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Favorable time for transplanting indoor flowers. Lunar calendar: favorable days for transplanting flowerpots

The Moon is a unique celestial object that has an important and rather large impact on the development and general state every living being. The lunar phases especially affect the growth of plants, because even our ancestors noticed an amazing relationship between lunar activity and the development of flora representatives. They drew attention to the fact that flowers planted in compliance with all agrotechnical recommendations sometimes die if planting or transplanting was carried out at the wrong time according to the phases of the moon. Let's talk about the lunar calendar of plants, namely, when planting, pruning, watering plants should be carried out in relation to the lunar phases.

Lunar cycle

There are several different phases of the moon, among them:

New moon;
- growth phase;
- full moon;
- aging phase.

In order to determine the new moon, take a look at the sky - in this phase, the moon is in the form of a thin, thin sickle, and at the very beginning of this period it is not visible at all. As the size of the star increases, the growth phase begins. When a vertical line is attached to the sickle, the letter "P" is formed. The period of the full moon, as you know, is easy to determine by the full and round moon. After the aging time comes, and the sickle takes the shape of the letter "C".

waxing moon period

Moon calendar indoor plants in the interval from the new moon to the full moon, it indicates that at this time the sprout responds remarkably to foliar feeding, washing and waxing the leaves. Pinching can be done. This period is considered optimal for cuttings and transshipment, also at this stage, plants are transplanted, grafted, propagated by division and sowing seeds.

The time of the growing moon is characterized by the direction of the vital juices of plants from the root system to the top, to the aerial part. It is during this period that the stems and leaves begin to grow especially actively.

The root system at this time is in some calm. If the roots receive any injuries, they will not suffer much, however, due to the somewhat reduced vitality of the roots, it is not worth transplanting plants at this stage.

During the period of the growing moon, it is allowed to sow plants with a high stem, beautiful flowers and foliage. Bulbous at this time it is better not to plant.

Pruning stimulates the awakening of dormant buds on the plant, and also activates enhanced growth. Be careful - cutting most of the stem is fraught with the death of the plant.

Transplantation can be carried out, however, the growing moon will significantly lengthen and complicate the adaptation time.

Because of active growth plants will require more liquid.

Waning moon

This period is characterized by an increase in growth processes occurring underground, more precisely in the roots of plants. At this stage, the root system is actively growing, which makes it especially vulnerable to various damage. At the same time, the green mass, namely the stem, foliage and flowers, react very calmly to injuries, so plants can easily survive even very serious damage to the stems.

Just during the period of the waning moon, flowers are pruned, planning their long-term transportation.

According to the sowing calendar, at the stage of the waning moon, it is worth planting tubers, as well as potatoes, legumes and various bulbs.

Before the onset of the new moon, flower bulbs are dug up for further storage.

When planting bulbs on a waning moon, they will definitely give good shoots and wonderful beautiful buds.

When cutting flowers at this time, they will be fresh for a long time period.

Do not injure the roots of plants by transplanting.

Moon calendar indoor florist It has two more periods of three days - the new moon and the full moon. This period has a special effect on plants, because of this there are some features in the care and recommendations for transplanting.

Full moon

This is a great time to carry out root feeding of plants. In addition, at this stage it is worth cultivating the land, carrying out weed control and collecting seeds. Vaccinations and pruning during the full moon are not recommended.

New moon

In these few days, indoor flowers are in a calm phase. It is not necessary to carry out planting and sowing, as well as grafting plants. Experienced gardeners they also try not to cultivate the land at this time. However, a day before the onset of the new moon and immediately after it, the lunar pruning calendar allows the elimination of painful and dry stems.

About watering

Watering plants is best done on both the growing and the waning moon on those days when the Earth's satellite passes the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces and Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Plants that live in our house influenced by lunar rhythms like all plants that grow in open ground. If you have indoor flowers at home, you are already on own experience you know which ones take root better in your apartment, what kind of care they require and how they behave, but if you feel that something is wrong with your plants, try caring for them in accordance with the lunar rhythms.

If you are a beginner florist, our tips will undoubtedly come in handy, following which you you can boast a beautiful garden on your windowsill.

Indoor plants are not only pleasing to the eye and are the pride of any housewife. They bring a lot of benefits ventilating the air indoors and even getting rid of harmful effects electrical appliances.

In the bedroom, for example, it is not advised to place flowering plants. Suitable for this room leafy plants, For example, chlorophytum or helksin which will improve the microclimate and reduce harmful radiation. Suitable for living room beautiful flowering plants, For example, hippeastrum or orchid to show off to your guests.

It is important, of course, not to forget about the light possibilities of your apartment. For example, if your living room is very dark, flowers that love light are in it. will not take root without additional lighting. Therefore, if there is no desire to install additional lamps, it is better for you to place plants in such rooms that don't like light, such as ferns, Chinese abelia, anthurium, begonias, aglaonema, poinsettia, myrtle, dieffenbachia spotted, alocasia and others.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants

Moon Tips: Planting new or transplanting old plants should be on the days when the moon passes into sign of Virgo with the growing moon. Also these days you can tear off shoots from plants for planting. Such reproduction of indoor flowers is very common, but not all shoots should be immediately planted in the ground. Some of them need to be in the water for the shoot to take root.

The cutting of the plant should not bloom, but should look healthy and full of energy. Sometimes a separate sheet is enough. Plants such as gloxinia, violet, begonia, tradescantia, ivy, balsam, are easily propagated by leaves that are previously placed in water. Chlorophytum propagated by "children" that appear on the plant after flowering. Such a baby takes root even without pre-soaking.

cacti and others succulents can also be propagated using cuttings, however, so that the plant does not rot, the torn stalk should be dried for a couple of days.

Another way to propagate plants is dividing the bush. In this way, plants such as cyperus, asparagus, spathiphyllum, pogonaterum. This method will allow you to immediately get several already mature plant bushes. The procedure for dividing the bush should also be done in Virgo days on the growing moon so that the plants take root quickly and grow well.

Good days for planting and transplanting plants this summer: June 14-16, July 12-14, August 8-10, 2013

Lunar calendar for watering indoor plants

Moon Tips: Watering indoor plants is best in water days when the moon is in the following signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Thus, about 7-9 days pass between waterings.

There are some plants that require more frequent watering, so water them on other days as well, but it's best to avoid days of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). These days, plants do not absorb nutrients well, water can stagnate in a pot and lead to decay. It should also be remembered that plants should be watered often in summer, less often in winter. cacti, for example, in winter you can generally water once a month, or even less often.

IN days of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) water the flowers carefully in the early morning (in winter and autumn) and in the evening after sunset (summer and spring) so that the scorching sun does not cause burns. The same applies to spraying flowers.

You need to spray the flowers if the air in the room is very dry. Many modern indoor flowers came to us from the tropics, where the humidity is very high, so in a room with dry air, they can wither. Some flowers require moisture so much that they need to substitute a tray with wet expanded clay under the pot.

Spraying requires flowers such as cacti, succulents, orchids, arrowroot, ivy, tradescantia, ferns.

Do not spray plants such as violet, begonia, cyclamen.

Water the plants should be settled for several days tap water although some gardeners recommend watering flowers such as orchids, boiled water. IN tap water bleach is added to clean it, which adversely affects the flowers. In order for the chlorine to evaporate, it is enough to defend the water in an open container. 12-14 hours.

If the plant is being watered from above, water it near the edges of the pot, not to expose the roots. If a leafy plant has a funnel of leaves, pour some water into the center of the funnel. If the plant is watered from below, like a violet, gloxinia or orchid, then the water must be poured into a pan or immerse the pot in water for 30-60 minutes if the plants are severely dehydrated. If water remains in the pan a couple of hours after watering, it should be drained.

What to do, if you are going on vacation, and there is no one to water the flowers in your absence? For example, to keep flowers from drying out if you have to leave, use bucket of water and bandages. A bucket of water is placed in the middle of the room, and flower pots are placed around. Then the bandages are cut so long as to reach from the bottom of the bucket to the pot. One end of the bandage is lowered into the water, the other is stuck into the ground. This method allows protect the earth from drying out.

If your flowers do wither a little after you arrive, they usually come back to life quickly if you start them again. water properly on Water or Earth days. If you are going to leave again, it is better to find someone who can come to your house and water the flowers. Make a watering schedule based on the lunar calendar and give it to the person who will take care of your plants. Also prepare ahead of time. settled water for irrigation and spraying.

Once a month at water days plants can be bathed and washed. Plants that stand indoors are covered with dust, which clogs their pores, preventing them from breathing normally. What's more, the sight of dusty plants won't beautify your home, even if the plants are more or less healthy.

Good days for watering plants this summer: June 9-11, June 19-21, June 27-29, July 7-9, July 16-18, July 25-26, August 3-5, August 13-14, August 21-23, August 30-31, 2013

Bad days for watering plants this summer: June 7-8, June 17-18, June 25-26, July 4-6, July 14-15, July 22-24, August 1-2, August 10-12, August 19-20, August 28-29, 2013

Lunar plant calendar: how to fertilize indoor plants?

All flower growers advise fertilizing indoor plants, since plants in cramped pots do not have the opportunity to receive those essential minerals and vitamins, which they receive during natural growth in the ground. Fertilizers help prolong flowering, strengthen the plant's immunity.

For some types of indoor flowers, for example, cacti or orchids, there are separate fertilizers, which are not recommended for other types of flowers. Eat universal fertilizers suitable for almost everyone deciduous plants in the house.

Typically, these fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorus And potassium. Nitrogen avoids brittle leaves and stems; phosphorus has a positive effect on flowering, helps the root system grow; potassium supports immunity, provides resistance to various diseases and unpleasant environmental influences. Plants also require micronutrients such as iron, copper, zinc, manganese, molybdenum.

If you are buying ready-made fertilizers for flowers, pay attention to dosage and frequency of use. Usually these fertilizers are quite concentrated and diluted in a large amount of water.

Another important point in plant nutrition - these are contraindications. Usually fertilizers are used spring and summer, during growth. In winter, when the flower is usually at rest, it is better not to fertilize it. If the plant is sick, do not feed it with fertilizers. Try to feed only healthy plants. You can not make a very concentrated solution of fertilizer, so as not to harm the plant.

Moon Tips: Fertilize indoor plants should be on the waning moon and better in days of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). This can be done at the same time as watering, by dissolving the fertilizer in the correct proportions in the water. At poor survival plants, you can fertilize them in days of Capricorn and Taurus.

Good days for fertilizing plants this summer: June 27-29, July 25-26, August 3-5, August 21-23, August 30-31, 2013

Days of Capricorn and Taurus (waning moon): June 4-6, June 23-24, July 2-4, July 29-31, August 26-27, 2013

Many amateur gardeners do not know why it is necessary to transplant indoor plants. Everything is actually very simple, this procedure is carried out so that the plants feel good and can continue to grow healthy. This procedure should be carried out approximately once three times a year.

It all starts with the fact that the gardener needs to check all the plants in the house and determine which plants already have the dough in this pot or the soil no longer carries any advantages for this plant. As soon as you decide on the plants and find out which ones need a new soil or pot. The question arises of how to do this correctly and how not to harm the flower in the process of plant transplantation.

On this question you will find all the necessary answers and recommendations in this article. So if you do not want to harm your flower or other plant, you just need to spend a few minutes reading and then nothing will threaten your plant.

Here are some of the main reasons why a flower needs to be transplanted to another pot or soil.

  • Plants that have grown out of their pot are more susceptible to various diseases and pest attacks than other plants.
  • The root system can already be normally located in this pot, because of this the flower looks sick, faded and ugly.
  • The soil in the earth has become unsuitable, it has become dense, over time, the earth no longer has its former nutrient reserves, they are significantly reduced every year. Also, over time, the land becomes barren.
  • Due to the fact that the earth is heavily subsided from a large number water and a long stay in a pot, air begins to flow poorly into it, which is necessary for the root system.
  • If the flower has already grown out of its pot, then it can easily fall and break.

These are the five main reasons why it is necessary to replant a flower in its new place of residence. There are also many other signs for plant transplantation, but they happen much less frequently.

When is the best time to transplant plants?

As a rule, all plants must be transplanted in the spring, since at this moment nature only begins to come to life and gain the necessary amount of strength and substances in order to please the eyes of people. These rules also apply to indoor plants. Since the flower will need more space and strength to bloom again, and it will be best of all, it takes place in the new earth or soil.

But this rule should not be unconditionally followed, since this procedure can be carried out at any time of the year, when you yourself gather your strength, and you will have enough free time to do it. Many people wonder if it is possible to transplant indoor plants in the winter or spring season. We will answer this question below.

By far, the best time to transplant a plant is from March to September. If you transplant plants in September, then it is better to choose the beginning of the month. Since the weather is still warm this month, and the plants are not yet going into a dormant period.

Of course, this can also be done at other times of the year, but the best thing for a flower will be if you have time with a transplant before the end of July. You can also try to transplant the plant in winter, but this is the worst time to transplant. Since you can harm the flower. During this period, he is in hibernation, and as you know, no one likes to be disturbed during sleep.

In total, some plants like a winter transplant, such plants include, for example, calla lilies. Other plants are also transplanted into winter time. To figure out when to repot a flower, you need to know its flowering period. On average, transplantation must be done at least 3 months before flowering.

Also, not every plant needs an annual transplant, for some it is enough once every two or three years. In the case of large and old flowers, it is still easier. Since they have enough space, it will only be necessary to update upper layer soil.

What is the best day to transplant your plants? If you are asking such a question, then you should not even look for an answer to it. Since such a day or week simply does not exist. For your flower, the main thing is good soil and a neat transplant procedure. So that he would not be harmed or otherwise crippled. You can choose such a day, starting from your free time.

But it is better to choose the phase of the moon, since plants develop best during the growing moon. So before transplanting, you can check the lunar calendar and choose any day, starting from the new moon and ending with the full moon.

Which soil is best

During transplanting, you need to change as much soil as possible, but try not to damage the roots, otherwise your plant may simply dry out. Because the roots can no longer give required amount substances. The best choice for your plant will be the acquisition of a substrate that is great for many plants.

Also, before choosing a soil or substrate, you need to learn as much as possible about your plant. This is done in order to accurately select the most good land for him. Since many plants need a different composition of the earth.

During the transplant procedure, the bottom layer in the pot must be covered with gravel or expanded clay a few centimeters. Thanks to this, water will be better absorbed from the soil, and your plant will be protected from waterlogging. Thus, the roots of the plant will not begin to rot, and your plant will stand still for a very long time.

In the pot you need to pour the earth approximately to the very edge of the pot, from the edge to the ground level there should be at least 1-2 centimeters. Expanded clay can be used as the topmost layer, it will save your soil from lime deposits.

As we said earlier, some plants need a certain soil composition, but most houseplants are not particularly picky about soil selection. So almost anyone will do. But below will be presented the three most best soil for your plant.

  • Peat, it fits almost every plant. Most of all, he is loved by such plants as: fern, dracaena and so on.
  • A heavy clay, this soil is highly nutritious but not for everyone. It is best suited for Tradescantia, Kalanchoe.
  • You should also pay attention to the acidity of the soil, because if you have plants such as gardenias or heather, they do very poorly if sodium carbonate is present in the soil.

In most cases, land from the garden is used, but it must be carefully checked before using it. Since there is a very high risk of bringing weed seeds with the soil, then the plant will not receive the required amount of nutrients.

In addition, this soil is not suitable for most roots, as it is much heavier than the soil sold in the store. If you decide to choose substrates, then there is nothing to worry about. Since such soil is pre-treated and assembled from various necessary components. They will only help your plant grow. Also, the roots grow in it much better than in any soil.

When transplanting, you can not choose a very large pot. Since the plant will have too much space, and it will not be able to grow normally. So you should take a new pot two to three centimeters larger in diameter than the previous place of the plant. Also, do not chase the beauty of the pot. Since it would be best to take a regular plastic pot with holes for water to drain.

Anyone who was interested in breeding any, including indoor plants, is well aware of how much their life depends on the lunar cycle. In order for you to grow beautiful flowering plants on your windowsill, turning it into a real, albeit not too large, garden, a special lunar calendar for flower growers was created, where not only the phases of the moon, but also the days when plants should be planted, grafted, sampled, when they can be transplanted and watered, and when it is best to leave them alone. And it's not just someone's fantasy.

The fact is that, depending on the phase of the moon, metabolic processes proceed in different ways in plants and their biochemical activity manifests itself in different ways, even the speed of juice movement differs significantly. That is why such great importance is attached to the Lunar calendar of indoor plants.

The lunar calendar of plants helps to use herbs correctly. Modern cooking involves the use of fresh and dried herbs in healthy and healthy food. The use of herbs is not burdensome, they are at hand. all year round.

Lunar plant collection calendar

Many herbs can be grown on suburban area, on the balcony and just in pots on the windowsill in a city apartment. In the apartment, herbs will create a pleasant atmosphere, and they can be successfully eaten at any time of the year.

Give preference to herbs that grow in your area.

And in order for herbs to bring maximum benefit, it is necessary to know not only their properties, but also best conditions for collection, drying and storage.

In many ways, the success of folk healers lies in the fact that they comprehended the secret forces of Nature, unraveled the "mystery" of herbs. People who are especially sensitive to the energy of plants are able to feel force field healing herbs.

It will seem surprising to you, but sometimes the healing effect is achieved just by looking at the plant or by inhaling its smell. Sometimes just being around is enough. medicinal plants, be it a herbal pillow, an amulet, aromatic oil and so on.

Special mention should be made of right choice time of collection, processing and application medicinal plants in harmony with the lunar rhythms.

About the right timing when using food and medicinal herbs

Moon phase and plant collection

Lunar calendar of plants. Knowing the influence of the position of the Moon on the collection, processing and storage of herbs, you can stock up for the winter so that these natural energy stations are at your fingertips at any time.

It is very important to consider whether you are collecting herbs for immediate or long-term use, as different time the action of herbs is different and the process of their drying is different, which can be regulated by choosing the right time for collection and storage.

Herbs not intended for immediate use should be collected before the full moon, on the full moon itself, or when the moon is debilitated.

Herbs collected under the defective Moon do not have a very high healing effect, but they are much better than those collected at a young moon, which do not dry well, quickly become covered with mold and rot.

Plants can have different periods of drying, so pay attention to the fact that the process of drying herbs collected during the young Moon should also cover the period of the deficient Moon.

Before storing herbs, check: if the herbs do not rustle and do not break, when both the period of the debilitating Moon and the new moon have already ended, then they are not intended for long-term storage, they should be used as soon as possible.

When drying and storing herbs, you must carefully follow all the necessary rules. It will be a pity if, as a result of mistake or negligence, the harvested herbs become unusable.

Dry herbs in the shade, turning frequently. Can be used as a pallet natural material, well breathable, but not metal or foil.

Shifting herbs into jars or bags should be done when the moon is debilitated, regardless of when you collected them.

In no case should you shift herbs with a young moon: they will begin to rot very quickly. On the days of Virgo, it is not worth collecting herbs, even if this happens with a flawed Moon.

To store herbs, use paper bags, bags, dark glass jars - the plants will remain dry in them, the light will not harmful influence, both aroma and healing powers will be preserved. Some herbs, both medicinal and edible (for example, parsley, marjoram, thyme, lovage), are best kept bundled and hung upside down in a well-ventilated area.

This is best done with fast-drying herbs, because this way they will not start to rot. Herbs that you use frequently can be hung up and pinched off as needed.

More detailed information about the rules for collecting, drying, storing medicinal herbs can be found in numerous herbal reference books.

Herbs retain the energy of Nature, which naturally enriches our body, they are necessary elements systems proper nutrition. In keeping healthy lifestyle life, we should not neglect the laws of Nature and its gifts, since man himself is a part of nature.

It is only very important not to forget: vegetable raw materials cannot be collected within the city or near highways, after rain. Herbs, flowers and roots must be organic.

All more people prefer herbal tea. Not only because it renders therapeutic effect but also simply because it is delicious. Of course, both the action and the taste of herbs are best when consumed freshly picked.

But we must also think about the long winter, when a person is especially vulnerable to various diseases. Rules for drying, preserving and storing herbs: plant parts should be laid out in a warm, dark place on wooden board or paper and turn over from time to time.

During the waning moon, decompose into containers. Never use metal containers. As you already know, herbs thrive best in the dark. glassware or paper bags.

Lunar calendar of plants. With the help of this table, you can immediately see when you need to collect certain parts of plants in order to achieve the greatest effect, including healing.

Lunar calendar for collecting herbs and plants

  • The roots are best collected during the full moon, new moon and the flawed moon. The best thing in early spring or in autumn. Before sunrise or after sunset - Moon in Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus
  • Collect flowers during the waxing moon and during the full moon. Before lunch, on sunny days. The dew must dry - Moon in Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
  • Leaves are best collected during the waxing moon. Collect the leaves of young plants. Leaves must be without dew - Moon in Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer
  • Collect fruits/seeds During the waxing moon, ripe fruits and seeds are harvested, which are immediately consumed. During the Moon, those fruits that will be stored for some time are collected in damage. Do not collect during the midday heat - Moon in Sagittarius, Leo and Aries

Lunar calendar and homework

And about where you can’t do without an assistant, the Moon.

Canning, marinating and freezing also have their own special rules.

Canning: Free up the days for this when the moon is on the rise. This is the time between Sagittarius and Gemini and when the Moon passes through Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Taurus.

Pickling: picking fruit and processing them is best on "fruit" days (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius); root crops are best dealt with on “root” days (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).

Freezing: "fruit" days are best suited for this. The rule applies not only to fruits, but also to vegetables.

And these herbs and dried flowers must be in every home first aid kit. They are used in the form of tea.

  • Linden blossom. Use inflorescences with an apical leaf. Softens cough, reduces fever, helps with colds.
  • Melissa. Leaves are used. Helps with diseases of the stomach and intestines, gallbladder or liver, heart, during menstruation, with colds.
  • Calendula. Bract leaves are used. Hot poultices are very effective for skin inflammations, cut wounds, bruises, burns and hematomas.
  • Sage. Leaves are used. Sage helps with complaints about the stomach and intestines, diarrhea, bile stasis, colds.
  • Thyme. Leaves are used. Helps with cough in bronchial catarrh, is a remedy for whooping cough, convulsive and allergic cough.
  • Valerian. Roots are used. Helps with a nervous, excited state, sleep disorders, spasmodic pain in the stomach and intestines.
  • Peppermint. Leaves are used. Peppermint relieves spasms, improves the condition of the gallbladder, relieves bloating.

The growth and development of plants depends on the state of the moon, in what phase and sign of the zodiac it is. The influence of the moon on plants is great. It should be noted that with a waning moon, plant juices go into the roots, and with a growing one, on the contrary, they rise to the aerial part.

Moon phase calendar by months 2018

Moon in April 2019

Moon in May 2019

moon in june 2019

Moon in July 2019

Moon in August 2019

Moon in September 2019

Moon in October 2019

Moon in November 2019

Moon in December 2019

Lunar rhythms

When using data on the night luminary in horticulture and horticulture, we will take the well-known patterns about its position in the starry sky and influence as a guide to activity.

New moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon, phases of the moon, position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, rising and falling moon, lunar days- each of these concepts indicates a certain rhythm that occurs in nature, the culprit of which is the night star.

Knowledge about lunar rhythms and their influence on all living things has been used since ancient times. If in horticultural work if you want to succeed, do not refuse the help of the moon.

Weeding or weed control during the waning moon

Eat effective method the destruction of mainly annual weeds in the spring before sowing or planting. It is as follows: for the first time, you need to dig up a garden bed or weed a plot with the growing Moon in the sign of Leo - this stimulates the germination of weed seeds. Then dig up again, weed with the waning Moon in the sign of Capricorn - this makes it possible to destroy the weeds that have already sprouted from the seeds. And then weed, loosen, dig in again after a while again with the waning moon.

In the summer, during the growing season of plants, weeding is best done when the moon is waning, especially during the days of the passage of the sign of Capricorn. But here it is important not to hurt cultivated plants because they too will die.

Landing based on lunar phases

Planting plants is best done with the growing moon. The best time for a transplant is when the Moon is in Virgo - during this period, the root system is very well restored and the plant grows quickly. These days, you can even transplant not only young trees, but also older ones. It is also good at this time to start rooting cuttings and chibouks of grapes.

Watering plants, what days

Watering can be carried out at any time, except for days when the Moon is in air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius), but it is better when the Moon is waning and in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Pruning trees and shrubs by the moon

Pruning is carried out with a waning moon. This is best done when the waning moon is in Aries and Leo.


The vaccination is carried out with the growing moon, preferably closer to the full moon, when the moon is in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. At the same time, the rootstock juice quickly rises into the grafted stalk or kidney and nourishes it - the grafting site quickly grows together.

In order to cure a diseased plant or stimulate the growth of a poorly developing one, it is necessary during the waning moon, in the fourth phase (last quarter), or better on the day of the new moon, pinch the top of a tree branch, in front of the bud, which will continue to grow and develop intensively. The same effect can be achieved by pinching plants when the Moon passes the sign of Virgo.


Fertilization is most effective on a full moon or a waning moon. Fertilizers penetrate well into the root layer of the soil, are absorbed by plants and do not enter the groundwater.

Days of Fruit, Root, Flower, Leaf

When the Moon passes the signs of the Zodiac Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - the period is called the "days of the Fruits", because the rhythms of the Moon have a special positive effect on the fruits.

When the Moon passes the signs of the Zodiac Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - the period is called "days of the Root", because the rhythms of the Moon have a special effect on the roots.

When the Moon passes the signs of the Zodiac Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - the period is called the "days of the Flower", because the rhythms of the Moon have a special effect on flowers.

When the Moon passes the signs of the Zodiac Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - the period is called "Leaf days", because the rhythms of the Moon have a special effect on the foliage.

How do you think this information can be put into practice? That's how! If, for example, we loosen the soil on the beds of lettuce always on the days of the Leaf, then it will grow more magnificent, more productive than we would do it on other days.

Carrots, beets, radishes and other root crops will be more successful if we not only sow them, but also weed them, loosen the ground in the days of the Root.

Tomatoes, cucumbers and beans will thank us the best fruits when we take care of them - we dive, weed, loosen the soil and the days of the Fruit.

Well, the days of the Flower, of course, are best used to care for flowers. By the way, flowers for bouquets should be cut only on Flower days if possible - they will stand in a vase much longer.

New moon

This good days for collecting fruits and vegetables for long-term storage, weeding, pest and disease control, pinching and pinching horticultural crops. Slow-germinating seeds can be soaked or sowed.

Full moon

This good time for loosening the soil around plants, weeding and collecting seeds.

I'm sure these tips will help you grow good harvest at lower labor costs.