Toilet      04/07/2019

What can you plant tomatoes next to? What is better to plant next to bell peppers in a greenhouse and open ground?

Experienced gardeners know that in order to obtain a bountiful harvest, personal plot it is necessary to comply with the rules of crop rotation - scientifically based alternation of vegetable, berry, leaf and flower crops grown on it.

In accordance with these rules, the procedure for marking and planning a vegetable garden must be carried out annually. When considering the location of the beds, the owner of the plot must take into account which crops were grown on them during the previous season, and which will be adjacent this year.

The thing is that neighboring plants can have a strong influence on each other. Successful selection of complementary crops planted nearby will help stimulate their growth and prevent the development of many infectious diseases, and also repel insect pests.

And, on the contrary, the proximity of incompatible crops can not only significantly slow down the development of plants, but also contribute to the rapid spread of pathogenic microorganisms (viruses and fungi) and pests, fraught with the complete destruction of plantings.

The above arguments fully apply to the “king of spices” – garlic. Due to the high concentration of biologically active substances (which include essential oils and phytoncides) in the leaves, stems and bulbs, garlic, which suppresses the development of spores of pathogenic fungi, acts as an antiseptic that prevents the occurrence of fungal diseases.

Garlic, one of the natural fungicides and insecticides, has been used for many centuries to protect cultivated plants from infectious diseases and dangerous pests. It is no coincidence that experienced vegetable growers resort to planting this particular crop to improve the health of the soil on their site.

However, proximity to garlic may not be favorable for all garden plants. What can be planted next to garlic, which plants are its best predecessors, and which are undesirable antagonists? All these questions can be answered in our article.

The best predecessors of garlic are:

  1. Cereals (wheat, black rice, timothy, bentgrass, grown as green manure). During the entire growing season, these plants not only do not deplete the soil, but also significantly enrich it with a large amount of nutrients and microelements, and also release substances into it that inhibit the growth of weeds. This has a beneficial effect on the growth of garlic and makes it possible to obtain especially large and strong heads.
  2. Melons (squash, pumpkins, zucchini).
  3. Legumes (peas, lentils, beans, soybeans). Their powerful root system is capable of loosening even very heavy clay soil, thereby significantly improving its structure and facilitating oxygen access to the roots of other plants. Thanks to beneficial bacteria living in the roots of legumes, the soil is saturated with nitrogen.
  4. Any varieties of cabbage (especially cauliflower).
  5. Forage grasses (clover, goat's rue, alfalfa, clover).
  6. Tomatoes.
  7. Berry crops.

Early-ripening potatoes are also a completely acceptable predecessor to garlic. The short growing season does not allow the root crop to significantly deplete the soil, so you can safely plant garlic in the vacant bed.

After what crops can garlic not be planted?

Eat whole line garden crops, after which it is extremely undesirable to plant garlic, since a vegetable grown on depleted soil, susceptible to disease and suffering from pests, will grow weakened and ultimately produce a poor harvest.

The proximity to garlic plantings is favorable for many types of garden crops.

What can't be planted nearby?

It is not advisable to place garlic plantings next to:

  1. Legumes (peanuts, soybeans, peas, lentils, beans and beans). Under the influence of garlic, they will grow poorly, develop slowly and bear rather meager fruit.
  2. Onions grown for greens.
  3. Spicy herbs (mint, basil and coriander). Essential oils, secreted by these plants, when released into the soil, they are drawn into the root system of nearby growing garlic and significantly slow down its growth and development of the bulbs.

What crops are best to plant after garlic?

Garlic, which disinfects and heals the soil, belongs to the category of rare garden plants, after which flower, green, and vegetable crops grow well. And yet, many gardeners often cannot decide what to plant in the area where garlic previously grew.

They might want to try one of our tips:

  1. To heal the soil and enrich it with microelements and nutrients before winter, you can sow green manure plants. If you plan to grow cruciferous crops in this area in the spring, it is advisable to sow oats, rye or phacelia. If you plan to plant pumpkins or tomatoes, it is better to sow rapeseed, mustard or radish: these crops will effectively cleanse the soil of rot.
  2. After garlic, you can plant potatoes, legumes, and cucumbers.
  3. With great success, strawberries can be grown in place of garlic plantings. The bushes of this berry crop will be especially strong, healthy, and the harvest will be unusually generous.
  4. Planting and growing beets, tomatoes and cabbage is completely acceptable.

Beets were brought to us back in the days of Kievan Rus from Byzantium. It contains many useful substances: carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, organic acids, amino acids, fiber. In the southwestern regions of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, the plant is called beetroot or beetroot. This crop is grown everywhere, and not a single garden can do without it. To get a rich harvest, you need to take into account some points, and most importantly, find out what to plant beets with in the same bed, and what is not recommended. So about all this further in the material.


Features of growing beets

The plant is unpretentious and cold-resistant, which grows well in loose, organic-rich soils. Beets do not tolerate thickened seedings and shaded areas. The seeds of this crop begin to germinate at temperatures above 4 degrees, seedlings can withstand short-term frosts down to -0.5-1 degrees, and adult root crops - down to -2 degrees. Optimal temperature plant growth and development - 15-25 degrees. At temperatures below 8 degrees, their growth practically stops.

Please note: If the summer is cold and damp, then already in the first year of life, flowering stems appear, which sharply reduces the yield.

Compared to other plants, beets are quite drought-resistant. Temporary lack of moisture in upper layers It tolerates soil thanks to its powerful, deeply penetrating root system.

In long dry seasons, the root crop requires watering, but excess moisture and proximity groundwater, are unfavorable for him. So, in such conditions, beets need to be planted on ridges.

Where are beets grown?

The most suitable for it are loamy soils, with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction, well seasoned with organic fertilizers.

Beet planting

The plant's need for microelements is not very great and, as a rule, is satisfied by their reserves in the soil. Moreover, however, a lack of iron, magnesium, manganese leads to chlorosis of plants, and a lack of copper leads to rotting.

Reference! Table beet does not tolerate repeated sowings.

Burak can be sown both in spring and in autumn before winter. For the second option, in late October-early November, you should select special cold-resistant varieties that do not bolt for a long time.

In spring, beets are sown one to two weeks later than carrots.

What to plant beets with in the garden?

In order to start p, several factors should be taken into account:

  1. It is necessary that the root systems are compatible with each other. Ideally, they should be located at different soil levels;
  2. There must be compatibility of habitus;
  3. You need to make sure that the requirements for the composition and acidity of the soil coincide.

You can plant beets with the following crops:

Attention! Good result can show - growing beets, along the edges of the beds, with other crops (friendly). The main thing is that they do not shade the root crop.

What to plant with beets?

Gardeners have also noticed that it is possible to plant beets with different varieties cabbage (broccoli, kohlrabi, cauliflower, as well as daikon, asparagus and beans) which are well compatible with this crop.

Spinach, grown together with beets, can stimulate its growth.

Attention! As a compactor for beet plantings, the following have proven themselves to be excellent: different varieties lettuce, parsley, dill, marjoram, coriander.

It also works great on cucumbers, potatoes and cabbage beans.

Beets can be grown next to carrots

Is the fit not very tight? Then the carrots can easily settle down and not interfere with each other.

Also, it is well compatible with garden strawberries.

It also interacts neutrally with tomatoes.

What can't you plant with?

Due to the ability of beets to accumulate nematodes in the soil, beets are not recommended to be planted after the following crops:

An undesirable neighbor that can negatively affect beet plantings are:

  1. climbing beans;
  2. rhubarb;
  3. corn;
  4. potato;
  5. mustard;
  6. chives.

Attention! The corn will greatly shade the beets, causing them to lack light. The fruits will develop poorly and remain small.

Growing beets in one place should be done no more than once every three to four years.

Video: Growing beets along the edge of the garden bed


As a result, it is worth saying that beets are a very healthy root vegetable. It is useful both in raw and in boiled form - in which it loses little useful substances.

But at the same time, this culture cannot be used by people who have stomach problems. First, you should consult your doctor. And also, it is dangerous for diabetes, for the reason that beets can increase blood sugar.

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Culture compatibility

​I’ll tell you which plants can be planted, even necessary:​

Potatoes tolerate proximity to radishes, garlic, spinach and cabbage;

​Crops of the celery family (carrots, dill, parsley, etc.) can be combined with everything except their family. It is good to plant carrots with onions, as carrots repel onion fly, and carrot onions. This is how I plant: a row of onions, a row of carrots.​

Incompatibility of some cultures

The Colorado potato beetle does not like being in the vicinity of marigolds, coriander, nasturtium, and tansy. And phytoncides of garlic and onions destroy the potato fungus late blight.

parsley - tomato

​melon - potato

The best neighbors for tomatoes

Kohlrabi is planted next to peas, cucumbers, radishes, radishes, beets, celery, dill, beans and spinach.

In addition, peppers also prefer the warm but stuffy atmosphere so appreciated by cucumbers, and do not like drafts. At the same time, be sure to keep in mind that these crops are light-loving and cannot withstand shading from cucumber vines. Therefore, the most reasonable option would be to place pepper and eggplant seedlings on the sunny side, and place cucumbers nearby, but at some distance.​

​To avoid mistakes when placing crops in our gardens, we begin planting planning in the calm winter season. A schematic plan of your garden plotted on paper will help you position the beds correctly, taking into account providing each plant with enough light. For example, if you plan to plant cucumbers in open ground Without tying, the beds are best placed in the direction from north to south. If, as the professionals advise, you are going to grow cucumbers on a trellis, then it is optimal to place the crops in the west-east direction. It is in this case that the low morning rays of the sun will be able to freely illuminate each plant, which cannot be achieved by arranging them in the classical way.​

Beds with cucumbers, proper planting

Many people, not knowing what to plant cucumbers with, make mistakes in placing them on the plot. You can't grow them next to potatoes. But it would be right to plant corn next to the cucumbers. They will be able to weave along its stems and receive protection from the strong sun. Dill and cilantro, calendula and peas, garlic and onions, and spinach also have a beneficial effect on the growth and formation of vegetables. They will protect the cucumbers from bacterial rot and mites and add crispness. These vegetables are not suitable for growing together next to radishes and tomatoes, and they cannot tolerate some aromatic herbs.​

It is believed that mixed plantings are an excellent option to save space on the site. But now vegetables are planted together not only for beauty and convenience. If you know what you plant with what, you can improve it significantly taste qualities fruit, protect the plant from pests, accelerate growth. Also, seedlings do not require additional fertilizers or chemical treatments.​

A pleasant neighborhood for eggplants

​plant ordinary garlic between the strawberry bushes; all sorts of harmful insects are afraid of it, so the strawberries will be protected by garlic. (also, in the place where you plan to plant strawberries, it is better to plant potatoes first - so that the soil loosens, then, before winter, thoroughly fertilize the soil, and in the spring you can plant strawberries. Don’t expect a super harvest in the first year, but in the second - All your neighbors will be jealous of you - 100%!)​

Onions love to grow next to carrots;

Tips for rational and convenient use of the site

​I also plant flowers in the garden; they serve as decoration and also attract bees for pollination. There are especially many marigolds, as they also repel harmful insects.​

What can't you plant cucumbers with?

​I was interested in this issue because I wanted and want good harvests every year.​

​mint - potato

​pepper - eggplant, tomatoes​

​Thus, by moving around the sign and identifying the desired positions in the crosshairs, you can determine the compatibility of certain garden crops when planted together.​

We plan landings in advance

​Which cultures get along well with each other, and which ones do not?​

​It has long been noticed that if you plant everyone’s favorite cucumbers next to corn crops, you can achieve an increase in yield of up to 20%! Corn barrier plantings help create a special microclimate on the ridge, so beloved by cucumbers. When choosing a sealer for cucumber plantings, it is best to choose tall varieties. In this case, you don’t even have to spend extra money on a trellis, the role of which will be very successfully replaced by tall corn stalks. It is only necessary from time to time to direct the curly stems of the cucumber in the desired direction. Sunflowers planted next to cucumbers can also serve as a natural support. In addition to increasing the number of cucumbers, you can also get a harvest of delicious, homemade seeds from almost the same area. But they are a source of essential fatty acids that our body so requires.​

Choosing a “neighbor” for cucumbers

​The question of what to plant with what is very important for a positive harvest. Before you start gardening, you need to carefully study all the details of this matter. Having the necessary information will help you avoid big troubles and plant diseases.​

​In gardening science there is such a thing as “cropping compatibility”. It is similar to the term “symbiosis”, which means the beneficial proximity of several biological species. In the plant world, some plants absolutely cannot live together. And some, on the contrary, protect each other from pests or diseases with their smell and stimulate growth. Known a large number of tables on crop compatibility, which tell you how to plant a garden, what to plant with what. But all the data in them is very contradictory.​


​The cucumbers in the neighborhood want to see beets, beans and celery;​

What not to plant next to cucumbers

​Only an allelopath will tell you exactly about this, this is a person who studies such a science as Allelopathy (the science of the properties of various plants to suppress the growth of others)​

​I planted everything as expected. I really didn’t notice much of a difference, to be honest. Previously, they planted everything as they pleased and everything grew. Nevertheless, now that I have my own plot, I still adhere to the rules of plant compatibility. I plant not only those crops that can grow nearby, but also based on what crop grew in this place last year, that is, I observe crop rotation.​

​dill - cabbage, cucumber​

​dill - tomato, carrots​

​Also pay attention that after the table there is a list of crops, the planting of which allows you to repel various pests, which is important in modern conditions, when it is not always possible to create greenhouse conditions that will prevent rodents and insects from reaching the fruits of your labor.​ ​Next to tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers you can plant spices: dill, thyme, basil and others. The essential oils that these herbs secrete not only repel pests from vegetables growing in the garden, but also have a good effect on the taste and quality of the fruit.​

What do they plant with what?

​Excellent relationships have also developed between cucumbers and various legumes. Several bushes of beans or peas are planted in rows next to the cucumber crops or along the perimeter of the cucumber bed. By the way, all legumes belong to the class of nitrogen-fixing plants, feeding the soil with this necessary elements. Therefore, after harvesting, their stems should not be pulled out, just cut off, leaving roots with nitrogen-containing nodules in the ground.​


​Some gardeners do not like to plant eggplants because they believe that they are difficult to grow. The vegetable often does not bear fruit or simply dies. But if you know what to plant eggplants with, then the growing process may not be so difficult. You need to avoid making some mistakes when planting and replanting. Eggplants cannot be planted together with tomatoes, despite the fact that they are of the same family. It’s not even worth growing them next to each other on a windowsill during the seedling period.​

​When a plant serves as support, strengthens tone and has a beneficial effect on various seedlings, it is called “dynamic”. These are millennial and chamomile, dandelion and nettle, valerian. Helper plants include lettuce and spinach. They secrete into the ground useful material to strengthen the root system. Marigolds can also be planted with vegetable plants without fear. They have a piquant odor, with which they repel attacks of harmful insects. For vegetable crops Compatibility is the key to a good harvest. Therefore, you need to consider the question of what is planted with what, and learn some simple rules.​

​yeah, they're tall. and strawberries need light

​Cucumbers, carrots and turnips get along well with peas.​


​I know for sure that it is very good to plant nearby: Pumpkin, Corn and Beans!​

​That is, two conditions must be met:​

​radish, celery - salad

​cucumber - potato

​It is noteworthy that even for mice there is a plant that they do not like. Such plants include lettuce, onions, rosemary, sage, tobacco and wormwood.​

It is very advisable to plant onions, garlic and tomatoes close to berry bushes: they protect the roots of gooseberries, currants and raspberries from damage by various earthen pests.

​Cucumbers go well next to onions or garlic. They are indifferent (that is, indifferent) to various cruciferous vegetables, such as various cabbages. But for radishes and radishes, the results are contradictory. Some argue that radishes planted next to cucumbers did not in any way affect the harvest of green fruits, while some, on the contrary, are confident in the negative impact of radish crops on the number of cucumber ovaries.​

​Eggplants get along well with potatoes or thyme, peas or beans. It is also worth noting that if tomatoes or hot peppers grew on the site in the previous season, then this is not the case for eggplants. the best place for disembarkation.​

​Corn develops positively and bears fruit next to cucumbers or beans. White cabbage accepts proximity to beets, tomatoes, radishes and cucumbers. Great option there will be a combination of carrots and onions; their smells help each other to avoid the attacks of carrot and onion flies. Beets are combined with onions and lettuce, cabbage and beans.​

I don’t know that you can’t plant anything next to it, but you can and should have garlic. I stick a couple of pieces near each bush - from pests.

Tanya Mashinska

​The table below shows which plants love each other and which are at enmity.​

​Pumpkin with its large leaves shades the soil and prevents weeds from growing...​

​what to plant with what​

​I also try to plant marigolds around the site, as they are good guards against various pests and bacteria.​

​beans - onions, garlic​

For example, garlic repels slugs. But aphids don't like radishes. Moles cannot tolerate garlic, marigolds and onions. Therefore, when laying out your garden, be sure to take into account the phased placement of all these garden crops, in such a way that the harvest would be better and larger, and that later it would be easier for you to harvest it yourself. Of course, many things will come only with experience, and not after the first year of gardening, but gradually the garden and vegetable garden will take on the proper form.​

​Cucumbers can be planted next to tomatoes, cabbage, beans, peas, but absolutely not with spinach, lettuce, or early potatoes.​

You can also plant calendula next to the cucumbers. These bright, unpretentious flowers will not only decorate your garden with their orange baskets, but will also help you get a fairly significant increase in your harvest, because they bloom at the same time as cucumbers and attract pollinating insects. And calendula itself, collected and dried according to all the rules, will help in the winter when preparing medicinal decoctions and tinctures.​

​When planning your plot for planting seedlings, it is advisable to know its dimensions. Preliminary sketches can be made on paper. Determine what crops will grow in the beds. When sowing, it is worth considering the preferences of the plants. Some like a lot of light, while others like shade. Crops that require abundant watering are best grown close to the water supply. Naturally, you need to take your choice of neighborhood seriously, as discussed above. Don’t forget that you will have to visit some plants (for example, herbs) often. It's good if they grow near the house. It is also worth considering the timing of planting and harvesting: after harvesting early radish you can plant tomato seedlings.​

​Under no circumstances should you plant any plants of the umbelliferous species next to vegetable seedlings, with the only exception being carrots. If you plant seedlings of the same variety that feed on the same substances, the soil will soon be depleted and they will not be able to fully develop.​

​Strawberries, blackberries and raspberries should not be planted next to each other. They have a common pest, the raspberry-strawberry mite. Tulips are also included in this list; this tick loves them too.​

​Carrots' best neighbors are peas, onions and tomatoes.​​The corn subsequently protects the pumpkin from the sun...​

If you plant onions and garlic in cucumbers, then the cucumbers receive protection from root rot and dysbiosis

​potatoes - pumpkin, tomatoes​

​If we continue listing the crops, we can note that, for example, corn gets along well with lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes. As for onions, they can be planted next to carrots, cucumbers, parsnips, tomatoes and beets. Carrots go well with peas, strawberries, cabbage, corn, onions, parsnips, tomatoes, radishes, radishes, lettuce and spinach.​

Plant tomatoes next to cabbage, onions, asparagus, but away from tall plants. Beans and peas should not be planted next to onions and garlic.​

​You cannot plant cucumbers next to a “fragrant” bed where you will plant herbs, as in this case they will not please you with good harvests. Therefore, plantings of basil, hyssop, cilantro, and oregano will have to be formed in a different place.​

​Experienced gardeners have long known that plants planted nearby influence each other. This influence can be either quite positive or vice versa.​

​When planting, it is worth considering whether the plant is short or tall. After all, then one may not receive enough light, and the other, vice versa. Do not plant nightshade crops nearby. If the Colorado potato beetle damages a potato, it will immediately spread to neighboring tomatoes or eggplants. Also, the same types of diseases will quickly spread to all seedlings or fruits. You can place several beds of onions or garlic near the tomatoes, and then they will not become infected with late blight. Tomatoes do not tolerate the proximity of kohlrabi and dill.


​And you even need parsley, it repels slugs.​

​Cucumbers do not get along with aromatic herbs and potatoes, but they go well with peas and cabbage. But cucumbers, beets, tomatoes and pumpkins are excellent friends of radishes.​

​Beans supply nitrogen to the soil...​

To protect apple and pear trees from scab, tall-stemmed tomatoes are planted nearby.

​will be useful

​I searched on many sites, read more than one book and summed up the results.​


​There are special compatibility tables for garden crops, one of which we will now consider in detail in this answer.​

​Compatibility table for growing vegetables. The compatibility of growing cucumbers is highlighted in blue.​

​Potatoes do not accept legumes; they fill the soil with nitrogen, which leads to the birth of small vegetable fruits and tall tops. Cabbage is incompatible with parsley and peas; it will not grow well enough with carrots and cucumbers, onions and radishes.​ ​Not true, you have been misled! Both parsley and onions grow wonderfully next to my strawberry beds. I also planted in different years: bush beans, cabbage, potatoes, melons, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce. Everything grew wonderfully!​

​If you plant marigolds, marigolds or nasturtiums in the beds next to potatoes, the potatoes will not get sick with nematodes. Corn, beans and even eggplant are also good neighbors for potatoes.

​This is how the American Indians planted these three crops together.​ What to plant after what?

Pumpkins, beans and corn are planted next to each other.

​for each other such cultures:​

​I always have this diagram on hand:​

From this table it can be seen that peas are planted with kohlrabi, carrots, radishes, radishes, and celery.


But if in open ground such positive or negative interaction between crops is somewhat smoothed out, then in a greenhouse, in a limited area, unwanted neighbors can significantly oppress each other in the struggle for nutrients and sunlight. That is why, despite the lack of greenhouse space, you cannot plant ardent antagonists nearby.​

​If compacted plantings are planned correctly, you can achieve a significant increase in yield.​

​When a crop is grown in the same place for several years, this leads to depletion of the land. It loses its nutrients and the biological balance is disturbed. As a result, plant growth slows down, its development worsens, and more diseases appear.​

Just yesterday I read in Usadba: to prevent gray rot and weevils from settling in strawberry beds, it is planted in the spring onion at the rate of 1 head per 4 bushes. So please don’t offend the onions! Well, garlic is already a classic.​

​When there is not a lot of land on the plot, but you want to plant everything, you have to think about what you can plant next to what. For example, tomatoes grow well next to peppers, and eggplants grow well with beans. Carrots can be planted with cabbage, beans and onions. In turn, onions with zucchini and pumpkin. But for potatoes there will be a good environment if planted next to cabbage and corn.​

This landing is called:

"Garden of the Three Sisters"

Nikolai Sosiura

Beans are planted next to cabbage, sugar beets, cucumbers

​onion - legumes, cabbage, carrots, cucumber, asparagus, tomato, dill, beets, eggplant, potatoes​

  • ​You cannot plant:​
  • Cabbage is planted with carrots, tomatoes, radishes, radishes, celery, dill, beans and spinach.
  • ​The most common crops grown in protected soil, in greenhouses and hotbeds, without a doubt, are cucumbers and tomatoes. But you can’t plant them next to each other. Well, cucumbers don’t like these representatives of the nightshade family, just like potatoes. Being near or close to these plants, cucumbers wither and feel depressed. And the agricultural technology for growing crops varies greatly. Cucumbers love moist air and frequent but limited watering. And for good fruiting they require a much higher temperature than the “Signora Tomato”, which is why they cannot be planted together.​
  • ​But often, at the time of spring sowing efforts, in a hurry to plant everything as soon as possible, some summer residents do not accept this fact into account and plant their garden chaotically.​

​You also need to know what to plant tomatoes with, which proximity will have a beneficial effect on the outcome, and which will only harm. It is best when celery, leeks, parsley, and bird cherry grow next to tomatoes. This will protect the tomatoes from pests.​

Increase the yield of crops grown on summer cottage crops allows crop rotation. Prolonged cultivation of plants in the same bed leads to soil depletion and the accumulation of pests and diseases in it. Alternation of crops is also used to obtain 2-3 harvests per plot annually (we are talking about compacted and repeated crops). That's why many summer residents think about what and after what you can plant in the garden. Moreover, it is recommended to draw up a plan for placing crops on the site every year in compliance with the order of crop rotation. In practice, this gives a better harvest next year.

Main rule: Try not to return the same crop to its original place earlier than after 3-4 years. The later re-seeding occurs, the better.

Vegetable crops that are similar in cultivation technology can (and are conveniently) placed nearby in the garden. In this regard, cultures are divided into the following groups:

Depending on this classification, it is recommended to move plants around the site. It is convenient to plant perennial vegetables along the fence. Thus, the authors of the manual “Vegetable garden. Practical advice"It is recommended to alternate crops as follows:

Table No. 1: Good predecessors of vegetable crops in the garden

In another source (the book “Biological basis for obtaining high yields of vegetable crops”) we find the following table:

Table No. 2: What can be planted next year

(Compiled based on an analysis of the influence of predecessors on the yield of other vegetable crops):

Crop rotation table No. 3

(Source: “My Favorite Dacha” magazine)

Analyzing the data from three tables, let’s look specifically at some crops:

Then plant...


The best predecessors for onions are: cucumber, tomato, as well as early cabbage, cauliflower and early potatoes. Acceptable predecessors are legumes and green crops. This means growing onions for turnips and sets.


Like carrots, beets are best planted after onions, cucumbers and early potatoes. It is allowed to plant root crops after cabbage and tomatoes.


For cucumbers, the best predecessors are: potatoes, tomatoes, onions, cabbage (early white and cauliflower), root vegetables, legumes (excluding beans) and green crops. It is permissible to plant cucumbers after radishes, beets and carrots.


Tomatoes can be planted after impressive list crops: white cabbage (early and late), cauliflower, cucumbers, legumes and green crops (including radishes), root vegetables, onions.

What to plant after...


Of all three tables, garlic is mentioned as a predecessor in only one. The source says that it is permissible to plant beets after garlic. And in the first source (not in the table, but in the text itself) it says that after harvesting the onions and garlic, you can plant summer potatoes. It is also recommended to grow potatoes in garlic rows. They get along great. But the best neighborhood is in the beds of garlic and strawberries. And if we consider that onions and garlic belong to the same group of plants, then they may have common predecessors.


After cabbage, you can plant tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, onions, turnips and sets, cucumbers, potatoes, zucchini and squash, pumpkin, green crops, and legumes.


Cucumbers are good predecessors for cabbage, carrots, beets, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, onions, radishes, turnips, radishes, garlic, dill, and eggplant.


After potatoes, it is good to plant cabbage, onions, root vegetables, cucumbers, greens and legumes, zucchini, pumpkins, squash, and garlic.


Pepper is not named in any of the tables as a predecessor, so we would recommend paying attention to its belonging to the Nightshade group (together with tomato and eggplant). Plants of this group may have common precursors.


After beets, it is ALLOWED to plant white cabbage and cauliflower, onion, carrot, cucumber. And good - garlic, tomato.


After the tomatoes, white and cauliflower cabbage, green crops, legumes, and garlic are planted. Acceptable are cucumbers, onions and root vegetables.



We hope that the tables and lists we have compiled based on reference books for gardeners and gardeners will help you decide on the rotation of crops on your site, develop a crop rotation plan for the next year and understand what is best to plant in your garden. summer season 2018 😉 Have a great harvest!

Maria Ivleva, Sarov. How can you plant beets in the same bed? ?
Proper planning of mixed plantings helps prevent soil depletion and protect plants from diseases and pests. Experience shows that the beneficial influence of plants growing nearby also affects productivity. Find out which vegetable crops should be planted in the same bed next to beets from this article.

Features of growing beets

Beetroot is a widely cultivated vegetable that is easy to care for. And yet, to obtain consistently high yields of this root crop, some features of the vegetable and requirements for agricultural technology should be taken into account:

  1. Love of light. Good lighting is the key to obtaining large and intensely colored root crops.
  2. The soil acidity level is 6.2-7.0. When growing beets on acidic soils, the root crops develop poorly and are also affected by scab and phomosis, which leads to blackening of the pulp. Heavily leached soils are also contraindicated for beet cultivation.
  3. Fertile and loose soil. Beets do not develop well in poor soils, suffering from a lack of minerals. To get a good beet harvest, you should use light soil rich in nutrients. If beets are grown on dense clay soils, they should be loosened regularly. A lack of potassium in the soil causes yellowing of the tops, sodium - its redness, boron - rotting of the core.
  4. High-quality watering throughout the growing season. A month before harvesting, you should stop watering beets.
  5. Crop rotation. Potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, and beans are considered the best predecessors of beets. Planting beets after these crops is the best prevention of nematode development.

Beets can be grown next to carrots

Helpful neighbors

Mixed planting is a highly effective agrotechnical technique that allows rational use of the site, preventing soil fatigue, and stimulating productivity.

When planning mixed plantings, several factors should be taken into account:

  • compatibility of root systems, which ideally should be located at different soil levels;
  • habitus compatibility;
  • compatibility of requirements for soil composition and acidity, agricultural technology conditions.

Using beets as the main crop for creating joint plantings, the following can be used as an additional crop:

  • spinach;
  • garlic;
  • salad of different varieties;
  • celery.

When grown together, neighboring plants should not shade the beets.

Attention! Growing beets along the edge of beds with other friendly crops shows good results. The main thing is that they do not shade the beets. Since most of the recommended companion crops have a short growing season, they are collected long before the beets are harvested.

It has been noticed that beets are capable of producing increased yields when landing together with different types cabbage: broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi, as well as daikon, asparagus and beans. Spinach grown together with beets can stimulate its growth due to the release of the substance soponin by the root system, which improves the nutrition of the root crop.
Beds with beets can be effectively compacted by planting leeks, or sowing radishes and onions.

Attention! Various varieties of lettuce, parsley, dill, marjoram, and coriander have shown themselves to work well as a compactor for beet plantings.

It is believed that during growth, beets release substances into the soil that have antibacterial properties, which has a healing effect on a number of vegetable crops. As a companion, beets will have a positive effect on cucumbers, potatoes, and bush beans. If the planting is not very dense, then beets are quite capable of getting along with carrots. Beetroot can also be used as a plant compactor garden strawberries. Beetroot interacts fairly neutrally with tomatoes, so they joint landing is considered quite acceptable.

Invalid Predecessors and Bad Neighbors

Growing beets for several years in the same area leads to the accumulation of beet nematodes in the soil, which significantly reduces the yield of this vegetable.

Attention! For this reason, replanting beets in the same area is possible only after 3-4 years.

In addition, due to the ability to accumulate nematodes in the soil, it is not recommended to use the following as beet precursors:

  • mustard;
  • chard;
  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • other types of beets, for example, fodder or sugar.

Beets go well next to strawberries

An undesirable neighbor that can negatively affect beet plantings are:

  • climbing beans;
  • rhubarb;
  • corn;
  • potato;
  • mustard;
  • chives.

Attention! Tall corn greatly shades the beets, causing them to lack light. Disadvantage sunlight leads to the fact that beet roots develop poorly, remaining small.

Planting beets next to spinach will stimulate their growth.

Compliance with crop rotation conditions, selection of optimal companions for mixed plantings, as well as compliance with cultivation conditions will be the key to good beet yields on your site.

Growing beets - video