Toilet      04/11/2019

Turnkey house for a million rubles! Is it possible to build a house for a million

Is it allowed to build a house for 1,000,000 rubles?

A positive result on this issue is absolutely real if you build it yourself. And the cost of the land plot will not be included in this amount. If you take a logical approach to choosing a house plan and building materials, then you will strictly meet this amount. This question is relevant for those who are truly ready to make their dream come true. And the most important thing is that everything is absolutely feasible. In order to build a house for 1 million rubles, you need to smartly approach the choice of building materials and the main stages of building a house.

Advice: If you build it yourself, then the house is 200 sq.m. with land in virtually any region of our country (with the exception of the capitals - land there is very expensive) will cost the same price as a tattered two-room apartment in a bad area.

What kind of house can be built for this amount?

Main cost items:

land plot;

connection to communications or supply and connection to them;

rental and purchase of tools and building materials;

payment for work (if not done on your own);

interior decoration;

heating and water supply;

other expenses (transport, gasoline, food, clothing).

Payments account for a significant portion of the cost of the house. construction work, therefore, if you want to save money, then it’s better to stock up on skills and modern materials, which will allow all or a large part of all construction work to be carried out independently.

Basalt slabs have become extremely popular for heat and sound insulation of houses. This material It retains heat amazingly, it is light and quite simply cut into all sizes. In addition, it has high fire resistance and begins to melt at a temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius. This building material is used to insulate walls in frame houses. The basalt panel is inserted into the frame and secured with special disc dowels. Box one-story house Everyone is assembled in a week, and your home is ready for interior decoration. Such a structure is quite light and strong, therefore it does not require a reinforced base.

Another modern building material is monolithic reinforced concrete. Walls made of this material are built with support permanent formwork, which from the outside simultaneously serves as finishing material, A inner side actually ready for simple finishing. Such a house with a small square footage can be easily erected with the help of your own strength. By casting half a meter of walls per day, you will have time to complete the exterior work during the summer season. Three builders can easily build a 120-meter house in a month and, in a couple of weeks, install the roof. Thus, the house that will be ready for interior decoration, it is allowed to build each one in one and a half months.

A fairly cheap material, which is often given superiority by everyone, is wooden beam. It is very easy and quick to build a house frame from this material, but after this you need to wait 1-2 months for each structure to settle, since the wood has the ability to sag. Construction wooden house A turnkey project for a family of 3-4 people will cost up to one million rubles, if you do some simple stages of the work yourself. Let's say, do the basics, do some internal Finishing work. Of course, a primitive house made of wood will not be very warm, but today this is not a problem; it is always possible to use insulation. Such as polystyrene foam, glass wool boards, mineral wool based on basalt fiber and others.

Aerated concrete is a new invention in low-rise construction and is quite a promising material. Its popularity is due to the fact that, due to its light weight, you can save a lot on the foundation. Despite its low weight, it has fairly high strength. A house made of aerated concrete can last 80 years or more. The construction of walls from aerated concrete will cost you 30% less than from brick. Your labor costs will also decrease; to build a house with your own hands, you will spend four times less time than a similar brick one. Another plus in favor of aerated concrete is its environmental friendliness; it ranks second after wood. It is made from natural materials: report sand and cement.

Depending on the selected materials from which the frame of the house and the floors will be built, it is necessary to select a base. So, if you have opted for monolithic reinforced concrete, then the base will have to be reinforced, most likely each with a strip, so that it can easily carry the entire structure. You can make such a base yourself, but it will take a lot of time to set it up. For a wooden house you will need a more lightweight base. The simplest and most optimal would be a base on a sand cushion, but the most economical is a monolithic pile base. In any case, the choice of foundation will depend, first of all, on the nature of the material from which the house will be built.

Advice: When drawing up estimates, round each expense item up, not down.

House made of foam blocks without external cladding.

Nowadays you can find quite a lot of advertisements from construction companies offering to rebuild a turnkey house for just a million rubles. Some of them, unfortunately, are outright deception, since only the frame of the house will be built “turnkey” for you, and everything else is for an additional fee. But the other part is still real proposals. Let's figure out how you can build a house for a million, what it can be like, and what saving strategies you can use during construction.

What is hidden behind such a generous offer?

“Black” and “white” saving strategies

No matter how trite it may sound, everything in the world has its price and there are always certain boundaries that cannot be crossed. For example, even if new records are set in sports competitions, it is unlikely that a person will be able to run at the speed of sound - well, unless the dreams of science fiction writers about teleportation someday become a reality. The same can be said about construction:

There is a certain price for materials and the cost of work, below which it is simply pointless to go below.

From here there is an unequivocal conclusion - you will be able to save either on materials and technology (which will make the house at least uncomfortable to live in), or the savings will be “legal” - based on reducing costs by removing unnecessary elements and maximizing the simplification of everything else.

House for a million: what it could be like

Proper construction of any house is carried out in several stages. First of all, it is selected land plot and a project is drawn up. Then, based on the project, the foundation is developed, walls and roof are erected, utilities are laid out, and finishing work is carried out.

Now that we have divided the overall construction of a house into several parts, you can understand where you can save money and build a house for a million rubles.

We select a plot of land

Even if you have found an excellent site that seems to be completely satisfactory in terms of location, communications and other aspects, you need to evaluate it from the point of view of further savings:

    Soil quality. This is the most important thing that can affect the cost of a house, since not every foundation is suitable for some types of soil. The quality of the soil is determined exclusively by geological examination. It costs little to carry out, but you will have comprehensive data on hand, based on which specialists will be able to calculate the foundation and determine the optimal location for the house on the site.

    Driveways. Typically, economical projects are built without the use of heavy equipment, but in any case it will be necessary to deliver construction materials to the site.

    Connection cost to the gas main, electricity, water supply. In some cases, it may turn out that, for example, the water supply was shared, and the previous owner of the site did not participate in the work, and now the connection will cost a lot of money.

It is necessary to evaluate a site not only by its beauty

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

What will the house project be like?

Any architectural delights lead to an increase in the cost of the project. To get an economical house design for a million, you will have to give up bay windows and diverse architecture. You also need to remember that an internal load-bearing wall costs extra money. As a result, you will have to settle on house layouts of 6x6 or 6x8 - standard “boxes”. However, the comfort of a home does not depend on its size, and without internal load-bearing walls the layout can be anything.

If you contact a reputable construction company, then when you order turnkey construction, they will design your house for free. This is another way of “white” saving - the house is not built at random, which means that troubles with soil displacement and the like are excluded in the future.

Choosing a foundation

Preliminarily, all that can be said here is that the most economical option- This is a pile-screw foundation. But usually such a base is made for frame or other wooden houses– for buildings made of aerated concrete or brick, you will have to lay a monolithic or strip foundation. It is impossible to say in advance which foundation to choose - it all depends on the type of soil on the site and the selected material for building the house.

Regarding the pile-screw foundation, it should also be noted that sometimes, for the sake of economy, the distance between the supports is increased by pile field- instead of 2 meters they make 2.5-3. Indeed, there is a certain percentage of buildings in which the piles are located at such a distance and they have been standing for quite a long time. But many videos have been made about these houses. which show how the floor can "walk" a little when you walk on it. Therefore, this type of saving is very dubious - everyone uses it at their own peril and risk.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Choosing a construction technology

There are several dozen construction technologies, but not all are suitable for building a turnkey house for a million rubles.

We must immediately dispel the myth - brick house You can't build it for a million.

Brick is a fairly heavy material - even if the site has ideal conditions to lay a shallow foundation, then the most little house 6x6 will cost more. If there are other proposals, it means that at some stage the technology is broken or we are talking only about the construction of a “box”.

Brick house for a million - some are even trying to make money on interest in this issue

The next option is foam blocks or aerated concrete. These materials are quite similar to each other - their cost is less than that of brick, and their weight is quite big sizes blocks make labor costs when installing below. The main point to pay attention to is the finishing. If foam concrete simply has an unpresentable appearance, then a ventilated façade must be installed for a house made of aerated concrete. But whether or not it will be possible to build a house from aerated concrete for a million rubles depends primarily on the foundation and size of the building - if it happens small house standard project 6x6, then there is such a probability.

But most often, if you want to build a turnkey house for 1,000,000 rubles, you still choose one of the frame house building technologies, for example, SIP panels or houses made of timber. The meaning of the technology is that house parts are manufactured at the factory, and at the construction site they are simply assembled like a construction kit. A separate plus is the timing. In some cases, you can completely complete all the work in a few days - a maximum of a couple of weeks.

Roof shape and roofing material

The same principle applies here as for the project - the simpler, the cheaper. If you focus only on performance characteristics and remove all decorations, then the best option there was and remains a gable roof.

Under gable roof you can arrange an attic

In some cases, the option is considered flat roof, and at first glance it may indeed seem that it is cheaper. But we must take into account that the economical option here is roofing felt, which in five years will begin to leak and require replacement.

The optimal roofing material is most often modern bitumen shingles. Its main drawback is the high requirements for the qualifications of the roofer - otherwise, after some time, leaks may begin. But when ordering turnkey construction, this is the concern of the construction company.

Engineering Communication

This mainly includes electrical, water supply and sewerage. There are only two rules for saving:

    All work must be carried out by qualified specialists. We must remember that poor-quality installation can lead not only to rework, but also provoke an emergency.

    The price of materials and components is directly dependent on their quality. If you save here and now, then there is a high probability that repairs will soon be needed, and a million-dollar house will cost a pretty penny.

There is only one conclusion here - save on engineering communications This is possible mainly only when installing automation.

We need to think through all types of connections

Finishing work

Finishing work will not be needed in only one case - if the house is built from laminated veneer lumber. In all other cases, the estimate should include siding or a ventilated façade. Even the house from ordinary timber natural or chamber drying, it is advisable to insulate. And the result will be, at a minimum, a turnkey house for 1,500,000 rubles.

In general, there is no particular difference in finishing methods - you can evaluate them according to the cost of materials and work, so as not to go beyond the estimate.

Video description

In the video, see an example of calculating how realistic it is to build a brick house for a million:

To build or not to build

Without an analysis of the site, it is difficult to say unambiguously whether or not it will be within the planned estimate. You can fully calculate, for example, how to build a house for a million rubles from foam blocks, but fail to take into account some of the nuances that will lead to a significant increase in the cost of the entire construction project.

Generally speaking, in terms of price and quality ratio, it is best to choose a house made from SIP panels - this technology allows you to quickly and relatively inexpensively build a full-fledged house, and you will only have to purchase 5 types of materials for construction, which allows you to accurately calculate the entire estimate in advance.

But at the same time, we must remember the main thing - everything has its price. If you set a goal, you can build a house for a million. But what its size and quality will be is a completely different question.

A turnkey frame house for 1,000,000 rubles is built according to several standard options, well thought out by the company’s employees. We also offer individual design, which takes into account any customer wishes. Our houses are warm in winter and comfortable in summer, and the advantages of the buildings include:

  • ease and speed of construction due to the use modern technologies;
  • use of environmentally friendly materials;
  • sufficient internal space and the ability to choose a layout;
  • the use of various architectural forms during construction;
  • good thermal insulation allowing you to save on heating.

Houses costing a million rubles have a large area, regardless of the specifics of the project. The material for construction is treated with antiseptics, is not exposed to dampness, fungus, and is resistant to fire. Each project has a long warranty and is characterized by high performance characteristics.

Construction stages

Some available options cottages have their own characteristics. If necessary, it is possible to change the design or individual design. When performing work, the following sequence is observed:

  • poured into the prepared trench concrete mixture for arranging the foundation;
  • the frame is assembled from a board natural humidity;
  • is being built attic floor, and in its absence in the project - roofing;
  • wall cladding is formed like a multi-layer cake, using heat-, moisture- and sound-proof materials;
  • floors are laid and ceilings are installed;
  • The building is finally being finished.

The finished cottage can be received within 30 days after the start of work. Short installation times are one of the advantages of such housing.

Our advantages

If there is an amount of 1 million rubles, the customer has the opportunity to build a spacious and comfortable cottage. To do this, you need to contact us and choose one of the projects. We have been building similar housing for almost 20 years and guarantee excellent quality. The advantages of cooperation with the Gradodel company include:

  • no requirements for the client other than the provision of a construction site;
  • high ceilings;
  • daily photo reports on the progress of work;
  • free delivery of components up to 100 km;
  • construction by qualified craftsmen.

Our company will quickly and efficiently build a cottage on the client’s site and within the amount of 1 million rubles. For this money, the customer receives a spacious and comfortable building, in which each family member has his own room. Contact us and your dream will become a reality within a month. We will be happy to complete any project, including according to the client’s drawings.

Buy or build own house- the dream of most of our fellow citizens. Some people can, without much effort, buy a luxurious cottage, others are content with a small but cozy building. There are many families with average incomes in our country, and therefore a large number of people are interested in the possibility of the most economical option building your own home. Is it really possible to build a house for a million? Let's try to figure it out.

If the cost of the land plot is excluded from this amount, and construction is carried out on our own, then it will turn out to be quite real. If you approach this issue prudently and wisely, then it is quite possible to meet the specified amount. This problem is very relevant for those who are going to make their cherished dream come true. If you rationally approach the selection of a suitable project and the purchase of building materials, then you can become an owner for 10,000,000 rubles.

Million! What kind of house can you build for this money?

First you need to decide on the upcoming expenses, figure out what you can pay for. Getting a home for the specified amount is quite acceptable if you own a plot of land, and if you plan to carry out all the upcoming work on your own.

Putting up a box is actually not that difficult or expensive, but it’s not enough. You will have to connect and connect all the important things to it, build a fence, and landscape the area. All this also turns out to be very expensive. You should evaluate your capabilities realistically, and you can take on construction yourself only if you are confident in your abilities.

This is not as simple as it might seem from the outside. Here you will need certain skills, the ability to work with a tool, a kind of dexterity.

Before starting work, you need to think through and carefully plan upcoming events. For example, selected Construction Materials It’s not enough to buy them, they still need to be delivered and unloaded.

House for a million: what could it be like?

Insulating a million-dollar house with basalt wool

Quite pleasant and affordable price have enjoyed constant success. This is a dense and lightweight material that holds heat well and is not afraid of fire.

It is often used as insulation during construction: it is used for insulation. A box of such a structure, one floor high, can be assembled in one week, after which the room can begin to be decorated.

We build for a million from aerated concrete

Not so long ago, they began to use But for the construction of buildings, and in such a short time it managed to gain well-deserved popularity. Despite its amazing lightness, it has undoubted strength. A house built from such material will last at least 80 years, while the funds for its construction will require almost three times less than for a brick building of the same size.

tall house made of timber for a million

It will be possible to form a future structure from it quite quickly, but then you will have to wait about 60 days for the structure to subsidence.

Use alone wooden elements not enough to keep the home warm. A house made of timber needs high-quality insulation, for which you can use, stone wool, And so on.

What else can be used for budget construction? What can you build a million dollar house from?

Popular material in modern construction is also . Walls from it are erected using. Such a structure does not need exterior decoration, A interior walls The buildings are almost immediately ready for interior finishing. It will be possible to build such a cottage in an extremely short period of time, and the costs may be minimal.

How to choose the right material for?
It depends on what type of building it will be and what materials you are going to use. When making an estimate of all possible expenses, individual items should always be rounded up. Often, various unforeseen situations arise at a construction site, accompanied by additional costs. Accordingly, the total cost of the house increases.

Canadian house for a million

If you have your hands you can build yourself such a house

Many people want to know what it is

People often whine that they can’t save up for an apartment, but if you live in middle lane or further south, it is cheaper and more comfortable to live in a private house, on your own plot. Land is inexpensive these days (we’re not talking about the outskirts of Moscow and St. Petersburg).

I inherited ownerless 6 acres near Kirzhach. What to do with them?

I was going to buy a one-room apartment, which costs 1,300,000 rubles here (resale, not destroyed, with more or less acceptable repairs).

I had 850 thousand, and for the rest I was thinking of selling the plot and taking out a loan. But Sberbank refused me, VTB didn’t like the interest rates, and this threatened me with years of savings. And the site hung for several months without calls.

But I'm really tired of living on rented apartments and I decided to build my own house. I decided what I needed and looked at the prices. Everything is very expensive.

I found several typical projects and finalized one for myself. I went to the companies, and one of them offered to build about 100 piles for 700 thousand without piles. There were “schemers” who threatened to do it for 500 thousand, but I looked at their work... Contact good construction companies.

I concluded an agreement, literally a few days later they arrived and screwed in the piles, and a day later they delivered timber and other materials. They threw in a temporary socket. And everything was built in a week.

Wooden windows - plastic ones become much more expensive. But apparently later you will have to install plastic, they are warmer.

With the rest of the money I decided to install electricity in the house. Work, wires, machines, sockets, switches, box, meter - 60 thousand.

Then there was a short break, I was lucky, I managed to get a loan for 200 thousand, I had insurance, which I refused. The monthly payment is slightly lower than the monthly rent for an apartment. But it’s a few years and that’s it.

The work got stuck.

A well with 5 rings cost 20 thousand, 4 thousand per ring with work. Pump, storage tank, wiring from the well to the house, pressure switch and all the work - 30 thousand.

I made a septic tank: 2 and 3 rings with concreting the bottom of one well, with the second one leading out to a pipe with perforation underground: lid rings, crushed stone, pipes, plant into the house and connection to the toilet - about 65 thousand.

975 thousand - house, electricity, water, septic tank.

Another 20 thousand was spent on a fence and a welded gate: I park the car near the site, the fence is essentially only in front - there are already neighbors’ fences on the sides, and behind there is a forest, there is a low chain-link fence.

In fact, in the end, a little more than a million - another toilet, two sinks, taps, shower, boiler, paint, antiseptic - but that’s me later. I'll be installing a fireplace soon.

But now I live in my own house. It may be small but more spacious than the apartment and there is a plot.

My advice is not to force yourself into bondage for the sake of a concrete box; if possible, build your own house.

UPD: there are a lot of questions, I’m starting to answer them: