Well      06/15/2019

Number of fire detectors. Placement of fire detectors. Placement of handheld devices

12.15. The number of automatic fire detectors is determined by the need to detect fires over the entire controlled area of ​​​​premises (zones), and the number of flame detectors is determined by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe equipment.

12.16. At least two fire detectors should be installed in each protected room.

12.17. It is allowed to install one fire detector in the protected room (zone) if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

a) the area of ​​the room is not more than the area protected by the fire detector, indicated in the technical documentation for it, and not more than the average area indicated in tables 5, 8;

b) automatic monitoring of the fire detector performance is provided, confirming the performance of its functions with the issuance of a malfunction notice to the control panel;

c) identification of a faulty detector by a control panel is provided;

d) on a signal from a fire detector, a signal is not generated to start the control equipment that turns on automatic fire extinguishing installations, or smoke removal, or type 5 fire warning systems according to NPB 104.

In addition, it must be possible to replace a faulty detector within a specified time.

12.18. Point fire detectors, except for flame detectors, should be installed, as a rule, under the ceiling. If it is impossible to install detectors directly under the ceiling, they can be installed on walls, columns and other load-bearing building structures, as well as mounted on cables.

When installing point fire detectors under the ceiling, they should be placed at a distance of at least 0.1 m from the walls.

When installing point fire detectors on walls, special fittings or fastening on cables, they should be placed at a distance of at least 0.1 m from the walls and at a distance of 0.1 to 0.3 m from the ceiling, including the dimensions of the detector.

When the detectors are suspended on a cable, their stable position and orientation in space must be ensured.

12.19. Placement of point heat and smoke fire detectors should be carried out taking into account air flows in the protected room caused by supply or exhaust ventilation, while the distance from the detector to air vent must be at least 1 m.

12.20. Point smoke and heat fire detectors should be installed in each section of the ceiling with a width of 0.75 m or more, limited by building structures (beams, girders, plate ribs, etc.) protruding from the ceiling at a distance of more than 0.4 m.

If building structures protrude from the ceiling at a distance of more than 0.4 m, and the compartments they form are less than 0.75 m wide, the area controlled by fire detectors, indicated in tables 5, 8, is reduced by 40%.

If there are protruding parts on the ceiling from 0.08 to 0.4 m, the area controlled by fire detectors, indicated in tables 5, 8, is reduced by 25%.

If there are boxes in the controlled room, technological platforms with a width of 0.75 m or more, having a solid structure, spaced along the lower mark from the ceiling at a distance of more than 0.4 m and at least 1.3 m from the floor plane, under them it is necessary to additionally install fire detectors.

12.21. Point smoke and heat fire detectors should be installed in each compartment of the room formed by stacks of materials, racks, equipment and building structures, the upper edges of which are 0.6 m or less from the ceiling.

12.22. When installing point smoke detectors in rooms with a width of less than 3 m or under a raised floor or above a false ceiling and in other spaces with a height of less than 1.7 m, the distance between the detectors indicated in Table 5 can be increased by 1.5 times.

12.23. Fire detectors installed under the raised floor, above the raised ceiling, must be addressable or connected to independent loops fire alarm, and it must be possible to determine their location. The design of the raised floor and false ceiling slabs should provide access to fire detectors for their maintenance.

12.24. Fire detectors should be installed in accordance with the requirements of the technical documentation for this detector.

12.25. In places where there is danger mechanical damage detector, a protective structure must be provided that does not impair its performance and the effectiveness of fire detection.

12.26. If different types of fire detectors are installed in one control zone, their placement is carried out in accordance with the requirements of these standards for each type of detector.

In the case of using combined (heat-smoke) fire detectors, they should be installed according to table 8.

12.27. For premises in which, in accordance with Appendix 12, it is possible to use both smoke and heat fire detectors, their combined use is allowed. In this case, the placement of the detectors is made according to table 8.

Point smoke detectors

12.28. The area controlled by one point smoke detector, as well as the maximum distance between the detectors, the detector and the wall, except for the cases specified in clause 12.20, must be determined according to table 5, but not exceeding the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in specifications and passports for detectors.

Table 5

Linear smoke detectors

12.29. The emitter and receiver of a linear smoke detector should be installed on walls, partitions, columns and other structures in such a way that their optical axis passes at a distance of at least 0.1 m from the floor level.

12.30. The emitter and receiver of the linear smoke detector should be placed on the building structures of the room in such a way that various objects do not fall into the detection zone of the fire detector during its operation. The distance between the emitter and the receiver is determined by the technical characteristics of the fire detector.

12.31. When monitoring the protected area with two or more linear smoke detectors, the maximum distance between their parallel optical axes, the optical axis and the wall, depending on the installation height of the fire detector units, should be determined from Table 6.

Table 6

12.32. In rooms with a height of over 12 and up to 18 m, detectors should, as a rule, be installed in two tiers, in accordance with Table 7, while:

the first tier of detectors should be located at a distance of 1.5-2 m from the upper level of the fire load, but not less than 4 m from the floor plane;

the second tier of detectors should be located at a distance of no more than 0.4 m from the floor level.

12.33. The detectors should be installed in such a way that the minimum distance from its optical axis to the walls and surrounding objects is at least 0.5 m.

Table 7

Installation height

Maximum distance, m

protected premises, m

detector, m

between optical axes LDPI

from the optical axis of the LDPI to the wall

St. 12.0 to 18.0

1.5-2 from the fire load level, at least 4 from the floor plane

Not more than 0.4 of coverage

Point thermal fire detectors

12.34. The area controlled by one point heat fire detector, as well as the maximum distance between the detectors, the detector and the wall, except for the cases specified in clause 12.30, must be determined according to table 8, but not exceeding the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in the technical specifications and passports for detectors.

Table 8

12.35. Point thermal fire detectors should be located at a distance of at least 500 mm from heat-emitting lamps.

Linear thermal fire detectors

12.36. Linear thermal fire detectors (thermal cable) should, as a rule, be laid in direct contact with the fire load.

12.37. Linear thermal fire detectors may be installed under the ceiling above the fire load in accordance with Table 8, while the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in the table should not exceed the corresponding values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in the manufacturer's technical documentation.

The distance from the detector to the ceiling must be at least 15 mm.

When storing materials on a rack, it is allowed to lay detectors along the top of tiers and racks.

Flame detectors

12.38. Flame fire detectors should be installed on ceilings, walls and other building structures of buildings and structures, as well as on process equipment.

The placement of flame detectors must be done taking into account the exclusion of possible effects of optical interference.

12.39. Each point of the protected surface must be monitored by at least two flame detectors, and the location of the detectors must ensure control of the protected surface, as a rule, from opposite directions.

12.40. The area of ​​the room or equipment controlled by the flame detector should be determined based on the value of the detector's viewing angle and in accordance with its class according to NPB 72-98 (maximum detection range of a combustible material flame) specified in the technical documentation.

Manual fire call points

12.41. Manual fire detectors should be installed on walls and structures at a height of 1.5 m from the ground or floor level.

The installation locations of manual fire detectors are given in Appendix 13.

12.42. Manual fire detectors should be installed in places remote from electromagnets, permanent magnets and other devices, the impact of which can cause spontaneous operation of a manual fire detector (the requirement applies to manual fire detectors, the operation of which occurs when switching a magnetically controlled contact), at a distance:

no more than 50 m from each other inside buildings;

no more than 150 m from each other outside buildings;

at least 0.75 m from other controls and objects preventing free access to the detector.

12.43. Illumination at the installation site of the manual fire detector must be at least 50 lux.

Gas fire detectors

12.44. Gas fire detectors should be installed indoors on the ceiling, walls and other building structures of buildings and structures in accordance with the operating instructions for these detectors and the recommendations of specialized organizations.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of NPB 110-03 at facilities subject to protection in accordance with the requirements of these standards, “... the safety of the people in them must be ensured and the threat of fire and its dangerous factors for other persons must be eliminated, which must be confirmed by appropriate calculations , and the equipment used in the AUPS must meet modern requirements.

In accordance with this, when dividing an object into fire detection zones, it is assumed that a fire alarm (a fire detection system that issues a message to the duty officer) is installed if the duty officer, after receiving a signal from the technical means of fire detection, is able to examine the control zone, organize primary extinguishing the fire, and before the arrival of the fire brigade, the fire will not develop to the limiting size, which does not ensure the safety of people and property.

Targets and decision-making procedure for implementation fire protection are given in GOST 12.1.004 and in clause 4.1 of SNiP 21-01-97:
economic justification the ratio of the amount of damage and the cost of fire prevention measures;
- ensuring the possibility of evacuating people, regardless of their age and physical condition, before the onset of fire hazards;
— limiting the amount of material damage.

The level of people's safety, which, at least, must be ensured at the objects of protection, is set by GOST 12.1.004.

The provisions of clauses 13.1…13.3 of NPB 88-2001* require the comparison of solutions for the fire protection of an object with the tasks to be solved and the parameters of the object.

The requirements of NPB 88-2001* directly apply to premises with a medium level of danger. The level of danger in relation to people can be estimated as the product of the probabilities of fire and non-evacuation. In addition to the main provision of this paragraph, it is assumed that one fire detector (or another number) can be installed if its reliability is not lower than 2 standard ones (with a time between failures of 60 thousand hours each), included according to the “or” scheme (400 thousand hours). For rooms with more high level fire hazard reliability requirements are correspondingly increased.

The procedure for evaluating the critical time is given in the VNIIPO Recommendations “Fire automatic equipment. Application area. Type selection.

In the protected room (zone) it is allowed to install:
- one fire detector, if the conditions of clause 12.17 are met;
- at least two fire detectors, if they do not generate a signal to start automatic fire extinguishing or smoke removal installations, or fire warning, or control of engineering equipment.
In this case, the number of fire detectors in the room is determined based on the information given in Table. 5 and 8 NPB 88-2001*;
- for control according to clause 13.1, if their reliability is not lower than 3 standard ones;
- to control a warning system of type 1 ... 4, if a false start of the system does not lead to a violation of the normal operation mode (material damage) and does not lead to a decrease in the level of people's safety;
- takes place, in a particular case, semi automatic control SOUE of the 3rd type in accordance with clause 3.6 of NPB 104-2003 and the choice of the type of control is determined by the design organization;
- at least three or four fire detectors, if the conditions of clause 13.3 are met.

Commands for automatic control of installations according to clause 13.1 must be generated when at least two fire detectors are triggered.

It is allowed to perform similar functions when one fire detector is triggered in cases specified in clause 13.2 of NPB 88-2001*.

Explanation of the provisions of Chapter 13 of NPB 88-2001*.

In the replaced SNiP 2.04.09, in order to exclude false positives, the tactics of triggering 2 fire detectors (PI) was adopted to control automatic fire extinguishing, smoke protection and warning systems, but the minimum number of PI in the protected room or area of ​​​​the room was not indicated when it was divided into detection zones . So, when installing only 2 PIs in a small room or zone, which fully met the requirements of this document, and in the event of an uncontrolled failure of one of them, the automatic system will not start. The same can be said about the formation of a control signal under the condition that 2 fire flame detectors are triggered and when only 2 PIs are installed in the controlled area. The formation of a signal in case of failure of one PI will occur only when the combustion zone increases and covers the zone controlled by other detectors.

To exclude such facts, in accordance with NPB 88-2001 *, it is required to install 3 or 4 fire detectors in a room or control zone, which satisfies minimum requirements NPB for reliability and protection against false positives. A false alarm is considered to be the issuance of a notification "Fire" when exposed to PI external factors, similar to fire factors, electromagnetic pickups or in case of failure of the detector elements. Here we are talking about fire detectors that meet the minimum reliability requirements of NPB 76-98 (60 thousand hours). Knowing the specific value of PI reliability (unfortunately, developers often do not indicate it in the technical documentation, referring to the minimum value according to NPB 76-98), it is possible to calculate the number of PI installed in the zone. At the same time, they proceed from the need to match the reliability of the fire protection system and, accordingly, the fire detection system to the level of danger of the protected object in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.004.

Zoning (breaking down into “zones”) of the premises of the facility for fire detection, fire extinguishing, smoke protection warning, is carried out based on the requirements for the best performance of the functions of the destination.

Since the dynamics of fire development for different combustible materials is very different, dividing the room into separate detection zones using different detection tools can be very appropriate. In addition, when protecting large premises, it is always useful to divide the detectors into separate groups, according to the principle of combining closely spaced detectors. This makes it possible to exclude false alarms associated with malfunctions of the detectors due to failure of their elements or operation under the influence of environmental influences not related to fire.

For example, when combining detectors that control a large hall into one group (one loop), the activation of 2 detectors installed in different corners of the room can lead to the formation of a signal to start fire protection equipment, although the activation of adjacent detectors does not occur.

In the event of an uncontrolled failure of one PI in the room and in the absence of on-duty personnel, the smoke protection or warning system operating in automatic mode will turn on when the smoke enters the corridor, where the 2nd fire detector, which enters the protected zone, will work. If such an algorithm for switching on smoke protection ensures timely evacuation, then it can be applied. In this case, it should be borne in mind that it is preferable to turn on the smoke protection system on early stage until smoke and combustion products exited the burning room into the corridor.

When determining the number of fire detectors in a room (zone) with an object hazard level not higher than average when managing automatic settings it is necessary to proceed not from the principle of formal fulfillment of the requirements of clause 13.1, but from the obligation to reliably detect a fire and issue a control signal when possible failure one full-time fire detector, while determining the most the best option requires a certain analysis of the level of fire danger of the object.

To form a control signal, different algorithms are possible, which differ in reliability and the level of protection against false positives.

In accordance with NPB 88-2001*, the most reliable and noise-immune option is the operation of 2 fire detectors out of 3 (4).

The option of triggering 2 fire detectors out of 2 located in the room or zone in accordance with SNiP 2.04.09 (replaced) has less reliability for generating a control signal, since in case of a possible uncontrolled failure of the 1st PI, the control signal will not be generated if only 2 PIs are installed in the zone. Wherein this option more resistant to false positives. This option can be allowed if the management of fire protection systems will be carried out by duty personnel in accordance with a specially developed and approved in in due course an instruction that reflects the conditions for starting the fire extinguishing system in the event of a possible failure of one PI, if this is allowed by the procedure of the technological process and the dynamics of the alleged fire. However, this option may be unacceptable for a number of facilities where rapid fire development is possible.

The operation of at least 1 fire detector out of 2 is a more reliable option for generating a control signal, but in this case the detection system is less resistant to false alarms, however, it is allowed in accordance with the conditions of clause 13.2 of NPB 88-2001 * when performing measures to reduce false positives.

At present, many analog addressable systems and fire detectors have appeared, providing, firstly, performance monitoring, and secondly, working according to special algorithms that reduce the likelihood of false alarms. Therefore, if the conditions of clause 12.17 of NPB 88-2001* are met, it is allowed to generate a control signal when only one PI is installed and triggered in a room or zone.

It should be noted that in the case of using such detectors and when installing the 1st PI in the room, the reliability of one such detector must be at least 2 conventional detectors connected according to the “or” scheme (duplication) and it is possible to replace a faulty detector in the required time.

The required time is determined depending on the possibility of the operation of the object or the technological process without control of the fire situation, that is, if the dynamics of the development of a fire allows a person to control the state of the object for the period of restoration of the automatic system. Otherwise technological process must be stopped.

As you can see, NPB 88-2001* presents a fairly large selection of control algorithms for fire automation systems, but does not specifically define them, since their choice depends on the fire hazard of the facility and the tasks facing the automation system.

Specialists involved in design, depending on the tasks solved by the systems, specific parameters of the object, technological regulations, must independently choose an algorithm for controlling automation systems and technical means detection and control.

Premises - a space separated by building structures, can be considered by NPB 88-2001 * as a separate fire detection zone. Depending on the placement of various combustible materials in the room and the rate of fire development, the space of a separate room can, in turn, be divided into zones, then these zones, subject to clause 13.1, are subject to the requirements of clause 13.3 of NPB 88-2001*.

We believe that it is useful to divide large rooms into separate fire detection zones to increase the reliability of the fire signal. For example, one detector worked in one corner of a large room, a second detector worked in another corner of the room, this is not always a fire, since during a fire, the detectors adjacent to it are most likely to be triggered. In this case, the signals of individual zones can be combined according to the "or" scheme.

The formation of the control signal according to clause 13.1* and clause 13.3* is carried out if false operation or failure of the detection system will lead to material losses or to a decrease in fire safety of people.

2. The formation of a fire signal to control the type 2 warning system according to NPB 104-2003 is allowed in accordance with clause 13.2* of NPB 88-2001*.

The requirements for zone control by 3 fire detectors according to clause 13.3 are caused by the need to increase the reliability of the system of 2 detectors connected according to the coincidence scheme.

The requirement to control the zone with at least 3 detectors, refers to zones on the basis of signals from which an independent command for controlling fire protection equipment is formed.

This may include separate rooms, selected zones inside the premises when generating control commands from them (see 1st paragraph), as well as zones controlled by flame detectors.

The use of a different number of detectors of a certain type to control individual zones for tasks according to clause 13.1, at least, should not be lower than the reliability of a system of two standard detectors connected according to the "or" scheme (see clause 12.16).

Fire detection and formation of control commands according to clause 13.1 must be carried out before the onset of fire hazards.

Since regulatory documents do not yet require a mandatory determination of the time of fire detection, in addition, the space beyond false ceiling, underground space, the space of the main premises are allocated as separate control zones, then the decisions you make do not violate the requirements of NPB 88-2001 *.

When optimizing the placement of detectors for the purposes specified in clause 13.1 of NPB 88-2001 *, it should be assumed that one of the detectors closest to the place of a probable fire has failed (faulty).

In this case, the distance from the place of fire to any of the other 2 nearest detectors should not exceed H = 0.75, where H is the standard distance between the detectors according to the tables of NPB-88.

For "narrow" zones (in which B or H? 3m) this distance is taken in accordance with clause 12.22, i.e. 1.5 times more.

When placing smoke or heat detectors in great hall for tasks according to clause 13.1, the distance between the detectors should be taken as H / 2.

Installation with such a step along one of the axes (X or Y) is allowed.

In this case, in the near-wall zones on both axes, the detectors are installed with a step of H / 2

Light fire detectors may be installed on walls, beams, other building structures and equipment, taking into account the viewing angle and sensitivity of the detectors.

Redundancy for light detectors is required in all cases.

Manual fire detectors should be included in fire alarm installations and independent loops or together with automatic detectors and installed on evacuation routes (corridors, walkways, on all landings of each floor, etc.), and if necessary - in separate rooms. Inside buildings, the maximum distance between the detectors should not exceed 50 m, and outside buildings (along the perimeter of installations and warehouses of flammable liquids and combustible liquids, loading and unloading racks, open storages of combustible materials and gases, etc.) - 150 m.

The installation sites of manual fire detectors must have artificial lighting and indication signs.


Letter from the Chief State Inspector of the Russian Federation for Fire Supervision to the DPSS EMERCOM of Russia, regional centers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 04/01/2013, about the illegality of applying the provisions of NPB 110-03 for buildings built and reconstructed after 05/01/2009 - Please or to access this content

The article is based on the requirements of the Israeli standard 1220 part 3 "Fire alarm systems: installation guide and general requirements"

DEnis Katkin

Technical Director
MATAEL (Israel)

In view of the numerous theoretical disputes about the correct placement of fire detectors, I consider it reasonable to cite the official requirements. Israeli Standard 1220 is based on practical experience– both in conditions of real fires and test fires conducted at special ranges.

Omitting the information obtained as a result of experiments and experience, I will focus on the requirements of the standard.

Fire hazard categories

The standard provides for only two categories of fire hazard for objects - ordinary and high (I and II).

  1. educational institutions up to 8 floors high;
  2. residential buildings up to 8 floors;
  3. office buildings up to 8 floors;
  4. clinics, beauty salons, hairdressers;
  5. covered surface and underground parking lots;
  6. laundries, printing houses, ironers (if located in residential buildings, then they belong to the II category of fire hazard);
  7. premises with electronic computing equipment, electronic equipment and telephone exchanges;
  8. shopping centers, the shops;
  9. car services, painting, gas stations, cladding, auto parts stores;
  10. post offices, banks;
  11. medical laboratories, pharmacies, drug stores;
  12. kindergartens and nurseries;
  13. club and public institutions;
  14. production with non-hazardous raw materials and products;
  15. buildings and sheds in ports, airports, oil and gas storage facilities;
  16. power stations, transformer stations, etc.;
  17. pastry shops, bakeries and commercial kitchens.
  1. educational institutions with a height of more than 8 floors;
  2. warehouses of combustible and explosive substances;
  3. production, raw materials and/or finished goods which are flammable or dangerous;
  4. warehouses hazardous substances;
  5. hospitals, rehabilitation centers, geriatric centers, medical institutions closed type, prisons, places of temporary detention;
  6. residential buildings above 8 floors;
  7. office buildings above 8 floors;
  8. nursing homes and clubs for people with disabilities;
  9. hotels, rest houses, sanatoriums, boarding houses, gathering places, student hostels, boarding schools, motels, camps.

General installation requirements

Here are the selected requirements of the standard. These are points that are in conflict with Russian standards or are not mentioned in Russian standards or are simply blurred.

1. The detector must be connected so that when it is removed, the normal operation of the others is not disturbed.

2. The detector must be installed on a surface that cannot be moved without the use of a tool. In this case, the detector must be turned with an optical indicator towards the main entrance to the room.

3. The fire control panel (PPKP) is installed as close as possible to the central entrance to the building in direct line of sight from it. At the object guarded 24 hours a day, a remote control and indication panel is installed in the security room.

4. At facilities where there is a central fire alarm system, all additional local systems must be connected to it and provide the "Fire" and "Fault" signals.

5. Home Alone detectors must not be used in a fire alarm system.

Definition of fire zones

A fire zone is either a zone of an object protected by one unaddressed fire alarm loop with automatic detectors, or a zone protected by one automatic addressable detector.

If an addressable fire alarm system is installed in the building - and the building has more than 4 floors and the total number of detectors is more than 80 - the addressable loop is made ring or divided into more loops.

The division into fire zones should provide quick access through the central passages from the control panel to the fire site.

The following restrictions should also be considered:

  1. one fire zone cannot include more than 25 detectors;
  2. The protected area of ​​one zone cannot exceed 2000 sq. m;
  3. a fire zone cannot include different floors, unless this zone is a stairwell, an elevator shaft or towers, etc.;
  4. the length of the larger side of the protected zone cannot exceed 45 m. The only exception is for linear smoke detectors, the side of the protected zone of which is equal to the length of the beam;
  5. when installed in a room with an area of ​​​​more than 500 square meters. m only linear smoke detectors, at least two such detectors should be placed, dividing the room into different fire zones.

Manual announcers. Installation locations

Manual call points are installed near all entrances and exits of the protected floors of the building from the side where people are evacuated.

Automatic detectors. Installation locations

Key requirements
At each facility where a fire alarm system is being implemented, if there are electrical cabinets with a total current passing through them of 63 A and above, automatic fire detectors are installed in these cabinets. In the event of a "Fire" signal from this detector, the electrical cabinet must be automatically de-energized. The detector is installed so that its smoke chamber is located inside the electrical cabinet, while providing access to the detector from the outside of the maintenance cabinet.

In car parks equipped with sprinkler water fire extinguishing systems, it is allowed not to install automatic detectors, provided that a fire indication from the sprinkler system is connected to the fire alarm system.

Automatic detectors are installed at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the source of air supply to the room. In any case, the air velocity at the location of the detector installation must not exceed 0.76 m/s. In places where the air velocity exceeds 0.76 m/s, please refer to the detector manufacturer's installation requirements, reducing the area protected by the detector in accordance with its instructions.

If the room is divided by partitions that do not reach the ceiling of 45 cm or less, such partitions are considered solid walls when installing automatic detectors.

If structural stiffeners or similar structures are lowered from the ceiling by more than 10% of the ceiling height, such structures should be treated as walls when installing detectors. The same is true when the height of such a structure is more than 45 cm.

In wells (such as stairwells, communication shafts, etc.) it is necessary to install an automatic detector on every 4th floor, starting from the top (the distance is not more than 12 m between the detectors). In the elevator shaft, an automatic detector should be placed on the ceiling. If the elevator shaft has a hatch in the ceiling with dimensions of at least 60x40 cm, the detector can be placed indoors above the hatch.

Protected area
In the presence of centralized system air conditioning, it is necessary to install an automatic detector in the central duct with air drawn from the air-conditioned rooms.

In rooms where one detector is enough, it is installed as close as possible to the center of the room. In case of installation more detectors, they should be placed as symmetrically as possible.

In electrical cabinets or rooms with voltages from 500 V to 6 kV, automatic aspiration detectors should be installed. In the presence of voltages above 6 kV, the choice of detectors is left to the designer.

If the facility has automatic system extinguishing with water (sprinkler), its fire and malfunction indications should be connected to the fire alarm system.

The values ​​given in table. 1 are valid for rooms in which complete air exchange occurs no more than 6 times per hour.

If the complete exchange of air in the protected room occurs more often than 6 times per hour, one should be guided by the schedule in fig. 1. The number of complete air changes per hour in the protected room is marked horizontally, and the average area protected by the detector (sq. m) is marked vertically.

Placement Height and Distance

Automatic detectors are installed exclusively on the ceiling and at a distance of at least 11 cm from the walls. If there is a structure protruding from the ceiling near the installation site of the detector, then the detector should be placed at a distance equal to the height of this structure or more. In table. 2 shows the types of detectors for different installation heights.

In table. 3 shows the maximum horizontal distances between the detectors and the maximum distances from the walls of the protected room (if the detector comes first from the wall).

False ceiling placement
If there are false ceilings, detectors should be installed on them (even if the horizontal distance to the nearest detector on the main ceiling is equal to or less than the permitted):

  • I category of fire hazard - when covering more than 50% of the area of ​​​​the room with a false ceiling;
  • II category of fire hazard - when covering more than 30% of the area of ​​​​the room with a false ceiling.

In other cases, detectors in rooms are installed only on the main ceiling, and on a false ceiling - if the distance from the detector on the main ceiling to the wall is exceeded.

In corridors, detectors above false ceilings are placed in the following cases: if the distance between the main and false ceilings is more than 60 cm and there is at least one electrical cable or combustible materials in this space.

If the walls between the rooms and the corridors are made of combustible materials or do not separate the ceiling space between the corridor and the rooms, detectors should be installed above the false ceilings in the rooms.

Placement with stiffeners
If there are stiffening ribs or similar structures on the ceilings, the detectors are installed as shown in fig. 2.

If the distance W exceeds 4xH, the detector is placed on the ceiling, otherwise - on the stiffener.

Raised floor installation
The detectors are installed in the raised floor as shown in fig. 3.

The top row shows the correct setting, the bottom row shows the wrong setting. Correct installation also implies a rigid structure on which the detector is installed. The maximum protected area for the detector in the raised floor is 11 sq. m.

Placement at a height of more than 4.5 m
When installing smoke detectors at heights exceeding 4.5 m, the detector should be placed on a structure that distances it from the ceiling by a distance depending on the installation height. On fig. 4 shows the vertical heights of the ceilings and the distance from the ceiling to the smoke detectors (in meters).

The height of the spacer is selected from the shaded range along the horizontal line passing through the selected ceiling height. For example: if the ceiling height is 6 m, then the structure for moving the detector away from the ceiling can be in the range of 0.25–0.5 m.

The detectors are installed so that the sensitive element is located within 25–150 mm from the ceiling.

In rooms above 4.5 m, separated by racks, in addition to detectors on the ceiling, detectors should be installed on racks at distances of 2.5 m from the floor and then evenly in height every 4 m - while the distance from the ceiling detector to the nearest one on the rack should not exceed 4.5 m.

Installation on sloped ceilings
Installation of detectors on sloping ceilings is carried out using an additional structure that ensures the horizontal position of the detector. A ceiling is considered to be inclined if the angle between it and the horizon exceeds 7 degrees.

If the ceiling slopes only in one direction, the detectors (detector rows) are installed as shown in fig. 5. The letter S indicates the horizontal distance (in meters) between the detectors located at different heights, and the letter D indicates the detectors.

When installed on a sloping ceiling, it is allowed to increase the horizontal distance between the detectors at the rate of 1% for each degree of slope, but not more than 25%. The distance between the wall and the upper detector must be 1 m horizontally.

If the ceiling consists of two slopes connected at the top point, the upper detector (row of detectors) is installed at the highest point, and the remaining detectors at distances depending on the angle of the slope.

As you can see, several simple rules installations, under which reliable and timely notification of fires is ensured. Of course, you will be interested in the question of minimum quantity detectors in the room. Standard 1220 in the third part does not imply any redundant detectors. That is, if the area of ​​the protected premises is equal to or less than the maximum area that the detector can protect, only one is installed.

Outside part 3 of the 1220 standard

The logic of duplication of the "Fire" signal is dictated in another part of the 1220 standard, namely in the "Fire extinguishing systems" part. Only to start fire extinguishing systems, it is required to receive a "Fire" signal from two detectors or from a manual call point designed to force the start of fire extinguishing. Of course, designers can tighten the requirements, but it remains at their discretion. A few more interesting points.

1. The reliability of the detectors must be such that there is no need for replacement throughout the entire period of operation.

2. The start time of automation and notification should not exceed 10 seconds from the moment the "Fire" signal is received from any of the detectors.

3. It is forbidden to use radio channel systems as fire alarm systems, automation control, fire extinguishing and fire warning systems due to the use of communication lines with sharply and in large ranges changing physical characteristics. Such changes entail delays that are unacceptable in systems that must perform their functions accurately. The lower physical reliability of wireless systems is also taken into account due to the presence of additional signal processing and conversion nodes, power nodes and other elements that are not directly related to fire identification, but occupy most wireless system devices.

5. In places where there is a danger of hazardous gases, it is also necessary to install detectors designed to identify these gases, according to the manufacturer's specifications.

6. And finally, the concept of "false alarm", or "falsehood", as it is often called in Russia. A false alarm is a "Fire" signal received from any detector without affecting it with factors that should cause the appearance of this signal in quantities regulated by the standards.

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13.3. Placement of fire detectors

13.3.1. The number of automatic fire detectors is determined by the need to detect fires in the controlled area of ​​the premises or areas of the premises, and the number of flame detectors is determined by the controlled area of ​​the equipment.

13.3.2. At least two fire detectors connected according to the "OR" logical scheme should be installed in each protected room.

Note - In the case of using an aspiration detector, unless specifically specified, it is necessary to proceed from the following provision: one air intake hole should be considered as one point (non-address) fire detector. In this case, the detector must generate a fault signal in the event of a deviation in the air flow rate in the air intake pipe by 20% from its initial value set as an operating parameter.

13.3.3. It is allowed to install one automatic fire detector in the protected premises or allocated parts of the premises, if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

a) the area of ​​the room is not more than the area protected by the fire detector, indicated in the technical documentation for it, and not more than the average area indicated in tables 13.3 - 13.6;

b) automatic monitoring of the fire detector performance under the influence of environmental factors is provided, confirming the performance of its functions, and a notice of serviceability (malfunction) is generated on the control panel;

c) identification of a faulty detector using light indication and the possibility of its replacement by the duty personnel within the set time, determined in accordance with Appendix O;

d) when a fire detector is triggered, a signal is not generated to control fire extinguishing installations or fire warning systems of the 5th type according to, as well as other systems, the false operation of which can lead to unacceptable material losses or a decrease in the level of people's safety.

13.3.4. Point fire detectors should be installed under the ceiling.

If it is not possible to install detectors directly on the ceiling, they can be installed on cables, as well as walls, columns and other supporting building structures.

When installing point detectors on walls, they should be placed at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the corner and at a distance from the ceiling in accordance with Appendix P.

The distance from the upper overlap point to the detector at its installation site and depending on the height of the room and the shape of the overlap can be determined in accordance with Appendix P or at other heights if the detection time is sufficient to perform fire protection tasks in accordance with GOST 12.1.004, which must be verified by calculation.

When the detectors are suspended on a cable, their stable position and orientation in space must be ensured.

In the case of using aspiration detectors, it is allowed to install air sampling pipes, both in horizontal and in vertical plane.

When placing fire detectors at a height of more than 6 m, the option of access to the detectors for maintenance and repair should be determined.

13.3.5. In rooms with steep roofs, such as diagonal, gable, four-slope, hipped, serrated, with a slope of more than 10 degrees, some of the detectors are installed in the vertical plane of the roof ridge or the highest part of the building.

The area protected by one detector installed in the upper parts of roofs is increased by 20%.

Note - If the floor plane has different slopes, then the detectors are installed at surfaces with smaller slopes.

13.3.6. Placement of point heat and smoke fire detectors should be carried out taking into account air flows in the protected room caused by supply or exhaust ventilation, while the distance from the detector to the ventilation opening must be at least 1 m. In the case of an aspiration fire detector, the distance from the air intake pipe with holes up to the ventilation hole is regulated by the value of the allowable air flow for a given type of detector.

13.3.7. The distances between the detectors, as well as between the wall and the detectors, given in tables 13.3 and 13.5, can be changed within the area given in tables 13.3 and 13.5.

13.3.8. If there are linear beams on the ceiling (Figure 1 - here and below the drawings are not shown), the distances between point smoke and heat detectors across the beams M are determined according to Table 13.1. The distance of the edge detector from the wall should not exceed half M. The distance between the detectors L is determined according to tables 13.3 and 13.5, respectively, taking into account clause 13.3.10.

Table 13.1

Ceiling height H (rounded to the nearest integer), mBeam height DMaximum distance to the nearest smoke (heat) detectorDetector placement with cell width W<= 4D Detector placement for W > 4D
1 2 3 4 5
6 m or lessLess than 10% HLike a flat ceilingOn the bottom plane of the beamsOn the ceiling
Over 6 mLess than 10% H and 600mm or lessLike a flat ceilingOn the bottom plane of the beamsOn the ceiling
Over 6 mLess than 10% H and more than 600 mmLike a flat ceilingOn the bottom plane of the beamsOn the ceiling
3 m or lessMore than 10% H4.5 m (3 m)On the bottom plane of the beamsOn the ceiling
4 mMore than 10% H5.5 m (4 m)On the bottom plane of the beamsOn the ceiling
5 mMore than 10% H6 m (4.5 m)On the bottom plane of the beamsOn the ceiling
>= 6 mMore than 10% H6.6 m (5 m)On the bottom plane of the beamsOn the ceiling

13.3.12. Fire detectors should be installed in accordance with the requirements of the technical documentation for detectors of specific types.

13.3.13. In places where there is a danger of mechanical damage to the detector, a protective structure must be provided that does not impair its performance and the effectiveness of fire detection.

13.3.14. In the case of installation in one control zone of different types of fire detectors, their placement is carried out in accordance with the requirements of these standards for each type of detector.

13.3.15. If the prevailing fire factor is not determined, it is allowed to install combined fire detectors (smoke - heat) or a combination of smoke and heat fire detectors. In this case, the location of the detectors is made according to table 13.5.

If the predominant fire factor is smoke, the detectors are placed according to Table 13.3 or 13.6.

In this case, when determining the number of detectors, the combined detector is taken into account as one detector.

13.3.16. Floor-mounted detectors can be used to protect the area below a perforated false ceiling if the following conditions are met simultaneously:

perforation has a periodic structure and its area exceeds 40% of the surface;

minimum size each perforation in any section is at least 10 mm;

the thickness of the false ceiling is no more than three times the minimum size of the perforation cell.

If at least one of these requirements is not met, the detectors must be installed on the false ceiling in the main room, and if it is necessary to protect the space behind the false ceiling, additional detectors must be installed on the main ceiling.

13.3.17. The detectors should be oriented so that the indicators are directed, if possible, towards the door leading to the exit from the room.

13.3.18. The placement and use of fire detectors, the application procedure of which is not defined in this set of rules, must be carried out in accordance with the recommendations agreed upon in the prescribed manner.

Every year, through the efforts of scientists, as well as developers, designers of equipment, devices, components of APS installations / systems, the number of the most diverse in appearance, quality, as a rule, of a plastic case; functional, often combined, principle of action, purpose is steadily growing.

In order to understand this diversity, it is worth generalizing the knowledge about what they are needed for, first of all, by customers; who invest, let's face it, very significant amounts in the design of APS, AUPT installations, for the purchase of equipment, including fire detectors, as an almost mandatory element of the vast majority of fire automatics systems; installation and adjustment works, subsequent maintenance.

Purpose of the fire detector

  • As soon as possible, detection of signs of a fire in a room, whether it be a sharp increase / change in temperature, air density or the appearance of an open flame, substances that are uncharacteristic of normal conditions in space - soot particles, aerosols, gases.
  • Resistance to external influences: both mechanical and technological interference, as well as false positives associated with them.
  • Long service life even in harsh conditions - in the presence of dust, harmful impurities, aggressive environments, high humidity in protected areas.

Regulatory installation requirements

First of all, you need to understand where it is necessary to install, and what kind / type of fire detectors. The norms - that establish the rules for the design of APS / AUPT installations / systems, say the following about this:

  • The choice of type / types of fire detectors is carried out in direct proportion to the functional purpose of the room / building, as well as the type of fire load.
  • The choice is limited to three types of fire detectors - heat, smoke, flame.

More accurate information on the choice can be obtained by studying Appendix M to this joint venture, which presents all the main types of premises of buildings / structures, depending on their functional purpose, their corresponding fire detectors.

Types of fire detectors

In fact, apart from numerous, different combinations / modifications, there are still three main types of such indoor fire detection devices:

  • . Determine the appearance of an open fire. There are two types: ultraviolet and infrared flame detectors. Designed to protect both premises of large volumes / heights (hangars, machine rooms), and open technological, storage areas, nodes / stations of pipeline transport control with the presence of flammable liquids / combustible gases.

  • . This is, as a rule, a mechanical panic button, when pressed, a signal about the occurrence of a fire detected by an eyewitness of this event enters the premises of the fire / security post / station, the control panel of the fire department.

Types of fire detectors

In each type of such devices, various types and modifications have been developed, embodied in metal and plastic; not only different design features or appearance, but by the very principle of fire detection.

It is worth giving an example of such significant differences within one type on heat detectors, which today “hunt down” a fire in two ways:

  • The first one is the most “ancient”, but still working flawlessly today - upon reaching the critical / threshold temperature in space, as a rule, directly under the ceiling of the protected room, “prescribed” in the physical characteristics / mechanism of action. It can be a thermal relay or a drop of low-melting solder connecting two contacts in the simplest design such a device called .
  • The second method is the detection of a starting fire by a sharp increase in temperature per unit of time (per minute). Sensors based on this principle are called.
  • Modern models products of many manufacturers, for the most part, combine both methods. These are the most sensitive, reliable devices, as they combine two tactics for detecting a fire source by any change in temperature in the room.

Similar examples various types, fire detection principles/methods can be given by considering smoke detectors. They can be aspiration sensors for the smallest particles of soot, aerosols and other combustion products of organic substances / materials.

But, this is far from a complete classification of fire detectors. Indeed, in addition to the above species / types, they are also divided:

  • According to the method of detecting the exact location / detection of a fire in the protected premises of a building / structure - , as well as , and .
  • According to the principle/method of constant/discrete exchange of information with the control panel/station - , - , including on the basis of cellular communication various standards; or completely, in the body of which all necessary elements to ensure long-term performance, fire detection, light / sound signal, even launch of a local fire extinguishing system, as implemented in the signal-starting device USPAA-1.
  • According to the degree of protection of the housing / shell, places of entry of wires / cables from moisture, dust, explosive air-gas / aerosol environment in the premises where they are mounted - or in the usual version for installation in buildings with normal conditions.

Again, we should not forget that in pursuit of an outstanding / different case design from all other manufacturers, the general appearance detectors different types, their modifications, often differ so much from the usual / standard forms / outlines; that they can be mistaken for the latest video surveillance devices, burglar alarm, fire extinguishing, sound / lighting equipment, but not for APS sensors.

And it is also often very difficult to understand what kind of sensor is installed on the ceiling / wall or set up as product sample.

Designation of fire detectors

It looks like a specific set of letters/numbers:

IP x1x2x3, where x1 is a sign of the fire that he controls: 1 - heat, 2 - smoke, 3 - flame, 5 - manual.

The next position - x2x3, tells the principle of operation of the sensor. For example, IP 104 stands for thermal detector using a fusible sensor, IP 212 - optical smoke.

Graphically, the sign of a fire detector should be depicted in accordance with , which gives examples correct application all elements of alarm systems, fire extinguishing, video surveillance.