In a private house      04/01/2019

The best time to plant potatoes. Proper planting of potatoes

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It would seem that there could be difficulties here - dug a hole, threw a potato - and wait for yourself when shoots appear. But not everything is so simple! There are many tricks on how to properly plant potatoes so that the harvest pleases, not disappoints.

How to plant potatoes - the main points

Preparation for planting potatoes begins in the fall - do not neglect this moment so that with the advent of spring you can immediately get down to business.

  1. Tubers for planting are harvested immediately after harvest. Select small root crops with a diameter of no more than 5 cm. Such potatoes germinate faster and best of all. Larger ones can also be used, but then they will need to be cut into pieces just before planting and treated with ash.
  2. In mid-March, the tubers need to be taken out, treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and laid out in one layer in wooden boxes for germination. The first two weeks the temperature in the room should be at least 20 degrees, then it can be lowered - up to 12 degrees Celsius. During the germination period, you need to hide potatoes from sun rays, sprinkle with water and turn over.
  3. Tubers are planted when the soil has warmed up to 10 degrees. The soil is previously loosened with sand and fertilized.
  4. Make grooves 10-15 cm deep, you can plant potatoes according to the scheme 80 by 40 cm or 60 by 60. You don’t need to part - after all, potatoes need a place for germination, and you need for hilling and weeding, treating tops with remedies for goose and Colorado potato beetle.
  5. If desired, you can dig a separate hole for each bush, which is filled with humus and fertilizer. This is a longer and more painstaking process, but it justifies itself.

Grooves or holes after the potatoes are lowered should be covered with soil and leveled with a rake.

Do not forget about how to plant potatoes correctly - make a sufficient distance between the bushes and beds, the larger the planting tubers, the larger it should be.

When using chopped potatoes as seeds, remember that it will sprout only in dry and warm weather. If it starts to rain, it will simply rot in the ground.

If you want to end up with a quality and tasty product, never use second-rate, frozen or rotten potatoes for planting. Remember - what you throw into the ground - it will give you back.

The most popular vegetable, which is also called "second bread", is potatoes. Therefore, at their summer cottage, almost everyone allocates at least a small garden bed for him. But not everyone knows how to plant potatoes in order to reap a good harvest.

Preparing for landing

The process of preparing for planting potatoes includes:

1. Prepare the place- it needs to be dug up and fertilized since autumn. The bed on which the vegetable will be grown should be well lit. In the shade or partial shade, very small potatoes will grow.

Each year, a new site must be selected for planting. Ideal if you previously grew cereals, legumes (peas, beans), radish, rapeseed on it.

It is important to know when to plant potatoes in open ground. By this time, the earth should be warmed to a temperature of 10-15 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, the tubers will lie unsprouted in the cold for a long time, and may simply rot.

2. Choose the right potato- do it after harvesting (in autumn). The dug out potatoes are sorted, dried in the shade, then selected planting material.

The tubers should be of medium size (with egg or paintball). But, some farmers plant very large potatoes. It is important here to know how to cut it for planting. To do this, the sprouted tuber is cut lengthwise into two halves, without touching the sprouts.

You can plant very small potatoes, as quail egg. It should have good, thick sprouts. They put several of them in the hole.

Tubers for planting should be free of fungal infections, cuts and stains.

3. Proper germination- the quality of the crop largely depends on this. As our ancestors did, and even now farmers adhere to the rule - potatoes must be germinated before planting, and you need to start 40 days before planting.

For this, potatoes are brought indoors, with an air temperature in it of about +20 degrees. Seed potatoes are laid out in shallow boxes in one layer and immediately treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. As soon as sprouts begin to appear (after 15-20 days), the temperature in the room should be lowered to +10 degrees.

To prepare potatoes for planting and speed up germination, it is necessary to treat them with wood ash and minerals diluted in water.

The best varieties of potatoes for planting

Depending on the climate and geographic location, you need to choose which potato variety is more suitable for growing.

Early maturing potatoes. Its growing season is no more than 60 days. They are usually planted in mid-spring. The disadvantage of this variety is that it is poorly stored. Early ripening varieties include Red Scarlet, Rosara, Luck.

Varieties of medium early maturation. You can start harvesting in 60-70 days. This type includes Adretta, Gala, Karat, Nevsky.

Medium ripe potatoes. Maturing terms from 80 to 100 days. Harvesting takes place at the end of summer. Among the varieties are Tuleevsky, Lugovsky, Altair, Skarb.

Medium-late and late potato variety. Harvest 120 days after planting. They are stored better than the previous ones, so they are grown for winter consumption. Late varieties include - Kiwi, Zdabytok.

Processing potatoes before planting

To protect potatoes from, before planting it must be treated with prestige. This drug is stored in tubers for up to 70 days, so early potato varieties are not treated with it. For them, drugs such as Taboo and Cruiser are suitable. The period of their presence in the vegetable is 45 days.

Everyone who grows potatoes should know how to process it before planting from phytophthora. One of the best drugs- Matador Grand. It has a triple action, protecting potatoes from beetle, beetle, whitefly, aphids and fleas. Including from late blight, peronosporosis, alternariosis and rhizoctoniosis.

Treating potatoes with boric acid before planting will help prevent the reproduction of the Colorado potato beetle. You need to take boric acid - 2 tbsp. spoons, 1 tbsp. spoon blue vitriol, potassium permanganate on the tip of a knife, stir it all in a bucket of water (10 liters). Then work out the seed material and dry.

Soil preparation for planting potatoes

In order for the potato crop to be good, you need to prepare the soil in advance for planting it. The ideal soil for potatoes is well-drained, loose, with oxygen access to the tubers.

The acidity of the soil for planting tubers should be at a pH level of 5.5 - 7.5. Alkaline reactions of the earth will have a very negative impact on the development of potatoes. Also if the soil is too waterlogged for a long period of time, or too dense. Potatoes in such conditions develop poorly and are poorly stored, quickly rot.

The allotted bed should be well cleaned of roots and weeds, especially wheatgrass. With its roots, it penetrates through the potato tubers, preventing further growth.

In the spring, the earth is loosened. Do this with a pitchfork or a shovel, half a bayonet.

If the soil for planting is too acidic, add wood ash or bone meal. Peat or mullein is added to alkaline soils.

It is also necessary to make the main ones. They will saturate the earth and attract worms, which loosen it well.

Salt licks, clay and peat soils need compost, rotten straw and sand. Sandy soil is improved with peat and rotten straw with the addition of mineral supplements. Mullein, sawdust and compost are added to the marsh-peat land. Also potash-phosphorus fertilizers.

Sandy loamy soils should be regularly diluted with compost and peat. And very often, in small quantities, feed with mineral fertilizer.

Loamy and medium loamy areas need organic fertilizers. Fertilizers are applied only when needed.

The soil must be disinfected before planting. This can be done using chemicals- "Iprodion", formalin and lime. Apply them strictly according to the instructions. And biological solutions - Fitosporin, Gamaira, Trichodermin, Gliocladin.

It is important to know that you can not use several of these tools at once.

After harvesting potatoes, agronomists recommend planting garlic or marigolds to renew the land.

Proper cultivation methods

When the earth is warmed up, and the sprouts reach one or two centimeters in length, you can start planting potatoes in open ground.

The optimal planting depth for potatoes is 10 cm. The distance between the bushes should be equal to the number of tubers planted in one hole. The more of them, the further plant the bushes from each other. Distance between rows, no more than 1 meter.

It is necessary to fertilize potatoes during planting, adding humus and wood ash to each planting hole. Then, with the sharp end of a shovel, stir the bait with the ground. After carefully laying the tuber, preferably with sprouts up, and carefully sprinkle with earth without damaging them.

Already seven days after planting, the soil must be weeded. This will give additional access to oxygen and clear the ground of weeds.

When the bushes grow to 15-20 cm in height, they need to be spudded. They do this in order to protect against spring frosts and allow the bush to grow in width. After 15 days, re-hilling.

Before the flowering of the bushes, it is necessary to feed the rhizomes. To do this, a potato bed is watered with a fermented infusion of weeds. You can use cow dung diluted in water or bird droppings.

Methods for planting potatoes

There are many ways to plant potatoes. The main methods used by gardeners are described below.

Planting potatoes under straw

This is a way of planting potatoes on unplowed land. Well-sprouted potatoes are laid out on virgin soil and covered with a thick layer (at least 20 cm) of straw on top. Nothing more needs to be done until autumn. During harvesting, stale straw is removed, after which potatoes are harvested.

Planting potatoes using Dutch technology

Potatoes are planted in a high solid row, the width of which is at least 40 cm and the row spacing is 70 cm. Throughout the entire growing period, potatoes must be constantly hilled, picking up land from the row spacing.

Landing in the ridges

This method of growing potatoes is suitable for clay soils. The combs are made by a walk-behind tractor. Its height should not exceed 20 cm, and the width between rows 60-80 cm.

Growing potatoes in a barrel

A tuber planted in a barrel is sprinkled with earth as it grows. By the time of harvest, a whole pyramid of potatoes will grow in a barrel.

No need to be lazy and having learned how to plant potatoes, work in a timely manner. Then the whole autumn-spring season, potatoes from their own beds will lie on the tables.

By universal recognition, the second bread for Russians, which has firmly and permanently entered everyday life, is potatoes. It is the main crop grown in summer cottages. Despite the fact that the process uses a variety of tools for summer cottages and gardens, which can often be seen in the hands of even non-professional gardeners, not everyone knows how to plant potatoes correctly.

Basic rules for a successful landing

Potatoes, the seeds of which are used for planting, are harvested at the time of harvest, in the fall. It is better to take material from those bushes that gave a rich harvest. You need to choose tubers without spots and problem areas, about 4-5 cm in size. However, you can also take potatoes for planting large sizes, then the harvest will ripen earlier and will be richer. Some gardeners plant cut potatoes or simply sprouted seeds. Interestingly, after short-term drying in the sun and dusting the cut with ash, there is a high probability of getting a good harvest. It is extremely important that the weather is warm and humid during this planting. If it is rainy and cold, then the planting material is likely to rot and not sprout. It is best to plant seeds in the place where cabbage, broccoli, spinach, cucumbers or lettuce used to grow.

Proper preparation

Before you properly plant potatoes, that is, in mid-March, the tubers must be removed from storage and laid for germination. They must be washed in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then laid out in boxes in one layer and kept at a constant temperature of + 20-22 degrees, protecting from direct sunlight. After 2-3 weeks, the boxes can be moved to a cooler room, where the temperature ranges from +10 to 14 degrees. At the same time, the tubers need to be regularly turned over and moistened, sprayed every other day with solutions of ash and mineral fertilizers(alternate).

What to do if the earth has not had time to warm up yet

This situation often happens, because late spring does not give gardeners a real opportunity to prepare the soil. How to plant potatoes in such conditions? In the country, you need to put the seeds in pre-prepared grooves and fill them with a good layer of sawdust or high-quality humus, or just earth. For safety, the entire structure can be covered with a film. Then the tubers will be able to lie quietly for another 1-2 weeks, and 7-8 days after they are planted on permanent place friendly first shoots will definitely appear.

How to achieve a rich harvest?

A common mistake gardeners make is planting potatoes in one place for many years in a row, but changing it is so important! There should be sand in the soil, then the vegetable will grow better. How to plant potatoes in the beds, and when? As soon as the leaves on the birch begin to bloom and the soil warms up to +9 degrees, the seeds are lowered to a depth of 10 cm. The beds should be located in the direction from north to south, and they should be planted in accordance with the 80 x 35 planting pattern. landing should be less frequent. Potatoes, planting and caring for which will be successful, if you pay due attention to every moment of growth, will surely please you good harvest. You need to spud it twice during the summer (after 5-7 days after planting and when the seedlings bloom). On hot summer days you need

There are various ways to grow potatoes. The main thing is to choose for yourself the method of planting that will correspond to a certain region of growth and will be convenient for the gardener. After all, if a well-chosen method is quite possible to collect 700 kg. from one summer cottage.

Whichever method is chosen, the main thing is to correctly follow all the rules recommended for landing by a certain method. It has also long been known that higher productivity always depended on a well-chosen method planting potatoes.

The yield directly depends on which planting method is chosen.

Traditional shovel

For this method, the soil for planting potatoes must be prepared in the fall. The site is dug up manually on a shovel bayonet and nitrogen fertilizers are applied. You can use rotted manure, ash and urea.

In the spring, such a site will no longer require digging, but it will be necessary to level the plot of land with a rake, getting rid of large clods of soil.

planted at the time of bud break on a birch. This will mean that the earth has warmed up enough not to destroy the culture. You can plant beds immediately by eye digging holes, or you can use twine and pegs to make markings and then the rows will be even.

Rows are dug at a distance of 70 cm from each other. Tubers for planting are chosen not large in size 4 cm in diameter and they must be healthy. Before planting, planting material should be germinated for two weeks.

It is convenient to plant using the method for two people - one digs holes no more than 10 cm deep, and the other lays potatoes in the holes with sprouts up. Compost is placed on top and not a lot of ash.

When digging the next hole, the soil is thrown onto the hole dug before. The spacing between tubers is 30 cm.

After that, How will the young sprouts appear? and before flowering it is necessary to carry out hilling twice to increase the yield. Do not forget about watering and fertilizing with manure and mineral fertilizers.

How to plant in ridges

The method is also called Dutch technology.

They make high ridges up to 35 cm high and in increments of 70 cm. Holes are dug and manure and planting material are placed in them at the same time.

Further care traditional only soil for hilling is taken between the rows and therefore the root system of the bush is not injured.

Two weeks before excavation potatoes need to be mowed.

Into the furrows

A furrow 20 cm wide and 15 cm deep is dug. Tubers are laid out in it in increments of 30 cm and lightly sprinkled with earth. As the tops grow, the earth is poured until a mound grows above the surface of the earth.

When adding soil from above, also use humus and ash.

Under count

Holes done with a special stake. For such a planting, it is good to have two people - one goes and makes markings with a stake, and the second one plants potatoes behind him, at the same time covering them with earth.

Prepare the soil in advance in the fall by digging and applying nitrogen fertilizers.

The Mitlider Method

The reception of an American scientist doubles the yield. So, they dig beds up to half a meter wide and with a step between the beds of 100 cm. The beds are dug up without touching the soil located in the aisle.

beds posted on a permanent basis and they are not transferred to the next year in a new place. To prevent water from spreading in different directions during irrigation, the sides are made of earth or boards. There is one feature, in such a bed, the tubers are placed in two lines, but in a checkerboard pattern, marking a step between the holes of 25 cm.

Fertilizers and potatoes are laid in the pits. Further care consists of weeding, fertilizers and watering, but it is not necessary to spud.

The beds for the method are made for a long period.

Unusual Chinese way

With this method, a hole for potatoes is dug in autumn, a meter by a meter in size. At the bottom of the hole organize a compost heap by adding some wood ash. In the spring, a large potato tuber is placed in such a hole, the weight of which is at least 200 grams.

Previously, a transverse incision is made on it, which will stimulate a large number of sprouts. After the tuber germinate within 2 weeks. After planting potatoes in the center of the pit, it is covered with a 25 cm layer of fertile soil.

After the appearance of the first sprouts, they are treated with potash fertilizers and covered with earth. There are up to 3 such layers.

This method uses a lot of fertilizer and this does not increase the quality, but only the number of tubers collected from one bush.

Square socket option

Or it is also called the Gülich method. For this method, the entire plot of land intended for planting potatoes is divided into squares with a side of a meter. In the center of each square, a circle of humus with a diameter of 25 cm is laid out, and potatoes are placed in the center of this circle, sprouts down.

And cover it with soil. As soon as the first shoots appear, the tuber must be laid on the ground with a fan. This is done three times.

In dry times such plantings need watering.

At the bottom of the barrel or bag put a mixture of earth and compost. Then put the potatoes and lightly sprinkle with the same mixture. As soon as their sprouts appear, they are again sprinkled with a mixture of earth and compost, and so on up to 70 cm in height.

This method is ideal if there is little land on the site or most of covered with asphalt. Then such barrels can be placed around the perimeter of the yard.

It is necessary that the walls of the barrel have air inlet holes to the root system of potatoes.

Type of landing in the ridges

This planting method is used when, on the land selected for potatoes, ground water located very close to the ground surface. It is most convenient to make ridges using a walk-behind tractor. Combs are made at a distance of 70 cm from each other and not less than 15 cm high.

At the same time, the sprouted potato material is laid out along the top of the ridge with a step of 30 cm.

Further traditional care:

  • Watering;
  • loosening;
  • Hilling;
  • Fertilizer.

This method has a number of advantages - reducing manual labor, with constantly damp soil, the potato dries out faster, and therefore there is no rotten potato.

This method is only suitable for damp soil with stagnant moisture.

We sit in trenches

In the middle of autumn they dig trenches 30 cm deep and with a step of 70 cm. A layer of hay up to 15 cm high is laid along the entire length of the trench and lightly sprinkled with a mixture of manure and ash.

By spring, this layer will be compacted to 5 cm and potatoes are laid out on it in increments of 30 cm. If planted early, then such plantings are covered with agrofiber or other insulation available on the farm. Further planting care consists of the usual actions.

Compost laid in the autumn warms the potatoes well and retains moisture. It also serves as a good top dressing for potatoes and additional top dressing is no longer needed for planting.

The method is great for sandy soils.

Under black film

The place allotted for planting potatoes is well fertilized and covered with a black film. Instead of digging holes in increments of 30 cm, holes are made in the film, and potatoes are already planted in them.

This method has its advantages:

  • No need to weed;
  • No need to spud;
  • Watering is reduced, since under the film the soil dries out more slowly.

This is the same method as under a shovel, but in order for the rows of potatoes to be even, they make markings on the field with twine and pegs. Potatoes are laid out and earth is poured on top.

In time to carry out hilling of sprouting potato tops.

This method boils down to the fact that it is necessary to build boxes up to 25 cm high. In this case, the width will be 100 cm. Make the length of the box arbitrarily wow, what a bed allotted for planting potatoes is capable of.

The passage between such beds is left about 70 cm, first these boxes are filled with earth from compost heap mixed with rotted manure, and already on this mixture the tubers are laid out in a double line in a checkerboard pattern with a step of 30 cm.

Hilling with this method of disembarkation is not necessary. After harvesting, the boxes are sown with any green manure.

A breakdown of these methods into traditional and new

General points

Whichever method is chosen, one must be sure that what will the tubers get:

  • Warm;
  • Air access to the root system;
  • Watering once a week during flowering;
  • Fertilizers.

Proper Care- a mandatory attribute for any landing method

How is the sowing of potatoes

Sowing potatoes with seeds is not used, as this is a troublesome business. But if there is a desire, then after flowering seeds appear that resemble small black tomatoes.

They are collected and keep until spring, and in the spring they are planted on a prepared small bed. At good conditions by the end of the season, potato planting material grows from the seeds.

What does planting potatoes look like?

For this purpose, planting material is selected no more than matchbox and pulled out of the basement 21 days before landing in open ground. This time is necessary for the potatoes allotted for planting to sprout.

When sprouts of 3 cm are formed on the tuber, this will mean that the potato is ready for planting. overgrown sprouts give weak growth, so the potatoes are taken out according to the specified period.

Then apply any method that is described in this article.

What varieties are suitable for planting potatoes

Each gardener chooses the variety that suits him best.

The keeping quality of the crop also depends on the variety grown.

Important factors to consider when choosing a variety:

  • yield;
  • Keeping quality in winter;
  • Taste qualities.

This is selected empirically, relying on your own taste qualities and personal storage conditions for potatoes until spring.

Potatoes can be planted quickly if two or three people work in the garden and in the usual traditional way under a shovel. But after digging up the whole earth with a walk-behind tractor, which will greatly facilitate the planting of potatoes.

How to make beds

Potato beds can be dug with a shovel or you can use equipment such as a walk-behind tractor or a mini-tractor. It all depends on the gardener and his means.

There are many various ways, at which you can plant potatoes in your area. Everyone wants to choose the easiest and most effective option. The main thing is to choose one convenient and effortless, which will suit a particular gardener. Some people use two ways of planting potatoes on their plot to increase the yield.

A potato is an amazing root crop - with a competent approach, it gives ten from one bucket.

But this plant needs attention. A negligent summer resident can collect even less in the fall than he planted. So "where to plant, what to plant, when to plant" are far from idle questions.

Seven Conditions for a Good Harvest

1 Seed quality. A lot depends on it. The point is that viral fungal diseases are easily transmitted along with the tubers. In addition, potatoes tend to degenerate. This should also be remembered when choosing planting tubers. Examine each potato carefully so that there are no spots, dents or scars on it. It is also important to consider where the varieties are zoned and the ripening time: early, medium, late. And, of course, the characteristics of the variety, such as resistance to diseases. Tubers can be selected according to the number and arrangement of sprouts. It is better to take those in which the sprouts are located over the entire surface.

2 Tuber size. Tubers weighing 25-30 grams are considered small, up to 80 grams are medium, and 80-100 grams are large. Often summer residents prefer to plant the same medium tubers. But it is these tubers that often appear from degenerate, weakened plants. So don't worry about size. You can plant even very small potatoes, but you should put 3-4 pieces in the holes. It is clear that large tubers are able to give bigger harvest but more are needed. Sometimes cut tubers are also used for planting, the main thing is that there should be at least three eyes on the cut, in last resort, two.

3 Tuber preparation. This is very milestone. Activities that ensure the preplant germination of seed tubers are called vernalization. You can not plant potatoes that have just been pulled out of the cellar. Before planting, seed tubers are placed in a room with a temperature of plus 12-15 degrees in diffused light for two to three weeks. Otherwise, the potatoes will germinate for a very long time. Light greens, and heat accelerates the development of the kidneys. When using germinated tubers, seedlings appear on the 8-14th day, and the crop ripens a week or two earlier. And, importantly, after that it can be half as high. In the tubers prepared in this way, the protective properties are enhanced, bacteria and pathogenic fungi are killed.

If you are not planting very many potatoes, you can do wet sprouting. The tubers are laid out in baskets or boxes with eyes up at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other and sprinkled with peat or sawdust, which should be kept moist during the entire germination period. Such potatoes germinate very quickly, but make sure that they do not suffer from frost.

Did not have time to germinate - spend at least wilting. To do this, potato tubers need to be decomposed in any dry place at a temperature of 14-16 C for 8-10 days.

Two days before planting, a solution of superphosphate should be prepared, and on the day of planting, add ammonium nitrate or urea. Dip the tubers in this solution. To resist the fungal microflora, you can place them for 20 minutes in a solution boric acid: 50 grams per ten liters of water with the addition of 10 grams of copper sulfate. Before throwing the tuber into the hole, it should be powdered with wood ash.

4 Landing place. The most common mistake of inexperienced gardeners is to grow potatoes in the same place year after year. At the same time, we recall that it is not worth planting after tomatoes - both crops belonging to the nightshade family suffer from the same diseases. The best predecessors for potatoes are onions, garlic, cucumbers, radishes, radishes, cabbage, beans, green pea and other cruciferous or legumes. In the same place, potatoes can be planted only after 3-4 years.

Potatoes prefer light, cultivated loam or sandy loam soils. On heavy and stony, it develops poorly, the tubers grow deformed.

5 Fertilizers. Potatoes are very demanding on soil fertility. Therefore, nitrogen and potassium fertilizers must be applied to the area allotted for potatoes. Very tasty potatoes grow on rotted manure or on peat-and-dung compost. But fresh manure worsens its taste, besides it causes infection of tubers with scab and reduces the yield. Potatoes are very responsive to the introduction of ash - 300 grams per square meter. organic fertilizers usually brought in for autumn digging, and in spring the soil is loosened with a pitchfork. If there is little fertilizer, then compost or humus and ash are applied directly to the hole.

6 Boarding times. Most good time It is considered the time of birch buds blooming. But in a spring like this, omens can fail. Plant potatoes better not by date, but by weather. She will not survive severe frosts. Has the soil warmed up at a depth of 10 cm to plus six or seven degrees? The time has come! And if the temperature is plus nine or ten degrees, the potatoes will feel even more comfortable.

7 landing technologies. Usually tubers are planted in rows. For early varieties maintain a distance between beds of 50 centimeters, and between holes in a row - 25-35. For mid-season and mid-late varieties, the distance between rows is 60-70 centimeters, and between tubers - at least 35-40. But a greater distance, if the area allows, can be done. It is better to plant potatoes on a string, then it will be easy to process. If there is little moisture, plant tubers on flat surface to a depth of 5-6 centimeters. Where groundwater is close, and in low areas it is better to prefer landing on ridges. In dry places - in trenches or separate holes.

Experienced Tips

With the same size, healthy tubers have more weight. You can select them by placing them in a solution of urea, potassium salt. Healthy ones sink, and sick, empty ones have buoyancy.

The timing of planting cut potatoes is very important. Freshly cut tubers are planted in warm soil. Cold cuts can rot. If you still decide to plant early, then the potatoes should not be cut immediately before planting, but ten days in advance. During this time, the sections will be covered with a cork layer.

When pre-germinating potatoes in the light every five days, the tubers are carefully shifted so that the lower eyes with sprouts are on top.