In a private house      07.03.2020

What is in the living room. Living room interior. Dark furniture in a low room

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When repairing, we focus on our own feelings, not knowing the basics of design, which is why so often the result does not live up to expectations.

website collected the most common mistakes that are made when decorating a living room interior.

Overhead lighting in your living room

Lighting creates atmosphere and should be tailored to your mood, so a living room can't get by with a single chandelier in the center of the room. Create your own lighting system ( desk lamp, wall lamps, floor lamps, ceiling lighting, etc.).

Missing or wrong size carpet

Small rugs bring imbalance to the room, so choose the right size rug for your living room. A large carpet will provide a visual expansion of the space, and the interior will take on a finished look.

Your TV is out of place

The best place to place a TV - empty wall. Do not install the TV in front of or near a window, it is harmful to your eyesight and prevents you from seeing the image clearly. The distance between the TV and the sofa depends on the size of the screen: the distance should be 3-5 diagonals. Keep this in mind when buying a new TV.

You underestimate the power of pillows

Sofa cushions create a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. When choosing pillows, consider whether the texture of the material is suitable for the upholstery of a sofa or chair. If the upholstered furniture in the living room is made of velvet or velor, then cotton or linen textiles will be inappropriate. Neat and small products are suitable for small-sized furniture, and a massive sofa can contain several voluminous pillows.

Your sofa is against the wall

This rule works for large rooms. If you have the opportunity to put the sofa not against the wall, then be sure to do it - thereby you will visually increase the space and create coziness. The sofa against the wall in the spacious room looks more like a dance class than a living room.

Dark furniture in a low room

Your living room will become visually more squat and cramped if you purchase dark-colored furniture. Compact sofas, armchairs and neat tables, always on raised legs, are suitable for a low living room. Opt for neutral light shades.

You choose furniture based on design, not personal convenience.

Just because a piece of furniture looks nice doesn't mean it will suit your home. Make sure your furniture is comfortable for you, try it out. Sit in a chair or at a table that you like. Otherwise, you will rarely use these things and you will have to part with them.

Furniture that has lost its relevance

There is also furniture fashion. Bulky upholstered furniture with voluminous backs and armrests has long lost its relevance. Pay attention to furniture with straight lines and a clear silhouette. You can choose a traditional sofa, but in an unexpected and modern color.

Photos hang incorrectly

The ideal height is 153 cm from floor level to the center of the image. If you have too many photos, then great solution there will be a gallery on the wall, and not photo frames placed in all corners.

Oversized furniture

The most common mistake- force the room with furniture that does not fit in size, especially for sofas. This makes the room seem even smaller. If you have a large living room, then you can afford a roomy corner sofa. For small living rooms, a double sofa and a couple of armchairs will be preferable.

You neglect the functionality of the living room

If you have a rectangular room, then you can adjust it with a closet or shelving, since the square shape of the room is the most advantageous and it is easier to maintain balance in such a room.

Several options for zoning:

  • Living room and bedroom - the bedroom will always be closer to the window, as by definition sleeping area should be away from the entrance.
  • Living room and kitchen - the placement of both zones is strictly according to your taste, although it is preferable to place the kitchen near the window so that the hostess is comfortable and light enough to cook food.
  • The living room and dining room are two full-fledged units that should have enough space and space in the conditions of one room.
  • Living room and office - an office can occupy a very small corner, the main thing is to install an additional light source.

The center of the room is not marked

The living room needs a bright accent. The center can be a fireplace, a picture, a mirror, photo wallpaper - everything that the eye clings to. You can also make a relaxation area a focal point, highlighting it with contrasting colors, prints or mixing complex tones.

The living room is the "heart" of any house or apartment. The whole family usually gathers in it to relax and discuss important decisions, guests are received and all family holidays are held. Therefore, it is very important to create the most comfortable environment in it and beautiful interior. The living room can be combined with a dining room, kitchen or bedroom. For her, the most a large room in the house.

With the help of pictures you can harmoniously complement color scheme premises.

They have many options for equipment and finishes. Since guests are received in this room, it also serves as the hallmark of the owner: it speaks of his taste, financial situation, hobbies and passions. Properly selected interior of the living room helps to realize as much as possible the functionality of the room. When making main room there should be no barriers in the creative plan in the house, since here you can realize all the most daring and original ideas.

How to choose the right interior of the living room so as to make the "heart" of the house as comfortable, cozy and beautiful as possible? To do this, you need to carefully consider all the details, from the layout of the room to the color of the tablecloth to put on the table. It is very important not to miss anything, since alteration can disrupt the created harmony and integrity, and require large material costs.

Determination of the functional purpose of the room

All elements of the interior must be harmoniously combined with each other.

First of all, it is necessary to determine what main functions this room should perform. The living room can be used for storing clothes and necessary things, for relaxing (reading books, watching TV, playing games, etc.), eating, receiving guests, working, working with a child, needlework.

Sometimes the living room serves as a studio for creativity. After you decide on the main functions that the room should perform, a list of the necessary pieces of furniture and other elements of the living room interior is compiled.

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Planning and choosing a room design

Next, a plan is drawn up for the future room. Schematically, a project is drawn up on a piece of paper, on which it is noted where the walls will be demolished, passages, arches, etc. will be installed. On this stage it is necessary to decide in what style the interior of the living room will be created. There are a great many styles and trends: this is also popular in Lately high-tech style, and minimalism, and classics, and modern, etc. Each style has its own requirements for the design of the room, including decoration. One style involves the presence of smooth lines that should be present in the design of ceilings, windows, the other requires bright lighting and wooden finish walls.

In the project, the living area is divided into functional areas. Schematically it should be noted where and how the furniture will be arranged. It is best to try to create several options for arranging furniture. If figurative thinking does not allow you to give a complete picture of the future interior, then you can use special computer programs or designer services.

All nuances must be thought out. Should there be a door in the living room or is it better to remove it and make an arched entrance? What should be a comfortable distance from the TV to the sofa? Will you store books and dishes in the living room and how much? Which sofa is more convenient to choose so that it is comfortable to sleep on it?

The lighting in the living room is very important role. If the windows face the north side, and you are going to decorate the interior with fresh flowers, then you should additionally take care of installing ultraviolet lamps.

The living room should always be able to have both bright lighting and twilight.

The work area and the eating area should always be well lit.

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The choice of colors for the interior of the living room

The color scheme plays a very important role in the interior. His choice depends on several factors:

  • from the chosen design;
  • from the color preferences of the people living (in the interior there should not be colors that irritate one of the residents);
  • on how it is necessary to transform the room (visually expand, increase or decrease ceilings, etc.).

Most often, warm colors are chosen for. It is very comfortable to be in a room whose walls are painted in shades of beige, yellow, orange, olive. Red color is best used in small accessories: curtains, blankets, pillows. Yellow in the neighborhood with beige gives comfort and tranquility. Yellow tones in the living room make the atmosphere bright and cheerful. Cold tones expand the space. Bright contrasting colors give the room a dynamic and modern look.

It should be remembered about the compatibility of colors and the effect they have on the human psyche. For example, blue in in large numbers can cause depression, and red - aggression. The color of the curtains is chosen depending on the upholstery of the furniture and other textiles that will be in the room. When choosing a color, you need to remember the main functions of the room again: is the room intended for active sports and meetings with friends or for relaxation and watching TV?

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Elements of the interior of the living room and the principles of their choice

The fireplace in the interior of the living room is a symbol of the family hearth.

Quite a lot of people want to create an atmosphere of special family comfort and warmth in the living room. This can be helped not only by special lighting and color solution, but also the introduction of certain elements into the interior. A fireplace often becomes a symbol of the family hearth. The crackling of firewood and the reflection of the flames of fire give an incomparable atmosphere of comfort and peace of mind. If it is not possible to install a real fireplace, then get an electric one. For the same purpose, candlesticks, lamps, aromatic lamps are placed, paintings depicting the sunrise are hung.

Pictures play a very important role in, their image has a powerful effect on the energy of the room. The most neutral are paintings depicting flowers, landscapes, etc. You should not hang images on the walls that have negative content, such as battles. Such paintings can be hung in the office, but not in the living room. With the help of paintings, you can harmonize the color scheme of the room. For example, if the walls are painted in a light beige tone and the curtains are blue, then a picture of a sandy seashore will balance these two colors.

A necessary element in the living room is the table. Depending on the chosen design and size of the room, its shape and color are selected. If the interior is made in rustic style, then the table is chosen wooden, rectangular in shape. A high-tech table is most often made of glass and has chrome elements. The Art Nouveau style table is adorned with flowing patterns and elegant finishes. If selected East style, That dinner table choose a low and rectangular shape. Instead of chairs, pillows are laid out next to him or low sofas are placed.

All elements of the interior must be designed in the same style and combined with each other (with rare exceptions, when, on the contrary, contrasting details are selected). It is very important to choose right size the central architectural element of the interior. If its size is too large, it will overwhelm other interior components. The small size will make it invisible. The size of the paintings should correspond to the proportions of the wall, and the size of the fireplace should correspond to the dimensions of the furniture and the room.

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Living room: interior in a classic style

In the interior of the living room classical style It is recommended to use light colors.

If you're having trouble planning your living room design, it's best to go for a classic style that's always up-to-date and uninfluenced by fashion. Classic style is a sign of the special status of the owner of the house. The main features of the style are the presence of regular geometric shapes, symmetry, hierarchy and a clear structure of all design elements. In the living room, made in a classic style, there is no place for randomly selected items, they should all look expensive and elegant.

The architecture of the living room in the classical style includes columns, stucco, gilded and bronze elements, stained-glass windows instead of windows, mirrors in wooden frame, sculptures, paintings and vases in niches. At the same time, it is important to strike a balance between luxury and moderation: too many expensive items can spoil the overall impression.

In the design of a living room design in a classic style, there is often White color. It gives the room a sense of luxury and goes well with plaster molding, natural stone and lacquered wood. The interior should contain only natural natural colors light shades. You can safely use blue, light green, turquoise and beige shades. If the windows face north, then it is better to use exclusively warm colors in the design. Columns can visually raise the ceiling, and finely patterned walls will visually expand the room. The height of the living room can also be increased by finishing the floor with dark parquet or tiles and painting the ceiling in light color.

Particular attention should be paid to the ceiling. In a classic interior, it almost always has a very light color. The white ceiling gives the design aristocracy and sophistication. Walls should be plain or covered with fabric wallpaper. The paint that will be used to paint the walls and ceiling must be the most best quality. Parquet made of expensive wood species is laid on the floor and varnished several times. The floor can also be tiled natural stone. In this case, it must be borne in mind that the size of the tile must correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. parquet board and tiles can form different patterns. When planning the design, do not forget about the windows: they should be exclusively wooden.

A modern living room is both the "center" of an individual residential building (apartment), and also the place where the owners celebrate holidays or are used to relaxing. It also receives guests. Therefore, it is desirable that the interior of the living room correspond to certain functions.

How to emphasize the character of the living room

If you want to create an interior with an accentuated characteristic in the living room, you can use a number of the following recommendations. For example, architect-designer Alyona Kolotilina, a big admirer of Van Gogh's art, suggests the owners to "spin" the interior around the theme of one of his paintings. She chose the Night Cafe. The reproduction must be printed on canvas of the same size as the original. And then the interior, like a mosaic, will develop according to the colors of the canvas of the famous artist.

The relative simplicity of solving the entire space and the ceiling will be complicated by the specifics of the gradation of color spots. On this specific example the living room is combined with the kitchen and dining room. The accent of the panorama of the night sky will be repeated on the installation under the TV. The entrance to the living room will clearly express the portal of complex orange-terracotta shades. But ceiling lighting will distinguish between the kitchen, sofa and dining area. It is quite easy to pick up accessories and furniture, besides, it will become an exciting activity. Take the canvas itself as a basis, here is the solution for you!

Advice! For creating unique design living room is best addressed to experienced designers. But if the budget does not allow it, you can find finished projects design on the internet.

What should be the living room

The living room should become the unifying link of all housing premises, so that such an arrangement is marked by functionality: entrance node - kitchen - dining room - living room. At the same time, the living room becomes an indicative room in the house, because it is visited not only by those people who live in this house. Therefore, the most suitable room should be allocated for the living room - spacious and comfortable, since this is a common area for all family members.

The living room in the classical sense is intended only for receiving guests or holding dinner parties. If the area allows, then the living room provides for the performance of the functions necessary for life, in appropriate proportions.

Usually, the living room has several functions: living room - dining room - home theater, living room - bedroom, living room - dining room, living room - dining room - kitchen, etc. Using the method of functional zoning, for human life are created various spaces within one room. There are many ways to divide space. It is necessary to provide:

  1. the location of furniture and light sources, taking into account their functional purpose;
  2. wall decoration and variations in the formation of ceiling levels are also functional (meaning if the ceiling height allows it);
  3. possibility of using various details and elements in the formation of a multifunctional space.

How to emphasize the attractiveness of the living room

You can guess with the choice if you use a professionally created living room design photo. Then it is easy to emphasize its attractiveness, add a feeling of comfort and coziness. For example, you can use textiles for windows, repeated in the design of furniture, or carpets. Mobile glass (can also be made from other materials) partitions are also used. various designs. Such details serve not only as interior elements, but also indicate a certain functional purpose of the premises.

Such techniques are designed for each specific case. However, they must be used delicately and taking into account that life flows, and the owner of the transformed space in the future will wish to introduce elements that correspond to his new tastes or needs. And of course, the designer cannot predict this. It should be understood that not all of the listed techniques and not always need to be used in one particular room. The designer must take into account the individuality of each case, an example can be great to make sure of this, because it needs a completely special approach.

How to arrange the entrance to the living room

With the optimal solution, the entrance to the living room is never located opposite front door. Otherwise, as the practice of Feng Shui indicates, positive energy will leave the living room, but the negative will enter the room from the street.

Now let's say that you decide to place in the center of the room upholstered furniture. In such a case, it can be applied to floor covering, and you should also pay attention to the backs of the chairs and the sofa. If plywood, seams are visible on the back of the back, other unpresentable elements may protrude, then it is better to abandon this idea.

According to most designers, the desktop in the living room is an undesirable element. For example, standing in the living room computer desk contrary to its main purpose. After all, the room is designed to relax and receive guests. We advise you to pay attention to the advice of experienced craftsmen and then you will succeed.

Living room interior design 50 options

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Looking for inspiration to inhale new life to the living room? Whether you're up for a little change or a major makeover, your living room can look great. Just copy one of the ideas from the most popular bloggers! So, what thing should every woman have in her home?

bar trolley

No matter what your favorite drink, a bar cart is a great way to take your living room to the next level. You will be able to prepare your favorite cocktails, pour yourself a glass of wine, plus cute glasses and cocktail accessories will serve as a wonderful decorative accent for your home. You will be extremely popular with your friends!

Beautifully designed bookshelf

No better way show off your favorite books and trivia than on a bookshelf. From stacks of vintage first editions to collections of your favorite authors, there are plenty of things that will find their place on the shelf. Find dainty bookends, pretty frames, and decorative pieces to add variety to your shelves. Make sure everything doesn't look too boring!

Artificial fur

If you want your living room to look luxurious, the most effective way will add some faux fur. But be careful, use it only as an accent, let it be a pillow or a small rug. For example, a white fur pillow will fit perfectly into any space! Don't be afraid to add colors if you like bright colors.

metal accents

If you prefer a traditional style, you'll love gold and silver, and if you want to get creative, go for rose gold. One way or another, metal accessories are a must. stylish home. It can be photo frames, paintings, souvenirs. All this will add charm to your room.

Impressive sofa

Say goodbye to neutral sofas: an expressive sofa in bright colors, with spectacular upholstery - this is a stylish choice. This piece of furniture is surprisingly versatile. Start decorating your room with a sofa and choose the color that suits your style best. Then add pillows and other decorative elements.

Exquisitely designed coffee table

Nothing enhances your thoughtful style like a beautifully crafted one. coffee table. Find a piece of furniture that you like, add elements to it that will emphasize your personality. Art books, decorative accents, fresh flowers, your favorite plate or pretty tray - it's all there. good decisions. Keep it minimal, you want to use a table! At the same time, pick up several objects of different shapes, heights and textures to get a balanced look.

Stylish chair as an accent

A chair as an accent is not just extra bed where you can sit. If you want to opt for a more neutral sofa, you can show off your personality with a funky, colorful chair. Choose a shape that will stand out, complement it with playful pillows for a truly stylish look. If you want to use two accent chairs, you can buy two identical ones, or use your imagination and use different ones.

Slogan in a frame

If you have a favorite phrase that inspires you, you should use it in your living room. Hang the frame on your art wall, place it on your bookshelf, or decorate your bar cart with it.

Stylish rug in vintage style

A high quality rug is a great way to enhance your living space. Choose options in vintage style. They look great on wooden floor or a tiled floor, however, some are suitable for any option at all. Graphic patterns and neutral tones are the most popular choice. Try to pick up a carpet that will not attract all the attention.

wall with pictures

A wall that serves as a gallery is appropriate in any home. It's a great eye-catcher and full of possibilities so you can create your own. Use your artwork, beautiful drawings and favorite photos. This is a great way to bring all the things you love together into one.