Mixer      05/29/2019

Is it possible to apply water-based paint on alkyd. Why shouldn't acrylic varnish be coated with alkyd? What Not to Do

Repairing painted surfaces is an inevitable process. Even if the previous finishing was done correctly and quality materials.

Before repainting the walls, you need to make sure that the new and old coating will be compatible.

On this moment There are many ways to remove old paint.

  • mechanical methods. acrylic enamel and acrylic paint or other coating is scraped off with sharp objects or power tools, such as a drill with a nozzle.
  • thermal methods. In this case, the paint is softened, for example, with a building hair dryer, and then removed.
  • Chemical methods. The finish is removed with a variety of washes.

However, the process of removing the old coating is long and labor-intensive. And the price of the issue is quite high, especially if you need to remove paint from a large area or complex surfaces. Based on this, many of us prefer to apply new finish directly on the old one. In this case, the question of the compatibility of coatings often arises.

In this article we will talk about whether acrylic paint can be applied to enamel and vice versa. But first, let's look at the basic concepts.

Varieties of paints and varnishes

Part paintwork materials includes binder, fillers, pigments, solvents/thinners and additives. In order to correctly apply paintwork materials during repairs, you need to know exactly their composition.

Main Components

Oil paints based on drying oil.

All paints are divided according to the type of binder used and the type of solvent.

  1. The binder determines the main qualities of the paint, the service life of the coating and the speed of its drying.. There are 4 types of binders used for paintwork materials: alkyd and epoxy resins, oil (on drying oil), latex, acrylic polymers.
  2. Solvent components are divided into actual solvents and diluents.. The former reduce the fluidity and viscosity of the material. Thinners only reduce the viscosity of the paint.
  3. To improve the characteristics of paintwork materials, additives are added to their composition.: stabilizers, emulsifiers, fungicides, antiseptics, etc.
  4. A separate category includes special paints. These are anti-corrosion coatings, for example, Zinga conductive paint. Analogues with antiseptic properties that protect the base from mold and decay. Compositions for removing small defects (irregularities, scratches, cracks), etc.

Oil and enamel formulations

Pictured is acrylic paint.

To materials based on alkyd and acrylic resins include oil and enamel paints. They are suitable for painting metal, wood and plastered surfaces.

After drying, it is non-toxic, light and moisture resistant.

  1. Oil paints are produced on the basis of drying oil. As thinners for them are White Spirit, gasoline, turpentine or solvent naphtha. The price of the compositions is low, but they dry for a long time (up to several days). The main disadvantage is that over time the coating turns yellow.
  2. Lacquer is added to enamel compositions as a binder. It gives the coating gloss and aesthetics. The instruction recommends using such paints for external and internal finishing works for metal, wood, concrete, plaster. Enamels are moisture and light resistant. They also have anti-corrosion resistance.

Emulsion and dispersion materials

Water-dispersion composition.

Such paints are diluted, but do not dissolve with water. In them, the binder and pigment particles are distributed in a liquid medium, thus creating a stable emulsion.

When the coating dries, it does not wash out with water.

  1. Emulsion compositions are economical, have environmental friendliness and fire safety.
  2. They fit well on almost any substrate.
  3. Dries quickly, does not have a strong smell.

Many people think that water-based and water-dispersion formulations are the same.

However, they are different.

  1. Matte emulsions are washed off over time. The dispersions are water-resistant and suitable for use in wet rooms.
  2. Water-dispersion compositions are usually white, water-based analogues have a variety of color palettes.
  3. Dispersions cannot be used at temperatures below +5 degrees. However, when modifiers are added, they are thermally stable. Such, for example, fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil.

The best analogues from paints diluted with water - based on acrylic resins and polymers.
They have high elasticity and strength.

  1. Such compositions are frost-resistant after their complete drying.
  2. Possess vapor permeability.
  3. Suitable for alkaline substrates (concrete, plaster).
  4. These paints are well tinted.
  5. Resistant to ultraviolet, retain the original color for a long time.
  6. They have the ability to repel water.
  7. They have high mechanical stability.

About paint compatibility

First, an epoxy putty must be applied to the old coating.

Based on everything written above, we will answer the main question of the article - is it possible acrylic paint paint on enamel and vice versa.

  1. Based on their composition, acrylic coatings fall only on the same old coating. They cannot be applied over alkyd enamels due to thinner/solvent incompatibility. The new coating will simply fold (raise) the enamel.
  2. In addition, it is undesirable to apply emulsion and dispersion compositions on old glossy and adhesive paints. The same applies to lacquered bases.
  3. But, after emulsion and dispersion materials, any enamels and paints can be used.

Now about how, without removing the enamel, apply a coating of acrylic paint with your own hands.

To do this, you need to create an intermediate layer, in a stable state, resistant to both acrylic and organic solvents.
It should consist of polyesters, (for example, epoxy resin, polyurethane) on amine hardeners.
Such compounds are dissolved with acetone.

After puttying, acrylic primer is applied.

Now many liquid putties and primers are sold that have the described composition.

One of the best materials is "Inter Troton Spray".

  1. First, apply liquid putty over the enamel.
  2. Next, cover the surface with acrylic primer.
  3. Then you can paint the base.


If you are unable to withdraw old paint, then a new coating can be applied to it. However, there are nuances here. Some types of coatings are incompatible, so between them you need to create an intermediate layer of neutral compositions. By watching the video in this article, you will expand your knowledge base.

Alkyd and acrylic paints are among the most common types of paint when it comes to serious painting jobs: wall painting, metal products etc. Perhaps due to the similarity of the name, they are often confused. Do these types of paints really have something in common?

In fact, the only similarity is that both are paints. Their composition is completely different.

Alkyd type can be called a more modernized version of oil paints. They are characterized by a similar mechanism of hardening and the formation of a surface film (which, by the way, is somewhat stronger, but less elastic). Alkyd paints consist of polyhydric alcohols (for example, glycerin) in combination with orthophthalic acid. Actually, the word "alkyd" comes from a combination of the words "alcohol" (alcohol) and "acid" (acid).

Unlike alkyd paints, acrylic paints are made on the basis of acrylic, a polymer better known as plexiglass. The composition of paints may include various additional components designed to improve certain properties (add elasticity, speed up drying).

  • Life time. In acrylic paint, unlike alkyd, the surface retains its original appearance much longer. It is advisable to renew alkyd paint about once a year, since oxygen and ultraviolet intensely destroy surface layer paints. Acrylic coating, subject to the technology of surface preparation and paint application, can last from 8 (wood) to 20 (plaster) years.
  • UV resistant. Acrylic practically does not change the properties of the surface film under the influence of sun rays, that is, it does not fade, does not turn yellow and does not take on a “matte” look. Alkyd compounds in this regard are not so reliable.
  • Drying process. But the alkyd film dries relatively quickly, and after a couple of days it fully performs its protective and decorative functions. Acrylic film finishes its formation in about a month after application to the surface. In this case, the coating should be protected from mechanical influences until it is completely dry.
  • Mechanical stability. The longer process of acrylic film formation is compensated by more high level resistance to mechanical influences (deformations, scratches).
  • decorative properties. Alkyd compositions are distinguished by a more diverse range of shades and halftones, as well as generally brighter colors. On the other hand, acrylic paint lasts longer and does not require regular renewal.

Can alkyd compounds be applied to acrylic or vice versa? Neither is recommended, especially if the painting of the base is relatively recent or if it is metal surface. The fact is that the specific composition of the paints may not be completely clear to us. Alkyd compounds may contain components that will show through the layer of acrylic paint as dark spots. If alkyd paint applied over acrylic, it may not be fixed on it, that is, it may peel off.

The only option for applying such paints to each other: applying to the old coating, from which all volatile components have already disappeared. However, even in this case, apply upper layer paint should only be applied after surface treatment with a primer of the same type (i.e. acrylic paint on acrylic primer and vice versa).

The modern market of paints and varnishes is very diverse. Therefore, it is not so easy to make a choice without knowing technical features certain types of varnish. The task becomes even more complicated when applying several layers of varnish of different grades.

Applying varnish to an already varnished surface

For example, one of the frequently asked questions is: is it possible to apply an acrylic composition on alkyd varnish or vice versa? To answer this or similar questions, you should understand the properties of these paints and varnishes in a little more detail.

Characteristic features of alkyd varnishes

Alkyds are made on the basis of synthetic solvents and alkyd resins. Consumption per layer - from 70 to 75 gr. on square meter. They are used primarily when varnishing furniture or coatings subject to increased wear.

The main advantages and disadvantages of alkyds will be listed below. This is one of the most frequently encountered groups of paints and varnishes on the market. There are a number of reasons for this.

Benefits of alkyds:

  1. Competitive cost. This is perhaps the main factor that ensures the popularity of this group of materials. The use of such varnishes is considered economical when processing large areas, which leads to frequent use alkyds in construction.
  2. Working with alkyds is not difficult, and the set of tools is limited to a roller or brush.
  3. Very resistant to moisture and durable.
  4. The composition is almost colorless.
  5. The compositions are considered universal. You can use such varnishes not only indoors, but also outdoors (although this happens much less often).
  6. Aesthetic appearance of the lacquer film.
  7. Excellent light and thermal stability.
  8. Elasticity.
  9. Good adhesive characteristics.

Alkyd (glossy) varnish for internal works

Disadvantages of alkyds:

  1. They dry for a long time, although faster than, for example, oil ones. The average drying time is 3 days. To speed up the drying process, product manufacturers add special hardeners to the composition, reducing the time of the above process to a day. There are also alkyd-urethane varnishes, which are distinguished by even faster drying - from 6 to 12 hours. But the main thing is that alkyd-urethane products have a very high wear resistance.
  2. Toxicity.
  3. During surface treatment, as well as during drying, the varnish layer must be protected from moisture.
  4. To obtain acceptable quality, 2-3 layers are required.

Note! It is undesirable to apply alkyd varnish on acrylic varnish or paint. However, in the absence of other options, the surface must be cleaned with fine emery. This will increase the adhesion parameters and avoid peeling of the coating.

The incompatibility of alkyd and acrylic is due to the different composition of the materials. Alkyds are based on polyhydric alcohols and are produced by polycondensation with orthophthalic acid. There are two types of alkyd compounds: pentaphthalic and glyphthalic.

The main characteristics of acrylic varnishes

These formulations are water-based. First of all, they are used in interior decoration- Precisely because they are based on water. Main areas of use: furniture, building construction, plastics, steel rolls. Often used in the processing of bedrooms or children's rooms. The composition is applied by sprayer, roller or brush.

Acrylic varnish is different, choose based on the conditions and material of varnish

Acrylic advantages:

  1. They are considered the most environmentally friendly type of paint and varnish products, as they do not include organic solvents.
  2. Fireproof.
  3. No toxicity and no odor.
  4. High strength.
  5. Elasticity.
  6. Transparency, the absence of yellowness in the shade, the ability not to disturb the natural texture and color of the tree (i.e. do not make the wood darker).
  7. Gloss can vary from glossy to semi-gloss or semi-gloss.

Disadvantages of acrylic:

  1. Although acrylic dries faster than alkyd (within a day), which is convenient when drying several layers, it will take 10 to 14 days to fully form the film.
  2. It is believed that such varnishes are undesirable for use in rooms that are characterized by too intense attendance.

Also, as in the case of applying alkyd to acrylic, you should avoid applying acrylic varnish to alkyd. The fact is that the consequences of such work are difficult to predict. For example, the surface may be rough or bulging. However, if there is no other option, priming will be required. In this case, the top layer will lie much better.


Thus, the combination of both types of varnish - alkyd and acrylic - is not recommended. If there is a choice between the described compositions, then you should focus on specific needs. You can build on the advantages and disadvantages of varnishes, which are listed above. Alkyds are cheaper, but in general, acrylic compounds have a better set of consumer characteristics.

Acrylic paint is actively used for painting almost any surface, it is highly wear-resistant, does not contain toxic substances, and dries quickly. In some cases, the paint is varnished to provide reliable protection from various influences, humidity, precipitation or temperature changes. Usually wooden surfaces are varnished to protect the material from moisture. Also, with the help of varnish, you can give the surface an unusual decorative effect.

Can acrylic paint be varnished?

Acrylic paint does not need to be varnished, since this agent is already present in it. This material is resistant to high humidity. They cover the painted surface in the event that it is necessary to provide protection for an additional look or to give decorative effect.

The varnish may differ in the method of use, and composition. Furniture varnish is used to cover furniture, it can also be used to treat other wood surfaces. To cover the floor, take the parquet look, it is used for doors, furniture, and other wooden items. Decorative type varnish allows you to improve appearance painted surface, and provide reliable protection from external influences, it is used in various directions. The deck of ships is covered with yacht varnish, it can also be used for other works, usually such a tool is used for exterior finish surfaces on outdoors. This tool has a high resistance to moisture.

Varieties of varnish by composition

  1. Acrylic-based varnish is safe, does not emit toxic substances, harmful to health. This type of tool is used for internal work, has transparent view, can be applied to the surface of wood without changing its color, dries quickly.
  2. Nitro-varnishes are also used for indoor work, they are toxic, so the coating is performed in a protective mask. This product dries up quickly.
  3. Alkyd types of varnish can be used for external and internal work. They include resins and solvents of organic origin. Such varnishes are water-repellent, can be used for various surfaces and have a long drying time.
  4. For wooden surfaces use polyurethane varnishes universal type, it protects the surface from mechanical action, i.e. from scratches or failures.
  5. There are varnishes based on vegetable oil, they dry out for a long time, and can give wooden surface yellowish or brownish tint.
  6. Epoxy varnish is moisture resistant and mechanical damage, I use it inside and out, dries about 12 hours.

What varnish is used for acrylic paint?

Of all types of acrylic paint coating agent, acrylic-based varnish is ideal. It corresponds to the composition of the paint, and has a transparent appearance. When varnish is applied to a painted surface, the color that was originally set does not change. This type of product is resistant to ultraviolet rays, dries quickly, and does not have a pungent odor, that is, it does not emit substances harmful to health. Main advantage this material is easy to apply.
These are the main advantages of acrylic-based varnish, if acrylic or water-based paints are coated with this product, then it is possible to provide reliable protection of the surface from moisture. The varnish retains the color of the surface for a long time, and gives a beautiful shiny look.

How to prepare the surface?

Before applying varnish, it is necessary to check the surface coating, it must not have peeling, otherwise the work will be of poor quality.
First, the surface must be sanded with sandpaper and then degrease. After these steps, the area to be painted is primed with a primer using a roller or brush. The liquid is applied in two layers, before applying, you must read the instructions.

After the primer has completely dried, the surface is painted.

  1. First, prepare the coloring agent, stir it well. If necessary, add pigment to create the desired color. To thoroughly mix the pigment and paint, use a building-type mixer.
  2. Then proceed to painting the surface. A thin layer of paint is applied with a brush, smudges should not form on the surface. Instead of a brush, you can use a roller.
  3. When the first application dries, proceed to the second coating.

After that, the surface is considered prepared for varnishing.

Lacquering technology

Lacquer may be applied to the painted surface to provide protection against impact. environment, humidity, and other factors. This allows you to extend the life of the surface, the color is preserved long time.
Varnish can be applied to almost all types of paint, while it must be borne in mind that the compositions must match each other. That is, an acrylic-based varnish is applied to acrylic paint. At the same time, the coating will be of high quality and durability.

Basic rules for working with varnish

  • When purchasing varnish, you need to pay attention to the expiration date, which should not be more than 90 days. This will make the application work easier.
  • Acrylic paint gives the surface a shine, as it already includes varnish. Therefore, varnishing acrylic paint is not necessary, but additional protection can be created.
  • Before the main work, it is necessary to check that the paint is completely dry. The surface must be free of dust, dirt or other debris. If the surface cleaning work is carried out shortly after applying the paint, do not rub the areas vigorously. Do not use rough materials, such as rags or sponges.
  • The varnish cannot be applied to a clean surface, it is treated with a primer, this helps to prevent cracking of the product during operation. Lacquering is performed on a completely dry surface.
  • Before use, the varnish is heated to 50 degrees, for this it is placed in a liter of boiling water. The product reaches this temperature within five minutes.
  • It is necessary to cover the surface with varnish when good lighting top, and on the right side. Thus, the entire process of performing work is more clearly visible.
  • For application, use a flute brush with wide bristles from 50 to 150 millimeters. This allows you to perform the work evenly, and more efficiently.
  • When a small area is varnished, polishing is performed, that is, a dry flat brush is carried vertically over the surface until it sticks. When the brush starts to stick, you can continue to cover the rest of the surface.
  • While the varnish dries, dust should not fall on its surface. Acrylic varnish dries very quickly. If the place is too dusty, it is covered with a film.
  • When working with varnish and paints based on acrylic, there is no need for protective equipment, since the materials are not toxic.
  • For applying paints, a brush, roller or spray gun is used, the surface must dry completely, only then varnish is applied.
  • When choosing a varnish, it is necessary to take into account its compliance with the paint, that is, for acrylic paint, an acrylic-based product is used, this makes it possible to make the surface of better quality without changing the main color.

Many people wonder if it is possible to apply varnish on acrylic paint? The answer to it is quite simple, acrylic paint does not need to be varnished, as it has a glossy surface, but for additional protection such action is allowed.

Repairing painted surfaces is an inevitable process. Even under the condition that earlier finishing was done competently and with high-quality materials.

At the moment, there are many ways to remove old paint.

  • mechanical methods. Acrylic enamel and acrylic paint or other coating is scraped off with sharp objects or power tools, such as a drill with a nozzle.
  • thermal methods. In this case, the paint is softened, for example, with a building hair dryer, and then removed.
  • Chemical methods. The finish is removed with a variety of washes.

However, the process of removing the old coating is long and labor-intensive. And the price of the issue is quite high, especially if you need to remove paint from a large area or complex surfaces. Because of this, many of us prefer to apply the new finish directly on top of the old one. The question often arises as to the compatibility of the finishes.

In this article we will talk about whether acrylic paint can be applied to enamel and vice versa. But first, let's look at the basic concepts.

Varieties of paints and varnishes

The composition of paints and varnishes includes a binder, fillers, pigments, solvents / thinners and additives. In order to correctly apply paintwork materials during repairs, you need to know exactly their composition.

Main Components

All paints are divided according to the type of binder used and the type of solvent.

  1. The binder determines the main qualities of the paint, the service life of the coating and the speed of its drying.. There are 4 types of binders used for paintwork materials: alkyd and epoxy resins, oil (on drying oil), latex, acrylic polymers.
  2. Solvent components are divided into actual solvents and diluents.. The former reduce the fluidity and viscosity of the material. Thinners only reduce the viscosity of the paint.
  3. To improve the characteristics of paintwork materials, additives are added to their composition.: stabilizers, emulsifiers, fungicides, antiseptics, etc.
  4. A separate category includes special paints. These are anti-corrosion coatings, for example, Zinga conductive paint. Analogues with antiseptic properties that protect the base from mold and decay. Compositions for removing small defects (irregularities, scratches, cracks), etc.

Oil and enamel formulations

Materials based on alkyd and acrylic resins include oil and enamel paints. They are suitable for painting metal, wood and plastered surfaces.

After drying, it is non-toxic, light and moisture resistant.

  1. Oil paints are produced on the basis of drying oil. As thinners for them are White Spirit, gasoline, turpentine or solvent naphtha. The price of the compositions is low, but they dry for a long time (up to several days). The main disadvantage is that over time the coating turns yellow.
  2. Lacquer is added to enamel compositions as a binder. It gives the coating gloss and aesthetics. The instruction recommends using such paints for external and for metal, wood, concrete, plaster. Enamels are moisture and light resistant. They also have anti-corrosion resistance.

Emulsion and dispersion materials

Such paints are diluted, but do not dissolve with water. In them, the binder and pigment particles are distributed in a liquid medium, thus creating a stable emulsion.

When the coating dries, it does not wash out with water.

  1. Emulsion compositions are economical, have environmental friendliness and fire safety.
  2. They fit well on almost any substrate.
  3. Dries quickly, does not have a strong smell.

Many people think that water-based and water-dispersion formulations are the same.

However, they are different.

  1. Matte emulsions are washed off over time. The dispersions are water-resistant and suitable for use in wet rooms.
  2. Water-dispersion compositions are usually white, water-based analogues have a variety of color palettes.
  3. Dispersions cannot be used at temperatures below +5 degrees. However, when modifiers are added, they are thermally stable. Such, for example, fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil.

The best analogues of water-diluted paints are based on acrylic resins and polymers.
They have high elasticity and strength.

  1. Such compositions are frost-resistant after their complete drying.
  2. Possess vapor permeability.
  3. Suitable for alkaline substrates (concrete, plaster).
  4. These paints are well tinted.
  5. Resistant to ultraviolet, retain the original color for a long time.
  6. They have the ability to repel water.
  7. They have high mechanical stability.

About paint compatibility

Based on everything written above, we will answer the main question of the article - is it possible to paint on enamel with acrylic paint and vice versa.

  1. Based on their composition, acrylic coatings fall only on the same old coating. They cannot be applied over alkyd enamels due to thinner/solvent incompatibility. The new coating will simply fold (raise) the enamel.
  2. In addition, it is undesirable to apply emulsion and dispersion compositions to old ones. The same applies to lacquered bases.
  3. But, after emulsion and dispersion materials, any enamels and paints can be used.

Now about how, without removing the enamel, apply a coating of acrylic paint with your own hands.

To do this, you need to create an intermediate layer, in a stable state, resistant to both acrylic and organic solvents.
It should consist of polyesters (eg epoxy resin, polyurethane) on amine hardeners.
Such compounds are dissolved with acetone.

Now many liquid described composition is sold.

One of the best materials is "Inter Troton Spray".

  1. First, apply liquid putty over the enamel.
  2. Next, cover the surface with acrylic primer.
  3. Then you can paint the base.


If you are not able to remove the old paint, then a new coating can be applied to it. However, there are nuances here. Some types of coatings are incompatible, so between them you need to create an intermediate layer of neutral compositions. By watching the video in this article, you will expand your knowledge base.