In a private house      06/29/2020

Gambling in Thailand. Asian Games: Gambling zones and underground casinos. Thai Roulette Rules

Phuket pleases its guests with a wide variety of entertainment: beach holiday, religious and historical sights, shopping, nightclubs - and this is not a complete list. However, there are also sophisticated tourists for whom this may not seem enough, and in search of thrills they would like to try their luck in gambling. Then travelers start looking for gambling houses and casinos on the island and wonder if Thai gambling is different from traditional ones? We will talk about whether there is a casino in Phuket and how Thai roulette differs from classic roulette in our article.

Gambling in Phuket

In fact, Thai law prohibits gambling, so there are no legal casinos here. But enterprising businessmen still find loopholes and ways to get rich, so tourists have two options to gamble in Thailand: go to the nearest casino on no man's land or find an underground establishment on the island.

Since the gambling business is a very profitable activity, there are quite a lot of gambling clubs in Phuket that work unofficially, hiding from law enforcement. Despite the fact that the activities of such establishments are not advertised and it is not easy to get there, the majority of visitors are visitors.

You can find out where you can gamble and how to get there from other tourists who have already been there or from hotel employees.

Most underground gambling houses are located in nightclubs or small hotels. Most often, in such establishments you can play only traditional games. card games including poker. Moreover, poker in Thailand is quite conservative and is no different from the game we are used to.

There are also large underground casinos in Thailand, in particular in Phuket, such as Thung Thong and Tiger Casino, the owners of which nevertheless somehow managed to establish contacts with the local authorities. Here you can play baccarat, slots, poker, as well as some specific games that are unfamiliar to foreigners (Tai sai, Pok daeng, Sip them, Fun tan) and Thai roulette.

Thai Roulette Rules

Thai roulette is fundamentally different from the game we are used to. If in classic roulette the ball rotates in a circle with black and red numbers and you can bet both on numbers and on color, then Thai roulette has different rules.

Firstly, the drum is not a circle, but a large canvas with numbers written in the recesses. On the canvas there are numbers from 0 to 9 in red and black. A large ball is launched into the drum, which falls into one of the recesses and determines the winning number. The player can place bets on one or more numbers, bets on color are not accepted here. For betting, there is a separate table with numbers, on which each player puts his money. If you guessed the number, your bet is multiplied by 10. If one of your three numbers falls out, the bet is multiplied by three. If you bet on 4 numbers and one of them fell out, then the bet is multiplied by 2. Experienced players advise you to first watch the game in order to notice in which direction the ball falls more often, and then bet on the corresponding numbers.

Casino in the neutral zone

If you are still afraid of visiting illegal casinos, want to have fun and enjoy gambling, you can visit establishments in the neutral zone on the borders with Laos or Cambodia. Many hotels even offer their guests a transfer in this direction.

Since it turns out that large sums of money pass by the country's budget, the Thai government is thinking about legalizing gambling, following the example of Macau and Singapore. This decision will lead to an increase in the flow of tourists and the creation of new jobs. So far, this idea is only at the project level and it is supposed to allow the gambling business only in Pattaya. But who knows, maybe in a few years you will be able to stay in one of the major casino hotels in Phuket and enjoy your holiday to the fullest.

What is there in Thailand for an amazingly pleasant holiday: a great climate, low prices, a huge amount of entertainment, including cheap services from the 18+ category. But, as always, this is not enough for a sophisticated tourist - more and more often the question arises: is there a casino in Thailand? Is gambling allowed in the kingdom? Are card games like poker and blackjack banned?

“It would be Las Vegas at bargain prices,” many people say about Thailand and the imaginary casino in it. The gambling capital in America would suffer terrible losses if the gambling business was legalized in Thailand.

Prohibit (,) cannot (,) allow: play poker, create a casino in Thailand

As you already understood, the casino, just like the entire gambling business, is banned in this cozy Asian country. Any fraud associated with attempts to “open a shop” is punishable by fines with exorbitant amounts, imprisonment and corrective labor.

By the way, one size fits all online casinos. It is forbidden to create them while on the territory of the kingdom and visit existing online sites. All major projects, like Casino Volcano, are blocked. Using a proxy is also punishable by law. Of course, if this is used as a basis for an attempt to build a large online playing field.

Even home gatherings and games of poker for money are something unrealistic. Thais have already weaned from the cult of gambling, all interest is switched to the development of the tourism industry and fishing. In this regard, it is extremely difficult to find a company of people who want to play cards. No company, no interest.

There is even an opinion among Thais that if a person has started organizing a “home casino” and gatherings in it, he is preparing to open an underground club, of which, by the way, there are a lot. But more on that later.

It would seem that the mass “cultivation” of go-go bars is the norm, and is it a terrible violation to exchange cards? Why are such rules defined by law? What to do if you are in Thailand, but really want to go to the casino?

Why casinos are banned in Thailand

The basis of the decision to ban lies in the very nature of the nation. By nature, Thais are pathologically reckless. During the game, they are able to "lower" their own and steal from a neighbor. Such observations prompted the authorities to completely liquidate the gambling business. By the way, it was never allowed. Rather, it was not regulated in any way. For gamers, a legal state lottery was created, which pays a considerable bribe to that very state.

A medium-sized physique allowed the Thais to get drunk for one or two. A lot more alcohol “leaves” under the game than with ordinary, non-gambling, adrenaline gatherings. Drunken companies brought discord into the foundations of society. Crime increased, the growth and development of a common cause - the development of the country - decreased.

As it was already written earlier, the ban on the operation of casinos in Thailand is only in everyone's favor. In addition, when the locals have no thoughts of gambling. What can not be said about foreigners ...

Casino in Thailand - can you find it?

Probably no one doubted. When there is a rule, there are violations. Of course, the enterprising Thais did not leave the "poor" tourist players without joy. In the same Pattaya, there are more than 20 underground casinos that operate illegally. By the way, they systematically go through a “carry-over”. But, soon, further "bring joy" to travelers.

As a rule, such gaming clubs can be found at a popular bar or club, in a secluded area not accessible to prying eyes.
The cost of entry into such "elite clubs" is quite high by local standards. So, entry into tournament poker will cost $50, playing roulette will cost you money and “eat” the presence of a “club” companion, playing slot machines will cost you several expensive cocktails.

Another opportunity to try your luck and test your luck in a casino in Thailand is to go to a neighboring state - Cambodia. This option is the most optimal and at least safe. Gambling is legalized in the neighboring country. All clubs and casinos work absolutely officially. Transport accessibility is more than developed. The only negative is that at the entrance you will have to pay a visa fee of $ 30, which is considered mere pennies in the gambling business.

In summary, it should be said that casinos, poker and various slot machines are prohibited in Thailand. Online casinos are also banned. It is criminally punishable to organize even "home" gambling.

Visiting underground establishments is an extremely unsafe act. If you really want to play - go to Cambodia. A great alternative - combining business with pleasure - play and travel.

Gambling in Thailand is strictly prohibited by the state. Citizens of the country can only play the state lottery and some types of betting. This is done because gambling addiction, or, as it is also called, gambling addiction, is the second cause of the degradation of the local society after drugs.

Lotteries in Thailand

Thais are gambling people! Since casinos, gambling halls and card games for money are officially prohibited in this country, all kinds of lotteries are very popular.

And in the capital, and in large cities, and in small villages, you can see people with large flat boxes under their arms. They are lottery ticket sellers.

lottery tickets

They ride bicycles or walk, look into all the nooks and crannies and knock on all doors, scurry around restaurants and cafes, offering visitors colored papers laid out on wooden trays. Thais believe that any business that takes place at the set table is doomed to success, so they are happy to buy lottery tickets while eating.

lunch lottery ticket offer

Lottery tickets are also sold at stationary points.

sale of lottery tickets in Thailand

There are many lotteries in Thailand, and all have their own followers. They have been officially held since 1874. Winnings are, of course, taxable. The Thailand Government Lottery is considered the oldest and most popular lottery in the country. Tickets for this lottery are necessarily watermarked and always printed on the same paper.

sale of lottery tickets on the street

Thais are very reckless in everything. And cockfights are no less popular with them than, say, cards or other types of gambling.

Cockfighting in Thailand

In Thailand, one of the most famous entertainments is cockfighting, which has become a tradition and is considered a powerful and exciting spectacle. During the fights, gambling Thais make big bets.

cockfight in thailand

In cockfights, not ordinary domestic roosters are used, but fighting roosters, which have developed fighting qualities. The fighting cock requires a certain diet, constant repeated training and constant fights.

raising fighting cocks

They look like a warrior in war paint. Fighting cocks are hardy, too aggressive, they have a fast reaction speed, and also high strong legs. The training period is up to 2 years, with periodic exits to the arena.

raising fighting cocks

A defeated bird after a fight is a very pitiful sight. However, the same can be said about the winner, although he has much more chances to survive. You need to know what to do with a rooster after a fight - how to treat, treat wounds, bandage, sometimes even resuscitate in field conditions. The most vulnerable place is the throat. After the battle, it must be washed. If this procedure is not done in time, then the rooster may suffocate. This is done with a long pen, which, like a ramrod from the trunk, removes everything superfluous from the throat. In Thailand, there is even an entire industry that works exclusively to supply such events with everything necessary - medicines, ointments, vitamins. And all this is in great demand.

In the ring, a proud bird behaves as her instincts tell her. The death rate of roosters, unfortunately, is quite high. But even a defeated fighter looks much prettier here than on a plate at a gala dinner.

By the way, despite the ban on gambling by the government and police raids do not reduce the number of gamblers - Thais play for behind closed doors and backyards. Here is a picture I met in a corner on the ascent to Buddha Hill in Pattaya ...

gambling in thailand

Thailand-Cambodia-Laos: Gambling zones and underground casinos

The South Asian countries are a land of amazing beauty in its flora and fauna, a world of people with a mysterious way of life for Europeans. Very often to describe this wonderful world, appearing before the gaze of tourists, use the word "exotic". Exoticism here can be found literally in everything: from the life of local residents to their worldview ... These are white sand beaches on the islands; orchids and other various flowers; monkeys roaming the streets of small towns; Buddhist temples and monasteries; palm trees, jungle; dangerous insects and snakes; crocodile and snake farms; elephant nurseries; coconuts, bananas, mangoes, durians and various other unusual fruits; vibrant nightlife...

The entertainment industry here is no less exotic than everything around. This is a country with a developed sex and show industry: here you can visit pussy shows (where girls show the extraordinary possibilities of building female body, surprising visitors by opening bottles, throwing darts, etc., with those parts of the body that are intended for a completely different purpose), boy show (where young guys play golf, knock drums, with what it did not appear at all), gay shows, lesbian shows, sex shows, you can visit massage parlors with additional erotic services, in specialized bars, both men and women can choose a companion or companion for a pleasant pastime. In general, for money you can realize all your erotic and sexual fantasies.

But with the gambling business, things are more complicated. Even having a significant amount of money, it is difficult to find where to play here. Gambling is prohibited in Thailand. Perhaps this is due to the excessive gambling of Asians - according to studies in Thailand alone, 70 percent of the population is gambling and gambling. Where and how? Thailand's gambling industry is inextricably linked with the bordering countries of Cambodia and Laos, where gambling is also prohibited, but includes legal casinos and slot machine halls located in gambling zones on the border with Thailand.

Gambling zone Thailand-Cambodia
"Casinos in the cities of Thailand - not a place" - so decided the king. Since this decision was made, no casinos can legally operate in Thailand, but they can be located in neutral border zones, i.e. on the borders with Cambodia and Laos. In that small area where you get when you crossed the border of one country, but have not yet passed the customs of another country. Gambling Thais, Cambodians and Laotians, as well as the Chinese, flock here.

The most gambling and developed gambling zone is a site near the city of Poipet (Poi-Pet). You can get here by car (about 4 hours by bus from Bangkok) or on foot (which is preferred by some Thais) from the nearest settlement. Usually it is through this gambling zone that the route of tourists who want to enjoy amazing beauties Angor Wat is one of the largest ancient temple complexes on our planet, located in the jungle near the Cambodian town of Siem Reap. Buses arrive at the customs post and drop off travelers. The picture that appears before the eyes, few people can leave indifferent. Those tourists who have been to the border shared their extraordinary impressions: “Where the border begins, civilized life ends, the road ends, and there is a feeling that the sun is fading.” Before the trip, this seemed like an exaggeration, but when we left the bus, there was no longer a really normal road, and we plunged into dust and poverty. Crowds of hungry and dirty children with miserable eyes rushed to our feet, begging for anything. Rickshaws in soiled gray clothes dragged heavy loads on wooden carts through clouds of dust - bags, sacks, various goods. Many people, for a moderate fee, were ready to help fill out the documents and accompany us, so that, as they explained, we would cross the border safe and sound. After what he saw, a feeling of apprehension arose: “What will happen when we go through customs? Perhaps we really need a guide to make the journey safe?” But we decided to do everything on our own, and then act according to the circumstances.

After overcoming the checkpoint, our eyes appeared beautiful arch with the inscription "Kingdom of Cambodia", and the number of destitute and beggars was drastically reduced, only dust and rickshaws remained, dragging their burden from one part of the neutral zone to another and back. Behind this arch is the duty-free zone, known throughout the world as "duty free". She represents here a market on stalls with a whole kaleidoscope of goods, souvenirs and cigarettes at low prices. Boutiques and shops more familiar to us, as it turned out later, are located in the casino. We went there at our own peril and risk. What can be a casino, among such poverty and misery? Dilapidated buffet tables, covered with worn-out tablecloths, smelling of the smoke of cheap cigarettes and human suffering, dirty people, with sweat-sticky hands and faces exhausted by pain and bitterness, ignoring the stench, anxiously sorting through chewed yellow cards ...

What was our surprise when, at the entrance to the first casino that came across, a completely different amazing picture opened up! Everything sparkles and glitters, modern chic design and interior. At the entrance we were met by a smiling hostess, who politely offered to become our guide in the world of entertainment and pleasure in English, accompanied us to the reception and through the security post with metal detectors. In the huge hall there is a huge number of imported expensive slot machines, such world brands as Williams, Konami, Aristocrat, connected to various diverse jackpot systems, electronic and electronic-mechanical roulettes. There are about 50 gaming tables in the casino hall, because of which exclamations of joy and disappointment can be heard ...

In total, in the neutral border zone, which is a small area about two kilometers long, there were 7 casinos: Holiday Palace, Holiday Poipet, Star Vegas International Resort, princess crown”, “Golden Crown”, “Tropicana” and “Grand Diamond City”. Not every Moscow casino could boast of such an abundance of slot machines and gaming tables, as well as the service and variety of games. The frontier casinos were reminiscent of Las Vegas: Large spaces, noise and fun all around, an atmosphere of celebration and excitement that awaits you wherever you are inside the complex. Almost every casino has its own hotel, boutiques, restaurants, as well as additional services such as massage, swimming pool and even golf courses. Players are provided with a buffet table, cigarettes, and drinks free of charge. Almost every casino has an abundance of various imported slot machines and jackpots, you can also find pushers, electronic horse racing, video baccarat (electronic baccarat, where the main game takes place on a large plasma panel, and players place bets on electronic scoreboards) and even robotic baccarat (players place bets on electronic scoreboards, and under a glass dome, cards are distributed and turned over by a giant mechanical arm). Each gambling house has more than 50 gaming tables offering various, not only card games. Most a large number of game tables with baccarat, the most popular game among Asians, and its various varieties, a smaller number of game tables for playing poker, very few tables for playing blackjack, which is popular in the West.

As for playing poker, it is very conservative in many local casinos. Except for betting on the bonus, everything else is presented in its original form - an oasis of poker without exchanging cards. There was an impression that here they don't even know about the number of poker varieties and rules that are presented in European countries. Or maybe they just don't want to know. But, nevertheless, people sit and play.

Finding a blackjack table turned out to be less of a problem than playing the game. After ten minutes of exhausting empty table and calling the manager, we were offered to play other games, and our refusal of such a tempting offer led to nervous throwing of the manager around the hall and a long wait for the croupier, but the table was still opened.

Baccarat. To say that Asians love baccarat is an understatement. They love her. The casino has the largest number of baccarat tables and only a small number of them are empty. They play it cheerfully and eccentrically, crushing and scattering cards.

In addition to these popular games, you can find roulette, craps, wheel of fortune, pai gow, three-card poker, Tai sai (Thai Sai is a game in which bets are made on a field with special markings for combinations on three dice), Pok daeng (Thai game, created on the basis of poker, players are dealt 2 cards each), Sip them (another variation of the game created on the basis of poker, players are dealt 3 cards), Tai sai (sic bo), Fun tan (a game in which a field with special markings bets are made on the number of "beads" or pebbles that will remain in the last hill after the croupier randomly pours out an indefinite number of "beads" or pebbles and breaks them into hills of four pieces) and Fun Tan dice (a game in which on a special field, bets are made on the occurrence of combinations on several dice).

Most of these games are not clear and difficult for Europeans. The casino staff, at the request of the client, can help to understand the rules of the games, but it takes a lot of time to master such a number of games. And with him things are not very good at the border. If you are a little late, you will have to spend the whole night here, because. unlike casinos, which operate around the clock, border checkpoints are from 9:00 to 17:00.

Crossing the gambling zone and customs, you find yourself on the territory of the Kingdom of Cambodia and again plunge into the world of poverty, the world of workers and peasants. When we ended up on the territory of this kingdom, as it was not funny, the sun really faded, and a heavy downpour began ...

Gambling zones Thailand-Laos
The main checkpoint between Thailand and Laos is located quite far from the main tourist cities of Thailand in the suburbs of the small town of Nong Khai, but not so far from Vientiane, the capital of Laos. Those wishing to get to the Lao People's Democratic Republic need to overcome a sufficient distance by car (about 10 hours by bus from Bangkok), so many prefer to go there by plane, albeit more expensive, but much faster. Of course, it is worth visiting Laos! The country, which has flora and fauna similar to Thailand, is also exotic in that it is one of the last strongholds of communism. Here, one can still see pioneers in red ties, red hammer and sickle flags, which are still dear to our hearts, on the streets. But, despite things familiar to us, communism here is by no means the same as it was with us. It is worth saying that in comparison with the surrounding countries, Laos has the largest number Buddhist monks and at the same time Laos enters the famous opium Golden Triangle.

We, in order to visit the gambling zone and gain unexpected impressions, decided to go by bus. This is the way most locals get here. Cheap and cheerful.

The landscape border between Thailand and Laos is the famous Mekong River, it is her travelers who need to cross the Friendship Bridge, which is located in the neutral zone, between the two borders and connects the countries. On the Thai side, at the entrance to the checkpoint, there is a warning sign in English and Thai: “Attention! Crossing the border of the Kingdom to gamble may not be safe for your life and property.” The presence of this inscription suggested the presence of a gambling zone of the same size, or even more, between Thailand and Laos. But, alas...

To our disappointment, perhaps due to the considerable remoteness in this gambling zone, there was only one gambling establishment - a slot machine hall. At 10:00 am, the doors of the establishment called Slot Hall were still, or perhaps already, closed. It was not possible to find out from the locals when the lonely slot machine hall was still open, and waiting for its opening in the neutral zone could become quite a long and boring task, because there was nothing else to do there except for shopping. After staying there for three hours and not having a salty slurp, we left the gambling zone, deciding to return from Laos to Thailand by plane, as most tourists do, who are not attracted to visiting a lonely slot machine hall and a “durty free” zone, coupled with an exhausting bus journey .

Already on board the airliner, passing the time by leafing through the offered magazines, we came across an advertisement for a casino. It turned out that there is another gambling zone on the border with Laos! It opened recently and is located between the city of Mukdahan (Mukdahan) from Thailand and the city of Savannakhet (Savannakhet) from Laos. From the glossy pages, this gambling zone looked much more enticing than the one we visited. There is a hotel-casino "Savan Vegas", the area of ​​the complex is about 5000 square meters. m., and to the services of players - 300 slot machines, 80 gaming tables, several bars and restaurants, a spa, boutiques and the largest swimming pool in Laos.

The famous cockfights have long been the hallmark of Asian countries in the world of gambling. The traditions of this sport have evolved over the centuries, however, as well as the love for them on the part of gamblers. And if the majority of Europeans who come to Thailand have always treated cockfights with chill and apprehension, because this is far from a kind of business and sport humane in relation to birds, then the locals have always loved this fun.

Thai cockfighting is considered (unlike Thai boxing) the most peaceful in comparison with other countries. Since here the birds are not put on metal armor with spikes in order to increase the entertainment of the battle. But the king of Thailand still considered it a rather cruel sport and banned them by law. The owners of fighting cocks did not grieve for a long time and began to fight in secret. If you ask the locals about cockfights, then usually a smile that appears for a moment acquires a shade of bitterness in a few seconds - well, there are no more of them, the famous Thai cockfights ... Or rather, they are, but not for everyone. Few now know where and when. As we managed to find out, cockfights take place on weekends and only for their own, as a rule, in the countryside, they begin in the evening and end at sunset. There are entire schools of fighting cocks. A good bird costs decent money and requires special care and daily training.

In Cambodia, cockfighting is similar. As it turned out, they were legal quite recently, however, like casinos. Now you can’t find them in the daytime with fire. The Cambodian king has joined the animal rights activists. Locals are afraid to hold cockfights, they are even more afraid than in Thailand. We spent one day looking for them. And what? Having visited with a local English-speaking guide on a tuk-tuk all the places familiar to him in Sim Reap and the suburbs, where until recently aggressive birds fought furiously not for life, but to the death, we were never able to see the action with our own eyes, we found only desolation. And the local villagers denied it in every possible way, having learned our interest: “What other cockfights? Yes, they were here once, but not now. Look elsewhere." And they asked apprehensively if we knew the dangers of engaging in illegal gambling. And some shook their heads and warned that this was a dangerous business these days. It is dangerous, because under the laws of Cambodia, however, as well as under the laws of Thailand, persons involved in gambling are subject to a large fine by local standards, or imprisonment from 1 week to 1 month. In case of relapse, the fine increases, as does the term of possible imprisonment, and the organizer can get not only a large fine, but also imprisonment for up to 15 years. In this case, all money belonging to the organizer, intermediary and players is confiscated by the competent authorities. Only the government can give permission to conduct gambling and sell gaming equipment.

Underground casinos in Thailand
It is difficult to find enough time and money to travel to gambling zones, and if you become a member of a secret society of cockfighting participants, you can hardly satisfy all your gambling passion only by betting on feathered athletes and then only on weekends. As it turned out, enterprising and wealthy Thais found a way out of this current situation. difficult situation, even regardless of the rigidity of the legislation and the severity of the subsequent punishment. After staying in Thailand for about a month, we still found a guide to the secret world of the casino. It turned out that there are at least five underground casinos in Bangkok, and then, these are only those gambling houses that our Thai acquaintances know about. We managed to get into one of them. As it turned out, this is impossible to do without an escort, because you need to pre-arrange a meeting, and new guests must be accompanied by a regular player. We were warned in advance that in the event of the appearance of the police, all the money we had with us would be confiscated. Then we went by car on a journey through the night Bangkok, winding through various streets, lanes and courtyards. A few minutes after stopping at the agreed place, a man on a motorbike drove up to us, examined those present, made sure that no other cars were following us, and transmitted something over the radio. After that, we had to follow him in our car through the maze of courtyards.

When several more people with walkie-talkies ran out of the darkness, it became clear that we had arrived. We were given a parking space. Further, the escort introduced us, explaining that we were his guests from Russia. We proceeded to the courtyard of a private residential building, where the usual evening-night domestic life Thais: the table had not yet been cleared after dinner, chickens were running around the yard, and the tenants were getting ready for bed. There was a narrow passage between the house and the annex, in which we were asked to squeeze through. In the courtyard on the street there was something resembling a cafe or a bar, there were tables, the TV was on, people were discussing something over a cup of tea. There were also two video betting slot machines, which would be more appropriate to be in a museum of gambling than in a casino. We were offered to sit down and drink tea or juice at the expense of the institution. A man approached, apparently the manager. He inquired if everything was fine with our escort, after which he asked us about our stay in Thailand and about Russia. Summed up the conversation the question of whether we want to play. After receiving a positive response, he small room, filled with noise and people, where between six tables - 5 for playing baccarat and 1 for playing poker, it was almost impossible to squeeze through. More or less free was near the booth with a window, which turned out to be a cash register. At the box office, we were asked to exchange baht (local currency) for chips, or rather crybabies, which are used here for the game. They agreed to exchange dollars for us reluctantly and at an unfavorable rate. In order to participate in the game, we had to wait for some time until the places at the baccarat table became free, there was a queue near the poker table. The minimum bet for baccarat is 1 crybaby, equal to 1000 baht. As it turned out, the institution was not limited to this small room - on the other side of the courtyard there was another room with three tables for baccarat, where the stakes were higher, and behind the wall of the first room there was a VIP, there were 5 tables for baccarat and much freer. As the manager explained, you can play VIP when you buy a crybaby for 30,000 baht. In the morning, having played plenty of baccarat in the company of local gamblers, we went to the hotel.

Our Thai friend offered to organize a trip to the suburbs of Bangkok next weekend and try to get to the cockfights, but, unfortunately, we had to return to Russia in a day.

Thus ended our acquaintance with the gambling business in Thailand. Or maybe just started.

Natalia Nechistyak

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Is there a ban on casinos in Thailand and how can you play there

Online casinos will never compare to live casinos in terms of their atmosphere. Every gamer understands this. And, going on vacation abroad, many of us are interested in the opportunity to cross the threshold of a real gambling establishment. When I was planning my vacation last summer, I was wondering if there was a casino ban in Thailand. I will share the information I found.

The gambling business in Thailand is tightly controlled. The state lottery is allowed, but you can’t play cards for money even at home with your friends. For this, the person in whose house the games were held can receive a fine if someone snitchs. Friendly gatherings are not actually regulated until they turn into a self-made gambling establishment, but this makes it possible to show how strict everything is with the gambling business there.

The country is interesting and attractive. Vacations are relatively inexpensive. But to questions about whether there is a ban on casinos in Thailand, the answer will be unequivocal and clear - yes. There are no loopholes or separate areas where you can open a casino. It is also impossible to register an online domain in Thailand.

Determining the legality of land-based casinos in Thailand

Thais regularly try to open gaming establishments and revise the strict laws regarding gaming activities in their country. But all these attempts lead to nothing. Here you have a state lottery, and for other gambling you can go to neighboring countries, where this is not regulated in any way. There are definitely underground casinos, but for a visitor they can go sideways. The Thais have such a national entertainment, they breed tourists first for money, and then for problems.

Are you going on vacation and wondering if there is any kind of casino ban in Thailand? Yes, on the ground. There is no need to go to underground establishments, they can be covered at any moment. The institution will have the main problems, it will not turn into any time frame for the player. But you can get on the black list so that you will not be allowed into Thailand anymore. The police there in this regard works clearly and sees everything. Thai gamblers usually travel to Cambodia to spend their money at live casinos, not just online gambling clubs.

How to play in a casino in Thailand, if you really want to

The answer to the question of whether there is a ban on casinos in Thailand is definitely positive. But the gambler is on vacation, if he doesn’t find something else to do in someone else’s and interesting country, there is always something to do at your own computer. Nobody forbids playing online in the usual gaming clubs. Such online casinos are usually registered on the territory of states where gambling business is allowed. The Thai ban only applies to gambling establishments in their territory. So on vacation, you can easily open the site of any online casino from your laptop or tablet, and then play as usual without worrying about the consequences.

If you have been to Thailand and know some subtleties that I missed, be sure to tell us about them in the comments below! Share your experience and ask your questions!

text: Vladimir Kalinin