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How to get rid of spider mites - the most effective ways. How to recognize a spider mite on houseplants and how to deal with it at home: useful tips for flower growers

The fight against spider mites indoor plants- Not a pleasant job. To destroy spiders, you can use chemical means or folk remedies. Of course, if you treat the plants from the tick with chemicals, you will get rid of the problem much faster.

However, if you get rid of the spider with folk remedies, minimal damage will be done to your flowers. Although folk methods struggles are sometimes ineffective, and it is necessary to apply one or another chemical agent from spider mite.


To remove the pest, there are a number of special preparations for spider mites - acaricides. They are specifically designed to deal with similar insects who encroach on indoor flowers.

  • "Actellik". Used against spiderlings, directly in contact with them. Makes it impossible to eat. You need to spray it once every two weeks, while you need to take care of a protective suit, and the flower itself is not treated at home, but on the street or in a non-residential building, since the product itself is quite poisonous.
  • "Fitoverm". A biological agent that is much less harmful than its predecessor. It contains aversectins - it is these substances that have a neurotoxic effect, which is detrimental to the insect. Despite the fact that "Fitoverm" is not so toxic, you should not forget about the means of protection.

What to do and how to get rid of spider mites on houseplants if you don’t want to deal with hazardous chemicals? Exist simple ways, accessible to everyone and everyone, because the insect is afraid of funds that can be easily found in any apartment.

However, before starting treatment, a thorough cleaning of the flower is required. To do this, it is washed with ordinary clean water without the addition of cleaning products (after all, soap clogs the pores on the leaves of the flower). The window sill and the pot itself are also washed well to remove spiders that could hide there. After that, you can proceed to more serious actions.

  1. Infusion of garlic. Two finely chopped heads of garlic are poured with a liter of boiled water. The infusion is twisted with a lid and defended for five days (the jar is placed in a dark, cool room). After that, the resulting mixture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and the flower is treated.
  2. Onion infusion. 100 g of onion peel is poured with five liters of water and infused for five days. After that, the infusion is filtered and used to treat plants.
  3. Alcohol. Pests are well removed with alcohol, but the method is only suitable for plants with dense sheets. Cotton swab moistened ammonia and wipe the leaves. The method may be less effective due to the fact that insects sit in places that are difficult to reach.
  4. Soap solution. Use any soap: green, laundry or even tar. It is important to process not only the exhausted plant, but also the pot in which it grows. The foam is left on the plant for a short time (2-4 hours), and after washing it off, the flower is covered for a day plastic bag while maintaining a high level of humidity.

Infection prevention

  1. Regular inspection of your flower garden.
  2. Compliance optimal humidity air (mites are very fond of dry climates).
  3. Regular spraying of leaflets from a spray bottle.
  4. Washing the plant every month under a warm shower.
  5. Quarantine recently purchased instances.
  6. Steaming the soil to destroy individuals hibernating in the soil.

Video "Getting rid of spider mites"

From this video you will learn how to quickly and effectively get rid of spider mites.

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Care of plants in the house, work on personal plot for lovers of the green world - hard work, but not without pleasure. Especially when you see the results of your work. It's a shame when the plant suddenly begins to turn yellow, covered with nasty dots, or even completely fades. A thin web appears at the top or along the entire height. We sympathize - you got a spider mite. Look for an effective remedy for spider mites, and immediately, otherwise the crop will be lost! IN room conditions ticks are very active and quickly move from leaf to leaf, from one plant to another. Delay in action threatens to infect everyone

Meet the spider mite

It is almost impossible to see a small insect, ranging in size from 0.3 to 0.5 mm, with the naked eye, and even more so its eggs. Rather, the damage caused by it is immediately visible. The spider mite, despite the name, is not related to the category of mites. It's not an insect, it's an arachnid. This information is important in order to determine the effective remedy for spider mites.

The color of the insects varies from green to brown-brown or red in winter time. The body is rounded and covered with bristles. Spider mites hide on the underside of plants, and it is difficult to notice them because of their tiny size. They begin to look for a remedy for spider mites when the leaves are already covered with brown or white dots. It is very difficult to practically destroy this pest completely and forever. Ticks have greater vitality and, when adverse conditions occur, they cease to spoil the plant, but do not die. They can endure a long period of starvation by hibernating in anticipation of better times.

Optimal living conditions

The unique adaptability to the habitat and weather conditions allows the spider mite to live throughout the globe, except for Antarctica. Optimal conditions: temperature 20 - 30 degrees Celsius, air humidity - 35-55%. The active stage of activity and reproduction of the pest begins at outdoors from June. In early August, ticks begin to hibernate. It is the active period that is favorable for spraying plants. Worth using and folk remedies from spider mites. Very high summer temperatures high humidity, the onset of cold weather stops the active phase of activity, the insects hibernate, hide in the soil, in the crevices of buildings, under the remains of plants.

They crawl under the baseboards, on the ceiling, in the cracks in the window sills. It is difficult to use a remedy for spider mites during this period, since the spiders themselves are not visible, and their places of activity are also - they sleep and do not eat. Visually it seems that everything is in order, but the tick is just waiting for a favorable period.

Tick ​​larvae and adults are carried by humans, animals, on the web. Yes, they crawl fast. IN good conditions egg clutches remain viable for up to 5 years.

Severity of damage

The tiny size is offset by the numbers. Spider mites live in colonies, they can give from 12 to 20 generations per year. And everyone, starting with the larvae, eats much larger than their size. Larvae and adults feed on plant sap, which is obtained by piercing a leaf. Numerous bites are those very small white dots. The affected leaf loses chlorophyll, the process of photosynthesis is disrupted. In addition, due to the destruction of the shell, the cell loses moisture, the sheet begins to dry. Dead cells merge into one yellow spot, then the stem, flowers, top are damaged - and the plant dies.

In parallel with the main harm, spider mites are carriers of various harmful bacteria and pathogens. It is more effective to use a spider mite remedy at the beginning of an infection. A plant that is already covered with cobwebs is too late and difficult to save. In addition to the main harm, ticks are carriers of various viruses and harmful bacteria, which also cause side diseases.

Whether in the garden, in the garden ...

Methods of dealing with this scourge are not limited to the use of chemicals. Folk remedies for spider mites, physical destruction and biological intervention are also used. The spider mite in our strip has many varieties, but some of them are especially dangerous for the garden. It needs to be known in order to determine the best remedy from spider mites for a specific group of plants, and apply it at the most appropriate time.

The problem of some indoor views that spray treatment is not suitable for them. And how to deal with spider mites - folk remedies or insecticides in this case? There is a way out: tampons soaked in a prepared remedy from onion or garlic, a decoction of herbs are placed in pots with affected plants. The plant is covered with a plastic bag for several days to increase the concentration of fumes.

If this misfortune started up in the apartment, disinfect the entire window sill, preventive treatment of healthy plants. In some cases, it may be necessary to sacrifice one, the most diseased flower, in order to save the rest. Ticks spread very quickly and hide well when adverse conditions occur.

The fight is physical

This concept means, first of all, the creation of favorable conditions for the development of plants: watering, destruction of weeds. For indoor plants, the temperature of the content is of great importance.

The first single affected plants must be removed immediately. Destroy torn out damaged sheets or shoots, do not just leave them on the ground - this is a breeding ground for the next generations of the pest.

Biological impact

To combat the tick, biological preparations have been created: Akarin, Bitoxibacillin, Fitoverm. How to apply them correctly?

  • "Akarin" is diluted in a proportion of 2 ml of the drug per liter of water.
  • "Bitoxibacillin" - 80-100 g per 10 liters of water. The disadvantage of this drug is that it can cause allergies when in contact with treated plants.

Both solutions are used throughout the growing season every 15-17 days.

  • "Fitoverm" is diluted in the amount of 10 ml per 10 liters of water. Processing is carried out every 7-10 or 14-20 days. The treatment period depends on the age and size of the plant.

Another common drawback of biological agents is that they act exclusively on adults. Eggs and larvae are not affected. The processing period depends on this: for each generation - a new portion.

The pesticides clofentezin and flufenzin belong to the group of hormonal pesticides. They do not destroy all individuals at once, but sterilize the uterus. The effect of their use is long-term, but becomes noticeable after a few days. Some individuals die out, while others do not appear. If you need to destroy the tick urgently, you can mix this drug with any of the biological products.

Advantages and disadvantages of "chemistry"

What you need to know about the use of chemical industry preparations in the fight against spider mites?

Fighting spider mites with folk remedies

Methods, proven by folk experience, have an effect no worse than industrial preparations. In any case, they will not bring harm to either man or animal. Ingredients for solutions - the simplest and most affordable. Not only houseplants, but also the inhabitants of the beds, especially cucumbers, are subject to processing with folk remedies.

  • At the first sign of illness, take a cold shower daily for the plant. This is suitable for those species that do not mind such a procedure.
  • You can use either dishwashing detergent - wash the leaves, stems, pot, window sill well.
  • Grind approximately 150 g of peeled garlic in any way, pour 1 liter of water and leave for 5-7 hours. Dilute the resulting concentrate in the proportion of 5 ml / 1 l of water, use for plant treatment.
  • Like garlic, onion infusion is prepared, only it is used without dilution. Garlic cloves, onion slices can be put in a pot if the houseplant does not like spraying. Cover the pot with a plastic bag.
  • An infusion is prepared from the roots of dandelion officinalis: 20 g of roots per 1 liter of water. Take warm water. You can apply after a couple of hours.
  • It is possible to treat infected places of hard-leaved plants with a swab dipped in medical alcohol. This must be done carefully and quickly so as not to burn the leaves.

  • Cyclamen. Boil several tubers of this plant for 40 minutes. A day later, the broth is ready for use.
  • yarrow. Pour a kilogram of dried grass with a bucket of boiling water. After 3-4 days, add 3 tbsp. spoons of grated laundry soap.
  • Tar soap. Proportion: 10 g per liter of water.
  • Turpentine. A jar of turpentine is placed near the affected houseplant and covered with a plastic bag together for several hours.


On the beds:

  • Timely destruction of weeds in the beds and around greenhouses, greenhouses.
  • Ensure adequate watering.
  • It is good to fertilize plants - they have greater viability against diseases and infection.
  • Clean the garden in the fall, dig deep into the ground.


  • Plants must be kept in optimal conditions: excessive dryness, as well as excessive moisture, is a favorable environment for spider mites.
  • On broadleaf plants, dust regularly with a damp, clean cloth, pamper occasionally indoor garden rain from the shower (except for those to whom it is harmful).
  • Withered flowers, dried leaves, remove in time. This is not only the prevention of diseases, but also a way to extend the flowering period.

  • Eat good remedy to prevent the appearance of a spider mite - a few drops of neem tree oil added to the water for spraying.
  • All medicinal folk methods aimed at destroying the pest can be used in smaller doses for preventive treatment. If you don’t want to lose your favorite home plants or your cucumber crop, treat them occasionally with an infusion that is harmless to people.

Flower growers caring for indoor plants know what harm a spider mite can cause to their pets. This insect is absolutely omnivorous and does not choose between flowers, actively destroying ficuses, begonias, and cacti. If it appears in the house, all green indoor crops fall into the risk zone, and it is not always possible to remove this pest on time, as a result of which all flowers can be destroyed very quickly.

Causes of the pest

Faced with this problem for the first time, many home flower lovers do not know why spider mite colonies appear on indoor plants and how to deal with this harmful spider. Meanwhile, an insect can very quickly destroy the entire collection of flowers. The reasons for its appearance can be completely different. Most often, the pest enters from the street, flying from trees and shrubs, so potted crops that are placed on the windowsills of the lower floors of houses can become infected with it. But he can get into the apartment in other ways:

  • with a purchased substrate for flowers;
  • with plants brought from the store or from the street;
  • from the clothes of a person who worked in a garden or garden;
  • with a festive bouquet.

An absolutely healthy at first glance plant, into which a female or spider eggs have somehow got into, can also suffer for no apparent reason. In the cold season, the female may be inactive, and when comfortable conditions"wake up" and start attacking indoor flower.

What does the pest and affected plant look like?

The harmful insect Tetranychinae is difficult to see with the naked eye. The largest adult individual has a body length of no more than 0.5 mm. A small spider can be of different colors - it depends on which plants it starts up and what it eats, but most often its body has green color. Less commonly, the spider is red or orange in color. His body is completely covered with scales.

The spider mite reproduces very quickly on indoor flowers. In just one to two weeks, an adult insect can grow, which in 10-15 days can completely destroy a flower. Affected by the Tetranychinae spider, it is covered with small white formations, and the lower part of the leaves is covered with cobwebs, which not only spoil appearance flower, but also having a detrimental effect on it.

How to get rid of a tick yourself?

Fighting the Tetranychinae spider is very difficult. It multiplies rapidly, bites into the leaves, sucking the juice from the flowers, and thereby infects it. Simple treatment with acaricides - chemicals that kill various pests will not help. To combat the Tetranychinae spider, an integrated approach is required, which consists of several stages:

  • creating an environment in which the insect is uncomfortable to live;
  • treatment with biological and chemical means;
  • preventive measures to prevent the emergence of new individuals.

The spider mite does not tolerate high humidity, so you should spray or wipe the leaves as often as possible, as well as arrange a “shower” for them. The roots of each indoor flower are washed with water in which laundry soap is diluted, and the soil is completely replaced with a new one.

Advice. After spraying with chemicals, indoor culture is best wrapped plastic wrap or cover with a bag for several hours.

Every day you need to carefully wipe the window sill on which the pot stands, coasters, shelves - everything that is in the immediate vicinity of the flowerpot. It is desirable that the apartment be warm enough (not lower than +18 degrees), but if the temperature drops, all measures that take a lot of time and effort may become useless. At right choice method of dealing with spider mites on indoor plants, the problem can be solved by preserving the flowers.


  1. Flumite is an acaricidal agent, the main active ingredient of which is fluvensin. It quickly penetrates the clutches of ticks, killing unborn spiders, and also has a toxic effect on adult ticks. The product is available in ampoules of 2 ml, each of which can be diluted in 5 liters of water. Treatment of plants with Flumite is carried out 1 time in 4 weeks.
  2. Fitoverm. Spraying with this drug leads to the fact that ticks stop feeding on plant sap. The action occurs after 5-7 hours, and the complete death of insects occurs 2-3 days after the first spraying. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 ampoule per 1 liter of water. After processing, the liquid is poured out; it does not make sense to use the working solution again due to the loss of toxic qualities.
  3. Akarin is one of effective means to control insects that gnaw on the leaves of plants. Dilute at the rate of 2 ml per liter jar of water. Spray the trunk and leaves on both sides every 3 days. The active effect of the drug begins within 4 hours after treatment.
  4. Appolo: an acaricide that has a paralyzing and sterilizing effect on the tick. To combat insects, it is diluted in an amount of 1 tsp per 10 liters of water. For effective action, it is necessary to spray or moisten the leaves very abundantly on both sides.
  5. Karate. Kills insects with high-quality processing 1 time in 2 weeks. The substance is dangerous for humans and animals, therefore, during use, pets should be removed from the premises, aquariums should be covered, and the florist should use protective equipment and take precautions.
  6. Omite 30SP - acaricide differs from many similar products in that even with prolonged use, ticks do not become addictive, so they can effectively fight pests with active spread.
  7. Sunmite. Kills both larvae and adults. It is possible that insects become addicted to the active substance pyridaben, on the basis of which the preparation is made, therefore it is not recommended to use it more often than once a year.
  8. Skelto is a relatively new remedy. It has a distinctive characteristic action - it kills eggs, larvae and adult spiders, but their death does not come quickly. Adult insects die in about a week, it will take at least 5 days for the destruction of the larvae. However, the drug is so effective that a single thorough treatment is enough to completely rid the plant of insects.

What to choose: chemicals or folk remedies?

Purchased preparations for spider mites may not always be effective, therefore experienced growers along with “chemistry”, folk remedies are also used, which, as a rule, are always in household. The spider is afraid of medical alcohol, which has a paralytic effect on him. After abundant spraying of the leaves with alcohol, the insect stops nibbling the leaves, but in this way it is impossible to destroy the eggs laid in the soil and on the leaves.

Many insect control preparations are toxic and have a hazard class 2 or 3 for humans and animals, so experienced flower growers suggest getting rid of pests with the following folk remedies:

  • infusion of onion in water;
  • strong decoction of medicinal chamomile;
  • horseradish leaves, passed through a meat grinder and left to infuse in water for 1 hour;
  • black henbane - poisonous grass is insisted in proportions of 1 kg of raw materials per 10 liters of water;
  • decoction of horse sorrel.

Treatment with biological compounds should be carried out at least 1 time in 2 days. It will be most effective if the indoor culture has just begun to become infected with the Tetranychinae spider. When struck most of flower, the mandatory use of acaricides is necessary.

Advice. The solution will stick better to the leaves if you add a little crushed laundry soap or any detergent to it.

It is necessary to process not only the infected plant, but also those that are in the same room with it. The harmful insect moves very quickly and can destroy the entire collection of home flowers in a few days.

How to prevent infection

Love for green pets and careful care for them will help prevent their death from the attack of harmful insects. And although no one is safe from the appearance of this pest, it is possible to prevent its appearance or at least notice it at an early stage of appearance.

In order not to rack your brains on how to get rid of a spider mite, you need to carry out prevention. Keeping flowers in a healthy state will help the elementary hygiene of the plant itself and the room. Periodic treatment of the leaves with alcohol will relieve the rapid reproduction of individuals if they begin to appear. Do this with a moistened cotton swab, wiping it with all the leaves from the underside and outside, or with a spray bottle.

Advice. Wipe window sills and frames with alcohol from time to time to prevent the entry of mites, and also remove curtains for washing more often. Wash flower pot outside is also necessary.

It is unlikely that a mite will appear on the flowers if you take the following measures:

  • The soil for flowers needs to be steamed. This is done either in the kitchen oven, having previously scattered the substrate into shallow containers, or on the street on the coals from the fire. In untreated soil, larvae and queens of various pests often “sleep”.
  • If moss is used, then it must be poured with boiling water and left to cool for an hour. Hot water increase the chance of killing insects.
  • It is better to leave freshly bought or donated flowers in a “quarantine” for several days, for example, in the bathroom. It would be correct to hold a “shower” on the leaves or spray them with acaricide for prevention.
  • You should regularly inspect your home "greenhouse". It is difficult to notice one individual that has appeared separately, but careful examination of the leaves will allow you to notice the pest invasion at an early stage.

Every flower grower at least once in his life has encountered such a tenacious and prolific pest as a spider mite. An attack by an arthropod can be a real disaster, because a spider mite on indoor plants quickly deprives a flower vitality and actively reproduces. To successfully combat it, you need to know the following: features of the tick, signs of plant damage, prevention and treatment methods.

Spider mite - what is known about it?

There are several varieties of spider mites, all of which are arachnids. The most common and dangerous view- Common spider mite. The animal is distinguished by a soft body of a reddish, brown or whitish color. Its size is very small - about 0.4 mm, females are slightly larger, but it is difficult to recognize them with the naked eye. Larvae are transparent or greenish-whitish; females turn bright red or red by autumn.

The average lifespan of a pest at an air temperature of +28 ° C is 8-10 days, which indicates their rapid development in favorable conditions. The life cycle at lower temperatures increases to 30–36 days.

How to recognize a spider mite on indoor plants, and why is it dangerous?

It can be difficult to find a tick on indoor plants because it is afraid of ultraviolet radiation and hides under the leaves of the plant, from the underside. There he feels comfortable, eating the juice of the leaves. Most often it is activated in early April or May. The first alarm is the detection of small gray or yellow spots on the leaves. As the tick spreads, the affected area increases, a silvery coating of cobwebs appears, and upon closer examination, a moving mass of tiny dots is visible.

A tick on indoor plants pierces their tissues and breaks the integrity, it can damage both leaves and stems. As a result, the shell of the stems and leaves cracks, the flower begins to wither, its growth stops. Except negative impact on the process of photosynthesis, the pest can be a carrier of some diseases, for example, such as gray rot or viral infections.

The main ways to deal with spider mites

Spider mites on indoor plants - a frequent, dangerous and well-adapted guest environment Therefore, treatment with chemicals should be carried out in combination with other methods of control.

UV exposure

It is known that the tick does not tolerate ultraviolet light, therefore, for its destruction and prevention, you can purchase a special lamp. Irradiation procedures for a flower for only 2 minutes every week will significantly reduce the reproduction of the pest, in addition, ultraviolet light will strengthen the immunity of the “green pet”.

Important! When irradiated with a lamp, Special attention give the inside of the leaves, where the pest lives.

Fresh air

In the summer, if the weather permits, the affected plant can be taken out to outdoor balcony or veranda. In nature, there are many insects that feed on spider mites. For example, a predatory mite perfectly destroys both an adult individual and larvae, while it itself is not a pest of indoor flowers.

Alcohol treatment of plants

In the fight against spider mites on indoor plants, pure medical alcohol (96% solution) has proven itself well. You can wipe the leaves with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol or spray the flower from a spray bottle. However, it should be borne in mind that this method is very effective, but not suitable for all plants. Recommended for specimens with hard, dense leaves: monstera, ficus, rose, palm. With caution, you can process plants with a wax coating on stems and leaves: cacti, succulent species. At the same time, not affect the entire flower, but only where the largest accumulation of pests is detected. It is strictly forbidden to carry out alcohol treatment of indoor flowers with villi, “fluff” on stems or leaves. With such plants, alcohol evaporates more slowly and can lead to burns.

Advice! Before completely spraying the plant with alcohol, it is recommended to test on several leaves.

Folk remedies

Exterminating the tick on houseplants , you can start with more gentle methods.

  • Tobacco infusion . It is necessary to take 500 g of dry tobacco, pour it into a container and pour 10 liters of clean water. After two days, mix the contents of the container well and strain. Such a solution is effective not only against ticks, but also against many other pests. Before spraying, it is recommended to dilute it 1.5–2 times with clean water and add 40 g of soap, this is necessary so that the tobacco infusion is fixed on the surface of the leaves.
  • Infusion of garlic. To prepare the infusion, you will need 500 g of peeled cloves of young garlic, 3 liters of pure water and a few drops liquid soap. The cloves need to be rubbed well and poured with water, after which the container should be placed in a shaded place. After 5 days, the infusion will be ready. Before spraying, it should be diluted with water at the rate of: 60 g of infusion - 10 liters of pure water. Soap must be added to the finished solution.
  • Soap solution. Perhaps this is the most available remedy for beginner flower growers, when there are no chemicals in the "first aid kit", and control measures should be taken immediately. A flower pot should be placed in a bathtub or sink, then take a soft sponge and lather it liberally with laundry or any other soap. Apply foam to the stems, leaves, process the pot and slightly moisten with a solution upper layer soil. In this state, leave the flower for 4 hours, then wash off the soap with clean water.

These methods in the fight against spider mites on indoor plants are good, but they do not completely exterminate it, but can only act as a short-term measure that prevents the reproduction of pests. For complete destruction, it is necessary to conduct a course of spraying with chemicals.

Attention! Tobacco infusion is poisonous to humans, so work with it should be done with gloves.

Chemical preparations (insectoacaricides)

The most popular: Aktelik, Vertimek, Kleshchevit, Nurell-D and many others. The Fitoverm preparation, developed on the basis of natural ingredients, has proven itself well, it is less toxic and is the best solution in pest control indoors. Spider mites quickly get used to chemicals, so it is recommended to buy several types and alternate them.

Prevention of spider mites on indoor plants

This small animal does not tolerate humid air, dampness and low air temperatures. In order to be less likely to encounter a pest, it is recommended to spray plants more often with a spray bottle, at least 3-4 times a week. This is especially true for hot summer days and the winter period, if the flower is located near heating appliances. However, spraying should be carried out carefully, avoiding the accumulation of water droplets on the leaves, otherwise the plant may become a victim of fungal diseases, for which dampness is a favorable habitat.

Regular inspection of indoor plants and proper care- a guarantee of health, endurance and good immunity, because a strong plant is much less susceptible to diseases and attacks from pests.

Video of processing a plant from a spider mite

Spider mite often starts on indoor and garden plants


Ticks are small arachnids(0.4-0.6 mm), red or yellow-orange. A special, easily recognizable symptom of the occurrence of a disease and the appearance of a pest is a light cobweb on indoor flowers. Pests settle with reverse side leaf and completely braid it with their web. If the colony is large, they settle not only on the territory of the leaves, but also attack the petioles and flowers. Their presence is facilitated heat and dry air.

Kind of activity

Spider mites are pierced with a special oral apparatus peel the leaves and suck out the juice. At the site of tissue damage, tiny light spots form, then the leaves turn yellow, fade, darken and fall off. Small plants, when attacked by pest colonies, even die if the fight against them is started too late. Ticks thrive in almost all green spaces in the home and garden. It is very important, once you detect the presence of pests, to kill them as soon as possible and apply effective and efficient means against them.

These are the most common symptoms to detect pests on early stages plant diseases. Most often, pests settle on indoor plants such as:

  • croton;
  • palm;
  • dracaena;
  • chefler;
  • hydrangea;
  • ficus.

As well as such garden flowers and plants:

  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • pepper;
  • cypress;
  • fragrant violet, etc.

In cheflers, the disease manifests itself a little differently. The early visit of unwanted guests announces itself by the appearance of red spots that are visible on the lower and upper parts of the leaves. The leaf blade, like other indoor plants, is deformed.

Spider mite on an orchid is usually imported from the country of origin - China

The spider mite that lives on orchids originates from China and is imported into our country along with seedlings of such popular orchids as Phalaenopsisow. It attacks, in most cases, the underside of the leaf, and the effect of its work is a large red dent in the leaves. Red spots are very harmful to orchids. If the actions of the pest are detected too late, then growth slows down, flowers do not appear on orchids.

They like to visit unwanted guests and citrus tree species. Pest activity is manifested in the distortion of young leaves and the appearance of yellow or red spots on them. Old leaves are painted, after the work of the pest, in a silvery color.

The most dangerous representatives of this group of plant pests include (Tetranychus urcicae), a pest that feeds on more than 300 plant species, including those grown at home. There is also a spider mite (Tetranychus cinnabarinus) - an enemy of greenhouse crops, a spider mite (Panonychus ulmi), which is mainly found in the garden on fruit trees and bushes, as well as the spider mite (Oligonychus ununguis), attacking conifers trees and shrubs.

The large number of generations that appear in one year makes pest control much more difficult. Regular preventive measures and the use of suitable preparations, immediately after the first signs of their settlement on plants are detected, ensure good results in the fight against them.

Many pests can lead to a drop in the content of chlorophyll in the leaves, photosynthesis is reduced, resulting in a decrease in growth and yield.

The first sign of a tick is often a characteristic web

Tick ​​attack on vegetables

On tomatoes, the presence of mites is indicated by small, bright spots on the leaves. In a cucumber, the leaves wrinkle, turn white, flowers and fruit buds fall off.

In the case of paprika, the situation is very similar. If you do not quickly respond to the action of the pest, the plants may die.

Ways to fight

For effective fight with mites, the best thing to do is to inspect your indoor plants very carefully once a week, especially in winter, when the air in the apartments is especially dry due to heating. The sooner a pest is detected, the easier it will be to deal with it and save the life of the plant. Pests should be looked for on the back of the leaves. If the number of ticks exceeds (for ornamental plants And vegetable crops 0.2-0.5 tick per 1 sq. see and for fruit trees 3 mites per leaf), and in order to get rid of them, effective measures must be taken.

Increase the humidity of the environment and spray the leaves more often with warm, soft water (mites stop breeding at 90% humidity). This good way against pests.

Spider mite usually accumulates on the back of the leaf

Home ways to fight

Things you will need:

magnifying glass (preferably 30x), water, plant spray, 4-5 tablespoons dishwashing liquid, 1 cup salicylic alcohol.

  • Using a magnifying glass, carefully examine indoor plants, check if they have been attacked by a spider mite. Hold the glass over the plant and check for brown or black spots, no bigger than poppy seeds. Look around for gnawed shoots, leaves, stems, or other signs of pests.
  • Spray plants as often as possible and water regularly. Spider mites usually descend if the plant is well sprinkled with water. Water washes away the remnants of the spider web and all debris, the vital activity of ticks. It will be good if you remove the plants to a room that is not too lit by the sun for the period of the fight against the tick.

Water and dishwashing liquid

If the number of mites on the plant is small, then washing the infected plant leaves will be quite effective against them. warm water with a few drops of dishwashing liquid.

Mix 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap and one liter of water. Pour the solution into a spray bottle. Spray the plant under the leaves to kill the mites. The tool kills pests as soon as it gets on them. To stop further mites invading, use after 7 days.

Dishwashing liquid can be sprayed on infected plants

Solution of laundry soap and water

Treatment with a solution of soap and water helps to fight the tick, and you can also sprinkle the leaves with the remains of ashes from a burnt cigarette.

In the event of a pest attack on shrub hydrangea or fragrant violet, cypress, a shower from strong water pressure for several days helps.

Vegetable oil

The underside of the leaf blade can be lubricated vegetable oil. The oil coats the body of the spider mite, creating a barrier and restricting air access, which will eventually suffocate the pest.

Soap and denatured alcohol solution

Another effective way spider mite control is the treatment of the back side of a plant leaf with a solution of laundry soap and denatured alcohol. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute 20 g of laundry soap and 10 ml of denatured alcohol in 1 liter of water. Mix the mixture thoroughly and spray with a hand sprayer. It is very important to cover all parts of the plant with liquid. It is good if after spraying you can wrap the plant with a transparent film and let it stand for a few days. The dark remains of spider mites will be visible on the transparent film. This will be a sign that the treatment was successful.

Denatured alcohol - the strongest poison for spider mites

Extract from garlic and onion peel

A good effect of the destruction of spider mites is achieved by extracting from a clove of garlic and onion peel. Not only is it deadly to them, but it also prevents them from re-invading the plant. The smell of garlic and onions works as a deterrent to colonization and spread of the spider on plants.

To prepare the extract, you need to finely chop the garlic cloves (about 25 g) pour them into 1 liter cold water and leave for 12-14 hours. After this time, the solution should be decanted, diluted cold water in a ratio of 1:1 and spray on the plant. The extract is consumed throughout the day because it quickly loses its healing and deadly properties. Plant treatment should be repeated after 21 days to ensure pests have left your plants and are not returning.

Onion husk extract is prepared and used in a similar manner. In this case, pour 20 grams of dry onion peel into 1 liter of water and leave to infuse for 3 days. It is not recommended to dilute the infusion with water. It is also worth using drugs as interchangeable - once with garlic, once with onions.

salicylic alcohol and water

Mix 1 cup of alcohol with 1 cup of water and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Alcohol kills ticks on first contact. The water dilutes the alcohol enough to not harm the plant. Spray especially carefully the lower part of the leaves of plants, where spider mites like to live.

Good to know!

In order to prevent the appearance of spider mites at home, which is especially important in winter, take care of additional humidity in the house - spray plants with warm water more often.

Salicylic alcohol should be treated with the back of the plant

biological control

If plants are affected by a large colony of invading mites and folk remedies for spider mites do not lead to the desired result, commercially available biological preparations containing deadly poisons for predatory mites that eat and attack plants.

A drug like Spidex 2000 excellent tool from spider mites (Phytoseiulus persimilis). The drug is sprayed on the leaves of plants, while trying to increase the humidity in the immediate vicinity of the diseased plants and trying to ensure a temperature of about 20 degrees. Ticks killed by the drug will be visible as dark spots on the leaves. The treatment is repeated after seven days.

Attention! The open drug Spidex 2000 may retain its beneficial features only 24 hours after opening, as it is designed for the short life of pests. Therefore, in practice, you should use the entire package at once.

For domestic plants, buying such a preparation is not very profitable, since the package is designed for 2000 pieces of plants, which is convenient to use in greenhouses. The drug allows you to control the appearance of spider mites in greenhouses without the use of chemicals.

Spidex 2000 - modern facility from spider mites

Chemical means of dealing with spider mites

IN last resort if you have tried all folk and biological methods control, to get rid of pests, you can use chemicals.

For several years, manufacturers have been producing chemicals that successfully fight and control the reproduction of mites in indoor and garden green spaces. The success of the fight is largely due to early treatment with drugs.

It is better to choose exactly those that are specifically designed to kill ticks. Before using the products, be sure to carefully read the instructions for use and spray the plants until the mites disappear.

One of the Polysect Ultra Hobby AL products is available for use on houseplants. It comes in the form of a small spray bottle. Plants affected by spider mites should be carefully treated with the agent, and treated again after 7-10 days.

When a large number plants and to control mites in the garden, chemicals are used in concentrated form. They dissolve in water and the liquid thus obtained is sprayed onto the plants. These are: Polysect 005 SL, Magus 200 SC and Karate Zeon 050 CS.

"Polysect Ultra Hobby AL" can be used on indoor plants

A good start to dealing with spider mites

In order to get rid of spider mites in the garden, in the spring you should use a spray containing paraffin oil, which destroys the hibernating eggs of the mite. These are funds such as: 60 Promanal EC and Treol 770 EC, Catania 800 EC.

Chemical preparations Cascade 050 EC or Nissorun, Talstar and Mitac 200 EC are also effective in the fight against ticks. They are used twice with an interval of seven to ten days.

The effectiveness of this treatment is 100% and means that no other treatment with acaricides is required until the end of the summer. Quite often it happens that there is no need for chemical treatments during the summer, as small numbers of mites are under the control of natural predators. The great advantage of products with paraffin oil is their natural origin, which fits perfectly into the methods of complex control.

Kills the pest and high temperature (above 20 degrees Celsius) and high humidity (more than 90%).

Need to remember

If the spider mite is not detected in time, it may be too late to save the plant. Ticks multiply very quickly, and at some point, the measures you have taken against them will already be useless.