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Projects of houses with an attic and a garage. Individual project of a house with an attic and a garage

Projects of houses with an attic and a garage are aesthetically pleasing and practical. the best option rational use of the area is simply not to come up with. Few people use the attic, except perhaps for household needs. But having improved it a little, you will get a magnificent house with an attic, where you can place a children's room, a bedroom or an office.

Attic in the house

Now more and more often they order a house project with an attic and a garage. Such a compact extension makes it possible to significantly save land space for arranging a cozy courtyard, besides, it looks beautiful. Such a large or not very large mansion can become a kind of visiting card of the owner and tell a lot about his tastes.

Decided to build cottage with an attic, get ready for the fact that the project of the roof of the house will have to be developed very carefully and with the involvement of specialists. After all, warm and humid air that rises from the house forms condensate, and external natural influences (rain, snow, sun) can significantly affect the condition interior decoration rooms upstairs. In order to prevent this from happening, reliable steam, heat and waterproofing will be required. But despite some special requirements, the increase in living space is worth it. And the cost is cheaper than the construction of a two-story building with the same area.

So, the roof is ready, it remains to think over and implement its insulation, so that in the future the room would be cozy and comfortable. As you know, the heat loss is the greatest there. This is due to the fact that there is no natural thermal cushion that exists in structures with an ordinary ceiling.

Such a house roof project requires careful and careful selection of materials for insulation. Lots of options:

  • Styrofoamcheap material, easy to install, good thermal insulator, but flammable;
  • fiberboard. Such material is best used if there is a bath under the attic. Fiberboard is an excellent heat and sound insulator, it is easy to work with it. However, its use in residential areas is not recommended;
  • glass wool- Budget option. But laying it is somewhat problematic: a lot of dust hazardous to health, special protection will be required. But the advantage is undeniable - the thermal insulation qualities are excellent, it is resistant to ignition.

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Projects of two-story houses with a garage

Sample projects two-storey houses with a garage in large quantities, for every taste are offered by many construction companies. The owner of the land plot for construction can only choose the one he likes. Well, if the site is large, then you do not have to save space. But there are sites that are quite narrow, it seems that there is simply no way to build your dream house on it. But it's not. There are also projects for buildings with a garage in such areas.

Features for narrow areas:

  • one wall is erected “deaf”, that is, without windows. This allows you to locate the building as close as possible to the boundary boundary of the site with neighbors;
  • outbuildings are recommended to be placed along the longitudinal walls. Thus, bedrooms, living rooms, and other rooms that require bright lighting are located at the ends, their natural lighting is maximum;
  • entrance - gable or from the end, which also saves space by building a porch or a small veranda;
  • if the building faces a noisy highway, it can be fenced with green spaces, and a garage can be built at the front of the site. So it will not take up much space;
  • about all additional engineering systems it is advisable to think in advance (well, lighting, etc.), even before the start of construction, so that you do not have to lay out additional funds. After all, changes in an already approved project will require additional payment.

Well, what is a homestead without a garden? To make it beautiful, original, landscape designers are advised to divide it into zones with arches, trellises, green spaces. However, the zones should not be completely isolated from one another. Otherwise, the site will turn into many, albeit cozy, but cramped corners.

Projects of one-story houses with a garage

The main factor affecting the number of storeys in the construction of a house, most often, the size of the land. Projects one-story houses with a garage are more in demand because of the ease of movement around the building, especially if there are small children or the elderly - you do not need to climb the stairs every day, especially since the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room does not always allow you to make them convenient for movement. And screw ones, which occupy a minimum area, are not easy to overcome even for an adult healthy person.

When building a mansion with a garage, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe land is also saved. After all, a car house attached to the main building will take less space in the yard, which will create comfort in its use. In addition to the direct purpose, you can adapt it to a workshop or store unnecessary things in residential premises.

  • You don't have to go outside during the rain to get into the car, because the entrance to it can be directly from the house;
  • no need to worry about your car left on the street or in the parking lot;
  • In winter, you do not have to warm up the engine for a long time to start it.

Is this home your dream home?

If the estimated area of ​​houses is 150 sq. m or 100 sq. m, then they will be quite economical, despite the fact that the roof will require certain costs. In the room itself, it is possible, by designing several corridors, which will also be endowed with a certain functionality, to isolate each room.

The room upstairs will look more spacious if the angle of the roof is large. It depends on this, and in what capacity it will be used as a living space: a nursery, a bedroom, or summer version verandas. In any case, the presence of such a room will meet the needs of all family members.

Advantages of a building with a room under the roof:

  • aesthetics, design affects the appearance of a mansion or cottage;
  • a huge range of materials is used for construction (brick, log, timber and other building materials);
  • the cost of roof insulation will be much higher than the insulation of the attic.

Each mansard mansard is unique. For their design, architects use bay windows, exclusive windows, balconies, columns. Interior design rooms can be no less original: non-standard furniture, designer interior delights, functional niches for various purposes, all this will make housing unique, characteristic only for the inhabitants of the house.

Even if you remake an ordinary roof into an attic, a foundation that is not designed for the construction of a second floor, it will not bear a heavy load. After all, relatively light building materials are used for the room upstairs: glass wool, fiberboard, foam plastic, drywall, and other light but reliable ones.

If you intend to live “in the attic” all year round, then you don’t need to save on the quality of building materials. Remember the proverb: a miser pays twice.

House 8 by 8 with an attic

An 8 by 8 house with an attic is an economy option compared to building a one-story or two-story house. This is an ideal option for price and quality. Beautiful projects such buildings can be found on many sites of construction companies that are engaged in the construction of mansions, cottages, country houses.

A small house with a room in the attic is appropriate for construction both in a summer cottage and for permanent housing, if the space does not allow the construction of a large mansion or cottage. Such houses are rational, have a number of advantages over one-story ones:

  • the area will be almost the same;
  • inside it will be warmer due to the fact that the attic is not heated in vain;
  • construction, turnkey delivery is cheaper - less building materials will be needed, which means that cash costs will be reduced;
  • the communication length is significantly reduced, the costs too;
  • saving land on the site.

Have you decided to build a small mansion, are you deciding between a one-story with an attic and a two-story one? Choose the first option, but be prepared for some features:

  • the optimal attic wall is from one meter to 1.2 m;
  • so that it is not stuffy, the ventilation system must be properly designed, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without specialists;
  • although lucarnes make the house more attractive, they give much less light than windows;
  • without problems, such houses are built initially, but if the roof of a one-story one is being redone, then you need to take into account the features and parameters of the floor ( roof structures, roofing pies, etc.).

When erecting all buildings 8 by 8 m, like any other buildings, climatic conditions and soils are taken into account. In accordance with them, building materials are selected.

Projects of houses from a bar with an attic

Already only projects of houses made of timber with an attic look spectacular, original. And the finished buildings are simply amazing. In addition to being beautiful, they are also cozy and comfortable. It is not for nothing that our ancestors appreciated this building material many centuries ago, building their dwellings from logs.

IN Lately everyone builds housing from a bar more people- fashionable unusual design, stylish, creative look attracts. But the main thing is that it is profitable, and living in it is comfortable. Photos of house projects can be viewed here.

Each building is thought out in design, you will not find the same. And if the owner also fantasizes, then it can turn out just a fabulous house. Is it possible to resist the temptation to sit in a room with a glass wall on a cold winter evening or a warm summer evening, admire nature outside the window?

Houses made of timber have proven themselves as country buildings, and as a full-fledged housing for year-round use. Typical projects for such log cabins with an attic are designed for large one-story, two-story buildings, for compact 6x9, 8x8 meters of country houses.

Timber buildings are always unique. After all, the requirements that are fully met:

  • originality;
  • beauty:
  • demand;
  • inexpensive price;
  • speed of work.

Buildings are built from high-tech materials, such as profiled timber. Coniferous wood is used for its manufacture. Beam from inside, as a rule, planed, flat, and its outer side can be semi-oval. The profile bar can be both for winter buildings and for country houses. It differs in thickness. Thickness up to 200 millimeters is a bar for capital buildings.

As you can see - almost useless, cold attic can turn into cozy room where you can retire, receive guests over a cup of coffee, or arrange a comfortable bedroom. Yes, and outside such a structure will greatly improve appearance mansion. The attic will make any house unique, original.

  • windows should preferably be located on the south side of the house;
  • the height of the ceilings should be such that a person can walk without bending over three deaths.
  • The most common construction mistakes:

    • the insulation layer is laid taking into account the climatic zone;
    • there should be no gaps in the insulation;
    • it is not recommended to use a heater for horizontal surfaces;
    • in places where insulation material adjoins the walls, its contour must be closed.

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    helpful tips">

    Buildings with - a practical and very attractive idea for an individual site. The cost of equipping a residential attic is less than the construction of a full-fledged floor, additional square meters will appear in the house. For suburban area most best option– . Projects, photos of successful interiors and recommendations experienced builders- in our material.

    Even small attic transform the facade of the house and make it unique

    The attic refers to the living space under the roof. The roof for the arrangement of a residential attic must have a double slope, such that the height of the attic space is not less than human height at the highest point.

    Important! A high ceiling should occupy at least half of the area. Smaller sizes will cause discomfort in a person.

    The outer wall of the residential attic consists of two planes: inclined and vertical. The vertical part is built from the main material of the house, the inclined part consists of blood rafters and inner lining.

    For your information! The attic in urban planning standards is considered a residential floor.

    When building a private house, many owners think about the question: give preference to a full-fledged floor or an attic?

    Advantages and disadvantages of country houses with an attic: projects with a full floor or a residential attic?

    The main argument in favor attic floor the cheapness of its arrangement is always given. Is it really? Reduced costs due to the use frame structure roofs. In practice, the larger the roof and, accordingly, the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe frame for sheathing, the more profitable the attic.

    But it should be remembered, no matter how spacious the attic is, in any case it occupies less usable area than the real floor. It turns out that in order to make the attic room suitable for living, it is necessary to provide for such an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe first floor that it exceeds the attic at least twice.

    In order to create a normal microclimate in the attic room, it is necessary to provide a ventilation system with forced air supply. All these costs will form an additional burden during construction. And in fact, the savings will not be so significant.

    Supporters attic construction note that houses with such "curly" roofs look attractive. And the designers add that the arrangement of a residential attic has many original solutions.

    Prudent owners do not like it when something goes to waste. Including attic space. Some turn it into a dump of unnecessary things. But in fact, it can accommodate a full-fledged office, workshop, bedroom or even a children's room.

    Opponents of such prudence remind that the active exploitation of the space under the roof worsens the condition of the roof structure and greatly complicates its repair.

    Expert point of view

    Yaroslav Galaiko

    Lead Designer and Head of Ecologica Interiors Studio

    Ask a Question

    “Psychologists warn that the low ceilings of the attic make a person feel enclosed space adversely affecting his psyche. Particularly impressionable natures can even feel suffocation due to low ceilings and sloped walls. It is worth thinking about this fact when planning a children's room in the attic.

    Proponents of a full-fledged second floor give the following comparison:

    AtticSecond floor
    Limited in layout to inclined structuresHas full layout options
    Difficulties with arranging full-fledged windowsLack of problems with the organization of natural lighting
    The design of the walls and ceiling of the attic does not allow you to easily repair the roofMaintainability of the roof and simplicity of roof construction
    The need for complex roofingUse of a simple shaped roof
    The need for forced ventilationUse of natural ventilation
    Strong room heating on hot daysPreservation optimum temperature thanks to the attic space

    Despite all these disputes and disagreements, projects country houses with an attic and a veranda or garage are very popular. This is not surprising, given the growing popularity frame construction offers many options for just such buildings, with a large usable area and a variety of layouts. Consider photo projects of houses with attics in more detail.

    Related article:

    The best projects of houses with an attic: photos with drawings

    A good residential building design should take into account many factors:

    • the climate of the area in which the construction will be carried out;
    • features of the soil and landscape of the site;
    • a combination of home decoration with surrounding buildings and terrain;
    • organization as much as possible comfortable conditions accommodation for all family members, taking into account their age and individual needs.

    The finished project of a house with an attic is developed by professional architects with the participation of specialists of a narrow profile. It is important to consider not only the location of the rooms, but also the features of the placement of engineering networks.

    Projects are suitable for a summer cottage small area, 36 - 40 square meters. This space is quite enough to accommodate a kitchen and a spacious living room on the ground floor and two compact bedrooms or an office in the attic. Houses with an area of ​​more than 60 square meters contain a spacious living room, bedroom and kitchen on the ground floor and rooms on the second.

    For big houses ideal would be the construction of a terrace, which can be accessed from the attic floor. From the top there will be a magnificent view of nature.

    Idea! If the house is intended for year-round use, part of the roof can be glazed and the area can be used for a winter garden.

    Country house with an attic: layout 6x6

    With a minimum area is not easy. Project country house 6x6 with an attic is the best choice. In this case, you have not 36, but at least 50 square meters of usable area.

    If the cottage is needed only for a seasonal visit, such space is quite enough for a small family. Over time, an extension can be made to the house if the number of family members increases. What should be considered in the project of a house with an attic 6x6:

    • maximum use of each centimeter of area;
    • the number of people visiting the house at the same time;
    • age of family members;
    • frequency of visiting the suburban area.

    When planning a 6 by 6 house with an attic, it is important to use all the space with maximum benefit. Traditionally, in the center there is a spacious living room with access to the bathroom and kitchen. All these rooms will completely occupy the first floor. In order not to be crowded, they select compact furniture.

    The kitchen should have two entrances: from the room and from the yard. Table setting in summer gazebo it will be much easier, and it will be easier to cook on a hot day by opening wide the exit to the garden.

    In this option, they are located in the attic. Here you can make two full bedrooms for the owners and children.

    For a bathroom, four square meters is enough. If the dacha is visited only in summer, Summer shower can be organized in the yard. Those who like to take a steam bath put a bathhouse on the site. If you do not provide a shower or bathroom in the house, you can leave three square meters for the toilet. Washing machine while installing in the kitchen.

    Frame houses with an attic (projects 6x6) do not provide for internal stairs. They are placed outside. This technique also saves a lot of space. For storage of things in the house, compact mezzanines should be provided.

    Here is an approximate plan of a house with an attic 6 by 6:

    The specifics of the layout of houses 9 by 9 with an attic: photos of successful solutions

    The house with a total area of ​​eighty square meters is a popular project. Builders note that this project has an optimal ratio of costs and comfort of living. The classic layout includes a bedroom, a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom on the ground floor and two or three more rooms in the attic. They can be used as additional bedrooms or organize an office, a creative workshop and a spacious wardrobe in them.

    Another option for arranging rooms is in the layout of the house 8 by 10 with an attic. Photo example of such a layout:

    What you should know about planning a 10 by 10 house with an attic: photos of the best ideas

    One hundred square meters on the first floor and another seventy on the second - a large family can live in such a house permanently. There is a place for separate rooms for children, a bedroom for parents, an office, a spacious living room and a kitchen. From the outside, the house does not look huge. Projects of a 10x10 house with a foam block attic impress with compact placement on the site. But this is just the case when the external impression is deceptive.

    There is enough space not only for placing bathrooms on each floor, but even for organizing or bathing right in the house. A convenient ladder with a wide passage will allow you to easily lift bulky furniture.

    In such a house, a separate room for the boiler is usually provided. If the foam block house has a basement, a laundry room, heating appliances, a pantry for storing inventory and home seams are located here.

    Layout example:

    Related article:

    In the article, we will consider in detail what are the advantages of these structures, types of technologies, average construction prices, original projects, useful tips and much more.

    Examples of interior design of houses with an attic inside: photo

    Even a small attic can be furnished so that everything you need can fit in it. Inclined ceiling planes partially hide the total area, but you can use them for stylish design rooms.

    Projects of small houses with an attic usually involve placing a bedroom on the second floor. IN summer cottage it is logical to use natural wood trim.

    If the attic occupies a significant area, the task is simplified. Niches between rafters can be used as zoning elements. In one - to place a bed, in the other - a desktop by the window or a sofa for relaxation. The issue of placing a children's room on the attic floor should be approached especially carefully.

    If an office is located in the attic, it is important to consider lighting.

    Another idea for planning a house with an attic (photo below) is the placement of a wardrobe. Here you can build compact and convenient systems storage.

    Tips for building a one-story house with an attic: photos of original ideas

    The arrangement of a residential attic is most often concerned about the owners of small country cottages. Before deciding on such a project, ask to stay with your friends, owners of a similar design. Do you suddenly feel claustrophobic or, on the contrary, find yourself under the impression of attic windows through which you can watch clouds?

    Here, if desired, you can place a wardrobe, a creative workshop, a boiler room, a gym.

    Here are options for organizing attic space:

    Especially in demand with a garage and an attic. This layout is extremely convenient. Especially this option will be appreciated by residents of the northern regions, who know what it is to warm up a car on a frosty day. When the garage is under the same roof as the house, even if it is not central heating, the temperature will be much higher than outside. And the car itself will be reliably protected from all the vagaries of the weather.

    What do projects of houses with an attic of foam blocks look like?

    Projects of houses with an attic made of foam blocks, the photos of which are presented to you, are very popular with developers of individual housing. The reasons for this demand are that houses made of this material are very functional and look solid and luxurious. The cost of building such a structure is lower than the cost of building brick house.

    Country houses are the epitome of a quiet life alone with nature. Such buildings give the owner the freedom to choose the layout, design and even building material. Most often, one-story buildings are supplemented with an attic, a garage, open verandas. All kinds of extensions can be built together with the house during its construction or be completed to an already finished building. Many projects of one-story houses with an attic are designed according to a typical layout, but there are also exclusive options.

    What to consider when building housing with an attic

    It is better to trust the development of a building project to specialists. Lack of experience in this area will lead to the admission of many technical errors, which threatens to destroy the building. However, you still need to know the basic rules. They will help at least roughly outline a sketch of your future housing, which will guide the specialists who make up the project.

    These are the main points every developer should know:

    • If there is a ready-made one-story house, you can’t just attach an attic to it. The walls of the building and the foundation are not designed for additional load. So that cracks do not go along them, the structural elements must be strengthened, and then the attic must be erected.
    • When calculating the height of the attic room, it is necessary to take into account the distance between the ceiling and the floor. Optimal indicator is 2.5 m. In addition to height, it is important to calculate the usable area, depending on the roof structure. It is expressed as a percentage of the ground floor area. For example, ordinary gable roof adds 67% of usable space, and the polyline adds 90%. You can increase the area by 100% by raising the roof by 1.5 m.
    • To achieve a minimum of costs and ensure comfort in the room, the correct calculation of the passage of communications and the stairs connecting the first floor with the attic will help.

    Finally, less important, but useful for providing comfort, you need to plan the location of the partitions of the upper and lower floors.

    Attention! No one is immune from fire and other disasters. When designing a house with an attic, it is necessary to provide outdoor stairs to a balcony or other structure that ensures safe evacuation.

    Examples of finished projects

    How visual material, finished projects help the builder navigate in choosing the size and layout of housing. On the Internet you can find photos of buildings with a garage, an attic and without them. In addition, many projects are designed for a specific building material, such as walls made of foam blocks, wood or brick. The most popular, at the request of suburban developers, are projects of small and medium-sized houses.

    Project and layout of a small house with a 6x6 attic

    A small building with a 6x6 attic is suitable for garden house. The area of ​​two floors will be approximately 50 m2. For a family of 3-4 people this will be enough.

    The advantage of this structure is the simple construction works, plus in the future low utility bills.

    • Built-in furniture in the hallway will help unload the room, making it more spacious. Space savings are achieved by combining the kitchen with the hall, and a staircase is also installed here connecting the lower floor with the attic.
    • The bathroom is connected to the toilet. It is better to install a shower stall here. Under the stairs, free space is given under the pantry. Let it be only 2 m 2, but a useful room is useful for storing things.

    Advice! To expand the usable space will help the construction of a terrace attached to the house.

    An excellent housing project is frame house size 6.44 x 6.44 m. The interior layout includes a dressing room and two bedrooms. A big plus of the frame structure is the ability to carry out construction work yourself in a short time.

    Advice! layout frame house may include a bath. This should be taken into account when considering such projects.

    Planning project for an average house with a 9x9 attic

    The average size of 9x9 m is considered the best choice, in terms of costs, construction and comfort of living. The traditional layout of the lower floor consists of a hall, a kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom. The rooms of the upper floors can be residential or working at the request of the owners. A family of 4 will live comfortably here.

    Comparing the photo layouts of houses 9x9 and 8x10, you can see their complete similarity. The only difference is the shape of the building, forming a square or rectangle.

    You can see an example project in this video:

    Examples of projects of houses with a garage and an attic

    Choosing a project small house with a garage, in addition to amenities, the developer receives great savings by combining walls. The facade of the building, combined with the garage, does not come into contact with the street, which reduces heat loss inside the building. For relaxation near the house there are two terraces. The connection between the living space and the garage is through an internal entrance through the pantry. This is very handy in bad weather. To use the garage, you do not need to go outside in the rain or snow.

    A very interesting mirror project of a house with a garage. Such a design is feasible when erecting a twin building near a standing building. The zest is given by the roof passing over the garage and terrace. She is supported by 3 wooden rack from a beam. All exterior trim elements are made of wood.

    The layout of the lower floor includes a hall, a kitchen and a bathroom. The upper floor of the attic is given over to bedrooms and a bathroom. Communication with the garage is via a folding ladder. This design saves little interior space.

    Examples of projects of houses with an attic, built from foam blocks

    Majority country houses provides for the construction brick walls. They are considered more reliable and beautiful. However, the price of such material does not always suit the developer. If wooden frame there is also no desire to build, the way out of the situation will be the construction of a building from foam blocks with an attic floor. The savings here are not limited to low material costs. For laying foam blocks, less mortar is used, the thermal conductivity of the walls decreases, and good sound insulation. The blocks are so light that you can build walls yourself.

    The most popular projects of houses from foam blocks with an attic are presented in sizes 6x8, 8x8, and 8x10. One of the options for such a structure is shown in the photo. Here, the facade of foam blocks is finished with decorative plaster.

    However, foam blocks have their drawbacks, which create certain restrictions on the construction of the attic floor. The fact is that foam block walls can withstand less load than brick ones. This must be taken into account when drafting a project. For the construction of an attic on a house made of foam blocks, it is better to use light weight building material. Do not forget that the facade will have to be faced, which will create certain costs.

    If these shortcomings are not important for the developer, and one floor with an attic is enough, you can safely choose a construction project from foam blocks. One of the layout examples can be seen in the photo.

    In this layout option, the owner can demolish or move the partitions at his discretion.

    Important! With a building box width of more than 12 m, a large roof area will create a significant load on the supporting structures, and strong pressure will squeeze the walls out. This must be taken into account in the calculations. Perhaps the width of the box will have to be made smaller.

    An excellent house project from foam blocks is presented in the following photo. Its dimensions 10x10 accommodate 3 spacious bedrooms, a separate boiler room and 2 bathrooms are required. The attic is decorated with a beautiful balcony.

    On this video you can see the projects of houses from foam blocks:

    The project of a brick house with an attic

    erection brick houses considered a classic, but still relevant today. Walls made of this material create a sense of security, turning housing into a real fortress. Among the many options for brick buildings, the project of a Russian house looks elegant.

    The total area of ​​the lower floor with attic room is 242.6 m 2. For such brick buildings, the presence of a terrace is mandatory. The attic is decorated with a wide balcony. Finishing brick walls is better to do artificial stone. As additional elements the presence of a tree is desirable.

    Projects of one-story houses without an attic

    One-story houses are the most simple solution for suburban housing. And this does not mean that without an attic, such a building will not look presentable. Depending on the size, housing can be built for any layout with a different price category. For example, an economy option is suitable for a summer residence, and big house- This is business class.

    The most popular sub-category is the one-story middle-class house. Its area is 40-50 m2, which is enough for a family of 3-4 people. An example of a project with 6 rooms can be seen in the photo.

    Many projects of one-story houses with an attic are able to satisfy the needs of the most fastidious developers due to the wide variety.

    Today, not a single type of construction is complete without a preliminary drawing up of a detailed construction plan. This plan allows you to foresee everything design features structure, its purpose, equipment and avoid many mistakes.

    What is a house plan

    The house plan is designed to graphically display the future building and all its components, such as windows, doorways, landings, technical rooms, bathroom, partitions. This plan is an integral part of all project documentation, which includes architectural calculations of load-bearing walls, loads on the foundation and floors, description building materials.

    You can create your own plan for a house with an attic with a garage yourself in two ways:

    • First way provides for the creation of the total volume of the future structure, which is then filled with the necessary premises in a pre-limited space;
    • Second way provides for the creation of a plan for each room separately, which are then assembled into a single structure and connected by the necessary doorways, arches and communication systems.

    For your information. The first option is used in cases where the site space is limited, there is a strict binding to external communications or other structures on the site. The second option has no restrictions and the result of such a layout is non-standard houses, as shown in the photo above.

    If future home will consist of several levels, then the creation of the plan begins with the main ground floor, only after that plans are created for the attic and ground floor with reference to external contours specified by the first floor.

    Advice. When drawing up a house plan, it is desirable to locate the main premises on the ground floor, and take the attic floor for bedrooms and closets for storing personal belongings. These premises do not require plumbing and sewerage, which greatly simplifies the creation of the project, therefore, the construction price will be lower.

    Creating a house plan with your own hands

    Creating a plan begins with determining the number of people living. For example, if there are two children of the same sex in the house with a slight difference in years, then one large children's room can be made for them. If two children of different sexes or the same sex with big difference aged, it is recommended for everyone to take their own room.

    Important. When laying out rooms and designating load-bearing walls, it is necessary to take into account typical dimensions building materials, especially floor slabs. The ends of the floor slabs or their joints must be laid on the load-bearing wall. It is also desirable to calculate the length and height of the walls taking into account the dimensions of the material, this will significantly reduce the amount of waste and the cost of construction.

    Each private building is conditionally divided into front and back sides. All plans for houses with a garage and an attic are oriented on the site in such a way that the entrance to the garage and the facade of the building are on the same side.

    Room layout

    During the planning of rooms, many have a stereotype that the room should have a rectangular shape. In fact, the geometric shape of the room can be any, the main thing is that it provides a sense of comfort.

    • When creating a rectangular room shape, make sure that the width of the room is equal to its length in a ratio of one to two. That is, the width should be no more than two times less than the length, otherwise, the room turns out to be visually narrow;
    • Try to avoid a large number corridors that only take away useful living space. The ideal option there will be one corridor with rooms branching off from it. However, it has recently become fashionable to completely remove the corridors and replace them with a large hall;
    • Try to locate living quarters on the sunny side of the house and complete them with large window openings. Almost all plans for houses with an attic and a garage provide for storage rooms, sanitary and technical rooms closer to the back of the house and the garage;
    • Place a bathroom, kitchen and other rooms where water supply is provided and as close as possible to each other, this will help to compactly place communications without spreading them throughout the building, which, in turn, will reduce construction costs.

    Important. When planning, consider the future location large furniture such as wardrobes, beds and soft corners, so that they do not block doorways and leave enough free space. Also, consider in advance which way each door will open.

    Children's rooms and bedrooms

    When drawing up a plan for the rooms of the future home with your own hands, try to take into account the provided norms of living space for each person, which will provide the proper level of comfort:

    • The minimum living space per family member must be at least 8 square meters;
    • A room for two children or an adult couple should have an area of ​​​​12 to 20 squares.

    The specified quadrature can be increased as far as the area or your personal preferences allow, but it is not desirable to reduce it. Bedrooms are best placed in the attic, as these rooms are not for public use.

    Common room or hall

    The modern layout of the house with an attic and a garage under the common room means the main room of the house, which is usually divided into zones for the dining room and the common living room. The room is located in the front part of the building and is equipped with spacious windows.

    Try to plan this room in such a way that its two sides face the eastern and southern parts of the house.

    Advice. Since the common room is a public and noisy place, try to separate it with a corridor from the office, children's room, bathroom and technical rooms.

    Be guided by ethical considerations. For example, a person taking a bath before going to bed should be able to get into the bedroom without going through a public space.

    If you worked in the garage and were engaged in car maintenance, then you must get to the bathroom, bypassing the public premises.

    Boiler room, bathroom and toilet

    The boiler room is usually equipped various systems and household appliances. A water heater, hydrophores, water pumps and other devices are installed in it, which can create a lot of noise during operation. Place this room as far as possible from living quarters and as close as possible to the bathroom and kitchen.

    Important. If the house has basement or basement, it is better to place the boiler room there. It is recommended to provide this technical room with two exits, one of which will face the street. Do not combine the boiler room with any other rooms.

    Typically, the layout of a house with a garage and an attic provides for two bathrooms, one of which is located on the second floor near the bedroom, the second, along with a toilet, on the first floor. This is of course convenient, but if the area is limited and does not allow for two bathrooms, then use one on the first floor.

    If space permits, it is better to divide the bathroom into two rooms, one of which will have a bathroom and a toilet, the second only a toilet with a washbasin. These separate toilets are usually reserved for guests.

    For your information. If space permits, then take care to create a separate room for washing, drying and ironing things. Usually, if there is a basement floor, such premises are located there with a separate exit to the street.

    Garage and kitchen

    The kitchen room is located at the back of the house and is connected by a passage to the dining room or common room. Since the kitchen needs sewerage and plumbing, it is placed closer to the plumbing room to reduce the length of communication lines. The kitchen is equipped with several small windows for ventilation, which are placed closer to the cutting table.

    Plans for houses with a garage and an attic usually provide for availability, which saves space on the site. If there is no basement floor, then it is better to place the garage in the form of an adjoining room, as indicated in the figure above. This arrangement reduces heat loss from residential premises.

    Advice. It is better to equip the passage between the house and the garage with a small vestibule. The ideal solution there will be a common vestibule for the garage and the main front door. The ventilation and heating system for the attached garage should be separate.

    Placement of windows and doorways

    It is desirable for residential premises to install wide doorways in order to be able to carry bulky furniture without any problems. Usually in private houses doors with a width of 90-110 centimeters are used.

    For windows, there is a special advisory instruction that indicates that for normal natural light and a sense of spaciousness, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindows should be at least 1/8 of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire room. For the attic floor, this area should be at least 1/10 of the room.

    A chic solution would be to install full-size (to the entire height of the wall) double-glazed windows in common room that visually enlarge the room. However, such double-glazed windows must be good quality and from a trusted manufacturer, with the ability to keep warm in the winter.

    If there is a need to expand the house, then developers, as a rule, consider two options.

    The first is the addition of additional premises. But, taken out of the perimeter of the bearing walls, they can only serve as household or auxiliary.

    The second option is more acceptable. It is about additional square meters due to the reconstruction of the second floor. In this case, the project of a house with an attic is the best option. Having insulated the roof, you can get additional full-fledged residential and utility rooms.

    How functional and economically justified is it? Let's try to impartially consider all the advantages and disadvantages.

    Projects of houses with an attic: "for"

    • Such housing will save on building space. That is, it is logical to build a house with an attic on a small plot of land.
    • In question rational use the total area of ​​the building, projects of houses with an attic room wins compared to one-story and even two-story buildings in which the attic space is not used rationally.
    • The second floor of the house and the attic differ in terms of financial costs. IN classic version attic - a more economical option. If for the arrangement of a full-fledged second floor you need brick, concrete, timber, insulation, materials for exterior finish, then the attic equipment is limited to rafters, insulation and roofing material. And if the developer plans a warm attic, then the costs of insulation are added. Only in this case, you can get both a residential floor and a roof. Therefore, we conclude that the cost of 1 m2 of usable area of ​​a house with an attic is significantly lower compared to other projects.
    • Besides, warm air rises from the lower rooms, which makes heating the attic floor less expensive. We can confidently talk about reducing fuel and electricity consumption, and therefore about savings in the operation of an already finished building.

    Projects of houses with an attic: "against"

    • Some experts argue that the main drawback of the projects of houses with an attic is their poor lighting. We are sure that this minus is conditional. The problem can be solved very simply by skylights. In addition, much more light enters the room through them than through vertical windows. Of course, attic double-glazed windows are not a cheap pleasure. But with the funds saved during construction, you can afford a comfortable organization Everyday life. In addition, there is always the opportunity to design windows and even balconies in gables.
    • The second drawback of projects of houses with an attic can also be considered as conditional. It is believed that sloping ceilings cause depression in the residents of the house. But competent organization and the design of the premises, easily eliminate this contradiction.

    Drawing conclusions from the above