Mixer      04/04/2019

How to wash plastic facades in the kitchen. How to clean kitchen furniture: choosing the right cleaner for the kitchen

Not knowing how to wash the whole kitchen off chronic fat, you may damage the finish of the headset. To quickly and easily deal with stubborn dirt, use laundry soap, vegetable oil, soda, mustard, ammonia, and hydrogen peroxide. With these improvised ingredients, you can get rid of pollution of any age. Combine the products and prepare a solution, apply it on the surface to be treated, let it soak in and wash off after 15–30 minutes with a soapy sponge.

The kitchen is the most polluted part of the house, because during cooking, grease splashes and settles on the surface of walls, furniture, stoves, becomes covered with a layer of dust and dries. No housewife will thoroughly wash the kitchen after each cooking due to lack of free time, but, spending general cleaning, it is important to know how to clean the kitchen from fat with household and folk remedies quickly, without damaging the integrity of the kitchen set.

Cleaning with detergents

The most popular is cleaning with household chemicals. Specifically designed to dissolve grease, the cleaners safely remove stubborn dirt from surfaces with a minimum of effort.

The only drawback of these products is their high cost, since several different cleaners are needed to clean the entire kitchen and are designed to clean furniture and kitchen utensils.

popular and highly effective household products, are:

  • "Amway";
  • "Shumanit";
  • "Silit Beng";
  • "Mister Muscle".

Note ! Products containing abrasives and chlorine are strictly contraindicated for use on plastic or MDF surfaces, because they can scratch or discolor the coating.

Having picked up a cleaner, starting from the type of pollution and the type of surface, start cleaning, adhering to the following recommendations:

  • study the instructions for use;
  • observe the dosage so as not to damage the color and coating of the headset;
  • wear protective gloves when cleaning to avoid burns and an allergic reaction;
  • ensure an optimal supply of fresh air, as some products can be toxic and cause dizziness.

In the process of treating cabinets from grease, use special kitchen napkins that have a soft structure and absorb minimal amount facilities. Simply apply the cleaner to a cloth and wipe the door or wood countertop. To remove stubborn dirt, leave the surface treated for 20 minutes, and then carefully rub and polish.

Types of MDF facades and cleaning methods

Before washing the kitchen from accumulated grease and dirt, it is important to understand what material it is made of. This will allow you to choose the right cleaner.

The most popular cuisines are from:

Each material has its own cleaning methods. It is convenient to wash plastic and glass facades with alkaline, saline and soda products, with oil and soda, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide - wooden, MDF, chipboard and chipboard.

Cleaning folk ways

With the advent of household chemicals, faith in folk remedies began to disappear, but, in spite of everything, they are a worthy and economical substitute for expensive funds.

They can clean almost all surfaces, the main thing is to correctly combine the components and assess the degree of contamination.

mustard powder

Our grandmothers cleaned grease from kitchen furniture with ordinary mustard powder. The principle of processing this ingredient is simple:

  • Moisten the contaminated area with water.
  • Sprinkle mustard powder on a damp surface of furniture, stove or household appliances.
  • Rub with a dry kitchen towel.
  • Wash the cloth with water, lather with laundry soap and remove the mustard residue from the treated panel.

In this case, mustard is a mild abrasive fat dissolver. It delicately scrapes off fatty accumulations from the surface without damaging the coating of the headset. However, this method is only suitable for cleaning fresh stains or minor old ones.

We wash the greasy ceiling in the kitchen with soap and soda

Soda-soap solution works on the principle of mustard, but is more effective. Easily cleans home cutlery and kitchen appliances, ceiling and.

To clean the kitchen in this way, follow the sequence:

  1. Grind laundry soap (1/2 bar) using a food coarse grater.
  2. Fill with water until a cloudy, slightly viscous homogeneous solution is obtained.
  3. Treat the contaminated panel with soapy liquid.
  4. Sprinkle some baking soda on the sponge immediately.
  5. Rub the soapy area.
  6. Let the stain sit for about 20 minutes.
  7. Wet a clean rag and rinse off the baking soda. soapy water.

Note ! If processing has been wooden surfaces, laminate, don't forget to reduce panel contamination and prolong headset life.

Soap and soda can clean and disinfect almost the entire kitchen, including. But if the furniture is glossy or lacquered, choose a different cleaning method. Such surfaces should not be contacted even with soft abrasives to avoid scratches.

We clean natural wood furniture with oil and soda

combination of soda and vegetable oil cleans fat well in the kitchen, as it refers to folk remedies that allow not only to remove dirt, but also to take care of wood.

  1. Prepare a creamy mixture of soda and sunflower oil by mixing the ingredients 1:2.
  2. Treat hardened fat wooden chest of drawers.
  3. Gently clean the fat accumulations with a soft brush.

If stains from furniture accessories are difficult to wipe off, let the mixture penetrate into the soil structure for about 15 minutes, rub again and wash off the residue with a damp sponge and detergent.

Watch the video to see how effective this recipe is:

We clean glass, plastic, furniture with vinegar

With the help of vinegar, various surfaces and other types of dirt are cleaned. The ingredient has such an effect due to the acid, which effectively dissolves splashes of fat. Applying the product is simple: pour a little table vinegar on the dirt, let the stain become limp for 15-20 minutes and rinse with a sponge treated with detergent.

It is impossible to pour the product on vertical cabinets, doors, so apply vinegar on a sponge (copiously), wipe the surface and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse. In this way, you can also.

Note ! To enhance the effect, you can combine detergent with vinegar, pouring acid, on a sponge, along with a drop of dishwashing detergent.

Cleaning the kitchen hood

The ventilation system prevents the spread of odors throughout the house and absorbs most grease splashes, accumulating them on the grate.

We wash the most difficult thing - handles and other fittings with steam cleaners

Hardworking housewives acquire special ones. This technique eliminates any kind of contaminants from various surfaces and disinfect them. The device is suitable for processing any kind of wood, plastic, small accessories, cutlery, etc.

The device acts on steam pollution, which affects the structure of fat deposits, making it soft and liquid. As a result of operation, you will be able to clean:

  1. kitchen facade, electrical appliances, tables and walls from grease splashes;
  2. restore the shine of glass or stainless utensils;
  3. remove scale, ;
  4. , bacteria and fungi.

The device does not require the use of oilcloth, but allows you to wipe stains of varying complexity and age from the table, walls, cabinet handles, gas boiler, chipboard, MDF and laminated chipboard.

You can clean the kitchen from greasy stains using household and folk methods. On the eve of processing, be sure to determine what material it is made of. If the furniture has a lacquered finish, refrain from using abrasives such as baking soda and mustard. For other kitchens, as well as walls, tiles, ceilings, any cleaning method will do.

Larisa, June 10, 2018.

How to wash grease from kitchen furniture? During any cleaning from kitchen furniture, it is imperative to wash the grease. Cleaning agents are dangerous to use on surfaces made of plastic or treated with paint. After the use of such substances, bleached spots may form. Fat deposits do not form if you wipe the headset or countertop with a damp cloth in time.

Maintaining cleanliness and care of kitchen furniture.

What is the surface

Kitchen interior, various surfaces.

The kitchen consists of three kitchen unit covers. Each of them needs special treatment, after all, from mechanical and chemicals remain backfire. Without much difficulty, furniture can be cleaned with caustic powder, but over time, the surface of the kitchen set will lose its usability.

Cleaning the kitchen, cleaning the sink.

Before making a purchase, you need to check the material of the furniture, and then choose a special cleaning agent. How to use it correctly and for which surface it belongs is written on the package.

The use of household chemicals

The shelves of modern stores today are full of a large assortment of products, but among them there are suitable products for removing grease, while preserving the surface of the furniture. Using the powder, you can clean the headset without damaging it. Scrubbing stains with great effort is not recommended.

Cleaning cooker from fat.

Sprays and gel-based products are designed for cleaning easily scratched and glossy surfaces. Before using a metal sponge, you must wait for the fat to dissolve under the influence of the product. The kitchen set should not get wet; pans and dishes are suitable for long soaking. You need to be patient if old fat has appeared on the furniture.

To make sure of the quality of the product, you need to apply it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface and wait. If the product does not corrode the material, then it can be safely used.

Cleansing fat in folk ways

Instead of household chemicals, you can use components prepared at home. Folk remedies will cope with a raid of varying complexity, regardless of the quality of the surface material.

Kitchen interior design.

Method 1: Mix vegetable oil with soda in a ratio of 1:1 and treat the contaminated area. Do not rinse the product for half an hour. Use a soft sponge to remove fat. When wiping, do not use force, if contamination remains, you must repeat the procedure again. In this way, you can process any surface. The method is good because the tree oil is impregnated with oil to form protective film, all the scratches and abrasions that have appeared on the furniture disappear.

Method 2: Dissolve the dough baking powder in water, then treat the grease stains with gruel. Within half an hour, the fat should sour. After education yellow color use clean water to clean the dirty place.

Method 3: Mix in a glass Apple vinegar with water, pour the liquid onto a soft cloth and soak the dirty place. If you rub it lightly, the fatty place will be cleared, and a shine will appear at the doors of the kitchen furniture.

Method 4: Soak a rag with alcohol or vodka and rub the dirty place. At bad removal fat on the surface, pour alcohol and do not rinse for 30 minutes. After the time has passed, add a couple of drops to the water essential oil spruce or eucalyptus, then rinse with liquid headset. The composition of the oil includes bactericidal substances, it has a pleasant aroma and is used as excellent tool caring for wood products.

Method 5: Pour 15 grams of citric acid into water, then add a few drops of detergent, mix everything. Treat the dirty surface with liquid, stains can be removed after 30 minutes with warm water.

Cleaning of metal surfaces.
Usage folk recipes for cleaning.

Cleaning polished surfaces in the kitchen.

Polishing products are high in price and content harmful substances. The use of a simple potato will save you a lot of money and will not have a harmful effect on the body. Rub the surface of the furniture with a cut tuber. The vegetable is dominated by properties, like store sprays.

Folk remedies are just as effective as sprays.

Removing stains with vinegar

Using vinegar as a cleaning agent.

Remove dirt deposits from sinks, faucets and other metal surfaces before cleaning kitchen units. A damp cloth dipped in vinegar can clean any salts. Table vinegar can easily clean tiles, ceramics, and countertops from plaque.

Clean kitchen after cleaning.

clean furniture

Cleaning upholstered furniture in the kitchen.

Before washing the kitchen set, it is necessary to process all surfaces, horizontal, vertical and working. Soft seats in the kitchen are recommended to be treated with the following composition: mix baking soda with detergent, then add 6-9% vinegar.

Cleaning kitchen furniture and appliances, from grease and dirt.

Gloves will help protect your hands from potent toxic substances, so all work should not be done with bare hands.

Cleaning kitchen cabinets

Preparing to clean up the kitchen.

The glossy surface of the kitchen set, made on the basis of MDF, should be treated with caution. For the treatment of the coating, only gel-like agents should be provided.

They must not contain the following substances:

  • ammonia;
  • chlorine;
  • aggressive acids.

These components have a negative impact not only on body fat, but on the material itself, thus destroying it. The product must be applied to the contaminated area in the kitchen, wait until the plaque dissolves, and then remove with a soft cloth or sponge.

Cleaning kitchen sink with the help of public funds.
Gel-like means should not contain the following substances: ammonia; chlorine; aggressive acids.

It is difficult to clean old grease stains from kitchen furniture, so they must be processed several times. In no case should you use a metal scraper, it will ruin the entire surface of the headset.

Washing plastic kitchen

Fat cleansing plastic surfaces in the kitchen.

You can wash the plastic surface with folk way, it requires soapy water, as well as a soft rag. Any surface can be washed with this miracle product, which consists of baby soap or dishwashing gel. The second component is considered the most effective.

Fat removal folk methods.

Gel-like detergent consists of fat-soluble components, they effortlessly remove old grease stains. These substances do not have abrasive substances and chlorine, they do not leave stains after themselves. For wiping, it is recommended to use soft tissues as well as paper towels.

How to properly maintain furniture

Cleaning the stove, caring for furniture and appliances in the kitchen.
Clear and save beautiful view furniture, the choice of the right means and careful attitude will help.

After processing the kitchen set with cleaning agents and detergents, as in the video, the furniture should be dry. With a clean cloth or paper towel Wipe down the surface to avoid streaks. Walnut will help to get rid of scratches and cracks on wooden furniture. If the cabinet doors are polished, dirty spots will not appear on them for a long time.

Video: Washing kitchen furniture

Not every woman with the current crazy pace of life has time to keep track of every speck formed in the process of cooking. But when the walls of the kitchen or the facades of the headset are covered with an impressive layer of soot, we move on to more decisive action. Here, for many, the question arises, how to wash greasy spots on kitchen furniture. I'll tell you everything I know for sure.

Household chemicals

Usually, in matters of cleaning, housewives are divided into two camps: those who prefer to use very effective household chemicals, and those who get rid of stains with folk remedies. If you fall into the first category, this section is for you.

The range of chemicals, as well as their price, is very extensive.

Household chemicals have one indisputable advantage - they act quickly, efficiently and are able to cope with almost any pollution. There are a lot of options for cleaning surfaces - you can buy Shumanit, Mister Muscle, Silit Beng or Amway. The type of agent will depend on the type of contamination and the surface on which it was formed.

Eg, do not remove from facades based on MDF or plastic materials with abrasive particles or chlorine. In such a situation, it is better to use furniture care products.

In general, when working with purchased substances, several recommendations should be followed:

  1. The first thing after buying a particular cleaning product, its instructions are carefully studied.. She in the smallest details describes the features of its application.
  2. Never exceed the indicated concentration. So you risk damaging the surface.
  3. The use of detergent should only be done with rubber gloves. Otherwise, you risk damaging the skin of your hands and getting burned.
  4. Before cleaning, it is better to open the window in the kitchen so that the pungent smell of substances does not cause dizziness.

Proven folk methods

“If our mothers and grandmothers could somehow wash grease off kitchen furniture without chemicals, then why are we worse?” I think many housewives are absolutely right. With the help of proven tools at hand, you can no less effectively deal with old stains. The main thing is to know what to use, and I will help you with this.

Recipe 1. Mustard Powder

Not sure how to clean off grease in your favorite kitchen? Use the usual mustard powder, which for decades has helped restore any surface to its original appearance. All you need is:

  • moisten contaminated areas with water;
  • sprinkle them with a small amount of mustard powder;
  • wipe the surface with a dry cloth;
  • remove the remaining powder with a sponge dipped in warm water.

By itself, mustard is an excellent fat dissolver, so after cleaning it will simply remain on the napkin. Thus, it is easy to clean the stove, refrigerator, sink or kitchen set(but only with protective coating). wooden kitchen fat must be disposed of in other ways, about them below.

Recipe 2. Soap and soda combination

Washing the kitchen of grease with a combination of soapy water and soda is nowhere easier. This method is especially well suited for cleaning household appliances or kitchen utensils:

  • Grate the most ordinary soap on a coarse grater. This manipulation will allow him to quickly dissolve in water.

  • Fill the resulting chips with water so that you end up with a slightly cloudy solution. Wipe down all contaminated surfaces.
  • Without waiting for the solution to dry, sprinkle a little baking soda on the sponge and wipe the previously treated areas with it.
  • Wait for about 15-20 minutes, then rinse the surface with a cloth dampened with water.

Baking soda is an excellent abrasive, and the soap solution not only helps to get rid of grease, but also disinfects the treated areas. But this recipe has one caveat - it should be used to clean stoves, tiles or metal elements. . Glossy or varnish coating soda will scratch.

Recipe 3. Oil and soda

Above, I promised to tell you how to wash a wooden kitchen set from fat. So, a combination of oil and soda will help to gently clean the tree:

  1. Mix vegetable oil and soda in a ratio of 1 to 2. You should get a thick mixture, similar in consistency to sour cream.
  2. Apply a homemade remedy to problem areas.
  3. Go over the surface with a soft-bristled brush, removing any remaining grease from it. Don't rub too hard, as you risk damaging the wood.
  4. Leave the gruel on the surface for another 10-15 minutes, then rinse it off with a damp cloth.

Recipe 4. Alcohol-acetic solution

If you are thinking about more than just cleaning kitchen furniture, but also how to disinfect it, then this method is for you. It is perfect for washing headsets, household appliances and various kitchen utensils:

  • Mix together one part of table vinegar with the same amount of alcohol (it can be replaced with vodka).

  • Add two parts of ordinary water to the resulting liquid.
  • Pour a third of a teaspoon of essential oil into the mixture. I would recommend tea tree oil as it is known for its disinfectant properties..
  • Pour homemade product into a spray bottle and spray contaminated areas with it. Let the solution soak in for 10-15 minutes.
  • Now you just have to clean the kitchen furniture from grease with a damp sponge or cloth.

As a bonus, after such processing, you will get a pleasant light aroma of essential oil flying around the kitchen.

Recipe 5. Ammonia

From ammonia, available in almost any first aid kit, you can get an excellent cleaning agent for grease. I warn you in advance - in the process of working with this substance, it is better to open the window.

  • Mix a tablespoon of ammonia with a liter of water.
  • Dampen a sponge or rag in the solution and walk it over all contaminated surfaces.
  • Wait literally 5 minutes and remove the solution with a damp sponge.

So easy and accessible means you can instantly wash the kitchen set and household appliances.

Recipe 6. Hydrogen peroxide

Fat suffers not only Appliances and a headset, but also dishes. It is especially difficult to remove dirt from a baking sheet. Hydrogen peroxide can make this task easier:

  1. Add baking soda to a small amount of hydrogen peroxide until the consistency of sour cream is formed.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture on a baking sheet, leave it to sour for at least half an hour.
  3. You can use a steam cleaner with your own hands:

  • clean the headset, household appliances and walls from drops of grease and other contaminants;
  • remove residues of burn, oil or scale;
  • restore shine to surfaces of stainless steel or glass;
  • destroy harmful fungus, bacteria and unpleasant odors.


After the proposed options and recipes, you should no longer have questions about how to clean the fat in the kitchen. You only have to choose suitable option and enjoy perfectly clean surfaces.

If you want to learn more visual information about how to get rid of old stains, be sure to watch the video in this article. Feel free to ask any questions on the topic in the comments below.

You can wash the grease on kitchen cabinets without damaging the furniture using professional tools and folk recipes.

Cleaning cloths should be soft, preferably microfiber, viscose or cotton. The use of a melamine sponge is not recommended as it has not been proven to be safe for health.

Each piece of furniture has its own approach. What methods and in which case are most appropriate?

Kitchen set and furniture

For matte surfaces kitchen cabinets easier to care for than glossy ones. If the panels are wooden or covered with plastic, painted, the following tools will help:

  • Stir 2 parts of soda and 1 part of vegetable oil until a homogeneous slurry is formed. The mixture is applied to slightly moistened dirt, left for 15-20 minutes. The surface is wiped with a sponge, paying attention to heavily soiled places. It is recommended to apply the method 1-2 times a month as a means of caring for natural wood furniture.
  • Local stains are easy to eliminate with ordinary clay. It is diluted with table vinegar to the state of slurry, applied to the problem area, left to dry. Then the clay is removed and the surface is wiped clean.
  • Ammonia is used to prepare a solution: for 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. l. ammonia. The solution can wipe not only dirt, but also any surface. Easy to pour into a spray bottle. An old kitchen set made of oak or walnut under the influence of a 12% ammonia solution acquires a beautiful brown-gray tint.
  • Table salt is effective in cleaning plastic facades, but wooden furniture can be cleaned too. To do this, grind the salt in a coffee grinder and dilute it with water to a slurry. The resulting mixture removes contaminants.

To remove greasy deposits from wood and plastic kitchen It is convenient to use old toothbrushes, sponges. But in the case of glossy facades, this is unacceptable, as scratches may remain on the surface.

The following recipes will come in handy here:

  • Soap solution is prepared from shavings of unbleached (dark) laundry soap. The solution is whipped until a foam is formed, which is then applied to the contaminated area. After 15–20 minutes, the surface is cleaned of plaque.
  • Ordinary alcohol will help clean the fat in the kitchen. One part of it is diluted in two parts of water and poured into a spray bottle. The contaminated surface is irrigated with a solution, left for half an hour. Then the dirt is removed with a napkin or sponge. To a solution of alcohol, you can add 1 part of vinegar. This method can be used to clean glass surfaces. Alcohol solution can be replaced with vodka.

In a relationship lacquered furniture the matter is complicated by divorces after washing. But since the elimination of pollution is still required, they use the following means:

  • Mustard powder can be used to wash not only greasy dishes, but also furniture. To do this, mustard is applied to problem areas, rubbed with a soft sponge and then washed off. The surface must be pre-moistened warm water.
  • Rub the contaminated places with lemon so that the juice flows from the surface, and leave for 10 minutes. Then the cabinet is washed with warm water and rubbed to a shine.

Tiles in the kitchen

With relatively fresh dirt, it will help to quickly wash the tile baking soda and laundry soap, a mixture of soda and vegetable oil, ammonia, a solution of vinegar. With especially strong pollution will help:

  • Chemical solvents. The most commonly used dishwashing detergent is Fae. It is applied to contaminated areas, left for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with a sponge. In addition to the Fae fit universal means: shumanit, Mister Muscle, Sanita, Silit Bang, LOC Amway and others.
  • Bleachers. Whiteness or oxygen bleaches are sprayed onto the surface of the tile, left for a few minutes, then washed off. With this method, you can carefully clean the seams between the tiles.
  • Steam cleaner. Indispensable when washing tiles, dishes and other surfaces that are resistant to moisture and high temperatures. With greasy, oil stains, scale, soot, the device copes without pre-treatment with detergents.

kitchen ceiling

Cleaning the ceiling is time-consuming work, so it’s better not to bring things to a neglected state, but regularly, at least once a month, put the ceiling in order.

Removing grease and soot from the ceiling is possible by the following methods:

  • WITH stretch ceiling grease and soot are wiped off with a soft flannel or microfiber cloth dipped in soapy water room temperature. Pollution is rubbed gently, without pressure in a direction parallel to the seam.
  • Plastic and mirror panels are not afraid of water, so they can be washed with a soapy solution or a neutral detergent solution. If the panels are white, washing solution you can add oxygen bleach - 1 tsp. for 1 liter of water.
  • The ceiling, pasted over with water-repellent or non-woven wallpaper, is gently wiped with a cloth slightly moistened with a detergent solution. With regard to fabric wallpaper, only dry brushing is possible. paper wallpaper washing is not possible.
  • Ceiling foam tiles absolutely cannot be washed with water. Dry cleaning with a microfiber cloth or sponge is recommended. If the surface of the tile is laminated, you can wipe it with a damp cloth.
  • Ceiling, whitewashed or painted water-based paint, clean with a dry brush or cloth. If painting is done oil paint, then you can wipe off the fat with warm water with the addition of detergent.

Window in the kitchen

You can wash windows with universal detergents, but you can also prepare simple solutions:

  • In 1 liter of water add 1 tbsp. l. starch, and after its dissolution - 100 ml of vinegar. Everything is mixed well and applied to the dirt with a sponge or spray gun. The solution handles different types dirt without leaving streaks. Instead of starch, you can add a few drops of dishwashing detergent.
  • In 1 st. water add 1 tbsp. l. citric acid and stir until dissolved. Such a solution will eliminate any simple types of dirt, including traces of grease. In the same way, you can wipe off droplets of fat on the tile.

You can also remove grease from windows ammonia, laundry soap, baking soda, alcohol and other products without bleach, abrasives and acids (except for acetic and citric).

Kitchen appliances

This is where sprays like Sanita, Mister Muscle, Anti-Fat Cinderella and other products come to the rescue.

From improvised means for cleaning equipment, you can use:

  • soda, which acts as a mild abrasive with a whitening effect. Soda also eliminates unpleasant odors, for example, in the refrigerator or microwave;
  • a vinegar solution that dissolves dirt after application to the stain. The action of vinegar lasts longer than that of soda;
  • mustard, which is applied with a sponge to contamination and rubbed until clean;
  • lemon, they rub the contaminated areas, and after 20 minutes they wash it off, while polishing the equipment to a shine.

Kitchen sink

Each type of material from which the sink is made is suitable for a certain tool.

  • The easiest way to clean a stainless steel sink is with a simple powder. Pemolux, comet, Biolan or liquid cleaner. Do not use chlorine for disinfection. For quick cleaning, any dishwashing detergent will do.
  • If washing out artificial stone, you will have to abandon ammonia, acids and caustic household chemicals. But it's good for getting rid of grease. mustard powder and soda, dish detergent. The best way clean marble sink laundry soap solution.
  • Suitable for sinks made of faience and ceramics Master Cleaner, effective in the fight against fat, soot, soot. But if there is no desire to use chemistry, you can make a mixture of soda and vinegar, which is used to wipe the sink.
  • The enameled sink does not tolerate metal sponges and brushes. But vinegar will help well, lemon acid and baking soda. If the sink is cast iron, it will also be covered with enamel. Therefore, it is washed from fat with laundry soap or soda ash. White sinks can be cleaned with bleach diluted in water.

Kitchen cleaners

All cleaning compositions are divided into two large groups- household chemicals industrial production and folk remedies.

Kitchen facades are made from different materials. It could be natural wood, MDF, chipboard, multiplex. For coating use paint, PVC film, plastic, varnish.

Professional Lineups

The stores offer a huge range of different detergents. It is advisable to use gels and sprays, as the most gentle for the surface, but you still need to read them before buying chemical composition, and before use, check the effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bfurniture.

Folk methods

In comparison with household chemicals, folk remedies are mostly safe for humans. They clean surfaces with soda, mustard, salt, vinegar, lemon juice, alcohol and even clay, apple cider.

But with improvised means it is easy to remove a weak greasy coating, it is already more difficult to deal with old stains. If it was not possible to cope with the problem the first time, after a while you can try again.

Such a simple task as cleaning the kitchen requires following some rules:

  • For each material, the correct cleaning composition must be selected, since any material requires specific cleaning rules.
  • Before applying the home-made recipe, the surface is moistened with water to soften the greasy coating.
  • The cleaning process should be gentle, without intense pressure on the surface. The main role goes to cleaning compounds.
  • For cleaning it is convenient to use double-sided sponges with an abrasive layer. If the sponge becomes soft, like a rag, it is replaced with a new one.
  • After cleaning is complete, the surface is wiped clean with a microfiber cloth.
  • Work with caustic substances must be carried out with protective gloves.

As you can see, you can even wash the kitchen from old fat. But in order to spend less energy on general cleaning, it is better to keep the room clean by regularly wiping its surfaces.

Many housewives are wondering: "How to wash a plastic kitchen?". Although plastic is very practical to use, and some special care does not require, after all, there are some features and rules that you should know about. What are the best ways to wash the kitchen so that it stays clean for a long time, and at the same time does not damage the coating itself? To do this, it is necessary to carefully select detergents.

How to wash a plastic kitchen?

First, decide which means you prefer. On the shelves of shops and supermarkets there is a large selection of special chemical cleaning products for plastic windows and furniture.

To get a high-quality result quickly cope with cleaning in a mode that is gentle on furniture, pay attention when buying that the mixture does not contain:

  • All kinds of solvents;
  • Acetone;
  • Aggressive impurities;
  • Chlorine;
  • Acid-containing compounds;
  • abrasive particles;
  • Wax.

All of these components can corrode plastic surfaces, violating their integrity and strength. Also, you need to be careful with such substances if children will be in the room for a long time.

Regarding manufacturers, be guided by your budget, but keep in mind that the quality and efficiency of plastic cleaning have been proven by pastes, washing gels, sprays of such brands:

  • Mr Proper;
  • Edelweiss;
  • San Klin;
  • Bref;
  • "Grass" Acid Cleaner;
  • comet.

You can apply the product and wipe off the dirt using:

  • foam sponge;
  • melamine sponge;
  • soft rags made of cotton, fleece, flannel;
  • special brushes for cleaning plastic.

What folk remedies are suitable for cleaning a plastic kitchen?

Cleaning a plastic kitchen with folk methods is not as inspiring as using chemistry. But on the other hand, it is safer for everyone around, especially children.

The easiest option is to prepare a conventional soap solution. To do this, take:

  • Soap shavings (preferably from laundry soap), about 30-40 grams.
  • Water.

Mix the shavings with water, and stir until the soap is completely dissolved in the water. With such a soapy solution, you can wash the panels without fear for their integrity and harmful fumes that can form when using chemical-based products.

How to wash plastic?

Before you start washing the plastic kitchen, clearly define the sequence in advance. Experts recommend the following scheme:

  • plastic windows;
  • panels general use on furniture;
  • surfaces of kitchen furniture for cooking.

When you have decided on the choice of detergent, do the following:

  1. If window sills or other panels have plugs, remove them to prevent dirt and cleaning agent from clogging into the grooves.
  2. Wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth clean water to remove dust deposits.
  3. Be sure to wear rubber gloves to do the job if a large volume is expected.
  4. Apply it to the surface of plastic windows and window sills with the layer indicated in the instructions.
  5. Spread evenly over the surface.
  6. Take a technical pause so that the remedy begins to act.
  7. Clean the plastic surface with light pressure with a brush or sponge.
  8. Pay close attention to heavily soiled areas, if any.
  9. Immediately after cleaning, rinse the detergent from windows and window sills with water.
  10. Clear rubber spatula joints between plastic panels to remove any remaining powder.
  11. Wipe the surface with a damp soft cloth.
  12. Wipe the already clean panel with a dry cloth or sponge to remove excess water and stains.

How to care for a plastic kitchen?

Plastic is an excellent durable material that is resistant to almost any aggressive impact. However, in order to keep the headset attractive for a long time, be sure to follow these simple rules:

  • Control temperature regime indoors, so that it does not go beyond + 10- + 40С;
  • If possible, limit access to direct sun rays on the surface of countertops, cabinets, drawers;
  • Avoid exposure to aggressive acidic, alkaline products for a long time;
  • If the corners and edges of the furniture are decorated with aluminum profiles, follow the care instructions metal surface- limit the access of moisture;