Mixer      06/12/2019

Device for collecting cranberries with your own hands. Manual container fruit picker, box, scoop (scoop), rakes for picking cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries and other wild berries

The practice of berry pickers in the wild shows that a special manual harvester is the most convenient means for picking lingonberries in the wild. Despite certain shortcomings and even a ban on its use in some countries (including Russia), it is with this harvester that the bulk of lingonberries are harvested in forests and on many plantations.

Classic lingonberry harvester

Indeed, such a device greatly facilitates the task of picking berries. The video shows how the collection takes place with such a device in the forest:

With the accumulated skills of using the harvester, the harvester speeds up the picking of berries by 2-3 times compared to manual picking, and therefore it is widely used by harvesters. And in countries where such devices are allowed for use (mainly in the Scandinavian countries - Sweden, Norway, Finland), they are produced by industry and are widely used by the population. At the same time, such devices must strictly comply with safety requirements so that their use does not lead to injury to the bushes and a decrease in yield even in the wild.

Actually, it is precisely for this reason that such combines are banned for use in Russia and Belarus: methods for controlling what the population uses have not been worked out, and most assemblers prefer to use instead of safe and harmless imported machines. homemade devices, which just lead to injury to the bushes and the breakage of the green mass. In such conditions, harvesters are easier to ban.

On a note

Among the people, tools for picking berries are called in different ways - “scrapers”, “combs”, “hapalkas”, “ripped off” and others. Some of these names just indicate the roughness of the tool and its trauma to the bushes.

Nevertheless, it is obvious that progress is behind such devices, and sooner or later the ban on their use will be lifted, but only those that do not harm the bushes can be used. Therefore, let's figure out what a combine looks like, which both facilitates the task of picking berries and does not harm berry bushes what varieties it has, how to work with it, how much it costs and how to make such a safe tool with your own hands.

What is such a combine?

Structurally, the harvester is a deep bucket, to which a special comb with long teeth is attached in the front part from below, and a handle to hold the entire device is located on top.

The disadvantage of this model is a thin metal handle, which is uncomfortable to hold in your hands and which quickly rubs blisters.

The main working body of such a device is the comb. The length of its teeth is 10-20 cm, so that with one movement you can grab and “comb” a whole lingonberry bush. The distance between the teeth is approximately 4-5 mm. It is in such gaps that the leaves and stems of the bush easily pass, but the berries no longer fit.

Practice shows that the lingonberry harvester is also suitable for harvesting cranberries, bearberries, as well as large blueberries and blueberries. Small blueberries pass between the teeth and are easily crushed. Other berries - strawberries, cloudberries, currants - are not removed with such combs, since the leaves of their bushes are very large and do not pass between the teeth.

The receiving compartment of the device is deaf, berries plucked by a comb accumulate in it.

When working, the picker holds the scoop in his hand, brings the comb to the base of the bush and simply lifts it up. At the same time, stems, branches and leaves pass between the teeth, and the berries break off and roll into the depth of the receiving chamber. With one or another frequency, the picker pours the berries from the combine into a bucket or basket.

Thus, it turns out to remove the berries from one bush in a few seconds. With manual collection, the same operation takes at least a minute.

In well-designed harvesters, the comb does not have sharp cutting edges and therefore does not scratch the stems of the plant and does not break off the leaves. Even the edges of the teeth in them are rounded and do not scratch the stems. That is, in a good case, the tool is harmless to lingonberry bushes. In many cases, when such devices are made by hand, they have areas dangerous for plants, due to which the bushes are damaged.

Such devices are manufactured by many manufacturers and therefore have different appearance and design features.

For example, Finnish combines MARJUKKA are very famous in Karelia and the Leningrad region. They are made of durable plastic and therefore are quite light, but at the same time durable. The photo shows classic version such a device:

You can buy such a harvester in an online store for about 750 rubles - it will pay off in a few days of collection.

And here is a model for children in the form of a fox:

Its price is similar - 750 rubles.

Simpler devices can be made of steel:

and sometimes they don’t even have teeth, but simply a rounded grill in the front:

You can order them at a price of 600-650 rubles per unit.

It is these models that are considered the safest. There are already options:

... pluck a large number of leaves that do not fit between teeth. It is these harvesters and their analogues that are considered poaching, and it is with them that the Ministry of Natural Resources is fighting. And it is they who are cheaper (within 300-400 rubles), for which they are most popular with the population.

And on the plantations of cranberries or blueberries, real mobile harvesters are already used:

Actually, manual harvesters are also called such manual deep buckets with handles. However, other devices for picking berries work on a similar principle, often not at all like buckets.

Similar designs: rakes, scoops, shovels, combs and others

The principle of "combing" berries from grassy bushes is implemented in some devices, either simpler in design or designed to further simplify the work of the picker.

For example, the most simple options- these are ordinary wooden scoops with long teeth on the front edge:

Some of their options are simplified as much as possible:

And in some homemade models an excellent balance is maintained between simplicity, low cost and functionality. For example, here is a combine:

It is made of wire, thread and bag, while it is very compact and is not inferior in terms of ease of use to industrial options.

In these cases, a typical combine harvester design is simplified for the fastest possible production. However, these options have their drawbacks. For example, the scoop has low sides and if it is accidentally tilted, the berries easily spill out of it. A wooden buckets get dirty quickly.

In other cases, inventors are working to ensure that the harvester can pick berries without bending over and crawling through the forest on their knees. The easiest option in this case is a special rake:

They can, without bending over, comb the bushes, from time to time pouring the accumulated berries into a bucket.

More difficult option- this is a combination of a rake and a combine. Simply put, a harvester with a long handle that allows you to change the angle of inclination of the bucket itself. The video shows an example of such a device:

And, by the way, pay attention: even such complex structures it is quite possible to do it yourself. And at proper manufacture the resulting harvester will be no worse than an industrial one. Therefore, it is worth saying a few words about how to correctly implement the basic principle in such a product.

How to make such a device with your own hands?

The easiest way to make a scoop for picking berries is to take a regular scoop and cut the teeth in it so that the gap between the teeth is at least 5 mm. The photo shows an example of what should be the result:

The disadvantage of this design is the handle located at the back. Practice shows that it is much more convenient if the handle is on top. In this case, the risk of spilling berries from the receiving chamber of the shovel is less high, and the hand holding the scoop is in a natural position. Accordingly, the wrist does not strain and the device can pick berries for a long time.

The video shows how to make a real harvester with your own hands:

Below are the drawings, according to which the body of the combine itself can be cut out of metal, on which a grate with a comb will later be attached:

The width of the harvester, if necessary, can be greater.

Finally, you can make a berry rake if you have a tool for working with metal:

In some cases, craftsmen manage to make quite workable devices literally from tin cans and scraps of lumber:

As you can see, the build quality here is not bad, but the appearance of the products still leaves much to be desired. Be that as it may, how quickly and easily it will be possible to collect lingonberries with such a device will depend only on how skillfully the picker works with the bucket itself. Often a person with the most primitive device picks more berries than his counterpart with an expensive imported scraper, simply because he does not make unnecessary movements and makes all movements more efficiently.

However, it is important to remember that the speed when harvesting lingonberries most often directly correlates with harm to the plants themselves (especially with a poorly established harvesting technique).

Is mechanized berry picking harmful to berry bushes?

Even the highest quality harvester in any case injures the bushes more than a person who picks lingonberries by hand does. At a minimum, part of the leaves and individual shoots still fall off and fall into the receiving chamber. And on very light forest soil, especially with a moss litter, individual bushes can break out entirely if the stem is accidentally intertwined in the ridge. One-time cases of such damage, in principle, are not critical. But it should be borne in mind that thousands of people pick berries in the forest in the summer, for most of them they use not sparing imported ladles, but rough ones. makeshift designs, which can break or pull out bushes literally "through one".

Observations in nature and forestry logs show that areas in the forest under heavy pressure from berry pickers lose their productivity very quickly. How more people harvesters harvest berries on a particular plot, the worse this plot will bear fruit in a year. And with constant harvesting, the yield decreases every year.

Perhaps in a few years from the same site from which these berries were now collected, it will hardly be possible to collect at least one bucket.

At the same time, according to environmental organizations in Finland and Sweden, with proper control on the part of foresters and discipline of pickers, the use of combine harvesters does not affect the yield of berries in the forest. In these countries, the designs of devices that can be used for picking berries are strictly regulated, and severe fines are imposed for violations of the requirements. As a result, the population mainly uses safe designs, thanks to which the berry growers themselves do not suffer.

In Russia and Belarus, pickers also note that with competent, accurate picking, using only sparing modern combines and a small number of pickers (when the bushes are not trampled), the harm from the combines themselves is practically not felt, and the berries bear fruit equally both with manual picking and with delicate picking. special combs. In the same place, where there are a lot of people, and pickers do not shun any devices, working on the principle “after us - even a flood”, berry growers die out.

Administrative responsibility for the use of combines

Today in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, the collection of wild berries using mechanical handheld devices(harvesters) is prohibited by law. The fine for violation in Ukraine is about UAH 1,900, in Bulorussiya - 420 rubles, in the Russian Federation - 4,000 rubles. At the same time, it is not considered a crime to have a combine in the forest with you. The forester can fine only if he catches the picker red-handed - both with a combine and with berries.

Berry harvesters help not only to significantly facilitate the process of picking blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries and other berries, but also make this process as efficient as possible, reducing losses and reducing the time of events.

Users can choose both a production model and design a hand-held berry harvester with their own hands. The configurations of such devices are quite simple, and following the instructions, drawings, it is quite easy to create them.

Features of blueberry harvesters

Harvesting blueberries is a very time-consuming process, and care must be taken, because the berries, although dense, are easily damaged. Plastic containers or baskets are used, and you should not often move the crop from one tank to another.

Harvesters for factory-made berries

The most common design was a scoop-shaped hand-held blueberry harvester. Despite the fact that it is extremely simple, the device speeds up the process three or four times. The cost of a blueberry harvester is not high, but you can find it in the housekeeping department, or in garden tools. The equipment is known to users under several names:

  • Berry.
  • Fruit picker.
  • Combine berry.


  • The capacity of the device has the form of a parallelepiped.
  • On the underside there are elongated curved teeth for combing berries.
  • The gap between the teeth is five, six millimeters.

Branches with foliage easily pass between the cloves without being damaged, and the berries are torn off and sent to the back of the equipment. Among various models, a harvester for picking berries made in Finland is very popular. The case of homemade and factory products can be metal, plastic or wood. As for the teeth, they are almost always made of their wire.

How to make a blueberry harvester with your own hands?

A do-it-yourself blueberry harvester is easy to make, for this you will need:

  • Patterns of paper parts - two side walls and one back, bottom, handle, part with teeth.
  • Place the pattern on the surface of the material from which the body will be made, circle and cut out.
  • Fasten all the components according to the diagram.

Using the drawings to create a do-it-yourself blueberry harvester is quite simple. For teeth, you can take the wire. After making several long loops, fasten them to the bottom of the device.

cranberry harvester

One of the most popular harvesters for harvesting cranberries was the device - Toropushka. Hand fixture damages plants, ensuring gentle and fast harvesting. The device is equipped with a capacious storage sleeve into which plucked berries are directed. To pour them into the tank, one movement of the hand is enough. If you want to make the popular Toropushka cranberry harvester with your own hands, consider the drawings.

Design features:

  • The cranberry harvester is provided with baffles made of solid metal, which prevent tangling of plant bundles. This allows grass and moss to escape without problems, leaving the berries in the container.
  • The springiness of the plates does not break the leaves from the branches.
  • Due to the rounded shape of the device, the berries can be removed even from the recesses.
  • The sleeve is made of fabric, which reduces the time for extracting berries - you will need to lower the edge of the sleeve into the container.

Cowberry harvester

A convenient and efficient manual lingonberry harvester was previously produced by domestic manufacturers. Its configuration is similar to other berry devices:

  • Case equipped with a handle.
  • Bottom with a comb made of wire.
  • A metal partition located inside the manual harvester for picking berries, overlapping the section of the body, prevents accidental loss of lingonberries.
  • The partition is fixed in the side plates of the body in such a way that it can be easily rotated for access of the berries directly to the harvester.

This design is often used for the manufacture of do-it-yourself harvesters for picking berries. Today, inexpensive models made of durable plastic are increasingly being used. Most often on the market you can find Finnish harvesters for picking berries, which have proven themselves excellently for working with various crop volumes.

All experienced gardeners preparing for the arrival of summer from spring. Some people buy gardening equipment from stores while others make their own. The berry harvester is indispensable assistant for each owner garden plot. With it, you can quickly collect fruits in large volumes. Let us analyze in more detail the design features and how to make a harvester for picking berries with your own hands.

Scheme and materials

Before you make a harvester for picking berries, you need to prepare a certain set of tools and materials. In general, such an apparatus is similar to an ordinary scoop, but it has a different purpose.

For work you will need:

  • sheet steel material;
  • fasteners;
  • branches from a tree;
  • metal wire;
  • drill.

The device acts as a body with an additional handle and bottom, as shown in the drawing. The design has a comb, which eliminates the possibility of fruit falling out during the assembly process. There is also a special partition, thanks to which you can harvest in large volumes. A handle is fixed to the upper area, providing comfortable conditions for work.

The main part is made of plywood or plastic material, all other parts are made of wire.

Option one - manufacturing steps

Before you make a blueberry harvester, you need to correctly calculate all dimensions and create a construction scheme. IN last resort, you can use turnkey solution which is provided on our website.

  1. From purchased plywood, durable plastic or sheet metal cut out the main body and bottom of the berry harvester.

Plywood base

  1. Next, you need to make the remaining components of the comb. For this, a 3 mm wire is used. Make the required number of 10 cm pins.
  2. On one side, galvanized steel must be fixed.

Proportions and dimensions of the device

  1. Create several holes, their diameter should be equal to the section size of the rods. Holes must be located on the side of the platinum. Install teeth in 4 mm increments.
  2. Make a small bead by bending the end of the plate. Fix the rods in the holes with wooden slats. Solder the wire to the base of the blueberry harvester.
  3. Bend the edge at a right angle into the inside of the device. The bottom will be fixed to this part. On the side, it is required to create stiffeners. Install the handle here.

A manual blueberry harvester will serve as an indispensable assistant in this process. The steel apparatus is practical, resistant to mechanical stress and durable.

Option two

This method involves the manufacture of a do-it-yourself blueberry harvester made of wood. For work you will need:

  • skewers for barbecue;
  • large tree branches with a diameter of 100-120 mm;
  • saw;
  • adhesive composition;
  • chisel;
  • drill.

Taking into account the scheme and the given dimensions, cut two identical circles with a small thickness from the wood blocks.

Step back from the edges by 1 cm and at a given distance make holes around the entire circumference on two parts.

The size of the section must fully correspond to the diameter of the skewers. All holes should be located at a distance of up to 5 mm from the previous ones.

With a drill we make through holes where the skewers should fit. The distance between the holes depends on the size of the berries - more berry, more distance

The result will be a handy hand-made berry harvester made by hand.

The easiest way

The simplest collection is a construction of dense plastic bottle. Use containers from ketchup, kefir or milk made of opaque plastic. Such a tank fully complies with the required strength indicator and is easy to work with. The bottle must have small size, as well as a wide mouth for quick and easy fruit extraction.

How to make a collection of plastic containers:

  • mark the location of the hole on the bottle;
  • fix the stick on the fixture so that it ends near the bottom of the container, and protrudes on the other side;
  • a square-shaped hole is cut out along the mark, but on the one hand, near the bottom, large teeth are made.

A homemade fruit picker from improvised means is ready to go.

VIDEO: How to do convenient fixture himself

Rating of the best models of harvesters for picking berries

Among the great abundance of proposals, one can single out a separate list of models that are distinguished by durability, convenience and additional features. The list was compiled based on consumer feedback.


This is a high-quality device for picking berries, the price of which is fully justified by a long service life. The design consists of a comb, a bag and a handle-holder. All components are made of plastic and textiles.

High-quality Alko harvester with removable handle and a bag for collecting lingonberries, blueberries, cranberries

The device is used for various fruits of small diameter:

  • cowberry;
  • gooseberry;
  • currant;
  • blueberry;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • cranberry.

As for the features, they consist in the possibility of folding the handle and attaching it to a belt or backpack. The price of the device is 2900 rubles.

Harvester Pigasova

It's over a budget option compared to the previous one. Its price is 890 rubles. The device is made of metal sheet material and galvanized wire that acts as a comb.

Harvester for harvesting blueberries and lingonberries

The device is completely covered with glossy paint. The manual collector is successfully used for blueberries, currants, wild roses. The mass of the model is 0.4 kg, dimensions are 12x24.5x8 cm, all comb rods are located with an interval of 5 mm.

VIDEO: Overview of Pigasov's product


This is a plastic version, which is designed for more careful operation.

Fruit picker "Beetle" with a flap

The cost of the model is 350 rubles. It is used for cranberries, blueberries and lingonberries. The dimensions of the collection with a comb are 13x23x15 cm.

Harvester K-1

The metal apparatus of a domestic manufacturer is distinguished by increased reliability and durability. Such a device can be used exclusively for cranberries.

In the process of work, the berries will be collected in a container in integrity and without losing their original appearance. Price - 690 rubles.


home distinguishing feature device lies in the possibility of its use in combination with a telescopic handle.

For all other characteristics, the device is not inferior to previous models, but at the same time it costs 1540 rubles.

VIDEO: How to pick blueberries 2.5 times faster than by hand

The subject of our discussion today is a berry harvester.

With the onset of the harvest of berries, it is rare that anyone resorts to harvesting it only by hand. Berries such as cranberries, lingonberries or blueberries require quick picking and transportation to the processing site. In order to fulfill these requirements, a scoop is needed to collect lingonberries and blueberries. By the way, a scraper acting as a collector can be different design. The material of manufacture may be different. What is the best manual berry harvester to use? Which berries are best for which? What is the difference between a blueberry picker and a cranberry scoop? There are a lot of questions related to this topic. So let's start answering them.

Container for picking berries - description and general characteristics

If anyone talked with professional berry pickers, they could notice that the berry picking tray (lingonberry blueberry cranberry) is their true friend and helper. These are people who annually walk for many kilometers, not always along convenient paths. But they always take a scoop for picking berries with them. Several important reasons for this. The container for collecting berries increases productivity. And that's why:

  • a rake for collecting lingonberries and blueberries reduces the load on the spine. For those berry growers who have a weak back, such a device will become a lifesaver;
  • a plastic fruit picker with a shutter for picking blueberries and lingonberries weighs very little. Working with him does not get so tired hands.

What is a hand tool for picking berries

First of all, it should be noted that in the common people this inventory is called differently. Its name depends on the area where such fortified plants grow. These places are sometimes located in hard-to-reach, but beautiful places. Therefore, a scoop for blueberries can have the following names:

If you heard one of these words in a conversation about picking berries, know that the topic of conversation is a device for picking blueberries and lingonberries or some other berries.

There are many more amazing beautiful names may have this equipment. What type can this container be? What material is it most commonly made from?

As you can see from the names, each such container resembles a small container. Its dimensions are almost standard and for long time evolution, all unnecessary elements in it have gone into the distant past. Now each such device consists only of:

  • bunker,
  • teeth,
  • pens.

Usually, a blueberry and lingonberry harvester is not made from solid material. That is, we are talking about a bunker. So that such garbage as leaves and small dry pieces of twigs are not in it, slots are made at the bottom and on the sides of the bunker. What does it have to do with such a size that the berries themselves would not wake up. The same can be said about the distance between the teeth. Everything is thought out so that the berries remain in the combine, and the garbage is sifted as much as possible during the collection process.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is a small, but very important difference between a scoop or ladle and a container. A bucket is an open apparatus or container. The container has a closed top.

As can be seen from the listed names, sometimes a fruit picker for blueberries is called a rake. This is because a long handle is attached to it. This allows you not to make deep torso bends during the collection process. Again, very convenient.

Still very important detail. In the name of the device, the Fruit picker for picking berries with a shutter, is another new word. What does a fruit picker with a flap mean? And what is it for?

When the fixture in the middle has a partition that rotates freely when the angle of inclination changes, this is a harvester. And the partition acts as a damper, which does not allow berries to wake up on the ground, with an inclined fruit picker with teeth down. Therefore, a berry harvester with a shutter is valued by professionals more than a simple comb.

And another characteristic is the material of manufacture. Berry picker for blueberries and other fruit pickers come from:

  • plastic,
  • metal (steel),
  • tree.

For the manufacture of berry fruit pickers, galvanized food steel is used. Also, as one of the options, wooden case- metal teeth

Each design has its pros and cons:

If your children also take part in campaigns for the harvest of useful vitamins, then special plastic fruit collectors have been produced for them.

In addition to how to choose a berry harvester, there is not much information about the fruits themselves.

Time and rules for picking berries in the forest

In order to successfully go for berries for the first time, you need to go with experienced berry pickers. But not a lot of information about the plants themselves and how to collect them correctly will not hurt.

One of the first rules you need to know:

And that's why. When the berry grows low near the ground, then prying it with a scoop, you can cling to the ground. If the branches of the bush are strongly woven, the sharp teeth will be difficult to release when combing. And the berry picker will be full of leaves and pieces of other foreign matter.

More about cranberries

One of the most useful berries. One phrase cranberry juice evokes associations associated with vitamins and wholesome food. And in confirmation of the fact that all the most useful and correct does not come easily, cranberries grow in wetlands and it is not easy to collect them. Even once in a cranberry meadow, it is difficult to determine at a glance how many berries there are. Since cranberries often hide under densely intertwined branches intertwined flush with the soil. Therefore, in order to get them all, you need to work hard. That's where the cranberry harvester is so necessary.

More about blueberries

How useful blueberries have long been known not only in Rus', but throughout Europe. But the largest territories on which it grows are located in Russia. And yet, it does not grow in the south. This is a heat-loving, but northern plant. Her beneficial features have always been appreciated. Therefore, for healthy and clean blueberries, you need to go to the forest and collect it with a fruit picker.

More about cranberries

Coniferous forests, rarely deciduous, can boast that such a storehouse of vitamins grows on their territories. Altai region And Novosibirsk region where it grows. There are many who want to follow her here, and there is enough of her for everyone. One has only to buy a manual harvester for harvesting lingonberries, and go. Ripens by September and grows on undersized bushes.

But you don't have to go far to pick strawberries. It grows in forests and on sunny hillsides.

There was a time when the fruit picker for berries was made by hand. But today there is no need to waste time on this.

A manual berry picker will not damage berry bushes if used properly. Therefore, ordering a harvester for picking berries and buying it will be right decision if you go for such fruits this berry season. You can buy a manual harvester for picking blueberries and other berries in the online store. You don't even have to go far. This is our 21st century.

The blueberry picker allows you to collect much more harvest

In the summer, picking berries is one of the favorite activities of summer residents and gardeners. There are many devices that help to greatly facilitate and speed up this process. To understand how to make a harvester for picking blueberries, lingonberries and strawberries yourself, we will analyze the features of picking berries.

Features of collecting blueberries and strawberries

Harvesting blueberries and strawberries is a laborious and painstaking process. The berry is small, the bushes are low and grow densely. Harvesting by hand is incredibly difficult - you literally have to choose a berry from a solid greenery. In this case, it is necessary to stand leaning towards the ground.

Picking blueberries

Most often, blueberries are found in pine and small-leaved forests. Finding a berry is quite simple: clear sign the presence of shrubs is wild plant- wild rosemary. It has a pronounced smell, which will become your guide.

There are also cultivated varieties of blueberries that gardeners grow on summer cottages. The bushes of such plants are higher, but less common, and the berries are larger, and therefore it is much more convenient to collect them than the forest ones.

Bushes can reach the age of 40 years. The oldest - occupy a large area, and have a sprawling shape. They have a lot of berries, but they are smaller than on young plants.

The most delicious and healthy fruits grow on young animals, whose age does not exceed 10 years. They have thin green twigs, and there are practically no thick side branches.

It is recommended to collect blueberries in small plastic buckets or baskets. It is not worth pouring the harvested crop from one container to another, since the berries, although strong, are easily damaged. It is not worth picking blueberries after rain, it is better to choose dry morning weather.

Collection of forest and garden strawberries

The collection of strawberries also has its own characteristics. Both wild forest and garden berry She likes well-lit, open areas. Ripe and ready-to-eat fruits have a bright red color, and are easily separated from the stalk.

Fruit calyxes can be removed immediately, or the berries can be sorted out later. Best time for collecting strawberries - the morning when the dew dries. Fruits must be collected in small containers of 2-3 kg. Sprinkling is not recommended, the berry is soft and easily damaged.

Factory made blueberry harvester

The blueberry picking scoop is the simplest and most popular tool among blueberry lovers. Despite its simplicity, it perfectly fulfills its functions and speeds up the collection of berries by 3-4 times.

The finished harvester is not at all expensive, and therefore is very popular. You can buy it in both hardware and gardening stores. The device has several names: a scoop or berry harvester, a fruit picker, and a berry picker.

A device for picking blueberries is a container in the shape of a parallelepiped, on the bottom wall of which there are long curved teeth resembling a comb. With their help, bushes in literally"comb out".

The distance between the teeth is approximately 5-6 mm. Thus, the branches and leaves of the bush pass freely between them, and remain intact, and the berries are carefully removed and fall into the rear compartment of the scoop.

There are various models of factory production, and made by hand. As a material for the case, plastic, metal or wood is used. Wire is almost always used for teeth.

Harvesting blueberries video

Manual blueberry harvester video

How to make a blueberry harvester with your own hands

A simple device can be easily made from improvised means. For this, the remains and trimmings of boards, a few mm thick, are suitable:

  • prepare paper patterns of all details: 2 side and 1 back wall, top, bottom, handle, detail with teeth;
  • place the patterns on the scraps of wood, circle the outline and cut;
  • connect the parts with nails.

A homemade blueberry harvester may have thick wire teeth. It is necessary to make several long loops, and fasten them to the bottom of the device. For how to do this, watch the video.

Wooden blueberry harvester video

Convenient harvester with a handle for picking blueberries video

Most affordable way quickly make a fixture - use as a basis plastic bottle. Before you make a scoop for collecting blueberries, the bottom of the container must be cut off.

If you cut the teeth out of plastic, they will be soft and you will not be able to comb out the bush. To do this, use a wire. You can easily bend 8-10 cloves out of it, and attach them to plastic base. Such a homemade scoop is light and convenient, and it will take only a few minutes to make.

Device for collecting strawberries: truth or myth

To date, forest and garden strawberries have to be collected manually. The broad, three-lobed leaves do not fit between the harvester teeth and are often torn off. Using the previously described scoop for collecting strawberries, there is a high probability of damaging the mustache with young bushes extending to the sides, and the berry itself is soft and easily damaged.

Growing strawberries on an industrial scale, producers use modern high-tech machines. A strawberry harvester is an expensive and rather large piece of equipment. To use it, it is necessary to observe the shape and height of the ridges. The use of such equipment in a small private economy does not pay off.

Industrial strawberry harvester video

A device for collecting strawberries is the dream of many gardeners and foresters. Therefore, in order to increase sales and for advertising purposes, the blueberry and lingonberry harvester is credited with the ability to harvest strawberries. The problem is that many people believe this, and in the process they spoil the berry and harm the plant.

Trial device for picking strawberries video

In an attempt to facilitate the process of collecting strawberries, craftsmen use all their ingenuity. This video shows a simple do-it-yourself device with which craftsmen will try to speed up the berry harvesting process, but the quality of the crop will most likely be spoiled.


To date, there is a lot of information on how to make a device for picking blueberries, but such combines and scoops are not suitable for strawberries. Engineers and craftsmen are constantly inventing something new, and perhaps soon there will be a device that can pick a tender berry.