Mixer      06/23/2020

Heating system in a 2-storey building. Heating of a two-storey house. What options exist? Heating scheme with forced circulation of a two-story house: its advantages and disadvantages

The arrangement of the heating system of a two-story private house requires a competent approach, since the main thing depends on this indicator, which any resident of a cottage requires - comfort. Today, air and electric heating systems are becoming more and more popular. But electric does not mean standard heaters or underfloor heating, but those that run on alternative energy sources such as solar panels.

Standard wiring diagram

Typically, such a scheme involves the use of pipes made of metal plastic - this is what they can tell in design and engineering bureaus. However, these pipes can be easily replaced with polypropylene or even copper pipes. Interestingly, today copper pipes have again become in demand.

The fact is that despite all their shortcomings, including high cost, they have a very significant advantage: the coolant circulating through copper pipes and radiators does not need to be replaced for many, many years. In fact, you can pour it once - and that's it, it's enough for a lifetime!

Standard wiring diagram for a heating system in a two-story house

Fittings, various shaped systems, connectors and other components are connected only depending on the angle of their inclination and relative position from each other. Such a wiring diagram usually requires the use of various valves: from ball valves to radiator valves (they are all straight).

After the calculation is made according to the scheme, the required number of radiators and their sections is also calculated. The latter are mounted on special brackets. Accordingly, the more sections there are, the more brackets (or other fittings that can replace them) will be needed.

You should not install more sections of radiators than necessary: ​​this will increase energy consumption, and the effect will be minimal.

Top and bottom wiring

In a house where there is both a basement and an attic, one of two types of wiring can be used: top or bottom. Of course, that in almost any 2-storey house there will be both an attic and a basement.

Features of wiring, depending on their type:

  1. At the top, the coolant will be supplied from the attic, getting into the distributor, and then going down the pipes;
  2. At the bottom, the coolant, respectively, will be supplied from the basement, flowing down.

Of course, it seems logical that it is easiest to use the upper wiring, because in this case the pump will be of the lowest power, and the coolant itself will circulate much faster.

Scheme of a two-pipe heating system with bottom wiring

However, it depends on which side you look at: the upper wiring will be irrelevant, for example, if an attic is installed in the house (living in the “embraces” of a heating boiler is another pleasure, it should be noted), and if a leak occurs, it will completely flood the whole house. Is it worth the risk?

It should be said right away that the coolant does not always mean water: now many owners of private houses also use antifreeze (this will not affect the choice of lower or upper wiring).

But in any case, there are 2 rules that apply regardless of the selected type:

Two-pipe and one-pipe heating system

The choice between a one-pipe and two-pipe heating system in the construction of houses was the most difficult decision for the owner. The systems differ significantly from each other, and each has one significant advantage and one of the same drawback.

For not big houses It is better to prefer a two-pipe heating system.

Scheme of the device of a single-pipe heating system

Brief description of the two types of heating systems:

Plastic pipes - the best option for a modern heating system
  1. Single-pipe, as you might guess, requires the use of only one centralized line (pipe), regardless of what type of heating is used: water boiler, stove, gas, steam, using electric boiler or without it, and so on. But there is one problem: the already cooled coolant enters the same pipe with which it was supplied, op to the main riser. It turns out that the most lower radiators will be much colder than the first. Consequently, their heating area will also increase, which is good (this implies that such a heating system will require a much larger number of radiators, batteries);
  2. Two-pipe requires complex technical conditions for its installation, but is more efficient. The cooled and hot water circulates through different highways, without touching in any way and without interfering with each other at all. It turns out that all batteries warm up evenly, and the heat does not just go away;
  3. In general, single-pipe is cheap, but far from the most efficient; two-pipe - expensive and complex, but very effective. The dilemma will have to be solved directly by the owner of the building, there's nothing to be done about it.

Installation of the system when planning a warm floor

The main nuances that must be considered when planning the installation of a warm floor:

When installing a warm floor, it is necessary to take into account the type of subsequent finishing
  • It is very important to choose the right flooring. Very! For example, if a screed is laid on top of a warm floor (and it is mandatory and will be in any case), and a 10-centimeter parquet is placed on top of the screed, then why is this warm floor needed at all if the efficiency of such a system is zero? All such points must be taken into account;
  • The underfloor heating pipeline is always and under any circumstances mounted exclusively in the screed of the floor itself. Then usually people ask themselves: what should be its thickness? But experts will be able to answer this question only if they have information about all the initial parameters of the house itself and the required for heating scheme power;
  • Even if it is planned to install a warm floor on the ground floor only in some parts, thermal insulation will have to be carried out over the entire surface of the floor, otherwise the heat will go to the basement, thereby wasting energy virtually nowhere and lowering the efficiency of the entire system. Of course, this is provided that there are no living rooms in the basement or no animals are kept. For the second floor, this condition is optional;

By the way, any water supply scheme will work more efficiently if it has natural rather than forced circulation, which is extremely important. How different are heating systems?

For example, what will be the difference between the heating system of a one-story brick private house with polypropylene pipes (polypropylene pipes are now popular) and a two-story wooden house, which is heated by an electric boiler?

The difference will be significant, because here it will be necessary to determine how to properly connect the heating system (for each type of house - differently), is it possible to do it yourself, is it possible to connect devices with very high power in a private house?

The general scheme of the underfloor heating device in the house

In any case, the heating system one-story house a priori, it will be easier from a technical point of view than in houses with two or more floors. And if we take huge houses, the area of ​​​​which starts from 500 m², then everything is so complicated and completely confusing that it seems that even a nuclear physicist will not immediately figure out where to insert this or that fitting and with what pumps water or some other coolant circulates.


You can watch a video where experts talk about how to install a heating system in a two-story house and organize collector heating.

The question of how to properly make heating in a two-story house is quite complicated, and installing a boiler and piping with your own hands seems problematic, especially if the system is unfamiliar to you. However, if you prepare a heating project, the system carried out in a two-story house may be too tough for you.

In this case, there may be a two-pipe or one-pipe heating system of a two-story house, forced circulation or natural circulation, a double-circuit boiler or a single-circuit one. In the photos and videos that are posted on our website, it will be possible to distinguish in more detail the features that the system has, each heating wiring diagram has its own advantages.

Types of heating systems

You can equip a two-story house and run pipes yourself, but the best solution is if the system is assembled by a pro. Then the heating of a 2-storey house will be the most effective.

The heating scheme of a 2-storey private house differs in many characteristics. For example, heating may include one or two pipes for supplying coolant, regardless of whether it is forced circulation or natural.

In the first case, the heating of a two-story private house is carried out if the pipes are of small length. The one-pipe system assumes that, having completed the heating of a 2-storey building, the water from the radiators does not go into the boiler, but enters the hot pipes and mixes with it. As a result, the circulation of chilled water begins, and it becomes difficult to efficiently heat a 2-story house in remote sections of the pipe.

Therefore, heating a two-story house in the version with a single-pipe system is not recommended to be developed independently, and even more so to assemble the pipes with your own hands. The exception is Leningradka - this is an easy-to-implement one-pipe heating system in a two-story house, its scheme is one of the best in simplicity. Leningradka allows you to make heating a two-story house without much effort.

The two-pipe heating system of a two-story house has proven itself well - it has only forced circulation, natural is not provided. The system has two pipes, so that the liquid on its way to the boiler, whether it is a double-circuit boiler or not, does not enter the pipes with cold water, as a one-pipe heating system suggests. A more thoughtful two-pipe wiring avoids heat losses, so that the heating of a 2-storey house becomes efficient. Moreover, a two-pipe heating system is perfect in cases where a 2-storey house has a significant area, and the pipes are long.

The scheme and system may provide for the circulation of the coolant to be natural and forced. These are the best options if heating is planned to be economical. Natural circulation, when heating a 2-storey house is needed, occurs due to the heating and cooling of water inside the pipe. The heating system with natural circulation is relatively cheap. An alternative is forced circulation, when heating with an electric pump is carried out in a 2-storey private house.

The boiler itself in a two-story house can be double-circuit and single-circuit. A double-circuit boiler has proven itself better, because in a 2-storey house it will be possible to carry out not only heating, but also hot water through pipes.

For this, additional pipes are installed, which the water supply system has, heating - separately. The scheme for them in a two-story house is developed separately with their own hands or with the involvement of a specialist. But if you need heating for a 2-storey private house, a double-circuit boiler is not always suitable. With the help of videos and photos, it will be possible to evaluate which system is better and choose the right heating.

Choosing a heating system

When designing heating, the scheme and system must be thought out based on the area that a 2-storey house has. It is important that the system distributes heating to the entire 2-storey private house through the pipes completely. If the pipe laying scheme is developed independently, it is still better to show the heating of a 2-storey house to a specialist.

When it is decided to assemble the heating of a two-story house with your own hands, natural circulation will be quite complicated. Therefore, most often, the scheme provides for the installation of pumps, due to which not natural, but forced circulation of the coolant through the pipes is ensured. Then that two-pipe, that one-pipe heating system will show the best results. How the pipe is laid out, you can look at the photo and video.

The simplest project is the Leningrad heating scheme. This is a one-pipe heating system of a two-story house, where there is natural circulation. The system can be assembled by hand, which the best option for those who want to equip a 2-storey private house with the lowest costs for pipes and radiators.

The most difficult to implement collector system heating of a two-story house. This project is designed to carry out heating of spacious rooms. The collector circuit cannot be assembled by hand, even if you use video and photos.

Calculation of the heating system

When making the calculations yourself, you need to take into account such factors as the wiring and pipe length, the boiler used, the pipe laying scheme. Of course, heating a 2-storey private house will cost more than a system in a one-story private house. Also consider that natural circulation is cheaper than artificial circulation.

With the help of the video, you can get the best tips from the masters on how to equip a two-story house, including learning the calculation formulas. In addition, a heating project for a two-story house can be developed by a professional - it will be more reasonable, because then the pipe wiring to a 2-story private house will be organized correctly.

Financial expenses

When calculating how much a self-installed system will cost, specify whether the boiler will be double-circuit or single-circuit. Add to its price the cost of the pipe and fixtures. Ideally, heating a 2-storey building should be inexpensive. But you should not save too much, otherwise the system will cool down a 2-storey private house. However, a double-circuit boiler can be replaced with a single-circuit one, heating will not deteriorate significantly.

The Leningrad heating scheme is quite cheap. This natural circulation heating system of a two-story house is also efficient. Leningradka does not require long pipes; the circuit of this heating system for a two-story private house is simple to implement. Simple wiring and system allow you to do everything yourself.

A two-pipe heating system is more expensive, especially in a two-story house. And the most expensive is the collector heating system of a two-story house with forced circulation. The wiring of its pipe itself can only be done with great effort, so heating in a two-story house should be carried out by specialists.

Find out for yourself how much you plan to spend on heating, how “gluttonous” the system is. Sometimes the boiler is the reason why heating a 2-storey private house becomes too expensive. The system can work on various types fuel. When installing the boiler in a private house, electrical wiring may be required. If there is a double-circuit gas boiler, you need a pipe for gas supply.

Pipe selection

When choosing pipes to equip the heating of a 2-storey private house, pay attention to their material. Pipes made of steel or polypropylene are installed in a private house. Regardless of the pipe material, the system, scheme and wiring for which heating is carried out in a 2-storey private house does not change.

The key factor is only the diameter of the pipe - it depends on whether forced circulation is needed or natural circulation will still be possible. The diameter of each pipe to a private house is calculated based on which system is in a two-story house, and at what speed the coolant should move. In addition, you need to consider what the system, project, scheme and wiring will be like - single-pipe or two-pipe, Leningrad or collector.

One-pipe and two-pipe heating system: diagram with video

To find out what scheme is needed in a private house, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the photo and video materials. They can be found on our website. Most of the photos were taken in good quality, pipes in a two-story house are perfectly distinguishable. Also in the photo you can see the fasteners, with the help of which the pipes in a 2-storey private house are interconnected. If you need wiring, its diagram is also available on the site. Using the photo and other materials from our website, wiring in a private house can be done by hand.

Especially if a single-pipe heating system in a private house is Leningradka. It can be carried out in any two-story house of a small area. A double-circuit boiler is not needed, and the heating project allows you to place a small number of radiators in a private house, and the pipe length should not be too long. Otherwise, self-assembled heating in a private house will turn out to be inefficient, a 2-storey private house will begin to cool down.

In a two-story house, not only a one-pipe, but also a two-pipe heating system can be carried out. Comparing which one is better - one-pipe or two-pipe - it is worth noting that they have nuances of application. For example, a two-pipe heating scheme is suitable if a private house is spacious. The two-pipe system does not mix cold and hot water. A single-pipe scheme does not have such an opportunity, this project becomes less effective, because cold water on the way to the boiler, it mixes with the heated one - this is the system.

If you need an efficient heating scheme for a two-story house, the best options are quite complex, such as a collector system. However, even in this case, the photo will be useful - the collector circuit in the house can be installed with your own hands, if there are samples. Sometimes the collector system is considered as a separate variety. Using the photo and the best tips from the masters, it will be possible to install the heating in the house in the best way.

Heating a two-story house with a double-circuit boiler: scheme

When preparing a project for a private house, pay attention to what the system is. If a double-circuit boiler is planned, its pipe layout has its own differences. For example, a double-circuit boiler allows you to connect not only pipes to heat a 2-story house, but also makes it possible to connect water pipes to a two-story house.

A double-circuit boiler in a private house is characterized by a long service life. The heating scheme of a two-story house with a double-circuit boiler is two-pipe, it has such advantages as the possibility of flexible regulation. If the system fails, the boiler can be disconnected from the pipe itself.

Heating system with natural and forced circulation

Forced circulation and natural circulation differ in that in the first case, water enters a single-circuit or double-circuit boiler and leaves it through the pipes where the pump is installed, and in the second, the heating of a 2-storey house is designed so that the system itself pumps the coolant through the pipes into the house.

As a rule, the natural current scheme is used when the system is single-pipe, and when it is two-pipe, heating will not do without a pump. However, if the system is not two-pipe, the heating of a 2-storey building can still be carried out using a pump.

You can get acquainted with how the forced circulation of the heating system of a two-story private house is organized using a photo. Regardless of whether the system is two-pipe or one-pipe, the choice of whether forced circulation or natural circulation is needed should be based on the opinion of a professional. It is necessary to decide whether there should be natural or forced circulation, even at the stage when the project is being prepared, and the system, pipe wiring and heating scheme are only in the plans.

Collector heating system

Considering the best options, the collector heating system in a private house attracts attention. Its distinctive feature is that the pipes lead to the collectors, for which the collector system got its name. Such wiring in a private house is universal. It allows you to mount a double-circuit boiler and pipes to it in the most convenient way. It should be noted that the collector system is not a single-pipe system and not a two-pipe system, sometimes it is isolated.

The collector system has one drawback - the pipes to the house are too elongated. The advantage that the collector system has is the ability to make the heating of a 2-storey house according to the "warm floor" principle. You can find out how to equip a private house with it on our website, including a photo showing the collector system.

Pipe routing options

It is believed that laying a pipe in a private house is a difficult task, however, by looking at the photo, you can make sure that the one-pipe, two-pipe, and collector systems are nothing complicated. It will be possible to assemble them with your own hands, if used best pipes without defects. If desired, you yourself can even connect a double-circuit boiler.

If planned gas heating, the scheme, including the location of the gas supply pipe, must be agreed with the competent authorities. Accordingly, wiring to the house is carried out only after the system is approved, whether it is single-pipe, two-pipe or manifold.

Do-it-yourself heating installation in a private house

You can independently install a single-circuit or double-circuit boiler in the room, in the same way it is allowed to mount pipes. But there is a condition: the layout must be carefully thought out, and the performer must be experienced enough. It will be difficult if natural circulation is provided.

The best options are when the system, including pipes, is installed in a private house by specialists. Regardless of whether the circulation is natural or artificial, the wiring will be correct, and you will also receive a guarantee of quality. It does not matter which system is a collector or another type. The masters will surely cope with the task, and the heating will work efficiently.

If you want to make heating without professional support, use the photo from this page - the system for a private house is described in detail on our website. However, photos alone will not help you, and in order to assemble heating, you still have to seek advice, for example, in order to correctly calculate the diameter of the pipe.

There are several types of heating systems that can be used in residential low-rise buildings. They differ significantly in their layout and composition. This article is devoted to the following questions: which heating scheme for a two-story house is considered optimal, its main elements, features of construction and wiring. And also provided formulas for self-calculation of the heating project.

Varieties of heating systems

Heating schemes, in addition to classification according to the type of fuel used by the boiler (gas, solid fuel, electric), are divided according to the following parameters:

  • according to the method of circulation of the coolant - natural / forced;
  • according to the presence of excess pressure - open/closed (non-pressure/pressure);
  • by type of wiring circuits - horizontal / vertical, one-pipe / two-pipe, upper / lower, serial / collector (beam).

Let us consider in more detail the listed layouts of heating equipment in relation to two-story residential buildings.

Natural, forced, combined circulation

Most modern heating schemes use circulation pumps for forced transportation of the coolant in a closed circuit. This allows:

  • quickly and evenly heat radiators on both floors of the building;
  • maintain a small temperature difference between supply and return;
  • create a hydraulic head of 5-10 m or more (depending on the power circulation pump).

The disadvantage of the pressure circuit is its energy dependence. During long power outages, an alternative source of power supply is required to maintain the heating performance.

Heating scheme with forced circulation of a two-story house

Natural (gravitational) circulation of the coolant is still used in heating circuits two-storey houses with basements or basements. It is characterized by the installation of the boiler at the lowest level of the building. The hot coolant is supplied to the accelerating collector - a vertical pipe. It ends at its highest point expansion tank. The coolant flows through the system due to the difference in density between cold and hot liquids.

If the natural hydraulic head is not enough, then the circulation of the coolant is provided through the use of a combined scheme. In this case, the heat pump (a fairly low-power unit) does not crash into a break in the coolant supply line, but in parallel with it. In the supply section between the two tie-ins (in fact, this part of the line becomes with a bypass), a tap or ball check valve is installed. During the initial start-up and / or intensive use of heating, the coolant overtakes the circulation pump through the system. If there is a power failure (the pump is turned off), the system is automatically (through the check valve) or forcibly (through the bypass valve) is switched to the gravity circulation mode.

The location of the main elements of the heating system according to the gravitational scheme of the movement of the coolant in a two-story house

Open and closed circuits

Its main advantage is the simplicity of tying the boiler. Open, often gravitational wiring, equipped with an atmospheric expansion tank (it also acts as an air vent and safety valve). The hydrostatic pressure in the open circuit is equal to the distance from the water mirror in the tank to the lowest point - the boiler return.

The closed layout is characterized by excess pressure, therefore it is completed with a membrane expansion tank. At the same time, if there are no leaks at the joints of its elements, then renewal of the coolant is practically not required. This serves as a good prevention of the formation of scale deposits, which reduces the heat transfer efficiency and increases the hydraulic resistance of the circuits.

Horizontal and vertical systems

Horizontal wiring is used not only in one-story (single-level) structures. It is applied as component vertical, in the wiring diagram for heating a private house on 2 floors. For example, a riser extending from the basement or ground floor to the attic, is a vertical wiring, and the heating radiators connected to it located on the floors are horizontal.

Horizontal and vertical (two-pipe) connection scheme

Schemes of the upper and lower connection of the circuits

They belong to two-pipe heating systems. At the top supply, the hot coolant pipe is led to the attic of a two-story house, then from there it is divided into vertical and horizontal risers. The return is laid in the basement. To activate the heating, it is enough to open the shut-off valves on both lines and bleed the air through a single upper air vent.

In the case of a lower coolant supply, the supply and return lines are laid in the basement, where vertical risers are connected to them. When you start heating, you have to bleed air from each of them.

Diagrams of two-pipe heating systems with lower and upper distribution of the supply pipeline:

  1. Boiler
  2. Circulation pump
  3. Expander closed or open type.
  4. air collector
  5. Mayevsky crane

Important! From the point of view of heating efficiency, there is no particular difference for a two-story house between the upper and lower wiring. However, the first is easier to activate, the second - to configure.

Collector (parallel) and serial circuits




The temperature of each radiator is controlled independently and from one place

Relatively small pipe footage

The coolant is distributed evenly without throttling

Efficiency of installation


High pipe consumption

Uneven heating of radiators

Concealed piping required

The need to install control valves on each radiator separately

For a two-story residential building with a complex layout, it is more rational to use a collector connection scheme. It contributes to more precise temperature control, as well as energy savings.

One-pipe and two-pipe layout

A single-pipe coolant supply system (Leningradka) is a ring laid along the perimeter of the floor to which heating radiators are connected. Two-pipe heating is characterized by the supply of coolant through one pipe, and its return through the other.

In heating systems for two-story houses, it is most advisable to use two-pipe schemes with forced circulation of the coolant.

Single pipe wiring

Radiators are connected in gap or parallel to the pipeline (according to the bypass scheme). The second option is preferable. It provides the ability to turn off the radiator without stopping the entire system and draining the coolant.

The lower radiator connection diagram, in which the hot coolant supply pipe acts as a bypass:

  1. Boiler
  2. Expansion tank open type
  3. Heating radiators
  4. Mayevsky crane for air bleeding
  5. Faucet for draining and filling the system

The effective height of a one-pipe system is up to 30m, which completely covers the needs of a 2-storey building. Nevertheless, a number of technical and operational difficulties are known for it:

  1. In a 2-storey house, several single-pipe circuits are used for high-quality and uniform heating of the premises. Such a scheme requires particularly precise coordination of the hydrodynamic characteristics of all pipelines. Otherwise, the coolant will go only through one of the circuits, which has a lower hydrodynamic resistance.
  2. The low speed of the coolant leads to its hypothermia, which negatively affects the combustion chamber of the boiler.
  3. Even with special fittings installed on each of the batteries, it is difficult to regulate the temperature in a separate room. When changing the thermal settings of one radiator, the hydrodynamic resistance is completely violated, and hence the efficiency of the entire system.


There are two types of two-pipe system (fig. below):

  1. Dead-end circuit (supply and return flow in opposite directions). A significant drawback of the dead-end circuit is the uneven heating of the radiators. Closer to the boiler, they will be noticeably hotter. In practice, this problem is solved by installing needle chokes or thermal heads on radiators. They allow you to adjust the flow of coolant in manual or semi-automatic mode, respectively.
  2. Tichelman's loop (supply and return flow in the same direction). The contour is formed in such a way that parallel loops are formed. They are characterized by the same lengths and similar hydraulic resistance parameters. As a result, the temperature of all radiators has the same values ​​without the use of corrective equipment.

The project of the heating system of a private two-story house according to the Tichelman scheme provides for the connection of radiators in all rooms to one loop, and not to several rings for each floor, as in a single-pipe scheme.

Features of the Tichelman scheme:

  • The use of more radiators than in a single-pipe scheme;
  • Installation in buildings with a complex layout;
  • There is no need for forced balancing of circuits, the purchase and installation of expensive adjustment devices;
  • All rooms are heated simultaneously and evenly;
  • Ease of maintenance;
  • The absence of sudden temperature changes contributes to the durability of heating communications and equipment.

The main disadvantage of the Tichelman loops is a slight increase in the cost of installation caused by the lengthening of the pipelines.

Technical features of building a heating system

In practice, for two-story houses, the “clean” Tichelman scheme is rarely used. More often, the arrangement of a two-pipe riser connecting the floors is used, from which loops are already bred to each floor. Such a scheme requires a tap into the supply line of a balancing valve for each circuit.

The circulation pump is recommended to be installed through a parallel tie-in on each floor. The use of a single unit is not recommended, although it is acceptable. The reason is as follows. The coolant in the proposed scheme will not move by gravity, as in the case of an associated two-pipe or one-pipe scheme. And if the only circulation pump fails, the heating system will cease to function.

The main elements of the heating system

  • Boiler. Regardless of whether it is gas, electric or solid fuel, its main indicator is power (kW). You should also pay attention to the number of circuits. Single-circuit are used exclusively for heating, double-circuit still heat water for hot water supply.
  • Expansion tank. For gravity systems of open type, for systems with forced circulation and excess pressure - membrane.
  • Circulation pump - to activate the movement of the coolant in the circuit.
  • Boiler of indirect heating. Uses the temperature of the heat carrier to heat the DHW water.
  • Heating radiators. They are characterized by the material of manufacture (cast iron, steel, bimetal), working pressure, power.
  • Pipes. They are selected according to the size of the section and the material of manufacture - cast iron, steel, copper, polymer.
  • Safety group - an element of the boiler piping, including a pressure gauge, safety and air valve.
  • Comb (distribution manifold of the heating system) - a unit for uniform distribution of the coolant throughout the system. It can be additionally equipped with thermometers, control and shut-off valves.
  • Hydroarrow - a device for balancing the temperature of the coolant.

Independent calculation of the heating scheme

To calculate the scheme, it is necessary to collect the following initial data:

  • Dimensions of all interior spaces;
  • Overall, external dimensions of the structure;
  • Dimensions of door and window openings;
  • Region - average temperature in winter;
  • Required indoor temperature;
  • Positioning of the cottage on the cardinal points;
  • Height and material of construction of external walls;
  • Type and thickness of insulation on walls, roofs, in the basement.

Ultimately, at the stage of purchasing equipment and materials, you will mainly need to know the capacity of the boiler and radiators, based on the calculations of the heat loss of the building, as well as a number of hydraulic parameters for selecting a pump, expansion tank and pipelines.

Installation of heating in a two-story house will require preliminary calculations, pre-selection of equipment and wiring diagrams.

The use of a particular scheme depends on the size of the house.

The project takes into account the living area and the layout of the interior.

Autonomous heating with natural water movement is a common scheme for a summer residence or a private house. The layout of pipes and the installation of appliances in a house with two floors is practically the same as the scheme one-story house.

Natural circulation system

When the temperature rises, liquids expand, but cannot be compressed under pressure like gases.

The heating system is provided with a device in which excess expanding liquid is placed - expansion tank.

It will allow you to control the pressure of the coolant, preventing a critical level at which equipment will be destroyed.

Differences between open and closed systems in expansion tanks. The scheme with natural circulation involves the installation of an open expander.

Feature is the installation location. The height of the second floor will create the necessary pressure of the liquid column. Therefore, it is not necessary to take the expander to the attic.

Natural circulation indicates the absence of a circulation pump for heating systems in the design.

Heaters are connected to the top wiring, which will ensure uniform distribution of the coolant over the radiators (read here how to properly install radiators under the windowsill).

The direction of water movement is provided by the slope of the pipes, which are mounted at an angle of 5 degrees. Direct running pipes are located under the ceiling or window sills.

The advantages of this scheme for a two-story house are:

  • does not depend on electricity;
  • reliable;
  • simple operation;
  • no noise.

Do you know what the slope of the sewer pipe should be by 1 meter? About calculation methods for outdoor and internal systems written in a useful article.

Precautions for handling propylene glycol antifreeze for heating systems are written on this page.

Such a system has disadvantages that negate the advantages:

  • complex installation (multi-level arrangement of pipes with a mandatory slope);
  • maximum heating area - 100 m2;
  • low efficiency;
  • the temperature difference between the direct and return pipes harms the boiler;
  • corrosion ( constant inflow atmospheric oxygen oxidizes metals);
  • maintaining a constant water level in the expander;
  • other types of coolant cannot be used;
  • heating wiring requires a lot of pipe products.

Some of the shortcomings are solved by installing a circulation pump with a bypass and a check valve (read here).

But it’s more correct, when installing the heating of a two-story house, to choose closed circuit connections.

Most often they use a single-pipe, two-pipe or collector version of the wiring. They can be self-assembled.

Single pipe connection

According to this connection scheme, a separate direct branch goes to each floor.

Shut-off valves are installed on each floor, which allows you to separately heat the floors.

After passing through the radiators, both branches are connected into one, which brings the cooled coolant to the boiler.

Each radiator is mounted with a bypass on the battery (written here) and shutoff valves.

This will allow you not to stop heating in cases requiring the replacement of individual radiators (read the rules for installing heating batteries in an apartment on this page).

The devices are equipped with Mayevsky cranes or valves for removing air pockets. Installation without outlet sections will lead to uneven heating of the premises.

In such cases, install radiators different power. But installing a bypass is the most rational way.

The design of heating with a smaller number of shut-off valves will not allow separate heating of the floors.

The ability to block a branch or a separate device will allow you to effectively respond to malfunctions of heating devices.

IMPORTANT! Manufacturers indicate in the passports of devices the parameters obtained by calculation. This applies to internal volume and power. The water flow in the radiator, the power of which is 10 kW - 10 l / min.

Do you know how to drill a well for water yourself - a video shot during work is posted on the page hidden under the link. Watch and read this helpful article.

Which accumulator for water supply systems is better is written here.

On the page: https://ru-canalizator.com/vodosnabzhenie/avtonomnoe/zhelonka-chertezhi.html watch a video on how to make a bailer with your own hands.

Wiring with one pipe will save on materials, provide good heat transfer. According to this scheme, you can install the heating yourself (video on how to glue polypropylene pipes, see here).

Of the shortcomings note:

  • uneven distribution of the coolant,
  • the need for balancing.

Two-pipe circuit

Two-pipe connection will avoid the shortcomings of the bran system.

Heating, built according to a two-pipe scheme with forced circulation of the coolant, evenly distributes heat over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Radiators are connected in parallel to each other. Each device is connected to the forward and reverse branches of the system.

An air vent and a shut-off valve (installation on a heating battery) are mounted on the radiators to supply the coolant, which will allow you to adjust the degree of heating of the device.

No check valves are installed on the return branch. The main drawback of the scheme is the consumption of materials. For installation, double the number of pipes is required.

Collector wiring

Heating with a collector is suitable for both a one-story house and a two-story house.

The installation of the collector circuit takes place under the condition that correct installation circulation pump to the heating system.

Natural circulation will not be able to move the coolant.

Water is first supplied to the collector, which will distribute it to the heating devices.

Shutoff valves are installed at each outlet from the collector.

ATTENTION! consumption of materials and hard work pay off with precise heat control and ease of use.

Such a heating system has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • installation and dismantling of radiators during heating operation;
  • contours are independent of each other. This makes it possible to heat each room differently;
  • additional devices are connected to the heating, for example, underfloor heating;
  • pipes are hidden under the floor or in the walls, the collector is placed in a separate cabinet;
  • despite the complexity of installation, wiring can be done independently.

On the basis of the collector is based horizontal two-pipe heating.

The comb is located in a special cabinet, the system elements are included.

During installation, pipes, fittings and fittings made of polypropylene are used.

Heating devices (polypropylene coils) are laid in the floor.

All links are connected independently. After installation in a private house, it is required to balance each circuit.

IMPORTANT! The machine must maintain the temperature of the coolant up to 55 degrees.

The considered heating schemes and connection options (how to calculate the volume of a hydraulic accumulator is written here) for a two-story house have been tested by many years of practice.

Each has advantages and disadvantages. In practice, mounting a collector connection with your own hands is easier than the rest.

A high-quality microclimate and uninterrupted operation of heating will be ensured by the installation of the system by specialists.

Look in the proposed video for a collector wiring diagram for heating in a two-story, private house.

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Heating in a two-story house: upper and lower wiring, one-pipe and two-pipe system, installation features

The arrangement of the heating system of a two-story private house requires a competent approach, since the main thing depends on this indicator, which any resident of a cottage requires - comfort. Today, air and electric heating systems are becoming more and more popular. But electric does not mean standard heaters or underfloor heating, but those that run on alternative energy sources such as solar panels.

Standard wiring diagram

Typically, such a scheme involves the use of pipes made of metal plastic - this is what they can tell in design and engineering bureaus. However, these pipes can be easily replaced with polypropylene or even copper pipes. Interestingly, today copper pipes have again become in demand.

The fact is that despite all their shortcomings, including high cost, they have a very significant advantage: the coolant circulating through copper pipes and radiators does not need to be replaced for many, many years. In fact, you can pour it once - and that's it, it's enough for a lifetime!

Standard wiring diagram for a heating system in a two-story house

Fittings, various shaped systems, connectors and other components are connected only depending on the angle of their inclination and relative position from each other. Such a wiring diagram usually requires the use of various valves: from ball valves to radiator valves (they are all straight).

After the calculation is made according to the scheme, the required number of radiators and their sections is also calculated. The latter are mounted on special brackets. Accordingly, the more sections there are, the more brackets (or other fittings that can replace them) will be needed.

You should not install more sections of radiators than necessary: ​​this will increase energy consumption, and the effect will be minimal.

Top and bottom wiring

In a house where there is both a basement and an attic, one of two types of wiring can be used: top or bottom. Of course, that in almost any 2-storey house there will be both an attic and a basement.

Features of wiring, depending on their type:

  1. At the top, the coolant will be supplied from the attic, getting into the distributor, and then going down the pipes;
  2. At the bottom, the coolant, respectively, will be supplied from the basement, flowing down.

Of course, it seems logical that it is easiest to use the upper wiring, because in this case the pump will be of the lowest power, and the coolant itself will circulate much faster.
Scheme of a two-pipe heating system with bottom wiring

However, it depends on which side you look at: the upper wiring will be irrelevant, for example, if an attic is installed in the house (living in the “embraces” of a heating boiler is another pleasure, it should be noted), and if a leak occurs, it will completely flood the whole house. Is it worth the risk?

It should be said right away that the coolant does not always mean water: now many owners of private houses also use antifreeze (this will not affect the choice of lower or upper wiring).

But in any case, there are 2 rules that apply regardless of the selected type:

Two-pipe and one-pipe heating system

The choice between a one-pipe and two-pipe heating system in the construction of houses was the most difficult decision for the owner. The systems differ significantly from each other, and each has one significant advantage and one of the same drawback.

For small houses It is better to prefer a two-pipe heating system.

Scheme of the device of a single-pipe heating system

Brief description of the two types of heating systems:

Plastic pipes - the best option for a modern heating system

  1. One-pipe, as you might guess, requires the use of only one centralized line (pipe), regardless of what type of heating is used: water boiler, stove, gas, steam, using an electric boiler or without it, and so on. But there is one problem: the already cooled coolant enters the same pipe with which it was supplied, op to the main riser. It turns out that the lowest radiators will be much colder than the first ones. Consequently, their heating area will also increase, which is good (this implies that such a heating system will require a much larger number of radiators, batteries);
  2. Two-pipe requires complex technical conditions for its installation, but is more efficient. The cooled and hot water circulates through different highways, without touching in any way and without interfering with each other at all. It turns out that all batteries warm up evenly, and the heat does not just go away;
  3. In general, single-pipe is cheap, but far from the most efficient; two-pipe - expensive and complex, but very effective. The dilemma will have to be solved directly by the owner of the building, there's nothing to be done about it.

Installation of the system when planning a warm floor

The main nuances that must be considered when planning the installation of a warm floor:

When installing a warm floor, it is necessary to take into account the type of subsequent finishing

  • It is very important to choose the right flooring. Very! For example, if a screed is laid on top of a warm floor (and it is mandatory and will be in any case), and a 10-centimeter parquet is placed on top of the screed, then why is this warm floor needed at all if the efficiency of such a system is zero? All such points must be taken into account;
  • The underfloor heating pipeline is always and under any circumstances mounted exclusively in the screed of the floor itself. Then usually people ask themselves: what should be its thickness? But experts will be able to answer this question only if they have information about all the initial parameters of the house itself and the power required for the heating circuit;
  • Even if it is planned to install a warm floor on the ground floor only in some parts, thermal insulation will have to be carried out over the entire surface of the floor, otherwise the heat will go to the basement, thereby wasting energy virtually nowhere and lowering the efficiency of the entire system. Of course, this is provided that there are no living rooms in the basement or no animals are kept. For the second floor, this condition is optional;

By the way, any water supply scheme will work more efficiently if it has natural rather than forced circulation, which is extremely important. How different are heating systems?

For example, what will be the difference between the heating system of a one-story brick private house with polypropylene pipes (polypropylene pipes are now popular) and a two-story wooden house, which is heated by an electric boiler?

The difference will be significant, because here it will be necessary to determine how to properly connect the heating system (for each type of house - differently), is it possible to do it yourself, is it possible to connect devices with very high power in a private house?

The general scheme of the underfloor heating device in the house

In any case, the heating system in a one-story house will be a priori simpler from a technical point of view than in houses with two or more floors. And if we take huge houses, the area of ​​​​which starts from 500 m², then everything is so complicated and completely confusing that it seems that even a nuclear physicist will not immediately figure out where to insert this or that fitting and with what pumps water or some other coolant circulates.


You can watch a video where experts talk about how to install a heating system in a two-story house and organize collector heating.


Heating scheme for a two-story house - consider the features using an example

Heating system design in modern houses must be made at the design stage of the house itself. So you can understand what materials and in what quantities you need. In addition, it will help to quickly find flaws and fix them. It is important to choose the best option for the heating system, evaluating your financial capabilities, as well as the availability of resources for maintaining the heating system (quantity and quality of fuel, climatic conditions, etc.). The most popular now is the option of water heating, it is best suited for multi-storey buildings. Also read about the heating system - "Leningradka".

Heating scheme for a two-story house

Standard wiring of heating elements in a 2-storey house

Sample wiring of heating elements

Consider the scheme of water heating of a standard building with two floors. It provides for manual temperature control in each individual room of the house. The system is installed in a standard way: using the horizontal placement of two pipes, in which the heating radiators are connected to the side.

For the heating system, it is better to use metal-plastic pipes, due to their strength and durability. But you can use polypropylene pipes, which will also be quite effective solution. Metal-plastic pipes do not require special installation skills, besides, there are almost no blockages or dirt sticking inside them. Polypropylene pipes can be assembled by yourself, they are light and reliable.

At the design stage of the system, the required number of corner, adjustable and connecting nodes of the system is calculated, the number and installation locations of taps and plugs are marked. Analysis in progress required amount heating radiators and the number of sections in each of them, the amount of heat given off by the radiator will depend on this in the future. Mounting brackets are installed for each heating radiator, in the quantity determined by the dimensions of the radiator.

There is a designation on the diagram where it is necessary to install a heating boiler, an expansion tank, and a pump in the system. The heating boiler can run on various types of fuel, but the most popular are gas, solid fuel or electricity. In new houses and cottages, solid fuel is almost never used due to its low environmental friendliness.

If the heating boiler is small, then you can install it directly in one of the rooms of the house, in a storage room, for example, or in the owner's workshop. In this case, the boiler is hung on the wall so as not to waste space. It is not recommended to place the boiler in bedrooms or rooms such as a library or office. This is due to the fact that the boiler during operation can emit noise, albeit not loud. Large boilers must be placed in a separate room or even in a separate building.

An example of placing a tank in a house

Tank placement: bottom or top.

If your house has a basement and an attic, then you can make a heating system with a lower piping or a lower one at your discretion.

  • If the wiring is top, then the boiler is placed in the attic and from there hot water is supplied through the riser to all heating radiators.
  • If you chose the lower wiring, then the tank is installed in the basement and from there, with the help of a pump, the heated water diverges through the pipes.

Whichever option you choose, the expansion tank is always installed in the high place at home, that is, in the attic. With the heating boiler at the bottom wiring, it is connected by a riser.

Heating system with one or two pipes

The heating system with one pipe is a ring. Water from the boiler goes first to one floor, then returns to the tank through another. As a result, the temperature is higher on one floor, lower on the other. To compensate for this phenomenon, larger radiators are installed on the lower floors (where the water is usually not so hot) than on the upper ones. In addition, in a single pipe system, there is no way to turn off one specific heater. It is necessary to turn off the entire system.

Heating system sample

A two-pipe system is more difficult to install, but it has almost no drawbacks. In such a system, two pipes are provided: hot and cold. Entering the radiator, hot water cools down and pours into a cold pipe. In this case, you can block one of the radiators, this will not affect the operation of the others.

Video - heating a house with a boiler

Video - home heating scheme

Video - how to make a warm floor in the house


Heating project for a two-story house: calculation and selection of materials

What can be the heating in a 2-storey house? How to dilute the coolant, what heating devices to use? How to calculate the thermal output of the boiler, and which boiler should be preferred? The article does not claim to be the ultimate truth: it will only state the author's point of view on these problems.

Construction does not end with the erection of walls. We have to think over the heating scheme.


How is the water heating scheme of a private 2-storey house calculated?

  • As a base value of thermal power, 60 watts of heat per cubic meter of volume are taken.
  • 100 watts of heat is added to each window in the outer wall, 200 watts to each door.
  • Depending on the climatic zone, a regional coefficient is selected:

So, the heating of a 2-storey house with a floor area of ​​70 meters, a ceiling height of 3 meters, 8 windows and 3 doors, located in Sevastopol, can be calculated as follows:

  1. The volume of the room is (70*3)*2=420 m3.
  2. Basic thermal power equals 420*60=25200 watts.
  3. Windows and doors will make their own adjustments: 25200+(8*100)+(3*200)=26600 watts.
  4. The warm climate of the Crimea will reduce the power requirements: 26600 * 0.7 = 18620 watts.

Winter in Sevastopol is not severe.

Similarly, the power of radiators for individual rooms is calculated.

Nuance: do not forget about the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpremises without heaters. If the hallway is heated by batteries in the adjacent room, this battery should be selected according to the total volume of both rooms.

How to convert kilowatts to the number of battery sections? It is enough to divide the rated power of the device by the power of one section, which is always indicated in the accompanying documentation. In its absence, you can focus on the following values:


What should be the heating scheme of a 2-storey building - distributing the coolant and connecting heating devices? Here are the two most simple and affordable solutions.

Stand-up with top filling

The coolant rises from the boiler to the supply outlet, located in the attic, and returns to the return pipeline through risers with heating devices. The scheme is attractive, among other things, in that it allows organizing heating of a 2-storey house with natural circulation: with a floor area of ​​up to 50 m2, it will work stably without a circulation pump.

Rack (vertical) scheme.

Double Leningradka

Even simpler and more fault-tolerant is Leningradka, or a barrack-type system. IN general case it is a ring between the supply and return pipes of the boiler, in parallel to which radiators of the heating system are connected.

In relation to our situation, the heating scheme of a 2-storey building will include two rings. Three extra meters of filling on the second floor will not change the temperature of the radiators in any significant way; however, if you wish, you can be puzzled by balancing the rings by installing a choke that opens the lower ring.

Modification of Leningrad for two floors.

Connecting radiators

Radiators of small length (up to 6-7 sections) are connected quite traditionally - both eyeliners are located on one side.

But with a longer length, one of two alternative schemes is used:

  • Diagonal - when the supply and return are connected to the right and left, to the lower and upper threads.
  • From bottom to bottom - when two lower threads are used for connection.

In both cases, it is more convenient to use non-through plugs, but Americans - quick-release connections with a union nut.

Diagonal connection made by American women.


What is the best way to build heating with your own hands? Let's go through its main elements.


If your home is gasified, the best option in terms of heating costs is a gas boiler. Desirable - condensation: the use of the full heat of combustion of gas (including the energy that is taken from the combustion products during their condensation) increases its efficiency by 9-11%.


In a closed system, the so-called safety group is responsible for it - an automatic air vent, a safety valve and a pressure gauge. In addition to them, the circuit is equipped with an expansion tank, which compensates for the increase in the volume of the coolant during expansion. Its volume is taken approximately equal to 1/10 of the total amount of coolant.

Useful: the volume of coolant in a balanced system is usually taken to be 15 liters per 1 kWh of boiler power.

IN open system(most often the gravity heating system of a 2-storey building is made open) the functions of all the devices listed above are assigned to an open expansion tank. It is mounted under the ceiling of the second floor or in the attic. Fillings are laid with a constant slope, so that the air from them is displaced by the coolant into the tank.

Open expansion tank.

Heating appliances

If you are using a heating scheme for a 2-storey house with a solid fuel boiler, cast-iron sectional radiators or registers are preferable. Their significant mass and large internal volume mean that after the fuel burns out, the circuit will cool rather slowly.

In all other cases, the best choice is aluminum sectional radiators.

What is the instructions for?

  • They have excellent heat dissipation.
  • Their appearance will fit into the most sophisticated design of the living room.
  • Finally, the price - from 280 rubles per section - will not seem ruinous to the most economical homeowner.


The typical temperature range for autonomous heating is 50-75C at a pressure of not more than 2.5 atmospheres.

  • Reinforced polypropylene. Reinforcement will significantly reduce the thermal expansion of the material.

The wiring in the photo is made of polypropylene.

  • Cross-linked polyethylene.
  • Metal-plastic. Better - with press fittings: compression fittings are very sensitive to the quality of calibration and, with the slightest violation of technology, after a few months they begin to flow through the joints.


Page 2

A significant part of residential and utility rooms is heated centrally, despite the variety of other options. First of all, heating schemes for multi-storey buildings are relevant in the construction of entire microdistricts and small settlements. One boiler house is capable of providing heat to a large number of objects.

The photo shows an apartment building with central heating.

Benefits of Centralized Networks

A distinctive feature of such systems is the location of boiler equipment in a separate building. The coolant is delivered through pipelines that are laid directly along the street to each facility.

Such networks are not arranged with their own hands, since the amount of work being done is very large.

  • Any heating scheme for a multi-storey building is well thought out by specialists, so serious failures rarely occur.
  • The operation of such systems is usually carried out on fuel, the price of which is low.
  • A centralized heating network, as a rule, is serviced by special services, which means that there is no need for performance monitoring.
  • With this option, it is not necessary to place the boiler within the dwelling, which saves space.

An example of the location of the main elements.

Note! As for the minuses, they include the functioning of the system according to a certain schedule and the inability to carry out customization temperature regime.

Approximate system structure

Centralized heating in terms of device practically does not differ from autonomous systems. However, the cross section of pipelines in this case is much larger, and the equipment installed in the boiler room is much more complicated.

Demonstrated equipment in the boiler room.

  • Large and small boiler houses, as well as special thermal power plants, act as a source of heating. In the first case, the coolant acquires a given temperature directly during the combustion of the fuel. In another embodiment, heat is provided by steam. In addition, thermal power plants are capable of generating electricity.
  • With the help of a network of pipelines, the coolant is transported to the facilities. The diameter of the input and output elements usually reaches 1000 mm. As for laying, it can be done both on the ground and underground.
  • Heating equipment provides an opportunity to transfer heat to the premises. The main appliances are radiators and heating convectors. They are installed in heated rooms.

The thermal track is above ground.

Reference! One thermal power plant (CHP) allows you to replace several small boilers, in connection with this, construction costs are reduced.

It also frees up a lot of space.

Basic classification methods

Any scheme of the heating system of a multi-storey building can belong to one category or another. Classification of centralized systems can be carried out according to several criteria. You can learn more about them by reading the information below.

Depending on the type of coolant

  • Liquid networks are most widely used for heating multi-storey buildings. They allow you to deliver the coolant over long distances without a sharp deterioration in quality characteristics.
  • Steam systems are used much less often, but still occur. They allow the laying of heating pipes with a smaller diameter. This option is mainly used where water vapor is required.

An example of a steam boiler for heating houses.

Based on connection method

  • Independent networks involve heating the coolant in a special heat exchanger.
  • Dependent systems imply the provision of heat directly through the branches of pipelines.

More about the device

To heat an apartment building centrally, it must be connected to a thermal route that runs from a CHP or boiler house. For this, inlet valves for thermal units are made in the main pipeline.

A simple diagram of an elevator station.

Immediately after the locking elements, mud collectors are installed, which are necessary for the precipitation of salts and metal oxides. Thanks to these devices, you can extend the operating period.

Directly in the house circuit, tie-ins for hot water are made. After them, the main unit should be located - the heating elevator.

System wiring

Usually the heating circuit in apartment building assumes the presence of one supply pipe with a lower or upper filling. It can diverge into a certain number of branches that are sent to the building from the basement or attic.

With the lower wiring, pairs of risers are combined using special jumpers located in the attic or top floor. An air vent must be installed at the top point.

A single pipe layout is shown.

The heating system with top filling implies the installation of an expansion tank with an air vent on the technical floor. The valves serve to cut off each riser from the common network.

The correct slope during the installation of pipelines makes it possible, when opening the air vents, to ensure the discharge of the coolant.

The branch with the top bottling has some features.

  • The temperature of the heating devices decreases with the advancement of the coolant down, so it will be lower on the lower floors. You can compensate for heat losses by installing additional sections of radiators.
  • Starting the system is quite simple, because for normal operation you only need to open special valves, as well as air vents for a certain time.
  • Draining the coolant from the risers is somewhat complicated, since it is necessary to first overlap on the technical floor. Only then does the reset open.

Important! The heating system of multi-storey buildings is adjusted by changing the diameter of the elevator nozzle.

That is, when its size changes, the heating level increases or decreases.

Optimization process

When the coolant is delivered from the source to the heating devices, rather large heat losses occur, so certain measures must be taken to maintain the temperature regime.

In fact, there are only two ways out of this situation.

This is how the thermal insulation of heating pipelines is arranged.

  • Installing equipment with higher efficiency improves the performance of the system.
  • Additional thermal insulation of pipelines can significantly reduce heat loss.

About the main cons

  1. Any centralized system works according to a certain schedule, so during operation you have to adapt to it. In addition, it is impossible to independently adjust the temperature regime.
  2. The cost of boiler equipment and pipelines is quite high, which means that with poor-quality work, you can spend huge cash.
  3. Work on the installation of centralized heating is very laborious, therefore, in the case of emergency it will take not so little time to fully or partially restore the system.
  4. Periodic pressure drops in centralized network can reduce the heating efficiency to some extent.

As a conclusion

Above, an instruction was presented that considers the installation of heating systems in multi-storey buildings, so that apartment owners can evaluate the scale of the centralized network and its effectiveness. If necessary, an autonomous branch can always be created that will maintain the desired temperature in the living room. More information on this topic can be found by watching a special video.

Page 3

Heating of any private house must be done not only correctly, but also in full accordance with the technical conditions of the facility. In this article we will look at how a heating system can be organized. country house, and in which case it is best to apply one or another scheme.

Let's start with a key point.

Photo of the heating scheme

Which boiler to choose

Let's break down the features of each solution in the comparison table below.

Boiler type: Variant features:
Gas If a main line with this energy carrier is connected to the house, then there is nothing to think about - you need to buy and install a gas heater.

If the house is small (up to 150 sq. Meters), then a wall-mounted device is suitable, and if it is a three-story cottage, then it is better to buy a floor version.

Electric In principle, this is not a very profitable option financially. However, if there is no gas, then there is nowhere to go.

Boilers of this type are heating elements and induction. The price of the first products is attractive, however, they do not last very long. Induction, although they are more expensive, they serve not 5-7 years, but about 20.

Solar and solid fuel appliances They differ in autonomy and the ability to work on fuel like firewood, cones, sawdust, straw, etc. And liquid-fuel units operate either from diesel fuel or from waste oil. The option is pretty good if there is no gas, and there are power outages.

Note! The heating scheme in the house may provide for the joint operation of two boilers at the same time - electric and, for example, solid fuel.

A solid fuel device can be used as a safety net - that is, it turns on at the moment when electricity fails.

Example of a system with simultaneous operation of two different boilers

We figured out the boilers, now let's decide on the equally important elements of the system.

Which pipes and radiators to choose

Heating schemes for a country house usually provide for two pipe options:

  1. Steel lines. They are good because they transfer heat around the entire perimeter of the house, and they are bad because they are hard to assemble with your own hands, since you need to use welding machine. In addition, products are afraid of corrosion.

Steel pipes

  1. Plastic pipes. They are easy to install and have no problematic connections. When welding metal, the seams can rust, but the soldered plastic becomes in a sense monolithic, without any risk of leakage.

Main line made of plastic

Note! Plastic heating of a country house - it is quite possible to do it yourself, since no special skills are needed.

In addition, the installation of a plastic highway is quite inexpensive, despite the fact that the result is really durable.

So it turns out that plastic pipes and a gas boiler are the best options. In addition, a gas heater can be purchased not ordinary, but double-circuit for hot water supply.

As for radiators, it is better to use such products for a private house:

Modern cast iron heaters

Tip: with natural circulation scheme home heating involves the use of steel or plastic pipes large diameter. When implementing the first option, the heat is distributed evenly around the perimeter of the premises, and in the second case, the coolant comes to the radiators as hot as possible.

  1. Steel panel radiators. This is the optimal solution for forced heating. Batteries have good level heat exchange and contain a small amount of water, so that the boiler has to heat very little coolant.

Steel appliances

As for bimetallic batteries, then it is not advisable to use them for private houses, since the bimetal is designed to work in high pressure lines or where there are strong pressure drops.

However, of course, if this is a heating scheme for a 3-storey building, and even with an underground level, then bimetal is probably worth using. If you plan a large power head.

So, now we will consider specific home heating schemes - we will analyze the options for organizing heating.

Overview of system build options

First of all, the heating scheme of a three-story house and any other is divided into two types:

  1. With natural circulation. This is when the movement of water occurs naturally, without the use of electric pumps - due to a change in the density of the coolant.

The principle of the system with natural circulation

  1. With forced circulation. Here, electric pumps are already used to move the liquid. As you understand, complete autonomy of work in this case is impossible.

forced circulation

Now with regard to the differences depending on the method of piping.

Single pipe system

In such a line, the coolant bypasses all the radiators in series, that is, in turn, and then returns to the boiler. It turns out that colder liquid enters each subsequent battery than each previous radiator.

It looks like a single-pipe heating line

In principle, it is believed that such a home heating scheme is the most feasible with your own hands, since you have to install a minimum of pipes and connections.

However, the disadvantages are obvious - each subsequent heater in the common chain will be less and less hot. The option is suitable for situations with a small initial budget.

Two-pipe line

The bottom line here is that two parallel pipes are connected to each battery - supply and return. That is, two lines are laid along the perimeter of the room - and lines depart from each of them to different sides of the radiator.

The principle of two-pipe circulation

The advantage of this approach is the ability to control the power flow into each individual battery. It is also possible to completely block each heater. In the previous case, it would have been impossible to do this, because the coolant supply to each subsequent device would have stopped.

This type of system is very good, but it will require more pipes and fittings (due to the installation of taps and the creation of additional "turns").

Collector line

The collector circuit of the heating system of a country house - with your own hands is more complicated than all the previous options.

The point is that a special “comb” adapter is installed at the outlet of the boiler, from which a separate pair of supply and return pipes is connected to each radiator.

Here, of course, there is a very large consumption of pipes, but a system of this type is quite convenient to use, since all adjustment is carried out in one place. The best option is to install it in large houses with many rooms and warm floors.


Important! For a uniform flow of fluid relative to each heater, such a system must be balanced before starting by adjusting the taps on the adapter.

In principle, this completes our review, and now we can summarize.


We have figured out what the heating and hot water supply scheme of a country house consists of, and also examined the principle by which this or that type of heating functions.

We hope that now you will be able to design a truly efficient and profitable heating for your housing. If the information seemed not enough, then also watch the video at the end of this article.

Page 4

Water heating is the most efficient and economical system home heating. Various water heating schemes have been developed, and we want to consider their characteristics, advantages and features of operation in a private house.

Heating of the house with natural circulation of the coolant.

Heating with liquid heat carrier

General information

Pipes and radiator batteries are a sure sign of water heating.

The main indicator of the comfort of any housing is the air temperature in it, since a person can live only in a narrowly defined temperature range. However, in the continental latitudes of the northern hemisphere of our planet, the climate is far from this range, and people are forced to use artificial heat sources.

Previously, such a source was an open fire in a cave or a hut, then the fire moved to the furnace located in the house. However, with the growth of the population, the issue of a shortage of firewood and other types of fuel became more and more acute, and a person faced the problem of increasing the efficiency of heating.

The first types of heating were imperfect.

Important! This is how the idea of ​​using a coolant appeared - a substance that plays the role of an intermediary in the transfer of heat from the flame to the air in the house.

The problem is that gases do not conduct heat well, and if you big house, then to warm up remote rooms it will take a very long time to heat the stove, while it will be too hot near the firebox, and cold in remote rooms. Therefore, the main task was to supply heat with minimal losses to each room.

A red-hot furnace is not only dangerous, but also inefficient.

At this stage, it is possible to formulate the basic requirements for the coolant:

  • High thermal conductivity. Necessary for the fastest heating of the coolant;
  • High heat capacity. This parameter determines the ability of a substance to store thermal energy. It is obvious that the more heat is stored and transferred by the intermediary, the more efficiently the system works;
  • High mobility. The substance must have such properties that it can be transported indoors without the use of complex technologies;
  • Availability. The coolant should be inexpensive and available in different regions, since in the event of an accident it will need to be urgently replaced in order to avoid freezing at home;
  • Safety. The agent substance must not pose a danger to humans and the environment, contain flammable, toxic, explosive or chemically aggressive compounds and substances.

The solution to the problem was in our hands.

Important! The most suitable substance for all the above parameters turned out to be ordinary water, which has the highest heat capacity among liquids, is able to move through pipes and channels under the influence of gravity or pressure, is safe and incredibly widespread.

Thus, the task was concretized: it is necessary to create a scheme in which water will move along a strictly defined route from the furnace furnace to the heating devices.

The principle of operation of the system with a liquid heat carrier.

Important! To put it simply, we need two heat exchangers and a pipe through which water will circulate between them. We install one heat exchanger in the furnace, where the liquid will heat up, and the second in the room, where the coolant will give off the stored energy to the air.

Heating boilers

A boiler is a device for generating heat from burning fuel.

If the source of thermal energy is fuel, then the means of obtaining it is the boiler. This is the heart of any heating system with coolant. The efficiency of all heating depends on the reliability of this device, and in the conditions of Russian winters this is one of the conditions for survival, so the first task is to choose a boiler.

Firewood is one of the most widely used types of fuel in Russia.

The most important criterion here is the availability and cost of the fuel on which the unit will operate.

There are such types of boilers depending on the fuel used:

  • Solid fuel or wood boilers. Firewood, coal, coke, peat, pellets, briquettes and other types of combustible biomass are used;
  • Gas. Use main, compressed or liquefied natural gas;
  • Diesel heating boilers. Liquid petroleum products are used: diesel fuel, diesel fuel, various oils, gasoline, kerosene, etc.;
  • Electrical. Water is heated using a heating element or by the electrode method.

Setting up a modern gas boiler.

If we talk about efficiency in terms of the cost of one kilowatt-hour of heat, as well as the availability and prevalence of fuel, then the undoubted favorites are gas and wood-burning units, the former being the most preferable.

Pictured is a diesel engine.

Important! If your house is connected to the GTS, then you should buy a gas boiler, if the mains are not connected, then you should choose a wood-burning option. Electricity and diesel are too expensive for the average consumer.

Types of systems

with natural circulation

The presence of an open expansion tank at the top indicates natural circulation.

The heating scheme with natural water circulation is the simplest and cheapest, but also the most inefficient system. With a small size of the house and heating areas, this is a completely working option, the construction of which does not require serious calculations and complex installation work.

The principle of operation of such a system is simple: the boiler is installed at the lowest point of the room, preferably in the basement. Water fills the pipeline, which consists of a supply pipe going up from the boiler, then the pipe gradually lowers and passes through all the rooms, and finally returns to the firebox heat exchanger.

Natural circulation system.

When the burner is turned on, the water begins to heat up, expands and rises up the pipe due to the density difference between the hot and cold liquid. Since the circuit is closed, the cold mass of the coolant is displaced into the heat exchanger, and the liquid begins to circulate in the system in a circle, transferring heat from the flame to the radiators.

Expansion tank of open type.

To compensate for the expansion and increase in the total volume of water in the pipes, an expansion tank is installed at the top point. It can be open, since the pressure in the pipes does not matter.

Important! It is necessary to know and take into account the rules for selecting pipe diameters and angles from the slope. It is believed that a slope of 5 mm per linear meter of pipe is enough, a clone is made in the direction of water movement.

Pipe angles and diameters.

For servicing small village houses, such a scheme is quite acceptable. It does not require calculations and is carried out according to the standard “like everyone else” scheme, since the sizes and architecture of houses do not have any special differences. Moreover, the design is relatively easy to assemble with your own hands and requires a minimum of materials.

With forced circulation

The presence of a pump tells us about forced circulation.

A more perfect and efficient heating system is a scheme with forced circulation of the coolant. This solution allows you to speed up the movement of water through the pipes and deliver the still hot liquid to remote areas. The forced movement of water is carried out by a pump built into the pipeline.

Heating device with forced circulation.

Thanks to precisely calculated driving speed, work efficiency is increased, fuel consumption is reduced and indoor comfort is increased. To create complex, branched and multi-circuit systems, forced circulation is necessary.

The construction of such a design will require more serious hydraulic calculations, the selection and installation of a circulation pump, the installation of protection, a closed hydraulic accumulator, pressure gauges and safety valves. At the same time, there are no special requirements for the slope of the pipes.

Pump piping.

Important! During operation, the circulation pump does not create all the pressure that is present in the system. The fact is that the circuit is closed, and the water in it rotates like a wheel, and the pump overcomes only hydraulic resistance and friction, so the energy it consumes does not affect the cost of heating.

Instructions for connecting the pump.

From the calculations it became known that the use of a circulation pump increases the efficiency of work by 25 - 30%. In addition, for the normal maintenance of multi-storey buildings, multi-circuit and collector circuits, the use of forced circulation is necessary. Almost all modern systems use this principle.

Radiator wiring

The type of piping is important.

Another important difference between water heating systems is the type of piping from the boiler to the radiators.

There are three main types of such wiring:

  1. One-pipe scheme. This is the simplest and cheapest model when the heating batteries are connected in series to one pipe. Water enters the first radiator through the supply pipe, passes it and enters the same pipe from which it enters the next device, cooling down as it moves;
  2. Double tube model. A more complex, but also more efficient design, in which the batteries are connected with the input to the supply pipe, and the output to the return pipe, and there is no other communication between these pipes. Parallel connection allows you to evenly warm up all appliances, which increases efficiency and comfort;
  3. Collector-beam connection involves the supply of coolant to the supply distribution manifold, from where pipes diverge to the inlet of each radiator. From the outlets, the pipes return to the return manifold, and from there water enters the boiler. This approach allows you to organize multi-circuit systems of underfloor heating and large houses with many rooms.

Single pipe water supply.

A single-pipe supply organization is suitable for small houses with natural circulation, or for separate rooms - summer kitchens, workshops, saunas, etc.

The two-pipe scheme is considered more efficient due to the uniform heating of the devices, the ability to adjust the temperature in individual rooms, and more precise control of automation. It is suitable for any type of building and is used most often.

Two-pipe feed model.

Collector wiring is the most efficient and advanced, but its price is significantly higher due to the larger number of pipes, the need for additional equipment, fittings, as well as due to complex installation and calculation.

Collector-beam wiring.

Important! Today, the most common are two-pipe and mixed wiring, which can be combined with underfloor heating collectors.


Water heating is the only truly cost-effective heat supply system. At the same time, one must understand that equipment and organization schemes are constantly being improved, and comparison of fashionable alternative systems with the old types of water heating is absurd and unconvincing. The video will help you better understand this issue.

Before every homeowner who has decided to make the right heating in his two-story house, the question of choosing the type of system initially arises. There are several options for traditional and new schemes, but in order to choose one of them, you need to understand the essence of the issue a little. The purpose of this article is precisely to consider what the heating scheme of a two-story house is, to reveal the pros and cons of each type of system.

Single pipe or double pipe?

As the name implies, these systems differ in the number of main pipelines that supply the coolant to the radiators. In a single-pipe scheme, all battery connections are connected to one common pipeline, which is both supply and return. A striking example of such a system is the famous "Leningrad", shown below in the figure:

With the apparent ease of installation and savings in materials, a single-pipe system has one serious drawback. Since each battery discharges cooled water into a common line, the coolant comes to the next radiator with a lower temperature, and so on, until the end of the branch. Because of this, the very last heater may be barely warm. What does it mean?

The room still needs to be heated, which means that you will have to increase the heat transfer of the battery, that is, increase the number of sections. It turns out that we saved on pipes and fittings, but spent money on additional sections. Add to this the difficulties with regulation in two-story houses and the impossibility of natural circulation.

The disadvantage of a two-pipe system is only that more materials are needed to assemble it, since in this case the supply and return manifolds are separated. That is, the coolant comes to all batteries through one pipe, and leaves through another. This scheme of the heating system of a private house has many advantages, and therefore is the most popular. This is a reason to opt for a two-pipe system.

Types of two-pipe systems

Currently, the following types of two-pipe schemes are used in private housing construction:

  • with natural circulation;
  • with forced circulation;
  • collector system;
  • scheme with a double-circuit boiler.

Each of the above systems has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages that determine its scope. Consider all the schemes in order and reveal their features.

Natural circulation system

The principle of its operation is based on the convective movement of water. The hot coolant leaving the boiler has a lower density and weight than the cooled water coming through the return line. The latter tends to sink down and displace the lighter heated coolant. Due to this, natural circulation occurs. For the normal operation of the system, several conditions must be met:

  • due to the low velocity of the liquid, the diameters of the pipes must be increased to ensure the necessary flow of the coolant;
  • the difference in densities and masses of water with different temperatures is small, therefore, a heating circuit with natural circulation should be mounted with large slopes of horizontal sections;
  • the pipeline network is under natural pressure, it is unacceptable to create excess pressure, otherwise the flow of fluid will stop. This means that the expansion tank can only be of an open type and must be installed above the entire system;
  • to withstand all slopes, the boiler often has to be placed in a small depression.

What does such a heating distribution scheme give us in a two-story house, where compliance with all conditions requires careful calculations and leads to a large consumption of materials and installation complexity? The answer is simple: the gravitational circuit, which functions in conjunction with a conventional solid fuel or gas boiler, makes the water heating of a two-story house independent of electricity. Sometimes it's very important factor, for example, in areas with unreliable power supply. This is the scope of gravity systems.

Forced circulation system

Here, the movement of the coolant through the pipeline network occurs due to the operation of the circulation pump, which creates excess pressure in it. The introduction of a pumping device into the circuit made it possible to achieve the following advantages:

  • reduction of pipe diameters. The fluid flow rate has increased, and now a smaller flow area of ​​pipes can be used to ensure the required flow;
  • improving work efficiency. If the heating scheme with forced circulation is designed correctly, then water with high temperature successfully reach both the nearest and the farthest radiators;
  • pipes can be laid in the most convenient way, which plays a huge role in interior design issues. The lion's share of highways can be hidden using boxes or floor and wall structures;
  • convenience and comfort in use. The fact is that forced circulation makes it possible to implement any projects to automate maintaining the climate in the house;
  • economy in energy consumption. The conclusion follows from the previous paragraph, since automation allows you to heat the premises according to the daily schedule at a time when there are people there;
  • the system is easily adjustable.

Note. In two-story houses where old scheme with natural circulation, you can always put a pump. This modernization will make it possible to realize, if not all, then the main advantages of the pressure system.

Installation of a circuit with artificial inducement is laborious, but relatively simple, it can be easily done by hand. Take at least an expansion tank of a membrane type, which does not need to be placed in the attic, and even control the water level, as with gravity. Its place is in the furnace room, near the boiler.

The most significant drawback of the circuit is its volatility. One has only to turn off the two-story house from the electricity, and after a while the heat in the rooms is gone. Ways to eliminate the disadvantage, although simple, are costly: the acquisition and use electric generator Or, at worst, an uninterruptible power supply.

As for the allegedly high cost of materials, we have already discussed this issue, speaking of a one-pipe system. Although it should be noted that the cost depends on the number of control valves and automation tools included in the heating project. In the budget version, the assembly of the circuit will cost a little more than a single-pipe one.

Collector heating system

This is one of the new trends in the field of heating private houses, which appeared relatively recently and originated from two-pipe pressure systems. Only in contrast to them, the collector heating system of a two-story house has many branches converging to one center - the distribution manifold. The circuit resembles a set of rays diverging in all directions, with a distributor inside, as shown in the figure:

As you can see beam system heating provides for a separate connection of each radiator to a collector directly connected to the boiler. In this case, the "beams" are completely hidden in the floor structure, and the distributor is built into the wall inside a special cabinet. Only the connections to the batteries remain in sight, and even a branch coming from the boiler.

It is unnecessary to convince someone that the collector heating scheme in a two-story dwelling is the most efficient of all. Each radiator is powered separately, they do not affect each other. Adjustment and automation can be implemented in any way. The rosy picture is spoiled by only one circumstance - the high cost. This fact is also well understood at one glance at the diagram. There is also a disadvantage that has been inherited - dependence on electricity.

Heating scheme with a double-circuit boiler

In fact, the heating scheme of a two-story house with a double-circuit boiler is no different from a conventional two-pipe system. The problem is somewhat far-fetched and its solution does not depend on heating networks in any way. The crux of the matter is that the double-circuit boiler is disconnected from the system during water heating and is exclusively engaged in hot water supply. If it takes a long time, then the building starts to cool down and it becomes cool inside.

A similar situation is a consequence of an incorrect selection of the boiler power, the installation of heating has nothing to do with it. The power of the heat generator should be determined taking into account the heating of water at the DHW. If this has not been done and the boiler has already been installed, then there is only one way out - to reduce the temperature of water heating and use it sparingly.

What is the best heating system for a two-story house?

The answer to the question depends on individual conditions and wishes. If you want not to depend on electricity, you will have to make a gravity system with all its shortcomings. When there is a desire and opportunity to build an efficient and economical scheme, then a system with a collector connection is at your service.

In practice, heating distribution in two-story houses is most often two-pipe with forced circulation. In terms of cost and efficiency, this is the best solution, it allows you to realize a lot of opportunities and economically heat your home, incurring costs of medium size. Yes and for self assembly this scheme is quite convenient.