Toilet      06/14/2019

Design of small aquariums. Decorative design of the aquarium. Decorating an aquarium using decorative elements

In aquarium farming it is not customary to start small. Small volumes create big problems, since the miniature system lacks inertia, and the biological equilibrium in it is unstable. However, small aquariums are now becoming increasingly popular. They are less expensive, compact, and with proper design and care, they are amazingly beautiful. But make sure that small aquarium brought great pleasure, not easy.

What aquariums are considered small?

Aquariums with a volume of less than 30-40 liters are considered small, usually from 5 to 20 liters. They are often called nanoaquariums (from the Greek nano - “small, tiny, dwarf”), emphasizing with this term not only their size, but also their modernity and manufacturability. There are also microaquariums, their capacity is 1-2 liters, and animals are not allowed in them, with the exception of some types of snails. The world's smallest fish aquarium was created by Omsk miniaturist Anatoly Konenko and his son Stanislav. They placed soil, a specially designed mini-compressor, small Cladophora bushes and several zebrafish fry in 10 ml of water.

Let’s immediately agree that we will not call a round ten-liter jar with a goldfish a nanoaquarium, since this is not an aquarium, but a mockery of fish and all the principles of aquarium management.

An aquarium, no matter what size it is, is an equilibrium biological system, whose inhabitants feel comfortable. Achieving this in a small volume is a whole science. But if this is successful, the results can be simply amazing. Such aquariums, where a living biotope is reproduced in a tiny volume, are reminiscent of the Japanese art of bonsai or scale models of luxury cars: small, but everything is real.

Of course, not all small aquariums are worthy of aquascaping competitions or books of records, but any of them should please the eye of its owner and create a comfortable environment for its inhabitants.

Small aquarium and equipment for it

Nanoaquariums have a rectangular, cubic or similar shape. They are usually covered with a transparent coverslip glass, which allows you to admire them from above. They are located away from drafts and direct sunlight and closer to the outlet that will be needed to connect the equipment.

The equipment for nanoaquariums is generally the same as for large ones, that is, a filter (in some cases a pump with an aerator is sufficient), lighting, if necessary, a heater, preferably complete with a thermostat, and a carbon dioxide supply system.

For those who do not have the experience and time to select aquarium equipment, fully equipped nanoaquariums are available for sale. The Aqua El Shrim Set and Dennerle Nano Cube series complexes are recognized as the best in terms of price and quality ratio.

And if you want to save money or are interested in choosing all the filling for your nanocube yourself, there is plenty to choose from.


For a small aquarium, a filter is vital. Since the balance in this system is very fragile, and a small deviation in the parameters of aquarium water can be fatal for its inhabitants, it is necessary to reduce the risk of these fluctuations as much as possible. Therefore, pumps without a sponge or with a small sponge the size of Matchbox unsuitable. Or rather, they can be used, but only in aquariums with a very large number of living plants and without fish, with only invertebrates. However, with such a population, you can do without a filter at all or limit yourself to a compressor.

If there are fish in the aquarium, the requirements for the filter are very serious. It should have a large filler surface to create biofiltration, pass 8-15 aquarium volumes per hour, but not create strong flows of water that will damage plants, fish and crustaceans. In addition, small inhabitants of the aquarium should not enter its water intakes. And, of course, it should take up minimal space in the aquarium or be well decorated and fit into the landscape. Another optional, but very desirable condition is that the filter material should be removed from the water for rinsing without dismantling the filter itself; this greatly facilitates maintenance of the aquarium.

The following types of filters partially or fully satisfy these conditions:

  1. Internal filters with open sponges. They do not have a body, therefore, no one will be sucked into them. A large sponge (it is better to immediately replace it with a finely porous one) serves as a good material for mechanical cleaning and a substrate for the growth of biofilter bacteria. Some models of such filters can be placed with the sponge facing up, so it can be easily removed.
  2. External mounted waterfall filters. They take up little space, since the main part is located outside. They have a fairly large volume that can be filled with various filter materials. They do not create a strong current. The disadvantages are that when using these filters the aquarium cannot be closed with a lid. A sponge or fine mesh must be placed on the water intake tube of such a filter to avoid aquarium inhabitants being sucked into the filter.
  3. External canister filters. Currently, models designed for small volumes have appeared. Provide very good mechanical and biological filtration without taking up space in the aquarium. As with mounted filters, the water intake tube must be covered with a sponge or mesh. The only drawback is the high cost.

In addition to these models, in small-volume aquariums you can use various home-made designs - airlifts, Hamburg filters, plastic bottles with a fibrous or porous substance connected to a pump. There is only one requirement: water under pressure must pass through a sufficient volume of material that provides mechanical filtration and can serve as a substrate for bacteria participating in the nitrogen cycle.

An additional filter in a small aquarium is live plants, sometimes they are even placed in a hanging waterfall, making it a phytofilter.


Due to the mandatory presence of living plants, the issue of lighting a small aquarium becomes relevant. There, lamps built into the lid are almost never used; the lamps are installed at a certain height above the aquarium. Fluorescent or LED lamps are usually used. In general, the rule is this: if the lamps are fluorescent, then for unpretentious plants the light should be 0.5 W per liter of water, for fastidious ground cover or those with a reddish tint - 1 W per liter. If the lamps are LED, then the ratio of lamp power and luminous flux is different, and here they already look at the number of lumens. For undemanding plants, illumination of 25 lm per liter is sufficient, for demanding plants - 50 lm.

Plants for a small aquarium

The choice of plants for a nanoaquarium should depend on the lighting power and whether the carbon dioxide supply is organized. If the light is bright, the soil is specialized, containing organic matter and CO 2, then any small plants can be planted; only the owner’s preferences play a role here. In a more modestly equipped aquarium, they limit themselves to unpretentious and slow-growing plants.

Lileopsis brasiliensis, hemianthus cuba, and marsilia are used as groundcovers. Blixa japonica, which is considered a ground cover in large aquariums, looks like a bush in small volumes.

In addition, they grow different types anubias, cryptocorynes, pogostemons, rotal, ferns. Mosses are used to decorate driftwood, stones and equipment elements. Cladophora balls can often be found. In short, there is room for creativity here, almost like in a large aquarium.

Fish for a small aquarium

When choosing inhabitants for a small aquarium, first of all, of course, you need to pay attention to their size. Fish should not be more than 3-4 cm long, and if the aquarium is completely “nano”, up to 15 liters - more than 2-3 cm. In addition, fish should be peaceful, not too voracious, not territorial and quite unpretentious, at least if this is your first experience in nanoaquariums. And, of course, they must be brightly and variedly colored and active to make them interesting to watch.


Suits these conditions quite well a large number of fish. The most honorable place in nanoaquariums is occupied by representatives of cyprinids - zebrafish, microrasboras, and boraras. With its amazing colors, the Microassembly galaxy is truly the queen of small volumes.

Of the characin fish, neons and tetra amandas can be placed in such an aquarium, and of viviparous fish - guppies and platies. In addition, you can get small catfish, for example, the pygmy corydoras or otocinclus. Cockerels feel good in a small volume.

It is better to take fish in schools of 3-4 pieces (of course, except for pugnacious cockerels), so they will feel more comfortable. The stocking density of small fish should be approximately 1 fish per 2 liters of water.

In addition to fish, various types of shrimp, dwarf crayfish (they are incompatible with shrimp), and Hymenochirus frogs live well in the nanoaquarium.

You can decorate a nanoaquarium in different styles. Iwagumi styles are popular among aqua designers - decoration with stones of different shapes, rayuboku - decoration with driftwood, wabikus - in the form of a hummock with plants. But here the taste and preferences of the owner are decisive. For example, if an aquarium is in a child’s room, it is quite appropriate to place a mermaid’s castle or a sunken ship and toy scuba divers in it. The main thing is that the decorations do not take up too much space (as a general rule, no more than a quarter of the bottom surface and half the height), hide the aquarium equipment and leave room for plants and fish. In addition, if there are shrimp in the aquarium, you must keep in mind that any objects protruding from the water can contribute to their escape from the aquarium.

The soil in small aquariums is usually used in two layers: the bottom layer is a nutrient substrate, the top layer is gravel, the total layer thickness should be 3-4 cm.

Caring for a small aquarium

Caring for a small aquarium is not too labor-intensive, the main thing is that it is permanent. If you can forget about a safe two-hundred-liter jar for a month (do not clean it or change the water, but only feed the fish), and nothing terrible will happen, except that the beauty will become a little less, then such a trick will not work with a nanoaquarium. You cannot delay cleaning for one day or overfeed the fish a little, this can lead to irreversible consequences. Depending on the volume and population of the aquarium, a schedule should be drawn up for turning on and off the lighting, feeding the animals, water changes (usually they are carried out weekly for 1/3-1/2), and cleaning the bottom. This schedule must be strictly followed. Most importantly, a small aquarium requires close monitoring and immediate action is taken at the slightest sign of imbalance. It is highly recommended to use water quality tests early after launch to monitor at least ammonia and nitrites.

Of course, a small aquarium in an apartment or office is not just a piece of furniture; it requires care and attention, but provided that the equipment and inhabitants are correctly selected and simple rules are followed, it is quite an affordable pleasure even for a person ignorant of aquariums.

What kind of fish should I put in a 10 liter aquarium?

A small aquarium is a tank with parameters of 20x40 cm or less (nano aquarium), in which you can place small ornamental fish. The volume of such containers can be from 10 to 20 cubic liters, so they are suitable for installing decorations and equipment. In a small aquarium you need to install lighting, plant plants, decor, and don’t forget about the filter and compressor. That is, a small aquarium should not differ in functionality from a spacious one.

How to set balance in a mini tank?

Caring for a small aquarium, on the one hand, is easy, but on the other, it will cause trouble. Choose a rectangular mini tank with straight and smooth walls. They are convenient to clean with a scraper and maintain. If the container is round, then getting to its corners will be inconvenient and difficult to clean. A 10-liter aquarium gets dirty faster than a 50-100-liter one. Water changes will have to be done more often, as well as comprehensive cleaning, which is not beneficial for the biobalance of the aquatic environment and the health of the fish.

The main disadvantage of mini tanks is the small amount of water. It won't hold a lot of fish. You can put 1-2 fish there, and no more. In a large aquarium, water changes are not very noticeable, but in a small aquarium it is a lot of stress. Any changes in the biological balance: death of fish, overfeeding, pollution immediately affect the aquatic environment. The only thing that can be done is to adjust the water parameters in time, carefully feed the fish, and clean the bottom.

See how soil siphoning occurs in a nano aquarium.

You need to care for a small aquarium in the same way as a large one. Once a week you need to change 10-15% of the water, if necessary. To avoid stress for the fish, do not completely replace the water, try to add it in small portions. Ideal aquarium filter for such a tank - a pump with an internal sponge. The sponge should not be washed under running water, otherwise all beneficial bacteria participating in the nitrogen cycle will die.

If you choose the smallest tank, it will be almost impossible to install plants and decorations in it. Some skillfully plant even in 3-liter jars dwarf plants, but they are inconvenient to care for. In a 10-liter tank it is possible to keep dwarf Anubias, dwarf arrowhead, Echinodorus “dwarf Amazon”, and dwarf Cryptocoryne. Plants for a small aquarium are able to control the level of nitrites, nitrates and ammonia, and create hiding places for fish. Make sure there is soil in the aquarium. Choose a substrate that is processed, clean, and without paint. Remember that using a regular aquarium scraper minimum sizes It is very difficult to clean off the plaque layer.

Now about feeding. As you know, overfeeding not only harms the health of the fish, but also negatively affects the quality of water. Everything uneaten decomposes, turning into harmful impurities and bacteria. Decay products settle on the bottom and frames of the tank, disrupting the stability of the biological environment. The fish must be well-fed; hunger is also not an option. Once a week, arrange for the fish fasting days. Add food in 4-6 grains, as large as your pet can swallow. What is not eaten must be removed with a gauze net.

Give fish that live in a small 10-20 liter nursery as much food as they can eat in 2-6 minutes. Flakes, live food, and sinking pellets are fine. They sink slowly and do not pollute the environment. If you have bottom-dwelling catfish, they will eat everything on their own. The fish can be fed with their usual nutritious food without disturbing their diet. It is important to clean everything on time.

See how to decorate a small aquarium.

What kind of fish is suitable for a mini aquarium?

What fish can be kept in mini aquariums? Pets with miniature body sizes should be placed in a small 10-20 liter tank. Fish 2-6 centimeters in length will tolerate this volume of water. But remember that even small fish want to swim in a spacious environment. They should not be kept in containers that will restrict movement. Territorial and aggressive fish should not be placed in mini aquariums. Which ones should not be placed in 10-liter aquariums? These are swordtails, medium-sized barbs, cichlids, gourami, and zebrafish. They have an active and energetic disposition and require more hiding space.

In an aquarium of 10-20 liters you can put small barbs, Gertrude pseudomugil, rice fish, cherry barbs, rasbor, erythrozonus, neons, Amanda tetra. You can also keep the following fish and shrimp there: otocinclus catfish, corydoras, amano shrimp, cherry shrimp, copper tetra. Representatives of the genus Poeciliaceae, viviparous fish, get along well in mini tanks.

You need to buy fish breeds with strong immunity, that is, not purebred fish, but hybrids. If you do not have the opportunity to buy a spacious “house” for your small pet, you need to buy a small aquarium with a capacity of 10 liters. The well-known Siamese cockerels are also often housed there. The cockerel can live alone and does not get along with its relatives; it is a fighting fish, after all.

See also: Small aquarium fish.

Aquarium design: photos, video examples, styles and options


Decorating an aquarium is a worthy and fertile topic of conversation. This is not surprising, because this is the primary question that people who have just bought an aquarium ask themselves.
Unfortunately, this issue is surprisingly poorly covered on the Internet, briefly or fragmentarily. We hope this article will reveal all the aspects and nuances of aquarium design and help you create your own aquarium kingdom.

Due to the volume of this issue, let's divide the article into two sections:
1. MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR DESIGNING THE AQUARIUM: soil, stones, grottoes, driftwood, backgrounds, artificial and live aquarium plants, aquarium lighting, shells, castles, ships.

Materials necessary for decorating an aquarium

And so, as you know, in order for fish to appear in your house, you need a vessel and water. However, aquarium keeping is not just the banal keeping of fish, it is the creation of a closed ecosystem, imitation of the natural conditions of keeping aquatic organisms. It’s trite, but aquarium science begins with fish. Before you think about decorating an aquarium, first of all you need to decide on your desires and the fish that will swim in your pond. And this is very important! Each individual fish needs its own conditions of detention, its own water parameters, and other conditions. And it is precisely for them that an “aquarium house” needs to be built, this is precisely what we need to start from. For example, if you decide to keep African cichlids and at the same time want to see a garden of living aquarium plants in your aquarium... You are initially dooming yourself to a virtually impossible task. The natural habitat of most African cichlids is the rocky banks of the river. Nyasa and r. Tanganika, there are no plants, no algae - this is a “stone desert”. If you place plants in an aquarium with cichlids, they will pull them out and destroy them.
Based on what has been said, we advise you to first decide on the fish that will live in your aquarium, study their characteristics and habits, read and find out the conditions for keeping them. And then start and think about decorating the aquarium.
DESIGNING AN AQUARIUM WITH GROUND The soil is one of the most important elements of the aquarium; it is its mood. It is very important to approach the issue of its choice with special attention, because in addition to decorative functions, the soil plays the role of: a substrate for plants, for spawning and the life of fish. It is important to choose the right fraction of soil, it is important to choose the required volume of soil, and only then the color of the soil. There is a good article on our website about the selection and selection of soil, we suggest you read: HERE.

Talking about decorative properties soil, it is recommended to choose soil of darker tones so that bright and light colors the aquarium bottom was not overshadowed by the charm and beauty of the “main heroes of the occasion” - the fish. DESIGNING THE AQUARIUM WITH STONES AND GROTTOES. An important technical nuance when decorating an aquarium with stones, grottoes, caves, etc. is the use of non-toxic, non-toxic materials. If stones and driftwood are selected and made independently, you need to do everything according to the rules and make sure that they do not release into the water harmful substances. Certainly the decorations should not be made of limestone, rubber and metal, no paints or enamels!!!
Speaking about the aesthetic part of the design of the reservoir, you should always remember that stones, grottoes, and driftwood take away the “usable area” of the aquarium - the living space. The amount of such decor is calculated based on the volume of the aquarium and the needs of the fish themselves. In addition, it should be taken into account that large decorative elements installed at the edges of the aquarium or in the background. Don't put a huge castle in the middle!!! This is the equivalent of people putting the refrigerator in the middle of the kitchen instead of in the corner. An aquarium is an amphitheater of life!
DESIGNING AN AQUARIUM WITH A BACKGROUND. The background of the aquarium is not so important for the aquarium inhabitants themselves. In fact, fish can live without it. The background is more important for a person; one might say, these are “aquarium curtains”, which play more of an aesthetic role than a technical one.
For information on what types of aquarium backgrounds there are, how to make and attach them, see HERE.

Continuing to use metaphors, we can say that if the background of the aquarium is “curtains,” then the plants are “indoor flowers on the windowsill.” What they will be like and how many there will be will determine how your aquarium “window” will look. We recommend you look at this wonderful article on this topic - HERE.

The power and spectrum of light is important for aquarium plants - this is their source of life. When it comes to decorating an aquarium, the color of the light is important. Today there is a huge variety of colors for aquarium lamps. Choose according to your taste! Moreover, there are various bottom aquarium lights in the form of volcanoes, lanterns and LED aerators. Here they are.

DESIGNING THE AQUARIUM WITH ANOTHER DECOR. Aquariums can be decorated with shells, castles, ships, diver figures, skulls, etc. At the same time, it is not necessary to buy all this at a pet store at an exorbitant price. When using such decorations, you need to adhere to only two rules: non-toxicity and safety. The shells should not be sharp, and the figures of divers should not be made of rubber. See also the article Seashells in an aquarium.
The classic design options for a fish aquarium are:
Biotope– such an aquarium is designed to match the specific water landscape of a lake or stream.
Dutch- an aquarium, the main place in which is given to plants. Such an aquarium is popularly called a “herbalist”. The most famous Dutch aquariums are created by a mega-aquarist Takashi Amano, here are his works:
Geographical– such an aquarium is designed for a specific region, it contains fish only from this region.
In the vastness of our Motherland, you can most often find "household aquarium"- where the above principles are not observed. In such aquariums you can often find castles, amphorae, divers, skulls, etc., etc., etc. In addition, there is a whole industry children's aquariums. Here's an example:

There are other directions in aquarium design.
As they say, how many people have so many opinions.
Next, let's clearly see the design options for an aquarium.
Pseudo-sea aquariums Such aquariums are designed and imitate marine aquariums - the seabed. The prefix “pseudo” indicates that such a reservoir does not contain sea fish. Only the surroundings are created!
As a rule, brightly colored fish are selected for such an aquarium, which are often characteristic of cichlids, for example, elow, demanosi, parrots, etc. The aquarium itself is decorated with corals, artificial polyps and sea shells.

Dutch aquarium “light version” An aquarium close to the natural habitat of fish. It contains live aquarium plants, driftwood, stones, but “in a lightweight form.” Such aquariums do not require the aquarist to have special knowledge about plant life. Basic care for them is the key to success and achieving your goals.

Truly Dutch aquarium - “herbalist”
These are densely planted aquariums. Completely imitating all the beauty of freshwater bodies of water. To create such an aquarium, you need knowledge about plants, you need to study the issue of feeding aquarium plants and using a CO2 system for the aquarium.

Household, children's, themed aquarium Such aquariums are designed according to a specific idea. As a rule, this is a person’s fiction and fantasy.

Futuristic aquariums or Glo aquariums Relatively recently, the fashion for creating Glo-reservoirs has become fashionable among aquarists. Where everything glows with neon and plays with phosphorus. There are even fluorescent live fish. Such aquariums look beautiful in the evening and at night. Read more about Glo-fish are here.

Marine aquariums These are aquariums that contain marine, saltwater fish. The aquarium is permeated with a marine theme. The disadvantage of such reservoirs is the price and the huge cost of maintenance.

Cichlid A species aquarium that contains only fish from the cichlid family.
Look CICHLID - cichlids in an aquarium

There are also industrial and show aquariums

We wish you success in designing and creating your own individual aquarium kingdom; below are additionally presented photos that clearly show all the diversity and flight of aquarium thought in the issue covered.

Video about decorating an aquarium

Aquarium design

An aquarium in the interior always attracts attention, even if it is quite modest in size, and only one fish swims in it. The movement of colorful creatures behind the glass attracts the eye, so it is important that the design of the aquarium is in harmony with the overall design of the room, complements it and evokes only positive emotions. Choosing an aquarium can be quite difficult, and even more difficult is deciding how to decorate the aquarium so that it looks stylish and impressive, and not tasteless and rude. Let's look at the points.

Types and options of aquariums

Aquariums in their appearance can be various shapes, size and even color. Today, the approach to aquarium design has changed somewhat, and along with classic options, decorators offer truly unusual, original and stylish ones. According to their shape, all aquariums can be divided into several categories:

  • rectangular and square;
  • round or oval;
  • in the form of a drop or leaf;
  • non-standard design solutions such as an aquarium in the form of a large mug or a ship.

The size also directly affects the role of the aquarium in the design of the room, because the larger it is, the more noticeable and impressive. Just a few years ago it was very fashionable to use large aquariums in design; truly huge aquariums mounted into the wall were especially popular and admired. Today, the emphasis is not so much on the size, but on the shape and design of the aquarium - the more creative the approach, the more interesting. Such an aquarium may be very small, but it is impossible not to notice it.

Selection and design of an aquarium

There are indeed many options for aquariums, and it is important to choose the one that suits the interior of the room and will perform not only practical, but also decorative functions. So, in modern design In aquariums, the main role is played by the form, and sometimes you can find mind-blowing solutions that delight you with their unusualness. But traditional options also retain their position, because classics in interior design, as in clothing design, are beyond fashion and trends.

Video - example of aquarium design

So, several ways to design and decorate an aquarium:

The option is original. The size or location does not matter here - the designers’ imagination is so crazy that today an aquarium can be found in completely unexpected places. For example, the design of an aquarium in the form of an old TV, when instead of a “blue screen” there is an aquarium with colorful fish. Even more creative is an aquarium in the toilet, on the spot cistern. It is likely that guests will be genuinely afraid to flush the water. Or a very small aquarium in the shape of an incandescent light bulb, which will become a spectacular detail on your desktop.

Decorating a small aquarium

It’s always easier to decorate something big, because your imagination has room to run wild, and a larger area means more possibilities. But what should those who cannot find a place in their apartment or house for a luxurious aquarium do, but are content with a small one? How to decorate a small aquarium neatly and stylishly? There can be a lot of solutions, but they all must comply with two main rules: a combination of decorative elements with each other and a small number of them.

For example, if you use large stones to decorate an aquarium, then large algae will be unnecessary; they will only cover the space. It is better to select small plants and place them along one of the walls, thus creating a kind of “curtain”. Decorating an aquarium that is round in shape and small in size (for example, tabletop) does not involve the use of plants at all - it is better to give preference small details at the bottom. Coins, stones, shells, jewelry, small figurines - all this can be used for decoration.

DIY themed aquarium design

Today, interior design is of a very specific nature; it is very fashionable to reflect your qualities, hobbies, and worldview in the furnishings and details of your home. This trend is also noticeable in aquarium design, which is why thematic design is very popular. For example, if a boy lives in the room, then the aquarium can easily be turned into an unusual garage, or you can make it a visual textbook if you laminate the letters printed on pieces of paper and put them in the aquarium.

How to decorate an aquarium for a girl? If she likes vintage, a small ceramic box with a pearl necklace peeking out would be an eye-catching solution. You can put a small toy crown or a vintage mirror nearby. A beautiful reception will be different sizes stones with openwork patterns, which are painted using stencil technology using lace.

When decorating an aquarium, do not be afraid to choose unusual solutions, because such an element of the interior is an excellent opportunity to try something original, even if the entire room is quite calm and cozy.

Round aquarium - design care design photo video.

Specifics of care.

To properly maintain a round aquarium and maintain the desired balance in it, certain knowledge and experience are required.

  • The life of fish is impossible without the purchase of special equipment. You need models marked “for a round aquarium” that are neatly placed in the container and do not spoil appearance. A regular compressor, filter and heater will produce a lot of emissions in the water.
  • It is advisable to buy a round aquarium with a lid, so that later you do not have to look for a suitable model in specialized stores. A lid is necessary: ​​it does not prevent the fish from jumping out, and protects from unnecessary objects, cats and small children. A backlight is also attached to it.
  • Plant shoots should be used to hide the equipment installed in the aquarium. But in the water space, rooted in pebbles scattered along the bottom, plants should not hide living inhabitants with their bizarre appearance. In a round aquarium, even a minor defect will be very noticeable due to the effect of the magnifying glass. Therefore, be more careful when choosing the size and shape of the soil.
  • The small volume of a round aquarium requires weekly water changes. For this purpose, it is recommended to use filtered or settled water.
  • Fish excrement is removed using a siphon after 2 months. Cleaning up debris in such an aquarium is not particularly difficult. The shape of the bottom prevents the formation of dead zones. Some of the debris is collected in the biofilter, the rest is removed by a siphon.

Who should be placed in a round aquarium?

After equipping the aquarium with everything necessary, you should move on to selecting “tenants”. Classic versiongold fish, should be dismissed immediately. She needs space, so a volume of at least 40-50 liters is needed per individual.
Before you buy fish, you need to calculate how many inhabitants will fit in the aquarium, taking into account its volume and features.

Fish that can live in a round aquarium: platies, guppies, neons, molynesias, swordtails, cockerels, daneos, corydoras, lalius, ampularia.

Most perfect option- These are Cherry Shrimp. They only require lighting as equipment, and oxygen and a filter are not necessary for them.

If you decide to place cherry shrimp in the aquarium, place soil, driftwood, and a lump of moss on the bottom. Please note that you will have to change the water every 2-3 weeks.


Required equipment includes:

  • filter;
  • compressor;
  • heater;
  • backlight;
  • stand.

If you are still interested in a round aquarium, you should be careful about its shortcomings, but not be afraid of them. First, decide on the volume. As mentioned above, the average volume of round aquariums is 10 liters, but you can purchase containers of 20 or 30 liters.

You will need special equipment to create cozy conditions. These are a compressor, a bottom filter and a heater. It is also necessary to provide a glass aquarium with lighting, although it will be difficult to install it yourself. In order not to complicate your life, it is better to purchase a container with a built-in lamp.

As for the rest, the heater, filter and compressor are purchased separately. In the pet store you can find special models for round containers - for example, a round bottom filter or a convenient compressor that is hidden in tight spaces. There are aquariums with a built-in filter.

In addition to the equipment, you will need a lid for a round aquarium. She has several tasks at once:

  • prevents fish from jumping out of the container;
  • serves as protection from curious cats who may want to eat the fish;
  • A lighting fixture is attached to the cover.

Finding the cover separately can be difficult. This is the second reason why it is better to choose a round aquarium with a lid. The aquarium stand is included in the kit, but it can be made to order or purchased separately in the store.

How to register it?

Designing a round aquarium requires a special approach. An aquarium is not only an interior object. Its main function is to create conditions for the life of aquatic creatures. Therefore, you will have to purchase special equipment for a round aquarium.

Without it, the fish will not be able to survive. It is necessary to place a compressor, a heater, a filter in the flask, and provide lighting. Conventional devices will not work; they will stand out too much in the water space. When purchasing, you should choose models that indicate “for a round aquarium.”

The shape and dimensions allow them to be carefully placed so as to least spoil the appearance. Pebbles are placed scattered at the bottom, and plants take root in them. Equipment for a round aquarium is hidden as much as possible by plant shoots.

It is advisable to choose such aquatic plants so that they do not hide the main inhabitants with their bizarre appearance. AND Special attention pay attention to the shape and size of the pebbles. Remember, in a round aquarium all the details look more prominent. Therefore, any defect is immediately noticeable.

Round aquarium: good or bad?

A round aquarium and a goldfish swimming in it are an invariable attribute of the interior of a small apartment from the last century. But the size of the vessel and its shape impose a lot of unpleasant restrictions on the process of keeping fish. For example, it would be extremely difficult to fit special equipment into it, so people do without it. And the disadvantages of the vessel are too obvious:


The specific shape and small volume do not allow creating thematic landscapes with large-scale decoration in the form of ship wrecks or castle ruins. However, when decorating a round aquarium, you can use other design techniques. For example, among the stones you can place a miniature model of a chest from a pirate ship.

Or lay out several fragments of ethnic ceramics. The main principle on which the decor of an aquarium space of this shape is based is minimalism. Otherwise, you won’t be able to see the underwater inhabitants behind all the elements.

The lid for a round aquarium performs several functions: it prevents fish from jumping out, atypical objects from getting inside, it protects animals from children and cats,
and also serves as a place for mounting the backlight. Therefore, it is better to purchase an aquarium with a lid right away, rather than looking for the right model later. A lid for a round aquarium can only be purchased in specialized stores. It is more difficult to find a lid just for a semicircular aquarium.

Who can be placed in a round aquarium?

Betta fish and small viviparous fish - guppies, mollies, and platies - can live in a glass ball. Their life will not be comfortable, but thanks to their unpretentiousness and resistance to stress, they adapt to a spherical container. Shrimp, snails and small aquatic plants do very well in round aquariums.

How to set up a round aquarium

To improve the quality of life of aquatic inhabitants in a round aquarium, it is worth installing special equipment - miniature submersible filters that can be placed at the bottom, or mounted cascade filters mounted on the edge of the container, lamps with clothespins and heaters in the form of mats.

There are more convenient option. You can buy complete round aquariums with built-in equipment (preferably from well-known companies). Such aquariums already have a durable stand, convenient lighting, a well-thought-out filtration and aeration system, as well as instructions for starting and operating the aquarium.

Plants in a round aquarium

As for plants, it is better to choose live ones for a round aquarium, since in the absence of equipment they will be a source of oxygen. For example, many fish, incl. molynesias will die without living algae.

Artificial plants have their advantages: they do not require special care, so they remain beautiful longer; It is easier to lay eggs on them during spawning. Therefore, a couple of artificial branches in a round aquarium will not hurt.

Here are the plants that can be purchased for a round aquarium: elodea, pistia, cryptocoryne, nayas, hornwort, spiral valisneria.

The third stage in “living in” a round aquarium is its design. Aquarium equipment should be hidden as much as possible by plants.

Pebbles also need to be selected wisely. It must be remembered that in a round aquarium all the details look more convex. Therefore, any, even the smallest defect will be immediately noticeable.

You can buy special colored primer in specialized stores. If your aquarium is large, you can put driftwood or an artificial house on the bottom.


In a round container, light is refracted in a unique way. According to a common opinion among aquarists, not all fish are able to survive in such conditions. Firstly, living beings may experience stress due to distortions in the surrounding reality, and secondly, this shortens the lifespan of nervous fish. Although the main limitation is the amount of space. Fish for a round aquarium are only suitable for small sizes.

You should definitely place a small catfish here so that it cleans the glass of green deposits. Neons, cockerels, and laliuses will feel great in the water. Goldfish in small quantities grow poorly and often get sick. The number of small fish should be maintained at the same level.

Before adding neons here, you should make calculations: the amount is determined by the volume of the aquarium. Overpopulation will immediately affect the health of the fish and the general appearance of the artificial reservoir. The power of the equipment for the aquarium is selected in accordance with the needs of a specific group of fish. It is better if the fish for a round aquarium are bright and noticeable. For example, some types of guppies.







What soil is best for an aquarium? Aquariums large and small: design

What soil is best for an aquarium? How much is needed? How to siphon and clean the soil in an aquarium? The answers to all these questions, which are important for the full existence of the “residents” of the aquarium, will be discussed in this article. Let's build the right aquarium with our own hands, taking into account all the nuances of the nutrient soil and its placement.

Which soil is best for an aquarium is the first question of a person starting to breed fish

Very often at the initial stage of arranging a “house for fish” the question arises: what soil is best for an aquarium? Although later this loses its relevance and ceases to be actively discussed. However, as time passes, the mistakes made at the beginning make themselves known, and as a result, large-scale corrections begin.

The main purpose of our article will be the nuances of selection, preparation and placement of soil filler. In addition, important circumstances in this matter are decorating and cleaning the bottom of the aquarium.

Initially, it is worth noting that black soil for an aquarium is the most important part of its configuration. Together with elements such as backgrounds, lighting and additional decorative components, it gives a noticeable uniqueness to the location. At the same time, being a substrate, soil provides conditions for the existence of a whole complex of microorganisms and plants.

At the same time, the nutrient soil for the aquarium works as a primitive filtration mechanism. Microscopic suspensions settle in it, polluting the water, which significantly expands its functions.

Before buying the above-mentioned filler, it is worth deciding on your goals, as well as your general vision of the “underwater kingdom”. In addition, you need to navigate the key aspects of the choice.

Aspects of choosing aquarium soil

  • Presence of living plants.
  • Estimated species of fish and crustaceans.
  • Basic color scheme.
  • Volumes of aquarium soil.

Basic characteristics of aquarium soil

Both a small aquarium and its large counterpart must be “decorated” with various colors. Usually the owners choose the decorations themselves. But, despite this, many experts are inclined to choose dark soil, which allows the contents of the aquarium to be clearly visible.

If we talk about the expected thickness of the layer, it depends on the parameters of the aquarium, as well as on the number of living and non-living objects. Therefore, the approach to deciding which soil is best to choose for an aquarium is strictly individual.

It is worth considering that for aquarium plants and fish the soil will make a significant difference. As mentioned above, representatives of the flora use it as a substrate for rooting and subsequent nutrition. Taking this into account, it should be not only a decorative component, but also a life-supporting one.

If you believe general rules when arranging aquariums, the soil should be fine- or medium-grained, taking into account the power of the root systems. For underdeveloped plants, you can use sand, and for highly developed plants, the coarse-grained fraction.

In addition, the nutritional value of the soil should also be considered, since for plants and fish the right aquarium is a place that allows them to receive nutrients. Peat, clay, and also special preparations purchased at pet stores are sometimes added to the soil.

Note! If you choose which soil is best for an aquarium, then when purchasing it you need to study the material from which it is made, and color scheme. The most the best option the aquarium will have a natural, unpainted coating.

It is also advisable to find out before purchasing it chemical composition and the origin of the soil. The presence of limestone will provoke the release of carbonate, which will significantly increase the hardness of the water. Its presence is indicated by the release of gas bubbles.

Groups of aquarium soils

  1. Natural soils - sand, crushed stone, gravel, pebbles. They can be used where small burrowing fish species and plants with weak root systems are kept.
  2. Soils obtained through processing natural materials mechanical or chemically. They satisfy almost all requirements and are available in various colors. Despite this, their bright colors interfere with the natural perception of the aquarium.
  3. Artificial soils are glass or plastic balls made using a special technology. They are absolutely harmless, but they can only be used where there will be single plants. In addition, they are completely unsuitable for keeping burrowing fish.

Since porosity is one of the most important characteristics of the substrate, fine sand with a particle size of less than 1 mm is unlikely to be useful. This is all due to the fact that metabolic processes in such a filler are disrupted due to rapid caking of the material. This, in turn, leads to rotting of plant roots.

In addition, the biological equilibrium that must “visit” the aquarium at home is very unstable. In this situation, even shellfish and fish that loosen the soil do not help.

Sand having a particle size of 2 to 4 mm will be an excellent and easily accessible substrate. Sufficient porosity affects metabolic processes, which remain intact for a long time.

This option is quite suitable for most plants with both strong and weak root systems. In addition, it has increased permeability for newly formed roots.

One can also note the success of small pebbles, the particles of which vary from 4 to 8 mm. Its level of caking is much less than that of sand, but the formation of silt occurs very slowly. This type of soil is more suitable for large plants with a strong root system.

Large pebbles and gravel are more likely to decorate a small aquarium than a large one. In any case, the amount of such soil must be significant in order to at least somehow differ from the general background. In addition, pebbles and gravel are not used as an independent substrate.

It is worth noting that all the above-mentioned natural soils are connected by a common origin - this small particles granite Their widespread distribution argues for their accessibility to aquarium lovers. Moreover, the color parameters of such soils range from light gray to red shades.

Among artificial substrates, expanded clay is considered the most common. It has excellent porosity and low weight, which makes it indispensable for fish breeding enthusiasts and gardeners. During plant replanting, this type of soil practically does not injure the root systems.

Along with the above advantages, the inner part of expanded clay is an anaerobic flora - oxygen-free microorganisms. They purify the water from numerous organic compounds that appear in the aquarium over time.

To determine how much soil you need in the aquarium, you should take into account its individual parameters. Among them, the size of the “fish house” is noted, as well as the content of living and non-living components.

Soil preparation

If you have a 200 liter aquarium, then before laying the soil its bottom must be prepared. This is especially true for aquarium soil that is collected “outside”. Mandatory rinsing and boiling are the main procedures to prevent infection.

There is no need to boil a store-bought item, but it needs to be washed and doused with boiling water. The use of soap or other cleaning products is excluded here, since subsequently it will be very difficult to wash out chemical impurities from the soil. At the very least, it will take a lot of effort and time, which can be used for other useful activities.

These procedures are fundamental. If you have properly processed and prepared the soil for the aquarium, the price of it, even if it was significant, will subsequently no longer be of particular importance to you. It is worth noting that there is no need to wait for the future “rock bottom” to dry completely, since the wet state is natural for it.

Placing soil in the aquarium

The bottom layer should consist of gravel, which is enriched with laterite iron or clay. Its thickness should be from 3 to 5 cm and include fertilizer balls. In addition, there may be a mixture of trace elements that do not contain phosphates and nitrites, which are so destructive to plants and fish.

It is advisable to focus on iron in the soil mixture, which is present in chelated form. Otherwise, it will simply not be available for food to representatives of flora and fauna. In addition, ferrous sulfate, usually used for feeding garden bushes, will not work because it will significantly reduce the acidity of the water.

If heating cables are used, they are also laid in this layer. They should not be located directly on the bottom, because uneven heating leads to cracking of the glass, and the aquarium at home can quickly deteriorate. In addition, sand and clay will be inappropriate in this case - they will also heat up unevenly.

The middle layer should contain soil with admixtures of peat, constituting 15-25% of the total volume of bottom soil. Its thickness can be no more than 2-3 cm, since an excess of peat-enriched soil can trigger the process of rotting. If there is a large amount of organic matter in the soil, then it can be supplemented with sand.

In addition, the middle layer can be filled with trace elements and clay balls. However, this requires careful preparation of the peat and soil. As a matter of fact, this rule applies to each layer.

The top layer should be fine gravel mixed with sand. About 5 cm of such soil prevents the water from becoming cloudy due to peat contact with the ground. This is where aquarium stones are used, which can be purchased at the same pet store.

If the aquarium contains snails or fish that dig in the soil, then you need to grow plants in pots or increase the thickness of the top layer. This will prevent significant damage to their root systems.

It is worth noting that usually the soil in the aquarium is placed unevenly. Although it can be distributed in such a way that it looks like a slide that rises to back wall. This option of covering the bottom can visually give the aquarium volume and a more impressive appearance.

Most beginning aquarists lay out various designs from the soil. Since they gradually move under the influence of water, these compositions are short-lived. Of course, this is not so scary, but the overall appearance of the aquarium can still deteriorate.

The final procedures that will make a 200-liter aquarium impeccable will be installing decor, pouring water and planting plants. This needs to be taken care of in advance so as not to “slow down” the overall arrangement process.

Design and decoration

For modern aquarium keeping, laying the soil alone will not be enough. After all, only a professionally designed aquarium can harmoniously fit into the interior and delight its observers indefinitely. Therefore, the more responsible the approach to decorating it, the more joy it will be able to bring to the people around it.

As mentioned above, for a full “entry” into the interior of the room, you need to choose the right not only the soil, but also the background with decorative elements.

The role of decoration is no less important than the representatives of flora and fauna filling the aquarium. If the answer to the question of which soil is best for an aquarium has already been stated earlier, then we need to talk about the design in more detail. This is explained by the fact that the decor will be able to disguise the equipment installed inside the aquarium.

Types of decoration of the bottom and glass

  • Driftwood from different types of wood (alder, mango, mopani).
  • Multi-colored stones.
  • Sea corals and shells.
  • Pebbles, black quartz, coral sand.
  • Plastic and live plants.
  • Backgrounds for an aquarium in the form of a film on glass.
  • Various objects (castles, sunken ships, arches, volcanoes, statues).

Aquarium soil care

After the main points regarding the quantity and quality of bottom soil have been resolved, we should move on to the question of how to siphon soil in an aquarium. Simply put, how to remove accumulated mud sediment from its bottom.

Of course, there are special devices called aquarium siphons, the analogues of which are ordinary hoses. They are elongated flasks and flexible tubes with a length of 1.6 to 2 m and a diameter of up to 2 cm. These components are connected through special holes, representing a hose with increased dimensions.

After installing the above-mentioned cleaning structure, it is immersed in the aquarium and begins its activity. Thanks to periodic air suction, water begins to pour out of the aquarium, and the most contaminated areas of the soil become clean. Some aquarists, when searching for an answer to the question of how to clean the soil in an aquarium, can use ordinary medical syringes.

While the siphon is moving from place to place, its outer end can be clamped, thereby preventing unnecessary loss of water. Modern versions of cleaning devices are already equipped with taps for adjusting the pressure, so they make it easier to “clean” the aquarium.

When cleaning, lower the end of the hose where dirt comes out below the water level of the aquarium itself. This must be done to prevent dirt from pouring back in.

In addition to the above-mentioned siphon option, there are other designs for cleaning. Most often these are electric pumps equipped with special fabric bags that filter water. However, here you need to take into account that aquarium stones can get there, so it is recommended to use them as carefully as possible.

The preference of a siphon over a conventional hose is further confirmed by the presence of “soil drilling” processes during cleaning. Although, on the other hand, dirt is much lighter than soil filler, and it should come out unhindered.


High-quality soil allows you to give the aquarium the appearance of a natural reservoir, creating a unique color background for its residents. However, in addition to performing decorative functions, it maintains biological balance, determining the composition and properties of water. In addition, millions of microorganisms “work” in it, providing natural purification of the surrounding air.

We have already discussed in a previous article how important it is to correctly understand the various aspects of maintaining the required water quality to ensure the proper condition of the aquarium environment intended for ornamental fish. The same applies to aquarium decorations and materials used to create a suitable environment for the fish living in that aquarium. In nature environment for fish it is a combination of water and various shelters in it - plants, stones, tree roots and branches.

Planning your aquarium design

All materials selected for use as primer must be thoroughly washed before use. You can wash it in a bucket. In this case, the bucket must be constantly shaken or mixed, and in addition, the water must be changed several times. You can also rinse the material in small portions in a colander under running tap water. This must be done until the flowing water becomes clear.


The background is one of important aspects decorative design of the aquarium, which aquarists often neglect. They either do not use a background at all, or do so only to hide the wallpaper behind the aquarium, as well as the cables and hoses of the aquarium equipment. However, it would be much better if the background depicted the bank of a river, pond or lake, that is, the place where shelters are mainly found in natural conditions. Fish caught by sudden danger in open water most often head for the protection of the shore. Therefore, if you provide them with such a background, it will set the direction for the aquarium and its inhabitants and provide the fish with a sense of security. This is especially important for fish that are almost always near the surface of the water and live above the level where the main aquarium decorations are located. Such fish, in the absence of a background, will feel vulnerable from all sides, and they will not have a single safe zone left. In addition, the background provides decoration for the rest of the aquarium decoration.

Aquarists who prefer an open-standing aquarium (that is, visible from all sides) or an aquarium used as a decorative partition should take into account the lack of a safe haven at the back of the aquarium and the fact that the fish are visible from all sides or even from on both sides, causing them stress.

The background can be either internal or external. In the first case, all materials used for its manufacture, including adhesives and paints, must be non-toxic and waterproof. The internal background is sometimes made three-dimensional - in this case it is made of polystyrene foam or cast from fiberglass. Sometimes the backdrop may simply consist of slate roofing tiles (real slate, not synthetic slate) mounted across the back wall of the aquarium.

To create an external background, the easiest way is to paint the outer plane of the back glass of the aquarium. The color should be dark, subdued and riverbank-like (such as black, brown or charcoal grey), but never fiery red or yellow. There are other options: you can stick paper, plastic or carpet onto the glass suitable color. Cork tiles create an interesting effect.

Purchasing background material

You can purchase a ready-made plastic background with an image printed on it. In pet stores, such a background is available in rolls of different heights, from which they cut desired length. For freshwater aquariums, different types of images are offered - stones, driftwood, plants or various combinations thereof. Obviously, a saltwater aquarium background featuring corals and sea anemones is completely out of place here.

The decorations not only decorate the aquarium, but also serve as shelter for fish, a place for spawning and attachment of many types of plants.

Making decorations is quite simple. The most important thing is to ensure the safety of the inhabitants, without using harmful materials and be sure to maintain proportions. Harmonious composition - when the decorations correspond to the size of the aquarium.

The internal background, as a rule, imitates some natural object: stones, driftwood, bamboo thickets, cork tree bark.

This background is good for aquariums with large fish, in which large decorations for the aquarium would not be entirely appropriate, besides, large fish like to swim rapidly, dropping decorations, and some species dig them up.

There are relief backgrounds protruding on most aquariums, are relatively flat.

The back wall of the tank can be decorated with purchased materials or made independently from improvised materials. Let's consider the second option.

Materials for self-production:

  • a sheet of thick cardboard with dimensions corresponding to the dimensions of the back wall;
  • leaves of dry grass, seeds, peelings of tree bark;
  • watercolor paints;
  • glue.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. A sheet of cardboard is completely covered with black paint.
  2. After the paint has dried, apply glue (you can use a glue stick) to the entire surface of the cardboard.
  3. The harvested grass is carefully distributed over the entire sheet and rolled with a rolling pin to better fix the particles.
  4. Unadhered excess is removed and, if necessary, gaps are sealed.

The finished background is attached to the back wall of the aquarium from the outside. This is just one option out of many possible ones.

Look at 1 more manufacturing option:

Decorating with stones

Many fish, such as African cichlids, like to hide and need places to hide. For these purposes, decorations are made from stones in the aquarium. But one should take into account the fact that some stones, such as limestone, marble, tuff, sandstone, release calcium salts into the water and make it hard.

The stones in the aquarium are either simply arranged beautifully, or they are used to make various slides and grottoes.

If you decide to place stones using the aquascape technique, then it is better to choose uneven, textured and preferably dark ones. Stones without marks and with smooth smooth edges look unnatural. The porous texture of the stones will create unnecessary shadows.

The stones should not be the same size on the ground, otherwise they will merge.

In order for the aquarium to imitate a corner of the waters of the wild, you should avoid too flat, even ground. It can only be level at the front wall, so as not to draw attention away from the decoration.

Rounded pebbles do not affect the quality of water in any way, therefore they are very popular among aquarists who make decorations for their aquariums with their own hands.

Any work begins with measurements. The size of the grotto should be such that there is a distance from it to the front and rear windows, then the fish that are fleeing persecution will be able to swim out of the grotto from both sides.

You should never make one entrance to the house so that the fish are locked there.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Tubes are rolled out of landscape paper, which will be the openings of the grotto.
  2. The foundation is being formed. To do this, the flattest and widest stones are laid out in a row with a gradual rounding. It is better that the stones are the same in height.
  3. Paper tubes are placed between the stones to mark the entrance to the grotto.
  4. To create an empty space inside the grotto, a wad of paper or cellophane wrapped with tape is placed in the center of the circle of stones.
  5. On glue ( silicone sealant) the second level of stones and all subsequent ones are planted to the desired height.
  6. After the walls of the slide are ready, a flat pebble is placed on a ball of paper - this is the base of the roof from the inside.
  7. The stones connecting the walls and the base of the roof are glued.

The grotto is ready.

You can insert small snags into the resulting holes between the pebbles or, after drying, plant plants, for example, Thai fern. This will make the grotto in the aquarium more natural.

Silicone on the slide can be masked with small pebbles or sand.

The grotto is kept for two days, then the tubes can be removed from it.

It is better to place heavy grottoes not on the ground itself, but on a plexiglass substrate; for this you may even need to clear a place at the bottom. If a pebble of aquarium soil gets under a heavy mainsail, it can cause a point stress in the bottom glass and it will crack.

Universal mainsail (simple option)

Before starting work, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what the finished decoration will look like. It’s better to draw it to know exactly how many and what shapes of planes will be needed.

To make it you will need:

  • expanded clay;
  • water;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • polyethylene.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Cement and sand are mixed in a ratio of 3:1.
  2. Expanded clay is covered with a cement-sand mixture, filled with water and mixed. The consistency should be such that each granule is in the cement, but does not sink in it. This is necessary so that the homemade decoration has a pronounced relief.
  3. Cellophane (cling film) is spread on a flat surface, the resulting mass is laid out on it, and blanks are formed: a base with two columns (2 pieces) and a separate flat part in the shape of an oval or rectangle, which will be attached to the columns.
  4. The blanks must be covered with cellophane on top, otherwise the cement will be brittle.
  5. After the figures have dried, a fresh solution of cement and sand is prepared in the same proportions. It is applied to the tops of the dried columns of one of the blanks and the flat part is placed on them. The second workpiece is already attached to the resulting platform with columns down. The joints are secured with cement.

The result is a relief textured grotto in three tiers. The structure should be placed in water for a week to remove excess alkali from the cement.

Such blanks can be of any shape and size. And due to the fact that the bottom is smooth, they can be used as a background by pasting over the back wall.

See how to make a small aquarium grower:

Pipe shelters

Simple, inexpensive and quick way- make shelters for the inhabitants of the aquarium from plumbing polypropylene pipes.

The diameter of the pipes is selected depending on the size of the aquarium, fish, and the wishes of the owner.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Cut the pipes to the required length.
  2. Prepare multi-colored small pebbles (soil).
  3. Carefully lubricate polypropylene blanks with silicone sealant.
  4. Place the pipe vertically in a container with soil and sprinkle it generously with pebbles. The dishes should be such that you can roll the tubes like a rolling pin with pressure for thorough gluing.

The product is allowed to dry and placed horizontally on the bottom of the aquarium.

Tree in aquarium design

Most often, they make their own aquarium decorations from driftwood. They have interesting shapes and allow you to create fancy decorations for your aquarium with your own hands. To make your own driftwood, you need to choose trees with dense wood, such as ash, hazel, elm, maple. U coniferous species The wood is friable, so it will rot in water and encourage the development of bacteria.

Parts of trees turn into snags under the influence of water, wind, and sand.

A snag that has been in the water for a long time and is saturated with it will not require an addition in the form of an anchor for sinking; it will stay well at the bottom.

In most cases, snags need to be anchored, as they have good buoyancy.

The fastest way to drown and disinfect is to steam the driftwood in a strong salt solution (2-2.5 kg of salt per 10 liters of water) for 3-5 hours over low heat.

She is then placed in water with weights attached to make her sink. This is done so that the salt leaves the driftwood. After 2-3 days, the snag will sink without additional weighting.

Wherever your imagination leads, you should remember that any decorations must take into account the habits and behavior of aquarium fish and be safe.

When decorating the interior of your own apartment, the design of the aquarium plays an important role. Since, as a rule, it can rarely be found in a rented room. An aquarium with live fish has become a symbol of stability and reliability. Thus, it favorably emphasizes the status of the owners who have already decided on permanent place for life. After all, hardly anyone will transport ornamental fish from place to place. In addition, maintaining an aquarium requires certain costs, which not every person can decide on. Therefore, next we will consider the features of designing an aquarium in a modern home.

Introduction to aquascaping

This term refers to the creation of a picturesque landscape under water in decorative conditions. Those users who think that to get fish it is enough to pour stones into a glass box and fill it with water, they are deeply mistaken about one thing. Namely, in the aesthetic perception of the final result. An experienced designer will ask the owners about the aquarium even at the interior design stage. It is important to choose not only the fish, but also the style of the tank itself. It must fit perfectly into the overall interior of the room in order to fulfill its role efficiently. Even if you add plants and various rattles to the stones in an unattractively designed aquarium, this will not improve the situation. You won’t be able to admire an irresponsible creation for long.

In addition, many types aquarium fish require special treatment. In order to somehow compensate them for their natural habitat, it is necessary to take care of adequate filling. Artificial materials will look cheap and unattractive. Thanks to the World Wide Web, you can find enough information about each of the fish. Some people need frequent water changes, while others don’t need it at all because they purify it themselves. The choice of plants should also be approached responsibly. But the main issue for owners remains the issue of aquarium design.

Its aesthetic characteristics must meet the taste preferences of the home owners.

There are a huge number of options on how you can organize the design of an aquarium with your own hands. There are also many examples of designs online that were created by professionals. Even competitions for the best example of aquascaping are held regularly. First place is often given to those guys whose work really requires skill and patience. In order for the design of an aquarium to allow it to become an integral element of decor, you should be prepared for a labor-intensive process.

Design style

Since there are countless design styles, we will highlight only the main ones. These examples are the most popular among users:

Pseudo-sea. It is characterized by the fact that during design a high-quality imitation of the seabed is created. For this, all the elements that can be found in the vicinity of the same coral reef are used (corals themselves, unusual shells, characteristic sand). Freshwater space can be decorated with ceramics, light-type soil, and pirate accessories. When the design of the tank is ready, it is populated with brightly colored fish. Decorative cichlids can boast of this;

Forced herbalist. A style with a self-explanatory name was noted for its original approach to design. The emphasis in such an aquarium is exclusively on plants. Small fish are either far in the background (a striking example is the characin family) or are completely absent. Sometimes they are replaced with shrimp. But compositions of green inhabitants of the underwater world should delight the owners. To maintain them in proper condition, CO2 and various additives are used. Additionally, the installation is decorated with decorative driftwood and stones;

Small desktop version

Unforced herbalist. The difference between this type of design and the previous one is that a large number of fish are observed here (from characins to cyprinids). At the same time, there may be no less plants, snags and stones. This style is designed to imitate the natural habitat for aquarium fish. Design in this style can be found among most novice aquascapers;

Story aquarium. The most interesting style, since it implies unlimited creativity of the owner. The designer can advise him to choose a specific theme that can be realistically implemented. It could be a trivial sunken ship, or it could be a large metropolis underwater. There are also exotic options with football fields or railways. Only imagination dictates to the owners how to fill such an aquarium with accessories;

Aquarium "Vanguard". It implies a riotous combination of colors or an emphasis on one particular picturesque color. The latter should attract the views of all guests without exception. It is allowed to use all kinds of forms to attract more attention. In order for the fish to feel natural in such an environment, the owners must competently approach the adjustment of the biological balance;

Biotope aquarium. The approach to organizing this type of water world is somewhat similar to plot style. The only difference is that the natural environment of a particular biotope must be imitated here. This could be the nature of the clayey Ganges, the green Amazon, Lake Baikal, etc. All elements in such an aquarium are selected to match the chosen area: appropriate soil, plants growing there, aquatic inhabitants. This will favorably emphasize the conceptual taste of the home owners;

Aquarium with show fish. The design of the aquarium should be tailored for a large fish, which needs space and volume. The scenery plays a secondary role, since the main emphasis is on the shape of the fish itself. It could be a knifefish, arawana, etc.;

Industrial aquarium. If the owners are distinguished by their practicality, then they can, to the detriment of the design, refuse to use decorations and sand. Because the latter tend to get dirty. Instead, you can organize proper aeration with a water supply;

Marine aquarium using live Reef corals. The beauty of these underwater structures is due to the colorful colors of the marine polyps. It is important to remember that they do not tolerate dirty water. To prevent corals from dying, a good biobalance should be established. This will adequately imitate the depths of the ocean and the beauty of a coral reef. Maintaining such a tank will give the interior a respectable look.

Key elements of arrangement

Any painting consists of a canvas, a brush and paints. Original combination the latter can give the most unpredictable results. The situation is similar in aquascaping. Experts identify a number of key elements:

  1. Background. If the tank is located near the wall of the room, then it is logical to use its surface to organize a decorative background. To do this, color films or photos of the scenery are placed between the wall and the glass wall. However, no one is stopping the owner from making a decorative background himself. You can use various panels, branches, unusual leaves. It will be great if you can place moss in a narrow space.
  1. Stones. The practical design of the aquarium allows you to perform two functions at once. Since large specimens can serve not only as decoration of the water space, but also as a reliable shelter for pregnant fish. Granite, basalt and other rocks are used. There are some restrictions on the use of sandstone (limestone), as soft water is not suitable for them. When arranging, you must first cover the bottom with sheets of plastic, and then install stone structures. Only after this can the bottom be filled with the selected soil. This is a precaution against damage to glass surfaces and the fragile position of the stone structure. When installing the latter, you can adhere to the principle of the golden ratio, when the structure occupies one or two thirds of the space. Small stones are located in the corners.
  1. Priming. If you plan to use bottom filters, then these technical elements should be installed before backfilling. You should also carefully prepare the place for planting. The nutrient substrate will significantly strengthen the surface of the soil, the thickness of which is about 5 cm. To create a high relief, you will need the help of special devices. And in order to ensure uneven placement of the soil, you should use additional elements decor.

Plant roots hold soil well. Without them, it becomes flat over time.

  1. Driftwood. They perform approximately the same role as large stones. Serve for reliable shelter of decorative fish. If the owner is engaged in the arrangement himself, then the found driftwood should be pre-treated. To do this, boil it in salted water for an hour. Afterwards, you need to thoroughly rinse the wood to get rid of any remaining salt. After this, the buoyancy of the driftwood should decrease. Otherwise it will be difficult to place it in the aquarium. Some users attach the weight to wood material. Moss or another plant on its surface will look interesting.

  1. Plants. It is difficult to imagine an organic aquarium without live plants. Their ability to harmoniously adjust the balance is highly valued by professionals. To soften the power of stone structures and add naturalness to an artificially created space, tall or floating plants are used. Low-growing ones, on the contrary, can enhance the effect of the hardness of the rock. The approach to planting should be balanced and patient. You should not immediately place a representative of the flora into the water. It is necessary to gradually prepare it for the new environment, periodically spraying it with aquarium water from a spray bottle. Then the reservoir is sequentially filled with liquid.

Corner aquarium as a partition in the room

Making a design with your own hands involves creating a harmonious composition from the above-mentioned elements. It is recommended to immediately follow the advice of specialists so that you do not have to redo it later. A beautiful home aquarium design creates a lasting impression on guests at home.


When setting up an aquarium, owners have the right to independently choose the style of its design. It’s easy to create a beautiful design with your own hands, following the practical advice of professionals. It is important to familiarize yourself in advance with the conditions of keeping certain fish in order to properly prepare the space for life in an artificial reservoir.

Aquariums come in different varieties, but most people keep them to decorate their home or office with a corner of nature. And then the main task aquarium - to be beautiful. It’s good if you can turn to professional aquatic designers to design a home or office pond. And if not? Then you’ll have to act on your own, and we’ll tell you how now.

Of course, aquascaping is now in fashion - designing an aquarium in the form of a beautiful natural (not necessarily underwater) landscape. However, it is unlikely that everyone needs to chase fashion. If you want, you can create an urban picture or a psychedelic landscape in your pond with a bright pink bottom, ultraviolet lighting and phosphorescent fish.

You can buy ready-made driftwood (for example, mangrove). Its preparation is much simpler and takes less time: it is boiled for a couple of hours and soaked for one or two days.

The driftwood in the aquarium must be of the same type.

They are often decorated with plants: mosses, ferns, anubias. To add plants to them, it is usually enough to tie them with fishing line or secure them with a plastic clamp for several weeks.

The function of driftwood in an aquarium is not only aesthetic. They zone space and create shelter for fish, and in addition, they release humic substances into the water, which acidify and soften it and have a beneficial effect on the well-being of many species of fish and shrimp.

In an aquarium with aggressive cichlids, they often do this: they take several long branched driftwood and place them at the back wall, crossing and intertwining with each other. This creates a whole system of grottoes, caves, crevices, and passages in which several fish can hide.

Other types of decorations and coverings

As such, clay shards, ceramic tubes of different diameters can be used (catfish and loaches like to occupy large ones, shrimp like small ones), halves of a coconut shell. You can grow moss or fern onto the coconut.

All kinds of bubble-blowing crocodiles and divers in aquadesign are considered signs of bad taste, but, in my opinion, their presence is quite justified if the aquarium is designed for a child.

Back wall of the aquarium

Of course, the simplest thing here is to stick a film on the outside of the back wall dark color or with a discreet natural pattern, and plant tall plants in the background.

If the aquarium is without plants, then they often resort to the help of relief backgrounds fixed inside the aquarium. This can be a ready-made sheet background made of polystyrene foam or fiberglass.

It has a drawback: if it is not glued firmly and its edge comes off somewhere, fish and shrimp can get caught under it, and it can be difficult to get them out of there.

Once I spent several hours trying to pull out or lure a teenage freshwater stingray from under such a background. As a result, almost all of the aquarium decor and equipment had to be destroyed and then rebuilt.

Instead of a ready-made relief background, you can glue stones of various shapes to the back wall using silicone or ceramic tiles. It will be beautiful, but this is a labor-intensive procedure, and such a background will greatly weigh down the aquarium and reduce its internal space.

Decorating an aquarium with plants

This is a separate huge topic, but the basic principles are quite simple:

  • low plants are planted in the foreground,
  • at the back and side walls - tall, long-stemmed,
  • Spreading bushes are usually placed on the sides in the middle ground.

Sequence of actions when decorating an aquarium

The sequence is:

  1. Preparing stones and driftwood.
  2. Setting the background.
  3. Equipment installation.
  4. Placing stones, driftwood and grottoes in the tank.
  5. Backfilling of soil.
  6. Planting. Sometimes this is done with a small amount of water (according to the rules for starting plants, they are planted a few days after pouring water, but if there are a lot of them and among them there are small ones and ground cover, it is very difficult to plant them in an aquarium full of water).
  7. Filling with water.

These are the basic principles of designing an aquarium. Of course, it’s not easy to make your aquarium a masterpiece of aquadesign on your own, but that’s not the main thing. It is important that you like him and enjoy looking at him.