Shower      03/05/2020

DIY metal wheels. How to bend a profile pipe for a greenhouse: the simplest methods and rules for making blanks Making a bending machine with your own hands

The TechnoKoleso company supplies industrial wheels for carts and technological vehicles, wheel supports for conveyors and conveyors, components for repair and installation on transport units. In our assortment you can find all types of wheels and rollers used for conversion and installation on technology, transport, garden and sales carts.

Constructions and types

The design of wheels and supports for industrial use should take into account the features and specifics of production, the operating conditions of the transport unit, interaction with surfaces and the crew. Special combinations of materials, fastenings and bearings are developed for this purpose.

The main types of wheels can be characterized by purpose and specific properties:

  • heat-resistant products for work in hot shops and on heated surfaces that do not deform under the influence of temperatures;
  • heavy swivel wheels for cargo trolleys with rubber or pneumatic tires;
  • rollers and wheels with one and two flanges for conveyors, movement on guides with a chute or rail type;
  • antistatic, conductive - for working in conditions with increased requirements for fire safety or on electric trolleys.

The choice of a certain type of wheel is determined by site conditions, where specific factors may be present. At the same time, the efficiency of technological transport, conveyors and conveyors depends on how often it will have to be stopped for repairs. At right choice industrial wheels and swivel castors for trolleys reduce the need for frequent repairs, downtime is kept within specified limits, and wasted time is reduced.

Materials and technical solutions

To give wheel supports different type certain properties, various technological solutions and materials are used:

  • the combination of a polyamide bushing and a polyurethane tire makes it possible to achieve high strength and wear resistance of reinforced wheels for trolleys, without losing the smoothness of the transport on a flat floor of a warehouse or workshop;
  • steel bushings with rubber or pneumatic tires work well on difficult surfaces, including on the ground;
  • the use of supports with the possibility of rotation or a fixed position makes it possible to increase the accuracy of controlling the trolley, platform or create conditions for operational maneuvering in a limited space;
  • bearings built into the bushings are designed for extended service life, high travel speeds and high bogie stability on the travel path.

Fixed wheels for trolleys and containers are widely used in industries where strength and simplicity of design are of decisive importance in comparison with the ability to maneuver. Such a support can be mounted on technological vehicles moving along rails or guides.

Buy rollers, supports and wheels for production

Specialists of TechnoKoleso will help you navigate a large selection of industrial wheels, rollers, swivel and fixed supports, taking into account the specifics of the facility and the design features of technological vehicles. Pay attention to the need to select these products according to material properties, rolling diameter, bearing type and load capacity.

You can buy a set of wheels for carts, rollers, supports with a selection according to all the necessary criteria and optimal prices for your production profile. To clarify the details and place an order, please contact the consultants of the company!

The question of how to bend a profile pipe without using special equipment for this is asked by many of those who are going to build on their personal plot greenhouse. Such structures, made of bent pipes, not only let in much more light, but are also highly stable and durable when compared with structures made of wooden blocks. It seems that it is not easy to bend a professional pipe, creating an arched structure from it, but if you understand the features of this process, it is quite possible to effectively perform it using the simplest devices for this.

What is the complexity of profile bending

The essence of bending rolled metal, regardless of the shape of its profile, is that the profile pipes are given a partial or complete bend. Such a technological operation is performed in two ways: by acting on the bent pipe only by pressure or by additionally heating the section of the pipe in the area of ​​which the bend is performed. During the bending metal pipe two forces act simultaneously:

  • compression force (from the inside of the bend);
  • tensile force (from the outer part of the bent section).

It is the impact of such multidirectional forces that causes difficulties characteristic of the bending process of any profile pipes.

  1. Segments of the material of the pipe, which changes its shape during the bending process, may lose the coaxiality of their location, which leads to the fact that individual sections of the pipe will be located in different planes;
  2. The wall of the pipe, located on the outside of the bend and subjected to tension, may not withstand the load and burst.
  3. The inner wall of the pipe, subjected to compression, may become covered with folds that resemble corrugations.

If you do not take into account the subtleties of such a technological process, then instead of bending the profile pipe, you can simply crush the product, irrevocably damaging it.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take into account not only the characteristics of the pipe material, but also its geometric parameters - section dimensions, wall thickness, radius to which it is necessary to bend. Knowledge of the above will allow you to choose the appropriate technology and bend the corrugated pipe correctly without crushing it and without getting a corrugated surface.

The need for profile accounting

The category of profile pipe-rolling includes products that have different shape cross-section - round, square, oval or flat-oval. Despite this diversity, for the construction of a greenhouse or a canopy, rectangular or are mainly used. This is due to the fact that it is much easier to mount the outer coating on their flat walls.

The range of modern profile pipes is very diverse. Their geometric parameters, the main of which are the cross-sectional area and wall thickness, determine the plastic capabilities of the product. The latter characterizes such an indicator as the minimum allowable radius of curvature. It is this parameter that allows you to determine to what minimum radius the pipe can be bent so that it is not damaged.

To determine such a parameter of a pipe with or a rectangular profile as the minimum bending radius, it is enough to know the height of its profile. If you are going to bend a profile pipe with a cross section in the form of a rectangle or square, the following recommendations should be followed.

  • Pipes whose profile height does not exceed 20 mm can be bent in sections whose length exceeds a value equal to 2.5xh (h is the profile height).
  • Products whose profile height exceeds 20 mm can be successfully bent in sections whose length corresponds to 3.5xh or more.

Such recommendations will be useful to those who are going to bend profile pipes with their own hands in order to make racks, canopies and various frame structures from them. In this case, however, it should be borne in mind that the possibility of high-quality bending of pipes is also affected by the thickness of their wall. Products with a wall thickness of less than 2 mm should not be bent at all, and if it is necessary to create structures from them, use welded joints.

At home, it is possible to bend professional pipes, which are made of carbon or low-alloy steels, only taking into account certain nuances. Such pipes, after bending, can spring back and return to their original state, so the finished structures must be re-fitted according to the template. The amount of springback is characterized by such a parameter of shaped pipes as the plastic moment of resistance - Wp. This parameter is indicated in the accompanying documentation (the lower it is, the less the professional pipes will spring during their bending).

Features of the most popular pipe bending methods

In industrial or domestic conditions, professional pipes are bent both with heating and in a cold state. The heating produced by gas burner, significantly increases the ductility of the metal, so that bending requires less effort. Pipes of small cross section can be bent without heating, since they already have good ductility.

Regulatory recommendations regarding the use of heat are only available for products with a round section. So, it is recommended to heat pipes with a cross-sectional diameter of more than 10 cm before bending. In cases where square or rectangular pipes need to be bent, it is worth focusing on your own experience or the advice of other home craftsmen.

  1. Without preheating, pipes are bent, the profile height of which does not exceed 10 mm.
  2. If the height of the pipe profile exceeds 40 mm, they must be heated before bending.

If you have a pipe bender at your disposal, with its help you can easily cope with the task of cold bending pipes, the profile height of which is in the range of 10–40 mm. In the absence of such a device, it is necessary to decide how to bend the pipe without a pipe bender, having previously carried out simple tests. They will help you determine whether the pipe should be heated before the flexible one or not. These tests are carried out as follows. One end of the pipe is clamped in a vise, and a pipe with a large internal section is put on the other. If with the help of such a shoulder it is possible to bend a pipe clamped in a vise, this process can be carried out without preheating.

The training video demonstrates the bending of pipes according to various methods, but it will not be superfluous to first study this process in detail.

Pipe bending with preheating

In order to bend the profile pipe using the hot method with your own hands, you must first fill it with sand. This will make the bend better and more uniform. Since you will have to deal with hot metal, all work should be done in thick canvas mittens. The bending itself, the implementation of which can be found in the video, is performed in the following sequence.

  • Both ends of the profile pipe must be closed with plugs, which are made of wooden bars. The length of such plugs should be 10 times the width of their base, which, in turn, should have an area twice the area of ​​the hole in the pipe closed with their help.
  • After fitting the plugs to the internal section of the pipe, 4 longitudinal grooves are made on one of them, which are necessary to remove the gas that accumulates in the pipe when the sand filling it is heated.
  • The section of the pipe that you plan to bend must first be annealed.
  • As a filler for the pipe, sand of medium grain size should be used. If there is no purified building sand, you can take any, even from a children's sandbox, but it should be prepared accordingly. Thus, sand is first sifted through a sieve with a mesh size of 2–2.5 mm to remove gravel and small stones from it, and the final sifting is performed on a sieve with a mesh size of 0.7 mm. The final sifting is necessary in order to remove dust inclusions from the sand, which can sinter when heated.
  • Prepared sand must be calcined at a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius.
  • Before filling with sand, one end of the pipe is closed with a plug, on which there are no gas outlet channels. A funnel is inserted into the second end, through which prepared sand is poured in portions. In order for the sand to evenly and densely fill the entire internal cavity of the pipe, when it falls asleep, it is necessary to tap on the walls of the product using a wooden or rubber mallet for this.
  • After the pipe is completely filled with sand, its second end is also closed with a plug.
  • The area that will be heated for further bending should be marked with chalk.
  • The pipe must be fixed in a vise with a template or in a pipe clamp. It is important that the weld, if it is on the surface of the product, is on the side. It is necessary to adhere to this requirement because it is undesirable to subject the weld to compression or tension.
  • A section of the pipe, previously marked with chalk, is heated red-hot with a gas burner. After complete warming up, the pipe is carefully, without making sudden movements, bent in one step, applying efforts strictly in a vertical or horizontal plane.
  • After cooling the bent pipe, the result obtained is compared with the template. If everything is fine, then corks are removed from the ends of the product and sand is poured out.

This method, which is easy to implement at home, is best used in cases where a single corner bend must be formed on a professional pipe. Repeated heating of the metal can lead to a loss of its strength, and this cannot be avoided if you bend the pipe to use it as an element of the arched structure.

How to bend a pipe without preheating

It is possible to bend the profile pipe yourself, without preheating it, both with and without filler. Do not require filling with sand or rosin pipes, the profile height of which does not exceed 10 mm.

There is another technique that involves the use of a spring with a dense coil of coils instead of a filler, which is inserted into the internal cavity of the professional pipe and protects the product walls from deformation, as well as from excessive changes in their thickness during the bending process.

For those who need to bend profile pipes with their own hands, without first heating them, you can use the training video and the following simple recommendations.

  1. It is possible to obtain the required bend on profile pipes using the simplest devices - a vice, mandrels, bending plates.
  2. Can be used for products with a round profile. In this device, it is necessary to redo the working rollers, the shape of the recess in which must correspond to the pipe profile.
  3. You can bend pipes most efficiently and accurately with the help of which you can purchase or make yourself.

Pipe bending tools

The question of how to bend a pipe without a pipe bender will not cause difficulties if you use the simplest devices to perform this operation. You can perform cold bending of pipes using the following devices.

  • In cases where it is necessary to bend a soft (aluminum) or steel pipe with a profile height of not more than 10 mm, a horizontal plate with holes is used, into which stops are inserted - metal pins. With the help of these pins, products are bent according to the required parameters. This method has two serious drawbacks: the low accuracy of bending, as well as the fact that when using it, it is necessary to apply significant physical effort.
  • Products with a profile height of 25 mm are best bent using roller fixtures. The pipe is securely fixed in a vice, and a force is applied to that part of it that needs to be bent using a special roller. This device allows you to get a better bend, but also requires the application of physical effort.

Option, as they say, in haste. The long lever of this extremely simple device allows you to cope with rather thick pipes.

To form a bend with a large radius of curvature on steel or aluminum corrugated pipes, fixed rounded templates are used, on which special clamps are mounted to fix the product. On such a device, the pipe is also bent manually, with force laying it in the groove of the template, the shape of which exactly corresponds to the required bending radius.

Plywood and metal staples are all you need to make a bending template

bending plate

To effectively bend steel or aluminum pipes at home, you can make an upgraded bending plate using the following guidelines.

  1. The role of such a plate is played by a panel that is cut out of sheet metal great thickness.
  2. The panel, made in this way, is welded to the rack, which is installed on a special pedestal.
  3. Two holes are drilled in the panel, necessary for installing bolts that serve as stops for the profile pipe.
  4. A special nozzle is installed on one of the stop bolts, with the help of which the bending radius is adjusted.
  5. To ensure the alignment of the pipe sections adjacent to the bend, a metal plate is placed above the workpiece, fixed with bolts.

When you are not using this upgraded pipe bender, its pedestal can be adapted to perform various plumbing tasks.

Mandrel bending

For bending profile pipe products at home, the wall height of which does not exceed 25 mm, a special mandrel can be made. For these purposes, it is better to use an overall workbench, on the surface of which there will be enough space for such a device. To select the optimal location of the element that fixes the bendable pipe, often located holes are made at one end of the workbench. A special template is responsible for ensuring the required bending radius of the corrugated pipe, which can be made from thick plywood or a metal corner if you are going to use it often.

Profile bending application

Of course, if you have a significant amount of work on bending profile pipes, it is better to make a special machine for this, the drawings of which are easy to find on the Internet. We will not analyze this issue here, since it is considered in more than detail in the articles on the links below.

You can not do without such a machine even if you need to bend pipes with a large profile section. The main working bodies of such a machine, which is characterized by wide versatility, are three rolls, two of which are fixed motionless, and by changing the position of the third, the bending radius of the product is adjusted. As a drive for such a device, chain drive and a handle that is rotated by the operator.

Several times I have received e-mails asking me to publish apilift drawings or detailed photographs. People have a desire to make an apilift with their own hands, they say that they have already purchased the material, and in general terms they imagine what's what, but there is not enough detail.

Drawings, I once at the school earned myself money for air tickets Samarkand-Moscow and back to fly on vacation. And now I’m just too lazy to draw them, this is a dreary business and boring ...

I went specially to the village, dismantled my cart, photographed it from different angles for half a day and took measurements. And now I will try to describe how everything works, I hope it will be clear. At the bottom of the article there is also a small video where I tried to explain the work of some parts.

So, here is the assembled apilift, with side clamps and a fork for lifting the hive under the bottom.

Structurally, I divided the elevator into a frame, a lifting carriage and brackets with wheels.

The side racks of the frame are made of profiled square pipe 40x20 mm.

On the outer side of the racks along the entire length, a cut 20 mm wide was made, in which the axes of the carriage bearings move.

M6 bolts are screwed at the top of each rack, their heads do not allow the upper bearing of the carriage to go beyond the rack. At a distance of 20 cm from the upper edge of the racks, handles are welded to hold the trolley with rubber handles.

The frame has 4 cross members.

Upper - from a pipe 40x20 mm, welded vertically, in the middle of the side racks. The lower one is also from a 40x20 mm pipe, welded flat to the ends of the side racks. The two remaining crossbars from a 30x20 mm pipe are welded flush with the back of the side racks.

Drilled in the third cross member for attaching the wheel brackets through holes for M8 bolts.

On the top crossbar front side rigidly fixed roller bearing. This is a lift block. A cable with a diameter of 3 mm moves in the groove of the roller. At the same distance from the left post, the upper free end of the cable is fixed with a plate with bolts.

A semicircular side is welded along the edge of the block, it prevents the cable from falling off the roller. The bearing marking is visible in the photo.

On the front side of the second crossbar there is a coil for winding the cable when lifting the apilift carriage.

Coil height - 35 mm.

The axis of the coil is installed in the bearing. From the back, a lever with a wooden handle is welded to it. The handle rotates freely on its axis.

On the crossbar, near the coil, two pieces of 8 mm rod are welded as stoppers.

The handle of the lift is connected by a cable to a spring-loaded metal tongue.

In the free state, the spring lowers the tongue down, and it rests against one of the stoppers. This is a kind of safety device against arbitrary lowering of the carriage with the load.

In general, there are enough small details in the apilift. I don’t know how you will do all this with your own hands ... Let's move on.

"Drawing" of a wheel with a bracket.

Wheel axle on bearing, with inside the axle is welded to the square tube.

From the outside, the axle is fixed with a nut.

The outer diameter of the wheel with the tire is approximately 380 mm.

Wheel bracket - two pipes welded together at a right angle.

At the ends of the pipes there are plates for fastening to the frame.

In the places where the upper crossbar is attached, the bolts pass through.

In the lower cross member, the bolt is inserted from inside the pipe.

By pulling the wheels out of the brackets, you can adjust the angle of the apilift to the ground and the length of the support arm.

The lifting part is a carriage.

This is the main mechanism, and the details here are the most. Basically, the body is welded from pipes 30x20 mm, only at the bottom there are two crossbars 30x30mm, inside of which there are side clamps for setting the hive. A block for the cable is welded in the center of the lower cross member of the carriage, similar to the one on the frame.

The carriage moves along the frame on four bearings.

The bearing brackets are made from 3 mm tires. The bearings freely enter the pipes of the side posts of the apilift frame and move in them with small gaps.

In the lower part of the carriage, pieces of a profile pipe are welded into which elements of the lifting fork are inserted.

The hinges that hold the side clips look like this.

When the rod tilts the hinge, the square warps, "grabs" the side clamp tube inserted into it and pulls it.

The angle of inclination of the hinge is adjusted by a spring-loaded bolt. The more the hinge is tilted, the greater the compressive force of the side clamps will be.

The side clips themselves look like this.

The holding "legs" are welded to the pipe not at a right angle, but with a slight inclination in the direction of holding. Grooves are made from the inside on the “paws” to give the surface a ribbed structure - in order to more securely hold the load.

The side clamps are freely inserted through the retaining hinges into the guide tubes.

When working with hives, the side clamps are brought close to the wall of the hive, and the compressing mechanism is activated.

A pipe bender for a profile pipe is a very popular equipment on the market. It is used in various industries, housing and communal services and other areas. To save on the purchase of the device, you can make it yourself. However, for this you need to study in detail the device, the principle of its operation and features. In addition, you need to have on hand instructions for its manufacture and carefully follow all the necessary requirements.

Only with the help of a pipe bender can a profile pipe be bent without deforming it

Main characteristics

A pipe bender for a profile pipe is a special equipment in the form of a machine designed for bending pipes with rectangular, square and other sections.

Modern equipment of this kind is capable of performing several tasks at once:

  • pipe bending at any angle, up to 180 degrees;
  • processing pipes of various diameters (it can vary from 5 to 1220 mm);
  • deformation of pipes of various materials of manufacture (they can be metal - from aluminum, steel, cast iron; or plastic - from PVC, HDPE, PVD, etc.)

If plastic pipes can be bent without the use of a professional industrial pipe bender, then if they are made of metal, this cannot be done without such an apparatus.

There are three solutions to a hardware problem: buy a product, rent it, or make it yourself. If there is not a lot of work, then the purchase of equipment will be impractical. But even if it is necessary, the acquisition of the device is very expensive. Therefore, many people prefer to make pipe bending machines for profile pipes on their own.

Scope of pipe benders

The device under consideration is widely used in various fields of industry and the national economy. This includes construction, the oil and gas industry, the production of sanitary ware, the housing and communal services sector, and it is also used for domestic needs. It could be manufacturing garden furniture, awnings, gazebos, etc.

With the help of a pipe bender, you can create a wide variety of designs from shaped pipes

However, most often this equipment is used for deformation and bending of pipes when laying pipelines or erecting buildings (when shaped pipes are used as part of reinforcing structures). Tubular products can have a wide variety of shapes and materials, but in any case, it is necessary to use pipe bending machines to bend them.

Need to know! Such a factor as the scope of use is very important for the bending process. After all, tubular products of different volume, diameter and material are bent in different ways, and this requires equipment different power And technical properties. Depending on this, the device can be manual, electrically or hydraulically driven.

Device classification

As mentioned above, there are several types of pipe bending machines. They differ in configuration, principle of operation and, as a result, in price categories.

There are three main types of devices.

Hydraulic. Such a pipe bender of a profile pipe must be used if you cannot do it with your own hands and a simple hand-held device. Of course, it differs in cost, however, it has more advantages. Among them:

  • high deformation rate. Working from the network, such a device for bending profile pipes has more power and performs the tasks much faster than a manual counterpart;
  • accuracy when setting the bend angle. This view differs from the previous one. Using a device on a hydraulic drive, it is possible to bend the pipe at the required angle with an accuracy of up to a degree;
  • ease of management and maintenance. Simple design the device provides easy operation and simple repair;
  • low operator effort. You do not have to make great physical efforts to give the tubular product the desired shape;
  • mobility. The equipment is just as easy to move as the previous analogue considered;
  • versatility. If a simple device manual control not able to work with some types of tubular products, then this type of device is powerful enough to bend steel, even if the pipes are not very small in diameter.

Hydraulic pipe benders are manual and electric, the latter type is more often used in production.

On electric drive. Such devices have more power, bend angle adjustment accuracy, but are the most expensive.

According to the bending method, devices are also divided into three classes:

  • crossbow, with which bending occurs through the use of a form of a certain diameter;
  • manual spring, working by means of powerful springs;
  • segmented, which is a segment of wood or other dense material with mandrel installed on it, around which the pipe is bent.

Manual. The cheapest and easiest kind. This is a mobile device with small dimensions and weight. In addition, making a similar pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands is much easier and cheaper. However, it has enough limitations. This cannot be used if the amount of work is large and regular frequent use of the device is required. In addition, the bending process will take more time and effort, and such equipment can only be used to deform aluminum, plastic pipes, as well as steel with a small cross-sectional diameter.

Manual pipe bender: making at home

Among the owners of garages and private suburban areas, the question often arises, how to make a pipe bender for a profile pipe yourself? This problem is very common, because ready-made devices are by no means cheap and when purchasing them, the owner is not always sure of good quality. In this case, making a pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands is a real solution.

Despite the simplicity of design, the most primitive pipe benders provide sufficiently high-quality pipe processing.

If the amount of work is not too large, then the best option there will be a manual pipe bender for a profile pipe.

Important! remember, that hand fixture- an unprofessional option, and it is suitable for occasional use, regular and significant loads are beyond its power.

The cheapest and most elementary option is a simple do-it-yourself manual pipe bender. To make it, you need only three components: concrete slab, metal pins and perforator.

The algorithm for mounting the parts of a manual pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands is extremely simple: concrete base we divide into cells with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b4x4 or 5x5 centimeters. At the corners of the cells formed, you need to make holes (drilling them as deep as possible) with a puncher, and then install the pins in them.

The resulting equipment for bending a variety of shaped pipes works according to a simple principle: a tubular workpiece is placed between the pins and bent, applying physical force, at the desired angle.

Of course, perfect accuracy when using such a simple do-it-yourself pipe bender for a profile pipe cannot be achieved, but for domestic purposes it is more than enough.

Manual pipe benders of more complex designs

If your requirements for pipe bending equipment are higher, then this simple option not enough. In this case, it is recommended to resort to more complex devices.

You can assemble a pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands, which will work on the basis of a jack. To make it, you will need a hydraulic jack, pins and a solid base.

Bending the pipe with a pipe bender based on a jack is carried out using a shoe, the size of which must correspond to the diameter of the workpiece

Helpful advice! The jack used as the main element must withstand loads of 5 tons in order for the equipment to last a long time and without breakdowns.

There is a more complex third option - a chain-driven device driven by a handle. It is also quite simple to create such a pipe bender with your own hands. It is more comfortable to drive and slightly more productive.

To make this homemade pipe bender for profile pipes, you need: a U-shaped metal base, a clamp, three rollers, a chain and a winch.

Assembling this pipe bender with your own hands is not difficult and it does not take much time. The actions are:

  • first, a U-shaped structure is attached to a metal base;
  • two rollers are installed on both sides of it, and then a third one (in the form of an isosceles triangle);
  • a chain with a winch is installed on the rollers.

Pipe bender on the chain will allow you to work with pipes large sizes effortlessly

A welding machine is used to connect the nodes.

How to make your own hydraulic pipe bender

The hydraulic apparatus is quite powerful equipment. It can process steel tubular products relatively large diameters compared to the manual counterpart.

However, making a pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands in this case will require much more effort and time.

So, to make such a machine, you will need:

  • flat base;
  • p-shaped metal base;
  • feed shaft;
  • pulley;
  • chain;
  • hydraulic rod.

The very design of a do-it-yourself device for bending a profile pipe resembles a rolling mill, only more complex and the principle of its operation is slightly different. Instead of a manual drive, a hydraulic rod is used.

How to make a do-it-yourself pipe bender for a profile pipe from these parts?

  • First install the shaft on the base. Then a pulley is mounted on the first end of it, and a chain on the second. Now we mount the second shaft, connect the chain to the first;
  • at the bottom we cut a hole for the movement of the rod and install the third roller - deforming;
  • the shaft of this roller is located in the grooves of the base.

Attention! The base of a home-made machine for bending profile pipes should be in the shape of a trapezoid, if you do not use a U-shaped fork with welded legs (you can use pipe sections or channels as them).

Do-it-yourself pipe bending machine

A machine for bending various profile pipes is a rather complicated apparatus. Making such a machine will require a lot of attention and good skills. It is better, of course, to purchase a ready-made product, however, if you are confident in your abilities, then you can make such a pipe bender with your own hands.

Rolling machines have a complex design, but they are indispensable for large volumes of work

First, a base is prepared, made of metal parts using a welding machine. After that, 4 supporting elements are installed on it. Now you can make holes to adjust the bend radius.

Then the jack is mounted. For this, bolts and plates are used.

Now we install the rest of the parts: the winch and rollers (as in the simpler design discussed above), the engine and gearbox, as well as the jumper.

After that, the last stage remained - the manufacture of the so-called fungus. To do this, you can purchase a pipe bent 90 degrees at any hardware store. Such a part is installed on top of the device body.

If necessary, a machine for bending profile (square, rectangular) pipes can be made independently. The complexity of the design and the cost of components to it will depend on the purpose of the device and its frequency of use. It is also important how correctly the assembly work will be carried out. The reliability and performance of the device as a whole depends on the accuracy of the actions.

Do-it-yourself pipe bender for a profile pipe at no extra cost

Do-it-yourself pipe bender for a profile pipe: the main characteristic of the fixture, classification in all respects, manufacturing methods on your own.

How to make a pipe bender with your own hands - drawings, photos

It is not so difficult to make a home or even a professional pipe bender with your own hands in order to be able to bend pipes to a given angle and, importantly, with a given bending radius.

Do-it-yourself pipe bender is not so difficult

Contrary to popular belief that most often this device is used when performing plumbing work, in such cases, various fittings and bends are usually used - pre-bent pipe sections manufactured in an industrial environment. However, there are limitations to the use of bends, which are determined by their standard characteristics:

  • rotation angles (can be 45, 60, 90 and 180 degrees);
  • bending radii (bends with bending radii of 1.0 Du and 1.5 Du are produced);
  • use of welding.

Not in all situations, such parameters are able to satisfy those who need to give pipe structures the required shape. It is in such cases that a mechanical pipe bender (or manual pipe bender) comes to the rescue.

Those owners of cottages and private houses who are going to independently manufacture various arched structures, greenhouses, fences of non-standard shape and much more cannot do without a machine for bending steel pipes.

In this article, we will thoroughly analyze how to make a pipe bender with your own hands. After all, a home-made pipe bender can be used not only at home, but also in semi-professional activities, since its design does not differ in exorbitant complexity, and serial pipe bending devices are quite expensive. Therefore, by making a manual pipe bender with your own hands, you will save a lot of money.

Two pipe benders: with manual and electric drive

Classification of pipe bending devices

Devices for bending steel pipes are classified:

  • by degree of mobility (stationary and portable);
  • by type of drive (manual, electric, hydraulic, electro-hydraulic);
  • according to the method of action (running (roller), winding, action with a rod (crossbow), rolling).

The essence of the methods of impact of the pipe bender on the pipe is as follows.

With this method, one end of the pipe is clamped, and a fixed template is used to give it the required bend. Pinch rollers are used to roll the product around the template.

Break-in pipe bender drawings

In such a device, the pipe is pressed against a movable template (roller), on which it is wound, stretching between a rotating roller and a special stop installed at the beginning of the bending point.

Scheme of a pipe bender operating on the principle of winding

In such a pipe bender, the pipe rests on two fixed rollers, and the bending is performed by a template, which is fixed on a movable rod. The template presses on the middle of the fixed section of the pipe, thereby giving it the required bending angle.

Diagram of a crossbow pipe bender: 2 - jack, 3 - shoe (punch)

The required bending radius is obtained using a three-roll device, the design of which is based on two support and one central roller. The central roller exerts pressure on the pipe, the position of which determines the radius of its bend. The rolling pipe bender is more versatile; in all other machines, the bending radius depends on the template used.

Manual rolling tube bender with compact dimensions

The manufacture of a pipe bender operating on the principle of winding is not simple, therefore such a device is made mainly in an industrial way. The crossbow method has another significant drawback: the pressure from the stock with the template attached to it, which is called the shoe, is concentrated in its upper part. This method of impact on the pipe leads to its significant stretching along the outer radius of the bend, which may be accompanied by a decrease in wall thickness and even its rupture. It is especially not recommended to use the crossbow method for bending thin-walled products.

An example of a homemade pipe bender of a rolling (rolling) type

The machine, working on the principle of rolling (rolling), practically does not have all of the above disadvantages, this technology is used in the production of bends in the factory.

A do-it-yourself pipe bending machine may have different design. Its type should be chosen based on what bending radius steel pipe you need. There is a list of recommendations, in accordance with which the choice of a specific model of a device for bending steel pipes is carried out. Important parameters to consider are the wall thickness of the pipe and its overall diameter. Before starting work with a pipe bender, it does not hurt to familiarize yourself with the data in the table that displays the maximum possible radii for bending steel pipes.

The dependence of the bending radius on the diameter and wall thickness of the pipe

To obtain a bend radius smaller than specified in such recommendations, it is necessary to use a mandrel pipe bender or hot rolling, which is used mainly in production conditions. A device with a mandrel is more difficult to create at home, so they are much less often made on their own, preferring rolling ones.

In order to independently perform hot rolling of the pipe, you can resort to using a do-it-yourself pipe bender, but on condition that it is completely made of metal and its frame is highly reliable. To perform such a technological operation, you will additionally need a blowtorch or a gas burner.

Making a simple template type pipe bender

A simple pipe bending machine can even be made from wood. Naturally, this will be a manual pipe bender, the design of which may not even include a pressure roller if it is used for thin-walled products. The template for such a device is made of a wooden board, the thickness of which must be such as to exceed the diameter of the pipe itself.

Wooden template for a simple manual pipe bender

For the convenience of work, it makes sense to be puzzled by the profiling of the template from the side of its end in order to avoid the pipe jumping off during the bending process. For these purposes, you can fold two boards, which are pre-cut along one edge, thus creating a kind of gutter. A pre-made drawing will help to avoid mistakes.

When using such a pipe bender, the template is attached to a reliable base, and an emphasis is fixed on the left side of it (for right-handers). The pipe, which needs to be bent along the required radius, is inserted between the template and the stop and carefully bent, making sure that it does not jump off the template.

Collapsible hook template

With the help of such a pipe bender, made from improvised materials, it is possible to bend along a large bending radius. It is possible to avoid the manufacture of a wooden template and simplify the fixture by replacing it with metal hooks fixed on the base, located around the circumference with the required bending radius. Such a device is convenient in that the dimensions of the bend can be changed at any time by placing the hook-stops around a circle with a different radius.

Armed with a manual winch, you can significantly expand the range of work performed due to a noticeable increase in traction for bending pipes.

The winch will help expand the functionality of the simplest manual pipe bender

Pinch roller benders

More complex in design is a manual pipe bender that uses a pressure roller. For the manufacture of such a device, you can use both wood and metal.

For pipes from soft materials(for example, copper) the best option are rollers made of wood, as they do not cause deformation of the metal. Such videos are not difficult to make at home, if you use photos or drawings of such devices, in in large numbers posted on the Internet. As a manufacturing material, you can use thick boards or several layers of plywood.

Drawing of a pipe bender with a pressure roller

A self-made pipe bender of a similar design, which is based on rollers - movable (clamping) and fixed, allows you to bend round pipes that differ even in significant diameters.

In order to understand that such a device is simple in design and use, just look at its photo or drawing. Depending on what loads are expected for this type of pipe bender, the base for it is made of metal or durable plywood. The U-shaped holder, on which the central and pressure rollers will be placed, is made of metal.

Relative to the axis of the central roller, securely fixed on the base, such a holder must be able to rotate. WITH reverse side a handle, which is a lever, is attached to the holder from the central roller, therefore the generated force directly depends on its length. Such a lever pipe bender allows you to perform operations with various pipe bending radii.

Many are wondering if it is possible to make a winding-type pipe bender with your own hands. Naturally, at first it is desirable to study the drawing or photo of such a device, on which there is no emphasis on the base. The design of this type of pipe bender is based on two pulleys, a frame with a lever and a pressure roller, and a reliable base. Bending with such a device is carried out due to the fact that the pipe, placed in the groove of the fixed pulley and clamped with a clamp, is wrapped around the template using a lever and a movable roller.

Pipe bender for soft pipes for two different bending radii

For small and soft products (aluminum or copper), a homemade pipe bender is suitable, which allows bending with two different radii. Photos of such a device are easy to find on the Internet. This pipe bender uses one pinch roller and the template is made simultaneously with two radii on one plate. Naturally, for each bending option, the pipe bender handle must be reinstalled, for which two holes are provided on its base.

Winder type pipe benders

Examples of such devices are hydraulic pipe benders used to bend round pipes. The design of such a device has a powerful pulley, to which the pipe is attached at the bend point. This pulley is fixed on a reliable frame, and at its base there is a rod, which is driven by a jack. On the rod with the help of a jack, a significant force is created, which is transmitted to the lever, which rotates the pulley and winds the pipe around it. The lever can freely rotate around the axis of the pulley and is connected to it through holes located along its circumference.

Crossbow type pipe benders

Such pipe benders got their name because of their resemblance to a crossbow. The basis of the design of such a device is a frame made by welding from corners and a channel. Inside such a frame, on which two movable rollers are mounted, there is a jack, which, using a special shoe, creates a force directed to the pipe. Pipe benders with movable rollers and a pressure shoe are mainly used for bending round pipes, since they can simply deform products of any other type.

Harsh crossbow pipe bender without frills

The most popular options for homemade pipe benders

The most technologically advanced and versatile are pipe benders operating on the principle of rolling. It is these devices, often equipped with an electric drive, that are used by professionals who are constantly faced with the need to bend pipes from various materials, including stainless steel.

Homemade pipe bender option

The design of such a device is based on three rotating rollers, one of which is a pressure roller. Due to the gradually increasing pressure of the pressure roller and the rolling repeated for each new position of the roller, the bending of the pipe is carried out in the most gentle way, its walls are subjected to tensile manipulations very evenly.

Do-it-yourself homemade electric pipe bender

Ring drawing Pipe bender components Assembly process

Engine drive View from the shaft side Complete tube bender

The most important thing that allows you to make such a pipe bender is to adjust the bending radius of the workpiece. There can be several design options for such a universal device: rotating thrust rollers are located on the elements of the frame structure, as well as a wheel with which the pipe is rolled; the side bearing surfaces and the base are made of sheet metal, and a screw gear is used to move the pressure roller. On devices of the second type, you can change the minimum bending radius, which is achieved by changing the position of the support rollers.

The shafts of this pipe bender allow you to comfortably work not only with round pipes, but also with profile pipes.

The supporting structure for such a pipe bender can be made of wood. The axes of the rollers, the rod, the fasteners and the handle for scrolling the rollers, which can also be made of wood or polymeric materials, will remain metal in it.

Above, we examined pipe benders in which the pulling process is ensured by the rotation of the pressure roller. There is also a category of devices in which the movement of the pipe is set by rotating the support rollers.

Variant with screw jack

An electric or manual pipe bender, in which rotation is transmitted to one roller, has limited capabilities. For a pipe bender in which both support rollers rotate, more complex structure, since it is necessary to transfer rotation to two elements at once.

More convenient, according to many experts, is a pipe bender in which the pressure roller is located below. Some masters are of the opinion that it is much easier to control the bending of pipes on it, they are not blocked by the upper supporting structure.

Pipe bender with electric motor and drive through two chains

Any device for bending pipes is a fairly simple device, the operation of which is based on the elementary laws of mechanics. If the need for bending stainless, metal-plastic pipes, as well as pipes from other materials, occurs infrequently, then you can limit yourself to a manual device.

If you need a more serious device for professional work, then it is better to build an electro-hydraulic pipe bender, which will save physical labor using force. hydraulic jack, and save time, thanks to the drive of the working shafts from the electric motor.

Do-it-yourself pipe bender - drawings, videos and photos of a homemade bending device

We make a pipe bender with our own hands, using drawings, photos and videos of home-made bending devices. Manual, hydraulic and other pipe benders for round pipes.

Homemade pipe bender for a profile pipe: device and manufacturing nuances

The need for reliable and simple device for bending profile pipes occurs when House master begins to work seriously with metal. Frame for gazebo, carport, garden bench, Workbench…

These and many other designs turn out to be strong and beautiful if the profile metal for them is carefully bent on a special profile bender.

Purchase finished machine there is always an economical alternative, since you can make a pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands in your home workshop. Before the first workpiece is clamped in a vice, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the principle of operation and existing varieties homemade pipe benders.

How does a pipe bender work?

The principle of operation of this device is simple: a profile pipe is placed between three support shafts. The central shaft creates pressure that bends the metal at the desired angle.

To bend the pipe in one local area, a point machine is used.

If you need to get an arched profile, then a rolling bending machine is used that combines the bending of the metal with the broach.

Varieties of pipe bending machines

Depending on the drive that transmits force to the profile metal, there are three types of pipe benders:

  • mechanical (pressure is created manually using a central screw or lever);
  • hydraulic (a hydraulic jack is used);
  • electrical (bending force creates an electric motor);
  • electro-hydraulic (hydraulic cylinder is driven by an electric motor).

It should be noted that a rolling pipe bender with a manual profile drawing is designed for a pipe with a small section (maximum 40x40 mm). It is impossible to stretch a large profile manually. For its bending, powerful machines with an electric broaching mechanism are used.

Video about the device of the machine with an electric motor:

How to make a bending machine with your own hands?

The basic principle that should be followed when developing a drawing of a home-made pipe bender is the maximum simplicity of design and reliability.

The spot bending machine can be assembled from two pieces of channel, four corners and two scraps of pins from tractor tracks.

The bending of the pipe in it is performed by a standard hydraulic jack with a force of at least 5 tons. A steel "shoe" is installed on its working rod. It can be ordered from a turner or made yourself from an old pulley, the width of the “stream” of which is equal to the width of the profile pipe. By cutting off a half from the pulley and drilling a seat for the jack rod in it, a hydraulic drive mechanism is obtained.

bed homemade device consists of four corners (shelf 60-80 mm) welded to a steel plate. Two channels are welded parallel to the upper ends of the corners. Holes are symmetrically drilled in their walls to control the angle of bending of the workpiece.

To working position manual machine for bending a profile pipe is given very simply:

  • Two steel fingers are inserted into the holes on the channel and the stop rollers are mounted on them.
  • The jack with the shoe is raised so that a profile pipe passes between it and the stops.
  • Having installed the pipe, they work with the jack handle, creating a bending force.

Video of assembly and operation of a point pipe bender:

It is also quite possible to build a rolling manual pipe bender for a profile pipe on your own. It takes 2 to make it. running meters channel (wall height 15-20 cm), from which the base and racks are cut.

For the manufacture of rollers, six short pieces of steel pipe are taken. It will act as a holder for the bearings. Therefore, its inner diameter must be equal to the outer diameter of the bearing. Having ordered three shafts from the turner for mounting the bending rollers, they begin to weld the frame.

For the machine under consideration, the extreme right support plays the role of a guide that sets the profile bending angle. It is mounted on a channel hinged to the main frame using conventional door hinges. The jack rests against the turntable with its working rod and raises it.

By rotating the handle, mounted on the shaft of the intermediate stop, the profile is pulled through the machine.

You can adjust the bending radius of the profile not only by tilting the rotary channel, but also by the outer rollers. To do this, they are not welded tightly to the frame, but are made movable (holes are drilled in the channel and base plates).

Instead of a hydraulic jack, a screw car jack can be used to lift the outer roller.

Do-it-yourself pipe bender for a profile pipe - device diagrams, photos and videos

Learn how to make a pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands. Design options, description of manufacturing features, photo and video materials.

Do-it-yourself pipe bender for a profile pipe - architectural forms at no extra cost

Pipes having a square, rectangular or oval section are called profile pipes. To assemble a pipe bender with your own hands, you need to find out which pipe you are going to work with and, starting from the pipe profile, assemble the pipe bender.

In the construction of sheds, small architectural forms, greenhouses - such material is used no less than a traditional pipe. Builders prefer this section because of the flat surfaces on which it is convenient to mount roofing material. Yes and appearance such a pipe is much more respectable.

In processing a professional pipe is no more difficult than a round one, however, when bending it, some features must be taken into account.

How to bend a profile pipe - the simplest pipe bender

It is not necessary to make a complex device from rolls, levers and a frame. For bending profile pipes of a small section, it is enough easy way For example:

Sand filling

Sand, preferably fine river sand, is poured into the internal cavity of the workpiece. The sand is pre-sifted and dried. The holes at the ends are plugged with plugs. Further, the profile pipe is bent around the template of the required shape.

If necessary, the bending point can be preheated with a blowtorch or gas burner.

Filling with water

In fact, bending a profile with water is pointless. So you have to freeze it first. To do this, the pipe is plugged on one side with a cork (you can use ordinary plasticine), filled with water and exposed to frost.

A frozen professional pipe is bent on a template. Of course, use a torch or blowtorch you can’t, otherwise the whole point of filling with ice will disappear. In this way, it is good to bend thin-walled copper or aluminum pipes.

Spring (homemade mandrel)

Preliminarily, a spring is twisted from a steel wire, the dimensions of which are 3-5% less than the internal section of the profile. The finished tooling is placed inside, and the corrugated pipe can be bent in the traditional way around the template. After completion of work, the spring is removed, aligned and can be reused.

Cutting and welding

The following method is applicable when the bend radius is small and the profile is thick-walled and strong. From the inside of the proposed bend, the grinder cuts out segments, the geometry of which is calculated before starting work.

The pipe is bent to the required radius, and the closed edges of the cutouts are welded in any way. For aesthetics, the welding spots are polished with a grinder.

To work with more serious dimensions and profile characteristics, a special tool is required.

On an industrial scale, profiled moldings are bent using special machines, many of which are equipped with CNC. This does not mean that the process cannot be repeated at home. At a minimum, there are manual pipe benders for a profile pipe that can cope with a fairly large section and small bending radii.

Do-it-yourself profile pipe bender of rolling type

Installation can be both portable and stationary. The drive is provided by muscle power or by means of an electric motor with a gearbox.

The principle of operation of a manual pipe bender is the same - the professional pipe relies on spaced roller stops, between them there is a thrust roller that presses on the workpiece. The profile is stretched horizontally, simultaneously bending along a given radius. The diagram reveals the design and main components of the device.

Rollers for a pipe bender can be cylindrical or grooved, depending on the size and characteristics of the workpiece. A flat and wide profile is convenient to roll on even rollers, a narrow and high profile requires guide grooves.

The most popular universal rollers. If necessary, guide washers can be put on the cylindrical base.

Homemade pipe benders are most often made on the basis of this design. They are suitable for a professional pipe of almost any size and do not require expensive elements during assembly. All parts, with the exception of the rollers, can be found in their storerooms. The drawing of a manual pipe bender clearly demonstrates the simplicity of the design.

Most home craftsmen use manual drive, since speed is not needed for such work. However, if you need to make a large molding of a bent corrugated pipe, mechanization is used. Using a simple chain reducer and a powerful drill, you can reach the industrial level of the production of a bent profile.

Do not be afraid of the complexity of manufacturing and the search for the necessary components. The cost of services for the manufacture of blanks from a professional pipe is so high that the manufacture of a home-made device will significantly save your money. abundance homemade options profile bending machines only confirms these words.

For example, here is a structure made from decommissioned and discarded industrial electrical equipment. The two-shaft gearbox is sawn in half, and served as support rollers. The lowering part is connected to a three-phase electric motor, on which the starting mechanism has been converted for single-phase power supply.

Both shafts are synchronized with a motorcycle chain and gears from the same bike. The thrust roller is driven by a conventional "Zhiguli" diamond-shaped jack. The machine turned out to be so successful that it outperforms factory counterparts in performance. And the costs are a couple of half liters for the work of a welder.

In the video, the master talks about the dimensions of a home-made pipe bender for a profile pipe. A manual pipe bender is made by hand from improvised material that was found in a barn and turned out to be quite high quality. in the process of work, the pipe is obtained exactly along the arc and it is not driven by a “screw”.

Lever bender for profile

Bending a profile pipe at small radii is not as easy as a round one. Even warming up or filling the cavity with sand will not help. This is due to a feature of the geometry. It is impossible for flat side walls to bend without forming gaps, and the inner plane of the inner radius is folded like an accordion, expanding the profile along the sides.

Therefore, the bending radius of the profile is much larger than that of a simple pipe.

However, for such workpieces, there are small-radius lever pipe benders that operate on the principle of running. The profile is, as it were, wound on a template of a given radius, pressed against the guide roller mounted on the lever. The trick is in the template video profile.

In the middle of the recess there is a protruding part, which presses the plane of the inner radius into the profile cavity.

Due to this, the stress on the walls is removed, and all the "extra" metal goes inside without spoiling the appearance of the workpiece. The same thing happens with the plane of the outer radius, only special rollers are not needed for this. The profile geometry takes effect.

Another way to bend a profile with a small radius is a break-in pipe bender with a guide.

The template, as it were, rolls along the counterpart of the machine, constantly monitoring the state of the profile. With this method, the geometry of the workpiece is maximally preserved. If the process is accompanied by intense heating, the quality of the bend will increase significantly.

However, this method is applicable only in industrial conditions with the use of powerful gearboxes or hydraulic drives.

If there is a need for rounding on the narrow side, then you will have to cut out the sectors with a grinder and then weld the seams (see the beginning of the article).

In fact, it is not often necessary to bend a profile pipe into small radii. It must be remembered that the profile loses its strength qualities at the bend. Therefore, when creating structures in which angles close to 90 degrees are used, it is better to cut the workpiece and weld it at the desired angle.

cold forging

Another area of ​​application of small radii is the manufacture of figured jewelry.

The technology is called "cold forging". Devices for this type of work can be purchased at the store or you can also make it yourself. Such devices are not widely used, but if you master the technology, you can decorate your country house with original elements from a banal square profile.

Using the tips from this article, you will expand your master's range and save money.

Do-it-yourself pipe bender, diagrams, drawings for a profile pipe bender

How to bend a profile pipe, if not suitable tools and a homemade pipe bender? Make a pipe bender with your own hands, after reading our article Compressors, machine tools, generators, racks, tables and other equipment that needs to be moved within a workshop, site or workshop are often mounted on wheels. In business and construction stores a fairly large selection of this product, but the quality of workmanship and the materials from which these products are made often leave much to be desired. And the price of such wheels can be significant.

Why buy these wheels when you can easily make them yourself?

Let's start making metal wheels with our own hands

1. We cut rings from the pipe with a width of 30-35mm

2. We cut out squares from a sheet of metal with a thickness of at least 3 mm, the dimensions of the sides of which are 8 mm (approximately) less than the inner diameter of the pipe. In this case, the inner diameter of the pipe is 125mm, the square of the side is 117mm

3. We find the center on the square (we draw straight lines diagonally from corner to corner, their intersection will be the center of the square). From the center of the square we draw a circle with a diameter equal to the inner diameter of the pipe used (in this case 125mm). We cut the corners of this square with a grinder along the marked circle and drill a central hole (in this case 16mm)
We make a sleeve, the length of which is equal to the width of the rings cut off from the pipe 30-35mm with a hole in the center (in this case 16mm)
Center and weld the sleeve to the square

4. To maintain the same size, we put any spacers inside the rings (in this example, four nuts 10 mm thick), and scald from the inside.

The size of the wheels can be anything, it all depends on your needs and the material available for their manufacture.