Shower      07.03.2020

Growing seedlings of cabbage in peat tablets. How to grow seedlings in peat tablets. The benefits of peat tablets

Let's look at growing seedlings in peat tablets. First of all, let's get acquainted with the features of the use of peat tablets.

Features of growing seedlings in peat tablets

These tablets are based on peat, which is pressed into a shell, all the components necessary for the germination of seeds of flowers and vegetables are added to it. In them, seedlings are obtained with a powerful root system, which provides the plant with excellent nutrition and survival, as well as minimal stress during transplantation, which is very important for a high yield in the future.

An interesting way to grow seedlings in peat tablets

Peat tablets can be placed in several ways:

  • next to each other;
  • on the pallet closely;
  • in a few centimeter layer of sand;
  • in seed trays.

Preparing a peat tablet for sowing seeds

How to soak a peat tablet

When you fill the tablets with water, make sure that the recess for the seed is at the top of the tablet. When swelled, a peat tablet can increase 6-7 times in height, it will take only 10-20 minutes to do this. The transformation of the tablet into a cylinder is faster if warm water is used.

And yet, if the tablet is fed gradually, adding water in a small amount over several hours, this will contribute to an even distribution of nutrients. After the tablet swells, the rest of the liquid must be drained and the sowing of the seeds started.

Sowing seeds in peat tablets

How to plant seeds in peat tablets

Expensive seeds can be sown in each container one at a time, the rest - from two to three. After germination, seedlings are thinned out, leaving the strongest plant.

Video about peat tablets

Seeds of small sizes need to be embedded in a tablet smaller, and large seeds deeper. When planting a seed, you can use the following schematic rule: the seed is planted to a depth equal to twice the length of the seed. When rooting cuttings, you need to immerse them in a cylinder tablet to a depth of 1-3 centimeters.

Crop care in peat tablets

In order to maintain the humidity of the tablet with the cuttings and seeds planted in it, it is necessary to cover it with a film or glass and leave it in a warm place until shoots appear.

Greenhouse for crops in peat tablets

You can build a kind of greenhouse by placing a tablet with seeds in a transparent plastic cup and covering it with polyethylene. Rooting cuttings and seed germination in such conditions is excellent, even if they are capricious plants. You can root and sow houseplants in this way.

You can buy peat tablets in garden stores.

Watering seedlings in peat tablets

Until sprouts appear, wetting the peat tablets is done by spraying with water, but the pressure and flow should not be strong so as not to erode upper layer peat. When seedlings appear, water should be supplied to the containers from the bottom so that moisture does not get on the sprouts. Peat tablets, drawing in water capillary, are perfectly moistened from below from a plastic pallet, sand or a watering mat.

Growing seedlings in peat tablets is accompanied by careful control of the moisture content of the tablets themselves: strong waterlogging should not be allowed, but also drying out. Between waterings, it is necessary to let the peat dry a little, to saturate it with air, due to which the development of the root system is activated.

Feeding seedlings in peat tablets

Supporters mineral fertilizers can add them to the water for irrigation two weeks after the formation of the first true leaves. Previously, this was not required, since high-quality peat tablets initially contain all the nutrients.

Planting seedlings with peat tablets:

Keep an eye on the distance between the tablets during the development of seedlings to prevent the roots from growing into the tablet next door. When to plant peat tablets in open ground? Seedlings are ready for planting in the ground when the roots of the seedlings begin to break through the shell of the tablet.

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Cabbage is a favorite vegetable on our table. The variety of varieties allows all year round include vitamin dishes with cabbage on the menu. However, environmentally friendly products can only be obtained from your own garden, knowing the technology of growing this vegetable crop. The yield of cabbage largely depends on the quality of the seedlings.

Choosing a variety of cabbage for growing seedlings

Before purchasing seeds, you should decide on the purpose of planting cabbage. Different varieties used for pickling, pickling, preparing soups, salads, etc. In addition, cabbage varieties are distinguished by ripening time. Early-ripening ones are good for fresh consumption in summer, and medium- and late-ripening ones are good for harvesting and long-term storage.

White cabbage is the most popular vegetable on our table

Table: cabbage varieties by ripening time

Types of cabbage by maturity Names of varieties and hybrids Type characteristic
Early varieties
  • Rinda F1,
  • June,
  • Cossack F1,
  • Dumas F1
Cabbage is tender, very tasty fresh, but not stored for a long time. It forms small loose heads of cabbage weighing up to 2 kg with juicy leaves, which are used for making salads, saltworts and summer cabbage soup.
Mid-season varieties
  • Glory,
  • Present,
  • Midor F1
Heads are larger (3-5 kg), best suited for pickling and pickling. Dense elastic leaves do not sour in brine when stored in barrels or jars and do not lose their palatability. Cabbage is kept fresh until the middle of winter
Late varieties
  • Snow White,
  • Moscow Late 15,
  • Valentine F1,
  • Aggressor F1,
  • Kolobok F1
cabbage is for winter storage. Possessing good keeping quality, it does not deteriorate until spring. Late varieties also produce tasty and crispy sauerkraut. The heads are very dense, the leaves are hard, they are not suitable for salads and eating raw

Cabbage Moscow late 15 - a productive late-ripening variety that forms a dense large head of cabbage weighing 4.5 kg

If the area allows, it is desirable to grow cabbage on the plot with different terms maturation.

Video: overview of cabbage varieties

Sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings

To obtain strong viable seedlings of cabbage, you should carefully prepare the soil and seeds, sow in optimal timing and create seedlings comfortable conditions.

Soil preparation and selection

The soil for sowing should be light and loose, have a slight acidity. You can prepare a mixture of fertile soil with sand and humus (1:1:2). The soil taken from the garden must first be shed with a 0.05% solution of manganese or Fitosporin-M (1 drop per 1 liter). For alkalization of strongly acidic soil, an ash solution is added (1 tablespoon of ash per 1 liter).

Soil for cabbage seedlings can be prepared by yourself from fertile soil, sand and humus, adding vermiculite to preserve right level humidity

Seedlings develop very well on ready-made soil, which is sold in garden stores. It consists of peat, earth, river sand, fermented sawdust, biohumus and mineral additives. Such soil is completely ready for use and does not require disinfection. When sown in a bio-soil (for example, "Friendly shoots"), the seeds germinate 3-4 days earlier than when using ordinary soil, and the seedlings tolerate picking and transplanting better.

Biosoil "Friendly shoots" for seedlings of cabbage contains biohumus and mineral additives

Instead of soil mixture for growing seedlings, coconut substrate with the addition of vermiculite (3: 1) is also used. Braid fiber has high moisture capacity and breathability, vermiculite contains nutrients.

Porous coconut fiber is able to retain moisture better than peat

Seedlings grow well in peat tablets made from compressed peat enclosed in a natural shell. Peat is enriched with additional components: mineral, antibacterial substances, growth stimulator. Seedlings grown in such tablets are practically not affected by the black leg.

Instead of soil when sowing cabbage seeds, you can use peat tablets

Choosing a growing container

The roots of cabbage seedlings - thin, fragile leaves break easily, which leads to growth retardation, so it is better to immediately sow the seeds in separate containers. For growing seedlings without a pick, small ones are well suited. plastic cups or containers with cells. Tanks should have drainage holes so that moisture does not stagnate in the soil.

When growing cabbage in a separate cup, do not pick

Instead of cups, you can use jars of yogurt, cut off plastic bottles and even eggshells. Seedlings are easily removed together with a clod of earth during transplantation, and when grown in eggshell and completely landed together with a crushed container. An ideal air-water regime is created when seedlings are grown in peat pots, where the container itself is a fertilizer and is planted along with the seedlings.

It is convenient to grow cabbage seedlings in cassettes with cells, where each seedling grows separately and does not interfere with others

If it is necessary to plant a large number of cabbage seedlings, it is more convenient to use spacious boxes with a pallet. The grown seedlings must dive into separate containers and then planted in the ground.

For a large number of cabbage seedlings, it is more convenient to use seedling boxes

Seed preparation

Dragee seeds do not need to be processed before sowing. They have already undergone pre-sowing preparation and are enclosed in a shell of an organo-mineral mixture, to which fungicides and microelements are added that increase germination. Such seeds are immediately sown in nutrient soil - they are larger than untreated ones, and they are easier to decompose in containers. However, such seeds retain germination for only 2 years, while ordinary seeds last 4 years.

Seeds must be calibrated, selecting larger ones for sowing

Raw seed must be prepared. Before sowing, the seeds are calibrated, selecting medium and large in size - at least 1.5 mm. To do this, they are placed in a 3% salt solution for 5 minutes. Small light seeds float up, heavy ones that have settled to the bottom are used for sowing. They are washed clean water and dried, then disinfected from pathogens of bacterial and fungal diseases in a 2% solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes and washed again with water. To accelerate the germination of seeds, you can place them for 12 hours in solutions of Epin (1 drop per 0.5 l), Nitrophoska (5 g per 1 l) or for 3 hours in an ash solution (30 g per 1 l).

Untreated cabbage seeds are disinfected in a manganese solution before sowing.

Improving the germination of cabbage seeds also contributes to their hardening. To do this, the seeds are placed in a container, poured hot water(50 °C) and leave for 15 minutes. Next, the soaked seeds are kept for a day in cold store at a temperature of 1–2 °C. Then dry and start sowing.

Used in the processing of cabbage seeds hot water with a temperature of 50 degrees

Seedling planting methods

Seedlings are planted in two ways:

  • with further picking:
    • in the nursery
    • in containers;
  • without a pick:
    • in cups,
    • in peat pots
    • in peat tablets,
    • into a snail.

A large number of seedlings to save space is convenient to grow in a nursery or containers.


When sown in a nursery, about 25 seedlings are located on an area of ​​1 m 2.

  1. Soil is poured into the box with a layer of 4 cm and spilled with a solution of Fitosporin-M or Gamair.
  2. Mark the grooves with a depth of 1 cm every 3 cm and lay out the seeds in them at an interval of 1.5 cm. Sprinkle with soil, compact and moisten the soil.
  3. Cover the crops with a film and put in a warm place (+20 ºC).
  4. The seedlings that appeared after 4-5 days are thinned out, leaving the feeding area for each sprout 2 × 2 cm.
  5. After 2–3 weeks, seedlings with 2–3 true leaves are planted in peat pots or cups, in which they remain until planting on the beds.

Can be grown in a seed box a large number of seedlings

Container with cells

It is more convenient to grow seedlings in plastic cassettes.

  1. The cells are filled with nutrient soil, not reaching the upper edge of 3 mm, so that the roots do not grow into the adjacent cell.
  2. 2–3 seeds are placed in each cell, they are deepened by 1 cm and watered from a sprinkler.
  3. The cassette is covered polyethylene film and until seedlings appear, they are kept in a warm place, monitoring the soil moisture and removing condensate.
  4. After the appearance of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings are transplanted into larger cups.

2-3 seeds are placed in each cell

You can grow cabbage seedlings without picking, immediately planting them in separate containers or in a snail at a considerable distance from each other.

Plastic cups

Growing seedlings in cups provides a greater percentage of plant survival and their uninterrupted growth.

  1. The containers are 2/3 filled with soil, 2–3 seeds are placed to a depth of 10 mm, sprinkled with earth and moistened with a spray gun.
  2. Cover with foil and transfer to a warm place.
  3. As soon as sprouts appear, the shelter is removed.
  4. After the growth of 2-3 leaves, the weaker seedlings are removed, leaving one strong plant in the cup.

When sowing cabbage seeds in individual cups, seedlings grow stronger

Gardeners who prefer to grow seedlings in separate molds willingly use peat pots. Growing seedlings in peat containers helps to increase seed germination, increase productivity by 30%, in addition, the root system is not injured when planting in the ground. Seedlings are planted together with a pot, which, under the influence of moisture, dissolves after a while and enriches the soil with nutrients.

Peat pots can be of various shapes and sizes.

Peat tablets are peat balls of various diameters enclosed in a natural shell, which allows them to maintain their original shape. On top, recesses are made for sowing seeds.

  1. Before planting, the tablets are placed on a pallet or in large cells and moistened with water. Swelling, they increase in height up to 8 cm.
  2. The seeds are placed in the recesses and covered with 1–2 mm of peat from the tablet.
  3. The pallet is placed in a greenhouse until the emergence of seedlings.
  4. After the emergence of seedlings, the greenhouse is opened.

Cabbage seeds are sown in depressions made in the upper part of peat tablets.

Growing seedlings in peat tablets containing nutrients has clear advantages: additional plant nutrition and growth stimulants are not required, and the root system is not damaged when transplanted into the ground.

Landing in a snail

Growing seedlings in a snail is a way that saves space and soil. Shoots in the snail are evenly illuminated and well ventilated, without interfering with each other's development. The material for seedling rolls should be dense.

A snail with cabbage seeds is placed on a pallet and covered with a film, which is removed when sprouts appear.

Video: cabbage seedlings in a snail

The dependence of the time of planting cabbage for seedlings on the timing of ripening

The time for sowing cabbage for seedlings is determined depending on the precocity of the variety:

Sowing seeds of the mid-season Rinda variety is carried out in April, and in August-September you can harvest

Many summer residents who have experience in growing cabbage do not sow seeds at the same time, but every 3-4 days. This allows you to extend the harvest period.

In open ground early cabbage planted 45–50 days after sowing, seedlings of medium and late varieties - at the age of 35–45 days.

How to care for seedlings

Healthy seedlings can only be grown with proper care for shoots.

Temperature regime

For seed germination, it is necessary to create a greenhouse effect: cover the crops with a film and maintain a temperature not lower than +20 ºC. It is necessary to keep the soil in a moist state, but at the same time carry out airing daily, remove condensate. When sprout loops appear on the 3rd–4th day from sowing, the film is removed and the seedlings are transferred for a week to a cooler place with a daytime temperature of 10–12 °C, and a night temperature of 6–8 °C.

Containers with crops of cabbage seeds are placed under the film until germination

If this is not done, the seedlings will stretch and disappear. In the future, they provide the plants with an optimal temperature regime: 18–20 ° C in the daytime and 14–18 ° C at night. Lower room temperatures can result in stunted seedling growth.


On the 3-4th day, shoots emerge amicably, which need to be provided with good lighting. Seedlings are best placed on the windowsill on the south side, creating diffused light for them, shading with paper or using reflective screens. For intensive development of seedlings, it is necessary to provide a 12-hour daylight hours; in a darkened room, additional lighting with a phytolamp or fluorescent lamp will be required.

Cabbage seedlings need good lighting


Cabbage actively develops at an air humidity of 75% and soil - 85%. To do this, when the topsoil dries up, abundant watering with warm water is carried out. With a lack of moisture, the plants begin to wither, the leaves turn yellow. However, excessive watering should be avoided - stagnant water can lead to the development of root rot and the death of seedlings. Wet soil must be loosened, providing air access to the root system.

Cabbage seedlings must be watered, and on hot days - and sprayed

In case of violation of the light or temperature regime, with improper watering, seedlings can become thinner and stretch out. In this case, the plants must be transplanted into individual cups, pinching the root and deepening the seedling to the cotyledon leaves. To slow down the growth of plants will help the introduction of a solution of the Athlete preparation into the soil (1 ampoule per 500 ml), which also contributes to the formation of strong stems and a developed root system.

In low light, cabbage seedlings become thinner and stretched

cabbage pick

If the seedlings were grown in a common container, with the advent of 2-3 true leaves, it must be dived into separate cups. Seedlings growing in small cells are transplanted into larger containers. It is very convenient to dive seedlings into peat pots - when planting in the ground, the plants are planted together with the container.

Cabbage seedlings with 4-5 true leaves are ready for planting in the ground

Seedling feeding

Top dressing is necessary for seedlings of cabbage for better growth and development. Nutrient additives are applied during irrigation or by spraying. The first top dressing is carried out 2 weeks after sowing the seeds, introducing a solution of complex fertilizer Agricola-1 (25 g / 10 l) into the soil. Good influence on the development of plants and foliar top dressing. The leaves are sprayed with the prepared Agricola-1 fertilizer solution using a sprayer in the morning or evening hours.

Re-feed the seedlings 10 days after picking.

It is useful to feed cabbage seedlings with Agricola complex fertilizer containing all the necessary trace elements.

Before planting seedlings in the ground, the third dressing is carried out.

Using complex fertilizers containing a balanced amount of macro- and microelements, cabbage seedlings develop well and easily adapt to open ground conditions.


A week before transplanting to the garden, seedlings begin to harden:

Disease prevention

In case of violation of agricultural technology, seedlings can get sick. Cabbage most often suffers from blackleg and downy mildew.

The thickening of seedlings, excessive watering and non-compliance with the temperature regime often lead to the appearance of a black leg. Symptoms of the disease are darkening and rotting of the stem in the basal part. It is impossible to save such plants, therefore, to protect seedlings, it is necessary to focus on prevention.

Before sowing, seeds and soil should be disinfected; later, when watering, use only warm water by adding potassium permanganate to it. In the phase of 2–3 leaves, cabbage seedlings are sprayed with a 0.2% solution of Fitosporin-M. An acidic environment is favorable for the development of pathogens of the black leg, so the soil with high level acidity must be known. At the first sign of the disease, the affected plants are removed, healthy ones are transplanted into new ground, seedlings are treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid.

black leg - fungal disease, which spreads rapidly in case of violation of agricultural technology for growing cabbage seedlings

Excessive watering and too heat indoors contribute to the development of peronosporosis. This fungal disease especially often affects young plants with weak immunity. Yellowish-brown spots appear on the upper part of the leaf, back side covered with a grayish coating. At the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to powder the plants with ash (25 g / 0.5 m 2) or treat with Fitosporin-M solution (3 g / 5 l), re-treat after a week.

Excess moisture and elevated air temperature lead to the development of peronosporosis

Pest protection

The main enemies of cabbage seedlings are cruciferous flea and aphids. The appearance of white spots and holes on cabbage leaves is the result of an attack by the cruciferous flea.

Cruciferous fleas damage cabbage seedlings by making holes in the leaves.

The aphid reveals its presence on the seedlings of cabbage with white, and then with a brown coating on the leaves.

In the fight against pests, you can use natural preparations: herbal decoctions(chamomile, celandine, wormwood), a solution of ash (150 g / 5 l) or milk with iodine. You can wash the plants with soapy water. With a massive invasion of insects, you will have to use chemicals- Bankol (0.7 g/l), Anabasin sulfate (1 g/l).

Grow healthy seedlings even a novice gardener can do cabbage. Knowing the characteristics of a vegetable crop and creating comfortable conditions for it, you can harvest the whole season, prepare vitamin cabbage salads, pickle or store in the cellar until spring.

For growing seedlings that do not tolerate transplantation, peat seedling tablets are a convenient thing. In addition, the seeds do not always germinate together, and in this case it is possible to transfer the “first-born” to a cool place, and give the belated ones the opportunity to “soak up” in the warmth. This year I will plant tomatoes and peppers in tablets, s, I don’t plant one-year-olds due to the catastrophic lack of time in the summer. As they grow, I will transplant into larger containers.

True, I was very worried about the question - do they have an expiration date? That is, immediately purchase a large number of 30-100 pieces in order to use them next year. They are small and compact, I liked them. It turned out to be possible. If stored in a dry place, they absolutely do not lose their properties.

How to plant in peat tablets

First you need to pour dry tablets with warm water (for efficiency, I added epin), and wait 5 minutes until it increases in size. It increases in height by about 7 times. Then drain the water, expand the recess that is in the upper part of the tablet, place the seeds there, 2 - 3 pieces, depending on the germination of the seeds, not all will sprout. Place the tablets in a greenhouse or mini-greenhouse for better germination seeds.

Be sure to monitor the humidity and water the seedlings regularly. The thing is that the tablets dry very quickly and you need to constantly monitor their moisture content. It is very convenient to use peat tablets, planting cucumbers in peat tablets is especially good. Because cucumbers do not tolerate when their roots are disturbed during transplantation, and if you grow cucumbers and other similar plants in peat tablets, then they can be immediately transplanted into the garden in the garden, under and the roots are not damaged.

Flower seedlings, for example petunias, and strawberry seedlings grow well in peat briquettes. And making a mini-greenhouse for peat briquettes is very simple. You need 2 cups. In one we put a soaked briquette with seeds or a sprout, and close it with another glass on top.

Peat tablets reviews when using

It is very convenient to germinate tomatoes and peppers anyway, then transplant them into large cups. If they are placed on the ground or sawdust, peat small roots will sprout and then easily separate after transportation.

It all depends on the size of the roots and the plant itself, agricultural technology. Lettuce, cabbage, as it grows, can be immediately transplanted into a polycarbonate greenhouse or greenhouse without damaging the roots. It all depends on the number of transplants and the size of the required coma. It is convenient to transplant a tomato into a large container to shove it deeper and not every large container is suitable for a large tablet if it is lowered and sprinkled. Dive tomatoes quite crumbs. It is easier not to weaken by pulling out the roots with breaks, but simply germinate in tablets. Cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini and watermelons generally do not like transplantation. Sprouted and while the little ones were buried in a large container before planting in (or immediately in peat pots). Let us consider more specifically how to use seedling tablets for certain crops.

How to plant cabbage in peat tablets

A peat tablet is prepared for any planting of seeds in the same way - it must be filled with warm water and swell to a state ready for use. Cabbage seeds, if they are not bought in a store, undergo hardening preparation in the form of immersion in hot (about 50 C) water for 15 minutes, and then in cold water for a couple of minutes, followed by drying. Two seeds are planted in each tablet in order to remove the weaker sprout in the future. Cabbage is quite demanding on light, i.e. seed tablets should be conveniently placed in a seedling box, which in turn is placed in a well-lit area of ​​the window.

In addition, cabbage is a moisture-loving plant, and, as we remember, the tablets dry out quickly, so it is very important to observe the timely watering of the tablets when growing cabbage seedlings in this way. At the first stage of growth, the seedlings do not need to be fed, but since the tablets themselves do not contain useful nutrients, like some soils, it is planned to fertilize the seedlings in the future. So, what if someone has a question: is it possible to plant cabbage in peat tablets? Of course you can! The main thing is not to forget about care - air and water, in fact, like any other plant.

Planting tomatoes in a peat tablet

Tomatoes in peat tablets (planted in the same way as described above about cabbage) are germinated until the central root of the plant appears from the bottom of the tablet. After that, cut the root and cut the tablet itself from 2 or 4 sides, place it in a larger and more convenient container, for example, in a plastic half-liter glass or a cut eggplant, adding nutrient soil to it.

You can plant peppers in peat tablets in the same way as tomatoes. In the case of the germination of pepper seeds, it is better to use planting two seeds at once, so that in the future it will be possible to choose the stronger one from the two sprouts, removing the weak one.

Planting eggplant in a peat tablet

Eggplants are recommended to be planted in a tablet with a larger diameter than tomatoes and peppers, preferably in a 7 cm tablet. You should not put them very close to neighboring eggplants so that the roots do not intertwine during formation. How to transplant eggplant from tablets into open ground? This issue is more pressing, unlike transplanting seedlings, such as tomatoes, which tolerate transplanting much more easily than eggplant. Therefore, it is worth carefully cutting the mesh on the tablet, placing the eggplant sprout in the prepared hole, without deepening the plant to a greater depth than it was germinated from the tablet.

How to plant flowers in a peat tablet?

In peat tablets, it is convenient to germinate flowers that are considered difficult to grow, for example:

  • Eustoma - very small seeds of this flower should be applied to the tablet with a moistened tip of a toothpick, 4-5 pieces per tablet surface. Sufficient moisture without overflow will sprout in a week and a half. With the formation of several pairs of leaves at the seedling, it is already possible to transplant it into a separate pot and wait for sufficient warming for suburban area for transplanting it into open ground.
  • Petunia. Practical recommendations for eustoma, they are also suitable for this capricious and difficult-to-sprout flower. The seeds are just as small and the toothpick is just as relevant.
  • Balsams. Very well proven in germination in peat tablets. The seedlings grow very quickly, and in the first week they form a strong, viable sprout, which after a while pleases with a well-formed bush. It is worth monitoring the roots growing through the tablet in order to give them more space in time - transplanting into a large container before transferring to open ground.

Many houseplants such as cyclamens and violets can also be easily propagated in peat tablets.

Tips and reviews for growing seeds in peat tablets

There are peat tablets for seedlings of 2 cm and 4 cm, meaning in height. But I can’t even imagine what 2 cm is suitable for. It's easier to grow everything in 4 cm! I grew ampelous petunias in them, sown in March, before planting in the ground, transplanted them into cups along with tablets! And what then about 2 cm to speak? Probably just something very small and slow growing, like primroses.

Growing in peat tablets reviews of an experienced gardener: rastuhi, such as sweet peas, can be planted in tablets only if each tablet is in its own additional container (cup) so that the tablets cannot touch each other. Sweet peas do not like transplanting and their roots are very tender, but they grow very quickly and all the tablets are intertwined with these roots. It is very difficult to separate them without injury.

Coach Nutritionist, Sports Nutritionist, Honored Author of Evehealth


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For a very long time, experts in the correct and healthy eating agreed that cabbage has a beneficial effect on the body, burns fat and promotes rapid and effective weight loss.

White cabbage- one of the representatives of the cruciferous family, its distant ancestor is wild cabbage, known in all European countries. This is one of the most nutritious foods of our time, a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. These are fiber, carotene, fats, lactose, amino acids, glucose, milk and acetic acid. In the people, cabbage is called the orderly of the stomach.

So let's make soup.

We need: 600 g white cabbage½ cup brown rice green onion, a few stalks of celery, two tomatoes, 3 onions, 4 carrots and 2 pcs. bell pepper.

Next, you need to wash the vegetables well, chop the cabbage, cut the carrots into strips, make the hands into rings, and slice the pepper and celery. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin, chop or grind to satiety. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and add water, bring to a boil over low heat and cook for another 10 seconds. with open lid.

Boil rice separately, cool and then simply combine with green onion and vegetables. Takes the soup off the heat. You can start eating.

The diet will be

  1. First day: Cabbage soup and fruits except banana and grapes. Plentiful drink and vitamin complex.
  2. Second day: cabbage broth and any vegetables except potatoes. You can skimmed kefir and coffee.
  3. The third day like the first one.
  4. On fourth cabbage soup again, two bananas are allowed.
  5. On fifth day in addition to soup, you can eat a piece of boiled low-fat fish, tomatoes.
  6. Sixth day as the fifth.
  7. Seventh: cabbage soup, vegetables and fruit juices.

Soup during the diet can be consumed in unlimited quantities, only without salt, seasonings and spices. During the day, you can distribute a portion of 7-8 times and eat as you feel hungry. Do not forget about drinking plenty of water and vitamin complex.

Shutabs are dietary supplements for weight loss on a plant basis. The sellers of these capsules claim that their product compares favorably with everything on the market. It, so to speak, can reduce appetite no worse than psychotropic drugs. medical preparations, but they do not provide any negative impact on human health. The advertisement contains a rather loud phrase: “After one capsule you will feel as full as after a bowl of soup!” How is this possible?

Composition and action of Shutabs diet pills

Sellers claim that the composition contains one single component - cabbage extract. It contains vitamins C, A, E and dietary fiber. Vitamins are natural antioxidants, they help restore muscles after exercise, improve skin tone, and strengthen immunity. Most weight loss preparations contain these vitamins, as they can actually support the dieter's health. However, weight loss usually does not come from "vitamins", but from a decrease in the calorie content of the diet and an increase in the proportion of healthy, but low-calorie foods in it.

The second "secret element" of cabbage tablets is fiber. It is usually not enough sitting on protein diets. It is precisely because of the lack of fiber in the diet that people who lose weight experience constipation, metabolic disorders and other troubles. And fiber can dull the feeling of hunger. The scheme is quite simple - you drink a pill, plus a glass of water. Fiber swells in the stomach, and ensures its filling. The body reacts to this with a false sense of satiety. As a result, it becomes easier to follow a diet, and a person can actually lose weight.

Possible contraindications of tablets Shutabs for weight loss

However, taking weight loss pills is not the only way to "gain fiber." A cheaper and safer option is to take fiber from bran or natural fruits and vegetables. The standard “dose” of fiber for weight loss is 30 g. It is unlikely that one small capsule of cabbage extract can give your body so much fiber. For comparison, 8 g of fiber extract is found in 20 g of bran powder, on average.

Perhaps the authors of the capsules invented an "innovative way to compress" fiber, but the rest of the world does not know about it yet. Most of the annotations and descriptions for Shutabs contain nothing but unfounded claims about the benefits of cabbage extract - no information about clinical testing and the effectiveness of the capsules.

Fiber tablets may be contraindicated in people with colitis, gastritis and metabolic disorders. In addition, they can cause increased gas formation, bloating and discomfort.

IN traditional medicine cabbage juice is drunk for many diseases, but, again, it is contraindicated for people prone to diarrhea and flatulence. In the annotation to the tablets, however, even standard contraindications are not indicated - pregnancy and lactation. This is rather strange, because tests of weight loss products on pregnant women are prohibited in all countries of the world, and it is almost impossible to determine their safety in any other way.

In addition, these capsules should be combined with a low-calorie diet, they are intended solely to reduce appetite. If you know for sure that you overeat out of habit, from fatigue, or for other reasons not related to the natural feeling of hunger, pills are unlikely to help you.

In the case of Shutabs, you should always consult with your doctor about the advisability of their use. Perhaps you do not need diet pills at all, and a simple normalization of the diet and the establishment of reasonable physical activity will be enough.

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova