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Fir Normandy planting and care. Caucasian fir - plant features, varieties, cultivation and care. Due to the poor survival rate of cuttings, the type species propagates at home by seed.

  1. Description
  2. Spreading
  3. Popular varieties
  4. reproduction
  5. Landing: the subtleties of preparation
  6. Description of the disembarkation process
  7. How to care for a tree

Nordmann fir, or Caucasian fir, ( lat. Abies nordmanniana) was first described by the Finnish-Russian botanist Alexander von Nordmann. Belongs to the family Pine genus Fir.

Fir requires soil rich in minerals and fertilizers. Prefers loam. In such conditions, the tree develops rapidly and gives growth. It also grows on alkaline soils.

Fir tolerates frost well down to -30 ° C. With age, frost resistance increases.

The optimal belt for breeding is 1200–2000 meters above sea level. The plant can be planted in the shade and on open area, not afraid of the wind.

Popular varieties

Abies nordmanniana put on household plots, in city parks. Used varieties:

  • "Jadwiga",
  • "Pendula"

  • "Bright Green"
  • Golden Spreader,

  • Borjomi.

The latter is similar to the Caucasian. Features of other varieties:

  • "Pendula". It grows slowly, the crown is already normal. Used to decorate areas.
  • "Jadwiga". Grows faster than other representatives. The crown is narrowed, rapidly increasing in diameter. The tree is suitable for landscaping.
  • golden spreader. Eternal dwarf. Slowly growing, height - up to 1 m at the age of 10. Bred in pots, planted on Alpine rollercoaster. Special care is not required.

Danish spruce is distributed throughout the world. New varieties are constantly being introduced.


Propagated by mature seeds. The vegetative system is poorly developed - cuttings are grafted with great difficulty or this function is completely absent. Seeds ripen in October-November. They need to be collected during this period, until the material flew out of the opened cone.

Collect seeds from mature trees.

Landing: preparation

Seeds are sown in the ground, leaving holes for the embryo to breathe, placed in a refrigerator or basement for stratification. Withstand 1-1.5 months.

Germinate seeds in a pot or wait for early shoots in a forest belt. Shoots grow slowly, the process will not even speed up good care. If scheduled spring planting, it makes sense to purchase a ready-made 5–10-year-old seedling. Younger individuals will die in a new place, the old ones will not take root: firs do not like transplantation.

The place is chosen open, not cluttered with other trees. Soils must be fertile. When designing alleys or planting several individuals, the distance between the trees is calculated. For prospectuses - 3–4.5 m, for groups - 2.5 m each.

Description of the disembarkation process

General plan of action:

  1. They dig a hole 50 x 50 or 60 x 60 cm, up to 80 cm deep. Dimensions depend on the power of the seedling, its root system.
  2. A drainage layer is poured at the bottom - 20 cm broken brick or gravel.
  3. Add mineral fertilizers for conifers, about 10 kg of sawdust of medium size.
  4. The pit is kept for 2 weeks.
  5. The roots of the seedling are moistened with water, placed in the prepared recess so that the root collar remains above ground level.
  6. Abundantly watered.

In the first winter, on frosty days, the Nordmann fir must be covered insulating materials. In the future, such care will not be needed.


Nordmann Fir or Caucasian Fir (Abies Nordmanniana)- very popular as Christmas tree. Very beautiful conifer tree, regular wide-conical shape. Cut off, it does not shed its needles for a long time. Such Christmas tree will stay fluffy for up to 10 weeks. But it is sensitive to dry air, so regular spraying is necessary. The natural habitat of these beautiful plants is the western part of the Caucasian ridge, where they form entire fir forests. Grows together with oriental spruce and beech. Caucasian fir- high large tree, reaching a height of up to 50 m (there are specimens and 80 m high), with a diameter of about 7 m. Lives up to 700 years. Growth per year is about 15 cm, but in natural conditions it grows faster. The needles are dark green, shiny, up to 4 cm long, with reverse side lighter with two longitudinal stripes. The needles last up to 13 years. When rubbed, it has a citrus smell. Cones are large, grow up, brown-brown, at the beginning of maturation - green. Fir Nordmann has a high shade tolerance. Soils for caucasian fir light, neutral and slightly alkaline are suitable. But it can also grow on poor soils. Propagated only by seeds. Easily tolerates frosts down to -30 ° C. Under natural conditions, it grows to the upper border of forest vegetation. Needs watering in the spring, during the period of drought, a weekly sprinkling is sufficient. Likes moist air. But it does not tolerate waterlogging and soil compaction. Has a deep root system. Two years after planting young plants, fertilizers can be applied. Does not require shaping pruning. Grows poorly in urban environments due to sensitivity to air pollution.

Size: 50 m in height, growth per year is about 15 cm. With age, the growth rate increases. At the age of 30, the height of the tree reaches 10 m.
Crown shape: Correct wide-conical, the lower branches descend to the ground.
Needles: Dark green, long, has characteristic light stripes below.
Fruit: Large, first green, then become brown-brown. Up to 15 cm long.
Light: Sun, partial shade, grows well in the shade.

Undemanding to soils. Fit with fresh, fertile, loamy, slightly acidic to alkaline substrates.Prefers damp places.

Frost resistance:

Frost-resistant. In the cold season, m Young growths must be protected from frost. Requires protection from strong winds, butwind-resistant in sufficiently moist places.


Fir Nordmann most often used as a Christmas tree. In landscape design, it is widely used for landscaping parks and gardens in North America and Western Europe. Suitable for single and group landings. It is rarely used for urban greening due to poor resistance to air pollution. Valued for high quality wood.

Live Danish fir (Abies Nordmanniana varieties), which can be ordered with delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region. Stunning Christmas tree from Danish forest nurseries.

Key features of the tree

  • Nordmann fir is resistant: it does not shed needles for a long time and better tolerates the heat and dryness of the room;
  • the crown of the tree has a regular conical shape;
  • the needles are soft, not prickly and have a slight fir smell.

This is one of my favorites Christmas trees Europe and America. It is grown on the northern coast of Europe, in Denmark (hence the name - Danish tree). Many Danish farmers have been growing firs for the New Year for generations. Most of them opt for Danish firs because of their durability: the needles do not turn yellow and do not crumble for a long time.

Nordman (or as Nordmann is sometimes called) has an excellent, almost perfect shape with fluffy branches thanks to permanent care and pruning by foresters. The needles of the New Year's tree are shiny dark green. The needles are long and flat, not prickly.

back side positive qualities fir Nordmann - its value. Due to the additional costs of care and delivery, it is more expensive than ordinary Russian firs and pines.


Fir is a fairly heavy tree, especially if it is over 1.5 m high. We recommend ordering door-to-door delivery by courier to avoid unnecessary hassle. Additionally, you can buy fir with installation in a stand.

Christmas tree stand, installation and delivery are not included in the price.

Resting in the park or walking in the park, going on a hike or going on a picnic in the forest, we notice a huge abundance coniferous plants, which, without any doubt, delight us with evergreen colors, a peculiar aroma and unforgettable beauty.

Fir belongs to the pine family and includes about 50 species. IN Russian Federation(RF) such interesting specimens are very popular:

  1. Siberian fir;
  2. Korean;
  3. caucasian.

Siberian fir

Siberian fir - the most common type on the territory of the Russian Federation (Western, Eastern Siberia). The maximum height of trees reaches about 35 meters. The trunk at the top is tubular, at the bottom it is fissured. The diameter of the trunk can be about 0.6 meters. The wood is pale yellow, actually white.

The photo of Siberian fir impresses with a huge abundance of cones, thin branches, abundantly covered with odorous, non-spiny needles, and a narrow-conical crown. The tree has an elongated taproot that goes deep into the ground, from which a huge number of lateral roots depart. Due to its strong root integrity and columnar crown, the Siberian beauty is resistant to gusty winds.

Powerful root system

However, on moist loamy, calcareous soils, the tree forms shallow root system. In particular, it is present on the roots. The bark of the plant is in most cases thin, dark gray in color with slight thickenings, which contain a colorless, odorous turpentine, called "fir balsam".

The buds of the trees are wrapped in a protective layer of resin and are securely protected by scales tightly adjoining each other. Lighting - shade-tolerant, but can grow well in well-lit places. Blooms in May average duration life about two hundred years. Therefore, you should take a photo against the background of this beauty.

One of the distinguishing features of Siberian fir from other conifers is shedding after the ripening of scales from cones. After that, protruding rods remain on the branches for a long time.

Korean fir - description

Korean fir or Korean fir has an extensive cone-shaped crown, short juicy needles. By the way, the height is within 15 meters. The branches grow in layers, and the buds look like small purple or blue cylinders (5-7 centimeters). It is well adapted to cultivation in the northern regions of Russia ( winter-hardy variety), has several subspecies that differ in size and crown configuration.

It should be noted, and the fact that Korean fir in the landscape design of urban areas is rarely used, because the tree is very susceptible to air pollution. Meanwhile, outside the city, in particular, in their own possessions, it is used without problems.

Korean fir - grows well in conditions middle lane, in mixed forests, and also found in the wild, usually in the mountains, at an altitude of 1000 to 1850 meters above sea level. The needles (leaf) of this tree are glossy, two-color - white below and dark green above.

Auxiliary beauty to a tree in adult status is given by cones. The cone is distinguished by a juicy purple or blue color and an impressive size that reaches about 10 centimeters in length and 4 centimeters in width. Inside are Korean fir seeds, which are oval-shaped spheres of a dark brown hue.

Fir is quite shade-tolerant, but it is better formed with sufficient lighting. In the first years of life, it is better to organize partial shade, in the future they can grow in open sunny areas. It is quite moisture-loving, in dry summer time it needs abundant watering. On hot days, it is advisable not to forget about sprinkling the crown at least once a week. These plants look great in any season, so they are widely used in landscape structures.

One of the significant qualities of using Korean fir is the leisurely growth of these plants. In the conditions of the average Russian strip, the annual growth does not exceed 3-5 centimeters. For example, in a thirty-year-old fir, the height fluctuates within 3 meters. In addition, there are dwarf ornamental trees that are suitable for landscaping small suburban areas. Korean fir in the photo looks great not only in combination with deciduous and coniferous trees, but also with shrubs.

Korean fir looks especially impressive in the photo next to birches, red-leaved maples and purple-leaved varieties. undersized dwarf varieties firs are successfully combined with similar varieties of arborvitae, pine, cypress, spruce and juniper and are perfect for landscaping rocky mountains and planting in tubs. Perennials can become ideal neighbors for Korean fir flowering plants, as well as fruit and berry crops.

Fir is in keeping with the main traditions of Christmas trees, and therefore it is not surprising that it is often used as a Christmas tree, for example, in the middle of a lawn. With a lush crown, it will be able to preserve the picturesqueness of the lower branches for a long time, bringing a touch of sophistication to modern design.

Moreover, it has a significant advantage purify the air in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire area on which it is planted, collecting with its needles all kinds of harmful impurities from environment and isolating phytoncides.

Korean fir varieties

Korean fir - photo and perfect choice:

Korean fir care

During care it is desirable comply with the requirements of agricultural technology of the variety or variety you have purchased. In most cases, in the first two years after planting, you should only water the plant from time to time and loosen (surface) near the trunk to a depth of five centimeters. In addition, it is worth eliminating all weeds and keeping the soil in perfect condition. In the third year of life, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied. The soil is mulched and loosened. Of the rottisite fertilizers, the multi-purpose Kemira is recommended. which in early spring period applied in the amount of 150 milligrams for each plant.

Caucasian fir

The plant was to the liking of the owners of gardens as a component of the design of the backyard area.

A tree of this species outshines its European counterpart rich and bulky crown, plausible and wide needles, unpretentiousness and a variety of colors - all this, of course, serves as a real reason to plant Caucasian fir on the territory of your site to create a unique landscape design. Thus, the abundance of cones and the height of the fir will give the garden a certain charm with its compositional completeness.

Nordmann's Caucasian fir - this name was given to the culture in honor of one Russian-Finnish scientist studying plants, Alexander von Nordmann. It was he who in 1835 discovered such a plant near Borjomi (on the territory of Georgia). The scientist described the plant in detail, noted its attractive appearance and special power. It is important to consider the features of planting Caucasian fir and caring for it.

Place of culture

The Norman fir is a type of fir that reaches a height of up to fifty meters. The total diameter of a tree trunk can reach up to two meters. The crown of the plant has a pyramidal shape. Such a culture is called the Apollo tree, in honor of the ancient Greek god of the Sun.

Another name for the culture is "Trojan horse". There is a legend that when creating a Trojan horse, the wood of this particular culture was used. Currently, the tree is considered very popular with European residents. They use it to decorate the house for the Christmas holidays.

In nature, such a culture grows on the territory of Asia Minor and the mountains of the Caucasus. The plant can be found in the forests of Denmark.

Culture has a high life expectancy - up to 7000 years. The needles on the tree are distinguished by a light green color, may have a characteristic sheen. Small needles are directed forward, in length they can reach up to four centimeters. The bark of the plant is smooth and grey colour. When growing up, it begins to change to a brown hue.

The needles can reach only up to 30 millimeters, they are painted dark green on top, with white stripes on the bottom. On cone-bearing shoots, the needles are comb-like, on vegetative ones - notched, and on the lateral ones - in rows of needles that go along the entire shoot. On a plant in the conditions of natural growth, the needles continue to be preserved for thirteen years.

The root system of the culture is quite deep. The plant grows best in a loose soil mixture. while its growth accelerates. Special attention the tree pays an indicator of the humidity of the environment. Fir can withstand extreme cold (down to -25 degrees Celsius). Used as an ornamental crop.

Common varieties

There are the most common varieties of this tree:

plant description

Normandy fir belongs to the group of evergreen crops, which can reach a height of up to eighty meters (it should be borne in mind that this only happens when growing in nature).

If the gardener is going to plant fir on the territory of his site, then it is important to consider the following features:

Given all the conditions, a culture can continue to grow for 700 years in one place. It should be noted that the growth of the tree occurs regardless of the age of the crop.

Anyone who wants to grow Norman's fir in his country house can not be afraid of anything: such a culture is completely unpretentious and can easily grow in any area. In case of difficulties, the gardener can independently provide the culture with all the necessary conditions.

Site selection and landing

Normandy fir is a plant that can take root at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level. In the lowlands, such a plant shows slow growth, which, when grown with decorative purpose won't matter much. The main feature of the culture (excluding some varieties) is the ability to grow both on illuminated sunbeams areas, as well as in the shade. It does not respond to strong winds, but it grows best in conditions with high humidity.

Selection of soil mixture

Caucasian fir prefers to grow in nutrient soil, which contains a large number of minerals and useful components. It is best to use loam for planting a plant, but a good increase in a tree is observed even when it is planted in soils with a high acidity index.

Culture propagation is allowed only with fully ripened seeds, since vegetative methods show themselves on the negative side. Cuttings may not take root at all or take root, but with great difficulty. If we talk about seeds, then their full ripening is noted at the end of October. Only those seeds that fly out of the cavity of the cone on their own can be considered ripe.

Features of planting a plant

Since Danish fir can be propagated only with the help of seeds, they are stratified a few months before planting in the soil. To do this, the seeds are first placed in a container with soil inside, then they are placed in a refrigerator or in a cold basement.

In spring, the seeds are germinated in the heat, the sprouts obtained from the seeds are transplanted into large containers. Most often, such a crop is grown in pots for six years. and only after that it is planted in open soil. This is due to the instability of young fir trees. They can quickly die when exposed to any negative factors.

If all conditions are taken into account, then the plant must be transplanted to suburban area in the form of a seedling, bought in flower shop or a special nursery. For this, a pit is preliminarily prepared with a depth of 70 and a width of 50 centimeters. To the specified depth, you need to add a layer that includes a drainage layer, the presence of which is considered mandatory when planting a plant (for this, it is important to use gravel and crushed stone). For quick establishment of the seedling and its active growth you need to create a special soil mixture:

  • humus - 15 percent;
  • peat mixture - 43 percent;
  • clay - 30 percent;
  • fine sand - 13 percent.

To the resulting soil is added complex top dressing, part of it spills out to the bottom of the created hole as a slide. After that, the rhizomes of the seedling are carefully spread over the soil and completely covered with earth from above. Watering the plant is important only during planting.

Proper Care

Norman fir does not need special care from the gardener, but, depending on the characteristics of growing a flower, it is still important to look after it carefully.

When growing a plant, it is important to ensure that it is measured watering and fertilizing. They are applied most often during the growing season. Watering is allowed for seedlings that have just been planted in the ground, adult trees are allowed not to be watered at all, since their rhizomes can independently provide themselves with the right amount of moisture.

If we talk about fertilizing a crop, then it should be started only from the fifth year of growing a plant in open ground. It is best to use complexes of liquid products for feeding, which are important for conifers.

Caucasian fir is particularly resistant to cold. A middle-aged plant can normally tolerate frosts below thirty degrees Celsius, and with age this figure only becomes more. But young fir seedlings do not tolerate low temperatures well, so with the onset of winter it is important for them to provide protection.

Young plantings are very sensitive to weeds at the planting site, so it is important to carefully treat the perimeter near the tree and remove all weeds. To keep the soil clean for longer, it is best to mulch it regularly, using rotten sawdust for this.

Possible diseases

If the needles of a tree begin to dry out quickly, and honey drops appear on it, then the plant is sick with a false shield. You can eliminate it with the help of burlap traps, which are impregnated with caterpillar glue.

If you properly care for Norman's fir, it will delight gardeners with its smell and beauty for a long time. A tree rarely gets sick - it is best to prevent this by carefully monitoring its condition.