Mixer      06/14/2019

Correct seating position. It is important to know!! Erisman's school desk. Correct posture of the child when reading and writing Correct seating of the student at the desk

A child - a schoolboy spends a lot of time at his desk. Correct fit at the desk is the key to the proper development of the spine, back muscles and many internal organs.

The child is behind desk throughout the day. Of course, there are times of breaks and pauses, but the total period of sitting is long enough. Curvature of the spine is a process that develops rapidly. The impact of such a violation on the state of other internal organs is very large. Curvature of the spine can provoke disorders in the respiratory and digestive systems. These children are more likely to be diagnosed with asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, gastritis, constipation and colic. Central nervous system is also subject to change. Children with postural curvature show inattention and memory problems.

How to sit at the desk correctly?

The correct posture of the student is a guarantee that the load on the spine will be distributed properly. This, in turn, prevents the development of curvature. If the child is located at the desk in the correct position, there is increased efficiency, concentration and concentration of brain activity.
The position of the child at the table should be as follows:

  • The knees form a right angle.
  • The back and hips are at right angles.
  • The elbows are on the table.
  • The feet should rest on the footrest or on the floor.
  • The back of the chair is equipped with a ledge, which is necessary for the lower back.
  • The position of the back is even, but without tension.
  • The chair should fit the student in height.
  • You can't bend your neck to the table. It must remain straight.
  • The back and back of the chair must be in contact.

It must be borne in mind that the correct posture and the organization of the working angle of the child are interrelated concepts. You can not buy one set of furniture for everything academic years. It is necessary that the pieces of furniture change as the child grows. It is acceptable to use furniture with the ability to adjust various characteristics: height, angle of inclination, etc. Also, parents should consider that too light furniture will reflect Sun rays. While dark furniture promotes absorption a large number Sveta. Both options are unacceptable, because they provoke eye fatigue. The best option furniture is considered, the color of which is as close as possible to natural wood.
The ratio of the height of the child and the height of the table, chair:

  • If the height of the student is from 110 to 119 cm, then the table is 52 cm high, the chair height is 32 cm.
  • When the child is 120 - 129 cm, the height of the table is 57 cm, the chair is not higher than 35 cm.
  • The child is 130 -139 cm, optimal height the table in this case will be - 62 cm, a suitable chair - 38 cm.

Conscientious parents should not lose sight of the fact that sports are a necessary prevention of posture disorders. Regular exercise will allow the muscles of the back and abdomen to be in the correct position. From the primary school, it is important for a child to form conscious control over the position of his own body when studying at a table at home or a desk at school.

Parents should monitor all possible nuances in the life of the child. One of them is like a kid sitting at a school desk. It is very important to realize whether he is doing it right and what should be taken care of so that the child’s posture does not deteriorate during the learning process.

About problems

Every student should know how to sit at a desk correctly. After all, it is from this that various curvature of the spine can occur, as well as concomitant diseases: lesions of the central nervous system, problems with the digestive tract and respiratory system.

What to do?

What is the easiest way to teach a child to sit correctly at the study table? Show how children sit at their desks. Pictures in this matter are great helpers. After all, it is easier for the student to perceive the information that comes not only auditorily, but also visually. In addition, the child also needs to explain some of the nuances that may not be seen in the picture. Moreover, it is good to create “golden rules for maintaining posture” that can be hung over a student’s workplace, at least at home.


So, what is the right way to sit at a desk? Some simple rules. First of all, some parts of the child's body should be located in relation to each other at a right angle (90 degrees each). Such an angle should be in the baby's knees (so it is very important to choose a chair of the correct height), and also be formed between the back and hips of the child. is also very important for teaching a student, because his elbows should be completely on the desk, and not hang down, as is often the case. It is also important that the child's feet should be completely on the floor. If the height of the chair is not enough, a special stand should be provided for the legs. However, it is worth considering the fact that the child will periodically bend and straighten the legs, so the stand should be quite large. As for the high chair, it is very important that its back can move, because it is located slightly at an angle to the baby's lower back, supporting it. The very same posture of the child should be easy, natural. The student's back should not be constantly in tension. Correct posture is when a child with a straight back is very comfortable and comfortable. The neck should also remain flat, so, again, it is very important to choose the right table height for the student.

Physical minutes

When figuring out how to sit at a desk correctly in order to maintain posture, children (as well as teachers at school) must remember that there must be moments of rest between classes. Not only psychological and mental, but also physical. It is very good to do small exercises between lessons, to “knead” the bones, to move. Change is also meant for this.


Knowing how to sit at a desk correctly, the student must constantly remember this. It’s good to make small reminders at home, then they will always fall into the field of view of the child and tell him that he needs to control himself. However, it is worth clarifying that after a certain time it will become a habit and will not be burdensome for the student. Understanding how to sit at a desk in such a way as to maintain posture, do not forget that the place where the child works at the computer should be organized according to the same principle. And, of course, great preventive measure are moderate physical activity that will train the back and strengthen its muscles.

Regardless of age and gender, the most loaded organ in any person is lumbar spine. When a person sits, the weight of the whole body presses on him. We all noticed fatigue and fatigue after heavy loads on the spine. Orthopedists have long known: most often, diseases of the spine - poor posture, scoliosis, and others - begin in early childhood.

As soon as the child goes to the first grade, he spends more and more time in a sitting position: both during lessons and at home. In order not to spoil the posture, it is very important for the student to follow exactly how he sits at the table.

When a child constantly sits in an incorrect position, a curvature of the spine develops and posture is disturbed, which leads to rapid fatigue with small loads, discomfort and pain in the spine.

What is the right way to sit?

5 tips for how a child should sit so as not to spoil the posture

To maintain the health of the back and form the correct posture, orthopedists have defined general standards that a table for a student must meet.

Here are some of them:

  • Table and chair must be adjustable for height
  • This will allow: firstly, to adjust them to the height of your child, and secondly, you do not need to buy in a year new table and a chair

  • The tabletop must be angled
  • An adjustable table top is needed so that the child himself does not lean towards the table and does not cringe.

  • The chest should be close to the table at the distance of a child's fist.
  • Do not hang over the table and tilt your head as little as possible

  • When writing, the notebook must be tilted to the left (left-handed - to the right) by about 30 degrees
  • Then your child will not have to turn the torso

  • Chair seating:
    • knees under the table form one right angle
    • hip line and back - second
    • feet should be firmly planted on the floor.

At such a school table, more than 50% of the load is removed from the child's spine!

Well, no one canceled physical activity. The most common cause of scoliosis and back pain is a sedentary lifestyle and low mobility. Therefore, make sure that the child sits less at a computer or tablet and walks, runs, jumps, plays sports more.

But keep in mind that not all sports are created equal. Here is a real life example for you:

Enrolled my daughter in tennis. After a while, I began to notice that one shoulder was higher than the other. I made an appointment with a doctor, it turned out that tennis in 90% of cases involves only one side of the back, usually the right one, because the child holds the racket and beats the child more often right hand. As a result, some back muscles are in hypertonicity, and the opposite paired back muscles atrophy, and the spine begins to divert to the side. Fortunately, they noticed and immediately turned, exercise therapy fixed everything, and the tennis racket was put aside. Therefore, carefully monitor the posture of the child than older child the harder it is to fix.

Sit right and stay healthy!

Beautiful posture is the key to health and an attractive image. Physiologically correct position body favorably affects the condition of the spine, internal organs and the circulatory system. In addition, a straight back and turned shoulders in most people are associated with the image of a successful person.

The habit of keeping your back straight is formed in childhood, and it is the duty of parents to educate the child in the skill and desire to monitor their posture. From the first days of schooling, the kid should be explained how to sit at a desk while writing, and ensure a comfortable workplace.

School period - time active growth and formation of the spine. The child spends a lot of time at the table, the load on the skeletal and muscular system, the organs of vision increases. Correct posture at the desk will help to avoid many diseases that people acquire during the school period of life. These are scoliosis, blurred vision, digestive problems, headaches, and increased fatigue.

  • the body is located vertically, the body is straightened;
  • the head is tilted at an angle of not more than 15 °;
  • the shoulders are located at the same height: an imaginary line drawn along the shoulder girdle is strictly parallel to the plane of the desk;
  • elbows do not rest on the table, but lie freely;
  • distance between working area and the eyes of the student is at least 30 cm;
  • legs with a full foot stand on the floor or a special stand;
  • the pelvic and femoral parts of the body are in contact with the seat;
  • the child leans back on the back of the chair.

Compliance with these rules is possible only if the child is provided with a comfortable workplace designed to meet the sanitary and hygienic requirements for furniture for school-age children.

The right desk for a child

The process of teaching a child to sit correctly at a school desk should begin at home. Special orthopedic transforming tables will come to the rescue, which provide children with the most physiological position of the body. Thanks to adjustable legs and special mechanisms, these desks "grow" with the child, guaranteeing comfort from the first days of learning to adolescence.

"Growing" FunDesk desks are designed for children from 1.5 years old. A feature of the products is a tabletop with an adjustable tilt angle of up to 60 ° and a multi-stage mechanism for changing the height of the desk and chair. The minimum height of the model is 54 cm. The maximum height of the workplace is standard for adult desks - 76 cm. Depending on the modification, desks are equipped with compartments for stationery, shelves, drawers, coasters and baskets for books.

KANTOR transforming desks are represented by school and home models designed for students aged 3-16. The step-by-step mechanism allows you to adjust the height of the table and chair depending on the height of the child. The tilt angle adjuster allows you to choose the optimal position of the table top for various kinds activities: writing, drawing, drafting. School desks are presented in both simple design and bright pink and blue colors designed specifically for boys and girls.

  • When working at a desk, support should be on 5 points: 2 arms, 2 legs, buttocks.
  • The head should not fall above the notebook below the point where the fingers are attached to the palm of an outstretched hand standing on the table.
  • The distance between the child's body and the edge of the table should be equal to the width of the palm clenched into a fist.
  • To calculate the height of the desktop, attach his palm across the width to the child's waist: the upper edge of the palm will be the height at which the table top should be located.
  • The last (and most difficult thing to achieve in a modern school): the table (desk) should be with a crossbar for the legs. When resting with both legs on this crossbar, the back is unloaded. A huge selection of children's tables and desks at this link

    At home, be sure to substitute a small bench or a stack of books for your child. If in class modern tables without crossbars, arrange with other parents and nail or weld such crossbars.


  • The lamp is always on the table on the left.
  • The light from an ordinary lamp should illuminate the workplace well, and not shine into the eyes of the child. If you have a halogen lamp, then make sure the opposite is true: whether the circle of light is wide and bright enough for work.
  • If the classrooms are lit with fluorescent lights, you must be sure that they are all working and not "flashing".
  • Explain to the child that he should ask to turn on the overhead light if his eyes are uncomfortable.
  • The window in the classroom where your child is studying should be on the left side.


Sometimes teachers elementary school they want to achieve some unusually beautiful inclination in calligraphy, so they put the notebook to the baby almost at an angle of 45 ° (counterclockwise). Try to work on such a sheet! What do you feel? The body is turned to the left, the right shoulder has risen and crawled forward, the head is tilted to left shoulder. Agree, such a landing of a first grader is just a crime against his health.

The correct location of the notebook on the table is to turn it only 20-30 ° counterclockwise. The back should be straight, the head should be on the axis of the body, the shoulders should be at the same level.

What does the child wear textbooks in?

It must be a satchel or backpack. I knew third-graders whose briefcase weighed 6 kilograms twice a week. Parents asked to be allowed to carry one set of textbooks per desk, but the teacher did not allow it. In cases of such an “overweight”, achieve your goal - the health of the baby is more expensive.

How long can you sit?

  1. For younger students, at each lesson, 2-3-minute exercises should be carried out, provided for by the program, with exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle and back.
  2. At home, alternate 30-minute work at the table with active rest (load on the muscles of the back, shoulders, arms) and relaxation - 5-10 minutes lying on the floor (not on the couch - the surface should be hard).
  3. Do not insist on preparing oral items at the table, but do not allow reading while lying down or lying on your side. Best Reading Position: Straight back supported by the back of a chair, sofa or armchair.