Mixer      06/17/2019

How to grow peanuts - the main principles of caring for and planting peanuts. How to plant peanuts Peanuts: planting, growing

Many adults and children enjoy eating delicious and nutritious peanut kernels. It is eaten on its own and supplemented with some dishes. Its kernels are distinguished by high nutritional value and benefits for the body. Peanuts quickly make you feel full, which is why they are popular with those who are determined to control their own weight. Peanut kernels are rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Peanut butter contains linolenic acid, vitamin B and vitamin E. Peanut butter contains folic acid.

Peanuts are an annual plant belonging to the legume family. The peanut bean is provided with a constriction and a strong shell. Inside the bean are the fruits. In peanuts, they are called kernels. Today, peanuts are no longer considered an exotic plant. Many amateur gardeners already know and share the secrets of how to grow peanuts at home.

Necessary conditions for growing


An important condition for a rich harvest of peanuts in the garden is enough good level lighting. The peanut bush should not be allowed to be shaded by other plants.

If growing peanuts at home, then you need to allocate a place for it with good lighting so that a sufficient amount of sunlight falls on the plant.

Window sills located on the east and south sides are perfect for this. If the light is still not enough, then you can use artificial lighting.

Optimal temperature

An important role in the cultivation of peanuts is played by temperature regime. For the plant, a comfortable temperature is from 20 to 27 degrees. At a temperature exceeding + 30 degrees and falling below - 15 degrees, the growth of the peanut bush stops.

Humidity level

During the flowering of peanuts, beans are formed underground, which constantly need moisture. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to stand still. Too high humidity slows down seed maturation. That is why peanuts should not be sprayed.

Tanks for growing peanuts

Sprouted peanut seeds are transplanted from small cups into wide containers, since its shoots should not be allowed to hang down along the edge of the dish.

As soon as the flowering period ends, fruits begin to form. Branches with ovaries begin to descend and burrow into the ground, where the fruit ripens.

In this regard, peanuts can only be planted in a fairly wide dish.

Soil selection and fertilization

Soil selection

Given that the fruits are formed in the ground, you need to carefully approach the choice of soil. Loose black soil is perfect for this, you can also plant seeds in sandy or neutral soil.

Growing a peanut plant requires potassium, magnesium and a large amount of humus.

Fertilizers for top dressing of the soil

Growing peanuts requires repeated fertilization of the soil per season. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is done per one hundred square meters:

  • Nitrogen is applied in the amount of 0.45 - 0.6 kilograms;
  • Phosphorus - the amount varies in the range of 0.5 - 0.6 kilograms;
  • Potassium is applied exclusively to sandy soil in an amount not exceeding 0.45 kilograms.

Feeding periods

Fertilizing the soil is carried out three times during the period of growing peanuts in the garden:

  • Period of formation of true leaves.
  • Bud setting period.
  • fruit formation period.

plant formation

Seed selection

For planting, you can use grains that were collected no earlier than 3 years ago.

The most popular varieties currently are:

  • Runner;
  • Virginia;
  • Spanish;
  • Valencia.

For temperate climates, the following varieties are perfect:

  • Krasnodarets 13 and 14;
  • Steplyak;
  • Valencia 433;
  • Klinskaya.

Before buying, you need to make sure that the seeds are not processed or fried in any way.

Formation of bushes

A low bush is formed from peanut seeds, which is branched stems with pinnate dark green leaves and small yellow flowers.

The peanut has one amazing feature: its flowering period is one day. This means that during the day the flowers of the plant must have time to pollinate in order to ensure the formation of fruits.

Pest protection

The most common pests include the bear. To destroy it, you can make a bait. To do this, you need to collect cleaning and grain, then dig them in the garden next to the peanuts and cover with roofing material. A little manure or humus is poured on top. From time to time, the bait must be checked and the bear collected.

From seedling to first harvest

Planting peanuts

Growing peanuts begins with the germination of seeds. To do this, you can use a saucer on which grains are soaked in a damp cloth.

In the first summer days, the sprouts are transplanted into the prepared land in the garden. It is desirable to make beds 45 centimeters wide, everyone chooses the length for himself. Sprouts are planted at a distance of 15 centimeters from each other and 60 centimeters from another row.

In early April, the seeds should be planted in plastic cups. The planting depth should be about 3 centimeters. The cups are placed in a sunny place and watered.

Caring for peanut seedlings

To harvest a rich harvest, peanut bushes must be spudded several times during the season:

  • before flowering, you need to spud plants, the height should be at least 50 centimeters;
  • 10 days after flowering;
  • then hilling should be carried out once every 10 days. In early August, hilling should be stopped.

Feeding with mineral fertilizers is required several times a season.


When peanut bushes stop growing, their leaves and stem dry and turn yellow, you can start harvesting.

Plants need to be dug up and, shaking off the remnants of the earth from it, remove to dry. They should be dried along with the bushes. After about 10 days, the beans can be separated.

It turns out that growing peanuts at home and in the garden is a very simple process and is within the power of every gardener.

Many summer residents like to experiment with growing new crops. After all, it’s nice to surprise guests by putting something so unusual on the table, proudly declaring: “I grew it myself in the garden.” If you are one of these passionate people, try growing peanuts. By the way, this task is not so difficult, and in our article we will acquaint you in detail with this crop and cultivation techniques.

Turns out it's not a nut at all.

Although the peanut is called a nut, but in fact it is a relative of the common bean, because. belongs to the same family - legumes. This plant looks like this:

The bush has a height of 0.5-0.6 m.

The stem is branched.

Leaves are paired, dark green.

Flowers - yellow color, small, sometimes their number reaches 2 hundreds. The lower ones gradually descend to the ground, penetrate into it and there they turn into a bean, which is called a nut. In each shell, from 1 to 4 light pink seeds are formed. 30-70 nuts are collected from one bush.

About the benefits of peanuts

Of course, peanuts are delicious, especially roasted, but these are not all of its advantages, because it contains what the body needs so much:


linolenic acid, vitamins B, E, if the beans are processed into oil.

And from these delicious nuts they make peanut butter, which in its energy value is the same as meat, but more useful because of the content of folic acid in it.

We grow peanuts

To grow this plant of the legume family in our temperate climate, you should buy seeds of the following varieties:

Krasnodarets 13;

Krasnodarets 14;

Valencia 433;


Be carefull: Make sure you are not being sold processed or roasted beans, otherwise you will waste money, time, and seedlings will not wait.

To grow peanuts at home, you need to know what you need to grow them.

Conditions for plant development

Since nuts can develop exclusively in the ground, a good harvest is possible only in loose black earth, sandy loam or neutral soil. It is necessary to have magnesium and potassium, as well as humus in in large numbers. Hilling bushes up to 3 times per season, we will increase the number of ovaries.

Since the homeland of peanuts is South America, where it grows as a perennial, the second condition for its successful development is temperature. The optimum is 20-27 degrees C, and as soon as it rises above +30 or drops below +15, the bushes stop growing.

The third condition successful cultivation is good illumination. It is unacceptable to have near plants that shade this culture.

It is important that the bed on which this representative of the legume is planted is well ventilated.

When a peanut blossoms and develops underground beans, it needs constant moisture, not stagnant water. In September, when the seeds ripen, excessive moisture can slow down this process.

The plant develops well in beds where cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, cereals were grown before it, but in no case beans, peas, i.e. its relatives are legumes. But after peanuts, any crops feel good in the garden.

If you are going to grow it in large quantities and get oil from it, then know that the color of the peanut depends on the soil. From beans grown on light soil, the oil will turn out light, and on dark - darker.

Important: If the conditions necessary for the growth and development of peanuts are violated, the plant begins to hurt - spots appear on the leaves, which indicates the presence of root rot.

How to grow peanuts: ways

Peanuts are grown through seedlings and by sowing in open ground. How planting material you should take grains harvested no more than 2 - 3 years ago, because. then they lose their viability. In any case, the seeds must first germinate. This is done at the end of April:

We lower the seeds into a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

Wash and soak for germination. After 10 days, sprouts will appear.

We harden the germinated seeds, keeping them indoors for 2-3 days at a temperature of about +3 degrees during the daytime, and at night we transfer them to a place where the temperature is room temperature.

we fill the cups with light soil in early April;

we deepen the seeds into the ground by 3 centimeters;

place cups on a sunny windowsill;

water moderately;

in the meantime, we prepare the garden bed - we dig it up and remove the weeds;

Seedlings are grown from germinated seeds or sown in the garden. First, consider how to grow peanut seedlings. So:

we plant plants in early June with an interval of 15 - 20 cm from each other and 0.6 - 0.7 m row by row.

If you decide to plant peanuts immediately in the ground, then as soon as a constant air temperature of at least 20 degrees C is established, and the earth warms up to 15 degrees C at a depth of 10 cm, we proceed to sowing germinated seeds. The planting scheme is identical to that used when planting seedlings, and the depth is 60 - 80 mm. Sprouted seeds are planted in the ground, not only in order to see the harvest faster, but also in order to protect them from damage by the bear.

Good to know : many useful microscopic fungi live on the shell in which the nuts are located, so it is crushed and also thrown into the ground when planting.

We fight with a bear

To destroy the bear, we make a bait:

we collect cleaning, grain;

we dig in the garden;

we take a piece of roofing material and cover it;

pour plant debris, manure or humus on top;

periodically look at the bait and collect the bear.

For your information : as soon as shoots appear, it is necessary to protect them from birds, since the shoots can completely destroy crows and thrushes.

Hilling, feeding peanuts

An important component of a good harvest is hilling, which is carried out several times per season:

Before the plants bloom, we spud the bushes to a height of 50 to 70 mm.

10 days after flowering.

Regularly with an interval of 10 days, gradually reducing the distance between the roots (gynophores) formed after flowering and the soil. The last hilling is carried out in early August.

Three times a season, namely when real leaves begin to form, buds are tied, and then fruits, we bring mineral fertilizers per 1 hectare:

nitrogen - from 0.45 to 0.6 kg;

phosphorus - from 0.5 to 0.6 kg;

potassium - up to 0.45 kg, but only in sandy loamy soil.

Peanuts on a warm bed

When wondering how to grow peanuts in the country, consider also such an option as a warm bed. It is better to cook it in the fall or very early spring in case of emergency:

We allocate a place and proceed to digging a trench to a depth of a shovel bayonet. The optimal width is 1 m, and the length is whatever.

We store the top layer of soil on one side of the trench, and the bottom layer on the other.

We cover the bottom with plant residues, sprinkle them with earth. We place half-rotted compost on top.

We cover everything top layer earth.

If the soil is healthy, then after 60 days the bed will be filled with warm nutrient soil suitable for growing. peanut.

Growing peanuts in a greenhouse

Peanuts are comfortable in a greenhouse, especially when grown in tandem with tomatoes, but provided that the latter are not very densely packed so that the peanuts still receive light. Legumes share nitrogen with tomatoes, and it is often not necessary to spud the bushes - 2 times in June is enough. By September, the harvest will already be ripe.

Peanuts are a culture not only popular in use, but also quite interesting in cultivation. It turns out that the "peanut" beloved by many has nothing to do with the nut family, but is one of the brightest representatives of legumes. By the way, many lovers of eating nutritious peanut kernels, which have a pleasant specific taste, seriously believe that peanut fruits ripen on trees or shrubs like walnut or forest sins, which is completely untrue. In fact, peanuts are herbaceous annual plant, and the ripening of its beans, covered with a dense reticulum, occurs in the ground, thanks to which the culture got its second name.

On an industrial scale, the plant is cultivated in countries with a hot tropical climate, but those who want to try freshly picked peanuts can grow the crop in room conditions and in the fall, harvest your own harvest in the form of a handful of real peanuts. Peanuts are undemanding in care, so its home cultivation will not be great work even for a novice grower.

Pre-sowing preparation

Seeds for home sowing of peanuts are best purchased in specialized stores. Also high quality planting material can be selected on the market from a fresh crop of peanuts, while large undamaged specimens should be preferred. Peanuts for sowing should not be subjected to any heat treatment. The optimal time for sowing is mid-April. Seeds must be prepared for planting in the ground as follows:

  • Remove the kernels from the shell.
  • Place in cheesecloth, folded in several layers, abundantly moistened with water, and put on a saucer. Instead of gauze, you can get by with a shallow bowl of water. To speed up germination, it is recommended to add a few drops of a growth stimulator to the water.
  • After the hatched roots reach a length of 1–1.5 mm, the seeds can be sown in the ground.

Germinated peanut seeds can be planted in peat tablets(such seedlings will subsequently need to be transplanted) or immediately on permanent place growth.

Sowing specifics

In order to have enough space for the ripening of future peanut fruits, the container for sowing the crop should be quite spacious - at least 30-40 cm in diameter. Peanuts prefer fertile, sandy loamy soil with good aeration. Sowing is carried out in the following order:

  • The planting container is filled with prepared wet substrate.
  • The germinated seed is planted in the center to a depth of 2–2.5 cm.
  • To maintain their own microclimate, the container with crops is covered polyethylene film or a glass lid and place in a warm place.

Before germination, the greenhouse is regularly ventilated, and, as necessary, moisten the soil under the crops. With the appearance of the first pair of leaves, the shelter is removed and a container with seedlings is placed in a permanent place of detention, where the plant is provided with the necessary care.

Conditions of detention

The successful development and rapid growth of peanuts depend on the observance of its agricultural technology. Culture should be fully provided with:

Upon reaching a height of 15–20 cm, the peanut blooms, this happens approximately 40–45 days after germination. In place of golden-orange flowers, after wilting, outgrowths (gynophores) are formed, in which fruit ovaries. Aiming for the ground, gynophores burrow into it, and peanut beans ripen at a depth of 8–10 cm. Gynophores that have not reached the ground die along with the ovary, so if they are located too high, you can substitute small cups with soil under them.

Q: Where can I get seeds?

The answer is that any peanut from a store or market is suitable for sowing, but, of course, not fried, not salted, and of course, not candied and similarly processed. If you get it - in beans - the chances of success increase. In any case, it is necessary to germinate the proposed seeds on a saucer (as in a lesson in natural history - seeds in a rag, a rag in some water, then everything in a bag and put in a warm place - after a few days we look - if they swell and hatch, then they are good). Well, if you're lucky to get it from the seed store - there's no question.

On the page where will it grow the conditions necessary for this culture are described in some detail. But in short, we can say - peanuts
need: "sun, air and water ...". Now more…

First - Sun- accordingly, we choose the brightest, well-heated place, preferably higher and drier. because in the spring it is necessary that the soil is ripe for sowing and dried out from winter precipitation as soon as possible. And in the future, the garden bed received a lot of light and heat.

Second - air- the soil in the garden should be as loose as possible - this is also due to the peculiarities of the biology of the peanut. We remember that a significant part of the ovaries penetrates the ground with the help of gynophores, and the beans themselves are formed there.

Third - peanuts hygrophilous plant. And watering is most likely inevitable .... Therefore, before sowing, it is necessary to decide where we will get water in the right amount.

As one of the options for agricultural technology, I propose the following, based on the method described in the wonderful book by Tatyana Yuryevna Ugarova “Family vegetable growing in narrow beds”.

In the spring, as soon as the soil begins to crumble during digging - preferably not earlier and not later - we proceed to mark the beds. Width 45 cm, arbitrary length. But! Peanut is a crop that requires 4-5 hillings during the growth period. The higher we can spud the bushes, the more tiers of nuts they can lay.

Question: but this soil will need to be taken from somewhere?

Answer: for this you need to leave a wide row spacing - at least 50 cm on both sides. We stick four pegs into the ground. It is desirable to make these pegs from durable material, in the future they will remain in their places until the harvest. Then you need to take a strong, not very thick twine, and pull it, fixing it on pegs, around the perimeter of the ridge.

Now we dig, breaking clods, the entire allotted bed. Do not forget to choose the roots of perennial weeds and wintering stages of pests - caterpillars and pupae.

We level the dug up soil. We apply fertilizers - on alkaline soils we mix gypsum (aka alabaster) -5 kg. +40 gr. boric acid, on acidic - lime or chalk - 5 kg + 40 gr. boric acid. We scatter evenly over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beds at the rate of 100 gr. on running meter. We are preparing a second fertilizer mixture - 3.5 kg of nitroammofoska + 1.1 kg of urea + 1.35 kg of potassium magnesia + a bag of a mixture of trace elements, for example, Ryazanochka. Also evenly sprinkle on the surface at the rate of 50 gr. per running metre. Then, from the aisles with a chopper or rake, we rake low sides - 10 - 12 cm high. We pass inside the beds a couple of times with a rake to level the soil and mix it with fertilizers. You should get a semblance of a soil trough, that is, a flat surface of the ridge itself, surrounded by a roller of dry soil from the aisles. All. You can sow.

We make two grooves - 10 centimeters deep - right along the sides and lay out the seeds - centimeters in 8-10. If all the seeds sprout, then you can thin out to a distance of 15 cm between the bushes. But some can be pulled off by voles, bears and even ants. Therefore, in order to end up with uniform landings, it is better not to be greedy. reverse side rake again level the surface, falling asleep seeds. After that, we take a watering can or put on a special nozzle for watering with a scent on a watering hose - so as not to erode the ground - and slowly, carefully, with weak pressure we spill water over the entire inner area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ridge. If possible, you need to walk along the bed 2-3 times - until the soil is completely saturated with water, that is, until puddles form on the surface. Perhaps due to the introduction of lime or gypsum, after a few hours the surface of the beds will crack. Do not be alarmed, after one or two regular waterings, everything will be corrected by itself. If necessary, install a suitable shelter.

Everything, we are waiting for shoots.

After marking the rows of seedlings, we solve the issue of weeding. If it’s time, then with a chopper we first scrape off all the weeds from the surface of the row spacing, then we destroy the soil roller, scattering it towards the row spacing, then we pass the center of the bed from beginning to end with one movement of the chopper or weeder. Between the bushes we loosen the soil with a small cloth. Having finished this work, we go for an hour to rest. During this time, the cut weed seedlings should already dry to death. It remains only to heat the side from the row spacing again and water the plantings.

In two weeks, the plants will reach a height of 20-25 cm, the first yellow flowers. We do weeding. At this time, it is necessary to apply again in the same dose - 50 g / linear meter - a fertilizer mixture based on nitroammophoska, which we applied during sowing. We bring it in a narrow strip in the center of the garden. Now it is necessary to carry out the first hilling - we rake up the earth from the aisles and distribute it inside the ridge. After this event, the height of the latter should increase by 5-7 cm. Again we form the sides. We water abundantly. If the site has a water pipe or a large water tank, watering can be automated in some way. Sleeves can be used drip irrigation, or use a piece of an old hose for this purpose (an inexpensive plastic corrugated one is especially good for this) along the length of the beds. we plug one end with a cork and pierce a series of holes with a not very thin carnation after 3-5 cm. We put this product along the central axis of the bed forever - it remains to connect water to the free end - and let it get wet quietly. Thus, another care cycle is completed.

We repeat it every 10 days. But as the soil dries up, be sure to water it.

When attacked by aphids, we fight using the usual methods.

If a mole spoils the bed, we’ll just fix it.

If there are signs of a deficiency of any nutrient, we will add a dose of the appropriate fertilizer.

Signs of some diseases can be viewed on the page

Peanuts are a favorite treat for many people regardless of age. This type of nut can be grown in open field if you know the rules for planting seeds, caring for them and growing technology.

With proper observance of all requirements, growing peanuts at home will not bring trouble. Before you start sowing, you need to figure out which variety will take root better, the necessary conditions for its cultivation, when and how to plant peanuts.

peanut seeds for planting

Experienced gardeners know when to plant peanuts. Best time for this - the middle of spring, when the earth is not completely warmed up, which is an ideal condition. good harvest will bring zoned varieties.

The most common of them in Russia are as follows:

  • Stepnyak;
  • Valencia 433;
  • Klinskaya;
  • Krasnodarets 14;
  • Virginia;
  • Runner.

It is worth remembering that one variety of seeds is taken for roasting and eating, and another for creating peanut butter. First, we decide on the purpose of planting peanuts, then with the climatic features of each variety, and only then we stop the choice on the most suitable option.

When choosing seeds for planting, certain selection criteria are taken into account:

  1. The kernels should be large or medium in size (small ones may not germinate).
  2. Each of them should have a husk. It contains trace elements that prevent the nut from spoiling. It is not recommended to remove it before landing.
  3. Kernels should be taken only raw (fried are not suitable).
  4. There should not be spoiled, bitten or otherwise damaged plants.

To get a quality crop, you need to germinate peanuts for planting. To do this, pour a drop of epin into a container with water, put seeds in it and leave it overnight. After the procedure, they will soften and roots will appear.

How to grow peanuts at home?

After the seeds for planting are selected and processed, it is necessary to prepare the soil. There are several technologies for growing peanuts at home. It can be grown in an apartment by properly equipping a nursery and directly into. In other conditions, nuts are planted only in the south of the country.

Growing for seedlings begins with the preparation of seeds. To do this, they are wrapped in a damp cloth and kept for 10 days. Next, peanuts are planted in open ground. The depth of the pits when planting is 3 cm, 2-3 seeds are placed in one hole.

If peanuts are planted in open ground, then the depth of the hole should be at least 10 cm, and the distance between them should be at least 50 cm.

After sowing, the land is watered abundantly.

Soil preparation and selection

The harvest will be successful if they grow in the neighborhood. The place is chosen sunny and well ventilated. Peanuts don't like blackouts though minimum quantities endures it. Suitable option there will be soil containing humus. If the soil is saline or contains acid, then when digging.

Before planting, the earth must be rid of weeds, dug up and loosened. auspicious time for sowing - the middle or end of spring. The nut ripens quickly, the first fruits will already go in July, and therefore it is undesirable to delay the planting dates.

The plant blooms all day, although abundantly. After this, fertilization is carried out and the ovary appears. It must be buried, otherwise the crop will die.

At home, peanuts are planted from seeds in small containers, the soil is regularly moistened and loosened. The plant should be in a ventilated area and on good lighting. Peanuts during the entire growing period should.

Outdoor peanut care

The basic rule for caring for peanuts is hilling them. The procedure must be carried out three times for the entire period.

From fertilizers, a mineral complex is suitable. It must be added after the appearance of the first leaves.

It is necessary to water in such a way that the soil is always in a moist state. Irrigation is perfect for this.

Picking peanuts

The collection is carried out on dry ground and a sunny day. A week before this, it is necessary to stop watering.

Yellowing leaves are the first sign of ripeness. When grown outdoors, this happens in mid-September - then the harvesting process begins. They are carefully dug out of the ground and put to dry completely. The nuts must be separated from each other dry. Complete drying takes about 10 days.

Up to 50 beans are usually collected from one bush. Peanuts are stored in fabric bags in a ventilated room at a temperature of at least 10 °C. You can determine the ripeness by gently shaking the nut. It is ready to use with a slight tinkle.

VIDEO: growing peanuts

You can learn how to grow peanuts in practice from this video: