Mixer      06/17/2019

How to sew a pillow for pregnant women with your own hands. We sew our own pillow for pregnant women according to ready-made patterns Do-it-yourself pillow for pregnant women to sleep

For a good rest, we need a comfortable sofa and cozy pillow. But during pregnancy and breastfeeding, our ideas about comfort become higher, and a special pillow will come to the rescue, it immediately solves several problems.

This large horseshoe pillow for future and nursing mothers helps the back to relieve fatigue, take the most comfortable position, and sewing this multifunctional "helper" is a couple of trifles. Let's get creative!

Such pillows come in different shapes and are indicated by the letters of the Latin alphabet, which are similar in appearance: U, I, J (L), C, G.

U- figurative has the shape of a horseshoe or cocoon, supports the back and stomach, the most comfortable and most popular with young mothers, but also the largest, so it is not suitable for a small bed.

Its size along the entire length depends on height and is about 220 cm (with a height of up to 150 cm, the height of the pillow will be approximately 130 cm), 340 cm (with an average height of about 165 cm, the height of the pillow will be approximately 150 cm) and 400 cm (with height 170 cm and above, the height of the pillow will be approximately 180 cm) x 30-35 cm.

I- the simplest, in the form of a long roller that can be hugged and thrown over a leg, used as a roller under the head for watching a movie with the whole family, as a limiter for a bed, a soft bench for a children's room, usually has dimensions of 170 x 30-35cm .

J (or L)- also compact, but more functional, has a bend on one side, on which it is convenient to put your head, well fixes the lower back, chest and neck in the position on the side.

C- similar to the letter C, has bends on both sides and the size along the outer edge is up to 360 cm with a width of 30-35 cm.

G- the most convenient for pregnant women, as well as for nursing mothers, even more convenient forms U, It has additional element at a right angle, promotes relaxation and relieves stress well. Her standard size on the outer edge about 350 cm, height 160 cm with a width of 30-35 cm.

I/C- a banana pillow, smoothly curved and shaped like a boomerang, its size along the outer edge is about 230 x 30 cm. If ties are sewn to the ends of such a pillow, it is easy to form comfortable figures from it.

And one more super-idea - a transformer pillow sewn from individual elements, from which with the help of strings you can build any zigzag!

  • For such a hand-sewn pillow, cotton, satin, polysatin, poplin, teak, calico or bike are suitable. Do not forget that we will wash the pillow periodically.
  • For sewing a banana pillow, we will take a cut of 160 cm, this will be enough for an average size (width 220 cm), we will immediately buy cotton fabric for a pillowcase. You will also need a 20 cm long hidden zipper for a pillow (although you can do without it and just sew up the technological hole after stuffing) and a 60 cm long pillowcase zipper.
  • For stuffing, we take a synthetic winterizer, holofiber, polystyrene foam balls, synthetic winterizer.

Let's draw and cut out a pattern of a banana pillow or other selected shape according to the drawing-scheme. The banana pattern is shown on A4 sheets, it is easy to draw it to scale or print it on a printer and glue it.

Fold the fabric in half, fasten it with pins and circle the paper pattern, outline the place where there will be a hidden zipper (if we decide to sew it in). Cut out the details with a seam allowance of 1.5 cm. In the same way, cut out the pillowcase.

First you need to stitch and sew in a zipper, then stitch the seams along the contour with a small stitch length, turn the product on the front side, fill with filler up to desired density. Then fasten the zipper or, if it is not there, sew up the hole in the pillow (you still have to sew the zipper into the pillowcase, because we will put it on and take it off for washing).

For a more complex pillow, you will need two pieces of fabric measuring 130 x 80 cm (or more, if you wish, depending on your height). We will prepare the patterns according to the pattern-pattern, cut out the details. To give the pillow volume, you need to insert strips of fabric 6-8 cm wide from the inside and outside between the main parts. Next, in order: sew the stripes, sew in the zipper, attach the details, turn inside out and stuff the shape.

And now you can relax on our pillow, sewn with your own hands.Cozy rest, pleasant sleep and spiritual feeding, dear craftswomen!

If you are about to breastfeed your favorite baby, you will definitely need our .

For comfortable rest and sleep, pregnant women are recommended to purchase special pillows. Made by yourself, such a pillow will be a great alternative to store-bought products. First of all, it is the comfort that a pregnant woman should have. natural materials, from which the pillows are made, give a guarantee good quality and security.

Maternity Pillow Shapes

They come in a variety of shapes and functionalities. For example, the banana shaped pillow is very common and loved by women. It is aimed at ensuring a comfortable and safe sleep for a pregnant woman. Her role is very important. In addition to convenience, it ensures the safety of the fetus, as during sleep it protects the tummy from external factors. Most often, such a pillow is placed along the body. The head is placed on one end of the pillow, and the second part is clasped between the legs.

Another favorite and recommended form is the boomerang pillow. It is so called because of its resemblance to a boomerang. But its role is very important, because it is suitable for pregnant women and for feeding. It can change its shape during operation and provide mother and child with a joint sleep. During feeding, the mother can lie with her head on one end of the pillow, and put the baby on the other. Such a pillow will become a convenient assistant for working on a laptop, since a pregnant woman can lie on one end of the pillow, and put a laptop on the other side.

Do-it-yourself pillow for a pregnant woman: a master class

Using detailed master class, can be done comfortable pillow for a pregnant woman with her own hands. It can also be used for feeding the baby, as it is multifunctional. The size of the finished pillow will be: length 1.5 m and width 90 cm.

The fabric is better to choose natural cotton or linen. The fabric is taken 1.5 m wide. It is recommended to use holofiber as a filler, because this material is considered a hypoallergenic synthetic fiber. It holds its shape well even after washing.

For work you will need:

  • Paper.
  • Ruler.
  • Pencil.
  • Scissors.
  • Fabric (length 2 m, width 1.5 m).
  • Filler holofiber (2.5 - 3 kg).
  • Sewing machine.
  • Threads in the color of the fabric.
  • Nail scissors.
  • Chalk for drawing.
  • English pins.
  • Needle.
  • Tape measure.

The process of making a pillow for a pregnant woman with her own hands

  • A pattern is drawn on a large sheet of paper. Work comfortably on big table or on the floor. It will be necessary to draw only half of the pattern, since it must be applied to the fabric folded in half. Since the width of the pillow is conceived at 90 cm, 45 cm will be deposited on paper along the entire length and a line will be drawn. The width of the pillow will be 35 cm, so this value is laid down on paper on both sides and a notch is placed. The total length of the pillow is 1.5 m, so this value is marked along both sides.
  • 2 cm is laid off from the lower fold and a notch is placed. From this serif, the width of the pillow is 35 cm and a mark is placed. The resulting points are connected. So that the pillow does not turn out to be a square shape, all sharp corners are smoothed out. The resulting pattern is cut out with scissors.

  • The finished pattern is applied to the fabric, which is folded in half twice, circled around it, taking into account seam allowances of 1 cm. The pattern is removed and the fabric is cut out.
  • Parts are unfolded and applied to each other exactly face to face. To prevent the fabric from changing its position, it is chopped off with safety pins.
  • All parts are stitched along the entire length on sewing machine, but a small segment is left in order to place the filler inside. For even distribution of the filler, a hole is left at the top of the pillow.
  • After all the seams are stitched, the workpiece is turned inside out and the filler is added.
  • The remaining hole must be sewn up. To do this, seam allowances are pinned inside with safety pins and a hole is sewn with a needle and thread. Then it is stitched on a sewing machine. The pillow is ready.

Since the pillow can get dirty during use, it is best to sew a pillowcase for it. For her, you can use very thin and soft denim, which is made from 100% cotton. The design of the pillowcase will be the same as that of the pillow. But since the pillowcase will need to be constantly removed for washing, you will need to sew a hidden zipper into it.

Benefits of a pillow for pregnant women

From photos and videos, you can easily recreate such a pillow. It is very important for a pregnant woman, because the quality and healthy sleep during pregnancy is very important, as well as proper nutrition. Uncomfortable position interferes with sleep. If a woman experiences numbness in her legs, then such a pillow is used under the neck. If you are concerned about lower back pain, then the pillow is used under the lower back. This pillow supports correct position tummy and promotes muscle relaxation.

Video on the topic of the article

Most expectant mothers cannot find a sleeping position for themselves so that their back does not numb. I bring to your attention pillow for pregnant women, which becomes an indispensable thing during pregnancy and after it (it is convenient to lay the baby on it for games or for a while while mom prepares a bed for him). And this miracle is sewn easily and quickly!

We will need:
- a piece of cotton fabric 1.0 * 2.20 for a pillow and the same size for a pillowcase;
- holofiber / fibertek 1 kg or other filler. You can use buckwheat husks, but in my opinion, such a pillow turns out to be quite heavy and expensive, although perhaps more comfortable;
- threads, sewing machine;
-1 zipper 40cm for pillowcase;
-1-2 hours time

Step 1. Draw a pattern.
We redraw the pattern, each square is 5 * 5 cm. Note: if your height is 150-160 cm, then leave the pattern as it is, and if more than 160 cm, then add another 20 cm at the bend. We transfer it to the fabric in 2 copies.

Step 2. We sew a pillow.
We sew the two parts together, putting them with their front sides inward, leaving a non-sewn part (cm 15-20) for stuffing the pillow with fibertec.

Step 3. Stuffing.
We turn out the resulting "bagel" and stuff it with firetec or other filler. Sew up the rest by hand.

Step 4. We sew a pillowcase.
We do steps 1 and 2 with the difference that we transfer the pattern with a seam allowance of 1-1.5 cm and sew in a zipper. When the pillow is used for feeding the baby or for his games, ribbons will need to be sewn to the ends of the pillowcase to tie our bagel into a ring, and the pillowcase can be made with educational elements and brighter - for children!

The pillow is ready! Grow healthy and happy!

Alas, I can’t show how comfortable it is to sleep with her. before giving birth, I don’t want to shine in the photo with the tummy. But I will say that I can't live without this pillow- and I sit with her, leaning on my back, and sleep in different positions, and even our cat loves to sleep on her, driving my belly from there

Pillow pattern for pregnant women and feeding_MK

The pillow is made of chintz with holofiber filling and a linen pillowcase. The pillowcase is fastened with a zipper. Has an appliqué pocket. The ends of the pillow are connected by braid with buttons.
Print the pattern on 4 A3 sheets and glue.
The apron is cut according to the pattern, excluding seam allowances (light yellow chintz, 80 cm wide, 260 cm long). The pillowcase is cut out taking into account allowances of 1.5-2 cm (linen with polka dots 130 cm wide, 80 cm long, light pink linen 130 cm x 80 cm). Zipper length 50-60cm.

We sew a pillow for feeding the baby

Pillow for feeding ( breastfeeding) and not only
Odes to this pillow have already been sung, poems have been written. There are fans, ie. enthusiastic users of this modern invention. There are opponents, or rather those who could not fully understand and apply this pillow in their lives. What does it depend on? From the shape of the pillow, from its size, from the filler, from the ability to use ... Everyone finds their own answer to these questions.
As life experience shows, such a pillow can be useful:
- future mother (pregnant woman) for sleep and relaxation;
- for feeding the baby;
- for the baby when he learns to sit;
- perhaps there are other options for using the pillow.
Sew, test and gain your experience.
You'll need:
Fabric for the bedclothes (covers for the filler)- teak, satin, satin jacquard or other dense fabric. With a width of 90 - 100 cm, the fabric consumption is 1.5 m.
Fabric for pillowcase - you can use chintz, calico, satin, etc. preferably natural fabrics. Consumption depends on the width of the fabric. With a width of 90 - 100 cm, you need 1.5 m.
Filler for pillow - sintepon, sintepuh, firetec, camphorel, etc.
zipper 50 - 60 cm long.

Pattern making.

To make it easier to make a template for a pillow, we drew it into 5cm squares. 30 - 40 minutes of your attention and perseverance and the template is ready.
If you wish, you can change it at your discretion (increase or decrease, expand, round, etc.)

Cut details:
Cover-napernik 2 parts with a fold;
Internal insert of a cover 1 piece with a fold;
Pillowcase 2 parts with a fold;
Inner pillowcase insert 1 piece with a fold;
Ties 6 cm x 40 cm (in ready-made 2.5 x 38) 4 pieces.

The inner insert, which we sew along a small radius, makes the pillow more comfortable - this is an improved version. If sewing such a pillow seems difficult for you, you can not sew this part. From this, the pillow will not lose its functionality.
The same can be said about the clasp on the pillowcase. If this is a difficult knot for you, you can not sew it. Leave an unstitched section of 40 - 50 centimeters, and after the pillowcase is dressed, carefully sew it by hand. In this case, please note that if you need to wash the pillowcase, you will need to unpick this seam and sew it back after washing. So maybe, after all, we will process the clasp?
We sew 4 ties so that you can adjust the diameter of the pillow. You can limit yourself to two strings or increase their number and change their position as you wish.

As an example, we will sew a pillow from the remnants of fabric and scraps of synthetic winterizer. This will demonstrate that good, and most importantly, very useful things can be sewn from the materials at hand.
We use coarse calico for the pillowcase white color, and for a pillowcase calico yellow color and calico with a printed pattern. As a filler, we use synthetic padding trimmings, previously divided by hand into small pieces, which will make it easier for us to evenly fill the pillow.
The best option- use as filler modern materials specially designed for this. This hollofatex- 100% polyester, high-quality filler made of hollow siliconized fiber, strongly twisted into a spiral, molded into balls (promotes greater elasticity), used for stuffing pillows, furniture and soft toys. Filler - f ibertec, it is hypoallergenic, antistatic nonwoven fabric, consisting of thin hollow fibers, specially treated with silicone. Thanks to this, the fibers move independently of each other, and as a result, the filler does not stray, does not cake and retains its shape after washing. There are other siliconized fillers camphorel, fireball… If you have the opportunity to purchase any of these materials, use this opportunity.

Important : Our pillow can be washed in washing machine- automatic.

Open pillows for breastfeeding.

Fold the fabric in half. We arrange the patterns, taking into account the labels "fold" And "share". Please note that in this product, the lobar thread can be located in two options, (See drawing) choose the best one for you, depending on the available piece of fabric.

We outline the patterns, give seam allowances of 1 - 1.5 cm and cut them out. Be sure to put notches (a cut 0.3 - 0.5 cm long) in the places indicated on the pattern and along the fold line of the parts. This will make it easier for you to connect the parts. Number of details indicated on the patterns (two big details, one small (inner insert), plus pillowcase ties). But if you cut from the remnants of the fabric, you can break the pattern into several parts, while not forgetting to give allowances for sewing on each cut.

This is a cover for the filler, a kind of pillowcase.

Now we repeat a similar operation with a pillowcase. Ties are added here, you determine their number. Make notches on the details of the cut in the places where the ties are attached according to the pattern.
If you decide to sew a pillow with a zipper, do not forget to widen the seam allowance where it is sewn in. Optimal size fasteners 50 - 60 cm. Set aside along the outer cut of the pillowcases from the middle 25 (30) cm each and make notches.
In our example, the remnants of the fabric are used. Therefore, we make large parts of the pillowcase from two parts with a seam in the middle (along the fold line), and you proceed from your capabilities and desires.

From personal experience. When a child learns to sit with the help of such a pillow, it is very interesting for him to look at the bright patterns on the pillowcase. You can sew a pillowcase from shreds of fabric especially for this period or additionally sew multi-colored bows, buttons, beads. Only it is necessary to sew all this very carefully, because. The kids will definitely want to taste all of this.

Tailoring of a pillow for feeding (breastfeeding)

Cover tailoring

We connect large parts together, having previously chipped with pins or swept along the perimeter.
On the outer diameter, we leave an unsewn area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 20 - 30 cm to fill the pillow.

Lay the stitching seam towards the inner insert.

Turn the cover right side out.
We fill the pillow and carefully sew up the open area.

It turns out such a pillow - "bagel".

Pillowcase tailoring .
If you cut out large parts of the pillowcase from several parts, then first we grind all the parts together. We iron out all the seams. We check again by applying the pattern. If necessary, cut.
Let's get the ties ready. We grind, twist, iron. You can use ready-made tape for ties.
And we proceed directly to the assembly.
We connect the inner insert with a large part, aligning the ends of the insert with the notches on the large part and the notches in the center. Can be pre-fixed with pins or running stitch. We grind, we iron the seam towards the insert.

Clasp processing.
From the notches to the sides, we grind small sections of 10 - 15 cm.

We iron the stitched sections of the seams.
We iron the allowances for the fastener, having previously swept it up.

We take a zipper.

We attach a zipper. Pull out the note.

Place the pillowcase face to face. We combine the notches in the middle and at the ends of the insert, fasten with pins (you can sweep).

First, do not forget to pin the ties, focusing on the notches.

We grind along the perimeter, more precisely from the fastener to the fastener. In the areas where the ties are connected, we sew them several times, carefully fixing them.

Note: Regarding the sequence - you can first stitch the pillowcase around the perimeter from notch to notch. In the remaining open plot sew in a zipper.

Important: Since the pillowcase will need to be washed frequently, the inside seams should be overcast.

We turn the pillowcase inside out and put it on the pillow.
It turns out here is such a beauty.

Valentina Nivina

Healthy sound sleep ... Alas, many expectant mothers can only dream of it. Pain in the back and lower back, tension in the pelvis, stiff limbs often accompany their nightly rest. The time spent on finding a comfortable sleeping position can be significantly reduced if you use a special pillow for pregnant women, which can be used after the baby is born - it will help keep the baby at chest level (for convenience during feeding), and later come in handy in order to to protect it from falling from surfaces located high from the floor (sofa, bed, etc.).
With the fact how to sew a pregnancy pillow with their own hands, anyone, even a novice dressmaker, can figure it out. First you need to understand what kind of pillow you need. There are pillows in the form of the letter "C" (or "U"), "I" and "G". Next, you should decide on the size, on which the consumption of fabric will depend. You should consider the material from which both the outer cover will be made (it should be hypoallergenic and pleasant to the touch) and the inner pillowcase (it is better to take a dense plain cotton fabric). An important role is played by the filler, which is most often polystyrene, holofiber or sintepukh, which have hypoallergenic properties.
So, in addition to some free time, you will need:

  • Two types of fabric - for the inner pillowcase and outer pillowcase (it is better to sew two outer covers at once in order to be able to wash them if necessary)
  • Threads
  • Scissors
  • Zipper or buttons
  • Filler

Before starting work, you need to make a pattern for the future pillow. For example, for a "C" - shaped pillow, it looks like this:
When transferring it to the fabric, do not forget that the inner pillowcase should be cut out with smaller seam allowances than the outer one - then it will be possible to change the covers without much effort. When stitching parts, it is better to use a double seam, because in order for the pillow to last for a long time, it will not damage the margin of safety.
In general, sewing a pillow for pregnant women is no different from a regular pillow, it only takes a little more time and financial costs (in case you chose a pillow in full height), but they will more than pay off over time, because there is nothing more important than a good rest during sleep. And if you do not plan to become a mother in the near future, then such a do-it-yourself pillow can be a great gift for any pregnant or lactating woman.

The period of pregnancy, although beautiful, is a difficult period in a woman's life. The last few months have been especially difficult. At night, the stomach does not give rest. To facilitate sleep, expectant mothers try to use different kind fixtures. The pillow for pregnant women makes it possible to fix the position of the back, to keep the stomach in a certain position. The only drawback is the high price.

The need to make a pillow for pregnant women with your own hands

Given the high cost of the pillow, actually make it by hand. As the pregnancy progresses, it becomes more and more difficult for a woman to Everyday life. It is difficult to find a comfortable position, it is impossible to lie on your back for a long time. It affects in the form of a headache, swelling of the legs or malaise in the back.

A handmade maternity pillow is convenient to place under the stomach when the torso is lying on its side. Later, during the feeding period, it can be used as a seat, tied around the waist.

Do-it-yourself pillow forms for pregnant women

Do-it-yourself pillow for pregnant women can be made in various shapes:

Filler selection

Before starting sewing, you should choose a filler. He must answer necessary requirements. On the one hand, to have elasticity and rigidity, while maintaining its shape, and on the other hand, to be quite soft. Ease of maintenance is very important.

The filler is:

  • in the form of expanded polystyrene balls;
  • holofiber;
  • sintepukh;
  • buckwheat husk.

Styrofoam - hypoallergenic filler. It holds its shape well, elastic, the product does not sag under weight. It does not linger bacteria, mold. But there are also disadvantages. Due to the loss of air, after a while the material is reduced by 20% in volume. The balls make a rustle and do not let you sleep peacefully.

Sintepukh inferior to the first two fillers. It is more expensive and the product is heavy.

Buckwheat husk It is very convenient and is used to fill not only pillows, but also mattresses.

Making a U-shaped pillow for pregnant women with your own hands

At the beginning of work, you should prepare everything you need:

  • sewing machine;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • for pattern paper. It can be newspapers, notebooks or magazines;
  • fabric, for a future product;
  • pillowcase fabric;
  • filler.

The advantage of self-tailoring is that you can make a product for the required height. The pattern is performed on any paper, including graph paper.

The work consists of the following stages:


This pillow shape is sewn in a similar way. Fabric consumption: 1 m by 2.2 m for both the pillowcase and the main product. Zipper 40 cm long. The filler is added in the same amount.

The work steps are as follows:

The resulting product looks like a toy. At proper tailoring it looks very funny. It is allowed to experiment with the color of the material, to sew applications. The final product will fit perfectly into the interior.


This option is one of the easiest.. The pattern is transferred to paper, then two parts are cut out of the fabric. They are shrinking wrong sides. Only an unsewn gap on the filler is left.

The product is turned inside out on the face, clogged with filler and sewn together. In the same order, a pillowcase is made, put on and the banana pillow is ready.


After sewing a pillow for pregnant women with your own hands, she needs proper care. It all depends on the filler. If it is polystyrene foam, then it can be washed both in a typewriter and by hand. Sintepukh and holofiber are not recommended to be wetted. Pillowcases should be sewn in the amount of 3 pieces to change in case of pollution. If the fillers do not cause allergies, then pillowcases should be sewn from natural fabrics. Shake the pillow regularly.

A pillow for a pregnant woman is an important help. With its help, a night's rest becomes complete. After the birth of the baby, the pillow will become even more indispensable, since the baby, as a rule, likes to lie on it. Such a thing always creates comfort in the house.