Mixer      03/29/2019

Useful properties of irgi. "from bark to berries", or what useful properties irga has

Have you heard about such a berry - irgu, do you know what it looks like? What are the benefits and harms of irgi for human health can be noted by us on the site site, what application it finds in recipes for traditional medicine and cooking, we will try to answer these and other questions in our article.

Irga - what is it, description of the plant, photo

Irga (another name currant, given by the people for its similarity in dried form with this grape variety) is a tall shrub from the Rose family with many useful properties. It is extremely popular in Russia, as it grows and bears fruit where other fruit plants do not survive.

Irga ordinary round-leaved is undemanding to soils and shade-tolerant, although it gives abundant harvests in sunny areas. Shrub grows fast, very beautiful when in bloom. Often irgu is planted instead of a fence in the form of a hedge. The plant blooms in May, and the fruits can be eaten at the end of June.

Sweet beautiful berries irgi (see photo) is liked by both children and adults, although they are somewhat cloying. Sometimes I read in horticultural sources that the taste of irgi resembles the taste of blueberries, for me, there is nothing in common, blueberries have a more distinct sourness. Well, as they say, the taste and color ...

But if I tell you that purely botanically, irga is an apple, believe me? A kind of gray apple, no more than one and a half centimeters in diameter ... Actually, Wikipedia told me about this strange fact, so I propose to take note of the data and continue talking about the fruits of a tree or bush of shadberry, like berries ... In the everyday sense, this is more acceptable.

Useful properties of irgi - berries

What is useful irga for the body?

How medicinal plant irga has been used relatively recently, although its medicinal value has been proven official medicine. Useful properties have flower brushes, ripe berries, bark and leaves. They are used fresh and dried.

  • Improves digestion;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, is indicated for atherosclerosis,;
  • has a cardiotonic and hypotensive effect;
  • improves the quality of sleep and accelerates falling asleep;
  • juice is used for intestinal disorders;
  • lowers blood clotting, which is useful for thrombosis, as a prevention of heart attacks;
  • immunostimulating and tonic vitamin remedy;
  • has antioxidant properties;
  • cleanses the body of toxic substances, in particular, radionuclides, reduces the effect of electromagnetic fields on the body;
  • also anti-inflammatory, wound healing and astringent properties;
  • has a sedative effect, has a beneficial effect on nervous system;
  • beneficial effect on the state of the organs of the visual system, prevents cataracts;
  • cancer prevention.

The benefits of irgi - flowers and leaves

Dry flowers and leaves can be brewed together with berries as a tea and drink a little during the day.

They make teas and infusions that help with heart disorders, insomnia. The infusion is prepared at the rate of 3 tablespoons per 500 ml of boiling water. After three hours, take 15 ml several times a day under the control of blood pressure.

A decoction of the leaves is used externally for washing purulent wounds, burns. Bandages are also moistened with this decoction and applied to the area of ​​varicose veins.

A decoction of the bark

The bark of the tree is harvested in early spring before the start of sap flow. Then cut into small pieces and dry. It has a fixing, astringent, pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. It is used for inflammation of the gastric mucosa, diarrhea, colitis.

Dry crushed bark of shadberry (30 g) is poured with boiling water (500 ml) and boiled for 20 minutes. Drink 30 grams three times a day.

If you insist a teaspoon of medicinal raw materials in a glass of boiling water, and soak for half an hour in a water bath, then this remedy will help in the form of rinses for inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat.

Preparation of tincture from irgi

A half-liter jar is filled three-quarters with irgi berries and filled with vodka to the lid. Insist in a dry and dark room for 3 days. Take a teaspoon 4 times a day to strengthen the immune system and as a multivitamin remedy for beriberi.

Composition, calorie content, use of irgi berries in traditional medicine

The biggest medicinal use And medicinal properties have the fruits of irgi. Dark gray berries contain a lot of fructose and glucose, pectins, tannins, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, carotene (vitamin A), vitamins PP and E, as well as some trace elements - copper, cobalt, iron, manganese and iodine.

The composition of the fruits includes substances that remove excess from the blood, various toxins and salts of heavy metals. The use of irgi has a beneficial effect on general state body, calms the nervous system, lowers blood pressure, strengthens and dilates blood vessels.

The calorie content of irgi is low - 45 kcal per 100 gr. It can be introduced into the diet of losing weight without fear. A mixture of irg juice with blackcurrant juice will already enhance the effect of losing weight.

Gray berries are good for periodontal disease. For this, both squeezed juice and infusion are used.

Juice from fresh berries used as a rinse for stomatitis, sore throat, inflammation of the gums. One glass of berries is kneaded, poured with boiling water (300 ml), insisted and rinsed with a mouth at least three times a day.

Also, a berry drink is used for indigestion as an astringent. A similar effect can be obtained if you drink a decoction of the bark of a shrub or its leaves.

They collect a wine berry, as the heroine of our current article is also called, as they ripen. Jam, compotes, jams are prepared from it, frozen in the freezer for the winter.

Dried shadberry (stored no more than 2 years without loss of useful properties) is used instead of raisins and added to confectionery products, is a natural food coloring, and shadberry juice is a valuable healing drink.

The juice from the berry berries should not be squeezed out immediately after collection, but wait a week. The berry will “infuse”, ripen and there will be significantly more juice at the exit.

The berries make excellent homemade wine. All types of blanks are kept beneficial features plants and can be used as additives to medicinal collections and teas.

Berry tea from dry fruits and herbs

The drink will also relieve anxiety, gently lower blood pressure, and prepare the body for sleep.

The fruits of the shrub are also used in cosmetology, mashed berries of shadberry are part of many masks, thanks to which the skin becomes more elastic and smooth.

Irgi contraindications, harm

Having described the benefits of irgi, it is impossible not to mention the harm or contraindications. Occasionally, individual intolerance occurs. And, perhaps, hemophilia (since it reduces blood clotting).

Berries in in large numbers can cause, therefore, under reduced pressure and in situations requiring high concentration of attention, use with caution.

In the summer-autumn period, we all can fully enjoy the gifts of nature in the form of vegetables, fruits and berries. It is this time that gives us the opportunity to saturate the body with useful vitamins and minerals, because the variety of natural products is very wide. One of the sources of vitamins and useful microelements is irga berry, a photo of which can be seen in the article. The product is extremely useful and has a unique bio chemical composition.

To date, the berries of this plant are widely used in cooking, as well as folk medicine. Thanks to these amazing blue fruits, it is possible not only to enrich the body beneficial substances, but also to prevent many diseases of the blood, blood vessels, as well as the organs of the digestive tract.

What is this berry?

Immediately find out where the irga grows? Canada is considered the birthplace of a shrub with attractive blue berries, but today the plant is widespread throughout the continent of Europe, Asia and even Africa.

Many people, realizing how useful the fruits of the shrub are, they certainly try to plant a plant at home and in the country.

Among the people, the berry has some other names, but most often this juicy healthy fruit is called the irga berry. Its scientific name is amelanchier.

Outwardly, the fruits of the irgi are small, may have a color from pink to dark purple. A feature of the plant is that the berries are visually dirty, but in fact it is natural. protective film, which allows you to save the fruits from wasps, hornets and other lovers of eating juicy berries.

What does an irga look like? The flowering of the shrub takes place in the spring. During this period, the tree is covered with small inflorescences. Irgi flowers usually have a red or purple hue with a white coating.

Shrub varieties can be found all over the world. In Europe, round-leaved irga, alder-leaved irga predominates (see photo). It is this species that is resistant to cold and can survive winter frosts in this area. In America and Canada, you can find such a variety as Canadian irga (see photo), it is also called Lamarck irga, a photo of the plant can be seen in the article. Also, the species of the plant include such a type of shrub as the irga spiky, in the photo of the plant you can see the beauty of the shrub during flowering.

Photo of berries of irgi

Many housewives certainly want to see a bush with extremely useful berries at home, and rightly so! The extraordinary benefits of berries make the irgu tree a welcome guest in every garden.

Landing and care does not require special skills. The shrub propagates through seedlings, which can be easily bought on the market or in a specialized store. The plant is planted in early spring, when the frosts come down and the soil thaws. After planting, seedlings need to be watered, but not too often. When the tree is strong special care not required.

Important! When buying seedlings, you should pay attention to the integrity of the roots and twigs. How good will be planting material depends on continued success.

What are the benefits of berries

You can talk for hours about how useful the berries of this unpretentious shrub are. The unusual chemical composition of the fruit makes it a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. So, what are the beneficial properties of the plant?

  1. The amount of vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, pectins, useful acids in this product is off scale. In addition, berries contain a lot of keratin, which makes them simply indispensable for the beauty and health of the skin.
  2. Due to the rich composition, the use of the fruits of this shrub helps to increase immunity, remove toxins, and also strengthen the body as a whole.
  3. The presence of such a component as pectin helps to cleanse the human body of heavy metals and other negative substances. Regular consumption of irgi berries helps to significantly reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, which is important condition prevention of heart attacks, strokes and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

It has been proven that the components that make up the fruit are an excellent prevention of cancer. Nutritionists advise having berries in their diet for patients who often experience stress and nervous tension. It is also recommended to introduce fruits into your diet for sleep disorders and depression.

  1. Freshly squeezed juice of berries has an antiseptic effect in various diseases of the oral cavity. Rinsing with juice helps with sore throat, stomatitis, tonsillitis and other diseases.
  2. Various skin lesions, such as abrasions, burns, frostbite, are recommended to be treated with a decoction of the fruits of the plant and fresh juice. This type of treatment helps to cope even with festering wounds.
  3. Berries are very useful for patients suffering from heart failure, as well as other diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  4. The description of the beneficial properties will not be complete without mentioning the ability of the fruits of irgi to lower blood pressure and thin the blood.

It is believed that if you eat a handful of these daily useful berries fresh and even frozen, you can avoid many health problems and saturate the body with useful vitamins and minerals.

Important! IN folk treatment they use not only berries of irgi, but also the leaves of this amazing useful shrub. So, for example, a decoction of the leaves has astringent properties, which makes it very effective for diarrhea and other disorders of the digestive system.

Application in traditional medicine

For treatment various diseases berries, leaves, flowers and bark of the shrub are used. Further in the article we will consider several ways to prepare various medicines.

For diseases of the stomach

Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be treated with healthy tea which can be taken both warm and cold. To prepare a tablespoon of dried berries, pour 500 ml. steep boil. After the remedy, it is necessary to infuse for about 30-40 minutes. Such tea will help to normalize digestion, increase appetite, speed up the metabolism of the body.

Recipe for diarrhea

The astringent properties of irgi make it possible to prepare an effective cure for indigestion from its berries and leaves. For cooking, you need a tablespoon of dried berries and pour the same amount of crushed plant leaves with a glass of boiling water. After 15-20 minutes, strain the solution and take it warm on an empty stomach 2-3 times a day.

Treatment of sore throat and gum disease

In case of infectious and purulent diseases of the oral cavity, it is necessary to rinse with fresh juice of irgi berries. You can squeeze the juice by rubbing the fruit through a sieve. Also, juice can be wiped with festering wounds and burns.

To lower blood sugar

Perfectly normalizes the level of sugar in human blood infusion from the leaves of the shrub. To do this, you can use both a fresh plant and in a dry form. To prepare 2 tbsp. l. crushed leaves pour 200 ml. boiling water and leave for 2 hours. It is recommended to use the infusion in the morning and evening on an empty stomach.

Irgi bark decoction - a panacea for many diseases

Due to the properties of the bark and the presence of a huge amount of tannins in it, it is widely used in folk medicine for gargling, washing wounds, as well as for many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Preparing a decoction is quite easy. For this, the crushed bark of the plant in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. pour half a liter of boiling water and place on low heat. After boiling, the product must be simmered on fire for another 10-15 minutes. After cooling, the product is filtered and used to treat various ailments.


Despite the huge benefits for the body, the beneficial fruits of irgi still have some contraindications. To avoid adverse events and the development of allergies, you should consult with a specialist before consuming the fruit. The ban on the introduction of berries into the diet can be:

  • the presence of allergies;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • hypotension.

It is also worth noting that a large number of berries can affect concentration. You should not eat them for people working in industries that require special attention, as well as drivers, setting off on the road.

Everything should be in moderation. This Golden Rule also applies to the use of the fruits of such useful plant like an irga. Taking care of your health and saturating it with useful vitamins will help you stay young and healthy.

Amazing shrubs and trees can be found on the usual six acres! We don’t even always know exactly their name, and even more useful properties. Irga (yurga) is a berry that has not only a wonderful taste, but also a huge “baggage” of vitamins and microelements.

Read more about the miracle berry, the best recipes and contraindications for its use in our review.

Where does it grow?

In total, scientists know about 25 varieties of shadberry, which grow in Russia, Central and Southern Europe, Japan, North America and North Africa. The plant adapts surprisingly quickly to environmental conditions.

In the sources of the 16th century, yurga is mentioned - a berry, the benefits of which are still important today. Since ancient times, wine has been made from the fruits, very similar to Cahors. In the 19th century, industrial plantings began in Canada and the United States. Breeders over the past 60 years have bred many varieties there.

In our country, yurga is not so popular berry. It can often be found on summer cottages as decorative element. Luxurious flowering, resistance to drought and frost, rapid growth and fruiting every year - you must admit that this shrub does not require much attention.

apple family

The irga plant belongs to the apple family - this is easy to guess during the flowering period, which occurs at the end of May - the beginning of June. In these two weeks, the shrub pleases the eye with its unusual flowers of white and beige shades, and after that the yurga (or irga) berry itself begins to ripen. Photos of fruits can be confused with blackcurrant or chokeberry. Indeed, as they ripen, the berries acquire a rich red or blue color.

The harvest also depends on the growing conditions, which begins in mid-July and ends in September. Berries are distinguished by a bluish bloom and taste - sweet with a slight sourness. Our feathered friends have long appreciated it, so do not delay the harvest.

The shrub is quite common not only on garden plots but also in forests. Many rightly raise the question of the benefits for pets. For example, is it possible to give hamsters berry irgu? The answer must be sought from the veterinarian, because only a specialist determines the correct diet.


As we have already said, today specialists know a large number of varieties of shadberry. Here are just a few of them:

- Irga Canadian. Shrub up to two meters tall with large leaves and a wide rounded crown. Blossoms from 7 to 10 days in May-June. The fruits are dark purple with a bluish bloom.

-Irga alder-leaved. Shrub or small tree, height - 2-4 meters. The fruits are almost black in color.

- Irga round-leaved (cinnamon). Height 3-5 m, white flowers and bluish-black fruits. Most often found on the territory of our country.

The plant prefers sunny places, resistant to lack of moisture. Irgi also has no special requirements for the type of soil.

Harvesting is carried out in several stages, because the berries ripen in different time. In hot, dry summers, this process is much faster, but due to frequent rains, you may need three or four sets. It is necessary to remove only those bunches on which it is ripe most of berries. harvested stored fresh for no more than three days.

A storehouse of vitamins

It is unfortunate that not all gardeners know how useful the irga berry is. Its composition is in no way inferior to the fruit bushes already familiar to us:

  1. Ascorbic acid. It activates the production of collagen, strengthens the cardiovascular system, reduces the risk of cancer and is one of the main antioxidants.
  2. B group vitamins. They activate the work of brain cells, are responsible for the hormonal background and metabolism, and also improve the transmission of nerve impulses.
  3. Flavonoids. They have a positive effect on the human body as a whole.
  4. Carotene. It is very important for vision, prevents the development of cancer.
  5. Glycosides. Prevent the development of atherosclerosis, lower cholesterol levels.
  6. organic acids. Provide a complete digestive process.
  7. Tannins. Strengthen blood vessels, are used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, bacterial infections.
  8. Pectins. Cleanse the body of decay products.


Yurga is a berry, the benefits of which are manifested regardless of the method of its use. Fresh or harvested, the fruits bring a huge amount of important vitamins for the human body.

For the treatment of angina, it is advised to gargle with irgi juice. In addition, its astringent properties are useful for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation and colitis.

Irga reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, helps with atherosclerosis, vascular, kidney and liver diseases. The rich composition of berries strengthens the immune system, and also prevents the occurrence of cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

With periodontal disease and stomatitis, rinsing with a decoction will help, and the juice is useful for disinfecting and accelerating the healing of purulent wounds. Yurga-berry is also indispensable for insomnia. It relaxes the nervous system and normalizes blood pressure.

After getting acquainted with healing properties of this plant, you will probably be interested in what can be made from the berries of irgi. We will definitely tell you about the most best recipes, but first - contraindications.

Take with caution

Some sources claim that it is highly undesirable to manage vehicle in the treatment of yurga. In fact, a pronounced sedative effect is manifested when several kilograms of berries are consumed at once - this is quite difficult to do, so there is no question of danger to drivers.

Interestingly, pregnant women are usually at risk, but in our case the situation is different. To prevent varicose veins, expectant mothers are happy to refuse medicines, because the berry irga becomes the main assistant.

For the winter

As we have already said, the harvesting of the shadberry ends with the first month of autumn. There are two ways to stock up on miracle berries until the next summer season.

  1. Drying. The fruits can be dried in the oven or in the sun if the weather permits. In the oven, the temperature should not exceed 60 degrees. If the design does not provide for the presence of fans, then slightly open the door to let the humid air out. Dried shadberry looks and tastes like raisins - it can also be added to casseroles, compote, jelly or other desserts.
  2. Freeze. Place dry fruits on a small baking sheet in the freezer - for this, for example, an ice shelf is suitable. After a few hours, pour into a regular bag. Even after defrosting, the berries retain their freshness and beneficial properties.

Flowers, leaves and bark

In folk medicine, not only fruits are popular. In heart failure, it is recommended to use a decoction of flowers. To do this, pour a handful of petals with boiling water and insist for two hours. Take two tablespoons before meals.

With problems with the stomach and diarrhea, a decoction of the bark will help. One teaspoon pour a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes.

Irgi leaves will help from stress and insomnia. Brew a few leaves like regular tea for 15 minutes. For sweetness, you can add a little honey.

Think about preparations in advance. Flowers and leaves are harvested during the flowering period. Cut them with scissors, preferably in sunny weather. The bark is usually mined in October.

What to cook?

Jam, jams and compotes are traditionally made from shadberry berries. In addition, they make an excellent filling for pies or dumplings.

To make jam according to the classic recipe, we need:

1 kg fresh berries.

1 kg of sugar. You can reduce the amount of this component by half, because yurga is a rather sweet berry.

3 g citric acid.

The berries must be carefully sorted and washed, and then scattered on a clean cloth. We transfer the dried fruits to a large saucepan (preferably with non-stick coating), grind with a blender and add sugar.

We leave the berry-sugar mixture for at least three hours, so that the juice has time to form. After that, over medium heat, bring the future jam to a boil, reduce power and cook for another 30 minutes. At the end add citric acid. We distribute the finished product in glass jars.


Our next recipe will appeal to those who are trying to limit their sugar intake. Do you also like irga-berry? Jam and a cup of green tea is the most the best option for a winter evening.

300-400 g of sugar.

200 ml of water.

1 kg of berries.

2 g citric acid.

Syrup must be prepared from sugar and water. Blanch the prepared irgu for two minutes in boiling water, and then pour it into boiling syrup. Bring the sweet mixture to a boil and insist for 12 hours. Add citric acid and close in jars.

Such vitamin jam will come in handy during the seasonal epidemic of colds and flu.


One of the most complex recipes that will require attention to detail. At home, you can also make wine from shadberry.

For such a bold experiment, you will need:

2 liters of water.

1 kg of sugar.

2.5 kg of berries.


  1. Cooking syrup. We put the water on the fire, and after boiling, add sugar and do not forget to mix.
  2. We take unwashed and ripe berries (for fermentation) and squeeze 1 liter of juice. Then we combine the juice with syrup and pour into glass bottle. We put on a medical glove on the neck to prevent air from entering.
  3. We put the bottle in a warm place and forget about it for three weeks. Clarification of the liquid indicates the end of the fermentation process.
  4. After three weeks, we filter the wine and bottle it, and then insist for four months.

Please note that the fermentation process must begin within five days. If this does not happen, then you need to add sourdough. To prepare it, combine one glass of water and two glasses of berries, mashed with sugar (200 g). Leave the mixture for five days, and only after that add it to a bottle of wine.


Continuing the theme of alcohol, we offer you another recipe - tinctures. We fill the bottle three-quarters of the volume with berries and fill it with vodka. For two days we insist in a dark room.

Then we filter the liquid, discard the old berries and add fresh ones, which should fill half the volume. We leave for another two days - and the tincture is ready.

Irga goes very well with blackcurrant, which can replace a small part of the berries. In this case, the drink will turn out with sourness.

For dessert

Many recipes for sweet dishes use incredibly useful irga(berry). A photo of an open pie with an unusual filling will cause real envy and a desire to create this masterpiece in your own kitchen.


1 glass of flour;

- ½ cup of sugar;

1 st. a spoonful of starch;

A pinch of salt;

- ¼ tsp vanillin;

1 tsp baking powder;

50 g butter or margarine;

1 glass of irgi.

Cooking a pie will not take you much time if you follow the specified procedure:

  1. Cooking dough. Separate the yolks and grind with vanilla and half the sugar. Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt and remaining sugar. We combine the two masses, and then add the baking powder, flour and starch. Mix the dough very carefully with a spoon, in no case do not use a mixer or blender.
  2. Add the melted butter to the dough and mix.
  3. Lubricate the prepared form with butter and sprinkle with a little flour.
  4. Pour the dough into the mold, and put the berries on top. We put the future cake in the oven (temperature 180 degrees) and bake for about 40-50 minutes.
  5. Cool the finished dessert, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.

On a note

In conclusion, we would like to give some important tips:

- Juice from irgi. It takes patience to get the healing liquid from the berries. Do not squeeze the juice right away - in a cool place, sprinkle the irgu on a newspaper and wait a week. Berries will become more fragrant and juicy.

- Birds. As already mentioned, our feathered friends simply adore the irga. If you do not want to share a useful harvest with them, then just cover the bush with a net.

- Know the measure. When using any product from the shadberry, remember its ability to lower blood pressure and a slight sedative effect.

The irga shrub is perfect for growing in harsh climates, however, despite this fact, it has not yet gained popularity among our gardeners, despite the fact that more than a dozen of its species have been tested.

These species are endowed with unique decorative properties and give delicious berries.

Varieties and types

Most famous representative kind from the northeastern part North America. Reaches 6 meters in height, and even sometimes turns into a tree up to 10 meters high. Foliage up to 10 cm long, blooming, has a brown-green color, in autumn - crimson-golden.

During the flowering period of 7-10 days, the plant is densely covered with tassels, consisting of 5-12 whitish flowers, which look especially nice against the background of young reddish stems. The berries have a rounded shape, a dark purple color with a bluish bloom and a pleasant sweet taste.

In comparison with other species, it stands out even more decorative, inherent in it all season. It is mainly recommended as a landscaping for group plantings, and, along with the previous species, it is excellent as a stock for pears and apple trees, increasing the frost resistance of the scion, and giving it the ability to grow in waterlogged soils.

It is cultivated in the European zone of the Russian Federation and on the Crimean peninsula, which is the birthplace of this species. This shrub is characterized by growth of 0.5-2.5 meters, erect branches and ovate leaves with jagged edges.

Blooming, the young foliage is pubescent in the lower part, then this species feature disappears, but another remains - the tassels formed by the flowers have a corymbose shape and look especially elegant during flowering in early May. Fruits of black color with a bluish tinge ripen in the middle of summer, starting from the age of 5.

It grows in North America as a deciduous shrub, sometimes a tree up to 5 meters in height. Numerous dark gray (old) and red-brown (young) stems form a dense oval crown. foliage in summer time it is painted in a darkish green color, and in autumn - in red-orange. Flowers with a fragrant aroma can be white or pinkish.

The berries are as tasty as those of the "relatives", up to 0.9 cm in diameter, red-black, covered with a bluish bloom. Its decorative qualities, especially noticeable during flowering in the middle part of May and fruit ripening in the first days of August, have found application in the arrangement of hedges. Fruits from 4 years.

Also from North America, in our conditions forms a bush up to 4 meters in height. Almost all parts of this plant, starting with the stems and ending with the blossoming leaves and inflorescences, are pubescent. The berries are black, slightly oblong, appear from the age of 5.

In autumn, the foliage of this shadberry is especially good, when it turns yellow-orange. Flowering begins in late spring, and fruit ripening should be expected after mid-summer.

Also known as " irga ordinary ” occurs naturally in Southern Europe, the Crimea and the Caucasus. Growing up to 2.5 meters in height, the shrub forms a spreading crown on young stems, silvery from pubescence, which later turn out to be bare, shiny, purple-brown. The ovate foliage is dark green in summer and red-orange in autumn.

The berries are bluish-black with a bluish bloom, ripen in July-August, starting at the age of 5 years. Flowering begins in the first days of May. In addition to showiness during the growing season, the species is also characterized by high phytoncidal properties.

Not a particularly common variety with large, tasty and very fragrant berries. Taking into account the spreading of each individual bush, they are planted at a mutual distance of at least 3 meters from each other. The variety is characterized by relatively weak resistance to drought compared to others.

It grows up to 3 meters in height, sometimes becoming a tree. Berries - medium in diameter, fragrant and sweet, ripen in mid-July.

Another species from North America that grows up to 3.5 meters in our climate. Compact crowns are oval in shape. With the onset of the annual flowering period, lasting more than 2 weeks from the first half of May, the shoots are covered with copper-brownish-pinkish leaves, which bring a high decorative effect, especially against a green background from the surrounding vegetation.

This effect is complemented by racemose inflorescences, which are formed from 7-12 flowers with petals. pale pink. Blooming bushes of smooth shadberry combine irresistible beauty with elegance of color and shape.

Do not lag behind other parts of the plant and its berries - 0.5-0.7 cm in diameter, creamy yellowish hue with a pinkish barrel, eventually acquiring a reddish color and no less delightful in appearance. palatability when compared with other species. Bears fruit from 4 years. Flowering begins in late spring.

Irga planting and care in the open field

Pre-planting preparation includes steps that are relevant for currants. autumn planting is preferred and, in any case, seedlings should be 1-2 years old.

They are planted 5-8 cm deeper, comparable to the depth in the nursery, according to the scheme 4x2, 5x3 meters or in a checkerboard pattern (for hedges), keeping a distance in rows of 0.5-1.8 meters. Having prepared deep furrows for planting, they are taken for organizing planting pits 50-80 wide and 30-40 cm deep.

The plant takes root well and is practically not demanding in care, the elements of which are sawing out old trunks, removing excessively long branches and diseased shoots.

After planting, it is recommended to irrigate in the amount of 8-10 liters of water per pit. Then it is also important to mulch the soil surface with peat or humus and shorten the aerial part to 10 cm, leaving 4-5 good buds above the soil surface.

For successful landing irgi will need to mix the top soil layer with 1-2 buckets of humus, and also add superphosphate (300-500 grams) and potassium salt (150-200 grams) to it. This mixture is then poured into the planting pits.

Irgi transplant

An adult irga tolerates a transplant with difficulty, since its roots go far deep into the soil - almost 2 meters. In this regard, for a 7-, 8-year-old bush, the required diameter of a transplanted earth clod is 1.25 meters with a depth of around 70 cm. With an increase in the age of the bush, this indicator increases.

Top dressing irgi

Top dressing of shadberry for the first year should be carried out using a solution of ammonium nitrate in the amount of 50 grams per 10 liters of water, introducing it into the near-trunk circles. A solution is also suitable for this purpose. bird droppings or manure.

After 5-6 years, top dressing is carried out with organic (2-3 buckets per bush) and mineral (500 grams of ammonium nitrate and potassium salt plus 1 kg of superphosphate per bush) fertilizers, alternating them over the years.

Pruning irgi

In the first 2-3 years, it is better to leave only strong zero stems, in the future - 2-3 shoots, pruning everything else and forming a bush consisting of 10-15 branches of various ages.

The following pruning procedures involve the removal of accumulated basal stems and weakened, old, diseased, broken branches.

If there is a slowdown in the growth of branches, rejuvenating pruning is necessary, which is carried out once every 3-4 years for wood 2-4 years old. Irga perfectly tolerates pruning, subsequently independently growing with root offspring.

Irga is a very winter-hardy plant, able to withstand cold down to -52℃ and frosts in spring under -7℃. This makes it possible to use it as a protective culture towards the prevailing winds and, at the same time, preserve the decorativeness of the front part of the garden.

Irga propagation by cuttings

To propagate irgi with root cuttings, they are cut 10-15 cm long from root shoots, seated vertically and mulched with humus.

Immediately you need to perform abundant watering, and then make sure that the soil moisture is high. In autumn, annual analogues of the parent plant are formed from cuttings.

Irgi propagation by green cuttings

Green cuttings for propagation are cut of the same length from the tops of the branches of developed 5-, 6-year-old bushes. This is carried out in the first half of summer with the removal of the lower leaves from the cuttings, leaving 1-2 pairs of the upper ones.

The soil for planting should be sprinkled with sand to a thickness of 7-10 cm. The height of the dome of the greenhouse should be 15-20 cm more than the cuttings. Further care involves moistening the soil through a fine water-sprinkling sieve, maintaining a temperature of at least 25 ℃ and opening the greenhouse after 2-3 weeks, when the cuttings take root.

3-week-old cuttings have a fairly developed root system that allows them to be planted on the training site. After they take root, you can feed them with 30 grams of ammonium nitrate dissolved in a bucket of water, take care of them like adult specimens and, next fall, transplant them to a permanent site.

Diseases and pests

Irga is not susceptible to shading, air pollution, pests and diseases. Its main enemies are the seed-eater and the moth.

  • Exposure to the former can lead to loss of fruiting, as the seed-eaters feed on the seeds and pupate in the berries.
  • Moth moth causes drying and crumbling of leaves. Both in the first and in the second case, treatment with Actellik, Fufanon or Karbofos helps well.

Irga useful properties and contraindications

In addition, the fruits reduce blood pressure and have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels. Accordingly, a contraindication to the use of irgi is low blood pressure.

Irgi tincture on vodka

To prepare the tincture of irgi on vodka - the most popular traditional medicine - you need 1 kg dried berries irgi and 1.5 liters of vodka. Berries in a container are poured with vodka and left to infuse for a day in a dark room.

After the liquid is decanted, the container is filled with fresh berries and poured with the previously expressed liquid. We leave the mixture to infuse for another 2 days, and the drink is ready to drink.

Irgi jam

For jam from shadberry you need 1.5 kg of berries, 200 grams of boiled water and 800 grams of sugar. Berries fall asleep in a saucepan, add water and put on a strong fire. After 30 minutes, the mixture is stirred and sugar is added. Cook it for another 30 minutes, but now on low heat.

Next, cool the cooked room temperature and, using an immersion blender, it is good to break the berries to a state of porridge. Spilling everything into jars and leaving to cool, we get a unique delicious jam in the form of jam.

Wine from irgi

The recipe for wine from irgi is as follows. Ripe fruits are crushed, crushed a little, heated to 60-70 C and squeezed after one day. After squeezing, the juice is mixed with water in equal proportions and 0.3-0.4 kg of sugar per 1 liter of juice is added and poured into a container for fermentation under an aqueous solution.

After 2-3 weeks, the wine is removed from the sediment, poured into a bottle, corked and placed in a cool room for 3-4 months.

It is recommended to store in a cellar or in the dark and cool, tilting the neck down. The resulting wine will have a dark reddish color. purple tint and slightly tart in taste, which lasts for 10-15 years.

Morse from irgi

Morse from irgi is extremely simple to prepare. After washing the berries of irgi (250 grams), they are kneaded and the juice is squeezed out. Squeezed fruits are boiled for 10 minutes, then the broth is mixed with squeezed juice, sugar (100 grams) and water (1 liter) are added. Then stand for 10-12 hours and serve cold.

Right under my bedroom window, in the middle of thickets of quince, there is a bush of shadberry. For a long time I was fastened, restraining myself from going out and trying this wonderful berry. Although here, in Germany, it will probably look strange, as if I suddenly began to eat wolfberry. And in general, it’s somehow not customary to do this - to pluck something on the street. In any case, her wife does not want to take her for edible food. Well, how could she, who grew up in the south, know this plant of the northern and middle lane? He says that you can’t eat - I’ll poison myself. Although she is a doctor, I nevertheless went out, collected these tasty, beautiful fruits- exactly the same as she grew up in Lviv and Riga.

I remember that my three-year-old son and I went for a walk in Lviv to the stadium, where a bush of shadberry grew in the corner. When you collect it, you want more and more. And then little Zhenya said so: “Look, look…” Then someone dug up this bush and dragged it away, according to the holy Ukrainian tradition, to take everything that is badly lying to their dacha.

Thickets of shadberry grew at the Riga command post "", where I got to serve immediately after the institute. Then for the first time I saw how the head of the command post, Vladimir Vasilyevich Igumenov, right in uniform, in a harness, picked this berry from a bush and ate it. In my questioning look, he said that yurga has been his favorite berry since childhood. I remember exactly, I didn’t say “irga”, but “yurga”. Then he had recently returned from a business trip to Egypt with a military order of the Red Star - he was thin, tanned, even somehow crooked. He also told me that yurga is better than any overseas fruit ... Since then, I will not confuse this berry with any other.

Especially for the unbelievers and the ignorant, I post a little information about this wonderful plant.

Irga is also called yurga, pyrus or karinka ( Amelanchier ovalis). The French call the irgu "rock medlar", and the Germans - "rock pear".
Perennial woody shrub up to 3 meters high, with high winter hardiness and yield - plentiful and annual.
The game looks like a bush, sometimes very large, with round nondescript leaves and dark round berries the size of a currant. Its fruits are useful for gum disease, eye diseases, and gastrointestinal upset. Berries contain large amounts of sugar, organic acids, carotene, manganese and bioactive substances.

Irga is not demanding on growing conditions, so any soil is suitable, with the exception of swampy and close-lying ground water. Irga is resistant to pests and diseases, can tolerate strong shading. It is usually planted along the edges of garden plots so that the shrub serves as a hedge.
Irga is a real long-liver of the garden, lives 60-70 years. Practically does not get sick and is not affected by pests.

Irgi fruits not only have a peculiar delicious taste, they are also rich in vitamins, sugar, organic acids and other useful substances.

Irgi berries are used as a delicacy not only fresh. Jam, jam, jam, compotes are cooked from them, they are frozen, dried.
Medical Significance: Fruits are harvested after their full ripening, in July-August. Leaves - during flowering. Bark - after the first frost.

Irgi juice has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. In folk medicine, it is recommended as a fixing agent. It is used for weakening vision at night, indigestion, for the prevention of hypovitaminosis and beriberi, for gargling with colds, as well as the oral cavity with gum disease. Also used to treat the liver, kidneys, heart, stomach. Irga normalizes sleep and strengthens the body. The berries contain beta-sitosterol, which has an anti-sclerotic effect.

The beneficial properties of irgi flowers have also been discovered. Infusion of flowers has a tonic effect on the work of the heart, lowers blood pressure.

Irga is recommended for older people to strengthen blood vessels and increase their elasticity for the prevention of myocardial infarction and varicose veins. It is noticed that after eating berries, people sleep better and become calmer.