Water pipes      06/15/2019

Do-it-yourself measurement of plastic windows? Easily! Do-it-yourself installation of plastic windows (photo, instruction) How to measure a window with a quarter

Based on the needs of our customers, as well as the demand window systems made of plastic of various sizes, the company has developed an exclusive offer: small plastic windows in Moscow at affordable prices. We specialize in the manufacture of high quality products, which are accompanied by appropriate documentation and certification.

Scope of work

To date, we have produced about 200 thousand items for premises in different parts of the capital and the region. We are chosen by buyers, thanks to a modern service, which includes a set of the following services:

  • consulting professionals for the selection of the optimal window system, components and fittings;
  • calculation of the estimated cost of the product;
  • accurate measurement with the help of a professional measurer;
  • neat delivery plastic windows;
  • high-quality installation of window systems, slopes, window sills, etc.


Step 1. Measurement of the opening. Calculation of the dimensions of the plastic window.

Rice. 1: Window opening without a quarter. Rice. 2: Window opening with a quarter.

Measurement of the opening without a quarter.

First, we measure the width of the opening (Wpr), i.e. distance between side walls. To calculate the window width (Wo), it is necessary to subtract the gaps for the assembly seam (Wm) from the resulting opening width Wpr. As a rule, 20-30 mm are left under the mounting foam on each side.

Wo \u003d Wpr - 2 * Wm

Rice. 3: Calculation of the window width for a quarterless opening.

Measuring the opening with a quarter.

Unlike the quarterless version, in this case, measurements are made both from the side of the street and indoors.

We measure the width of the opening from the side of the street (Wul) and the width of the opening in the apartment (Wkv). The width of the plastic window (Wо) should be 20-50 mm more than Wul and 40-60 mm less than Wkv.

Rice. 5: Calculation of window width for a quarter opening.

We also measure the height of the opening from the side of the street (Nul) and indoors (Nkv).

If there is a quarter at both the top and bottom, then the height of the window (But) is calculated by the formula:

But \u003d Zero + (10 ... 30 mm) - 15 mm

If the quarter is only at the top, then the height of the window (But) is calculated by the formula:

But = Zero + (10…30 mm) – (40…60 mm)

Step 2. Measuring the ebb and sill.

The length of the tide is determined by the width of the opening from the side of the street. Allowances of 30-40 mm are added to the width of the opening on each side. The width of the tide is measured by depth outer wall(from the frame to the edge of the wall), plus 20 mm under the frame, plus a 30-40 mm protrusion of the ebb from the edge of the wall.

The length of the window sill is measured by the width of the opening from the side of the room. Allowances of 100 mm are added to the width of the opening on each side. The width of the window sill is determined by the depth inner wall(from the edge of the wall to the frame), plus 20 mm under the frame, plus the amount of protrusion of the window sill from the edge of the wall.

When measuring the width of the window sill, it is very important to consider that it should not cover the heating radiator by more than 1/3. Otherwise, an obstruction to free circulation warm air may cause condensation to form on the windows.

When measuring the width of the ebb and window sill, you need to remember that the frame of the new plastic window will be narrower than the old one. wooden frame. Therefore, the window sill and the ebb will be larger in width.

Step 3. Measure the width of the inner slope.

The width of the slope is determined by the depth of the inner wall from the frame to the edge of the wall. At least 20 mm must be added as a cutting allowance.

When measuring the width of the slope, you need to remember that the frame of the new plastic window will be narrower than the old wooden frame. Therefore, the slope as a result will be wider.

This instruction by measurement will help you determine the preliminary parameters of the window and accessories for calculating the estimated price.

Given the popularity of plastic window structures At present, the question often arises: how to measure them correctly? It would seem that there is nothing simpler, but the rules for measuring them are not so simple. It is the observance of these requirements that allows the owner of a house or office to save cash and time. It becomes possible to immediately install such windows that are ideally suited to the size of the window openings.

Measurement of window openings: do-it-yourself general rules for working

It is no secret that all construction and repair work obey the general mathematical rules. This statement fully applies to such important business, as a measurement of window openings for plastic windows. Existing rules measurements allow you to quickly and easily install exactly those plastic windows that are ideal for a particular room. So what are they:

  • the prospective measurer must have an analytical mindset, good spatial thinking, have personal experience window installations;
  • measurements must be taken both inside and outside. The inner side of the plastic window is always larger than the outer;
  • before starting measurements, it is necessary to complete the implementation of all preparatory work(laying bricks, removing old plaster, etc.);
  • in many houses (especially panel ones) there is a skew window opening. In order to avoid through cracks, it is necessary to maintain the minimum standards of the window plastic sheet: the size of the inner part of the window is 30-40 mm in width and 15-20 mm in height larger than the size of the outer side;
  • before you start installing the window, be sure to compare its dimensions with the calculations that were made at the initial stage. A mechanical error can be made, which will nullify all the work carried out in the previous stages.

These rules are mandatory for any master involved in taking measurements and installing windows and double-glazed windows in apartments, offices and private houses.

How to measure a window "with a quarter"

Designation of measurement parameters

It is very difficult to call a window opening “with a quarter” symmetrical. If used design features building constructions in which there is "1/4" available, distortions are not only possible, but also mandatory. What is it - a window opening with 1/4? So: window hole“from 1/4” is an opening in which you can observe a protrusion along the outer window perimeter of the canvas by 1/4 of the length of the brick from the general level of the window opening. Experts consider the calculations of the window opening for a plastic window "with 1/4" the most time-consuming and those that require special attention. For such measurements, their own rules are defined, the observance of which is mandatory for any master.

How to measure frames for plastic windows

Measurement rules:

  • the structure is located behind the lateral quarter by no less than 20-40 mm;
  • behind the upper wall of the structure, the windows are located at a distance that should not be less than 15-20 mm.


It is quite easy to calculate these data: the width of the existing window opening between its slopes located outside is + 40-60 mm in order to complete the necessary frame planting beyond the window borders. The amount received should not exceed the width of the opening that the plastic window has along its slopes inside.

Using a stand profile

Using a stand profile for mounting a plastic window will make the task easier

In the event that a modern stand profile will be used when installing plastic windows, it is imperative to strictly monitor compliance with the following requirements: window height = distance from the base of the plastic window opening to its upper slope - 10–20 mm (the lower gap that is required for its successful installation) - 30 mm (needed to install the stand profile) + 20 mm (the distance that the frame should go beyond the upper quarter).

How to take measurements of openings "without a quarter"

Measurement of windows "without 1/4" also obeys its own rules.

Auxiliary quantities

The width that the window sill has directly depends on the width of the window opening. An important condition is the following: the window sill should never completely cover the radiators used for space heating. The length of the ebb depends on the width of the street side of the opening, to which 60-80 mm must be added. The width of the tide is the distance from the edge of the tide to the window frame. This option is possible when the ebb protrudes approximately 30-50 mm from the outer edge of the wall of the house. The length of the window sill is the full length of the window opening + 100-110 mm on each side.

Approximate measurement scheme with indication of values


It is necessary to take the width of the window opening and subtract 20-40 mm from it (the distance that is necessary to create a mounting gap). If the wall has a high curvature, the master must take an indent of 40 mm.


The height of the window frame is one of the most important values, without which it is impossible to measure. In order to determine the height of the frame of a plastic window, it is worth doing the following: subtract the value of the stand profile from the height of the window opening - most often it is 30 mm, and subtract the size of the upper mounting gap (15-20 mm). It is this difference that will be the required height of the plastic window frame.

Video instruction on how to take measurements correctly

Correctly measuring windows is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. A major role in this matter is played by the professionalism of the performer who will deal with these measurements. In the article, we tried to answer the most common questions and gave instructions, thanks to which you can try to measure the opening for plastic windows yourself.

Very often, customers turn to our company with a request to make them products according to “their sizes”. As a rule, in most cases, this leads to the fact that the customer, due to his inexperience, is forced to either adjust the dimensions of the window opening to these “own dimensions”, or order new designs. Yes, no one is immune from mistakes, but they can be avoided. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the Customer wants to install his own windows, because, as they say: "Every man must build a house, ... etc." Using our recommendations, each man will be able to independently take measurements from his window and doorways, and then in the future to install new modern ones.

Consider taking measurements using the example of a conventional rectangular opening and an opening of a complex shape (arch, trapezoid, triangle)

1. How to measure the dimensions of a rectangular window (Fig. 1).

1. We measure finished opening width, Lpr. (opening width, mm)
2. We calculate window overall width, L (window width, cm), L = Lpr - 2*q
3. Measure finished opening height, e.g. (opening height, mm)
4. Calculate overall window height, H (window height), H = Hpr - 2*q.

q - the size of the mounting gap; usually q \u003d 20-30 mm (for more details, see GOST 30971-02, clause 5.6.3.). You should not unnecessarily reduce or increase the width of the mounting joint, the first will lead to the fact that the mounting foam may stain the surface of the box during expansion, and the second, that the mounting foam, due to the presence of a certain expansion coefficient, will not be retained in the mounting joint.

Common mistakes!
When measuring plastic windows, it should be borne in mind that from below to window frame, in almost 100 cases out of 100 the stand profile is fastened. His working height should be taken into account when calculating the height of the window. The formula for calculating the height in this case will look like
H \u003d Npr - q.
There are no perfect rectangular openings. Control measurements are required.
Quick check. It is necessary to measure the existing width and height of the opening at three control points, along the edges and in the center, choose a smaller value. We want our new window to fit!
The check is detailed, additional tools will be required - a level and a plumb line. With their help, the position and dimensions of an ideal rectangle are determined (Fig. 2), which can be entered into an existing opening. The dimensions of the resulting virtual rectangle are taken as the dimensions of the opening (Fig. 3).

5. Measure wall thickness, G (wall thickness)
6. Determine plastic window position according to the figure (fig. 5).

It is recommended to place the plane of the window at a distance of no more than 2/3 of the wall thickness from inner surface walls. It should be borne in mind that the shift of the window towards the street worsens the thermal insulation characteristics, but improves sound insulation, the shift towards the room, on the contrary, improves thermal insulation properties, but degrades noise resistance.

7. Measure length of outer tide, Lн.о. (length of outer flashing) for flashing without end caps Lн.о. = Lpr + 50 mm (allowance for end bends)
for ebb with end caps Ln.o. = Lpr - 20 mm
Typical error. The width of the opening along the thickness of the wall can be different. Be careful when freezing.

8. Measure outflow width, Nn.o. (width of the outer tide). Nn.o. = Gext. + (30mm-40mm).
Typical error. In the case of measuring the ebb, it is better to make it exactly according to its size, without a "margin". Excessively protruding nose will spoil appearance facade, and made flush with the wall will lead to smudges on the wall.

9. Measure window sill length, Lsub. (window sill length) (see Fig. 6).

The length of the window sill Lunder. must be greater than the width of the opening Lpr. by the total value of the left and right approaches to the wall. A typical mistake is the coincidence of the length of the window sill and the width of the window. It should always be remembered that the installation of the window is followed by its subsequent finishing, which consists in the installation plastic slopes. The corners or platbands included in the installation kit of slopes must adjoin the window sill in the lower plane.

10. Measure window sill width, Npod. (sill width) (see Fig. 6).
To Gint. we add a "departure" and subtract the thickness of the plastic window box, for REHAU profiles (REHAU) it can be 60, 70 and 86 mm. It should be remembered that the window sill board is mounted directly to the stand profile, and it is not located in the same plane with the box profile. It should also be borne in mind that the thickness of the walls to the left and right of the window opening can be different. In this case, one should either take into account the future plastering of the walls, or take some average value for the width of the window sill.

Practical advice. A window sill with a long extension can prevent hot air flow from the heating radiator to the window surface. You should follow the rule that the window sill should cover no more than 1/3 of the radiator (Fig. 8).

If the heating radiators are recessed into the wall and the window sill covers them completely, a tie-in should be provided in front side window sill special ventilation grilles.

11. Measure length of internal slopes(plastic), Lotk. (slope length)

The length of the slope panels is calculated not based on the size of the windows, but on the size of the window opening. Per length horizontal panel slope, the maximum width of the window opening Lpr max + 30 mm (adjustment allowance) is taken, for the length of the vertical panels - the maximum opening height Hpr. Max-20 mm (less due to the thickness of the window sill).

12. Measure width of internal slopes(plastic), Notk. (slope width) (Fig. 10).

The width of the panels of plastic slopes during measurement cannot be accurately measured. For the desired value, a conditional value with an allowance of 30-40 mm is taken equal to the distance from the outer edge of the wall to the imaginary plane of the frame of the new design.

Master's advice.
Before measuring plastic windows, you should mentally imagine what work is to be done on the external and interior decoration premises where plastic windows are to be installed. exterior siding, plastering work, insulation - all this affects the width of window sills, external ebbs and plastic slopes.
When measuring balcony and entrance doors the level of the finished floor should be taken into account. Concrete screed, laying floorboards, laminate, etc. can cause a banal coincidence of the level of the floor and the bottom edge door leaf the door just won't open. For different REHAU (REHAU) profiles, the distance from the edge of the sash to the edge of the frame may be different, if for almost the entire line of REHAU (REHAU) profiles this distance is 38 mm, then for REHAU profile(REHAU) Delight-design it is already 31 mm.

2. How to measure triangular, round, arched, etc. windows.

1. Trapezoids, triangles.

For plastic windows shaped like trapezoids, triangles, with angles not equal to 90?, the previously given calculation L = Lpr - 2 * q and H = Npr - 2 * q (see Fig. 14) is not used.

For an ideal measurement of the product, it is necessary to draw the existing opening on a scale, make an indent along the edges by the size of the mounting seam of 25-30 mm, draw imaginary lines.

2. arched windows (correct arch).

Determine the position of the “heel” of the arch (“by eye”, or by successively measuring the width of the opening as the height increases), make a mark;

- check the equality Lpr / 2 = Npr max - Npr min;
- if the equality is true, then assign dimensions arched product:
L \u003d Lpr - 2 * q;
Hmax \u003d Npr max - 2 * q;
Hmin \u003d Npr min - q (lower);
- if the equality is not true, then specify the position of the “heel” of the arch and repeat the check. Do not forget about the curvature of the openings

3. Arched windows (wrong arch).

- determine the position of the "heel" of the arch, successively measuring the width of the opening with increasing height, make a mark;
- measure Npr min, Npr max, Lpr;
- determine the overall dimensions of the arched product graphically (assigning overall dimensions according to the formulas for a full arch is not recommended due to some displacement of the "heel" of the arch of the product relative to the "heel" of the opening arch, see Fig. 18).
- for reference: for an incomplete arch, the radius is determined by the formula

4. Patterned openings - at least one of the sides is a combination of radii or straight lines and radii (Fig. 19).

It is possible to measure this type of opening only by making a template. The material can be thick cardboard, thick foil, plywood sheet.

As an example, consider the method shown in Fig. 19:
- mark an arbitrary line 0-0 on the linear part of the opening;
- stretch along the line 0-0 a thread with marked divisions;
- measure the height of the opening from the thread with a step "a" = 10?15 cm (grid);
- determine "by eye" the heel of the arch and the transition points from radius to radius;
- measure L1, L2, h1, h2;
- calculate R1 and R2 (according to the formula for the radius of an incomplete arch);
- on the general drawing to scale, depict the scale grid and radius dimensions of the opening;
- in case of coincidence of scale grid points and radius dimensions, determine the dimensions of the template by a graphical method (in case of a mismatch, specify the position of the heel and transition points, recalculate the radii, achieve a match);
- make a template, check it in the opening;
- according to the template, taking into account the dimensions of the linear part under the 0-0 line, make the product.

If you decide to replace the old wooden windows modern plastic constructions, first you need to order finished products according to your measurements. Therefore, before ordering, it is necessary to take all measurements from the window opening. This work should be approached very carefully, because not only the appearance of the future window, but also the possibility of carrying out its direct functions (heat, moisture and noise insulation) will depend on the correctness of their implementation. Therefore, further it will be considered how to properly measure a plastic window.

General information on the correct measurement of windows

Measurement of a plastic window must be carried out both from the outside and from inside. This is necessary in order to be able to determine the depth of the window opening. Quite often a situation arises when, during measurements, it turns out that the opening is slightly skewed. This happens especially often in panel buildings. In this case, it is necessary to increase the dimensions of the product by the size of the skew.

After you have measured the dimensions of the window opening from the outside, the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bmust be compared with its internal dimensions. This will allow you to see possible inaccuracies in the calculations, as well as to assess what the lining of the internal slopes should be.

Most window openings have ledges to prevent the window from falling out. These ledges are called quarters.

Ideally, the ledge size is 6.5 cm (1/4 of a brick), but this is only in theory. In practice, the size of a quarter may differ from this value both up and down, and sometimes there may be no quarters at all. Often there are situations when, on the one hand, the protrusion has one meaning, and on the other, another. When taking measurements, such inaccuracies must be taken into account.

The best option is the situation when the plastic window is installed in such a way that:

  1. It was 1.5-2 cm above the edge of the lower quarter, so that it was possible to install a drainage system under the frame.
  2. It went beyond the side ledges by 2-4 cm.
  3. It went beyond the upper ledge by 1.5-2 cm.
  4. The window frame did not touch the walls of the opening, that is, there should be a mounting gap between them equal to at least 4 cm from the bottom and 2-5 cm from the top and sides. Wherein maximum size should be no more than 6 cm, but in some buildings where the protrusions are large, mounting gaps may be more than 6 cm.

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How to make a window measurement for an opening with a "quarter"?

The window opening is measured in width and height. In the first case, the measurement starts from the outside (Fig. 1, A). In this case, one should take into account the entry of the window for a quarter of 15-25 mm. Based on this, about 30-50 mm should be added to the width of the outer slope, which will be the required value.

Figure 1. Measurement of a window for an opening with a "quarter": A - outer side; B - size with external slopes; C is the size of the window opening.

Width plastic product should not be less than the distance between the quarters, and ideally a little more, that is, it is necessary to ensure that the edges of the window abut against the outer slopes (Fig. 1, B). At the same time, care must be taken to ensure that its width is not over size opening (Fig. 1, C).

To correctly measure the window in height, subtract 20 mm from the distance between the base of the opening and the extreme point of the upper ledge. This is done in order to create mounting seams into which the foam will be blown. After that, 15-25 mm must be added to the obtained value. This will ensure that the plastic window rests on the upper ledge.

If it is planned to carry out installation with a low tide, then 30 mm should be subtracted from the obtained value, because in this case it will be necessary to allocate space for the stand profile. In the case of using a stand profile to create a mounting seam, the dimensions of the window should be 30-70 mm smaller than the opening.

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In this case, the process is somewhat different. First, the window opening is measured at several points along the width, from which the smallest value is selected. Then 2-4 cm are subtracted from the resulting width (depending on the width of the window and the evenness of the opening). Height is measured in the same way. In this case, 2.5-4 cm are subtracted from the obtained value.

It should also be possible to install a visor and ebb from the outside to drain rainwater. With this in mind, the lower edge of the plastic window should be higher than the outer edge of the window opening.

Before, how to resize a window you need to take into account the fact that they directly depend on the size of the opening and its features. IN panel houses window openings are standard brick houses may have openings, the dimensions of which differ by several centimeters from each other, or even have an arbitrary shape. In these cases, the measurements must be approached with particular care.

How to correctly measure a window in a building with a window opening that has a "quarter"

Before measuring a window in a building that has a quarter, it is necessary to provide for its entry beyond the outer slopes (Fig. 1, A) by 1.5-2.5 cm from above and sides. Such a norm is provided for in the recommendation "Measurement and installation of PVC windows" by T.R. 152-205, GOST 52749-2007.

How to properly measure windows in width

Picture 1

It is necessary to add 3-5 cm to the width of the outer slope (less if there is wall curvature). This will be the required window size.
If you are at a loss how to measure a plastic window Please note the following:
The window should be somewhat wider or equal in size between the places where the frame meets the slopes (Fig. 1, B).
The window should be narrower than the inner window opening (Fig. 1, C).
If the above conditions are not met with a question, how to measure a window in a non-standard opening, it is better to contact a professional measurer who can assess the situation on the spot and identify the causes of the discrepancy.

How to measure a plastic window in height

Figure 2

In order to measure windows in height, you need to do the following: from the distance between the outer upper slope and the base of the window opening (Fig. 2, F), you need to subtract 2 cm. This distance is enough for polyurethane foam at the bottom of the opening. To the size that turned out (Fig. 2, D), you need to add 1.5-2.5 cm in order for the window to go into the upper quarter. When using a stand-alone profile, which is a prerequisite for installing windows with a sill and a window sill, you need to subtract 3 cm from the resulting window size. the value of D is equal to the height of the required window.

The dimensions of the window both in width and in height (if a support profile is used) should be 3-8 cm less than the window opening. This is necessary for the assembly seam. If the quarter is more than 5 cm and, accordingly, the foam seam will be more than 4 cm, an additional profile must be used.

How to measure PVC windows(in height) and be sure of correct sizes the following rules must be observed:

  • The size of the window, not taking into account the support profile, must be less than the distance between the upper inner slope and the window sill (Fig. 1, E).
  • The size of the window together with the support profile must be less than the distance from the lower edge of the window sill to the upper inner slope (Fig. 2, E+G).

When installing plastic windows, how to measure the size in the opening without "quarters"

If the window opening is without quarters, then the mounting gaps should be 1.5-4 cm on each side of the window. For this:

  1. We subtract 3-8 cm from the width of the opening. This will be the width of the required window.
  2. We subtract 5-6 cm from the height of the opening. This will be the height of the new window (3 cm is occupied by the stand profile, the rest are necessary for the mounting seam).

Consider the curvature of the wall.
If this is not enough, you can see how to measure a plastic video window. This video is available on our website.

Attention! This manual cannot contain all the nuances that must be considered when measuring windows.