Toilet      24.02.2019

Sandblasting works at a bargain price: cleaning, processing of structures of any size. Sandblasting Process Technology

The formation of deposits, deforming and simply undesirable coatings on various products and structures, as a rule, is not compatible with the requirements for their operational properties. The way out is the means of processing, among which are grinding and polishing. But such surface cleaning methods may not be effective in removing scale, rust, and in some cases old paint. Only sandblasting of the surface, based on the principles of abrasive action, can cope with the consequences of deep deformation processes. The tool uses sand, which acts as a cleaning component. However, this principle of operation also imposes strict safety requirements in the process.

Sandblasting guns

There are two groups of such equipment. Start with models open type. As a rule, this is a small price which averages from 3 to 7 thousand rubles. By design, it resembles a pneumatic one. Such devices can be used in the cleaning of stone, concrete and metal surfaces from old rust, dirt, etc.

The advantages of the gun include mobility, ease of use and the ability to accurately work with structures of complex shape. Due to the low power of the device, sandblasting does not practically damage the base surface. On the other hand, it is impractical to use pneumatic pistols for some types of work in workshops, therefore, in such cases, closed-type equipment is used.

Sandblasting chambers

This is the second category of abrasive equipment, the function of which also provides sandblasting. Such devices are used for dry processing of metal parts in order to rid their surfaces of old paint, rust, scale and soot. As a working crumb, electrocorundum or river sand is usually used - the fraction on average varies from 0.1 to 0.9 mm. The specific parameters of the abrasive are determined by the tasks that the sandblaster must perform. The price of such models is 15-20 thousand rubles. At the same time, there is also more expensive equipment, which is characterized by large dimensions and, accordingly, high power.

The principle of operation of sandblasting

During operation, the device directs a jet with abrasive particles onto the surface to be treated. In most devices, the force that accelerates the movement of sand is generated by the energy of compressed air. A typical model of such equipment provides for the presence of three basic elements, among which are the direct jet device, compressor and abrasive particles. It should also be borne in mind that sandblasting can be performed with varying degrees of pressure, that is, the force that acts on the abrasive. The operator adjusts this indicator, achieving the optimal result. The fact is that a high degree of pressure can not only eliminate the coating being cleaned, but also cause damage to the main surface. Therefore, the user is required to have certain skills and abilities in adjusting the processing parameters.

Cleaning levels in metal processing

Cleaning metal surfaces with sandblasting equipment is considered the most common. To date, special requirements have been developed for the quality of the surface, ready for further operation. It is worth focusing on them if sandblasting of metal structures with abrasives is planned. So, GOST standards distinguish four levels of surface cleaning from corrosion and scale:

  • In the process of inspection under a sixfold increase, rust damage and scale are not detected.
  • When visually inspected with the naked eye, scale, particles of molding sands, traces of corrosion, burn marks and other non-metallic deposits are not noticed.
  • Up to 5% of the working area is affected by scale and casting edge stains that can be seen with the naked eye.
  • There are no obvious traces of corrosion and exfoliating scale on the product.


The basic set of personal protective equipment includes a helmet, gloves and, if necessary, overalls. At the same time, at the workplace where sandblasting is performed, spare glasses for the helmet should also be provided in case the main set is damaged. As for the device itself, it should be grounded, otherwise there will be a risk of electric shock. Today, more and more inexperienced craftsmen pay attention to models with remote control believing that they are safer and more convenient to operate. But this is not entirely true, since the design of such devices is more susceptible to contamination by abrasives and requires careful maintenance.

It is also necessary to provide for the availability of a stock of consumables at the place of work. Especially if you are sandblasting metal, rubber hose seals and nozzle rings should be on hand. If necessary, it will be possible to replace these elements without stopping the organized workflow.


The formation of corrosion on the surface of the car body leads many motorists to despair. This means that you will have to contact a special service and lay out a significant amount for repairs. Of course, there are alternative means of cleaning metal surfaces in the form of sandpaper And grinder, but sandblasting is much more efficient and faster. And this applies not only to metal, but also to stone, as well as concrete products and building structures. The main thing is to choose the right model sandblaster. Pneumatic devices have gained the greatest popularity. At a low cost, they guarantee the complete disposal of any surface from unwanted coatings without harming the useful structure of the material.

The EURO BLASTING company offers all its customers sandblasting of parts, car bodies, wheels and other items. This process is carried out only after the troubleshooting of the elements was carried out, for their further suitability for full use.

Sandblasting details allows you to ideally prepare them for subsequent painting. Thanks to this technology, craftsmen manage to get to the most hard-to-reach places, which is almost impossible to do with other types of mechanical cleaning. This is the indisputable advantage of this method, since any, even a very small, uncleaned area of ​​​​rust further leads to the formation of a large corrosion center.

Prices for sandblasting parts

Name of works The cost of rub./sq.m.
Stainless steel (white) 300
Stainless steel (after rolling), ferrous metal (rust/scale), painted metal ( sheet metal, metal. structures) 300
Granite, concrete, brick and structures made of them 200
Artificial aging of bricks / Cleaning of facades 200
Artificial aging of wood (brochage) 240
Sanding wood with an abrasive method 180
Removing paint from wood 240

Final cost and discounts for sandblasting (shot blasting) cleaning, painting and application protective materials depend on the volume and conditions of the work performed.

The cost of cleaning vehicles and elements

Name Cost, rub.
Sandblasting cars(without attachments) from 12000
Sandblasting of passenger cars (with attachments) from 16000
Sandblasting of a tipper body of a truck with a volume of 10-12 cubic meters from 12000
Sandblasting of a dump body of a truck with a volume of 20 cubic meters from 15000
Sandblasting TONAR tipper body from 20000
Sandblasting of car carriers, container carriers, vehicle frames, etc. from 10000
Sandblasting 6 m3 mixer from 18000
Sandblasting 9 cbm mixer from 20000
Sandblasting 12 cbm mixer from 22000
Sandblasting of cement trucks, fuel trucks and other tanks with a volume of 30 cubic meters or more from 30000
Wheel arches, towbar, valve cover, etc. 300
Brake drums, intake / exhaust manifold, pan, threshold, fenders, springs, springs, etc. 500
Fuel tank up to 60 liters 1500
Fuel tank from 61 to 100 liters 2500
Fuel tank from 101 to 200 liters 3000
Fuel tank over 200 liters 3500
Wheel disk 500

Prices are on type species cars and their elements.

The final prices depend on the volume of work performed, the type of car, the degree of corrosion and contamination.

The cost of abrasives

Features of the processing process

Sandblasting of parts makes it possible to completely clean the element from the following types of contaminants:

  • layer scale
  • corrosion products
  • deposits in the form of soot
  • remnants of the old paintwork
  • stuck oil products
  • And other contaminants

After processing the surface of the element with a jet of abrasive material, the service life of newly applied coatings on the treated surface of the metal element significantly increases, provided that the technological cycle is strictly observed. This is facilitated by the fact that before applying a new paint coating, all sandblasted elements have a clean, fat-free surface that has a roughness, which increases the adhesive properties of the applied paints or other compositions.

The process of cleaning the surface occurs by exposure to a jet of abrasive material, which is supplied under compressed air pressure. As an abrasive, on the processed metal element through a nozzle of small diameter. Sometimes, in the presence of significant old contaminants, granules in the form of shot are added to the sand in order to destroy the stuck layer.

Turning to professionals is an effective solution to the problem

The EURO BLASTING company has the necessary scientific and technical potential, as well as a staff of highly qualified specialists, thanks to which all work on the processing of metal elements with sand is carried out professionally, high quality and as soon as possible.

Increasingly in different areas of production for cleaning various surfaces sandblasting is used. This technology allows you to work with products made of stone, concrete, steel and other materials.

By using sandblasting you can effectively and quickly get rid of old paint, rust and other contaminants, which will subsequently contribute to corrosion protection. In this case, it becomes possible to achieve surface cleanliness, roughness and the presence of salts.

Sandblasting can be found in shipbuilding, carriage building and bridge building. This type of treatment is also used to extend the service life of gas and oil pipelines.

Sandblasting allows for effective degreasing of the surface. This is another an important factor in preparation for painting and applying any other protective coatings. Sandblasting cleans incandescence, slag, oil, bituminous and other types of contaminants.

Our offer

The Antikor-M company offers products, including sandblasting equipment, from the manufacturer - Velikoluksky Mechanical Plant. We have equipment in our warehouse with which to high level sandblasting is carried out. It is also called sandblasting. At the same time, its price is affordable.

All products of the plant comply with strict international quality standards. All sandblasting and processing equipment has a quality guarantee. If necessary, you can get service from our company.

Individual approach

In the catalog presented on the website, you will find detailed specifications on all sandblasting machines capable of processing any surface, and other equipment with which sandblasting of surfaces is carried out. This will make it easy for you to navigate wide range of our products.

You can always contact our consultants if you need surface treatment and cleaning using sandblasting equipment. They will assist you in selecting the optimal product as well as the target material to be processed. The proposed option will suit your budget, and at the same time, the performance of sandblasting will meet modern quality standards.

Flexible working conditions

If you need a VMZ product that is not listed in our catalog, we will order it directly from the manufacturer, or you will need some individual project sandblasting equipment. In this case you will get necessary equipment for surface cleaning in the shortest possible time and at minimal cost.

The absence of intermediaries makes wholesale and retail purchases at Antikor-M Company as profitable as possible. With us, quality cleaning becomes affordable. We work with Russian companies, as well as with representatives of neighboring countries.

Cleaning using sandblasting is the main specialization of our activity. Call to find out more about the terms of cooperation with our company.

Some of our products:

Product detailed information about the product Price
Stationary injection chamber KSO-80-ISF RUB 163.350.00
Stationary injection chamber KSO-110-ISFR RUB 266.750.00

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Sandblasting, processing perfect tool for cleaning, surface treatment of stone, concrete, brick, and of course metal. Dry cleaning method. Sandblasting preparation metal products for coating, cleaning the surface of ferrous metals from mill scale and corrosion products in degrees Sa3, Sa 2 1/2, Sa 2. Sandblasting is the most effective tool for removing paint from any surface. One of the most effective way cleaning is sandblasting stone. Sandblasting services are in demand in many areas of activity. Sandblasting services can be ordered by making an application through our website.

Background: On October 18, 1970, a patent for the sandblasting method was issued in the USA, after a similar patent was received in the UK in the same year. possible methods cleaning surfaces - the era of blasting has come.

Sandblasting surfaces has the following main applications:

1. Metal sandblasting, cleaning metal surfaces from scale, old paint, rust and other contaminants. Sandblasting of metal is determined by degrees Sa3, Sa 2 1/2, Sa 2, Sa l ISO 8501-1:2007: “Preparation of the steel base before applying paints and similar coatings”, GOST 9.402-2004 also defines 4 degrees of cleaning:

  • When examined at 6x magnification, scale and rust are not detected;
  • When viewed with the naked eye, mill scale, rust, burn marks, molding sand residues and other non-metallic layers are not detected;
  • Not more than 5% of the surface has spots and streaks of tightly bonded mill scale and foundry skin visible to the naked eye. No more than 10% of the plate area 25x25mm is occupied by scale on any part of the product surface;
  • Rust and flaking scale have been removed from the surface.

2. Metal sandblasting from rust before painting and thermal spraying, cleaning to white metal.

3. Sandblasting facades from plaster residues, cleaning brick facades from efflorescence, sanitation concrete surfaces, cleaning surfaces from salt deposits, removing paint from walls, mold and graffiti.

4. Sandblasting wood surfaces from old paint, mold, restoration of the structure of wood, artificial aging of wood, cleaning of soot and soot.

5. Sandblasting granite and marble stone, cleaning paving stones from paint and atmospheric deposits.

6. Decorative glass matting.

7. Creating a decorative "roughness" of the surface.

Sandblasting Technology It consists in accelerating abrasive particles from a sandblaster using the energy of compressed air.

Professional craftsmanship is required to ensure effective cleaning. high quality sandblasting equipment and quality control. Each element affects the result of the entire system. Sandblasting services that can only be performed after training and instructions on safety requirements.

Sandblasting the surface extends the operational life of the coating by 5 times, which makes it possible to significantly save on the current or overhaul metal products. The abrasive mixture used has sharp particles that create roughness on the treated surface, notches or profile. It is this profile that is indicated on the packaging of paint and varnish products for various types of coatings.

Sandblasting is ideal for cleaning pipelines, hydraulic structures, various containers, metal products and industrial metal structures. Sandblasting in Moscow is most relevant for wet or wet processing.