Well      04/03/2019

How to keep a bouquet of roses in a vase for a long time. How to keep a bouquet of roses and other flowers in a vase longer

The life of a rose is short, regardless of whether it is cut or grows in a flower bed. But how you want to prolong the life of a chic bouquet donated by a loved one! Agree, many would do everything for this. But it is not necessary to do “everything”, because, according to experienced florists, such plants may well be stored from several weeks to a month. But how? How to prolong the life of roses in a vase?

There are several quite effective ways to extend the life of the cut ones, which allow you to admire their fabulous view for at least a few days longer. You can still try to root them in a bouquet for later planting in a rose garden. If the flowers were not preserved by chemical means for the “presentation”, then the cuttings will soon take root, and you will get another copy for the flower garden.

Effective ways to extend the life of roses

So, after receiving a gift, in no case do not remove the roses from the package. It creates a special microclimate that allows flowers to adapt to new conditions. In a word, let the bouquet still remain a bouquet for at least a few hours, only after which the package can be unwrapped (if it somehow did not please you).

In addition, you do not need to immediately place the flowers in a vase - first “drink” them by immersing them in a bath of water (required room temperature) for about 3 hours. It is important that the leaves with stems completely disappear in the water, and the flowers remain on the surface, otherwise the latter will rot (although it is advisable to wrap them with paper just in case). If the house has a large deep bucket, then this will greatly simplify the task.

When performing the procedure, adhere to the requirements below.

Note! If you are 100% sure that the bouquet was not treated with chemicals, then you can add a few drops of bleach or dishwashing detergent to the water - they certainly will not harm the plants.

With the help of the tricks listed above, you can significantly extend the life of donated roses, but in any case, wilting cannot be avoided. To make the flowers stand an order of magnitude longer, you can add a drop of ammonia to the vase or place the plants in boiling water (no longer than 5 minutes), and then in cold water. There is also a more time-consuming option: fill the bathtub with cool water at night and shift the roses there, but in such a way that the flowers do not get wet. But this will have to be done daily, because flowers that are accustomed to the "water regime" will be extremely uncomfortable to be in a vase.

If roses are bought personally by you, then you should examine them for freshness: if the plants are fresh, then the leaves bordering the flowers will be pressed tightly against the buds. And if the flowers are already fully opened, and the leaves are down, then you do not need to buy such roses - they will fade very quickly.

Instructions for storing roses that were cut in a flower garden

If you have magnificent roses growing in yours, then in any case, you periodically cut them off to decorate the house. In this case, you need to know not only how to properly store roses, but also how to cut them correctly. After all, it is on this that their lifespan mainly depends. But first, a few words about storage temperature.

Table. Comparison of storage temperature and lifespan of different colors

Now that we have considered the temperature, we can examine the requirements for cutting roses.

  1. Choose only the best stems that already have a characteristic color. The buds should be such that they "are about to bloom."
  2. If there are densely doubled species, then you need to cut only roses with “loose” buds, in which the petals have already begun to fall off. If the buds are too dense, they will simply droop in the vase.
  3. You can not cut more than three stems from one bush at a time.
  4. Do not deform or crush the ends of the stems during cutting, otherwise the moisture-conducting capillaries will be damaged.
  5. For cutting, use only secateurs or a sharp knife.
  6. The cutting itself is best done at dawn / sunset - at such a time, the plants have a maximum of nutrients and moisture.
  7. Cloudy weather is also perfect for this, while cutting flowers during rain is undesirable, since the petals will soon deteriorate from rain moisture.

After cutting, take the flowers to a cool place. If you plan to give them to someone, then put them in the refrigerator for a while - so the flowers will keep their freshness longer.

Note! You can not store roses in a warm place, because this will speed up the metabolism, as a result of which they will fade faster.

In fact, in order for cut "home" flowers to be stored longer, they should be looked after according to the same rules as described above.

Video - Extending the life of roses

How to revive wilted roses

Roses, as we found out, wither due to lack of moisture. After all, moisture begins to evaporate immediately after the flower is cut. But withering can still be reversed, although this is possible only for a certain time. If the process is delayed, then the flowers will fade irreversibly.

You can learn more about this from the video.

Video - correct pruning of roses

My husband always gives me my favorite flowers for my birthday - roses. I just adore them, and it always becomes sad when the bouquet fades in speed. Tell me how to care for roses in a vase with water to prolong their life as long as possible? The only thing I know from my mother is that you need to put aspirin in the water.

The chic beauty of roses has only one drawback - they quickly fade, especially after cutting. However, through trial and error, connoisseurs of these wonderful flowers have invented a few tricks that will help keep the bouquet fresh for two weeks, or even more.

What are these tricky tips and how to care for roses in a vase of water? There is nothing particularly complicated about this, and everything you need is always at hand in the kitchen or in the home first aid kit. So, so that the roses do not fade very quickly, you need to properly prepare:

  • flowers to move into a vase;
  • vase;
  • water.

In addition, the place where the vase will stand is of no small importance, but first things first.

How to prepare flowers?

Most of us are in a hurry to immediately put the bouquet in a vase, thinking that in this way we will save the roses from withering. There is some truth in this, but it should be borne in mind that the roses for the bouquet were cut a long time ago and had already been without water for some time before they got into the house. Therefore, it is important to restore the water balance by "soldering" the flowers.

To do this, they should be placed in a deep bucket or put in a bath of water for three hours, completely immersing the stems and leaves, but leaving the buds themselves on top.

At the same time, while the shoots are under water, you need to cut them at an angle and split the tip of the stem a little, which will get rid of air pockets and improve the absorption of water by roses. The procedure must be carried out under water, otherwise the air will again enter the capillaries.

An oblique cut is necessary so that the stem does not stick its blunt end into the bottom of the vase, blocking the access of the liquid.

When the roses are "drunk", take them out of the water and cut off all the lower leaves that may come into contact with the water already directly in the vase.

What is the best vase to use?

For a bouquet, you should choose a vase, the height of which will correspond to the height of the flowers, based on the fact that the stems must be immersed in water for at least 2/3 of their length.

As for the material from which the vase is made, it has been observed in practice that bouquets in ceramic dishes last longer. The water in them does not spoil so quickly, since the walls of the vase do not let light through.

How to prepare water?

Depending on the season, water for a bouquet should be taken warm - in winter, and cool - in summer. It may even be ordinary tap water, but there are a few caveats:

  • so that roses can get food from it, add a little sugar to the water (no more than 20 g per liter of liquid);
  • for disinfection and prevention of the development of bacteria - put an aspirin tablet and pour in a little vinegar (1 tbsp.).

Every day, or at least every other day, the water must be changed, also updating the cuts on the shoots.

In order for the bouquet to stand for a long time, and all the preparation was not in vain, it is necessary to place the vase out of the area of ​​drafts and direct sunlight. You should also avoid the proximity of flowers to fruits - the ethylene released by them contributes to the rapid withering of flowers.

How long do cut roses last in your home? Three days? a week? In my house, fresh flowers stay in a vase for 3-4 weeks, depending on their variety and freshness. Want to learn how to keep roses in a vase for as long as possible? Now I'll tell you.

First of all, you should prepare water for flowers. It must be clean and well maintained. If the liquid in your tap is far from ideal, you can use boiled, filtered, melted or distilled water.

As for the temperature, this indicator depends on the season. In the warm season, cold or cool water is suitable, and in winter it is better to store flowers at room temperature water. By the way, the vase must be clean. The presence of traces of past bouquets in it will lead to the fact that your beauties will wither in a couple of days.

It will be very good if you feed the roses with nutrients. To do this, add 30 g of sugar and 1 tablespoon of vinegar to 1 liter of water in a vase. In such a solution, plants will feel comfortable until microbes start up in it, which eventually appear in any liquid.

And here a recipe will come to our aid, successfully tested by many housewives who want to keep fresh flowers for as long as possible. Just put a tablet of acetylsalicylic acid in water, in common people - aspirin, at the rate of half a tablet per 1 liter of water. This medicine will serve as an excellent disinfectant, which means that you will be able to keep the flowers in their original state for a long time. If there is no aspirin in the house, it is quite possible to use borax, alum, or citric acid by dissolving a pinch of one of these agents in a liter of liquid. Also at home, you can disinfect water by adding a spoonful of ordinary vodka or solid silver jewelry to it.

In the arsenal of florists there is also a more percussive tool for extending the flower life. If you are sure that roses are grown or preserved using chemicals(for example, they were brought from abroad), you can safely add a little bleach to wash clothes instead of aspirin. And when buying in a large store, sellers will certainly offer a tool that allows you to keep flowers in a vase for the longest time. If you don't feel like messing with folk ways, you can purchase it, dilute it according to the instructions and enjoy the freshness of roses for several weeks.

Flower preparation

Talking about how to keep roses in a vase for as long as possible, it is worth mentioning their pre-treatment. If you just put the bouquet in the water and forget it, it won't even last a week. Therefore, roses should be carefully prepared for storage at home.

First of all, make sure your bouquet is ready to stand in a vase for more than a few days. Only flowers bought fresh can be stored for a long time. To test this, look for small green leaves under the flower heads. If they fit snugly to the buds, then the roses are quite fresh. But buying specimens with withering and drooping leaves is definitely not worth it.

After making sure that the roses are fresh, you can begin to prepare them. If the bouquet was bought during the cold season, do not bring it into the apartment immediately. Let the flowers lie down for a while in a veranda or cool hallway, and only then begin to adapt them to room temperature. After the flowers get used to your microclimate, you can very carefully remove the wrapper from them so as not to damage the plants.

Before putting the bouquet in a vase, it is necessary to soak it in water at room temperature. You can put roses in a bath, but it is better to put them in a deep bucket, because if moisture gets on the flowers, they will begin to rot.

After 2-3 hours, the flowers will be sufficiently saturated with water, and the optimal time will come for their processing. Without removing the roses from the bucket, cut their stems directly under water under acute angle and split the ends a little. This will allow the plants to absorb water better, which means they stay fresh longer. In no case should the stem be cut directly, because it will rest against the bottom of the vase with a cut, and water will practically not flow into it, and this is a direct path to wilting.

Then remove the thorns and leaves from the stems, which will be immersed in water. The fact is that it is these parts that begin to rot first. By removing them, you can be sure that now the flowers will last much longer. It is optimal to clear the stem of leaves by 2/3 of its length and select a vase of exactly this height for the bouquet.

By the way: if you buy a bouquet as a gift in advance and want the flowers not to wither the day before the celebration, cut the stems at an angle, hold them for a couple of hours in water at room temperature, and then hide them in the refrigerator. The next day, you will be surprised at how fresh the roses look. The fact is that storage at room temperature speeds up the metabolism in flowers, and they wither much faster.


  • Store roses in a cool place, away from sunlight.
  • It's best to keep the flowers out of glass vases, and in ceramic, because they protect the stems from sunlight.
  • Avoid drafts in the storage area.
  • Do not put a vase of roses next to other flowers or fruits - this will speed up their wilting.
  • Place roses away from exhaust gases and smoking areas: these flowers do not tolerate such smells.
  • Do not place the bouquet near the battery or stove.

Daily care

And now I will tell you the secret of how to keep cut roses living in an apartment for as long as possible. First of all, it is necessary to change their water every 2 days (or better, every day!) By re-adding sugar, vinegar and aspirin or other antibacterial agents. In this case, the stems and the vase itself must be thoroughly washed under running water, and slices should be updated regularly.

After each such procedure, it will be correct to spray the flower itself from the spray gun, however, moisture should not get into the middle of the bud. Water for spraying must be taken settled or distilled. This procedure is best done in the evening, after which the bouquet needs to be wrapped plastic bag or paper. After spending the night in such a "bath", in the morning the flowers will certainly please you with a fresh look.

But what to do if you see that the roses have begun to wither, and you really want them to stand as long as possible? Put the bouquet in the bath, cover with cling film and let it soak in the water. The flowers should remain on the surface. If the freshness to the plants has not returned, you can add a drop of ammonia to the water.

Following these simple tips, you will surely be able to extend the life of cut flowers by at least 3 weeks, or even a whole month. By the way, I noticed a long time ago: if a bouquet is presented with a soul and good intentions, it will last a very long time even without any tricks on your part.

Your brownie.

A fresh bouquet of roses looks luxurious and majestic, and how sad it becomes when, after standing in a vase for only two days, the flowers fade. Unfortunately, this happens quite often. And the point here is not at all the freshness of the flowers, but the lack of time and knowledge on how to keep roses in a vase for a long period. Meanwhile, it is not so difficult to extend the life of cut flowers using simple tricks.

The quality of the water is of great importance for the bouquet. Not only the storage of roses depends on its composition and temperature, but also their maintenance in their original form for a long time. It has been noticed that in high-quality water a rose can stand for more than a month without losing its beauty, and moreover, it can even “grow up” - the stem will grow and the flower will bloom. But this effect can be achieved only if you know how to properly store cut roses in a vase for a long time.

Let's start with water. It must be fresh and clean. The best option is distilled or filtered water. If possible, you can use water from a well. tap water must first be settled or boiled. The purity of the water should be given Special attention. It should be crystal clear, free of sediment that may form during settling. Here it would be useful to mention the cleanliness of the vase, because if there are traces of previous bouquets in it, the water will quickly deteriorate and the roses will wither.

The temperature of the water depends on the time of year: in summer, cool, but not too cold water is suitable, and in winter, the rosette will feel more comfortable in water at room temperature. In order for roses to stand in the water for as long as possible, they need to be fed. Usually, sugar and vinegar are used for this purpose, which are added to the vase at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon / 1 liter of water. However, in this solution, flowers can live until microbes begin to multiply.

The appearance of microorganisms normal process for any liquid that disinfectants and preparations will help to stop:

  • most available remedy, tested in action by many housewives - aspirin, it is thrown into a vase of water at the rate of only 0.5 tablets / 1 liter. water;
  • citric acid - the powder is added to the water at the rate of 0.5 tsp / 1 liter. water;
  • alum (a natural antimicrobial agent) - a small crystal is enough.

If the house does not find any of the above, then you can resort to alternative means. For example, ordinary vodka, which is added to water in the amount of several tablespoons (depending on the volume of water), or a silver product, helps to keep roses longer.

Buying a bouquet in a large flower shop, ask the seller: how to save cut roses, or what to add to the water so that the flowers stand in a vase longer?

He will surely offer you special preparations to prolong the life of the bouquet. You can purchase them, and simply add them to rose water in the proportion indicated in the instructions.

Very often, beautiful large roses, especially imported ones, are grown using chemical means. If you are sure that your flowers have already experienced the effects of chemistry, then instead of aspirin, you can safely add a couple of drops of any fabric bleach to the water. It sounds intimidating, but it is this tool that florists use when they make bouquets that do not fade for a long time.

Video “Keeping roses fresh”

From the video you will learn how to extend the life of your bouquet.

Flower preparation

Having bought or received a bouquet as a gift, you should not immediately put it in water without pre-training. If the flowers are brought from the cold, then for them warm air and water will be a real stress, so first the roses need to be gradually adapted to the room temperature. It would also be useful to make sure that the bouquet is fresh in order to know how to store it in the future, since stale flowers, even with the most competent care, can stand for only a few days.

You can check the freshness of roses by the sepals located under the flower. If they are dense and well pressed to the bud, this means that the flowers are fresh. Dropped or dried sepals indicate that the flowers were cut a few days ago.

After the bouquet lies a little in the room, you can remove the packaging from it and proceed with the preparation:

  • to begin with, lower the stems for two hours into a bath or a bucket filled with water so that they are saturated with moisture - you should avoid getting water on the flowers, as they can start to rot from moisture;
  • then cut each stem at an acute angle, without removing it from the water, so air cannot get inside the stem, and this will prolong the life of the rose;
  • all leaves and thorns in that part of the stem that will be immersed in water are removed - in contact with water, the leaves are the first to rot;
  • so that the stems absorb water better, the sections need to be split a little.

With such preparation and due daily care the bouquet will delight you with its freshness for a long time.


You can seriously approach the preparation of water and the flowers themselves, but this will not bring the desired result if the location of the bouquet is chosen incorrectly. When deciding on a place for a vase with roses, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

Remember! The rose loves coolness and moderate humidity, in these conditions it remains fresh for a long time and does not lose its amazing aroma.

If you bought a bouquet in advance and need to save it until the next day, take this advice: cut the stems, put them in water for two hours, then wrap them in film or parchment paper and place in the refrigerator.

Don't worry about the flowers withering, in the cold they are perfectly preserved without water. This method is used by all flower growers who grow roses for sale. They cut the buds, pack them in foil and put them in a cold place (cellar, cellar, refrigerator), where the roses are perfectly preserved for several days. By the way, rose seedlings in the basement can be stored until spring.

Daily care

To begin with, we will discuss what a vase should be like so that the flowers feel comfortable in it:

And now we will reveal some secrets on how to extend the life of roses in a vase:

  • water must be changed daily, or at least every other day, each time re-adding nutrients and disinfectants;
  • with each change of water, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the vase, rinse the stems and renew the sections;
  • spray flowers regularly with a spray bottle clean water trying not to get inside the buds.

When, despite all the above procedures, the bouquet begins to fade, a cold bath will help to revive it. Type cool (10-12 ° C) water, place roses in it so that only the stems are immersed, and the flowers are above the surface, cover with foil and leave overnight. If by morning the freshness of the flowers has not returned, add a couple of drops of ammonia to the water, and they will come to life again. Using these simple tips, it is possible to extend the life of roses in a vase by several weeks or a whole month.

Video “Care for cut roses”

From the video you will learn how to care for cut flowers.

It's great when cut roses in a bouquet delight us for a long time with a fresh aroma and beautiful view This is where their main value lies. But put in ordinary tap water, they quickly deteriorate, and then they have to be thrown away. What can be done to extend the life of already cut flowers?

There are several ways to do this, but first of all, the brought flowers must be cut again, cutting off the tips of the stems obliquely - the larger the cut area, the more moisture and nutrients the flower can absorb. From below, you need to make an incision 2-3 cm long, this will also increase the “nutrition” area, in addition, a fresh cut absorbs moisture better than a coarse and half-dried cut.

Now check the freshness of the flowers by the sepals. At fresh roses they are dense and pressed to the bud. If they sank and became soft, this indicates that the flowers were cut a long time ago, and without additional measures they won't last long.

The leaves from the lower parts of the stems are removed, they will still deteriorate, spoil the water and the appearance of the flowers. Water should be at room temperature and settled. cold water pouring from the tap into a vase is not worth it - such a liquid will only harm the flowers.

A vase for roses should be voluminous and stable, with a wide neck, a stable and heavy bottom, so that all the flowers have enough water and air. The stems are immersed in water by a third of the length. It is best to use an opaque container, as there is too much light in a crystal vase or a light glass vase, bacteria multiply faster there.

It is better to put a vase with flowers in a cool place so that the direct rays of the sun do not fall on it. Harm to roses and drafts, especially in the cold season. If there are other plants in the bouquet, they need to be separated, the queen of flowers does not like her neighbors, and does not want to be in the same vase with them for a long time, and will fade in protest.

Sometimes, to prolong the freshness, roses are placed in a bath with cold water. But, firstly, it is not very beautiful, because the flowers should decorate the room, secondly, the bath will be needed for other purposes, thirdly, the procedure is only suitable for dark varieties. At light colors it can darken the buds. In order for the flowers to be saturated with water, they can really be placed in a bath, but not completely, but so that the buds do not get wet and do not deteriorate from the water.

Sometimes roses are bought in order to give them the next day, or even the day after. In this case, it is necessary to cut the stems, put them in water for 2 hours, then wrap them in paper or film and put them in the refrigerator, but of course not in freezer. In the refrigerator, even without water, they will retain their original appearance for 2-3 days.

Water needs to be changed every day, it should always be fresh, while you need to wash out the vase, in a clean container the water will not deteriorate too quickly. At the same time, cuts that have had time to coarsen and deteriorate are also updated.

In a hot and stuffy room, the buds should be sprayed with settled water from a spray bottle. Experts advise spraying flowers with thawed water - first they put it in the freezer, freeze it, and then melt it. Such water is called structured, it is more useful for all flowers, including roses.

The rose is a delicate and capricious flower. She will not be able to stay fresh for long in a smoky room with a lot of tobacco smoke and other air pollutants. Rosa doesn't like being around gas stove, fruits, chemicals emitting pungent odors. A place next to an air conditioner in summer or a heater in winter will also not please the flower, the air temperature should be moderately warm.

What to add to water for roses?

On sale you can see special preservatives for cut flowers, they are purchased by florists, thrifty housewives, organizers of events and holidays, and just women who are often given flowers. Preservatives are added to the water, flowers are placed, and they are admired for several days longer.

If there are no preservatives nearby, you can use folk remedies such as plain aspirin. One tablet per medium sized vase is enough to keep roses a little longer.

Another remedy for preserving flowers is liquid detergents containing disinfectants. Water is purified from harmful microorganisms attacking roses. While detergents can harm flowers, silver disinfects water without harming them. And a few charcoal or 2-3 tablets of activated charcoal will also become an additional top dressing.

Roses need to be fed with sugar - 3 tsp per liter of water. sand sugar, or 3 pieces of refined sugar. However, sweet water is a breeding ground for microorganisms that multiply and begin to destroy flowers.

Revitalizing Fading Roses

Roses that have already begun to wither can be revived a little - wrap the buds in paper bags, and dip the stems in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. The procedure will destroy the bacteria that managed to appear in the stems, and the flowers will revive for a short time.

To revitalize flowers, you can pour 1 drop into water ammonia, or 3-4 drops of lemon juice. Instead of juice, you can take a little citric acid.

Revives roses and "shock therapy", the flowers are almost completely placed in a bucket of cold water at a temperature of 10-12 degrees, only buds should remain at the top, cover with a film on top, and put in a dark room. If freshness does not return, add 2 drops of ammonia to the water.

All of these methods are used by flower growers and flower sellers, they claim that with the right approach, cut roses can keep fresh for 1 month.