for the flowering period, the plant will respond with juicy greenery and rapid growth.

The soil should be light, loose, with sand in the composition. According to the reaction - slightly acidic. Coffee does not tolerate lime. To maintain the acidic composition of the soil, you can throw a few crystals into the water once a month when watering. citric acid or use special stimulants.

top dressing

For normal growth, flowering and fruiting, the plant should be regularly fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. This is especially true for the period active growth in spring and summer time. You can alternate the types of fertilizers, increasing the dose of nitrogen in the spring, giving a full mineral complex during flowering, phosphorus - for the formation of fruits. The time of relative rest is winter. To maintain, you can give potassium.

Homemade coffee tree blooms with very delicate white inflorescences, consisting of many flowers with pointed petals. Fragrance is on the whole apartment. In the absence natural helpers pollination, bees, this can be done manually, easily shaking the flowering twigs or walking through the inflorescences with a soft brush.

Coffee flowers are very beautiful and fragrant.


For the first couple of years, coffee can be transplanted annually. This should be done in early spring before the start of the active growing season. Then the plant needs to be transplanted less often - once every two years. Given that the tree has a well-developed root system, you should take care of the sufficient depth of the planting capacity (pot), and the diameter should be increased by 2-4 cm each time.

Naturally, each transplant will be accompanied by a change of soil. It is better to choose ready-made, suitable for growing tropical plants. The soil must be necessarily slightly acidic, rich in phosphorus, organic matter. At the bottom it is good to arrange drainage.

You can make the soil yourself. Ordinary garden soil should be mixed with peat, humus and river sand in equal proportions. For balance, it is good to add a handful of wood ash.

The plant independently forms a crown and without special need it is better not to interfere in this process. The exception is the excessive stretching of the tree in height, when it no longer fits in the proposed space. In this case, you will have to correct the form.


The plant can be propagated by cuttings. But it is much easier and more reliable to grow it from seed. However, do not think that green beans bought at the supermarket, intended for self-roasting, will sprout. They were specially processed and are not suitable for planting. Fully mature seeds planted shortly after ripening are guaranteed to sprout.

Interesting to know!
Caring for a coffee tree grown from seeds is simple. However, the plant does not inherit maternal varietal characteristics. That is, it will be Arabica, but the properties may change, the taste of future fruits will differ from the original ones.

The coffee tree does not grow in one place for decades. At the age of 8-10, it may begin to lose its decorative effect. Only young plants can boast of beautiful foliage and a rich crown. For rejuvenation, the method of partial cutting of the trunk is sometimes used. New shoots quickly form a new crown. Or use the method of propagation by cuttings.

Coffee berries are formed on the branches in the axils of the leaves.

Growing from cuttings

Cuttings are selected from healthy branches of the middle part of the crown of an adult tree. The branch should be from last year's growth. This will ensure the rapid formation of buds and will be the key to a quick start of flowering. A cutting 10-15 cm long is placed in a growth stimulator for better root formation and rooting. Withstand the day. Planted vertically, not deepening much. Be sure to cover with a transparent cap or lid, with perforations for air exchange. Keep out of the sun and spray periodically. Maintain temperature around 25°. Cuttings are carried out only in the spring.

The stalk is dormant for more than a month. In the greenhouse, the same temperature and humidity must be maintained at all times. After about forty days, the apical bud will awaken. In pots of small diameter, the stalk can be planted after the appearance of a pair of leaves. The plant is immediately placed in the main place, bright, but protected from direct sun. Do not forget about drainage and the frequency of spraying. It is possible that soon the first fragrant buds will appear on a young plant.

This method has its advantages:

  • Subject to all conditions, 100% rooting is achieved;
  • All characteristics of the mother plant are preserved;
  • Flowering may occur in the first year;
  • Fruiting begins 2-3 years earlier than in plants grown from seed;
  • The fruits are more numerous and larger.

Growing from seeds

In nature, mature coffee fruits of wild trees fall to the ground and immediately fall into a favorable environment for germination. But they do not tolerate storage, germination suffers from this.

Therefore, a homemade coffee tree can only be grown from fresh seeds using the following method:

  • The seeds will be cleaned of pulp and washed in a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Land for planting grains should be prepared ahead of time, two weeks in advance. The substrate must be mixed and left to "reach". The mixture includes well-steamed sod land with sand and peat. You can add ash.
  • The seeds are placed on the ground with the flat side down, slightly pressed and deepened by 1 cm. Everything should be well spilled and covered with a transparent lid (glass, film).
  • A container with sown seeds is placed in a bright place, sheltered from direct sun, the substrate is maintained at a constant humidity and the ambient temperature is about 25 °. Aired daily.
  • If the conditions are met, the seeds will hatch in a month.
  • The appearance of the first pair of leaves can be a signal for the first transplant. Pots are chosen small, but deep, with a diameter of no more than 7 cm. Seedlings should be carefully covered from the sun.
  • At the beginning of the lignification of the trunk, it may seem that it dries up and cracks. In fact, the process is going well. A brown color, spotting of the trunk may appear, but soon it takes on its usual appearance.
  • The next transplant should be done in a month, slightly increasing the capacity.

At first, a tree grown from a seed grows with one trunk. And later, skeletal branches begin to grow. The plant does not need to form a crown. Flowering begins on the 2nd year of growth. Fruiting - 4.

It looks like a coffee bean from which you can grow a tree at home


For a plant, waterlogging of the soil is not so much dangerous as excessive dryness of the air. Diseases of the coffee tree are reduced to defeat spider mite. In the cold season, it can become infected with a scab. For prevention, it is necessary to exclude drafts and maintain constant air humidity (warm, moist shower, spraying). Infections with coffee rust, bean borer, and soot fungus can also be observed.

For any disease, damaged leaves are removed, treatment is carried out with appropriate drugs.

It should also be remembered that coffee - tropical plant not adapted to life in temperate and cold climates. Therefore, room temperatures below 15 ° can be detrimental to the tree. A thin black border appears on the foliage. Then the leaves completely darken, and the tree quickly dies.

Like any exotic plant, the coffee tree needs close care and attention. But the efforts of plant growers do not go unrewarded. The aroma of spring flowering coffee buds knows no competition. And the fruits that appear at good care for the fourth year, will be a real gift.

Probably every grower - both beginner and experienced - would like to have an exotic coffee tree as a houseplant. But an obstacle to this is often the erroneous opinion that the process of growing a tree at home is supposedly extremely difficult, and incredible care is required for it. In fact, growing a coffee tree and caring for it is no more difficult than other, more familiar plants.

If you follow these simple planting rules, then very soon you will be able to admire the delicate green sprout of the future coffee tree. Let's start with the basics: you can grow a coffee tree at home with only two possible ways: from seed and cuttings.

Growing a coffee tree from a bean

This requires ordinary coffee beans that can be purchased at the store (only, of course, not fried), or beans taken directly from the plant itself (suddenly your relatives or neighbors are the happy owners of it). The method of cultivation is almost the same as, for example, pomegranate or lemon - there are only a few characteristic features.

Since the shell of the coffee bean is very hard, hard and often prevents the seed from germinating, it is necessary to carry out the so-called scarification before planting. This is the destruction of the shell by chemical means(solution of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid), or mechanical - the grain must be cut or filed.

The next step - the grain should be soaked in a stimulant solution - Epin, Kornevin, Zircon or others will do. Be sure to plant the seed in soft, loose soil. A pot with a planted seed must be placed in a sunny place so that it germinates as soon as possible, the temperature should not be lower than 20 degrees.

Growing a coffee tree from cuttings

If you can find where to buy a cutting of a coffee tree, then it is better to use this planting method. A tree planted in this way will grow faster, and, therefore, will yield a faster harvest. The second advantage of this method of planting is that the tree will grow in width, and not in height, as when planting a seed. Planting a cutting of a coffee tree is very simple, there are no differences from other cuttings.

Caring for a coffee tree at home

How to properly land, it was described above. But how to properly care for a coffee tree? Many amateur flower growers, not having enough own experience for care indoor plants in general, not to mention the coffee tree in particular, they draw information from very dubious sources. The consequences of this are very disappointing - people spend incredible efforts, money, fuss around him, they are almost afraid to breathe near the plant - and the point of this, at best, is zero.

All this happens because not everyone knows that caring for this seemingly fastidious tree is very, very simple, just follow simple rules.

The very first step on the way to a luxurious and fruitful coffee tree in your garden is of great importance - this is planting, and, in some cases, transplanting a plant. The most basic thing to remember is that the coffee tree grows exclusively in an acidic environment (that is, ph should be equal to<7). Так как на практике определить кислотность почвы чрезвычайно сложно даже опытному цветоводу, то при посадке рекомендуется воспользоваться таким soil composition:

sour peat
-leaf land
-Greenhouse land
These components must be mixed in a ratio of 2:1:1:1:1. To maintain the acidity and moisture of the soil, it is recommended to add finely chopped sphagnum moss to the composition.

As for transplanting a coffee tree, this should be done every year until the tree is three years old, then (then) once every 2-3 years, while the topsoil is also recommended to be changed once a year.

Do not allow dry air in the room, it is necessary to maintain a sufficiently high humidity. This can be achieved by constantly spraying the plant, but remember - this one action is not always enough. Use this advice: pour pebbles into a deep enough pan, fill it with water, and put a pot with a plant on it.

Lighting is also important, although far from being of paramount importance. It is recommended to place a coffee tree on windows facing south, southwest, southeast. By placing the southern guest on the northern window, contrary to popular belief, you will not destroy him, but growth and further development may slow down.

But keep in mind that too much sun can also be harmful, especially for young plants under two years old. After the ripening of full-fledged inflorescences, it is desirable to shade the plant. This is exactly what they do in the homeland of coffee - in the southern countries: other trees are planted around the trees so that they give the plant a saving shade.

Temperature indoors should be normal, room. But do not forget that it should not fall below +12.

Feeding and watering. There is nothing special about watering - as with all plants, it should be more plentiful and more frequent in summer than in winter. Of course, when determining the amount of watering, proceed from room temperature, and do not allow excessive dryness or humidity. Watering with soft rain or melt water has a beneficial effect on the coffee tree. As a top dressing, it is better to use mineral liquid fertilizers; it is recommended to use them once every two weeks from May to September, i.e. during the period of the most active growth.

The bushes grow quite quickly and after two or three years they turn into beautiful trees that will bear fruit. Coffee berries delight for several months. They were green at first and then turned red. They ripened for about 6-8 months, and about five grains were harvested from the first harvest. In fact, under room conditions, it is absolutely possible to collect up to one kilogram of coffee, but only from already mature trees from six years old.

A coffee tree will become a universal decoration of any room and will look great and please the eye in a children's institution, in your own apartment, and at work in the office. If you follow these above rules, you will soon be able to pleasantly surprise your guests with a cup of aromatic coffee ripened on your own coffee plantation right at your home.

Each of us loves to please ourselves with a small cup of delicious coffee. Someone prefers tart and strong, someone - sweet, with the addition of milk. Whatever our tastes and preferences, coffee is considered one of the best appetizing and tonic drinks of our time.

Although the homeland of the coffee tree is distant and hot Africa, it can be grown in our rather cool climate. True, in greenhouses or at home. The coffee plant will delight its owner not only with a pleasant rich drink, but also with an exotic appearance that blends harmoniously with the home interior.

What is the effective cultivation of a houseplant coffee? Caring for it, optimal growing conditions, reproduction and transplantation of seedlings - you will find all this in our article.

What varieties are best planted at home? Where should you start? And what is necessary for rapid growth and abundant fruit ripening? Let's find out.

Suitable varieties

In total, there are about a hundred varieties of the coffee tree, and only fifty of them bear fruits suitable for a fragrant drink. The Arabica coffee plant is best suited for home cultivation. It is unpretentious in care and bears fruit with edible fragrant grains.


The home coffee plant differs from its free-growing relative primarily in height. In apartment conditions, it grows up to one and a half meters and brings about half a kilogram of small, tart grains per season.

The branches of this evergreen tree are flexible and spreading, the leaves are dark green, pointed at both ends. The house coffee plant blooms with delicate white or cream inflorescences twice a year - in spring and summer.

The small flowers are replaced by small round fruits, reminiscent of cherries in their color. Their color range can range from pale pink to burgundy, from yellow to cherry.

Inside these unusual berries there is an edible sweetish pulp, as well as several light green grains, which later, after roasting, will take on the traditional dark brown color.

How to grow this exotic indoor plant - Arabica coffee (care for which so scares many amateur flower growers)?

There are two ways to propagate it - through seeds and using cuttings.

Preparing seeds for planting

If you decide to grow a homemade arabica coffee plant from seeds, then you can either buy them in specialized stores or extract them from ripe fruits. The required number of grains should be prepared from the following calculation: out of ten seeds, only two or three seedlings grow.

Since the shell of coffee beans is very strong and hard, you need to follow a few simple but important recommendations:

  1. Soak the seeds in cold water for two hours.
  2. Carefully remove or cut the shell.
  3. For five hours, pour the grains with a growth-stimulating solution (“Epin”, “Kornevin”, “Zircon”).

What kind of soil should the seeds be placed in? Let's figure this out together.

Preparation of different types of soil

For better and faster growth of the coffee tree, it is recommended to use loose soil, consisting of several types.

If we are talking about the primary planting of seeds and cuttings, then the composition of the soil should be as follows:

  • Leaf land.
  • River sand.
  • Sod land.

Before planting the grains, the soil substrate must be sterilized in a water bath for five minutes.

Seeds must be planted on the surface of the earth, slightly pressing them down.

If all conditions are met, then in a month and a half the first sprouts will appear. After the appearance of leaves, the young seedling can be transplanted into another soil. What should be its composition?

Land for the permanent cultivation of a coffee tree must combine the following components, taken in equal quantities: acid peat, humus, leafy soil, sand, charcoal, moss.

Transplanting a seedling should be carried out in a large pot so as not to interfere with the root system to develop and absorb the necessary elements. This procedure is recommended to be carried out annually during the first three years of the tree's life. Then it will be possible to transplant it once every three years.

But what if you want to start growing a coffee plant from cuttings?

Preparing seedlings

The very first and most important condition is that it is necessary to carefully and carefully cut the cutting from an adult tree, and then dip it into the water. When the first roots appear, the coffee shoot can be transplanted into the ground (which is described above), deepening no more than three centimeters.

Planting seedlings is the most reliable way to grow coffee, as the survival rate of shoots is almost one hundred percent, and fruiting occurs the next year.

So the landing is done. Therefore, a completely logical question arises: what conditions must be met in order to grow a healthy and productive tree?

Light and temperature

In order for the plant to take root, it is necessary to observe a certain temperature and light regime. For example, the air in the room should not fall below twenty degrees Celsius, and the pot of coffee should be placed on the windowsill on the sunny side.

Light is very important for a coffee tree, so during the period of cold weather, rains and even ordinary cloudy days, a fluorescent lamp should be directed at the plant.

It is not recommended to turn the pot with a tree for the sun's rays. This will improve its appearance, but will adversely affect fruiting. The coffee tree should be entirely in the light of warm sunlight.

Watering the sprouts

Is there anything else needed for the effective growth of a coffee plant? Care, which will be required in the future, will not take you much time and effort.

First of all, the tree will need high-quality watering. Water for irrigation should be defended and used only in a warm form (a few degrees above the room temperature). Rain or melt water, rich in nutrients and trace elements, is also suitable.

During the hot period, Arabica coffee is very fond of weekly spraying, similar to rain irrigation. This feeds not only its root system, but also the stem, leaves and even fruits.

Once a month, during watering, you can add a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice to the water, which will make the soil more acidic, and therefore more fertile for the variety we have chosen.

How often should the plant be watered? This must be done as the soil dries out, so that the earth does not dry out. However, in this case, it is important to follow one more detail: the roots of the tree should not be in constant moisture.

Nutritious top dressing of trees

Should I fertilize the coffee plant? Of course, and it is advised to do this regularly, starting in March and ending in September.

Fertilizers are applied once every one to two weeks, which can effectively stimulate the growth, development and fruiting of the coffee tree.

What is included in the concept of quality top dressing? First of all, it is organic matter (water infusion of mullein or humus), as well as mineral fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium).

There are several ways to feed the plant with useful vitamins and minerals:

  • external method (fertilizer is applied to the leaves);
  • root liquid (necessary substances dissolve in water and pour onto the soil);
  • basal solid (poorly soluble minerals are applied to the surface of the soil, after which, under the influence of regular watering, they penetrate into the ground and feed the tree).

What else should you know about caring for a coffee plant?

Susceptibility to diseases and pests

  • Fungus. To treat the plant, it is recommended to spray it with specialized antifungal drugs.
  • root rot. To heal a tree, you should get rid of the affected roots, and replace the soil in the pot with a new one.
  • Coffee rust, bean drill. In order to get rid of pests, coffee must be treated with insecticidal agents. In accordance with preventive measures, this procedure can be carried out once every six months.

Benefits of the coffee tree

As you can see, caring for a coffee plant is easy. To do this, it is not necessary to follow any expensive or unusual measures and procedures.

Only a few principles should be taken into account: the tree loves lighting and a variety of soils, it is quite unpretentious and thermophilic. Therefore, with only a little effort and money, you can grow a beautiful, exotic plant in your room that will decorate your home interior, delight your heart with a pleasant aroma and an amazing drink.

According to some studies, the coffee tree is both an effective oxygen extractor and an effective air purifier of harmful chemical compounds (benzene, phenol, trichlorethylene, formaldehyde).

Moreover, the Arabica plant brings great benefits due to its tart, pleasant drink, which has a beneficial effect on the entire human body. Coffee tones and refreshes, invigorates and brings pleasure, improves memory and potency. It is used for medical and cosmetic purposes for anti-cellulite, anti-aging and scrubbing products.

According to some studies, a properly prepared cup of coffee will help prevent such serious and dangerous diseases as diabetes, nervous disorders, and hepatitis.

Of course, it is important not to abuse the drink. One or two servings a day will be enough. Moreover, coffee is contraindicated in children under the age of twelve, pregnant and lactating women, people with cardiovascular diseases.