Toilet      04/14/2019

Standard hot water temperature. DHW temperature: requirements and standards of SanPiN

The difference in the use of hot water between country house and apartment basically lies in the fact that in the system of individual autonomous heating you can always monitor and adjust the temperature and pressure of the coolant flowing through the pipes, and in centralized system For heating, these parameters are set in the boiler room, and the owner of the apartment cannot in any way influence the adjustment of the characteristics of the working fluid. But what should the temperature be? hot water, you can check it in the apartment. This must be done at least to ensure that the temperature of the hot water supply and heating complies with the standards and ensures comfortable living and use hot water in the bathroom, kitchen and other water points. Therefore, if during the year, instead of hot water of a certain temperature, you receive barely warm or even cold water, then you should think about how and where to write an application in order to achieve the targeted spending of your utility bills.

How the temperature range is set

About what temperature the hot water in the water supply should be and central heating, the information is set out in SanPiN (sanitary rules and regulations determining the temperature of hot water and heating) and GOST R 51617-2000 (air temperature in the room when using heating and hot water). The parameters do not change for a long time, as they are determined by the appropriateness of these values ​​- a person should feel comfortable and not experience any inconvenience when using hot water in one form or another.

Since the temperature of the water in the hot water supply depends on the technical solution for the water supply of the house or apartment, the temperature for the hot water supply and hot water supply routes will always be different. The temperature in the DHW system should not go beyond 60 0 C-75 0 C for all water points. If the DHW circuit is closed type, then the minimum permissible temperature water should be 50 0 C, for an open hot water supply it is 60 0 C.

Housing and communal services standards contain the following permissible deviations: a decrease in temperature by 5 0 C at night (from 0.00 to 5.00) and a decrease in temperature during the day by 3 0 C (from 5.00 to 0.00). These rules are based not only on the comfort of using hot water, but also on the safety of residents. If the deviation from the regulations exceeds the specified limits for every 3 0 C, residents have the right to demand a reduction in the payment for hot water supply by 0.1% for every 60 minutes of violation. If during control temperature measurements the thermometer showed a temperature ≤ 40 0 ​​C, then payment utilities carried out according to the payment tariffs for cold water supply. To confirm the data, it is necessary to carry out an official measurement and draw up a report certifying the deviation from the SanPiN regulations.

If the water in the pipes is hot, it can cause burns, especially to children. In addition, modern pipe lines are made of plastic or metal-plastic, and high water temperatures have a destructive effect on them. When the temperature in the pipes exceeds 76 0 C, a violation of the regulations occurs, just as when the temperature decreases to 56 0 C, and residents have the right to write an individual or collective complaint against the utility company.

There is also one more rule that forces you to regulate the hot water supply in the apartment within 60-75 0 C. In warm water, microorganisms and pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply quickly and actively. Therefore, the temperature limit must cover the values. In which a person will not receive burns, but microorganisms will die without causing harm to consumers. This rule is especially relevant for children's and medical institutions.

In the warm fresh water Legionella, a bacterium that causes pneumonia of unknown etiology, reproduces well. This means that in most cases the disease is not identified or is identified incorrectly, which leads to incorrect treatment with corresponding results, including death. But in hot water, Legionella dies depending on the temperature:

  1. At 70−80 0 C, the water is completely disinfected - all bacteria die instantly;
  2. At 66 0 C, legionella dies in 120 seconds;
  3. At a temperature of 60 0 C, microorganisms die in 22 minutes;
  4. At 55 0 C, bacteria die in 6-7 hours;
  5. At a temperature of 20−45°C, the active phase of legionella reproduction begins;
  6. At temperatures ≤ 20°C, Legionella cannot reproduce due to the cold.

Based on the above, it becomes clear that when high temperature the use of hot water becomes safe in terms of morbidity, but unsafe in terms of possible burns:

  1. When the water temperature in the hot water supply is ≤ 50 0 C, there is a sufficient degree of probability of getting a burn;
  2. At temperatures ≥ 65 0 C, burns on the skin occur within 2-5 seconds;
  3. At a water temperature of 55 °C, a burn can occur in one and a half minutes.

The problem is solved as follows: hot water with centralized distribution residential buildings first stored in tanks where the temperature is maintained sufficient to kill the bacteria. As hot water supply is supplied to the house, its temperature drops to a regulated level, and the use of hot water should be carried out only with the simultaneous connection of cold water supply to the house.

Water quality in hot water supply

What is regulated by Snip, GOST and SanPin ? Resolution SanPiN, clause 2.4 regulates the temperature standards for transporting water to residential buildings, and the maximum temperature limits for hot water in an apartment are 60 0 C to 75 0 C. In addition, hot water in the apartment should not have any foreign odors and flavoring impurities. If for some reason the temperature regulations are not observed, a complaint can be filed against organizations involved in the delivery of hot water to residential buildings in order to eliminate the cause of the violation of GOST. In each region, the application form will be original, so here are a few examples of such applications:

How to measure temperature

To find out what hot water temperature is normal or not, they are carried out first independent measurements, and only after this it is necessary to invite official representatives of utility services to carry out official measurements and draw up relevant supporting documents.

To measure the temperature of hot water yourself, open any hot water tap and drain the water for 180 seconds, then fill any container with water (for example, a liter jar) and measure the temperature with a regular household thermometer. To do this, lower it into the jar for a few minutes and wait until the thermometer readings stop changing. If the thermometer shows too low or too high values, contact the utility companies with appropriate statements. If for some reason it is impossible to make a written application, then the dispatcher is obliged to accept an oral telephone complaint or an application for a control measurement by official representatives of the company. If the violation is eliminated without control measurements, the dispatcher is obliged to inform the applicant about this.

If the reason why the temperature schedule is violated is unknown, then a representative of the utility organization is obliged to arrive at the applicant for an official no later than 120 minutes after receiving any application - oral or written. Other time intervals are discussed with the applicant.

Repeated measurements of the DHW temperature are made by an official, after which a report on measuring the water temperature must be drawn up, and on the basis of this document, in the event of an obvious violation, the payment for DHW must be recalculated at other tariffs. The act is drawn up in two copies, one copy is sent to the management company, the second must be with the owner of the property.

How to write a complaint to the management organization

If the hot water temperature schedule is violated constantly and regularly, then residents can write a collective or individual complaint against the management company that transports hot water. For a complaint to have legal force, it must be drawn up in a legally competent manner, citing facts and arguments. Any notary or lawyer can provide assistance in drawing up such a document.

The document header must contain correct name the organization against which the complaint is being made, and the name of the responsible manager (if known to the complainant) to whom the document is addressed. Below are the personal details of the applicant: last name, first name, patronymic, address where the applicant is registered, contact information for subsequent communication regarding the application.

General complaint form:

  1. Document title;
  2. Statement that the temperature schedule is violated when providing residents with hot water according to the application form in accordance with Federal Law No. 195 under Article 7.23;
  3. The statement itself contains a description and essence of the complaint. It is necessary to write in the document that independent and control measurements of the hot water temperature were carried out with information from the previously drawn up report: date of measurement, personal data of the employee who carries out the control measurement of hot water temperature, temperature parameters;
  4. The complaint should end with a requirement to eliminate violations in the DHW supply or eliminate violations of the DHW temperature regime. In addition, you can oblige the company to inform you about the implementation of relevant work;
  5. At the end of the written complaint, the date of its preparation is indicated and the signature of the applicant is affixed. The complaint must be submitted and registered in 2 copies. The document is sent to the management organization by registered mail with notification, or is independently delivered by the applicant to the company’s office.

The second copy of the complaint, which remains with the applicant, must contain a mark indicating the acceptance of the document, and it must also indicate the date of receipt of the application and bear the seal of the management organization. The response to the complaint must be received no later than 30 working days.

How to request a recalculation if you deviate from the temperature schedule

How is the payment for hot water recalculated if the temperature schedule for hot water supply is violated? Having in hand a control measurement certificate confirmed by an official management company, you need to visit the management organization to arrange a recalculation of the hot water service.

If the DHW temperature at the time of measurement was ≤ 40 0 ​​C, then pay DHW consumption necessary, according to the law, according to tariffs for cold water supply. Thus, to carry out an official recalculation, you need to have on hand a certificate of measuring the temperature of the hot water supply. Before drawing up the act, an application for measurement is submitted; the document must contain registration number, time of acceptance into office work, data of the dispatcher who accepted the application. If the report was drawn up during a technical failure, and subsequently the hot water temperature returned to normal, the dispatcher is obliged to notify the applicant about this, indicating the deadline emergency work DHW and time to repair a breakdown in the pipeline.

If the hot water temperature is constantly low and the reasons for this decrease are unclear, you should decide with a company representative (dispatcher) about the time to carry out a control measurement of the hot water temperature. After measuring and drawing up several copies of the act according to the number of participants in the measurement, the document is sent to the authorities that approve or do not approve the need for recalculation.

IN winter time the measurement is made taking into account the outside temperature and the thermal insulation conditions of the hot water supply line.

Features of measurements

  1. When measuring the temperature of the hot water supply, the water from the tap should be drained for at least 2-3 minutes;
  2. The draining time depends on the DHW supply pattern to the metering tank (for example, from an “independent” pipe or from a valve in the bathroom or kitchen).

The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations contains Article 7.23, which provides for punitive or administrative sanctions for violating the regulations for providing the population with hot water supply. Therefore, measurement and subsequent actions must be carried out officially and documented in order not only to establish the fact of a violation, but also to determine the exact time frame within which payment for DHW services will be recalculated. In this case, the initial period is considered to be the time of drawing up the measurement report, the final date for recalculation is the date of checking the compliance of the temperature regime of the hot water supply after eliminating the accident, breakdown or other reason for the violation of the schedule. If the management company refuses to recalculate, the applicant has the right to file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor or the courts.

If violations fall within the scope of Federal Law No. 195 under Article 7.23, then the defendant may be fined, and the amount of the fine for an individual executing person may be 500-1000 rubles, for an organization – 5000-10000 rubles.

By paying for utilities, you have the right to demand that the management company perform your duties in full, and receive the appropriate quality of services and products for your money. Therefore, if you see that the service does not correspond to what was declared, do not be afraid to defend your rights and demand that the company providing the services fulfill its obligations. If you have complete information about DHW standards, temperature graphs and permissible deviations you can challenge the unlawful actions of service provider companies, supporting your claims with relevant documents: measurement reports, applications for recalculation of payment for services, correctly filed complaints to higher authorities - Rospotrebnadzor or the court.

What to do if water does not meet SanPiN requirements

If you have a need to recalculate payments for inappropriate hot water delivery services, then your actions must take place within the legal framework, namely, comply with the requirements of government decree No. 354 Russian Federation, which sets the rules for the provision of utility services to consumers.

The requirements according to which your actions as an injured consumer will be regulated:

  1. If you find a violation, you must notify the dispatcher about it in writing or orally. In any case, do not forget to indicate your contact details - personal data, address, reason for contacting. The dispatcher is obliged to register your request and give it a go;
  2. In response, the dispatcher must inform you of his data, the registration number of your application and the time of its submission;
  3. the fact of a violation of the provision of services must be verified by the dispatch service and recorded. To do this, an additional verification of the violation is carried out together with the applicant, about which a report is drawn up. According to paragraph No. 108 of Resolution No. 354, such an inspection must be organized no later than two hours after receiving the complaint. Other times are agreed upon with the applicant;
  4. After the inspection, an act must be drawn up, based on the results of which violations will be eliminated. The document must contain a description of the violation, if it was detected, how and with what the control measurement of the hot water temperature was carried out, the time of measurement and the address at which all the described actions were carried out;
  5. Each participant in the inspection must have their own copy of the report, and the applicant must also have one copy.

If you, as an applicant and injured person, do not agree with the results of the inspection and measurements, you can request an additional examination. The repeated inspection is agreed upon and carried out in the same way as the initial one, only an expert is already involved in it. If at recheck the fact of violation is not confirmed and recorded, then the costs of the examination will be borne by the applicant.

Actions after receiving the act

After you have completed all the documents and received an act of violation of the quality of public services for the delivery of hot water, your further actions are to submit a request for recalculation of payment. You can find out the time for which the recalculation must be made from the information provided above.

Duration of violation temperature chart counts:

  1. From the time of bringing information about the violation to the dispatcher;
  2. Until the time of testing to restore parameters.

If during this time the correct DHW has not been resumed, then the services with a violation of quality are considered incomplete, which means you have the right to submit a second claim.

What temperature cold water in the tap?

    It depends on the time of year, since the temperature of the water in the pipes is determined by the temperature of the water in the reservoir from which the water is drawn, and the temperature of the soil at the depth of the water pipelines. As a result, in summer it is 16-20 degrees, in winter 4-5. The fact is that at +4 degrees the water has a maximum density (it sinks to the bottom), so in winter the water temperature in reservoirs is exactly that.

    In general, the water temperature in main pipes in winter it can even be negative. The fact is that with increasing pressure, the freezing point of a liquid decreases - for water by about 1 degree for each atmosphere. Therefore, in winter, during severe frosts, the pressure is noticeably increased (up to 10 atm instead of the usual 3-5), such water will remain liquid down to -10 degrees.

    Of course, the temperature of cold water in the tap depends on the time of year, but not as much as my colleagues wrote. The average water temperature is about 10-12 degrees and can also vary by 1-2 degrees depending on the time of year. Namely, this temperature is determined by the temperature of the earth at a level of 1.5 meters underground, which is approximately the same in winter and summer. Remember ordinary village wells, in which the water is approximately equally cold in winter and summer, although the wells are somewhat more dependent on the time of year. By the way, this temperature underground remains to a depth of several hundred meters, and then it begins to rise

    It is impossible to give an exact figure for the temperature of the cold water flowing from our tap; it all depends on the time of year. In winter, the water temperature in the water supply ranges from 4 to 8 degrees, while in summer it can vary from 16 to 20.

    There can be no clear answer to this question. The temperature of cold water in the tap can vary from approximately +10C to +20-25C.

    The water temperature depends on the depth of the well, the time of year, and how strong the water flow is. Typically, the water that flows as soon as we open the tap is slightly below room temperature, and the more water that flows, the colder it will be.

    In different ways, there is no standard for it, unlike hot water. You understand that everything depends on the time of year and the ambient temperature - in the summer, sometimes you can take a shower with barely a tap with cold water

    What is the temperature of cold water in the tap? It's hard to say.

    For example, at our work, cold water from the tap comes out of the tap in winter (36 -37 degrees), since the pipes run next to the heating pipes.

    And at home, the temperature of cold water from the tap is 10 degrees (underground well).

    In comfortable apartments in big cities, cold water from the tap flows 15 - 20 degrees.

    Indeed, there are no standards for the temperature of cold water, at least I haven’t found any; there are local recommendations for service organizations that the temperature of cold water in the tap should correspond to the range from +4 to +20 degrees. Probably the lower limit is valid for the winter season, and the upper limit for the summer. Of course, when taking water from open sources, its temperature will depend on the air temperature and will warm up in the summer and cool down in the winter. But there are also such things as a malfunction of the mixer, when somewhere neighbors do not have a meter and check valve hot water mixes with cold. My friend at one time had cold water running at a temperature of +25, and this is obvious overheating.

    I myself even wondered, what is the actual temperature of the cold water in the tap? so I took a thermometer and measured the temperature of the cold water, the thermometer showed +11 degrees Celsius, and it seemed to me that the water temperature was a little lower, but I was wrong, well, what happens.

    Well, I just can’t agree with the answers above. It's probably just a given standard.

    No one can tell what the temperature of the water is. Not all and not everywhere water comes from reservoirs (ground). There are wells and the water from them is colder; the longer it flows, the colder it becomes.

    In the village at my grandmother’s, even in 40 degree frost, it leaks if the faucet is not closed all the way. And the pipe runs along the top of the earth.

    As long as the water flows and does not freeze, our springs flow all year round.

    Therefore, I think it’s difficult to say which one, it’s different everywhere. Although the springs probably have the same temperature.

    The temperature of the tap water will depend on the time of year. this moment. In summer the water will be warmer for obvious reasons, in winter it will be colder.

    Approximate t water temperature in winter is 4-6 degrees, in summer 18-20.

    In spring or early autumn, the temperature of cold water in the tap is around 10-14 degrees.

According to sanitary standards, hot water from the tap should be from 60 to 75 *C. If the water temperature is less than 60 * C, then a recalculation must be requested.

I called the control room with a request to measure the water temperature. According to government decree 05/06/2011 N354 “On the provision of commercial services to owners and users”, the procedure should be as follows:

106. A report of a violation of the quality of a utility service can be made by the consumer in writing or orally (including by telephone) and is subject to mandatory registration by the emergency dispatch service. In this case, the consumer is obliged to provide his last name, first name and patronymic, the exact address of the premises where a violation of the quality of the utility service was discovered and the type of such utility service. The emergency dispatch service employee is obliged to inform the consumer about the person who received the consumer’s message (last name, first name and patronymic), the number under which the consumer’s message was registered, and the time of its registration.

107. If an employee of the emergency dispatch service of the contractor knows the reasons for the violation of the quality of public services, he is obliged to immediately notify the contacting consumer about this and make an appropriate note in the message log.

108. If the employee of the emergency dispatch service of the contractor does not know the reasons for the violation of the quality of the utility service, he is obliged to agree with the consumer on the date and time of checking the fact of the violation of the quality of the utility service.

109. Upon completion of the inspection, an inspection report is drawn up. [...] The inspection report is drawn up in the number of copies according to the number of interested persons participating in the inspection, signed by such persons (their representatives), 1 copy of the act is given to the consumer (or his representative), the second copy remains with the contractor, the remaining copies are transferred to interested parties participating in the verification.

In fact, it turns out that ZhEU-54 does not have such a practice. For example, a suitable form is not provided:
COMPLAINT about the refusal to recalculate the payment for hot water.

On March 17, 2011, at my request in connection with the low temperature of the hot water supply, the chief engineer of ZhEU-54 LLC, Khairetdinova Kh. The temperature of hot water in the bathroom and kitchen was measured.

After draining hot water for 5 minutes, the temperature of the pipes was measured. Since in the bathroom the hot water in the tap comes from the heated towel rail pipe, the temperature in the report is indicated as “return temperature (dry): 40.5 * C". Hot water measurements in the kitchen are indicated in the report as “DHW supply temperature: 50*C”.

The repeated temperature measurement provided for by paragraph 74 of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 N 307 “On the procedure for providing utility services to citizens” was carried out only on April 12. The temperature of the hot water in the bathroom was 44*C.

In response to my request to recalculate the payment for DHW, I received a response dated 04/11/2011 No. 766 with the following content: “according to the act, the DHW temperature is 50*C, the temperature in the bathroom was not measured. The DHW temperature corresponds to standard values, recalculation is not made.” Thus, among other things, there is a discrepancy in the answer with the fact that the temperature of hot water in the bathroom was measured and was equal to 40.5 * C

I did not agree with this decision and on April 19 sent a second request, in which I demanded a recount in accordance with paragraph 6 of Appendix No. 1 of Rules 307. In the response dated April 25, 2011 No. 864, all my arguments were ignored and again there was only a reference to paragraph 5 of Appendix No. 1 Rule 307.

I insist that the recalculation must be made in accordance with paragraph 6 of Appendix No. 1 of Rules 307, since there is a violation of sanitary standards and the presence of paragraph 5 of Appendix No. 1 of Rules 307 does not mean that the management company has the right to violate sanitary standards.

So, according to SanPiN
1.2 These sanitary rules are mandatory for all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the organization and (or) provision of centralized hot water supply systems.
2.4. The temperature of hot water in water collection points, regardless of the heat supply system used, must be no lower than 60 °C and no higher than 75 °C.

According to paragraph 6 of Appendix No. 1 of the Rules “On the procedure for providing utility services to citizens,” approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 N 307, one of the requirements for the quality of utility services in terms of hot water supply is constant compliance of the composition and properties of hot water with sanitary standards and rules.

The fact that such an indicator as water temperature relates to the properties of water follows from the combined interpretation of the provisions of SanPiN (in particular, clause 2.1.) and Rules 307 (clause 6 of Appendix No. 1).

According to paragraph 6 of Appendix No. 1 of Rules 307, it is stipulated that deviations in the composition and properties of hot water from sanitary norms and rules are not allowed; if the composition and properties of water do not comply with sanitary norms and rules, payment is not made for each day of provision of a utility service of inadequate quality (regardless of the indications metering devices).

In addition, the requirement of SanPiN to maintain a hot water temperature of at least 60*C does not contradict, but only tightens the requirement of paragraph 5 of Appendix No. 1 of Rules 307, according to which the hot water temperature must be at least 50*C for closed systems centralized heating.

1) bring OJSC "UZHKh Kalininsky district of the urban district of Ufa RB" to administrative responsibility under Part 2 of Art. 14.4 Code of Administrative Offenses and Art. 6.4 Code of Administrative Offenses
2) issue an order to recalculate the payment for hot water supply for March in accordance with paragraph 6 of Appendix No. 1 of Rules 307, considering the period of provision of utility services of inadequate quality from March 17, 10:00 to March 31, 24:00
3) due to the fact that the response to my request dated April 19 was issued only on April 25, I ask you to warn OJSC "UZhKh Kalininsky district of the urban district of Ufa RB" about the inadmissibility of violating the requirements of paragraph 49, subparagraph "I" of rules 307, according to to which a notice of acceptance of this requirement and subsequent satisfaction or refusal to satisfy it, indicating the reasons for the refusal, must be sent to the applicant within two working days, otherwise an administrative case may be initiated under Part 1 of Article 14.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses
4) due to the fact that SanPiN does not provide standards according to which deviations in water temperature would be allowed during the first minutes, I ask you to explain to ZhEU-54 LLC that the water temperature should be measured without first draining the water. *

* Later it turned out that to measure the water temperature, a three-minute drain of water is still provided

10.05.2011 a whole delegation arrives to measure the water temperature: a representative of Rospotrebnadzor, an employee of the Federal State Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Belarus", the chief engineer of ZhEU-54, two important representatives of Kalininsky UZHH.

23.05.2011 comes the answer from Rospotrebnadzor:

UZHH notifies:

Receipt arrives:

Just in case, I’m writing a statement asking for an explanation of exactly how the recalculation was calculated:

In accordance with paragraph 49 (subparagraph "p") of the Russian Government Decree "on the procedure for providing utility services to citizens" dated May 23, 2006 N 307, I ASK you to provide documents within 3 working days confirming the correctness of the recalculation of fees for hot water supply in the receipt for payment for June 2011
21.06.2011 UZHH sends a letter to the ERCC:

The ERCC issues a certificate. The text is hard to read, but the gist is that the amount of the refund was calculated using the formula: (<Тариф горячей воды> - <Тариф холодной воды>) * <Объём горячей воды> * (<количество дней с температурой ниже 60 *С> / <количестве дней в месяце>)

  1. SanPin:
  2. Old resolution:;base=LAW;n=114260
  3. New resolution:

The 2019 standards that determine the temperature of hot water supplied to the premises are established by a special document - the SanPin order. Just like last year, this indicator remained unchanged, which means that all Russians living in multi-storey buildings have the right to demand from the service organization full provision of comfortable living in apartments, including the supply of hot water.

It should be noted that the problem is not even that the water has temperature regime, not quite suitable for use. The problem is related to the danger posed by water supplies that are treated contrary to accepted technology. Today we will talk about what standards are in force in Russia and what rights are given to residents of apartment buildings.

Not every owner knows that the water temperature is determined by the water supply system. For each type of water supply device, a different indicator is set, such as:

  • for an open system – from 60 degrees Celsius;
  • V closed system– from 50 degrees Celsius.

According to 2019 standards, the hot water temperature should not be higher than 75 degrees. The top level no longer depends on the type and configurations of the system.

This standard must be observed very strictly, and there are several well-founded reasons for this. In particular, we are talking about the following important points:

  • Too low a temperature can cause the liquid in the pipes to become viscous, and infectious agents will begin to appear in it. When the temperature threshold is met, harmful bacteria die and do not reach the human body;
  • Excessively hot water can cause severe burns to the user. Even at a temperature of 55 degrees, the risk of getting a burn is very high, so to avoid such a situation, open system water supplies usually also “mix” cold water;
  • An excessive increase in the temperature of the hot water supply can lead to deformation of parts of the water supply system made of plastic. This kind of danger began to increase especially in last years when people are increasingly installing plastic pipes in their apartments.

Finding the culprit here will be very difficult, since no measurements of hot water temperature were initially carried out. This means that you will not be able to receive compensation either.

What deviations from the norms are allowed?

A sharp drop and increase in the temperature of the hot water supply can lead to serious disruptions and failures in the water supply system and even possible injuries to citizens. At the same time, there are a number of permitted deviations from established standards. We are talking about the following points:

  • during the daytime (from 5 am to 24 pm) the water temperature can be lowered by no more than 3 degrees, that is, to 57 degrees Celsius;
  • at night (from midnight to 5 am) the maximum possible reduction threshold is 5 degrees, that is, up to 55 degrees Celsius.

DHW suspension can occur in two situations. In the first case we are talking about an accident. The second option is to carry out planned preventive measures. In any case, residents should not suffer, and the maximum permissible period for turning off hot water is 4 hours.

Ways to find out the temperature of water

To defend your point of view and receive compensation for violation of rights, it is not enough to go or write to the Criminal Code. It is necessary to present to them irrefutable circumstances that there is not much flowing from the tap. warm water, preferably obtained experimentally and not subject to doubt.

When an injured tenant wants to seek justice and compensation, they will first need to find out what the current performance of the property is. The procedure is quite simple and short. Moreover, no complex or obscure devices are required for this.

To get the necessary information, you will need to arm yourself with a simple thermometer with a scale of 100 degrees. This device is suitable for measuring the desired indicator. When using the device, you will need to strictly follow the given algorithm. This will allow you to get the most accurate results. The procedure should be as follows:

  1. Open the hot water tap and wait at least 3 minutes. This makes it possible to remove accumulated liquid, the indicators of which are slightly lower.
  2. Place a glass under the stream and hold it so that the water overflows. You can’t just put water in a glass and take it to the table, because during this time it can cool down by a couple of degrees.
  3. It is important to carefully lower the thermometer into the glass closer to the center.
  4. Once the readings stop increasing, you can record the data.

If the resulting temperature is below the permitted temperature, then it will be necessary to file a complaint with the Criminal Code or the housing and communal services department. If there is no reaction, then the next authority for the complaint is the prosecutor’s office and the court.


In conclusion, it is worth noting that if the temperature of hot water drops below 40 degrees Celsius, the tenant will pay for it as for cold water supply. During a violation of current standards, a citizen also has the right to demand a recalculation.

It is considered part of human comfort, like electricity, gas, heating. It serves for daily needs.

There are rules for the supply of utilities, sanitary standards, which stipulate what the standard temperature of hot water in the apartment should be. All this is regulated by law. What should be the standard temperature for hot water in an apartment?

Basic norms

The standard temperature for hot water in an apartment is established by SanPiN. This indicator can be at 60-75 degrees. There are also other rules:

  • not less than 60 degrees - in open heating;
  • not less than 50 - indoors;
  • no more than 75 - for both systems.

This is the standard hot water temperature in the apartment that must be observed. This is necessary in order to completely eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses. But if the indicator is set above 55 degrees, then there is a risk of getting a burn. Because of this, hot water is used together with cold water.

The standard temperature of hot water in an apartment in winter does not differ from the established value. Residents should monitor this. If this does not comply with the standards, then it is important to contact the competent authorities in a timely manner to resolve the issue.

Temperatures above 75 degrees will cause damage. plastic area water supply, which is available in many modern apartments. A deviation includes even a slight increase or decrease in performance. There must be a minimum, even if communications and heating equipment are old. The standard hot water temperature in the apartment is specified in the agreement concluded between the client and the service provider.

Why is it important to maintain temperature conditions?

Temperature control is an important necessity. Failure to comply with the rules leads to consequences:

  • bacterial growth: with low temperatures, bacteria develop very quickly, which is harmful to humans;
  • burns: very hot water causes damage to the skin, which is why it is important to follow the rules.

It is for these reasons that there should be normal temperature hot water in the apartment. The standard makes it possible to ensure the rights of citizens.

Reasons for the decrease in temperature

Although there is a standard for the temperature of hot water in an apartment, there are still reasons why the temperature may decrease:

  • emergency situations in water supply or communications;
  • performing preventive maintenance and repair of network communications.

When carrying out such activities, hot water is turned off, which does not affect the quality of life of people. But there are standards that indicate the maximum shutdown time:

  • 8 hours per month;
  • no more than 4 hours in a row;
  • no more than 1 day in case of an accident.

If the deadlines have been extended, then a recalculation of payment for services is required. A reduction of 0.15% is required.

Checking the norm

Utility services must comply with the standard hot water temperature in the apartment. The general provisions of the document include rules for verifying compliance with standards. Residents need to be able to check the water temperature. If there are deviations, you need to file a claim. The water testing procedure includes the following steps:

  • you need to open the tap and let the water drain for about 2-3 minutes, during which time the cooled liquid will be eliminated;
  • then you need to pour water into a special glass;
  • a sensitive thermometer with a scale of 100 degrees must be immersed in the container;
  • You should wait until the thermometer warms up, after which the readings are recorded.

Although the temperature standard is within a wide range, there may be some deviations. During the day, the indicators differ by 3 degrees, and at night up to 5. For every 3 degrees, a tariff reduction of 0.1% is required.

Where should I contact?

If deviations from the norms are noticed, then it is necessary to contact the housing and communal services. When the reason lies in an accident, the dispatcher will notify about the duration of execution repair work. If there are no reasons for lowering the temperature, then you should draw up and submit an application.

Consideration of public complaints is carried out quickly. To be sure that the application is considered, you need to write its number, as well as record the time of the call and the name of the person who accepted the complaint. If the person persists, measures must be taken to restore the water temperature. If it is no more than 40 degrees, then the tariff should be the same as for cold water supply.

What to do if the water is of poor quality?

The temperature is set according to SanPiN. The document also specifies other standards that ensure a person’s quality of life. The water should be clear, without taste or smell. There is a fee for services, so if something is not up to standard, you need to complain. Where should you go if there is poor quality water?

Consumers need to do the following:

  • you should call and tell them about the receipt of poor-quality water, after which you need to ask the dispatcher for the registration number of the application;
  • within a few days, an inspector from the company or housing department should come and draw up a report on the non-conformity of the water to the proper quality;
  • if the engineer is absent, then you should call an employee of the house management company or neighbors and draw up a document in which everyone signs.

The finished document has legal force, so an application is drawn up on its basis. The complaint must be written in almost the same way as regarding the temperature. The application must be written to the head of the housing inspection, indicating the regulations and the time for consideration of the document. Only “poor quality water” should be identified as the reason.

After this, you should receive a response from the inspector, and you can wait for the problem to be resolved. A collective application significantly speeds up the review procedure, so water quality will soon be restored.

Drawing up a complaint

If consumer rights are violated, a claim is filed. It must be written in a generally accepted manner, in neat and legible handwriting. It is important to indicate who the application is intended for. Usually the document is drawn up in the name of the head of the management company, which is the water supplier.

It is necessary to indicate all the facts: calls, requests to employees, visits to the management company. Written complaints are processed much faster, so the results from them will be noticeable soon. It is necessary to preserve the drawn up acts and documents. All this will come in handy if there is inaction on the part of the service provider.

When is recalculation needed?

The standard temperature of hot water in an apartment in summer does not differ from generally accepted rules. Due to deviations, the price must be changed for the period during which the consumer’s rights were violated. There are principles for paying for utility services, which are enshrined in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. There you can also find information about the provision of low-quality services and the rules for their payment.

Hot water must flow uninterruptedly, and with the proper temperature and quality. Recalculation is made when the deviation from the norm is 3 degrees. Moreover, this applies to increasing and decreasing temperature. The cost of the service should be reduced by 0.1%. If the indicator is less than 40 degrees, then the service is paid for as for cold water.

To reduce the cost per day or hour, if water is supplied, in the following way:

  • the number of days must be divided by the number of days in the month;
  • the resulting amount should be multiplied by the tariff.

The answer will be the amount that is considered a discount for the supply of low-quality water. These simple tips will help you sort out all your questions. Such problems must be solved boldly, because they are paid for with personal money. Consumer requests are usually satisfied, and the supplier improves the quality of services.