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Taurus woman compatibility in love and relationships. Sexual horoscope - Taurus woman Intimate horoscope Taurus woman

A Taurus woman attracts a man with her imperturbable calmness and realism. It is difficult to say what must happen to bring her off balance. Her equanimity and calmness can be envied. Sometimes it seems that she does not feel anything at all and much is indifferent to her. When, in fact, she does not like to flaunt her feelings. He sees no real need for it.

She is realistic and serious about life. Everything is considered from the point of view of sound realism, not succumbing to surging feelings, she knows how to control and express them, if they are really justified.

The love of a Taurus woman is earthly, where earthly values ​​​​are most important - comfort, coziness, money, material security. She has a penchant for everything luxurious, chic, as comfortable as possible in order to make less effort. Although on the other hand, she knows how to work, work, earn.

The manifestation of love is also earthly, where the main emphasis is on everyday worries and chores, basic needs, food, sleep and home comfort. Therefore, it has little interest in global problems. Although sometimes the problems of acquaintances and friends may also not be of interest. She can isolate herself from others and be content with her own zone of comfort and convenience.

In relationships, as in life, she does not like sudden changes, because they violate her love for stability, tranquility. Life with a Taurus woman is suitable for those who are tired of inconstancy, and want a stable existence and can be content with simple earthly pleasures.

Positive Qualities of a Taurus Woman in Love

  • prudence
  • realism
  • Practicality
  • purposefulness
  • persistence
  • perseverance
  • industriousness
  • permanence
  • Loyalty
  • Stability
  • calmness
  • Devotion

Negative qualities of a Taurus woman in love

  • relaxation
  • inertia
  • Monotony
  • Stubbornness
  • materialistic
  • Callousness
  • Restraint
  • slowness
  • Monotony

See also Character of Taurus Characteristics of people of the elements of the earth

Taurus woman in bed

Being an earthly sign, all earthly joys are not alien to her. This also includes not only delicious food, but also the pleasant pleasures of touch, foreplay, caress, tenderness and sex itself. Moreover, she likes all bodily, gentle touches, especially if they are filled with sensuality, tenderness and romance.

She loves sex, although sometimes she may not attach as much importance to it as the opposite sign Scorpio. But in any case, he will not deny himself the pleasures. She often has developed sensuality, she likes everything tender, soft. For example, furs, fur coats, soft fabrics.

She also enjoys touching everything tender, she likes to soak up in bed with her beloved man. The main thing is that he fully satisfies her needs, understands her desires and be a faithful and reliable life partner.

A Taurus woman in bed is often not a fan of everything standard, traditional. She gets more pleasure from everything permanent. And unexpected surprises can hardly surprise her. It is equally important that the environment itself be as comfortable, cozy and convenient as possible.

See also Taurus in sex

Who suits Taurus Woman

A Taurus woman is suitable for men who can satisfy her all earthly needs. She may have a lot of needs, or not so much. But in any case, she highly appreciates money, all earthly and material goods. And the more a man can provide them, the better.

She will also pay attention to the man's ability to earn money, how promising their relationship is and whether a real future is possible. And it will be if a man can make her life as comfortable, convenient and cozy as possible.

It will be easier for a Taurus woman with a man

  • generous
  • positive
  • Active
  • Purposeful
  • financially independent
  • hardworking
  • economic
  • practical
  • Realistic

It will be difficult for a Taurus woman with a man

  • financially needy
  • Not able to earn
  • impractical
  • Overly emotional and touchy
  • domineering
  • unpredictable
  • fickle

Taurus woman in a relationship with a man


How to Win a Taurus Woman

The more a man is financially independent, the more chances he has to win a Taurus woman. Often, a Taurus woman in love relies solely on a sober calculation of what benefits these relationships can bring, without taking into account feelings and emotions.

For another type of Taurus women, not only the material, external content, but also the internal, spiritual, the very nature of the man will be important. But in any case, the material side will not be ignored.

After all, she needs stability in life, she wants to know all earthly joys. Consequently, she will pay more attention to how much a man shares her views, meets her requirements and whether a man fits her ideal. All this must be clarified so that there are no misunderstandings later. Why does a Taurus woman remain cold and indifferent to beautiful words about love.

She will be touched more by earthly attention. When behind eloquence there will be earthly deeds, and not just fantasies, and unpredictability. She also highly appreciates the constancy and reliability of the chosen one. As far as he can be constant, faithful, devoted. And no less important, his ability to make money. Because the love of a Taurus woman begins with simple earthly joys.

It should also be borne in mind that a Taurus woman usually slowly converges with people, she is not used to quickly trusting, opening up, letting her close. She needs time for everything. Even for her feelings, they are slowly manifested, but they will be stable and constant.

See also How to win a Taurus woman How to fall in love with a Taurus woman

Married Taurus Woman

For a Taurus woman in marriage, the main thing is that a calm atmosphere reigns at home and no one would disturb her stability and tranquility. She likes to have a big house of hers, perhaps with land plot, it could be beautiful garden, or in good view on nature. IN last resort, an apartment is also suitable, but it is imperative that with all amenities.

At home, it is desirable that there are chic and luxurious things. She loves everything soft, fluffy, that can please her sensuality. For example, soft fabrics, velvet, furs, fur coats, wool. As for food, it is not particularly picky. He likes to eat tasty food, but he also has the ability to cook well.

But how developed they are depends on it. Sometimes a Taurus woman tends to relax, be lazy, especially when she has already achieved a lot, then why not relax. She also prefers to rest with maximum convenience, comfort, so that there are fewer sudden movements and surprises.

But also taking into account the material side of the rest, so that the price matches the quality. In general, she is not a fan of everything extreme, unexpected and unpredictable, because this also violates her love for stability and calmness.

How to get a Taurus Woman back

Usually a Taurus woman is not inclined to break off relationships. She wants stability and constancy. She takes relationships seriously and can endure a lot so as not to destroy what has been created. But on the other hand, if nothing has been created, then she will most likely quickly quit and forget.

And if a lot of things connect, then it will take a long time to think what to do next. She is not a fan of fast and drastic changes. It approaches everything slowly, therefore the desire to leave or return should also mature slowly.

In general, it is difficult for a Taurus woman to wean herself from the earthly joys that she had in marriage, nostalgic memories of the past may arise, home comfort, comfort. And if she sees that the chosen one has changed and is ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of maintaining the relationship, then she can return. But only on condition that she still has feelings for him and trust.

See also How to get a Taurus Woman back How to make peace with a Taurus Woman

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in shaping the character, behavior, habits, of a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to know more detailed information about yourself or about the person you are interested in, use the astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And help you learn more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all the planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of a horoscope.

Which is decisive in his life. Even those who do not believe much in horoscopes periodically begin to turn to astrology when they are trying to win their chosen one. Our article will reveal to you all the secrets of Taurus. You will find out what a Taurus man is like in bed, love, marriage and Everyday life. Knowing all the features of the behavior of your soulmate, you can always do right choice and avoid unnecessary quarrels in the house.

General horoscope: Taurus man

A man born under the sign of Taurus has a balanced disposition and high self-esteem. Since this is an earth sign, he always stands firmly on his feet. Such a man is extremely rational, reliable and logical. Having met Taurus, a woman very often comes to the conclusion that he will be just an ideal husband and father for her children. This is true, but do not flatter yourself: the character of Taurus is not so simple as it might seem at first glance.

The Taurus man is straightforward and hardworking. He knows exactly what he wants in life, but success comes to him after a lot of trials. Taurus will never get anything by unexpected luck - such happiness bypasses him. In companies, he is silent and gloomy, rarely enters into a conversation first. Taurus are alien to passions and addictions, they will never lose a large amount of money and will not allow themselves to be drawn into dubious affairs.

Many women say that the sign of the zodiac also affects the appearance of a man. If so, then the representative of the stronger sex, born in May, is the Ox. A male Taurus usually has a short stature and a strong physique, he has large hands and big size legs. Moreover, all male Taurus are carriers of pronounced facial features, which, however, are very attractive to the opposite sex.

Love horoscope for Taurus

May men often become the object of attention of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. But love in the life of a Taurus man will never become something extraordinary and spontaneous. Do not expect vivid expressions of emotions and passionate confessions mixed with a million scarlet roses from him. This story is clearly not about Taurus.

If you are interested in a man born in May, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to act very carefully so as not to frighten him. Otherwise, he will become stubborn like a bull. Taurus is a man who does not throw himself into the pool with his head, he will carefully study and evaluate the contender for his heart.

First of all, he will be interested in her family, education and career prospects. After all, his beloved must also stand very firmly on his feet, otherwise why do we need a relationship. The Taurus man is not an adherent of fleeting love affairs, he is in search of a real and faithful companion for life. That is why he is so picky and attentive.

If fans are hovering around the girl, then Taurus will most likely lose interest in her. Rivalry does not bring him any pleasure. After all, he strives for a lasting alliance based on mutual respect and loyalty. Although in his youth, a May man may well be seen in relationships with a variety of beauties, he is very susceptible to female beauty and loves well-groomed, charming girls.

To arouse interest in such a man, it is worth showing him all his positive aspects - housekeeping, fidelity, selectivity and efficiency. Only in this case will pay attention to you and, perhaps, Taurus will begin to care. A man does it very beautifully and a little old-fashioned, his woman will be surrounded by care and tenderness every day.

passion and sex

A Taurus man in bed can amaze and surprise a woman. He belongs to that rare type of lovers who get real pleasure from the process. Such a man will turn sex into something completely extraordinary and will slowly taste the pleasure. And in no case should he be rushed - he knows exactly what, when and how to do it. A plan for your meeting has long been ripe in his head, and he will fulfill it, not for a second deviating from what was planned. If you express displeasure or start to rush your partner, then he will not give you a second chance. It will be yours last meeting: Taurus does not need those who do not know how to enjoy sex as a rare delicacy.

The Taurus man is tireless in bed, he can have sex for long hours and turns this process almost into a cult. He is surprisingly sensual and intuitively understands all the desires of his partner. Taurus knows how to touch exactly where it is needed, at the right time. This ability makes him an ideal lover, although he is quite stingy with verbal expressions of his feelings. Physical touches cause a storm of emotions in the Taurus man and give him great pleasure. He is able to study the body of his partner for hours and expects the same actions from her.

Do not think, however, that the Taurus man in bed will experiment and try something unusual. This is wrong. He prefers simple sex, which does not carry any dangers and unknown emotions. Surprisingly, men born in May love natural scents. female body. You should not use deodorant and exquisite perfume before intimacy with him - he will not appreciate this. Moreover, spirits can significantly reduce his desire, and he, with his characteristic straightforwardness, will refuse any contact with you.

If you manage to attract a May man and meet all his requirements, then the Taurus man in bed will give you a sea of ​​tenderness and pleasure.


Taurus prefers to marry once in a lifetime and will give his chosen one the whole world. He will be an excellent husband who will take care of all the financial support of the family. If necessary, he will be able to take on some of the household chores, but he will do it with great reluctance and then he will definitely show his dissatisfaction with the current situation.

In marriage with Taurus, you should not be afraid of betrayal and hobbies on the side, he will remain faithful to his wife throughout his life. But in return, he will demand an extreme degree of respect and recognition of his merits. The fact is that the Taurus man will not tolerate a person next to him who is capable of at least something to humiliate his dignity. It's the only thing that can infuriate him. And although the Taurus man is extremely rare in a state of rage, you should not even be within the reach of his anger at this moment.

Taurus man in love: compatibility with other zodiac signs

Taurus makes his choice for a long time and thoroughly approaches the process. He is ready to take for analysis all the information about a potential girl, without exception. It can be a social network, stories of girlfriends, own observations and even a horoscope. Taurus is a man who tends to trust only a few sources, otherwise it will be difficult for him to decide on a serious relationship with a girl.

Usually Taurus prefer to choose the same earth signs as themselves. Therefore, they often opt for women born under the constellation Virgo and Capricorn.

But Pisces and Scorpios also suit them well. These women are reliable and self-confident, besides they do not have a penchant for intrigues and love adventures. And Taurus appreciates these qualities in the fair sex.

Very often, the attention of Taurus is captured by bright Aries women. They have beauty and ambition, know how to properly present themselves in society and easily earn money. Aries women also often pay attention to calm Taurus, who know how to be reliable and patient. But the Taurus man is not so simple: the characteristic, compatibility with the Aries woman in sex and the similarity of interests do not at all make them an ideal couple. Everything will be spoiled by the explosive temperament of Aries and the silent obstinacy of Taurus.

Cancer Woman and Taurus Man: Perfect Union

Both partners can turn their marriage into an almost perfect union, where love, tenderness and mutual understanding will reign. A Cancer Woman will appreciate the comfort that her husband can provide her. And he, in turn, will be fascinated by his wife's ability to create comfort and provide support in any situation.

Just as well, these two signs are compatible in sex. They appreciate sensual pleasures and are ready to spend hours on end playing love games and pleasures. Thanks to this, romance and tenderness are preserved in a couple for many years.

Capricorn woman and Taurus man: a strong and reliable marriage

From the side it seems that the couple is very cold in public. Both partners do not like to flaunt their emotions and value the secret of their personal lives, so their union has every chance to last for many years.

The Capricorn woman perfectly understands her chosen one and shares his vital interests. In the early years of marriage, they may have some, not too pronounced struggle for leadership, but over time, the roles are separated, and each takes his place in the family coordinate system.

Taurus and Pisces woman: an ambiguous union

The Taurus man and the Pisces woman are very drawn to each other. They quickly realize that they are made to be together. But, unfortunately, not everything is rosy in the marriage of this couple. They face misunderstanding and cannot find compromises for a long time. The Pisces woman is always surrounded by admiring men, and this annoys her husband. And his silence and perseverance in achieving his goals offends the vulnerable Rybka very much.

But the Taurus man and the Pisces woman are highly compatible in bed, so over time, harmony comes to the family, and the couple gradually changes some qualities that do not suit the partner.

Taurus man and Scorpio woman: crazy attraction

This couple is able to give each other a lot. They can live happily ever after if they can do a little work on themselves.

The Scorpio woman is extremely ambitious, so she actively supports the goals of her Taurus man and does everything for his professional growth. In addition, both spouses devote a lot of time not only to career, but also to spiritual development. This brings the couple very close.

Problems may arise in the intimate sphere. The Scorpio woman is a lover of experimentation and diversity, which is absolutely alien to the Taurus man. Therefore, if they do not learn to give each other what they need, then jealousy and mutual accusations will divorce the couple.

Compatibility horoscope: the zodiac sign of Taurus in bed is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

There are few people like her: against the background of naive, flirtatious, defenseless ladies, the Taurus woman seems to be wise by experience even in her youth. This interesting sign of the zodiac is characterized by incredible willpower, remarkable intelligence, complete calmness in difficult situations and the ability to accept what is happening around. She is fearless and calm, knows how to solve any problems without straining and without fussing. And when everyone around is panicking, she remains calm and finds a way out. The Taurus woman understands the structure of things, she is very strong, but she knows how not to show this strength to men, and anyone is comfortable next to her.

The Taurus woman is not particularly prone to bright and passionate manifestations of feelings, she is not romantic beyond measure, but she is a man of her word. If she said she loves, it's true, and it's forever. If she chose a man, she will be faithful to him. Intrigue, betrayal, coquetry - these are not her features. In bed, this zodiac sign is not very ardent, but she knows how to obey, be gentle and soft, surround with warmth. A Taurus woman can show a man that he is the only and the best, it is calm and pleasant with her.

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In a Taurus marriage, a woman is an ideal mistress, wife and mother. This zodiac sign is made for the family, while she finds time for self-care, relaxation and a career in which she can reach the top. She knows how to plan competently, manage everything without fuss, is not afraid of difficulties and is very independent. This wife respects her husband, does not press or limit his space, and will be able to create harmony in marriage.

Sexuality of the Taurus Woman

The determining and dominant influence on the sexual life of the Taurus is the ruling planet, Venus. People born under this sign are distinguished by warmth, friendliness, passion and tenderness towards a partner. In some cases, the bodies can carefully hide this. Taurus are well aware of their desires and needs, to achieve which they make every effort, carefully working to achieve the desired result. Desire and perseverance are the main components of the sexual side of the calves.

Taurus women from early youth dream of sublime and tender feelings. When the first relationship appears in love, Taurus requires a long bouquet-candy period, which will allow him to open up as fully as possible in the first relationship, and in this case he is able to surprise with his sensuality, eroticism and sexuality. The development of passion does not occur instantly in a calf, just as this sign of love does not happen at first sight. Passion develops imperceptibly, gradually and slowly, but when feelings are ready to speak, no other sign of the zodiac can give more sensuality and bestowal in love. Taurus connects feelings and desires into a single whole, so his passion always lasts throughout all relationships, whether they are sweet and happy or full of sorrow and disappointment.

Taurus women are an unsurpassed standard of tenderness and femininity. The impeccability of external data with bottomless eyes ... is able to lure any man into its languid nets. This type of women from birth knows how to properly emphasize their dignity. Has a unique sexual gait and demeanor. Even in home clothes or a sports suit in the guise of a woman - a calf, there is an exquisite excitation, attracting eroticism, which is surprisingly combined with an impression of reliability and fidelity.

A woman imposes an overestimated level of demands on her partners, giving the greatest preference to men with athletic data. Men with refined intellectuality have no chance to conquer a calf - a woman due to the fact that she gives the main thing in a man to tactile sensations and visual perception. At the same time, athletic men should have physical data from nature, because Taurus is given as much as possible to naturalness, naturalness and openness. A Taurus woman, without a twinge of conscience or modesty, can safely demonstrate her natural data, walking in the costume of Eve. Ladies are distinguished by their impressive and formidable appearance, under which amazing eroticism and sexuality are hidden. An increased love attraction can contribute to the appearance of several love affairs in ladies born under the sign of Taurus.

Taurus are distinguished by increased sensuality, which they put at the head of all love and sexual relationships. Because of this, it seeks to push itself or slightly fuss is not acceptable in love and sexual relations. They require a flexible and patient admirer or fan who can quickly and competently adjust to all the expectations and desires of a partner. With maximum devotion to feelings, bodies can act as one continuous erogenous zone, but they give the greatest preference to stroking the back of the head and neck. Very quickly, the bodies are able to respond to touch in the mouth and nose. And the greatest feeling of sensuality and unearthly being can give to the calves Erotic massage with the use of aromatic oils that give the skin additional silkiness, softness and smoothness. Taurus completely surrenders to love networks, acting as an exquisite lover.

When starting a love relationship with a calf, you should be patient, because all representatives of this sign are distinguished by excessive conservatism, and a preference to gradually go through all the stages of rapprochement. With patient adherence to all stages of the development of relationships, Taurus are able to surprise with their eroticism and excitability. You should not announce your intentions and desires to your partner on the first date, which can frighten or repel her.

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Relations on the first date should be filled with exquisite romance with all the necessary attributes. Special attention should be given to the filling of the table and the sophistication of the dishes, because for the Taurus, the luxury and gourmetization of dishes is the prototype of relationships in love. You should behave as naturally as possible with the involvement of a maximum of fantasy.

Taurus, by its nature, will not tolerate one-day relationships, giving all its preferences to the duration and reliability of the bonds of marriage. It is extremely rare to meet a Taurus with many love relationships that quickly replace each other. It's more of an exception than the rule. In a marriage with a calf, everything should be filled with nature and naturalness, starting from relationships with each other and ending with the situation. hearth and meals. Maintaining sensuality and affection will go most smoothly when making evening trips out of town on weekends. Filled with unique romanticism and sensuality, visits to historical sites.

Taurus Woman with other Zodiac Signs

Taurus in bed - what are they

Anyone who is lucky enough to get into the network of a representative of this sign will soon be convinced that Taurus in bed is a tireless lover who can make love all night long. This loveliness is partly due to the fact that sex is a great way for Taurus to get away from reality and everyday routine.

Taurus in bed - what kind of lovers are they?

And although Taurus prefer to make love at home, since comfort is paramount for them, they love variety. Therefore, according to the mood, it can be conversations, fantasies and even sexual toys.

What is a Taurus man in bed

Women are happy to marry Taurus. They are captivated by the fact that the men of this sign are self-confident and have a sense of their own dignity, but at the same time they are always correct and gallant with their partner. Many of them cannot be called sophisticated and sophisticated lovers, but they fully compensate for this with their strong passion.

The Taurus man in bed is prone to equality: he is open to intimacy in all its manifestations and does not seek to suppress his partner's sensuality. However, it presupposes the same openness on the part of the woman. Choosing a life partner, he is guided only by his mind, experience and insight. That is why it is almost impossible to "seduce" him with the help of the most common female tricks. With the lady of his heart, he is jealous, but this does not prevent him from being an excellent family man.

What is a Taurus woman like in bed

They are sensual, whimsical, refined and charming. They surround themselves beautiful things and brilliant men. The Taurus woman in bed is a great partner who can give her chosen one a refined sense of pleasure. She is sincere and recklessly surrenders to her attraction. She prefers to make love for a long time, in an atmosphere of complete emancipation.

However, often for men it is not only alluring and attractive, but also ruinous. As for family life, it is worth noting that in Taurus women it is often unstable and chaotic. It is pointless to try to pursue or seduce this woman - she chooses her partner herself and only before him opens the depth of her feelings.

With other men, she will be impregnable, cold, dismissive and obstinate. It is impossible not to say that many Taurus women are polygamous in bed - they can have several men at the same time and be faithful to them.

zodiac sign taurus in bed

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Erotic horoscope Taurus

Taurus of both sexes are endowed with external attractiveness, and this increases their chances of fulfilling their desires in terms of communication with the opposite sex. This sign can be attributed to the most sensitive and sensual in the entire Zodiac. Living under the auspices of Venus, these people are born for physical love, caresses, bliss, receiving the most exquisite pleasures.

Sex for Taurus can become one of the ways of self-affirmation. The erotic horoscope of Taurus indicates that even this, such a delicate area of ​​​​their life, is inextricably linked with the financial situation. If things are not going well in this area, Taurus may try to compensate for feelings of self-doubt in the love bed.

Venus endows people of this zodiac sign not only with love for caresses and love games, but also with remarkable physical strength. In practice, this means that Taurus are able to perform several sexual acts in a row without much difficulty, often considering a single intercourse insufficient for complete satisfaction.

Erotic horoscope: Taurus-man

From partners of male Taurus, you can often hear complaints about their passivity, waiting position in bed. And if a woman is not ready to take on a leading role, then a representative of this sign may consider such a mismatch of temperaments as a good reason for breaking off relations and connecting with another contender for the lady of her heart.

Taurus men do not recognize impromptu in a love game, their meetings take place basically according to the same pattern. The prelude performed by the men of this zodiac sign can resemble the game of an actor who has learned his role well and plays it without deviating from the script. They are not one of those who will persuade a woman to experiment, to amaze her imagination with erotic fantasies - these men are used to acting with proven methods.

At the same time, they have many advantages that may be of great interest to the fair sex. The Taurus man in bed is physically very hardy, passionate and tireless, and he does not allow himself incorrect, rude behavior towards a woman. The lack of sophistication, sophistication in caresses is compensated in the eyes of partners by sincerity of feelings and great openness in intimate relationships. Taurus refers to men whose good physical shape is not lost until old age.

Men of this sign are more likely than some others to become bisexual. They are able to have several partners at the same time, and both sexes.

Erotic horoscope: Taurus-woman

These creatures are charming, refined, sensual and a little capricious. Despite not the simplest, and sometimes rude, with masculine traits, they are very attractive to the opposite sex due to their sex appeal and incredible charm. Taurus women are very demanding in bed, a love date with such a woman is somewhat reminiscent of a bullfight. After it, the partner feels completely devoid of strength, but at the same time, he has experienced the most thrilling sensations and received complete satisfaction.

Regular high-quality sex makes the Taurus woman happy, cheerful, and the partner also imbues these feelings from her. For a woman of this zodiac sign, it is important that the date takes place in a beautiful setting, she loves furs, silks, and pleasant smells. The Taurus woman in bed is able to experience the subtlest nuances of sexual sensations, while remaining quite conservative here, being wary of any innovation. A man needs to fully inspire confidence in himself before offering her some kind of non-standard approach to sex.

If a Taurus woman is not looking for a permanent companion in a partner, then she can very easily change him for someone else, and breaks off relations so that there are no problems with former lovers. In relations with each new man, she tries to find something that she did not have a chance to experience with the previous one.

Taurus do not shy away from lesbianism, and if one day they accidentally experience such an experience, they can become addicted to it for life, constantly looking for partners who can give them maximum pleasure.

Erogenous zones of Taurus

Erogenous zones of Taurus - both men and women - are concentrated in the neck. These also include places under the ears and behind them, as well as the area of ​​​​the collarbone. Particularly sensitive to kissing and stroking is the neck area from the back to the hairline. Important point erotic caresses - you need to touch only with the fingertips and palms, but not with your nails, otherwise Taurus, regardless of gender, will feel a tickle, and not sexual arousal.

The neck is often left open, so access to the “pleasure center” is very convenient, and not only during love games. A Taurus woman can, as if by chance, correct jewelry or hair, a man of this sign - a shirt collar, casually gently touching the sensitive areas near them. Most Taurus people really like the massage of the shoulders and collarbone area, it gives them a special feeling.

It should be emphasized that in the life of Taurus, active bodily contacts play extremely important role. They need not only a spiritual, but also a close physical connection between them and the one they love - this is how they feel safe, feel reciprocated, since touch is the main language of love for representatives of this sign. Therefore, the caresses of not only erogenous zones bring special pleasure to Taurus - increased attention to other parts of the body is also very pleasant and important for them.

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Sexual horoscope of the zodiac sign Taurus

Sexual relationship horoscope for Taurus

For a representative of the zodiac sign Taurus, sex must be of excellent quality and quantity.

The Taurus sex horoscope suggests that physical relationships should be leisurely and thorough.

Taurus prefers to make love at home - in a familiar environment, although he will not refuse a physical act outside the house, the main thing is that he is comfortable there.

Practical and conservative Taurus adheres to conservative views not only in the family, in business, but also in bed.

He prefers to have sex in positions known and already tested by him, and in rare cases agrees to experiments.

The Taurus man prefers lush and moderately well-fed and soft girls, because Taurus's sexuality cannot be awakened by a thin and aggressive representative of the fair sex.

The Taurus girl also loves comfort, long and gentle caresses. If her man is not ready for foreplay and foreplay, then they will not have a long and lasting relationship.

How can Taurus please in bed?

The sex horoscope of Taurus advises to be gentle and affectionate, not to look at foreplay through your fingers, because this is vital for a representative of this zodiac sign.

Since this person is conservative and somewhat passive in bed, he needs a partner who will be as open and active as possible in physical relationships.

In love and sexual relationships, Taurus does not tolerate pretense and deceit, and his partner must always remain frank in bed.

Despite the fact that Taurus does not like experiments in bed, it should be borne in mind that one physical intimacy per night may not be enough for a representative of this zodiac sign.

Taurus: characteristics and description

Find out all the most interesting things about Taurus. This information will help you succeed in relationships with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

Love horoscope: Taurus in a relationship. Taurus man in bed

At the moment of birth, each person receives a lot of all kinds of attitudes, which later form his character, how he will behave in life and react to various situations. Of course, there are no identical people, and we all differ from each other in some way, even those who were born under the same stars. Yet these stars influence us to a great extent. In this material, we will talk in detail about men born under the constellation Taurus, or rather, about what they are in a love relationship. With whom this zodiac sign is compatible, what is it like in marriage and how the Taurus man behaves in bed, as well as much more - read on.

Comparing the Taurus man with other signs, you can see that the representative of this zodiac sign, like no other, is able to understand women. Moreover, unlike other men, Taurus has a developed intuition and knows how to use it, which gives him significant advantages over them. He is able to guess desires, captivate and captivate, he exudes warmth, tenderness and peace, especially for Taurus born in the year of the Goat.

In most cases, Taurus is a romantic, the owner of a subtle nature, which often attracts the fair sex so much. At the same time it reliable person who you can always rely on in difficult times. The Taurus-Dragon has a particularly attractive character. A woman who is next to Taurus will definitely experience a sense of stability, both material and emotional.

Taurus is stability and reliability

For women who want a calm and stable relationship or the same family life, a Taurus man is perfect as a partner. He is kind and tactful and will not once again find fault or make a scandal over some little thing. The Taurus man in bed is very gentle and passionate, and in general he is a faithful and devoted partner, and betrayal is a rather rare occurrence on his part, since he will rather be guided by reason than follow emotions.

Taurus knows a lot about money, that is, he knows how to earn it, and the incentive for him is the desire to provide his family with everything they need. Close Taurus is unlikely to bathe in luxury, however, being next to him, it is quite possible to count on a comfortable and cozy apartment furnished with taste. Taurus-Dragon can be especially purposeful, because a man born under these stars is extremely rational and diplomatic.

In love and relationships

The Taurus man tends to dream of perfect love, and he sincerely believes in its existence. And in the search for such love, he can be very persistent. And although men born under the sign of Taurus can hardly be called frivolous Don Juan, they try to regularly check their ability to influence women. Light flirting, flirting - they resort to such tricks only to keep themselves in shape, and also once again make sure own forces.

Taurus in relationships can be very sensitive and sentimental. Representatives of this sign are very picky in choosing a partner, they are hardly capable of love at first sight and tend to look closely and get used to the woman they like for a long time. And Taurus, born in the year of the Tiger, shows maximum precautions when it comes to new acquaintances. But having truly fallen in love, he will fight with all his might for his happiness.

Taurus man in bed

In the life of a Taurus man, sexual intimacy is far from the last place, which, on the one hand, lies in his significant erotic needs, on the other hand, in his confidence that sex is an integral part of human happiness, as well as one of the most valuable gifts of nature. . In this context love horoscope Taurus says that a woman who underestimates the importance of sexuality is not on the way with a man of this zodiac sign.

Denying sexual intimacy to Taurus means rejecting him, instilling in him a sense of uselessness. In this case, he may even suspect his partner. Of course, you should not take this statement as the only and indisputable truth, but such is Taurus - in bed, he wants to completely surrender to his partner and wants her to reciprocate. A Taurus-Monkey or a Rabbit may turn out to be a particularly sensitive and passionate lover.

Conservative and extremely stubborn

Taurus is quite conservative zodiac sign. In this regard, he is deeply convinced that the man should be the head of the family. There is no equality - everyone has their own responsibilities and must strictly adhere to them. He is unlikely to allow a woman to interfere in his purely male affairs, much less criticize him or doubt the correctness of his decisions. All the “pros” and “against” have long been weighed, so there is nothing more to talk about here. Even if Taurus is wrong, you should not directly tell him about it, it is better to try to subtly hint and point out the mistakes he made, leaving him the right to resolve issues himself.

Taurus is very stubborn, so in cases where there is strong pressure on him, he will still act in his own way and even do the opposite, contrary to what he is advised. And everything can look as if he deliberately does not notice the obvious things, this zodiac has such a character. Taurus requires a respectful attitude, therefore, in order to find with him mutual language need diplomacy.

He needs support

A man born under the sign of Taurus is in dire need of support from his life partner. If this support is not there, then he may think that his beloved is unhappy with him for some reason, which in the end will make him suspicious. Expecting criticism in his address, the Taurus guy is alert and preparing to repel a likely attack, he will relax only when he is sure that he is valued and respected.

The seemingly superfluous suspicion and caution of Taurus actually serve as a defense mechanism for him, obscuring his subtle inner world from external encroachments. However, having met a woman with whom he can feel completely safe, Taurus will sooner or later open up and share with her his most secret thoughts and desires.

Taurus in family life

Life together with Taurus may seem somewhat monotonous, but this is one of the most domestic zodiac signs. It is very important for him to be able to return home, to the quiet and cozy abode he created, where he will be deliciously fed, after which Taurus will want to read the newspaper or watch the latest news on TV. And so almost every day. Taurus prefers accuracy and rationality, this person is not able to suddenly break away and go in an unknown direction. Taurus, born in the year of the Dog, strives all his life to create a full-fledged family, and he succeeds quite well.

You should not perceive the Taurus man as an exceptionally boring and monotonous person; impulsiveness and spontaneity are by no means alien to him. For example, a Taurus guy born in the year of the Rooster will be a skilled master in his house, however, it is difficult for him to constantly be within four walls.

Who is it compatible with?

If we summarize all the character traits that, according to astrologers, are inherent in Taurus men, then we can draw some general conclusions regarding their compatibility with certain types of women. So, here's what the horoscope tells us: Taurus is great for those women who would prefer a calm and measured life. This woman must be economical, or at least not inclined to throw money away. The Taurus man is perfect for those ladies who know how to be faithful, while wanting their partner to appreciate their beauty and admire them.

It is perfect for girls in whose life intimacy occupies an important place, because the Taurus man is tireless in bed. He is jealous, but rarely commits rash acts, likes to eat delicious food and prefers to spend more time next to his beloved. He also loves nature very much and one day he can give up everything and move to live in the village.

With whom it will be difficult for Taurus to find a common language

The Taurus man can make an excellent match for his chosen one, but, despite his relatively calm nature, not every woman is able to withstand this guy. For example, the one who is most afraid of monotony and monotony, and also does not see herself as an ideal housewife.

It will be quite difficult for a woman who is very important to maintain her own independence to find a common language with Taurus, because he tends to constantly observe every step of his chosen one, control her, and sometimes even give advice on how to behave. This man is quite stubborn, and often there is no point in arguing with him - he will still do everything his own way. And the Taurus-Monkey may even turn out to be a rather vindictive nature, so it’s better not to make him angry.

What to interest Taurus

How to behave with Taurus in order to interest and attract his attention? What else can his love horoscope tell us? Calmness and poise are exactly the qualities that Taurus appreciates so much in the opposite sex. Madness, unpredictability and hysteria are by no means his element. Nevertheless, Taurus needs a woman who can stir him up and induce him to action. However, he is quite insightful, so from the first minutes of meeting he can independently determine whether this woman is suitable for him or not. Sometimes he does not mind non-committal adventures, but Taurus tends to strive for a full-fledged relationship, so he almost always evaluates a potential partner from this point of view.

First of all, the Taurus man appreciates sincerity and rationality in women. Do not play with him - he is quite capable of recognizing cunning and deceit. He needs a woman who is strong and at the same time delicate and romantic, and most importantly, natural. It would be wrong to call Taurus greedy, but he will never tolerate people next to him who try to take advantage of him. It is not so easy to tame him, but if this still succeeds, then the Taurus in love is unlikely to want to let go of his beloved.

A small conclusion

A man born under the sign of Taurus is naturally endowed with strength and an independent character, which does not prevent him from being kind. attentive and gentle. He will never waste resources, be it money or his own Vital energy. But if he has to fight for his happiness, then he will definitely make every effort to achieve the desired result. To be near such a one means to be behind a stone wall, at least the horoscope says so. Taurus is loving, loyal and rational, which makes him an almost perfect spouse. And nothing that he is a little stubborn, because with proper treatment this quality of his can play a positive role in his life.

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The Taurus woman does not need textbooks on seducing men, because her patroness is Venus, she knows all the secrets of seduction from the very beginning. Even simple, innocent gestures of the representatives of this sign turn into powerful sexual impulses for all the men who are nearby. If she wants to attract the attention of a certain man, she just needs to send her erotic vibes to him, which no one can resist.
She is sensual, her ability to attract men is elevated to the rank of art. However, enticing many, with her attention she honors only the elect. Fans of the rapid development of relationships will be disappointed: they will find it overly traditional. In general, when choosing a lover, a Taurus woman focuses primarily on her intuition, on inexplicable impulses of the soul.
Sentimentality is inherent in the Taurus woman, she defends her rights fiercely and violently. A serious, real relationship with her will not be smooth and calm. By nature, she is jealous, and if she triples the scenes, then they are so spectacular that even the best Hollywood pyrotechnicians would envy. Don't you dare neglect it! The Taurus woman will not start long and tedious conversations with thoughtful arguments: she will directly say everything she thinks. At the same time, she can enhance the significance of her words by strikingly breaking the dishes on your head.
A woman of this sign clearly knows what she wants, and is unreasonably stubborn, even when there is no reason for this. If she decided to achieve something, she will go ahead to her goal, using any means: tears, threats, the same beating of dishes. If you're in a relationship with her, you either need to learn to give in or be willing to leave.
Be afraid to show your contempt to the Taurus woman - you will make a lot of money. dangerous enemy. For revenge, she will not disdain any methods, will use any methods. But this medal also has back side She gives as much as she takes. Being very affectionate, she also has an innate common sense. She is able to quickly detect deceit, but in response to sincere feelings, she will give her partner reciprocity.
The Taurus woman trusts her emotions. Some doubt her intellectual abilities, as in society she does not show her wit. But such an opinion is erroneous, just in search of the truth, she does not rely on intelligence, but on her own intuition. She has no tendency to idealism, she is quite practical.
She is not characterized by feelings about the heroes of films when a real, real man sits next to her. Platonic love for her is something mythical, she perceives physical attraction as an obligatory component of love. In her younger years, the Taurus woman most of all strives for the knowledge of life, therefore, with a high probability, she will give her heart to the man who will be able to give it to her. But in the future, knowing more men, the list of her requirements for a lover expands. If the candidate does not meet her needs, he has no chance.
The Taurus woman is sensual, and when her partner does not satisfy her, she finds another without a twinge of conscience. She does not bother to look for reasonable explanations for her sexual desires. It is enough for her that she simply has these desires. In clothes, she demonstrates good taste, but without excessive luxury. She knows how to buy things without exceeding the allowable budget and enjoying her purchases.
The representative of this sign is not indifferent to jewelry: rings, earrings, and especially necklaces. Her neck is highly sensitive, so she wears jewelry on it with great pleasure. A Taurus woman appreciates chic. The man who provided her with jewelry and furs, surrounded by the attributes of wealth, will remain in her soul for a long time.
Her weakness is carelessness. When she feels good and easy with her chosen one and she has self-confidence, she starts to be lazy, late for meetings, allows herself to dress sloppily. Like the Taurus man, the woman of this sign loves to drink and eat, so she can become overweight or even fat. A thin Taurus woman is fat in her soul, it's just not visible outwardly.
She needs an object of affection, but her innate conservatism does not allow her to be satisfied with the connection, she needs marriage. She needs someone who would be connected with her and be near. But at the same time, she treats her beloved as her property, and does not consider it necessary to do something so that he is faithful to her. Despite the tendency to strong emotional reactions, her self-control is even more developed: she will never show her feelings in public. Even if she is excited, she will be able to restrain her desire for as long as she likes, guided by common sense. She may seem helpless and fragile, but this is a deceptive impression. In fact, she is persistent and smart.
The Taurus woman is a good cook and an excellent lover. She can make an excellent wife, because by nature she is a loving and devoted woman. But remember: she will never forgive betrayal. If you are overwhelmed with love, do not connect your life with it, you can greatly regret it. The Taurus woman is the quintessence of the Woman, and this is the only way to treat her.
Sexual characteristics of a Taurus woman
The Taurus woman invites you to dinner. On the table are candles, excellent dishes and excellent wines. When communicating, you notice that she has a pleasant voice (by the way, many representatives of this sign sing well). Her outfit captivates you, all the jewelry on her matched perfectly. Surely she saw something attractive in you, because otherwise you would not be here. Do not hesitate, you will never regret this evening, all your desires will come true.
You notice her soft and fresh skin (this is typical for Taurus women). A deep neckline cannot hide a high chest (most representatives of this sign have magnificent forms). You start to dance, and the smell of her perfume beckons you further, promising an unprecedented pleasure.
She prepared for this evening as she should. There is nothing spontaneous in it, everything goes according to a well-thought-out plan. Light, unobtrusive light reigns in the bedroom, and the bed is covered with silk sheets - she loves silk, not linen or cotton.
Lead her gently. She expects you to be kind and patient and make love as described in the novels. She is waiting for the pleasure of sex, innovative ideas in this regard do not interest her. If you want to try something new, then you need to be patient, gradually prepare her for this, and only when she feels confident in you. Possessing a huge potential for experiments in sex, her addictions, however, she changes hard.
The Taurus woman is a good lover, but demanding. If she wants you, then you will be in her bed, that's a fact. And after sex with her, you will remain lifeless. No wonder, in sex she has no equal. Each connection with her in tension can be compared with a bullfight. She pays tribute to restrained signs of adoration - she loves light hugs, gentle caresses of the buttocks, kisses, but it is impossible to satisfy her in this way.
In the bedroom, she behaves very romantically. She attaches great importance to visual design. Her love for furs can also be reflected in sex, she may want to engage in love pleasures on a fur coat thrown on the floor, for example. She knows the art of seduction perfectly and uses it to the maximum. When she appears in the bedroom, wearing only jewelry and perfume, you realize that it's time for the main thing.
The bedroom is her territory, here she reveals herself in full force, giving all of herself to the embodiment of her erotic fantasies. To increase attraction, she can play resistance, of course, if you support this game by becoming a ruthless, obsessive lover. Or, for example, she may pounce on you: she is a vampire, and you are a sleeping victim. In all her actions, real passion is felt, there is no falseness in them. But the Taurus Woman can go to extremes. Inside, she is torn apart by a powerful sexual attraction and a need for security. Craving for sex can go beyond all boundaries, it can turn into a nymphomaniac. A Taurus woman should always be satisfied, for her this is the Law.
As she grows older, her external manifestations of passion change. If earlier she preferred silk sheets, now she will be excited by a shabby blanket, which is spread directly on the unwashed floor or sand. She begins to enjoy the working smells emanating from the male body.

There are few people like her: against the background of naive, flirtatious, defenseless ladies, the Taurus woman seems to be wise by experience even in her youth. This interesting zodiac sign is characterized by incredible willpower, remarkable intelligence, complete calmness in difficult situations and the ability to accept what is happening around. She is fearless and calm, knows how to solve any problems without straining and without fussing. And when everyone around is panicking, she remains calm and finds a way out. The Taurus woman understands the structure of things, she is very strong, but she knows how not to show this strength to men, and anyone is comfortable next to her.

The Taurus woman is not particularly prone to bright and passionate manifestations of feelings, she is not romantic beyond measure, but she is a man of her word. If she said she loves, it's true, and it's forever. If she chose a man, she will be faithful to him. Intrigue, betrayal, coquetry - these are not her features. In bed, this zodiac sign is not very ardent, but she knows how to obey, be gentle and soft, surround with warmth. A Taurus woman can show a man that he is the only and the best, it is calm and pleasant with her.

In a Taurus marriage, a woman is an ideal mistress, wife and mother. This zodiac sign is made for the family, while she finds time for self-care, relaxation and a career in which she can reach the top. She knows how to plan competently, manage everything without fuss, is not afraid of difficulties and is very independent. This wife respects her husband, does not press or limit his space, and will be able to create harmony in marriage.

Sexuality of the Taurus Woman

The determining and dominant influence on the sexual life of the Taurus is the ruling planet, Venus. People born under this sign are distinguished by warmth, friendliness, passion and tenderness towards a partner. In some cases, the bodies can carefully hide this. Taurus are well aware of their desires and needs, to achieve which they make every effort, carefully working to achieve the desired result. Desire and perseverance are the main components of the sexual side of the calves.

Taurus women from early youth dream of sublime and tender feelings. When the first relationship appears in love, Taurus requires a long bouquet-candy period, which will allow him to open up as fully as possible in the first relationship, and in this case he is able to surprise with his sensuality, eroticism and sexuality. The development of passion does not occur instantly in a calf, just as this sign of love does not happen at first sight. Passion develops imperceptibly, gradually and slowly, but when feelings are ready to speak, no other sign of the zodiac can give more sensuality and bestowal in love. Taurus connects feelings and desires into a single whole, so his passion always lasts throughout all relationships, whether they are sweet and happy or full of sorrow and disappointment.

Taurus women are an unsurpassed standard of tenderness and femininity. The impeccability of external data with bottomless eyes ... is able to lure any man into its languid nets. This type of women from birth knows how to properly emphasize their dignity. Has a unique sexual gait and demeanor. Even in home clothes or a sports suit in the form of a woman - a calf, there is an exquisite excitation, attracting eroticism, which is surprisingly combined with an impression of reliability and fidelity.

A woman imposes an overestimated level of demands on her partners, giving the greatest preference to men with athletic data. Men with refined intellectuality have no chance to conquer a calf - a woman due to the fact that she gives the main thing in a man to tactile sensations and visual perception. At the same time, athletic men should have physical data from nature, because Taurus is given as much as possible to naturalness, naturalness and openness. A Taurus woman, without a twinge of conscience or modesty, can safely demonstrate her natural data, walking in the costume of Eve. Ladies are distinguished by their impressive and formidable appearance, under which amazing eroticism and sexuality are hidden. An increased love attraction can contribute to the appearance of several love affairs in ladies born under the sign of Taurus.

Taurus are distinguished by increased sensuality, which they put at the head of all love and sexual relationships. Because of this, it is not acceptable to push oneself or slightly fuss in love and sexual relationships. They require a flexible and patient admirer or fan who can quickly and competently adjust to all the expectations and desires of a partner. With maximum devotion to feelings, the bodies can act as one continuous erogenous zone, but they give the greatest preference to stroking the back of the head and neck. Very quickly, the bodies are able to respond to touch in the mouth and nose. And the greatest feeling of sensuality and unearthly being can give to the bodies of erotic massage with the use of aromatic oils, giving the skin additional silkiness, softness and smoothness. Taurus completely surrenders to love networks, acting as an exquisite lover.

When starting a love relationship with a calf, you should be patient, because all representatives of this sign are distinguished by excessive conservatism, and a preference to gradually go through all the stages of rapprochement. With patient adherence to all stages of the development of relationships, Taurus are able to surprise with their eroticism and excitability. You should not announce your intentions and desires to your partner on the first date, which can frighten or repel her.

Relations on the first date should be filled with exquisite romance with all the necessary attributes. Particular attention should be paid to the filling of the table and the sophistication of the dishes, because for the Taurus, the luxury and gourmetization of dishes is the prototype of a love relationship. You should behave as naturally as possible with the involvement of a maximum of fantasy.

Taurus, by its nature, will not tolerate one-day relationships, giving all its preferences to the duration and reliability of the bonds of marriage. It is extremely rare to meet a Taurus with many love relationships that quickly replace each other. It's more of an exception than the rule. In a marriage with a calf, everything should be filled with nature and naturalness, starting from relationships with each other and ending with the furnishings of the hearth and dishes. Maintaining sensuality and affection will go most smoothly when making evening trips out of town on weekends. Filled with unique romanticism and sensuality, visits to historical sites.