Well      06/20/2020

Sheathing of walls with edged boards. Do-it-yourself sheathing of the house with an overlap board. Choosing the right way to install such boards

The design of the facade of the building is usually produced with standard materials. However, if you want to get a unique design, you will have to use not the most familiar solutions. One of them may be the decoration of the facade of the house or other buildings not edged board. The appearance is very peculiar and certainly atypical. At the same time, the cost of such a design will be small due to the cheapness of the material used.

Features of such boards

Unedged boards differ from standard boards in that their edges are not aligned on the machines. Bark may remain on them, and there may also be already processed parts. In fact, their name means that the edges of such boards are not cut off in any way. This is where the attractiveness lies - with the right approach, the structures lined with such materials look very beautiful. However, it will take a lot of work here to make everything look attractive.

What you need to do to use

In order for the decoration of the facade of the house outside with an unedged board to look as attractive as possible, you will have to invest a lot of work in the design. And it’s worth starting with the most important thing - making the material resistant to water, fire and protecting it from pest damage. After such processing, it will no longer be possible to worry that the facade cladding will not last long due to rotting or destruction by pests.

You should also decide what kind of finish you like - with or without the bark left. In the first case, you only need to pick up dies from which the bark does not crumble and does not exfoliate. In the second, there is still a lot of work to be done - all the bark remaining on the slats will have to be removed and the resulting cut will be cleaned.

When all previous operations are completed, you can start applying the stain, if you need to give the surface specific color. It should be noted that after applying all the compositions, the final color may differ from the intended one due to the mixing of all components. Therefore, it is better to try to apply all the compositions one by one on a piece of material in advance and only then use it to decorate the facade.

How to mount everything

Usually, finishing the facade of a house with an unedged board begins with the application of waterproofing compounds to the walls. This will protect the walls from moisture and do not have to think about the condition. base surface after clearance. Next come the insulation operations - if necessary, it is at this stage that an additional layer of insulation can be installed on the outside of the buildings. Only after all these works, the actual finishing begins. It is performed in the following sequence:

  • Laths or bars are attached to the walls, which will serve as a crate for the outer covering. You can arrange them horizontally or vertically, depending on the orientation of the trim strips.
  • Insulation is mounted, if necessary, and closed with protective membranes.
  • The wall is sheathed with planks from the bottom up in the chosen way. Two factors will immediately influence the choice of plating option: ease of installation and preferences in appearance. If you sheathe the wall with overlapping dice, you will need a little more slats, but it will be easier to do everything. Herringbone mounting will require a lot of effort, but, appearance coverage will be more attractive. However, this is a matter of personal preference.
  • The joints of the boards are sealed with sealant and the final design of the wall is made.

There will be two ways of sheathing - overlap, checkerboard or herringbone. The first option involves placing the boards in such a way that the top on both sides covers the edges of the bottom. The second option is similar to a siding plane - the bottom edge top bar superimposed on the top of the bottom. In both cases, the overlap must be at least two centimeters in order to ensure maximum aesthetics of the structure and to exclude the formation of large gaps between the dies.


Previously, such finishing methods were used only for outbuildings. Now there is a trend towards the use of the most environmentally friendly materials and giving residential buildings unusual look. Therefore, finishing the facade of a house with an unedged board has become a very popular technique, and several photos of examples of such a finish are presented below. Based on them, you can form your own opinion about such repair options and see different ways skins.

Facade cladding is suitable not only for decorative purposes but also as a protection against the negative impact environment- wind, rain, frost, ultraviolet. The most environmentally friendly option is wood. Sheathing a house with a board is not cheap way, however, it forms a threshold for air currents and moisture, which flows down without penetrating under the skin and onto the walls. But it also has a lot of advantages.

Types of wood for board sheathing

Trimmed and uncut boards are made from larch and pine needles. The cheapest materials are pine and spruce. But they have disadvantages - under a layer of sheathing and thermal insulation, the house risks suffering from precipitation, but you can create additional protection using flame retardants, varnishes and antiseptics. Consider the main types of wood suitable for sheathing:

  1. Hardwood boards have a higher density and create reliable protection from excess moisture. By the way, it is resistant to decay and fungal infections. Easily machined, holds nails and warpage is noticeably lower.
  2. Pine, on the contrary, quickly warps and deteriorates, so it should not be used for exterior decoration.
  3. Spruce is a wood impregnated with natural resin. According to the characteristics, it is slightly inferior to larch. A bunch of knots is a beautiful decoration, but after a while cracks form around them. Therefore, spruce is rarely chosen for facade decoration.
  4. Solid breeds look beautiful and are operated for a long time. It is not difficult to process them. The high price and the risk of cracking when driving in nails are the main disadvantages.

How to do boarding at home

To finish the facade of the house, a lot of facing materials are used that decorate any facade, if everything is done correctly. Boards are ideal, but during installation, the joints are coated with sealant.

Lathing installation

The beam for creating the crate is located vertically, because the plank trim is attached horizontally. Boards overlap or herringbone are attached to the crate. This method is good because it is possible to put insulation or a membrane under the cladding, which is important for buildings made of gas or foam blocks.

When creating the frame, a beam is used, the cross section of which is 5x5 cm. Be sure to treat with an antiseptic before installation to create protection against decay processes. If you plan to apply several layers, then take breaks so that the product has time to dry completely.

Several methods have been developed for fastening the crate, taking into account the material of the walls:

  • blocks - the frame is fixed to the walls with dowel-screws;
  • wood - the timber is nailed with long nails (if there is no insulation under the frame);
  • when using insulation - the frame is attached to special hangers for drywall, taking into account its thickness.

Each bar must be placed from each other at a distance of one and a half meters. In practice, the step is equal to the length of the board used in sheathing. When planning to put insulation, keep in mind that the step is equal to the width of the roll or slab of thermal insulation.

Facade preparation and waterproofing

If the exterior is finished using a cut or unedged board in plans to lay a layer of insulation, then it is taken into account next rule- the vapor permeability of the entire finish gradually increases towards the outside of the walls. If you neglect it, you will get condensation in each layer of the finish, which will lead to destruction. finishing materials and the walls themselves.

This means that the walls are initially waterproofed. When work is carried out in buildings made of bricks or blocks, bituminous mastic is used. But in practice, materials in the form of rolls are more often used, overlapped on the crate, and the joint should be 10 cm. Important - a small distance is left between the insulation and the walls for ventilation.

For insulation, mineral wool or expanded polystyrene foam boards are usually used. The thermal insulation layer is glued to the walls and attached to the dowel-fungi. Every joint is foamed mounting foam. At the next stage, the insulation is covered with a membrane, so that after completion of work there is a small gap between it and the board.

When it is planned to sheathe a log house with a board, the methods for preparing the outer part are similar.

How to trim a house with an unedged board

Prepare everything you need for work: sealant, timber, mastic, unedged board, nails or dowels, insulation. Sheathing board can be mounted either tightly to each other or overlapped. In terms of quality, this cladding option is no worse than siding. The first option is more complex, but outwardly looks more presentable. The second option is more practical, because it is resistant to moisture penetration, but the installation is carried out on a waterproofing layer, so that the ends are joined with the trimming "under the mustache", and after the work is completed, the ends are processed silicone sealant. If necessary, the board can be coated with a primer.

Wall decoration with a non-edged board is performed by the front part above the previous one. Nails are used for fastening. This method is relevant when the humidity level fluctuates, in order to maintain the integrity of the structure.

Sheathing the house with boards of other types

The cladding of the facade is carried out with even or unhewn boards and even clapboard. Elements must be overlapped. This is done easily and simply, because the materials have quarter or tongue-and-groove joints. This cladding is relevant when decorating walls made of blocks or bricks.

Do-it-yourself strengthening of the facade from boards

Over time, plank cladding is more and more exposed to precipitation, so it is advisable to think about protecting it. The cladding material is varnished, painted and treated with special decorative impregnations. Please note that before applying the coating for protection, the wood is coated with a flame retardant compound. But there are exceptions - coating with fireproof paint, which prevents the boards from igniting even with prolonged contact with fire.

Important: boards need to be updated with a protective layer every few years. When choosing cladding from expensive woods (teak or cedar, for example), you can forget about painting. This wood has an important plus - it does not deform for a long time.

If the lining is vertical Finnish technology with the help of an uncut board, it looks more beautiful only indoors. Outside, horizontal cladding is suitable. Use the combined option - outside horizontally, inside vertically.

Please note that today on the market you can find an already processed board that has been painted and processed. A thin-sawn facade board has a good adhesion of the paint layer to the surface. This is lumber with a fleecy front side. In other words, on a thinly sawn surface, the paintwork adheres much better than on a planed one.

For the design of the facade of the building, as a rule, use standard materials. But if a person wants to decorate his house in a unique way, then you can use unedged boards. The building gets a very peculiar appearance. A huge advantage is the low cost of materials.

What is an unedged board

Unedged board is special kind lumber, which have different widths and thicknesses. The main feature of the products is that they do not cut off the end. Due to different shapes and sizes, finishing the facade of a building with an unedged board can have an attractive and original appearance.

What types of wood are suitable for sheathing

For sheathing, you can use different types of materials.

  • If we consider the characteristics of various types of wood, then the most the best option considered larch. Wood is not afraid high humidity, it has a lower degree of warpage than all other breeds. It is easy to work with and holds nails very well.
  • Finishing the facade with an unedged spruce board is considered not a very popular option. Wood has its own impregnation. Thanks to the presence a large number knots, boards have an attractive decorative look. After some time, noticeable cracks appear on them, so unedged spruce boards are used extremely rarely.
  • Pine will quickly warp and soon become unusable. It is never used for exterior cladding.
  • Hardwood will look very nice. In addition, she has long term operation. It is worth remembering that hard rocks are difficult to process, and they can split from nails if the work is done carelessly. Also a disadvantage is the high price of the material.

Sheathing the house outside: materials and technologies

In order to make the house attractive from the outside, you will need a beam with a section of 20x20 or 30x30 mm. It will be used for the frame of the building. The average width of an unedged board is 30 cm. The thickness of the elements can be selected depending on preferences.

In advance, you need to purchase sealant and mineral wool, antiseptic impregnation and protective. Barriers for the used insulation and means for finishing- varnish or paint.

  • Previously, all products must be coated with a primer or a special substance for protection. This will allow several times to increase the wear resistance of the elements and increase their service life.
  • Further on the walls, where the board will be finished, waterproofing is installed. In this case, the ideal option would be coating waterproofing. It is necessary not only to take care of the protection of the walls, but also to secure the blind areas of the building. Mastic is applied to the surface of the walls with a small brush. If there are gaps, the mixture is poured into them, and all excess is removed with a spatula.
  • You need to wait until the waterproofing layer is completely dry. In order to prevent mold and mildew from appearing in the building, it is advisable to apply at least three layers of the mixture.
  • Then you need to install a heater. The ideal option for outdoor insulation mineral wool. It does not ignite, it is not afraid of frost and high humidity, precipitation.

Calculation of material and components

The latter method is considered the most expensive, because you will have to use many more elements for sheathing.

After choosing the most suitable option cladding, the total area of ​​​​the walls of the building that will be processed is calculated. From the amount received, it is imperative to subtract the area that will fall on the doors and windows.

Herringbone option

If you know at least approximately the size of the board that will be used for the facade, then you can calculate the almost exact number of elements used for work. The material is purchased with a small margin, so that they are sure to be enough.

What tool is required

In order to finish the house with an unedged board, you need to use a minimal set of the simplest tools.

  • For marking you will need a pencil and a long tape measure.
  • Be sure to use the building level.
  • You can not do without nails, a hammer and a square.
  • Since the boards will have to be cut, a hacksaw is used.
  • To apply the finish, a small roller or a special brush is used.

When is a frame needed?

It is unlikely that it will be possible to do without a frame if it is planned to cover the facade with an unedged or some other board.

He plays very important role and helps to level the base of the building and hide all existing flaws that could result from long-term operation of the structure.

The frame allows you to securely hold the used insulation. With its help, it is possible to create a special ventilation gap through which condensate will be removed in the future.

Frame installation

If you plan to finish the house with an unedged overlap board, then you need Special attention pay attention to the correct construction of the frame.

Wooden frame

The work is carried out according to the following principle.

  • At a distance of 15-20 cm from the corner of the building, it is necessary to mark the place where the very first element of the future structure will be fixed.
  • Similar actions are performed in relation to the second corner.
  • The area of ​​the building that remains is divided into the most even parts, the width of which will be the same as that of the insulation sheets.
  • At the places marked in advance, you need to fix the parts used with the help of dowels.

Sheathing a house with an overlap board

Such a design for exterior finish the house turns out to be quite airtight due to the fact that the upper elements will overlap the edges of the lower boards. Additional work will need to be carried out exclusively at the corners of the structure.

Boards are mounted using ordinary nails on top of a layer of waterproofing and insulation.

The boards are stuffed vertically, then you can proceed to fixing the horizontal elements. Move from bottom to top. Each next layer will be installed on the previous one with an overlap, which is approximately 2 cm.


After the boards for finishing the facade are securely fixed, sealant can be applied to the joints. Experts recommend using polyurethane sealants, which are more elastic and can withstand quite a strong stretch. They are not so afraid of mechanical damage.

The combination of beauty and economy

Lastly applied top coat. Most often, varnish is used, which must be carefully applied to each board with a small brush.

Unedged board for facade finishing is an excellent and economical option which will look very beautiful and original. Installation will not take much time and does not require any special knowledge.

Protection log walls outside from destruction by rain, sunlight, wind and frost is made different ways. The most environmentally friendly is the cladding of the facade of the house with wood. The arrangement of boards overlap creates a barrier to air flow. Water flows down the protruding surface without getting inside the cladding and wall. Boarding is expensive. Its advantages are in the naturalness of the material, a comfortable environment inside the house, and unique beauty. natural material.

Sheathing of the house to protect the load-bearing wall

It was necessary to sheathe a wooden cottage. It was Vadik's turn to help me. We worked with him under his questions and my stories. My friend is not just a scientist, but a curious mathematician who wants to learn how to do everything with his own hands. We cooked wooden house outside to the finish, and I told where the sheathing of the walls with an overlap board came from.

When developing new lands, first America, then Australia, ships often crashed on reefs near unfamiliar shores. wood paneling from the sides, the settlers trimmed the outside and inside of their houses. They used selections at opposite corners of the board and stacked them in a herringbone pattern. The edge protruded outward above the bottom bar. The water did not run down the wall all the way to the plinth, but dripped down from each plank. Inside, the cladding and wall remained dry.

Depending on the climate of the area inhabited by the settlers, the sheathing on the outside of the walls with an overlap of a shipboard protected the housing from various natural factors:

  • strong wind;
  • scorching sun;
  • frost;
  • rains;
  • heat.

Over time, board and timber trim became popular. People appreciated not only practicality, but also beauty wooden facade. It is easier and cheaper to change the most expensive cladding on the outside than to restore the walls.

Types of wood used for lap sheathing

While we were cleaning the surface of the walls from dirt, I told a friend which types of wood are best suited for cladding outside.

  1. According to its characteristics, the larch finish is the leader. Wood is resistant to moisture. The degree of warping is lower than other breeds. Easy to handle and holds nails.
  2. Spruce has a natural impregnation with resin and characteristics are slightly lower than larch. Numerous knots give a peculiar decorative look. Over time, cracks appear around them. Therefore, finishing the house, outside with a spruce board is rare.
  3. Pine warps strongly and quickly becomes unusable. Not applicable for exterior cladding.
  4. Hardwood looks beautiful and is durable. It is difficult to process. May break when hammering nails. The disadvantages include the high cost of the material.

Finishing the house outside can be done with a board with varying degrees of processing:

  • the slab slab is the cut edge of a log with an oval surface;
  • removed top and unprocessed edges at both sides of the plank;
  • unedged board has rounded raw ends on one side;
  • on the edged with a wedge, the corner and part of the butt remain unprocessed;
  • the clean-edged board is fully processed and has the same dimensions along the entire length;
  • tongue-and-groove with grooves of various shapes cut along the entire length.

Finishing with an overlap board is done with all types of the listed materials. Untreated are laid with oval surfaces outward and overlapped with the upper ones. Butt-to-length, only processed planks are connected. The rest with an overlap of 150 mm.

To give walls decorative look in ethnic and retro style, veneer can be applied over the board. Then the house looks aged and fragile. Over time, thin strips of wood warp and fluff like frills.

Facade preparation and waterproofing

We spent a few days preparing at home. Finishing the outside with a board requires protecting the walls from dampness. The logs were impregnated with a flame retardant, an antistatic agent and three layers of a water repellent. Applied with brushes and rubbed in well. All this slightly impairs the vapor permeability of the tree. But it protects the walls from fungus and makes them more resistant to moisture and even fire.

I checked the basement waterproofing at the same time. On the foundation stone, moisture from the soil rises to the walls and above. Sheets of roofing material lay intact, protruding several millimeters beyond the plane of the wall. The blind area around the house was made after, when the walls and basement were completed.

House cladding with insulation

Sheathing can be attached directly to the logs with nails 80 - 100 mm long. For insulation, a crate is made of wooden beam. Insulation is laid between the vertical posts, closed with waterproofing. To the beam protruding above the mineral wool, a board trim is mounted.

For waterproofing, a film is selected. Then holes are made in it near the racks for ventilation. You can use a special fabric that allows air to pass through and repels water.

Facade decoration in our performance

The walls of the house were warm enough. Overlapping board decoration created additional thermal insulation. Therefore, Vadik and I, after processing the walls from the outside by everyone protective compounds wait until they are completely dry. Then they did the following.

  1. Marking of vertical lines along the entire perimeter;
  2. Wooden planks were screwed on them with self-tapping screws.
  3. They nailed the low tide on top of the basement.
  4. Above it, a beam was placed with sides equal to the thickness of the sheathing board. It will ensure a uniform slope of the skin slats.
  5. Nails were hammered into the boards from the bottom and top with vertical racks. 2 cm receded from the side end.

We started from the bottom row and from the corner began to move to the right and up. Having completed the sheathing, protective additional elements were installed at the corners of the house. Casing was placed on window and door openings during the construction of the walls. We just have to adjust the size of the board so that it fits snugly against the frame.

Having completed the finishing, we went around the entire perimeter of the house, and sealed all the cracks and joints with sealant. I chose in the store to match the color of the tree.

We took up the brushes again. They covered the overlapping boards on the wall with an antiseptic. Then, for decoration, with a glazing composition. He gave the wood a golden chocolate hue and highlighted the natural grain of the wood.

Overlapped boards can be painted, varnished, waxed. This gives the finish a unique look. It all depends on your taste and the board used for sheathing.

Overlapping siding

A quick and budgetary way to imitate overlapping boarding, mount plastic and metal wood siding. You can make a crate from a metal profile and attach acrylic or vinyl panels to it. It is possible to distinguish a "fake" only at close range.

Ventilated facades last up to 20 years. Virtually no maintenance required. But this is not a tree with its warmth and originality.

Before the happy owners of private houses, the question often arises - how to ennoble the appearance building. Material for exterior walls should be environmentally friendly, aesthetic, durable, modern and not expensive. Profitable design decision– . Wood never goes out of style. And with the development modern technologies, there are many varieties wooden panels , the characteristics of which will satisfy even the most demanding owner.

This term is used to refer to a number of facing materials, similar in that their production is based on wood. What need to know about facade board? It is a building material made from hard rock wood, which has an attractive appearance thanks to the latest wood processing methods.

Figure 1. Finishing the facade with a board.

Materials for the manufacture of facade boards

More often, natural materials are used for decoration - namely, “business forest”. The most popular types of wood among the people, from which facing plates are usually made, are conifers. By virtue of high content resins, they are distinguished by greater strength, durability, water-repellent properties. Rarely used products hardwood. These types of wood need additional ways processing, otherwise they will not last long on the facade parts of the building. There are mixed materials, when polymers, in combination with wood, eventually give a durable composition that not only decorates, but also protects. walls buildings from adverse weather conditions. Before you go shopping for facade cladding, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of facade wood, their properties. So, the materials from which the facade board is made:

  • Angara pine;
  • cedar;
  • larch;
  • wood-polymer composite;
  • thermal board;
  • there are exotic materials - such types of wood as teak, maranti, but the prices for such a facade will be sky-high

Facade board profiles

There are several types on the market now. profile. The choice must be made based on the originally thought-out finishing project. It is necessary to take into account what the final appearance of the house should be, what heat-moisture-insulation tasks should be solved. The choice of profile depends on this:

  • unedged board;
  • lining;
  • block house;
  • timber imitation;
  • planken;
  • wpc siding.

Front board. Types and features

Clapboard, block house and timber imitation

Everyone knows the lining, block house, imitating the style of log cabins from hewn logs, and imitating timber, boards, - similar in installation method. They are fastened using the tongue-and-groove method. They are mounted closely, without gaps, more often by an open method, that is, through self-tapping screws.


A new word in the field of construction. Planken - what is this material? At its core, this is an edged board, well sanded on all sides. There are two types of planken profile - with straight and beveled ends of the boards. At the straight ends of the planken, the angle of the edges is 90 °, as a rule, the installation occurs with an overlap. Butt-to-butt and horizontally fastened planken with edges beveled from 45° to 75°. In this case, the installation is carried out according to the principle of tiles, from the bottom up.

Regardless of how the planken is attached to the facade, it must be done, leaving small gaps between the planks. This technological gap necessary to prevent deformation of the facade, since the cladding of natural wood"breathes" - it increases in volume with increasing humidity, then shrinks when it dries.

Figure 2. Finishing the facade with planken.

Wood-polymer composite

An innovative material that broke into the construction market. Previously, only floor tiles were made from composite wood boards. coatings. Today, with the advent of new technologies, the production of panels is practically waste-free. During the manufacturing process of wood polymer composite, wood flour miscible with synthetic substances, polymer resins. As a result, the output is very strong, not subject to deformation, resistant to fading and does not require special care product. Appearance completely repeats the structure and color wood flooring. The siding is easy to use: it is easy to saw off or cut, plasticity wpc panels achieved precisely because of the presence in the composition of the polymer composite.


The name of this material contains the word board, but this is only a conventional name. The process of modifying a tree with gradually increasing temperatures changes its structure so much that it changes its performance characteristics radically. Thermal board panels become moisture-proof, light, durable. The appearance of the finish is not inferior to elite wood species, repeating the structure and color, for example, of oak. Basically, thermoboard planken is in high demand. But if you wish, you can line the house with clapboard or panels that imitate timber. For facades, heat-treated fir, alder, beech and maple are used. The prefix "thermo" does not affect the installation methods.

The unique color of larch

Particularly loved by fans of natural material in finishing - larch. She can transform appearance of the façade giving it a noble, status look. And the price of larch panels is quite affordable. When choosing facade slabs from this coniferous tree, you need to be guided only by the chosen design style. Diversity color solutions, will help to realize any design idea.

The technical and operational characteristics are amazing. Even in the absence of any treatment with impregnations and by special means, the larch facade will last at least 25 years. The antiseptic properties of the tree will not allow the development of fungi, mold, and protect against tree insects. Larch is resistant to large temperature fluctuations, changing weather conditions. In the absence of flaws, the larch facade will become original decoration Houses.

Price overview

The range of prices for facade panels be in a wide range. You can get by with an unedged board when facing, for example, utility buildings. She is, in fact, not facing material, for sale cubic meters and can be quite inexpensive.

The average prices of a front board are specified in the table below.

Facade panels from elite tree species are usually made to order, and the price range has no maximum.

The technology of boarding facade elements of a private house

Difficulties in the installation of facade boards should not arise. Compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations and basic skills will help to build a facade without the involvement of specialists. The material is lightweight and resizable.

Ladder step by step technology

Depending on choice lumber, finishing is done overlapping board, or butt-to-butt. At house cladding dpk board , quite often resort to the method of overlapping:

Vertical cladding

With the vertical method of finishing facade boards, a tenon-groove joint is used.

  • First of all, guides are installed according to the markings. Under the vertical cladding, the guides are displayed horizontally according to the level.
  • Thermal insulation is being installed.
  • Boards are fastened vertically to the frame with self-tapping screws or nails, hidden or open methods.
  • For better adhesion of the thorn-groove lock, each element of the skin is knocked out with a wooden hammer.
  • The joints of the boards are closed with cash slats.

Sheathing with flashings and apart

In order for the facade to serve for a long time and be less deformed, with vertical arrangement boards use the option of mounting the facade of the house with flashings or in a run. Both of these options are used for sheathing facade board at home, similar. The differences are only in the width of the boards, which are attached between the main elements of the facade. Latches can be slats from tree, which are installed behind the two main sheathing boards, forming a gap between them. This creates an internal ventilation system. If the main sheathing board serves as the flashings, this type of installation is called staggered finishing. The same principle applies to unedged board cladding.

Sheathing with open seams

For special ventilation of the facade system, they resort to finishing-sheathing with open seams. Board mounting can be done both vertically and horizontally. The basic rule for this type of installation is the installation of UV-resistant windproof membranes under the main strips. The size of the gaps between the boards can vary from 3 mm to 5-6 mm, but not more than 15-18% of the total sheathing area. The facade with open seams is convenient in practical terms. single element easier to change if damaged.

Scandinavian motifs in the design of the exterior.

Scandinavian style means wood use, stones. Straight, concise forms, natural colors in the finish. Facade panels, both natural and using composites, can easily cope with all these conditions. The exterior is decorated with clear geometric lines, contrasting colors in brown, beige red and gray tones.

Figure 4. Finishing the facade with an unedged board.

How to strengthen the facade of the boards with your own hands.

Reinforcement of the facade do-it-yourself boards necessary when using raw lumber. To avoid deformation, the appearance of mold and fungus, to protect against fire, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures to strengthen the facade.

  • Treat lumber with flame retardant (flame retardant).
  • After applying impregnation, varnish or paint.
  • Monitor status wood, if necessary, repeat protective measures.

Facade decoration with wood - beautiful modern way show individuality, while protecting the walls of the house from negative impact environment.