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Modern tables for the kitchen. Modern dining tables for the kitchen (63 photos): the best designs. Choosing the right color and design

We will look at photos of living rooms with a dining set in the interior, and talk about what techniques help to separate the dining area from the dining area. upholstered furniture.

The table in the living room most often appears in cases where our small-sized housing does not allow putting it in the kitchen. I wrote about how to choose a table that is suitable in size, at which the whole family could be accommodated, and how much space you need to allocate for it in a small room, I wrote in the topic. We will assume that you have already dealt with these issues, so we will immediately move on to how to harmoniously fit the dining set into the interior design.

As you know, the most effective method dividing the living room into zones - various kinds of partitions. This a good option for a large area, but not always successful for small rooms, because compresses the space even more. In our case, to achieve the desired effect, it is better to use interior items, such as screens, shelving, a large flower in a floor pot, etc.

Often in a small living room there are only two zones - a corner with upholstered furniture and a dining table with a set. To separate them, sometimes it is enough to put a sofa, armchairs and a cabinet with a TV so that they form a closed rectangle. The carpet will further enhance the effect of the "island" in the room. Everything that is outside his zone will be perceived as not belonging to him, and in the interior of the living room it will look natural.

To separate the dining area from others, you can use visual techniques - painting (or wallpapering) the wall near which the table or sideboard is located in a color that contrasts with the rest of the environment, decorating it with large posters, paintings, using different floor coverings (by color, material or invoice).

A good result can be achieved with the help of artificial lighting. use two ceiling lamps: one above the table, the second - in the area with the sofa. Additionally, install sconces or floor lamps. When during a family dinner or a party with guests, the dining area is illuminated by the upper light, and the lower sofa and armchairs are lit, the room turns into a hospitable dining room. By switching the light in the reverse order, a cozy corner with upholstered furniture will come to the fore, and the table will fade into the background.

Finally, a few more general advice, which will help to give the interior of a small living room with a dining table a harmonious look. All zones must be balanced with each other and only one of them must have bright accent, catchy look.

Traditionally for living rooms, the center of the interior is a soft corner with a TV, you can attract the attention of those entering the room with the help of a carpet, a large picture above the sofa. As for the dining set, its role in the design of the living room is secondary, which means that it should not stand out in style and color from the overall harmony. Tables for it are usually chosen with a shiny wooden or glass surface, they are not covered with a tablecloth - this is done only for serving. The rest of the time, vases with neutral colors may be on the table. flower arrangements and fruits. Bread boxes, salt shakers, napkin holders, cutlery are not allowed.

Under the influence of bright textiles, the brilliance of metal appliances, dishes and glass, a served table should draw attention from a soft corner to itself. So, correctly placed accents will help you make two from one small room: a spacious dining room for eating and a cozy living room for relaxing.

When choosing furniture for arranging any room, it is important to focus on its functionality and practicality. At the same time, special attention is paid to the design of the furniture structure, and its compliance with the concept of the interior. The best solution is, first of all, a harmonious combination of design and functionality, for which the sustained style of a room or a dedicated area is important.

With the possibility of supplementing it with a variety of details and layout, depending on the style and theme, expressed in certain details.

Dining and kitchen area, arrangement options

A large or small kitchen, a studio with a separate dining area - any of these options cannot be imagined without a table. We propose to consider options for various designs with photos of modern tables in the interior, composed of dining groups.

Comfortable and beautiful table is a gathering place for all family members for meals and free communication. It brings an atmosphere of special comfort and home comfort, and when choosing it, you can be guided by several fundamental parameters.

The shape and type of tabletop

A well-chosen design helps to put the finishing touch to the arrangement of any area and complete the composition of the interior, bringing to it a share of aesthetics and functionality. Proposed by manufacturers modern design tables are represented by a variety of configurations and the generally accepted style of these items.

Focusing on dimensions, operational purpose and geometry of your apartments, you can choose furniture that will fit perfectly into the design. The main geometric shapes used in the design include:

Square. Rectangular or square shape looks quite elegant, this is a classic geometry, due to the corners concealing the massiveness of the cover. It will perfectly fit into the decoration of a small-sized room with the possibility of visual zoning of a studio or a compact dining room, not large kitchen.

Circle. Smooth and refined forms emphasize aesthetics, help to emphasize the cohesion of all households. They are perfect for fairly spacious apartments and families with small children, due to the absence of traumatic corners.

Oval. An elongated circle requires a lot of free space for the convenience of practical use of such a model. It can be made into a gathering place for all family and friends by placing it in the middle of a living room, studio apartment or separate dining room.

Less common are tables with a triangular lid, which helps save space in conditions of limited space, they are placed strictly in the center of the room or one side leans against the wall.

Such a practical solution is quite original, and when choosing it, one should be guided by the characteristics of the execution style for a complete combination with other furniture and the chosen design.

Original models for workspace and personal account

The living room is equipped according to the principle of practicality, the whole family gathers here for leisure and pleasant pastime during leisure hours. Often its space is also used for work, so the interior may contain functional elements.

Stylish, modern writing desk with a massive and comfortable-shaped top allows you to place business papers and writing utensils. Drawers and sections are focused on placing the required stationery in them, storing documentation, records and personal belongings, multifunctional office equipment.

Such writing designs are perfectly combined with the decoration of the living room and study, for the practical design of a certain area and its visual highlighting. Large work surfaces are suitable for those who work with a compact laptop or tablet, active users of Internet resources.

When using a personal computer, you can choose a modern computer desk with a comfortable design to place the system unit, install the monitor at a safe distance for the eyes. The design of such furniture provides the ability to easily and easily connect appliances and hide connecting and network wires.

Innovative design concepts contribute to the arrangement of an office or paper work area on a loggia or balcony connected to a small living room. For such rooms, written and computer models compact size, transformers with folding elements.

An ideal option for decorating any small-sized room is a neat coffee table in bright style. His original design, the combination of several materials and exclusive style compensates for the low level of functionality in combinatorics with spaciousness.

Material for the manufacture of model elements and countertops

Presentation and appearance furniture depends on the consumables used for its production, responsible for its durability and practicality. Spectacular table in modern style characterized by combinatorics of several materials.

Solid wood classics are being replaced with treated lumber, modified plastics, engineered stone and even glass without losing sophistication and luxury. finished product. The cover must necessarily meet the requirements of reliability, its coating is characterized by high parameters of resistance to mechanical and physical damage.

To maintain a rich and luxurious exterior, you will have to take care of the countertop coating, taking into account the level of moisture resistance of the material. Products made of artificial or natural stone look luxurious, but have an increased weight, so you should check the fasteners for damage.

The metal surface, like glass, is checked for scratches and chips for processing with special solutions. wooden and plastic covers suggest the use of polishing and antistatic agents in the care process, to remove dust and prevent its settling.

What to consider when choosing, operational features

In designing the environment, it is important to take into account all the characteristics, design projects play special role when choosing, attention should be paid to color and its harmonious combination with other environments.

When choosing modern dining tables, it is important to take into account the style and compositional integrity of the setting. The classics are characterized by matching colors, shades and textures, soft transitions and strict geometry without frills, but with textural accents.

If the room is decorated in Art Nouveau style, countertops can contrast in color with other pieces of furniture and stand out against their background with the brightness of shades.

Focusing on the convenience and practicality of application, a number of requirements can be distinguished, compliance with which is ensured long term operation of furniture for any purpose:

  • reliable and high-quality materials from which countertops are made;
  • simple and convenient cleaning of the coating, the possibility of mechanized and physical cleaning;
  • impact resistance chemical substances, high temperatures and the aquatic environment.

When choosing modern tables and chairs, architectural and design options and style of their arrangement. Fully functional designs meet the increased requirements for safety in use and reliability of fasteners. Accessories for additional storage boxes, drawers and departments must comply with the design concept of the decor.

The main characteristics that you should pay attention to include the following functional parameters:

  • dimensions and shape, product design in combination with the overall design solution;
  • color background of the coating, additional shelves, retractable drawers for accessories;
  • material used to make the cover and other structural elements.

Paying attention to the layout of any room, you can choose best design and add originality to the atmosphere. The variety of design design allows you to harmoniously choose the optimal writing, computer or dining model.

Photo of modern tables

There are so many designs of kitchen tables that when choosing them, many buyers are lost. After all, you want to combine durability and strength with style and beauty. In accordance with the interior of the kitchen, you can choose the option of a reliable modern table. First you need to decide on the choice of material for the countertop. It is its surface that is important to the hostesses and the eyes of the guests fall on it at the entrance to the kitchen. In addition, the color, texture, shape and size of the table are the main, but not all, components that cannot be ignored when buying or ordering a kitchen table.

Basic materials for the production of tables

wooden tables

Modern kitchen table designers, as before, prefer wood. Wooden kitchen table can be pine, walnut, oak, maple, etc. Wooden furniture creates coziness and harmony in the room. Such a table will last for many years, because it can be varnished or sanded again. In addition, the wooden table will fit into any interior, it is easy to care for it, just wiping it with a damp cloth.

A more economical option for a wooden table is veneer. This technique has been popular for many years. After all, it looks like a tree, but composite materials or coniferous wood are taken as the basis. From above, such a table is glued with layers of thinly cut wood. Wooden tables don't always look like cut wood with varnish. Modern wooden tables can have drawings and patterns on the tops, a bright color or a colorful base.

There are also many disadvantages of a wooden table. It's made from natural material, which by its nature lends itself to many destructions. He is afraid high humidity, rotting, it is flammable and non-heat resistant.

metal tables

Metal tables are also different. Often there is a table of of stainless steel. They are used in cafes and restaurants, primarily because of their practicality. After all, such a surface is not afraid of moisture, fire.

Optimal for kitchen worktops- tin. In a matte finish, this metal is similar to silver. Pewter tables are made very beautiful, as this material is soft and malleable in processing.

Copper tables are not suitable for everyone design solutions. But it will definitely fit into the style of a country and refined cottage. Noble burgundy with reddish hues, sometimes even a brown metal table will cast in different shades over time.

Metal tables have their drawbacks. They have scratches and dents. But they are really easy to take care of. In addition, these countertops are also suitable for cooking, cooking, as you can put hot pots and pans on them.

Glass tables

Contrary to popular belief, glass countertops are durable because they are made from tempered glass. Such a table is suitable for high-tech style or minimalism. Glass tables cannot be compared with anything in sophistication and sophistication, they will emphasize rigor and cleanliness in the kitchen, as they look almost weightless. But there is a minus for such countertops - stains and handprints are hardly erased from the surface.

stone tables

Tables with marble and granite countertops are becoming more and more popular. They fit perfectly into different styles and interiors. But such tables are short-lived. They scratch, chip off and break down under the influence of acid: spilled vinegar, wine, juices. Although there are many nuances, stone tables last longer than wooden tables and look more noble thanks to the brilliance of marble.

Quartz countertop is rare, but in Lately becomes fashion trend when designing a kitchen in a modern and high-tech style. It is produced in various color scheme. Such a table will undoubtedly turn the kitchen into a beautiful room in the house. The table made of quartz (quartz content 93%, 7% polymers) is characterized by a special resistance to scratches, the tabletop is dirt-repellent and heat-resistant.

Plastic tables are lightweight and cheaper than wood or metal tables. Plastic tables can be changed frequently, the range is presented in a variety of colors and different finishes. Plexiglas tables, a clear, hard plastic, have become a popular trend. Plastic is firmly entrenched in furniture design, so these tables are acceptable in interior styles: art deco, hi-tech, Scandinavian.

kitchen table top shape

Having decided on the choice of material from which the table will be made, it is necessary to determine its location in the kitchen. The shape of the tabletop depends on this. Besides, important role plays and the size of the kitchen itself. There are mainly four types of countertops: round, oval, square, rectangular.

Round table

Round table - perfect solution for a kitchen designed classical style. Basically, such a table is placed in the center of the dining room or kitchen. In a house with children, the option of a round table is also a safety issue, since it has no corners. In addition, the round tabletop looks elegant and win-win in any interior. The round shape of the table attracts people and brings the family together at lunch or dinner. A round kitchen table is a symbol of comfort and warmth in the house. It is also convenient to place dishes and trays on the table, it is also more comfortable to sit at a round table if there are a lot of people in the family, or guests often come. Common wooden round tables, they are located in the kitchen in a classic, rustic and Provencal style.

oval table

The oval kitchen table overshadows recently the round tables, as in modern apartments and houses are preferred spacious kitchen and dining room. An oval table often requires more space than a round table. Oval tabletops look exquisite and are suitable for small romantic dinners, as well as for gathering the whole family on New Year's holidays. An oval table can also fit into a small kitchen if the tabletop is located on one leg.

Square table

A square-shaped table is preferable, as is the case with oval tabletops, small in size. Large square tables will look awkward. They are placed in large halls to give shape and comfort to the room itself. Designers also note that square tables fit into narrow and long rooms, such as a banquet hall or a corridor. In the kitchen, a square table also has a place to be. A small square table, so conveniently fit into a small "Khrushchev" kitchenette.

Rectangular table

A rectangular table is considered universal at all times. The rectangular table is loved by consumers and therefore remains one of the products produced in large quantities. Rectangular tables are also placed in the middle of the kitchen and are conveniently placed along a wall or window. Enough people are placed at a rectangular table to organize a large-scale family event. The rectangular shape of the small kitchen table is great for a small kitchen. This table can be placed in a corner or along a wall to save space.

Various roles of the table in the kitchen.

The purpose of the table plays an important role in choosing its shape and texture. Indeed, in the kitchen and in the dining room there is: a dining table, a cutting table and a wall table. Recently, buyers are making tables to order, but this is much more expensive. In addition, it happens that in the photo the kitchen table looks elegant and luxurious, but in reality it can turn out to be simple and less attractive. So sometimes buying from the store is much more economical and better in terms of quality. Kitchen tables from IKEA in catalogs or in the online store always correspond to all the parameters indicated in the description for the table. For example, for dining or cutting tables.

Dinner table often located in the center of the kitchen or dining room. Basically, a large oval table collects a large family at dinner. Square and rectangular tables talk about the sophistication of their owners. Of course, dining tables can be different material. An exception may be plastic table. After all, the dining table should be more resistant, durable. It symbolizes family values ​​in the house. Oval and round tables, if they stand in the center, occupy less space than the same size, but a rectangular or square table.

Cutting table

Cutting tables in the modern world are not only different in texture, but also in shape. Designers, being smart, figured out how to disguise a cutting table as another piece of furniture, for example, in the form of a cabinet, the drawers of which are cutting boards. Cutting tables, can be built into kitchen set Or be your own table.

Wall tables - fresh ideas

Wall tables can be found in every second house in our country. After all, tables, mainly, according to the tradition of the Russian people, are placed against a wall or near a window. They are chosen according to their functionality either rectangular or square, as they are placed exactly against the wall. Wall tables are now in trend, painted, with large bright drawings or bright colors.

Space saving in a small kitchen

Choosing a good designer kitchen table for a small kitchen is not great work. After all, there is a wide range of them. Small kitchen tables are available in various colors and shades, with patterns on the tops and legs, interesting solutions in the design of the table itself. Small tables have the only drawback - their size.

But this is fixable, if a large family needs to fit at one table in a small kitchen, there are transforming tables. They are both space-saving and functional for various events and dinners. Folding table kitchen - a great solution for small spaces. Such a table is equipped with a mechanism that allows not only to extend the table in breadth and length, but also to adjust the height of the table legs, turning it into a coffee table.

To save space and space in the kitchen, they came up with corner tables of various shapes, they can also be folding. In addition to such corner tables, there are also chairs, benches, and stools.

To choose the right table for your interior, the size of the kitchen, you only need desire. After all, a modern wide range of tables and countertops is so diverse in texture and style that it is not difficult to purchase a suitable table for your kitchen.

100 photos of kitchen tables

A comfortable kitchen is a favorite room where households meet daily for meals and socializing. The convenience of the table for family gatherings ultimately determines the mood of each family member and the general atmosphere in the house. Picking up a table today is not difficult. Furniture centers offer customers a wide range of modern kitchen tables of any design, made of various materials.



The dominance in the interior and ease of use of the table is largely determined by the geometry of the tabletop. The surfaces of kitchen tables are most often rectangular, oval, semi-oval and round.

A popular form of a table-top - rectangular. Such a table for the kitchen can be installed in the center, moved to the corner, leaned against the wall on either side, using it for zoning the room. The advantage of the model is the low price due to the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of cutting material in comparison with options with rounded lines.

oval tables have big sizes and are optimal in spacious kitchen or dining rooms, where there is at least 80-90 cm of space for passage and seating. For cramped kitchens, a semi-oval is more acceptable, although it is rare. Semi-oval consoles are usually adjacent to the wall with a straight side.

Round form looks good in the interior of any kitchen. Round, like an oval table, it requires a free space of at least 80 cm around it. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to sit down and walk near it. Round and oval models are convenient for use in families with children, as they do not have traumatic corners.

Rare table top triangular shape appropriate for a table standing exactly in the center of the room, or one of the sides attached to a wall or window sill. The design of such a small table would be an acceptable option for a single person or for a family of two without children.

For long-term operation and preservation of appearance, the table should be looked after. The surface after each meal should be wiped with a damp cloth. The inside of the table top should be cleaned at least once a week. If necessary, use a soapy solution. In order to avoid damage, in no case should you scrape the surface with a knife blade. Cutting should be done by placing a cutting board.

Color solutions in the interior

Choosing an important element modern kitchen, it is not at all necessary to perfectly match the color of the countertop with the color of the headset. Depending on the decision of the space and the taste of the owner of the dwelling, the dining group can be in tone or contrast with the surrounding furniture and wall decor.

If the table in the kitchen, finished with light materials, among the furniture with white facades is intended to play a key role, it can be, for example, black, red or orange color.

A table with a visually weightless frame made of glass and metal can complement the kitchen of any color. universal color solution will become a countertop white color, organically combined with classical and modernist style trends.

For styles such as "loft", "country", "Provence" table decoration will become indispensable, carefully preserving the natural color of wood of various species or stone. Minimalism often implies a complete match of the shade of the facades with the discreet coloring of the countertop.

For a small kitchen

When choosing a model for a small kitchen, you should use the recommendations of experts:

  • when planning a eating area opposite the stove, you should choose a table of such size that the distance that ensures freedom of movement is at least 60 cm;
  • the dimensions of the table should be proportionate to the room, a wide heavy tabletop with thick legs will not look organic in a cramped kitchen;
  • hanging edges of a thick textile tablecloth will make it bulky even small table, therefore, it is better not to cover the countertop or use an openwork tablecloth or a light napkin;
  • a model with transparent inserts will make the kitchen more spacious, visually pushing the boundaries.

Modern manufacturers offer different variants solutions for cramped kitchens that save precious square centimeters of space, abandoning the classic with four legs and solid countertops.

Convenient option there will be a plane of rectangular or semi-oval shape, fixed to the wall with a folding mechanism. For stability, the plane rests on a spacer leg. After a meal, the tabletop can be easily raised to a vertical position.

The traditional model in small kitchen, combined with the living room, can replace a trendy bar counter. The option with the possibility of approach from any side can be used for full meals, light snacks and drinks, as working surface for cooking food.

An original solution would be a kitchen table made of plastic or wood board, built into the windowsill. In the space of the kitchen-corridor, it will be convenient to have a roll-out table on roller supports or a micro-table that can be pulled out from the underframe of the cutting table.

Transformers have become a godsend for a miniature kitchen. You can install models familiar to everyone: a sliding book with an internal insert or a folding book, which, when folded, takes up a minimum of space and allows you to adjust the number of seats by raising one or both parts of the tabletop to a horizontal position. Samples of engineering thought allow turning a compact cabinet into a full-fledged dining table.

When choosing a transformer, you should pay attention to the layout method and try out several models with different mechanisms. It is important to find a model with reliable mechanisms that can successfully complement the kitchen set so that transformable elements: wings, inlays or sliding boards can fully realize their functions in a limited kitchen space.

What to look for when buying

When buying an element of kitchen furniture that is convenient for eating, you first need to decide on its size. The surface area should be chosen based on the number of family members, adding 1-3 people of possible guests, considering that each person will need approximately 60-70 cm of tabletop length. If it is planned to seat two people on one side of the table, then the length of the tabletop should be 120-140 cm.

A square table against the wall will seat three people. This means that the size of the countertop should be 75 × 75 cm. For a small kitchen, a length of 60-80 cm is sufficient, big kitchen implies a table length of 120 cm. The diameter of the round surface must be at least 90 cm.

The material from which the plane and supports are made will determine the appearance and harmonize the piece of furniture and the style of the kitchen space. The quality of the front and back surfaces, as well as the number of supports affect the strength of the entire structure and are responsible for long-term operation. Models are available in the following materials.

Natural wood is the most popular material. It has unique aesthetic, environmental and operational properties. A wooden table can last indefinitely. A model with a large tabletop will successfully complement classic interior. Expensive material requires careful handling.

The pattern of the MDF countertop can skillfully repeat the texture of wood. Eco-friendly wood MDF is resistant to mechanical damage. The MDF model is suitable for the interior of any style. The disadvantage is the short service life due to insufficient stability to changes in humidity. If moisture gets into the MDF structure, there is a high probability of its deformation.

Tabletops made of high-quality colored plastic have become a recent trend. Plastic does not require complex maintenance; tables made of this material are distinguished by an affordable price. Modern polymers perfectly tolerate changes in humidity and temperature without losing their original appearance. The service life of the furniture will be long in the absence of exposure to direct sunlight.

Tables have become fashionable, in which the tabletop is made of thick durable glass. Moreover, the glass surface can be of any type: matte, with photo decor, colored glossy and colorless transparent. Large glass models will decorate a spacious room, a small elegant table with an "invisible" effect will visually expand the horizons and add coziness to a small kitchen.

Solid models from natural or artificial stone can be of any geometric shape. Stone is an ideal material that resists the formation of fungus, the absorption of odors, grease and dirt. The table is easy to clean, not subject to mechanical damage.