Toilet      06/17/2019

How to choose a durable metal drill. Types of drills and their marking - we select a drill for any purpose! Visual identification of drill type

Metal drill markings are special designations that are indicated on the cutting tool. It is imperative to pay attention to all the indicated numbers and letters in the marking, as they indicate the diameter of the device, the steel grade from which it is made, the accuracy class, as well as the country of origin or the brand of manufacture. Drills with a diameter of less than 2 mm are not marked, products with a size of 2 to 3 mm have diameter and steel grade designations. If the cutting tool is large (more than 3 mm), then all possible parameters are indicated on it. You need to know the marking features in order to choose drills of the required size, since not all devices are suitable for drilling certain holes.

Twist drill marking: the meaning of the letters

Solid spiral cutting tools, made of high-speed steel, have the following grades: R 9, R18, R9K15. The letter P means that the product is made of high speed steel. After the letter P, a number is indicated that indicates the amount of tungsten that the tool contains. An average is taken. More letters and numbers follow. The numbers that are indicated after the letter indicate the content of the alloying substance in the alloy, this is a percentage parameter indicating the mass fraction of substances. For example, if K6 is indicated, this indicates that the alloy contains six parts of cobalt, which contributes to an increase in heat resistance. If M4, then there are four parts of molybdenum. That is, after the letter P and the number, a special letter (name of the element) and a number (the amount of the element present in the alloy) are indicated - this is the percentage content of the alloying element.

photo: marking a twist drill for metal

For example, the following marking R6M5F3 is indicated. This means that the drill is made of high speed steel with the addition of 6 parts of tungsten, 5 parts of molybdenum and 3 parts of vanadium.

Important: the marking does not indicate the quantitative addition of chromium, as well as carbon, since the first element has a stable parameter of 0.4%, and the second has a value equal to the content of vanadium.

An example of a symbol for a spiral tool with cylindrical shank.

A device that has increased accuracy, diameter - 15 mm, version 1, accuracy class A, designated: 2300-7066 A1 GOST 886-77. This value indicates the accuracy class of the instrument. It can be A1 - increased accuracy or B1 - normal accuracy. 2300 - operational and design characteristics, 7066 - serial number of manufacture. GOST - in accordance with what standards the device is manufactured.

If you purchase an elongated spiral drill with a cylindrical shank, then AB 2300-0055 will be written on it. AB is the index of the enterprise, 2300 is the operational and design characteristic, 0055 is the serial number of the device standard size according to the factory standard.

Installation with a tapered shank has an indicator of - 2301, for integral ones, it is necessary to indicate trademark manufacturer, diameter, grade of hard alloy, the letter "T", if the installation has increased accuracy.

Imported devices are designated HSS or DIN. The HSS device has an additional marking - a letter that indicates the working material. For example:

  • HSS-Co (addition of cobalt);
  • HSS-E (cobalt addition);
  • HSS-G (metal addition P4M3 - molybdenum);
  • HSS-R (metal addition P2M1 - molybdenum).

DIN drill marking has standard parameter 338 is a technical standard that fully complies with GOST 10902-77.

Designation of a center drill

The designation of centering drills is set in accordance with GOST 14952-75. They have an additional letter A, B, C or R in the designation.

  1. A and B indicate that the design is used for holes of 60 degrees and has (B) or does not have a safety cone (A).
  2. C - used for holes of 75 degrees without a safety cone.
  3. R - for holes that have an arcuate shape.

photo: marking a center drill for metal

Installations have a designation, for example, such 2317-0118 GOST 14952-75. 2317 is an operational and design characteristic, 0118 is the serial number of the device standard size according to the factory standard.

For example, if the number 0001 is indicated, then the diameter is 1 mm. Group B devices have marking features. 2317-00-12 if it's the second version, and 2317-0113 if it's the first.

Group C is designated: 2317-0022 (second version), 2317-0124 (first version), group R 2317-0027. This is if the diameter is 1 mm.

The marking of the p6m5 drill in this type of device may not be indicated.

Marking of the first cutting tool

Strength is indicated:

  1. P18 - a satisfactory indicator, increased grindability, indicates a wide range of hardening temperatures.
  2. R 9 - are distinguished by increased wear resistance, a narrower range of hardening temperature indicators, increased ductility.
  3. Р6М5 - molybdenum is additionally added, increased tendency to decarburization.
  4. R12F3 - have reduced grindability, are used for drilling in medium mode. Added 3% vanadium.
  5. R6M5F3 - increased wear resistance, work on average speed cutting, are used for carbon and alloyed tool steels.
  6. Р9К5, Р6М5К5, Р18К5Ф2 - cobalt is added, which provides an increase in secondary hardness, heat resistance, and an increased cutting mode.

They have the designation 2304 - operational and design characteristics. Full marking 2304-4001-50-108. The indicator from 50 to 108 may vary. It indicates the possible value of the diameter.


Each device must indicate the steel grade (P and number), additional elements included in the composition (M, K, F and the figure - percentage), the diameter of the drilling part, as well as the trademark of the manufacturer. In order to choose the device of the correct size, pay attention to these parameters, as well as to symbol designs.

Drill- a very popular tool not only in various fields of activity, but also in everyday life, in daily use. A very wide range of drills from different manufacturers sometimes just stuns the average buyer. Let's find out how to choose a drill for metal and which manufacturer's drills should be preferred.

Drills for metal

Metal drills are used to cut holes in non-alloyed and alloyed steel, cast iron, non-ferrous metal, etc. This type of drill has a helical shape, hence the appropriate name, twist drills. Twist drills have two longitudinal flutes that evacuate chips while drilling. There are several types of twist drill shank - conical, hex and cylindrical. The conical ones are inserted directly into the machine, the cylindrical ones are inserted into a special cartridge.

If you are interested in the question: “Which metal drills are better?” Pay attention to the color when choosing a drill, it will say a lot about the quality.

Choosing a quality drill by color

If the drill is black, then when finishing superheated steam was used. Such a drill has increased wear resistance.

If stress relief was used during finishing, the drill will have a slight golden hue.

High-quality metal drills have a bright golden hue - a layer of titanium nitride is applied to the drill. These are very high quality tools, have high strength and reduced friction. A little more expensive than the rest, but also superior in quality to the rest.

The regular gray drill (cheapest) has no processing. The minimum price and the same service life, and nothing more.

Look at the photo of metal drills to finally remember the types of colors and their inherent characteristics.

Drill marking for metal

The marking depends on the diameter. Drills up to 2mm are not marked, on drills up to 3mm, the steel grade and diameter are indicated, thicker drills may carry information about the manufacturer and accuracy class.

Drill marking begins with the letter P - high speed steel. In the form of a numerical value, the content of various substances in the alloy is also indicated. For example, K6 is part of cobalt, M3 is molybdenum content. On imported drills, the marking is in the form of HSS or Din values.

Having learned the characteristics and types of drills, you now know exactly how to choose a drill for metal. We will only give examples of high-quality drills that are widely used by professionals.

RUKO twist drills for metal TL 3000 (HSS-G, HSS-E, HSS-G TiN, HSS-G TiAlN)

Drills for metal ruko model range TL 3000 is known to consumers as a high quality material at an affordable price. Drill diameter- from 3mm (have a cross sharpening according to DIN 1412 C). The drills have a sharpening angle of 130°. Depending on the specific model have coatings of titanium nitride, titanium aluminum nitride, etc.

Multi-purpose drills, great for large drilling depths. Best suited for materials that form long and medium chips.

HSS-G drills perfectly drill carbon and alloy steels, cast iron, copper and aluminum alloy.

HSS-E drills stainless and acid-resistant steel, as well as copper and aluminum alloys in addition to carbon and alloy steel.

HSS-G TiN and HSS-G TiAlN are suitable for all of the above materials as well as titanium alloy.

Drills for metal BOSCH HSS-CO

BOSCH drills of the HSS-CO model range are made of high speed steel according to all standards. The drills have an oxide coating that quickly removes chips during drilling. The standard 135° chisel-shaped edge with mesh grinding is suitable for almost all types of work.

Alloying with cobalt improves the strength and heat resistance of the drill. The tensile strength is 1000N/mm2, which allows it to work with most types of steel and alloys, as well as cope with heavy production tasks.

Accuracy class h8 provides the necessary exposure of the outer diameter.

HAISSER metal drills with titanium coating

One of the most powerful drills that are used under extreme load in domestic and industrial environments. Drills have cross-shaped sharpening. Titanium coating provides maximum cooling, which allows you to work in the most difficult conditions. The main application of the drill is found in the field of industrial and complex work. Angle 135 with mesh polishing. Titanium nitride coating gives minimal friction and reduced cold welding. Due to their high wear resistance, the drills have a unique long term services.

Drill for metal ZUBR "Cobalt"

Drill for metal ZUBR is made of R6M5K5 high-speed steel. Has a cylindrical shank. According to the strength class, it belongs to category A1. The use of cobalt (5%) in manufacturing gives this drill extra strength and wear resistance.

Cobalt drills are used for drilling non-ferrous metals, stainless steel, hard-to-machine tough steel, etc. Drills are made in accordance with GOST 10902-77. The price of the ZUBR "Cobalt" drills is quite consistent with the quality of the product, so many buyers make a choice in favor of this product.

The company "Hand Tools" offers to buy metal drills from "RESOLUX". Products manufactured under this brand name are designed for convenient operation and making the most accurate holes in metal.

Depending on the standard, materials, characteristics, cost and production method, Various types tool.

According to GOST 10902-77, according to quality and price, RESOLUKS drills of the medium series with a cylindrical shank are divided into three groups:

1. R6M5 rolled drills with the following characteristics:

  • working part - polished;
  • accuracy class B1;
  • 1 - 20 mm;

Drills are mounted in three-jaw chucks of machine tools or hand drills. Available in sizes from 13mm. In this case, the shank is ground down to 13 mm, due to which a drill with a diameter of 16 mm can be fixed in a 13 mm chuck.

2. P9 stainless steel drills with the following characteristics:

  • working part - polished;
  • accuracy class B1;
  • 1 - 13 mm.

Tools allow with maximum efficiency process stainless steel, structural and other hard-to-cut steel grades. They are in the middle price segment.

3. R6M5 drills with A1 accuracy class

These are professional tools that are in great demand for industrial needs, at enterprises where there are increased requirements for the properties and characteristics of products, as well as for the clarity of drilling.
By production of the tool of this series high-quality steel of the R6M5 brand and a grinding method is used.
Suggested sizes: 1 - 13 mm.

Rolled drills are the most attractive in terms of price, as they are made by the simplest and most affordable method. The cheapness of the rolling method is explained by the high speed and automation of production:

  • at the first stage, special blanks are made from the bars;

  • then they are heated and pulled through, due to which the working part is formed, similar to a spiral;

  • workpieces are carefully polished and sharpened.

Grinding a working spiral from a solid workpiece is the most expensive production method. The reasons for this are: low production speeds, the most careful processing and, as a result, the highest quality of the product.

Drills with a conical shank are produced by milling. Because full automation process is impossible due to the large size of the blanks, it requires a lot of time.

You can buy long and elongated drills with a conical or cylindrical shank from the company " Hand tool" in Moscow. For more information about metal drill prices, please call.

At the present time, buying a high-quality drill for metal is a whole problem, for the most part Chinese drills, their quality leaves much to be desired. The quality of the drill depends, first of all, on the grade of steel from which the drill is made.

Most modern drills for metal are made of R6M5 steel, although the difference between modern drills and drills from the times of the USSR (with a quality mark) is simply huge, Chinese drills instantly roll up and it is impossible to drill even an ordinary corner of 3mm iron. One drill is enough for several holes. However, there are also high-quality drills that last a long time.

Let's deal with steel grades, because the quality and durability of the drill depends on it.

P18 is now a legendary steel. Containing 18 percent tungsten, this steel supports metal cutting even at high speeds. Drills made of P18 steel do not overheat, endure for a long time and drill perfectly. True, finding the real ones is a whole problem. In Soviet times, p18 steel was used very widely for the manufacture of metal-cutting tools, but after the 70s, tungsten reserves were depleted and it was replaced by steel with a lower tungsten content - p6m5.

R6M5 - 6% tungsten, 5% molybdenum. Ordinary steel for metal-cutting tools. If the drill for metal is Soviet from R6M5, then it is perfect for everyday use in everyday life, such drills are enough for a long time, though they cannot drill through more hardened iron. For this, the following drills with the addition of cobalt are suitable.

R6M5K5 - the same as R6M5, only 5 percent cobalt is added, which makes these drills even stronger and more durable. Cobalt drills are suitable for drilling where drilling results in heat. Photo:

Excellent for drilling stainless steel, as well as other hardened steels. In general, if conventional drills they don’t take iron, then buy with cobalt, you will feel the difference.

HSS is a foreign analogue of high speed steel, translated as High Speed ​​Steel, that is, steel for working on high speeds. HSS drills are similar in composition to the standard P6M5 quick cutter.

By the way, hss also comes with the addition of cobalt, drills are marked HSS-Co. Drills with this marking will be identical to our R6M5K5. Cobalt drill bits - for drilling stainless steel and other hard steels.

It is also worth mentioning the specialized ones, they are soldered and also come in crowns, if you are looking for information - follow the link, I prepared an article at the request of the workers.

In general, if you decide to buy high-quality drills for the home, then I would recommend first asking around for drills from the times of the USSR, if they have a quality mark, then this is generally nowhere better. Soviet ones are inexpensive, you can even look at flea markets, you can probably find something there too.

Sovdepovskie drills are a great tool. If you take imported ones, then they cost a lot, for example, HSS-Co drills for 6 millimeters cost around 70-80 rubles, while a similar Soviet one can be bought for 20-30 rubles.

For those who perform construction and installation work, the drill will be the best assistant. Inserted into a drill or other mechanical tools, it will drill a neat hole or drive a screw.

There is no universal drill, and the wrong one will ruin the job or make it impossible to complete, and therefore you should carefully consider its choice. In most cases, you will have to select a drill yourself, because, unfortunately, not every seller in hardware store will give correct recommendations on the quality of this tool and the work for which it is suitable.

Do I need to buy drills in sets? How to find out what shape the drill should be? What drills are suitable for? You will find answers to questions in the article.

  1. Spiral - universal, suitable for any type of hole;
  2. Conical - characterized by an even conical shape, suitable for holes of any diameter. Need constant supervision by the master;
  3. Stepped - also cone-shaped, but make the process of drilling holes of a certain diameter easier due to the presence of steps of different sizes;
  4. Crown cutters (annular cutters) - for holes with a diameter of 12 to 150 mm, multilayer materials. They are characterized by low cutting force, give high levels of roughness, which cannot be achieved with other types of drills. Suitable even for conventional drills. The shank must be strong and powerful to prevent slippage in the chuck. They are chosen depending on what work is carried out and with what type of steel. They differ from wood drills in the angle of sharpening and the presence of two longitudinal grooves that divert the chips to the side.

Options on the photo

The most powerful drills for large holes
Due to the steps of a given diameter, it is easier to drill standard holes with such drills. Working with a conical drill requires constant attention from the master Twist drills the most common and widespread

Professionals highlight 5 points common criteria choice of drill for metal:

  1. The type and features of the metal you are going to work with, including the steel grade;
  2. The depth of the "driving";
  3. Type of drilling (through or penetrating);
  4. hole diameter;
  5. What tool do you use (manual or electric drill, varieties - puncher, screwdriver or drill), its general characteristics.

Please note that buying a set of drills for domestic use is not worth it. If you do not use drills for professional purposes, you will not need many tools, and money will be wasted. If you are going to buy a drill for permanent use, do not skimp.

Features of choice

Professionals choose drills according to the following criteria:

  1. material;
  2. color;
  3. Marking;
  4. sharpening angle;
  5. size;
  6. shank;
  7. Manufacturer.

It is not difficult to determine them by eye, but before that, be sure to find out what type of drill you have. For example, holes with a large section will require low-speed drills of considerable power with appropriate drills. Additionally, please note that some types of drills are used only with cooling solutions, in order to avoid burning them and metal.

Which material is better

To use a drill in everyday life, it is better to choose one drill for working with metal of various densities. When choosing a tool for working with aluminum and steel, be guided by the cost.

Cheap - made in China. They quickly break or become blunt. For long-term operation, they will be required in plural, and their total cost is disproportionate to the purchase of a single, but high-quality drill.

Looking for quality tool refer to products famous brands. They are made of solid steel and are solid-rolled.

Top Quality Drills - Solid Rolled

A fake is determined by weight. The drill should not be too light.

Choose by color

On store shelves, drills are found in the following colors, which directly indicate their quality:

This does not mean that gray or black drills do not need to be bought. Approach the choice from the side of practicality - if you need to drill only a couple of holes, you can save money by buying a few drills, and if you are planning more global work, it is better to purchase a “golden” drill that will last much longer.


All data about the drill is applied to its shank.

Drill marking implies a certain combination of alphanumeric values ​​and indicates:

  • drill diameter;
  • The hardness of steel;
  • Metal impurities in the alloy;
  • Technology and place of production.

Please note that the marking is not placed everywhere - for example, it is not on drills with a diameter of less than 2 mm. On domestic-made tools with a diameter of 2 to 3 mm, a brand and section are put, on products with a size of 3 mm or more - data on the section, metal grade, impurities in the alloy, trademark. If you decide to buy imported drills, they will indicate the country of origin, brand of the company and metal alloy, drill diameter and section, accuracy class and recommendations for use.

The highest quality drills are characterized by the marking of the USSR.

Main types of marking:

  • HSS-R and HSS-G - suitable for working with cast, alloyed, carbon steel with a strength of up to 900 N / mm2, aluminum, cupronickel, graphite, bronze or brass alloy and cast iron;
  • HSS-G Co 5 - for processing metals with a strength of up to 1110 N / mm2, suitable for drilling stainless steel, carbon, alloyed, not heat-resistant, heat-resistant steel;
  • HSS-GTiAN/TiN - drills with titanium-nitride-aluminum coating, suitable for working with cast iron, brass, cupronickel and bronze, cast steel.

There are also drills made of cobalt (one of the most expensive and durable types of drills, suitable for drilling hard metals) and hard metal alloys (suitable for processing thick metals, they have one-sided, acute angle sharpening).

Sharpening angle

Sharpening angle is the angle between the edges

The sharpening angle is the angle between the edges. For various kinds metal it is different. For example:

  • Drills for steel have a sharpening angle of 116-140 degrees;
  • To work with bronze, brass and aluminum, sharpening of 110-135 degrees is required (such drills are most common);
  • For "stainless steel" - 120 degrees;
  • For cast iron - 118 degrees.

The ease of drilling depends on how correctly you select the drill according to the angle of sharpening. different types metal.

What size are the drills

There are different sizes of drills, but the GOST of our country sets the following parameters:

  • Short (GOST 4010-77) - with a diameter of 0.3-0.20 mm, length - 20-131 mm;
  • Elongated (GOST 10902-77) - with a diameter of 0.3-0.20 mm, length - 19-205 mm;
  • Long (GOST 886-77) - 1-20 mm in diameter, 56-254 mm long.

They allow you to make holes of different depths.

What is a shank and what are they

The shank is the part of the drill that is clamped by the chuck of the drill or puncher. At first they were of the same type - tetrahedral, placed in the hole of the drill chuck and fixed with a screw. Later, improved types of shanks appeared, used for various types of tools.

Shanks are:

  1. Cylindrical - most common. As a rule, such products have the same base size and drill diameter. Sometimes there are models in which the shank is thicker or thinner than the drill. The disadvantage is the slippage of the shank, which makes it impossible to transmit a large torque to the drill. Dignity - if the drill jams in working surface, the drill will be protected from breakage;
  2. Hexagonal (they are also hexagonal and hex) shanks - suitable for various types of drills. Disadvantage - little accuracy when using a holder ¼ inch;

    This form of shanks is suitable for almost any model of drills.

  3. SDS shanks are the brainchild of TM Bosh for hot change of drills in rotary hammers. There are different types: SDS (with two grooves with a diameter of 10 mm, inserted into a chuck by 40 mm), SDS-plus (common shanks with a diameter of 10 mm, put into a chuck by 40 mm, used on light perforators, drill diameter - 4-26 mm ), SDS-top (rare, have 2 open and 2 closed grooves, are characterized by a diameter of 14 mm, 70 mm in the chuck, a drill diameter of 16-25 mm, suitable for 4-kilogram class drills with a replaceable cartridge), SDS -max (widespread, suitable for drills over 20 mm, inserted into a chuck 90 mm, diameter - 18 mm, have 3 closed and 2 open grooves), SDS-quick (4-10 mm), SDS-hex (used in jackhammers, peaks, drills);

    Shanks designed specifically for rock drills

  4. Spline shanks - have the same parameters as SDSMax;
  5. Trihedral - clamped in three-jaw chucks, the main advantage is that they transmit large torques;