In a private house      03/31/2019

Permissible cargo dimensions. Rules for the transportation of oversized cargo

Any of our vehicles from time to time transports not only passengers, but also cargo. At the same time, it is good if the goods are placed in the body or trunk, and sometimes it is necessary to transport bulky cargo. And just then the question arises, how to transport the goods, while not “running into” a fine. And if there is a penalty, what would it be? We will talk about this.

Rules for the carriage of goods (speakers)

Before “diving” into the depths of all kinds of rules and laws, let’s say right away that we will be interested in cases related to the transportation of goods up to certain sizes, that is, we will not touch on the topic of transportation of oversized cargo. What shall we start.
The first thing to address is the traffic rules. There are 2 points worth quoting here:

23.4. Cargo protruding beyond the dimensions of the vehicle in front or behind by more than 1 m or to the side by more than 0.4 m from the outer edge of the side light must be marked with identification signs " Oversized cargo”, and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility, in addition, in front of a lamp or retroreflector white color, behind - a lantern or a red reflector.

Here's a picture to the place. If the cargo is up to and including the specified dimensions, then the sign is not needed.

Here we can also say that if you violated the rules for transporting exactly non-oversized cargo, that is, up to these limits, then the fine will be minimal or even a warning. (Article 12.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). This applies to cases:

(requirements from the same traffic rules).

If the dimensions "crawled out" beyond these limits, then we hang a sign, or rather the sign "Oversized cargo". Does this mean that protruding beyond more than 1 meter back and forth, relative to the dimensions and more than 0.4 m on the sides, relative to the marker light, the vehicle will be large-sized?
Well, let's turn to 257 FZ, find a definition for a large vehicle.

oversized vehicle - a vehicle, the dimensions of which, with or without cargo, exceed the allowable dimensions established by the Government Russian Federation

If at least one of the dimensions of the vehicle, together with the cargo, exceeds the established value according to the SDA, the cargo is considered bulky

At the same time, bulky cargo of certain sizes must be transported according to the rules, in accordance with clause 23.5 of the SDA. Let's quote this point.

23.5. Transportation of heavy and dangerous goods, the movement of a vehicle, the overall parameters of which, with or without cargo, exceed 2.55 m in width (2.6 m - for refrigerators and isothermal bodies), 4 m in height from the surface of the carriageway, in length ( including one trailer) 20 m, or the movement of a vehicle with a load protruding beyond the rear point of the vehicle's clearance by more than 2 m, as well as the movement of road trains with two or more trailers, is carried out in accordance with special rules. International road transport is carried out in accordance with the requirements for vehicles and transportation rules established by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Please note that we are left with more than one size when the overhang of the cargo from behind is more than 1 meter, but up to 2 meters. In this case, cargo with this size is not required to be transported according to the rules, but it is necessary to attach the sign "Oversized cargo" to it.

Actually, we can already draw some conclusions.
If the dimensions do not exceed 2.55 m in width, 20 m in length, 4 m from the road in height and 2 meters behind, then even if it is a bulky cargo, it is transported without special rules, that is, only according to traffic rules.
If the dimensions are more than that, then here according to federal law of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2007 No. 257-FZ “On highways and road activities in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, road users are prohibited from transporting oversized cargo on roads without special permits.
We will not talk about these permissions, that is, as we said right at the beginning of our article, we only cover cases for ordinary motorists, and not for professional carriers. Let's talk better about the fine if your cargo exceeds the limits indicated in the last picture.

Penalty for the carriage of a protruding cargo (Articles 12.21 and 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

Here you get three options with what the fine for the cargo can be. The first, when the requirements of traffic rules for the carriage of goods are violated:

Does not restrict the driver's view;
- does not complicate management and does not violate the stability of the vehicle;
- does not cover external lighting devices and retroreflectors, registration and identification marks, and also does not interfere with the perception of hand signals;
- does not create noise, does not produce dust, does not pollute the road and the environment.

The second is when it is necessary to install the “Oversized cargo” sign, if the cargo protrudes beyond the clearance at the back by more than 1 meter, but not more than 2 meters. If this sign is not installed, then ... For these two options, a fine will be issued under Article 12.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Violation of the rules for the carriage of goods, as well as the rules for towing - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

However, the third option, when the cargo is bulky, and besides, it requires a special permit, that is, it stands out for the dimensions. This will already be a fine under Article 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

If the dimensions are exceeded by no more than 10 cm (without a issued permit available) - 1000-1500 rubles (individual) (part 1);
- if the dimensions are exceeded by 10-20 cm (without a issued permit available) - 3000-4000 rubles (individual) (part 2);
- if the dimensions are exceeded by 20-50 cm (without a issued permit available) - 5000-10000 rubles (individual) (part 3);
- in case of exceeding the size of more than 50 cm (without a issued permit available or with it) - 7000-10000 rubles (individual) or deprivation from 4 to 6 months (part 6).

Actually, it is clear that the worst thing is if the load protrudes more than 50 cm. In this case, a very large fine or deprivation of a special right for up to six months.

Detention of the vehicle during the transportation of the protruding cargo

It is noteworthy that for a violation in accordance with Article 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, that is, for our third case, detention may be applied. This possibility is spelled out in article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. At the same time, if your car cannot be loaded onto a tow truck, then blocking devices can simply be installed. We read 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

... If it is impossible to technical specifications of the vehicle of its movement and placement in a specialized parking lot in the event of an administrative offense provided for by part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 of article 12.21.1 or part 1 of article 12.21.2 of this Code, the detention is carried out by stopping the movement with the help of blocking devices.

As a result, you will stand there until you eliminate the reasons that led to the detention.

Is it possible to pay a penalty for a protruding load with a 50 percent discount?

If you still failed to avoid a fine, then do not forget about Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Thanks to her, respectable motorists have the opportunity to pay a fine with a 50 percent discount. This article allows you to get a kind of "discount" if the fine is paid on time from the moment the traffic police fines appear in the database, but no later than 20 days from the date of the decision.

Question-answer on the topic "Penalty for protruding cargo"

Question: With what protrusion of the load beyond the clearance and clearance lights can you drive “painlessly”, without installing signs?
Answer: Forward and backward no more than 1 meter relative to the clearance, up to 4 meters and on the sides no more than 0.4 meters relative to the side marker light.

Question: Up to what size can you carry a protruding load from the rear without a special permit?
Answer: Up to 2 meters, while from the protrusion of the cargo from 1 meter to 2, it will be necessary to hang the sign "Oversized cargo".

Today, the need to transport large loads has greatly increased. For this, vehicles with increased load capacity requirements are used. Oversized cargo is beyond the dimensions of the car and exceeds the rules of traffic rules. It has certain dimensions:

  • length should not exceed 20 meters;
  • height 4 m;
  • in width it should be 2.55 meters.

If these parameters are exceeded, then in order to be able to transport oversized cargo, it is necessary to obtain a special permit regulating its transportation. If the driver is engaged in transportation without this document, he violates traffic rules and is liable in the form of a fine established by law, or loses the right to drive a car.

Let's consider what the size of the fine for improper transportation of oversized cargo will be. Exist different types penalty for incorrect transportation of oversized cargo:

  • when transportation is carried out without special permission;
  • when transported without observing the rules for the carriage of goods.

According to the traffic rules, it is necessary to transport oversized cargo according to established rules, guided by standards and fulfilling the requirements of traffic rules.

They can be transported under certain conditions, make sure that the cargo:

  • did not interfere with the driver's driving and did not block his view of the road;
  • does not pollute the surrounding area and does not interfere with other road users.

There are certain requirements for the speed of movement with oversized. When moving vehicles with oversized dimensions on the road, the speed should be no more than 60 km/h, and on the bridge no more than 15 km/h. The driver also has no right to take another route. If he violates the rules for the transportation of oversized cargo, he will have to eliminate this violation. In case of ignoring the rules, he will pay a fine.

There are several types of fines for improper transportation of goods. How much do you have to pay for them? This is the penalty:

  • when transporting heavy or oversized cargo without a special document, or when the driver deviates from the route allowed in the document, a fine of 2,000 rubles is charged, and they can also take away his license for half a year and arrest the vehicle;
  • if the transported cargo exceeds the dimensions by 10 cm than the dimensions recorded in the permit, then the driver faces a fine of 2,000 rubles;
  • for all other violations of the carriage of goods, a fine of 1,500 rubles must be paid.

Officials responsible for the transportation of oversized items, in case of violation, will pay a fine in the amount of 10,000 rubles, and legal entities will pay 250,000 rubles.

Any penalty for improper transportation of oversized cargo may result in administrative liability of the carrier company.

Be sure to have a car carrying cargo, whether it is a gazelle or a passenger car, you need to install a sign for the transportation of oversized cargo. For transportation of oversized passenger car also have their own nuances and rules. Now we will consider them and find out how to avoid fines.

The Rules of the Road noted that the transported cargo, which protrudes from the dimensions of the vehicle from different sides less than a meter, or less than 40 cm on the sides, can not be marked. In the event that the dimensions are larger than the specified dimensions, the driver is obliged to put up an appropriate sign. If he does not have such a sign or he cannot fix it, then you need to hang a red ribbon on the load. At night, it is additionally installed White background arik. The maximum speed of a laden vehicle must be no more than 100 km/h, and when turning it must be reduced to 20 km/h.
h. The load on the roof should not exceed 70 kg.

Before you go on the road, you must definitely check the fasteners that hold the load on the trunk, make sure that it is well secured. The load must be distributed evenly so that the center of gravity is as low as possible. A small heavy load should be placed closer to the edge of the roof. During the trip, all fasteners must be checked. During long trips on good roads, the condition of the fasteners should be checked every two hours. If the road is uneven, such a check is carried out every hour.

What fine do drivers pay if they transport oversized cargo incorrectly or transport it without permission in 2019? Has he changed? The fine for oversized cargo is 2,000 - 2,500 rubles for ordinary drivers. For officials who are responsible for transportation, it will be 15,000 rubles, and legal entities already pay 500,000 rubles. If the driver is not able to correctly place the load, he needs to stop and fix the problem or stop driving altogether.

You need to be careful and follow all the rules for transporting oversized items so as not to fall under the scope of Article 12.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, part 1 and not to pay a fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

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The safety of the cargo is determined by the quality of its transportation. When the property has large dimensions, the choice of the side of the carrier must be approached with particular care. The right transport company means safety, integrity and timely delivery of cargo.

There is a large selection of offers in the transport service industry, the main thing is not to make a mistake. In particular, the transport company "Pit-Stop" has been operating in the cargo transportation market for more than 7 years, has an excellent reputation, well-deserved partnerships, a fleet of vehicles with a wide range of special equipment. Delivery of oversized cargo to all regions of the Russian Federation is the main direction of the organization's conscientious activity.

Exist international rules for the transport of bulky goods, their observance is regulated at the legislative level of the Russian Federation. The specifics of the activity of transport companies is high-quality transportation various kinds cargo.

Oversized loads. Restrictions

Transportation of goods, according to the rules of the road, is carried out by special overall transport. The same rules spell out the permissible dimensions for the carriage of goods in accordance with established international standards.

  • Cargo weight should not be more than recommended by the manufacturer for each type of vehicle;
  • The dimensions of the load should not limit the driver's visibility of the road interfere with or restrict traffic control;
  • Dimensions of cargo protruding beyond the limits of vehicles(length - 1 m, width - 0.4 m), must be marked with identification marks (reflector, lantern, patch of red or white fabric).

All transportation of extraordinary cargo (heavy, dangerous, specific sizes, etc.), which exceed the standards by any parameters, is carried out by oversized transport in in due course rules.

Maximum allowable dimensions transported cargo:

  • width - 2650 mm;
  • length - 22000 mm;
  • height - 4000 mm;
  • total weight - 38-40 tons.

Maybe increase permissible dimension load by length, from the back of the vehicle no more than 2 m. In this case, the presence of identification marks (signal lights, reflector, red cloth) is a prerequisite.

In conditions exceeding the permissible norms, for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo, it is necessary to obtain special permit and escort service of the traffic police.

Consequences for violation of the rules of cargo transportation

Cargoes exceeding the established norms can create difficult or emergencies on road.

For safe transportation, it is necessary to take into account state of the roadway, its compliance with the expected loads:

  • patency;
  • the presence and proximity of electrical wires;
  • carrying capacity of the transport bed;
  • the presence of tunnels, bridges and other obstacles on the way.

For violation of the rules and regulations for the transportation of heavy and bulky goods, the owners (companies) of vehicles are fined. The system of fines provides for recovery of up to 500 thousand rubles.

Organization of cargo transportation

Conscientious specialists of transport companies work in accordance with the norms of Russian legislation, which ensures competent organization cargo delivery.

The cost of current tariffs for cargo transportation can be found on the company's website, the entire range of available equipment is also provided there. Transportation of valuable, non-standard cargo should be trusted only to competent logistics specialists who have a good reputation and some experience in this type of activity. Only they can fully ensure high-quality and safe transportation of goods to any region of the Russian Federation.

The rules of road transport on the roads of the Russian Federation prohibit the transportation of goods that do not comply with the norms and standards in various parameters.

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For example, small or medium-sized cargoes have their own limits. allowable lengths, width, height and weight. Whereas oversized cargo - its own limits of permitted sizes.

Trips must be accompanied by relevant documents - drivers must be aware of this. Also - what to do if the goods strongly protrude beyond the limits of the transport body, or another structure intended for cargo transportation.

Fines are issued to those motorists who do not adhere to the Rules, do not comply with the norms of carriage weights, sizes, etc.

What is considered a large load

Any passenger and non-passenger transportation must necessarily comply with the provisions to which all drivers, chauffeurs (professional freight carriers) are subject.

These regulations include the following main documents:

  1. The charter, which was approved by the federal and is now in effect.
  2. Special Cargo Transportation Rules - approved by the government. Changes were last made on March 16, 2019.
  3. Instructions for the transportation of oversized cargo by motor vehicle - was approved, which was amended on January 16, 2017.
  4. , edited last step May 30, 2019

If a car or truck complies with the Charter, but the cargo itself does not pass the standard control in terms of length, width, weight or transportation permits, then this will be considered a violation of the Rules.

Oversized cargo is baggage that is carried, which differs from the standard and meets the standards in its parameters that go beyond the norms of weight and size.

In other words, something that is poorly placed in the cargo compartment of a motor vehicle and when driving on roads will interfere with other participants, endangering them.

Therefore, this type of cargo should be carried, subject to general and specific Rules traffic (hereinafter - SDA).

There is no clear definition of the concept in the Rules. But there are some criteria by which it is easy to determine whether the cargo is oversized or not.

Criteria for determining oversized cargo:

  1. Not suitable for legal requirements regarding composition, type, weight, etc. The mass must be taken into account in total with the mass of the car.
  2. Dimensions exceeded in relation to the dimensions of the vehicle.

Before starting cargo transportation, it is necessary to check the type and category of goods, items, substances that will be transported.

For flights between countries, there is a concept - "an embargo on the import of smuggled goods." This means that what is transported must be carefully checked every time.

Moreover, checks are carried out both before the trip and when crossing the border at customs points. All international routes are regulated by agreements and other provisions concluded between countries and states.

Size Requirements

Dimensions are established by regulations, based on the following key factors - compliance with the parameters:

  • roadway;
  • various elements of road infrastructure;
  • dimensions of the transportation vehicle itself.

All of the above factors are taken into account. This applies to:

  • strip sizes;
  • the roadway as a whole;
  • the presence of ground gas pipelines (important for determining the height of the cargo);

In addition, each driver is instructed, where he must use his experience and skills in determining the dimensions in the process of transportation in order to keep the optimal distance between his car and others.

For vehicles loaded with something that exceeds the norm in height, mass, special documentation is issued - a permit. But then such a driver will have restrictions in terms of using specific sections of roads.

For example, he cannot pass those places where the height limit is limited to a specific footage, as indicated by road signs.

The rules dictate the following requirements for the size of cargo:

The twenty-meter length is indicated taking into account the towing devices attributable to the fastening of the transported. If there are two or more trailers, then the total length of the road train should not exceed 24 m.

Traffic signs regulating the transportation of oversized cargo

All signs that are designed to notify other participants that oversized cargo is being transported, or regulating the movement of such vehicles, are created, accepted and installed on the roads by the traffic police service.

So, on the truck itself, drivers are required to attach a special marking - the designation "Oversized cargo".

Thanks to it, other road users will be warned in time, will keep an appropriate distance and let the car pass in accordance with the Rules.

Such identification marks can be installed on the machine in one of the following ways:

  • stick with a film;
  • be attached with a sign;
  • be placed with an LED shield.

Its parameters must comply with the standards R124 026-2001, and the number of the paragraph in the traffic rules where such a marker is described is 23.5.

The order of installation of the designation "23.5":

  1. The sign must not touch the road.
  2. Blocking the view for the driver with such a sign is unacceptable.
  3. It is necessary to attach the marking very securely so that it does not slip off when the vehicle is moving.

The signs indicating the restriction of the transported height have their own number in the Rules - 3.13. They can be performed in different variations of the tangent of digital values.

Therefore, indicate different footage in height. Also, such signs exist both on a permanent basis and during their temporary installation. It is easy to distinguish them - the first ones have a white background, and the second ones have a yellow background.


The charter dictates general rules transportation of oversized cargo. It is allowed to carry on the following types of roads:

  • urban;
  • suburban;
  • intercity;
  • international.

General rules for transporting oversized cargo on any car vehicle concern not only the observance of road signs, but also the treatment of the person being transported.

The load must be:

  1. Placed on a specialized road transport.
  2. Attached firmly and securely.
  3. Such dimensions, so as not to block the view of the situation on the road for the driver.
  4. Laid so conveniently that it does not interfere with the motorist to control the vehicle, including even giving hand signals warning of the upcoming maneuver - turn, U-turn.
  5. Postponed, released from loading and transportation in case the machine is not equipped for this. Or - moved to a car that meets the normative control.

At the same time, its location on the transportation platform of the vehicle should not block the operation of lights, headlights, light reflectors, license plates. This applies to both cars and trailers.

Each time the carrier is obliged to stop at a certain frequency in order to check the fasteners, the location of the cargo in the compartment.

Such a need also arises for the normal distribution of mass over the machine.

The weight should not exceed on one side and be less on the other. Otherwise, the car will constantly deviate towards gravity when driving. This will create a high degree of accident precedent.

For cars

A passenger car does not apply to a cargo road vehicle. However, it can also be used to transport any cargo.

Passenger cars are allowed such transportation if things, goods do not exceed the following parameters:

The height in this case is naturally limited by the height of the trunk, or the interior of the car. An exception is when the load is placed on the roof.

But then its main parameter will be the mass, which should not be more:

The roof rack of passenger cars can be closed or open. open type It is represented by a classic slatted pallet, to which it is easy to attach cargo with straps and cables.

Closed type - more modern models, have a streamlined shape. Their capacity limits the dimensions of the cargo.

Transportation rules:

  1. The protruding part of the load must be secured additionally.
  2. Need red and white reflectors.
  3. In the case of transportation on a trailer, warning markers "Oversized cargo" are affixed to the trailer. The size of the signs is 40x40 cm.
  4. The machine must not generate dust or pollute the environment.
  5. A certain noise level (low, medium) must be observed on the way if the vehicle is moving within settlements.

As for the noise threshold, it is easy to observe it - it is enough to use the jamming devices provided by the vehicle manufacturer. Otherwise, the actions of the motorist must comply with all the general rules listed above.

For trucks

To transport a bite on machines specialized for this, the following can be used:

  • trucks (small, medium, large);
  • road trains;
  • lengths.

For dangerous, oversized cargo, the driver must have such papers as a special permit for transportation.

Rules-memo for the transportation of oversized cargo and other:

  1. It is necessary to mount the sign "Oversized cargo" with a retroreflective surface. The dimensions of the plate, stickers are 40 x 40.
  2. The driver must have special documentation with him.
  3. The carrier is obliged to comply with the work regime, as well as rest. In the intervals between them, he checks the fastenings of the cargo.
  4. On the way, you should carefully observe changes in the markings, signs on the roads in order to change lanes in a timely manner or obey the restrictions provided specifically for such vehicles.
  5. It is necessary to comply with the requirement of choosing a route. In some cities, especially large ones, it is not allowed to transport oversized items on city roads and streets with a large crowd of pedestrians or cars. To do this, look also at road signs and warning signs.

When buying markings, the driver must look carefully. To make their surface reflective.

This must be observed according to the rules so that at night the carrier can be clearly seen on the road. This standard also applies to car transport.

cargo protrusion

If, by law, oversized cargo can be dispensed with without registration with special permits, then its transportation must take place in full accordance with the Rules provided for by the SDA.

As for the dimensions that protrude beyond the limits of the carrier itself - the vehicle, here the norms are established by clause 23.4 of the Rules.

It is important to pay attention to how the load stands out on all sides - forward, backward, on the sides.


Transportation is carried out with the amount of cargo exceeding its dimensions by 1-2 m from the dimensions of the carrier. And in some other cases, the protrusion in front and behind is 1 m.

If the length of the cargo extends only in one direction more than the carrying vehicle itself, but not more than 102 m, then such cargo is already considered bulky.


The load can protrude on the sides only for a certain distance, but it should not be more than 0.4 m. In these cases, you should know how to measure correctly. They should start from the point of location of the rear side lights - their edges.

At the same time, the protruding optics are already included in the designated 40 cm of the regulation. Therefore, the allowed size is still allowed to be smaller by 8-12 cm, on average.

The exact "error" depends on what size the lights are provided by the manufacturer, what model. In case of deviation from following the rules, the driver is threatened with deprivation of rights or a fine.

Penalties for breaking the rules

All violations of the Rules of the road are punishable under the articles of administrative law. The measure of responsibility is sought by judges in the Code of Administrative and Legal Regulations - (it has 11 parts).

The table shows some ranges of liability measures, according to which the culprit is punished for incorrect or prohibited transportation of oversized cargo:

Recorded fact of non-compliance with traffic rules in relation to the transportation of oversized cargo Size
fine, rub.
Drivers Responsible persons Businesses
Exceeding dimensions by 10 cm. 1000-1500 10000-15000 100000-150000
Exceeding the parameters by 10-20 cm. 3000-4000 25000-30000 250000-300000
Exceeding the parameters by 20-50 cm. 5000-10000 35000-40000 350000-400000
Violation of the rules of transportation and traffic on the roads. 1000-1500 5000-10000 50000-100000
Exceeding the norms for the mass of transported goods, false information. 5000 25000-35000 350000-400000
(for IP)
Mismatch of cargo data in the documentation. 1000-2000 15000-20000 200000-300000
Ignoring road signs, markings, etc. 5000

In addition to monetary penalties, other measures are used to prevent malicious violations of traffic rules.

Other options for administrative responsibility:

  • arrest of a car with payment for each day of storage on a special site.

In case of accidents where there are victims (severely injured or dead) due to the fault of the driver responsible for the improper transportation of oversized cargo, criminal liability arises.

The amount and type of punishment under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation will be determined in addition to administrative responsibility, and it will depend on the degree of guilt and consequences.

In this way, it turns out that the punishment will be doubled or even tripled, depending on how the court determines.

Types of criminal liability:

  • fine to the state;
  • compensation to victims;
  • seizure of a car with towing to a penalty parking lot;
  • the arrest of the accused;
  • deprivation of a driver's license to drive a vehicle;
  • restriction or deprivation of liberty;
  • other (forced labor, for example).

In the DD Rules, the carriage of goods is separated into a whole Section No. 23. To refer to the standard for oversized cargo, it is necessary to read paragraphs 23.1 and 23.2, which give the norm how to secure the load and what are its permissible masses and dimensions.

The rules of the road of the Russian Federation regulate not only the order and principles of the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the roads of our country, but also what rights they are endowed with in the process of this movement. According to the provisions of the road legislation, drivers have the right to transport in their vehicles.

The latter is divided into oversized and oversized, the transportation of each of which is regulated by the traffic inspectorate in different ways. In today's material, our resource will consider in detail the traffic rules regarding the transportation of oversized items, as well as penalties for non-compliance.

Oversized cargo is bulky or heavy baggage.

In the SDA of the Russian Federation, the concept of "oversized cargo" is interpreted as "oversized or heavy baggage." Regardless of the interpretation of the definitions, they mean that the cargo exceeds the legal norm for a particular mode of transport.

Before sending this or that baggage, it is extremely important to determine this norm specifically for your case, so as not to run into traffic police officers. Today, oversized cargo is considered to be baggage that:

  • or significantly exceeds the size of the transport carrying it, as a result of which it is able to block part of the roadway and create a potential danger to other road users (oversized cargo);
  • or exceeds the parameter of the maximum allowable weight for transportation on the transport transporting it (heavy cargo).
  • Traffic rules define these concepts quite clearly, but it should be understood that their final interpretation depends on which transport is considered for the transportation of a particular cargo. For example, with regard to the carriage of luggage on trucks, oversized cargo is any cargo that exceeds:
  1. 2.5 meters in height;
  2. 38 tons by weight;
  3. 24 meters long;
  4. 2.55 meters wide.

Of course, if transportation is carried out on a small truck, then the calculation is based on its dimensions. But it is precisely the parameters of oversized baggage presented above that are fixed by law for freight transportation.

Despite the relative subjectivity of the concept of "oversized cargo", the traffic rules of the Russian Federation state that it is necessary to consider luggage as such on the grounds common to all types of vehicles. More precisely, the following:

  • the transported cargo protrudes by 40 centimeters or more on the sides of the vehicle and more than 1 meter behind and in front;
    the transported cargo exceeds the permissible weight for transportation on this vehicle.
  • That is, in the presence of the circumstances presented above, the traffic police officer has every right to issue a penalty for the transportation of oversized cargo, but only on the condition that its transportation is carried out in violation of the rules established by law.

Transportation rules

Oversized cargo must be transported according to established rules

As noted earlier, the traffic rules of the Russian Federation indicate not only the concept of "oversized", but also the rules for its transportation. By following these rules, you can avoid getting fines for transporting oversized baggage. The general list of rules for the transportation of "oversized" is as follows:

  • A passenger car can carry cargo not exceeding 2.55 meters in width, 2.5 meters in length and the weight of transportation allowed for this car. At the same time, oversized cargo must be installed in such a way that it does not block the view of the driver of the vehicle and is visible to other road users.
  • In addition, a sign must be installed on the car that indicates the transportation of oversized cargo. Its size must be at least "40 by 40 cm", and it must also be reflective.
  • For other modes of transport, the previously mentioned rules apply, which cannot be violated. In the process of transporting "oversized", for example, on a minibus or a small truck, it is also necessary to install it on a car.

In rare cases, it is permissible to transport oversized cargo that exceeds the normal dimensions established by law. In this case, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permits, comply with a number of transportation rules and, if necessary, enlist an escort (if the luggage is more than 4 meters wide).

It is impossible to ignore such rules, since there is some administrative responsibility for their non-compliance on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is worth noting that when drawing up the protocol, traffic police officers must take into account the permissible measurement error of “+/- 10 centimeters”.

That is, with the size of the cargo that is transported in a passenger car, 2.58 meters wide and 2.53 meters long, the driver has the right to demand that he be released. In this case, it is worth referring to the corresponding decree of authorized organizations (GOST).

Punishment for violations

For incorrect transportation - a fine!

For transportation of oversized cargo on a vehicle with non-compliance with the rules of this procedure or with a strong excess allowable norms traffic police officers have the right to impose on the driver the appropriate one.

If the rules for the transportation of "oversized" are enshrined in the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, then violations for misdemeanors regarding the transportation of such goods are regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO). According to Article 12.21 of the Code, the following types of penalties may be imposed for improper transportation of oversized cargo:

  • for the driver - either a fine from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles, or deprivation of rights for a period of 2 to 4 months;
  • for an official who allowed this type of transportation in violation - a fine from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles;
  • for a legal entity, that is, an organization whose driver transported goods in violation of the law - up to 500,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that responsibility is not always imposed, and it is the driver who, as a rule, is punished by officials and legal entities. Despite this, by decision of the judicial authority or in some other situations, all subjects of legal relations who are somehow guilty of improper transportation of "oversized" may suffer.

It is important to understand that the size, severity and other nuances of penalties for such an offense depend on how seriously the rules were violated. The “seriousness” of the violation is determined based on the presence of such circumstances as:

  1. the presence or absence of warning signs and their compliance with standards;
  2. correct placement of cargo and its dimensions;
  3. the speed of the vehicle that transported oversized cargo.

Of course, if the “oversize” was transported without special signs, blocked the driver’s view and was potentially dangerous for other road users, then the punishment could be the most serious. But in the event that the transportation rules were observed, but there was no special sign, the driver is quite entitled to count on a relatively frivolous penalty from the traffic police.

In any case, when transporting oversized cargo on a particular mode of transport, you must comply with traffic rules. It is important to bear in mind that some violations in the process of transporting such baggage can be dangerous not only for the driver who transported it, but also for other road users. Is the health or even the lives of people worth transporting large loads? Definitely not.

In general, the rules for the transportation of "oversized" are quite accessible and clearly formulated in the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, and the penalties for their violation are in the Code of Administrative Offenses. You can get to know them most accurately if you thoroughly study chapter 23 of the traffic rules and article 12.21 of the code, while the main information from these legislative acts was presented in today's article. We hope that the material was useful for you and gave answers to your questions. Good luck on the roads!

What are the penalties for non-compliance with the rules for the transportation of oversized cargo? Look for answers in the video: