Mixer      03/29/2019

Do-it-yourself wicker furniture from a vine as a business. How do-it-yourself wicker wicker furniture is made from start to finish

Nowadays, an increasing number of buyers are willing to pay a lot of money for unusual items interior. There is also a tendency to purchase furniture from environmentally friendly products and natural raw materials. Therefore, the demand for wicker furniture is constantly growing.

Wicker furniture manufacturing is an ancient craft, but despite this, the range of wicker furniture is able to satisfy a variety of tastes and preferences of customers. Such furniture will harmoniously fit into the interior of not only a house, a summer residence, but also a restaurant or a summer cafe.

Relatively recently appeared furniture wicker from polymer wicker, but it does not seriously compete with natural wicker furniture. A self-respecting person or a decent institution will always give preference to the quality of the material and execution.
Starting to start making wicker furniture should be with the choice of material. The most common raw material is rattan, produced only abroad. by the most available material in our country is the willow vine.

Mastering ancient craft of weaving, you should not immediately take on the weaving of complex models. Start with simple stools. Having acquired the skills of weaving, you can add a table to the stools. The investments that need to be made in this idea are the skills of weaving and knowledge of the preparation of material.

The wicker rocking chair is the first association with wicker furniture. For its manufacture, it is necessary to prepare not only the vine, but also the branches for the frame. Chests of drawers are also in demand today, coffee tables, chests for bed linen, caskets from a rod. There are even whole suites for bedrooms, including a bed.

Implementation of wicker furniture in the presence of a small range of products can be adjusted by agreeing with furniture stores, specifying in advance the percentage of the sale of goods that they will receive. In the future, it is possible to consider implementation options such as opening a specialized store and opening an online store. Turn on your imagination, put your hands on it and you are guaranteed the successful development of this idea.

Video - Do-it-yourself furniture weaving:

Vine weaving - very ancient view needlework. Such weaving is quite fascinating. And although now some are replacing the vine with ordinary newspaper tubes, wicker weaving remains quite popular among modern needlewomen. In this article you will find a master class on weaving from a vine for beginners. This master class will help you understand the technique of weaving from a vine for beginners and will reveal many secrets on this topic.

Before you start weaving gizmos from the vine, learn a little about harvesting the vine. Harvesting vines for weaving requires special knowledge. Usually the vine is harvested in winter time, it is necessary that the vine was from mature wood. Next, you need to process the vine: clean it from the bark, for the ease of this process, you need to immerse the vine in hot water, it is hot, not cold, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. To choose the right vine, look at the color of its bark, if it is red or orange, you can check for strength: bend, forming a right angle, if the vine has passed these tests, you can safely take it for yourself.

Description of work

A wide variety of baskets and vases are created from the vine. There is also do-it-yourself furniture weaving from a vine. But to weave furniture, you need a great desire and experience in this matter. For beginners, it is better to get by with a regular basket, which can also be very useful in everyday life.

For weaving from a vine you will need:

  • Hot water tank
  • sharp knife
  • wicker

First you need to weave the bottom, to do this, decide what shape it will be. In our case, the bottom will be round. So, let's begin!

We take five sticks and make holes in their middle into which we insert the other five sticks. So we got the cross. We insert rods for braiding into the same holes and begin to braid the center with a rope in two rods. Weave two rows like this. Next, we move the two rods apart, leave the central one in place, again braid two. And again weave two rows like this. Now we braid two rows of one twig.

Having finished pushing the risers of the cross, we proceed to braid them with layered weaving, as shown in the photo.

We insert under each riser at the tip of the rod, selected for layered weaving, continue to weave until we reach right size bottom.

In order to weave the walls of the basket, it is necessary to lift the rods and begin to braid them. Raised twigs are called risers.

There are many weaving techniques. The most common is rope. It is with it that we will weave our basket. We will do this with a rope in two rods, i.e. two rods. The previous rod presses the next one from above and, bending around the base twig with inside, comes out. Then the same is repeated with the second rod and so on. Weave like this, gradually expanding your basket. Be sure to imagine how high your product will be and, having reached half, insert the ends of the rods bent in half into the weaving, which will serve as the handles of your basket. Such handles most often consist of three or four twigs.

Next, continue weaving the walls of the basket. When you reach the desired height, braid the side of the basket and its handles, this will give the basket completeness and prevent it from breaking quickly. Weaving this edge also has its secrets. To competently weave the edge, you need to take any riser and start it for the next two with access to the outside. Next, take the next riser and do the same. And so on, with everyone else. Carefully cut off the excess twigs with a sharpened knife. And that's it, your basket of vines is ready!

Please note that it is important that the rods lie as close to each other as possible. To do this, many craftsmen tap them with a mallet during weaving.

And this is a basket created by layer-by-layer weaving. Such weaving is also very popular among needlewomen. For things layered weaving, we need the same number of twigs as risers. This weaving is done simultaneously with all the rods: each rod goes around the next riser from the outside, then the next riser goes around from the inside and is brought out. We repeat the same in turn with each rod involved in weaving. Weave like this until you reach the desired height. In the same way, gradually expanding if it is a basket.

Thematic videos

Weaving from a vine is shown in the videos provided below, you will find many secrets that will be very useful to you in your work.

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Do-it-yourself wicker furniture is easy, and a wicker sofa is even easier

  1. DIY wicker furniture - the basics
  2. small wicker sofa
  3. Making a seat frame
  4. Cut out the front legs
  5. Cut out the back legs
  6. Making the back
  7. Making ribbons
  8. We give rigidity to our frame
  9. Finishing touches
  10. We make a seat

Do-it-yourself wicker furniture is not only elegant appearance and reliability, but also pride in the fact that this is the creation of your hands.

This article will be of interest to two categories of people at the same time:

  1. For those who want to turn weaving furniture with their own hands into a hobby
  2. For those who want, without going too far into the creation process, to make a small sofa in the yard to sit on it and tie their shoelaces or just take a break.

The first will learn about the basics of weaving furniture.

The second is about how to make such a sofa.

DIY wicker furniture - the basics

In fact, making wicker furniture yourself is not difficult if you move in the direction from simple to complex. Yes, you will need certain skills, and you must know a number of nuances. But they are simple, and mastering them is a matter of a couple of minutes.

There are several types of wicker furniture:

  1. Frameless.

    The peculiarity of creating such products is that you need to find a lot of strong sticks. Not bars, not wood, but sticks collected in some park or forest.

    These sticks will be like stiffeners for the whole structure.

  2. Joinery-frame and frame (typesetting). In such products, duralumin tubes or steel bars are used as a frame.

    And the weaving itself is done between them.

  3. Stick. Here the whole feature is that the sticks are not used to stiffen the weaving, but they themselves will play the role of a supporting structure.

Just the sofa that we will make together today belongs to this type of wicker furniture.

Also available in soft and semi-hard wicker furniture.

If you decide to make furniture weaving your hobby, then you should know that you can weave in different ways.

Below we list the main types of weaving:

  • single
  • openwork
  • combined - in this case, several rods are used

With these types of weaving, you can not only make solid surfaces, but also create patterns.

And in order for do-it-yourself wicker furniture not to crumble after the first use, it is necessary that all parts are firmly connected.

Connections are of two types: detachable and one-piece.

If you connect the details of wicker furniture in the first way, then the product is easier to disassemble and reassemble.

But this method is rarely used.

The second method is more popular, since the product is more durable, and it is easier to use it - because in order to connect the parts you need a hammer and nails, self-tapping screws and glue.

But in this case, if the furniture is large, it is more difficult to transport it to another place, because it cannot be disassembled.

Do you think that's enough theory for today?

How to make a small wicker sofa for the yard

You know that the main material for wicker furniture is willow. This suggests that if you have a courtyard, then there is probably a forest nearby or a small park where a willow grows. Why are we?

To the fact that the first thing you need to go there and collect as much material as possible. Along the way, collect strong sticks - about 2.5-3 centimeters in diameter - from which you will make a frame.

As soon as you collect the material, go home and peel off the bark from the sticks and willow.

Leave them to dry.

And when they dry, sand them a little so that you don’t pick up a splinter during use.

In the meantime, they dry, determine the size of the sofa:

  • seat length and width
  • how far will the seat be from the floor
  • how high will the back be


Making a seat frame

To do this, cut four sticks to the required size. Let there be two 60 cm each and two 40 cm each.

Fasten them with screws. You should get a rectangle.

Cut out the front legs

There will be three of them. They are also made from sticks.

Their height should be equal to the distance of the seat from the floor that you have chosen. Let it be 40 cm.

Cut out the back legs

To determine their size, add to the height of the front legs the height of the back you have chosen.

Let the back height be 25 cm. Then we cut out two legs 65 cm high (they will be extreme) and one 70-75 cm high (you will fix it in the middle).

Attach them to the seat with self-tapping screws.

Making the back

To do this, cut a stick a little longer than the length of the seat, and attach it to the upper ends of the rear legs with self-tapping screws.

Since our middle leg is higher, you will get a back in the form of an arc.

Making ribbons

To do this, you need to divide the willow twigs into four parts. Any stick cut in the shape of four final stars will help you with this.

Make an incision in the form of a cross at the end of the twig. Divide the twig into pieces with your hands. Put the separated parts into the recesses of the stick in the form of a star, and press on the stick until it reaches the other end. This way you will get four ribbons.

Do the same with a few more twigs.

Just not with everyone, they still come in handy.

With these ribbons you will hide the caps of the screws and nails.

We give rigidity to our frame

To do this, we fasten a stick between the side legs. Also with self-tapping screws. It is also necessary to fasten the middle legs together.

Remember that the stiffeners must be at the same height.

Now you need to attach two sticks along the length of the seat, fastening the stiffeners connecting the legs.

Now you need to attach two sticks that will connect the back leg, located in the center, with the extreme ones.

Attach the sticks diagonally.

The end that will be on the extreme legs should be at the level of the stick that fastens the front and rear legs together, and fasten the other end just below the seat.

Finishing touches

Take a willow twig.

Making wicker furniture with your own hands

Fold it into an arc and fasten it to the left side of the back, nailing it:

  • the ends of the twig to the extreme and middle legs
  • and the top point of the arc to the back

Do the same with the second part of the back.

Take a larger willow twig and also turn it into an arc. Fasten the ends of the arc with small nails to the side front legs, and the upper part in two places to the seat.

Now wrap all the parts where the caps of self-tapping screws and nails are visible with the tapes made in paragraph five.

And so that it does not unwind, glue it with glue.

We make a seat

To do this, cut out a piece of plywood according to the size of the frame for the seat. Nail it to it with nails or screws.

After that, you process the entire sofa with stain in several layers. As soon as the stain dries, put foam rubber on the plywood and upholster it with material.

All. A wicker sofa for a summer residence is ready. You can use it to your heart's content.

DIY wicker furniture

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Home » Catalog BUSINESS IDEAS » Wicker products: ideas for home business"Wicker furniture at home" "Do-it-yourself wicker furniture" Material from the "Weaving furniture at home" section of the "Wicker products: ideas for home business" section of our site of business ideas for organizing your own profitable business or profitable business from scratch.

Business idea for aspiring entrepreneurs who searched on the Internet: wicker furniture, do-it-yourself, technological process what you need to know, be able to, types of weaving, description, What you need to know and be able to weave furniture.

The technological process of weaving furniture with your own hands

To weave furniture with your own hands, you first need to know the technological process of mechanical processing of wood, choose the material that is beneficial for you (willow or rattan), learn how to store it, study each type of weaving, know how to connect elements of wicker furniture, have the necessary equipment for work and allocate a place where you will engage in craftsmanship.

Of the equipment for mechanical processing, you need to purchase: hand saws, shmol (for cutting tapes in width), plows, zhamki (steel plates for bending or straightening rods), chisel, iser (conical steel plate for aligning rows in products and thickening weaving), chisels, drills, drills, emery skins, screwdrivers, knives and other tools.

The technology for the production of furniture weaving begins with the procurement or purchase of raw materials, for example, you have the opportunity to collect it near a river or in a forest. Having brought the rods home, they need to be re-sorted and cleaned of bark (hot or cold) after, when the rod is completely peeled of bark and has a creamy shiny surface, it is sent for sanding to the grinder.

Then the rod of the vine goes through the process of bleaching, moistened and sent to dry for 20 hours. Then they make a frame for wicker furniture with their own hands, braid it with a split vine.

Making wicker furniture with your own hands

And only after that they choose the type of weaving for furniture to make it with their own hands: simple, thick, solid, rare, openwork, layered, in rows, squares, rope and bend. To make the rods easier to bend, they are moistened in water, and then dried. Pieces of wicker furniture can be connected: a simple overlay or trimming of wood 1/3 or 1/4 of the thickness of one piece in relation to the width of another piece, corner connections(in the overlay), overlay with undercutting and wrapping, connection on an oblique cut of two parts, fastening with a girth, connection with arrows, underarms and prolegs.

After fixing and shaping all the elements with your own hands on wicker furniture, they are assembled again, dried and polished, and then only varnished, which dries quickly and makes the surface glossy, shiny

Do-it-yourself wicker furniture from a wicker DIY furniture weaving technology What you need to know and be able to weave furniture

What should be the focus of choosing knitted furniture

Like all other things, fashion wicker furniture is one of the decisive factors in the growth of consumer demand for it.

Today it is difficult to judge the fashion for furniture in general, its great variety allows the consumer to create this particular interior, which corresponds to his ideas of a comfortable life. Those who focus on pleasant, exclusive romantic style interiors, among the preferred options, consider hanging furniture to have full or partial living arrangements, including open and closed verandas.

Which manufacturer is better

Today on the market there is mainly knitted furniture of European, domestic and Indonesian production.

Which one would I prefer?
It is traditionally believed that the European quality of goods is better than, for example, Asia. The cost of producing furniture in Europe is much higher, so you can't talk about its affordability, but it is great advantage that almost no complaints about the quality of users.

Indonesian wicker furniture is relatively cheap and is plentiful today.

It is supposed to be handmade and varied. Unfortunately, there are many complaints from Russian buyers, because most of the production models in Asian countries are not correct due to the broken frame, and the repair of products is not recommended, as it is very expensive. In addition, Asian standards for human physical parameters are different from Asian standards.

For example, armchairs and chairs may not fit as the overall height, depth, and height of the armrests are for Asian.

The Russian manufacturer presents a wide range of wicker products on the market. The main wicker furniture is of high quality and the prices are quite high. The big advantage of buying domestic products is the possibility of repair in case of failure and an immediate guarantee from the supplier.

Why weaving furniture

In general, knitwear Walnut, cane, bamboo, sisal, abacus, raffia are used for weaving various products and furniture.

Modern knitted furniture is made mainly from rattan. Most manufacturers choose rattan for a reason, but most of them meet the requirements of all the parameters required for the material during its processing and during operation.

Rattan, wood, metals can be used as product frames. For exterior finish can be used various materials A: glass, leather, textile, plastics, etc.

DIY wicker furniture

Products are covered with various varnishes, colors. Today we offer furniture for furniture made of natural and artificial rattan.
A feature of woven products is that fasteners are practically not used for their manufacture. The technology allows knitting in such a way that the product will firmly hold the mold in the future.


When choosing knitted furniture, be guided by:
Your personal desire for visual perception;
about their financial capacity.

When you settle on similar options, carefully review the supplier information, the material the furniture is made from, and the manufacturer's warranty.
Capture the product with your parameters: take the size of the strap and shape the model practical way: Is it right for you.

If you are buying furniture from a real store, feel free to sit on it, lie, open all the drawers and doors.

Since ancient times, man has mastered the technique of weaving furniture. Until the advent of technology and modern finishing materials, wicker furniture was almost the only item home interior. Since then, a lot of time has passed, but the good old "braid" does not lose its relevance today.

Moreover, surprisingly, this type of furniture is very versatile and is equally suitable for both urban environments and country houses.

The materials for the manufacture of wicker furniture, both in past times and now, are straw, reeds, lianas, connected in a special way.

Moreover, in this way you can make a variety of home furnishings: such as various shapes sofas, tables, banquettes, beds and much more. Except original look and spectacular appearance, wicker furniture compares favorably with traditional furniture by a number of advantages.

Perhaps one of the most important is that such furniture is made from environmentally friendly materials, and it is made exclusively by hand, and its production is absolutely harmless to the environment.

The benefits of wicker furniture

In addition, we must remember that such a headset, unless of course it is made by a professional and from quality materials, is very durable and will serve its owners much longer than the traditional one.

Thanks to the materials used, no matter how big it is, such furniture will not weigh much and therefore it will be easy to move it when rearranging or, say, cleaning the room.

It is very easy to care for it: you just need to wipe the product from dust and regularly moisten its surface with a sponge, for example, in order to prevent cracking of the “braid”.

Vine weaving for beginners: the best do-it-yourself furniture

We should not forget about the pleasant appearance of your furniture: weaving patterns will create a good mood and will remind you of nature at any time of the year.

The latest fashion trends have also affected this conservative type of furniture: the materials for its manufacture are processed with special chemicals, giving them increased strength and moisture resistance, and in addition, individual copies of wicker furniture are equipped with small wheels, which greatly simplify its movement.

Life does not stand still, and models of wicker furniture are already appearing, in which, in addition to the main material, there are also modern ones.

For example as various shelves and countertops, more and more often in the design of wicker furniture there is impact-resistant glass, which, thanks to a special manufacturing technology, is able to withstand significant loads and physical impact. In addition, in the design of the "braid" you can increasingly find elements made of chrome-plated iron, which improve the appearance and increase the strength of the product.

Among other things, some types of wicker furniture include special pillows that increase the softness of the products, and since these pillows are equipped with removable covers, they are easy to care for and keep your headset looking nice.

Material for making wicker furniture

Willow is certainly considered the most common material for the manufacture of wicker furniture in our latitudes: probably every summer resident has baskets of this material, and abroad they use rattan for this purpose.

Unfortunately, wicker furniture has one, but a significant drawback is its price. Because it handmade, then it will cost a lot: for example, domestic furniture made of willow, in the form of a set of items from a sofa and two armchairs, can reach an amount of several thousand rubles, and a similar imported furniture set will cost about $ 1,000.

In the case of buying a whole living room set, the price can easily exceed $10,000.

However, if you are a true connoisseur of everything natural and for you originality and spectacular appearance play decisive role when buying, then wicker furniture is what you need. And at any time of the year, it will give you pleasant and dear memories. Happy shopping!

It is impossible to call an ordinary interior with wicker furniture. These items attract attention at first sight, creating the originality and originality of the room, while having high performance. As a rule, do-it-yourself wicker furniture is popular among owners of private houses, cottages, summer cottages, urban loggias with a large area.

Technology and nuances in manufacturing

Hand-made wicker furniture does not require a lot of time, while turning out to be quite high quality. However, this requires technology. Nuances at self-manufacturing wicker furniture depend on the design and arrangement of the frame of each in particular. Also, the technology may differ in the method of weaving, which can be combined, openwork, single, etc. When weaving, you can make a beautiful pattern or combine several types of weaving in one product, or simply make continuous weaving in one technique.

Undoubtedly, the main quality that wicker furniture of our own production should have is safety, reliability and durability. At the same time, the quality of fastening parts should be at highest level, while simultaneously providing the required level of rigidity and strength. Furniture can be fixed by detachable or permanent connections. With detachable connections, the process of assembling the structure is greatly facilitated. One-piece connections are attached to glue or nails. The second method is preferable due to its strength and reliability, however, its disadvantage is the difficulty of transporting the product.

As a material for weaving, branches of several types of wood are used: willow, alder, bird cherry, hazel, nettle or raspberry. For those who are starting this activity for the first time, it is worth using bird cherry blanks, since they are more pliable, easier to cut and cut, and retain their original color and shine for a long time.

It is worth starting the preparation of rods in the autumn months, starting in October, or in spring period. It is at this time that the workpieces are easiest to clean and keep dry for a long time. If you plan to make openwork patterns from thin rods, harvesting should take place in the spring. When cutting blanks, pay attention to the thin core. If the core is thick, such rods are perfect for weaving flower beds, gazebos, or the frame of large elements. Also, the selection criterion can be the width of the sheet, the wider the sheet, the less pliable the workpiece will be.

In order for the final workpiece to acquire White color, it must be boiled. To do this, you need to lower the rods into a large container with boiling water. Billets must be boiled for 60 minutes, and then another 120 minutes before purchase light color. In order for the final material to have a dark color, it must be boiled for at least 4 hours. As soon as the cooking of the rods is over, they should be immediately rid of the bark with a rough glove or a split. In this way, you will keep the attractive shade of the material.

Weaving products

Furniture items made with the simultaneous use of rods and glossy ribbons in weaving have an unusual appearance. The manufacture of such tapes is carried out by dividing the rod into several parts using a sharply sharpened knife. The resulting blanks are used to make thin ribbons.

Preparatory work

In order to make a chair, you will need to weave the following elements: seat, sides, back, legs, drawstrings and additional elements- armrests. As a material for the chair, it is worth preparing willow twigs with a diameter of no more than 3 cm and thinner 0.5-1 cm. Not taking into account the design features, on average, about 25 long rods will be required to weave a chair. To bend the rod, if necessary, it is worth stocking up with a special tool - a zipper, which will smooth out all the defects in the workpiece. First, it is worth cutting the material into the required elements. For the manufacture of a bent part, the soaked workpiece is bent according to a template.

If the chair is intended for relaxation, then its design includes: the lower bench, the seat itself, the backrest and armrests. The frame is made of thick rods. This piece of furniture is quite beautiful and functional, and the armrests give the bench comfort and extra strength.

The role of the base frame of the structure is played by the lower bench, which is necessary for the stability and reliability of the chair. In turn, the lower bench includes a covered proleg, a bearing cross, an arm and a frame for seat support. The backrest is made from the upper part of the rear legs, horizontal elements and rods of the upper part of the backrest. For the production of the seat, it is worth choosing strong and large paired rods. They are fixed to the cross bar of the seat and frame rods.

During the manufacture of the frame, its legs are fixed on the crosspiece and the seat frame. Then the prolegs are fitted and shooters are installed. Next, the installation of the upper part of the backrest, the transverse rods of the seat is carried out. Armrests are made from prefabricated elements that have been soaked and bent to the desired shape.

The armrests are attached to the seat frame and to the shooters with studs. The upper ends of the armrest rods are attached to the side shooters. After the installation of all the main rods is completed, you can begin to install the decorative branches of the armrests, surrounding the back from above and trimming all the joints with a thin ribbon. The final step will be the installation of typesetting rods on the back and seat.

By doing this step by step instructions you can create a beautiful piece of furniture that will amaze with its unusualness, and create a feeling of unity with nature.

Do-it-yourself wicker furniture is not only an elegant appearance and reliability, but also pride in the fact that it is a creation of your hands.

This article will be of interest to two categories of people at the same time:

  1. For those who want to turn weaving furniture with their own hands into a hobby
  2. For those who want, without going too far into the creation process, to make a small sofa in the yard to sit on it and tie their shoelaces or just take a break.

The first will learn about the basics of weaving furniture. The second is about how to make such a sofa.

DIY wicker furniture - the basics

In fact, making wicker furniture yourself is not difficult if you move in the direction from simple to complex. Yes, you will need certain skills, and you must know a number of nuances. But they are simple, and mastering them is a matter of a couple of minutes.

There are several types of wicker furniture:

  1. Frameless. The peculiarity of creating such products is that you need to find a lot of strong sticks. Not bars, not wood, but sticks collected in some park or forest. These sticks will be like stiffeners for the whole structure.
  2. Joinery-frame and frame (typesetting). In such products, duralumin tubes or steel bars are used as a frame. And the weaving itself is done between them.
  3. Stick. Here the whole feature is that the sticks are not used to stiffen the weaving, but they themselves will play the role of a supporting structure.

Just the sofa that we will make together today belongs to this type of wicker furniture.

There is also soft and semi-rigid wicker furniture.

If you decide to make furniture weaving your hobby, then you should know that you can weave in different ways. Below we list the main types of weaving:

  • single
  • openwork
  • combined - in this case, several rods are used

With these types of weaving, you can not only make solid surfaces, but also create patterns.

And in order for do-it-yourself wicker furniture not to crumble after the first use, it is necessary that all parts are firmly connected.

Connections are of two types: detachable and one-piece.

If you connect the details of wicker furniture in the first way, then the product is easier to disassemble and reassemble. But this method is rarely used.

The second method is more popular, since the product is more durable, and it is easier to use it - because in order to connect the parts you need a hammer and nails, self-tapping screws and glue.

But in this case, if the furniture is large, it is more difficult to transport it to another place, because it cannot be disassembled.

Do you think that's enough theory for today? Alright, then let's get to practice. Next you will find out…

How to make a small wicker sofa for the yard

You know that the main material for wicker furniture is willow. This suggests that if you have a courtyard, then there is probably a forest nearby or a small park where a willow grows. Why are we?

To the fact that the first thing you need to go there and collect as much material as possible. Along the way, collect strong sticks - about 2.5-3 centimeters in diameter - from which you will make a frame.

As soon as you collect the material, go home and peel off the bark from the sticks and willow. Leave them to dry.

And when they dry, sand them a little so that you don’t pick up a splinter during use.

In the meantime, they dry, determine the size of the sofa:

  • seat length and width
  • how far will the seat be from the floor
  • how high will the back be

Determined? Are the sticks dry? If yes, then let's move on.

Making a seat frame

To do this, cut four sticks to the required size. Let there be two 60 cm each and two 40 cm each.

Fasten them with screws. You should get a rectangle.

Cut out the front legs

There will be three of them. They are also made from sticks. Their height should be equal to the distance of the seat from the floor that you have chosen. Let it be 40 cm.

Cut out the back legs

To determine their size, add to the height of the front legs the height of the back you have chosen. Let the back height be 25 cm. Then we cut out two legs 65 cm high (they will be extreme) and one 70-75 cm high (you will fix it in the middle).

Attach them to the seat with self-tapping screws.

Making the back

To do this, cut a stick a little longer than the length of the seat, and attach it to the upper ends of the rear legs with self-tapping screws. Since our middle leg is higher, you will get a back in the form of an arc.

Making ribbons

To do this, you need to divide the willow twigs into four parts. Any stick cut in the shape of four final stars will help you with this.

Make an incision in the form of a cross at the end of the twig. Divide the twig into pieces with your hands. Put the separated parts into the recesses of the stick in the form of a star, and press on the stick until it reaches the other end. This way you will get four ribbons. Do the same with a few more twigs.

Just not with everyone, they still come in handy.

With these ribbons you will hide the caps of the screws and nails.

We give rigidity to our frame

To do this, we fasten a stick between the side legs. Also with self-tapping screws. It is also necessary to fasten the middle legs together. Remember that the stiffeners must be at the same height.

Now you need to attach two sticks along the length of the seat, fastening the stiffeners connecting the legs.

Now you need to attach two sticks that will connect the back leg, located in the center, with the extreme ones.

Attach the sticks diagonally. The end that will be on the extreme legs should be at the level of the stick that fastens the front and rear legs together, and fasten the other end just below the seat.

Finishing touches

Take a willow twig. Fold it into an arc and fasten it to the left side of the back, nailing it:

  • the ends of the twig to the extreme and middle legs
  • and the top point of the arc to the back

Do the same with the second part of the back.

Take a larger willow twig and also turn it into an arc. Fasten the ends of the arc with small nails to the side front legs, and the upper part in two places to the seat.

Now wrap all the parts where the caps of self-tapping screws and nails are visible with the tapes made in paragraph five. And so that it does not unwind, glue it with glue.

We make a seat

To do this, cut out a piece of plywood according to the size of the frame for the seat. Nail it to it with nails or screws.

After that, you process the entire sofa with stain in several layers. As soon as the stain dries, put foam rubber on the plywood and upholster it with material.

All. A wicker sofa for a summer residence is ready. You can use it to your heart's content.

Craftsmen were the first to use wicker furniture for home improvement. ancient rome. For a long time, wicker products were considered plebeian, but soon rich dignitaries appreciated the soft and durable sofas, armchairs, and wicker benches. Nowadays, everyone wants to make their home beautiful and original. It is unlikely that you will be able to surprise someone with massive furniture made of expensive wood, here you need a different approach to home improvement.

Wicker furniture is original solution when creating the interior of an apartment, as there is a common stereotype about wickerwork as an attribute country houses. In fact, wicker furniture can revive a boring interior design, create an atmosphere of comfort, give the opportunity to feel the warmth of human hands (wicker products are made mainly using manual labor).

What is wicker furniture made of?

In every part of the world there is a plant whose branches or stems are used for weaving. Algae and synthetic fibers are also used for the manufacture of wickerwork. For Eastern Europe traditional material for weaving are willow branches. The vine is harvested, cleaned of bark, to increase the strength and elasticity of the branches are treated with steam or a special solution. Bamboo, rattan are used as a material for weaving furniture.

Needleworkers are looking for new techniques and more economical materials for weaving. Wicker newspaper furniture is especially popular. In this article we will look at how to make wicker furniture with your own hands.

Step-by-step instruction: "How to make wicker furniture with your own hands?"

The easiest way to make a beautiful wicker chair is to decoupage an ordinary plastic chair.

  1. To decorate the chair, we need cardboard and newspapers, from which we need to form tubes of the same diameter (you can use a pencil).
  2. We put the cardboard under the chair and cut it off, forming the "bottom" of the chair.

  3. We glue newspaper tubes to the cardboard form, as in the photo.

  4. Raise the stands up.

  5. Weave a row of four tubes.

  6. This is how it should turn out.

  7. Hide two extra tubes inside, and with two more weave two rows.

  8. After the fourth row, you can weave with two tubes at the same time.

  9. After several rows with two tubes weave again with a “string”

  10. We got to the seat. Now let's leave the side racks and take care of the seat itself - weave it with one tube.

  11. In every fifth row, we leave the working tube on the right, and add a new one on the left with a margin. Thus, we get side racks.

  12. Now we weave the sides from left to right with a “string”.

  13. We hide the tails from the seat inside, and weave the back from new tubes.

  14. After several rows, we separately begin to weave the back around the entire chair.
  15. To narrow the armrest, we take two racks together. Then you can cut off one of them so as not to spoil the view.
  16. To make weaving look neater and things go faster, you can weave several rows at once.

  17. We have reached the armrests, now we will work with the back of the chair. Start on the left, and cut off the excess. Glue the ends to the back.

  18. On the inside, you will have to reduce the width in the shape of the back.

  19. On the armrest, add two bent tubes. Weave in a circle, bending the right working tube under the first rack on the right.

  20. It should turn out like this. Cut off and glue the ends.

  21. Next, you need to cover the arcs of the armrests and back. Weave the upper part until the lower and upper racks converge. We bend the edges, cut off the extra racks.

  22. Here is a chair we got from an ordinary plastic chair.
  23. Now we paint it with a stain, and then varnish it. It is not difficult to make the restoration of furniture woven from newspapers, thanks to the cheapness of the material and the simplicity of the weaving technique.