Toilet      04/03/2019

Treat the garden in the fall. Spraying the garden with urea in late autumn

Autumn spraying of trees.

spraying fruit trees in autumn it is one of the most important procedures carried out at this time of the year. Thanks to them, we are better fruit trees and reduce the risk of disease in the next season. In this article, we'll look at how to autumn spraying fruit trees, and the names of recommended protective preparations.

Why is spraying fruit trees in the fall so important?

Wet and still quite warm autumn contributes to the rapid development of fungal diseases, especially on leaves falling from trees. Therefore, autumn spraying of fruit trees is recommended, which will stop the further development of the disease and minimize the risk of infection in the next season. Fruit from the garden has long been collected, and pollinating insects appear in the gardens occasionally or have already ceased to fly. Autumn spraying of fruit trees and much less harmful than what we produce in the spring and during the growing season. It is worth carrying out such a procedure in order to limit the need for spraying at other times.

For amateur cultivation, in autumn it is recommended, first of all, spray fruit trees with copper sulphate , which is usually carried out, at the beginning, and spraying apple trees with urea against scab, it is carried out depending on the weather, in the second half of November.

Autumn spraying of fruit trees with copper fungicide.

Autumn spraying peach against leaf curl.

leaf curl
peach is the most formidable disease of all that affects. The spores of the fungus that cause this disease hibernate under the scales of dormant buds and in the bark of peach shoots. Therefore, in order to protect the tree from the spring "attack" of curliness, we must spray during the fall. We do autumn peach spraying when all the leaves have fallen. The use of a fungicide is recommended Speed", and containing mancozeb - main element against ( Ridomil Gold, Ordan, Profit) . The drugs also work well. "Horus" And "Mikosan", with their use, signs of curliness were practically not observed. Appropriate dosages can be found on product labels. When spraying, it is important that the prepared liquid thoroughly covers all the shoots of our peach.

Autumn spraying of cherries against bacterial cancer.

bacterial cancer fruit trees - very serious disease. Brown spots form on the branches and trunk, causing the bark to die off. The disease-causing bacteria overwinter in the buds and shoots, so autumn spraying of cherries is very important. During the fall of the leaves, we perform spraying with preparations Fitolavin or "Fitoplasmil".

Autumn spraying of sweet cherries from drying leaves.

A very common disease on sweet cherries is Gnomonia red-eared (Gnomonia erythrostoma). The leaves turn brown, curl and dry out, and partial deformation of the fruit also occurs. To prevent this, we must carry out autumn spraying of cherries. Spraying with a preparation Miedzian 50WP we perform during the fall of the leaves, in which the fungal pathogen hibernates. The recommended dosage is 25 gr. drug in 5 liters of water.

Autumn spraying of fruit trees with urea.

Autumn spraying of apple trees against scab.

Most often affects leaves and fruits. We can see dark, round spots on them. Infected fruits are not suitable for consumption. To prevent the development of the disease, after the first frosts, but shortly before all the leaves fall, we carry out an autumn spraying of the apple tree with a 5% solution of urea. Urea causes rapid decomposition and mineralization, which will protect the infection of an adult tree. Very good result we get by dissolving 0.5 kg of urea in 10 liters. water. We try to carefully spray all parts of the tree and fallen leaves.

In the same way, against scab, perform spraying.

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Spring flowering and the subsequent development of the plant practically does not need to be processed, but in order to get a good result, preventive measures should be taken in the fall.

With a cold snap small insects, beetles, larvae find shelter in a warm place. In gardens, fallen leaves, bark, and soil are the favorite wintering grounds for pests. Gardeners prudently dig seedlings in the garden, carry out sanitary pruning of branches.

Since low temperatures act differently on countless pests, those insects that are located under the bark for wintering in advance are destroyed by whitewashing the trunks in late autumn.

Obsolete fragments of the bark, lichens are removed from the trunks in order to deprive insects of shelter. Usually experienced gardeners prefer to work with their hands. More mature fruit trees, whose age exceeds 6 years, are processed with metal brushes.

At the next stage, the forcedly injured areas are treated with garden putty, after which the trunks are whitewashed with a solution prepared according to the instructions.

For a more powerful effect, gardeners add insecticide to the lime composition. This method will certainly destroy pests at any stage of development (pupa, eggs, adult specimens).

Processing trees in the fall guarantees a full start of the vegetative process in the spring.

Fall gardening activities include:

The most used method of processing fruit trees with the onset of autumn contributes to:

  1. prevention of harmful effects on the trunk of ultraviolet;
  2. barrel thermoregulation, prevention of overheating or hypothermia;
  3. the destruction of clutches of eggs of harmful insects, located for wintering in the bark.
  • Chemical spraying. After mechanical harvesting and complete fall of the leaves, the spraying method is used. Consistently irrigate the trunk, skeletal branches, crown.
  • Protection of trees from rodents.


Preparing fruit trees for winter is a responsible undertaking. It depends on the actions of the gardener how the vegetation will proceed in the spring, and what damage the pests will bring to the garden. It is important to properly treat trees and shrubs in the fall in order to minimize the problems that appear with the onset of spring.

With the onset of spring, many summer residents are faced with serious damage to trees by fungi, scab, putrefactive processes and other garden diseases. Many years of practice has taught experienced gardeners to prevent such problems by timely spraying trees in the fall.


Significant harm to seedlings of fruit trees is brought by:

  • aphids, suckers, mites and psyllids - all sucking insects;
  • scab, phytophthora - fungal diseases originating from development in fallen fruits and leaves;
  • weevils, tube-rollers - causing serious damage to the generative organs;
  • cocoonworms, volnyanka, suckers, whites - pests of leaf-gnawing.

Berry bushes should also be prepared for spring from autumn:

  • aphids, mites, raspberry beetles;
  • California scab - affects raspberries, currants, gooseberries;
  • glass-box, raspberry gall midge, stem nematodes.

Tired of pest control?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in the country house or in the apartment? They must be fought! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Mains powered, no recharging required
  • No addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​action of the device

How to prepare plants?

When the trunks are cleaned, the leaves have fallen as much as possible and removed from under the trees, spraying begins. The last treatment is recommended to be carried out with the onset of the first frost.

The best means of processing horticultural crops are solutions from iron sulphate, urea, blue vitriol.

Each method solves its own specific problem and prevents the appearance of a particular pest. Treatment with one of the preparations is not very effective, the prevention of pest damage should be approached comprehensively.


Even without a clear idea of ​​what to process, it is worth acquiring copper sulphate:

  • The drug perfectly copes with the fungus and has fungicidal properties.
  • After the procedure, trees are less likely to be attacked by powdery mildew, scab, spotty growths, foulbrood.
  • Be sure to spray the plums with copper sulfate, as they are prone to damage by moniliosis, coccomycosis, clasterosporosis, curly.
  • For apple and pear trees, this is a salvation from monioiosis, scab, phyllostictosis.
  • Young seedlings (up to 6 years old) are irrigated at the rate of 2 liters per seedling, older specimens are treated with 10 liters per tree.

Note! Processing fruit seedlings held in autumn in calm weather. The temperature can vary from +5 to 30 degrees.


Treatment of plants with urea is carried out as the first or final measure:

  • The first manipulation is carried out with a strong concentrate, which contributes to the destruction of the larvae.
  • Work with seedlings is carried out after dropping half of the leaves.
  • To prepare the solution, take: urea (500 gr.), Add to a bucket of water.
  • After the leaves fall off completely, the concentration of the solution is increased.
  • The composition is sprayed onto a tree (trunk, branches), ground.
  • If the leaves have not yet crumbled, it is important not to burn them, not to overdo it with saturation.

To care for overgrowth, each gardener has in his arsenal a manual or mechanical apparatus with a spray pump. The difference between the models is in ease of use and price.

Also, fruit trees need watering and thick whitewash (3 mm).

To cover damage, wounds on the trunk, a mixture of cow dung and straw is used. This is an effective remedy for cracking. For the same purpose, garden var is used.

Tree whitewashing

There are different mixtures for whitewashing trees, of which blue compositions with the consistency of sour cream are considered to be properly prepared:

  • Lime (2 kg), a bucket of water, blue vitriol (250 g). You can add clay (1 kg), cow dung (500 g). Combine everything until smooth.
  • Lime (2.5 kg), blue vitriol (500 g), water (8 l). Carpentry glue (200 g) is added to the mixture. For enhanced action, the introduction of insecticides is allowed.

Note! The layer of composition applied to the barrel is from 3 mm.

Tree treatment chemicals

Means for treating plants are divided depending on the type of insect:

  • attractants;
  • sterilizers;
  • aphicides;
  • pheromones;
  • attendees;
  • repellents;
  • insectoacaricides;
  • ovicides;
  • larvicides.

The choice should be based on the mechanism of action of the drugs, as some do not have a detrimental effect on eggs, or are not effective against adult pests.

Gardeners with experience use the following preparations to process the garden:

  • Karbofos - from fruit mites, suckers, psyllids, moths;
  • Avant - from codling moth and leafworm;
  • Apollo - from fruit mites;
  • Agravetrin - from moths, aphids, sawflies, codling moths;
  • Karate - from gall mites.

Every year, store shelves are filled with new products to combat garden pests, respectively, the problem is relevant and requires a safe solution.

More than one generation of gardeners uses copper, iron sulfate, urea, lime treatment in the fall, which allows you to get a full crop of high quality.

Note! It is important not to start caring for the garden and carry out treatments in a timely manner in order to see lush flowering in the spring and collect juicy fruits in the summer.

For the gardener, autumn is not only the end of summer and harvest, but also the beginning of preparations for the new season. So that next summer the plants will delight you with healthy foliage and lush flowering, and in the fall with a rich harvest, you need to prepare the plants for a long and harsh wintering, carry out all the necessary autumn work in the garden.

In autumn, all nature prepares for hibernation. In plants, sap flow slows down, growth stops, insects, including pests, are looking for places to spend the winter: for this they try to hide under fallen leaves, in cracks in the bark; rodents move closer to the gardens. Spores of diseases accumulated over the summer remain on unharvested fruits and fallen leaves. The task of the gardener is to reduce the number of these enemies of the garden, to prevent them from overwintering.

To do this, starting from August, and in September, before the leaves fall, we collect carrion from the ground and dried (mummified) fruits from fruit trees and destroy - burn.

All fallen leaves are raked up and removed from the garden. Another option: it can be treated with a 7% urea solution to kill disease spores. In this case, the leaves are not collected, but in the spring they are buried in the ground.

On planting strawberries, dry leaves and flower stalks are removed and burned.

Fertilization and winter watering

IN trunk circles phosphate and potash fertilizers are applied for digging.

Nitrogen can no longer be used!

If there was little rain in the fall, water-charging (winter) irrigation is carried out.

Podzimny garden watering

It will help the trees to winter well. Enough moisture will accumulate in the tissues and the trees will not suffer from winter desiccation. The volume of watering should be large. If possible, simply put the hose on the ground, for example at night.

Spraying against pests and diseases

  1. With the beginning of the leaf fall period, the crown is sprayed with a 4-5% urea solution to prevent scab and other diseases. The solution is prepared as follows: 400-500 g of urea is dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  2. After leaf fall, at the end of October, fruit trees and shrubs are sprayed with a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate (300 g per 10 liters of water) to prevent the development of mosses and lichens.
  3. Stone fruits (cherries, plums) are sprayed with 2-3% for the prevention of fungal diseases. Bordeaux mixture or 0.4% copper chloride (1-2 times with an interval of two weeks).
  4. On blackcurrants, gooseberries, raspberries, we cut out and destroy the fruiting and damaged shoots, and also cut out the branches affected by powdery mildew.
  5. For the prevention of fungal diseases ( powdery mildew, leaf spot) we treat the bushes with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture 2-3 times with an interval of 10-14 days; it is also good to spray currants with 1-5 solution of colloidal sulfur.
  6. To reduce the number of overwintered pests, bushes are treated with Karbofos (75 g per 10 liters of water).

The Bordeaux mixture, which must be specially prepared before use, can be replaced with drugs such as Hom, Kuprosat, Abiga-Peak

Digging the earth and applying a deoxidizer

They dig up the earth under bushes and trees - this will help to destroy the larvae of pests that have gone to spend the winter underground. For this purpose, you can dig all the soil in the garden to a depth of 20-25 cm.

Together with autumn digging, a deoxidizer is introduced into acidic soils. It could be:

  • dolomite flour (about 500 g per sq.m);
  • fluff lime (500-600 g per sq. m);
  • wood ash (600 g per 1 sq.m).

Liming the soil increases the winter hardiness of plants. Stone fruit crops are especially in need of lime.

Tree whitewashing and bark cleaning

In late October - early November, when the trees have entered a phase of relative dormancy, the boles and skeletal branches of fruit trees are cleaned of dead bark with a special brush.

Convenient tool for cleaning barrels - garden saw. Its teeth easily "scrape" the most stubborn parts of the bark

Together with the old bark, the trunks are cleared of disease spores and pest larvae. Scrub trunks and skeletal branches to a living green layer without fear of damaging it - scratches on the "live" contribute to the thickening of the trunk.

After such cleaning, it will be good to whitewash the trunks with a special paint that will protect the bark from sunburn and frost cracks, and adding a small amount of copper sulfate to the whitewash will serve as a good prevention of fungal diseases in the coming season. Whitewash can be bought in shops. There it is of several types:

1. Whitewash based on lime and clay without special additives. Advantages: environmentally friendly, has a porous structure - the bark "breathes". disadvantages: short-lived, easily washed off by rain.

2. Special paints. Can be acrylic or water-based. Sometimes available in aerosol packaging. Advantages: they include special protective substances; stay on for a long time without rinsing. Disadvantages: dense and do not allow the plant to "breathe" well. best used on young plants.

3. Self-made whitewash. It is prepared as follows: lime fluff is diluted with water in a ratio of 200 g per 1 liter (2 kg per 10 liters), a few tablespoons of paste and 30 g of copper sulfate are added to the resulting solution.

Trees benefit from whitewashing, in which the paste is replaced by clay and mullein

At the same time, you can do sanitary pruning and wound treatment. Lubricate the largest saw cuts with garden pitch again, this will protect the wood from winter drying out.

Carry out winter water-charging watering, if not done before.

Barrel protection

An important event among the autumn work on preparing the garden for winter is the protection of the trunks of young fruit trees from the invasion of hungry rodents: mice, hares, and sometimes large animals, for example, roe deer. For such protection, stems and skeletal branches are best wrapped with a mesh: plastic or metal.

Currently on sale are special tapes for winding trunks. From improvised means, spruce branches or nylon (old stockings) are often used. The last remedy has proven itself especially well.

It is possible to use a film or roofing felt for winding trunks only if you have time to quickly remove them when warm weather sets in, otherwise the use of these products will lead to underheating and damage to the bark

In anticipation of snowfalls, branches growing at an unfortunate angle are fastened together to avoid breaking.

Preventive spraying, harvesting of damaged fruits and leaves, cleaning and whitewashing of the bark, winter watering - these are the activities that will help your garden survive the harsh winter.

Properly carried out autumn work in the garden is a guarantee good harvest And lush flowering next year.


Winter and autumn processing gardening is an important job for every gardener, since processing in this case has two important goals. The first is to rid the garden of pests and the second is to prepare the site for spring.

Necessary tools and materials

Autumn garden processing - preparing the site for hibernation

Once you have harvested, you can start processing your garden plot. In this case, you need to stock up on pest control chemicals, enough water, lime, and you will also need gardening tools.

Stages of work:

  • During fruiting, it is strictly forbidden to use a variety of chemicals to get rid of diseases and pests. Therefore, during this period, trees and shrubs collect all kinds of diseases. That is why, before the start of leaf fall, you need to completely treat the garden with a solution of urea. If during the harvest rot is found on the fruits, treatment is carried out (100 g of product per 10 liters of water).
  • The next step is to clean the tree trunk from old bark and moss with metal brush. After collecting all the peeled bark, be sure to take it out of the garden and burn it. In addition, all diseased fruits should be destroyed. Do not forget that pruning of trees should also be carried out in the fall - remove all shoots damaged by diseases. To protect trees from rodents that raid the garden in winter, tie tree trunks with a metal mesh and cover the reconciliation with spruce branches.
  • In autumn, it is also necessary to dig up the soil on the site. But here you need to act carefully so as not to damage the root system of plants. Next, we make the necessary organic and mineral fertilizers.
  • Noticing even small cracks on tree trunks, be sure to lubricate them with garden pitch.

Garden processing in winter - what do we do during the cold season?

Many gardeners relax for the winter, they think that at this time they can relax. However, winter is not a reason to quit, because during this period it is necessary to spend enough a large number of landscaping to keep your garden ready for the new season. For convenience, we divide the work that needs to be carried out into stages:

  • gardening in december. Many gardeners at this time are preparing cuttings. For this, mature branches from the crown are best suited. At the same time, the cuttings are first stored in the refrigerator, and after the snow falls - in the snow, wrapped in ordinary cling film. Before the appearance of snow cover, it is imperative to rake all the fallen leaves with a rake and place it in a compost pit.
  • January work is aimed at thinking over the location of flower beds, creating rock gardens, if this is planned, and other purely decorative works in the garden. Check how your supplies are stored in the basement and start harvesting vegetable and fruit seeds for planting in the spring. If you want some plants to please you already in May, plant them in January, and transplant them into open ground in the spring.
  • Garden processing in February is considered the most serious, because during this period you will need to prepare your garden for spring, most importantly, wait until the severe frosts go away. It is necessary to prune trees with the removal of frozen shoots, in addition, this will lead to improved penetration of air and sun to the trees. In the same month, you can start choosing annuals and perennials for landing. Do not forget to check the expiration date of fertilizers and mineral supplements for plants in order to purchase new preparations if necessary.. The garden is also sprayed in winter using a solution of copper or iron sulfate (70–100 g per 10-liter bucket of water).

It is important to know - the most common pests

In order for both winter and autumn garden processing to be successful, you need to know what diseases and pests you may encounter during the work.

First of all, these are mites, from which young shoots and leaves suffer - they begin to lose juice, stretch out and dry out. most popular and suitable remedy consider the drug Aktofit.