Shower      06/23/2020

Bathroom renovation - the order of work, stages. How to start a bathroom renovation - competent organization of repair work How to start a do-it-yourself bathroom renovation

For painting the ceiling must be leveled, plastered and puttied to make the surface look perfect. The best option in this case is water-dispersion paint, which is designed for rooms with high humidity. If neighbors suddenly flood you, then traces will remain on such a ceiling, and the structure itself will not be able to protect, but condensation will not accumulate on it.

Followed by wall decoration so as not to stain the floor. Most often, the merits of which in this case are undeniable. Plaster and putty are applied to pre-prepared walls, after which they dry to. At the same time, tile glue is used, and installation begins from a prominent angle, so that in the most noticeable places the tile is solid, and cut pieces can be used with other objects. The seams between the tiles are filled, which can be in the color of the tile or, conversely, contrast with it. There can be a lot of tile options, you can combine them with each other different types, use mirror inserts that can slightly expand a small bathroom.

Installed in the same way tiles on the floor, but for the floor, it is better to stop the choice on the most non-slip coating. – waterproof laminate that will definitely be non-slip. Together with it, you can also use liquid wallpaper as a wall covering.

Installation of sockets and switches

When the finish is ready, you can proceed to install sockets and switches in pre-prepared places. This stage also includes installation of some equipment, incl. water heater. It may be needed not only by residents of private houses, but also by many residents of apartment buildings, in which summer hot water shutdowns are often practiced. To save space, you can choose not storage, but instantaneous water heater.

You also need to take care of. It can be an automatic fan that will monitor the level of humidity and temperature by itself, turning itself on and off. If you yourself regulate its operation, then a separate switch is provided for it, and combining the inclusion of light and ventilation is not always convenient and justified. At this stage, set sockets, switches, all necessary lighting fixtures.

Plumbing installation

This is the stage for which the renovation in the bathroom most often begins. The choice of sanitary ware is now impressive, so everyone will be able to choose what fits in size, appearance and functionality. An alternative to the usual can be the acrylic version: they are distinguished by a wide variety of shapes and wider functionality. If there is not much space in the bathroom, then it is better to stop the choice on shower cabin Now queue for. It is installed at the finish line of all work, so as not to accidentally scratch the plumbing. The door should fit well into the design of the bathroom, delay sounds, be devoid of completely transparent elements.

At the end of all the work, it remains only to put everything necessary, hang a mirror, paintings, arrange flowers, hang towels, put in place accessories, which in the bathroom perform not only the role of decoration, but also have a certain function.

In conclusion

Drawing up and breaking down all repair work into stages helps to better imagine all that needs to be done. By following a clear sequence, the risk of forgetting to do something is reduced, and the quality of the work being done is improving. Moreover, strict adherence to the stages helps to meet the deadlines, so before starting repairs in the bathroom, it is better to take some time to think about the project and the sequence of work.

Let's take a look at how to make repairs in the bathroom yourself. What tools do we need for this. What difficulties lie in wait for us and how to overcome them. How not to miss important moments when renovating a bathroom. Why do-it-yourself high-quality repairs will not always be cheaper than repairs by hired workers.

Like any other construction and repair company, you should start with a project and an estimate. We have to figure out what exactly we want to see in the renovated bathroom. Make up detailed list required:

  • furniture
  • plumbing
  • Appliances

Then you should estimate the arrangement of all of the above, taking into account access to communications. For example, it is not always possible to lay a sewer in the place where you would like to install a washing machine or a shower cabin with the required slope of 2% (2 cm per 1 meter of length). Therefore, take into account such a moment in advance so as not to suffer in the future with constant sewer blockages.

After you have "put" everything in its place, think over in detail the design that you would like. And get down to business.

If you are on budget, you can start doing your own bathroom renovation. To do this, we need to understand what tool we need.

Essential tool for bathroom renovation

Usually, those who start repairing their own hands already have some tool in their arsenal. If you are going to buy essential tool to renovate a bathroom from scratch, then we strongly recommend that you consider whether it would be cheaper to hire workers with their own tools? Because the cost of work is usually 50% of the cost of materials for finishing and communications, and the cost of a tool can even exceed this amount. The tool for quality repairs in the bathroom is not cheap. And if in the future you do not plan to engage in independent repairs, it will be a waste of money. Consider leasing or reselling the instrument. So what do we need:

  • perforator with a wide chisel, drills, mixer attachment
  • strobe tool
  • soldering iron for plastic pipes
  • tile cutter (if you plan to tile)
  • spatulas
  • diamond crowns
  • electrical work kit
  • standard plumbing tool kit

Work order

First, you need to turn off the power and water. Then remove all furniture and fixtures from the bathroom. But do not rush to throw it away. If you have a good but old cast iron bath, consider a variant of it .

After cleaning the room, tightly hang the doors with a film or cloth and proceed to clean the ceiling, walls and floor. The old whitewash must be washed off, the paint removed with a drill with a nozzle or a building hair dryer. The tile is beaten off with a perforator with a wide chisel. Do not forget construction goggles, a respirator and gloves. Dust and small chipped tiles are very dangerous.

Carefully consider the old plaster and floor screed. They must be strong, sufficiently even and without cracks. Otherwise, they will have to be replaced. When replacing the floor screed, consider the installation option. Minor irregularities and flaws can be repaired by puttying tile adhesive, having preliminarily well primed the surface.


Let's move on to communications. Let's do the sewer first. Here, the important point is the insulation of risers and observance of the slope with horizontal pipe routing. Be sure to insulate the sewer riser with foamed polypropylene, because condensate can thoroughly spoil your repair in the future. Do not forget, the sewer riser is warm air. And the riser is usually "sewn up" various partitions, screens, etc. Which significantly interferes with the external ventilation of the riser. Therefore, condensate forms on the outside of the pipe, from which then comes moisture, dirt, rot, and fungus. Another advantage of insulation will be an increase in sound insulation. Recall that the slope of the sewer pipe in the horizontal plane should be 2% (2 cm per 1 meter of length). This slope makes it possible to flush debris through the pipe in a stream of water. With a larger slope, the water will leave faster than the debris, and with a smaller slope, the debris will stagnate.

Water pipes

Then we change water pipes. Modern renovation involves hidden wiring pipes. Therefore, you have to tinker with strobes for pipes. Provide a cabinet or a niche with a door near the water riser for the possibility of checking water meters and locating the main stopcocks. In this case, you can always easily turn off the water in the bathroom.

Important point: when you have laid the pipes under the faucet on the wall, connect any old faucet (or a carefully closed new one) to the outlet and plaster the strobe with pipes. Or use a special mounting plate to fix the fittings. This will secure the endings in the required plane. So that it doesn’t happen later that they will “look” in different directions.


The next step is wiring. Choose wires with good insulation, check this point with a consultant in the store. All sockets and fixtures must also be made specifically for rooms with high humidity. In no case should you install "ordinary" sockets and switches. Fortunately, now the choice makes it easy to find suitable option. Provide protection for new wiring from short circuits and the ability to turn off the bathroom separately from the rest of the home.


Then we start working on the ceiling. With modern repairs in old Khrushchev-type apartments, it is not uncommon to lower the ceiling level. They make it either suspended, embed spotlights in it, etc. The main thing here is not to forget that the ceiling cannot be made from ordinary drywall and that it cannot be closed air vent. Ventilation is very important in the bathroom. We take into account that the air inflow into the bathroom should be at the opposite end from the exhaust vent. Usually, holes at the bottom serve as a "suction" front door. Consider removing moist air from the room on the opposite side. Do not forget that if you have a small bathroom, i.e. 3-6 sq. meters, you will need forced ventilation. Buy and install exhaust fan. With a larger room, forced ventilation is installed in case of insufficient draft in the duct.


After the ceiling we move on to the floor. If you need a new screed - we make it. Warm it up if possible. Laying the flooring. The most common coating is still ceramic tile. When laying it, they are guided by the principle that it is necessary to start laying from the most noticeable place. Usually this is the input. So that the tile trimmings go under the bath or furniture. But tile isn't the only option for decorating a bathroom. Moisture-resistant varieties of wood, such as teak and larch, are now popular. It is certainly expensive, but very beautiful.


Then we move on to the walls. Before finishing the walls, be sure to prime them. If you are tiling the walls, then here, as in the case of the floor, laying starts from the most noticeable place. If you decide to paint the walls, then choose a moisture-resistant paint that does not allow steam to pass through. And cover the wall with penetrating waterproofing before painting. If you opted for plastic or other wall panels, then also take care of waterproofing. Keep in mind that the frame of the crate under the panels cannot be made of wood. In a closed space with panels, the wood will rot very quickly. In addition, it will be a source of fungus and other infections in your bathroom. Choose a galvanized metal profile. Or glue the panels on special sealants and adhesives, like "".

Installation of furniture and plumbing

The next step is to install furniture and connect plumbing. Handle new appliances with care, do not forget to read the instructions before installation. After installation, we do a test run and check for leaks, correct operation appliances, etc.

If everything is ok, congratulations! You have successfully completed your DIY bathroom renovation. And this is not an ordinary event. We hope that our instruction helped you organize your thoughts, and perhaps taught you something. Please share your experience in the comments to the article. We are very interested in how you managed to do the bathroom renovation yourself and what came of it.

One day, the time finally comes to every house when it is simply no longer possible to postpone the repair of the bathroom with your own hands, because the old tiles and wallpapers with which the walls are pasted over have lost their attractive appearance or, even worse, they gradually began to lag behind even the surface, and all pipes just rusted to an impossible state.

The desire to make repairs becomes even stronger, along with the fact that more and more various materials capable of quickly and at an affordable cost to turn even small room into a "euro" class room, which will be admired by all guests of the house.

If you are interested in the instructions for repairing a bathroom, then the main point that you should understand from it is that the sequence of actions during the repair must be followed. Then even the mistakes made can be eliminated without problems without spending more time and effort.

Difficulties with self-repair

Many builders say that the most difficult stage of repair is all those actions that will need to be done due to the characteristics of the room.

For this reason, it is especially important to approach the choice of materials that will be used in the future for finishing the ceiling and walls, since all materials used must be waterproof.

Also difficult are the works associated with the dismantling of equipment and various coatings. It is much easier to renovate a bathroom and toilet in a new building, since the room in it is usually no more than a couple of square meters.

Before you start doing repairs yourself, be sure to disassemble the whole process in detail, since it will be necessary to take into account all the details of installing equipment and materials during work.

The nuances of bathroom renovation

Firstly, in order to avoid the formation of fungus, in no case should you equip a cavity between the decorative and main surfaces. For the same reason, it is forbidden to finish any walls with plasterboard, which is water resistant and plastic.

Secondly, in accordance with existing building codes, you should not install switches and sockets during repairs.

There are options for how to get around this limitation, but still do not forget about high humidity levels, which cause a fairly high risk of electric shock.

Thirdly, during the renovation of the bathroom, it is better not to use materials that are prone to decay or are hygroscopic, corrosive.

Fourthly, when the area of ​​the renovated premises is small enough, it makes sense to install a modern shower cabin instead of a bathtub. large sizes.

Ceramic tiles: the nuances of use

A rather important issue is the choice of ceramic tiles for walls when you start renovating a bathroom in Khrushchev, since there are quite a lot of different criteria to take into account here.

First of all, you should know that all the tiles used today for finishing wall and floor surfaces are divided into different grades, which you can find out by carefully examining the packaging. The manufacturer is obliged to indicate it.

Taking into account international standards, bright red is used today to designate the highest grade, bright blue for the second grade, and green for the third grade, respectively.

If you dwell in detail on the highest grade of tiles, you can see a 5% deviation from the norm, which is considered acceptable today.

When buying the second grade, you can see about 1⁄4 of the tiles with defects. Therefore, deciding to save cash, do not be surprised later that in almost every tile of the batch there will be one or another deviation from the standard that has been set. Of course, a photo of a bathroom renovation in the future is unlikely to become a model for other apartment owners who decide to upgrade a bathroom.

When buying tiles, be sure to take at least a small supply. Since laying marriage is almost inevitable, a certain amount is required with full shade matching.

When choosing a floor covering, look at bathroom renovation ideas, for sure you will be able to find there interesting options. One of the most popular materials today is porcelain stoneware, as well as special tiles designed exclusively for the floor. The materials have good strength indicators, they have a slightly rough surface, which is especially important for the bathroom.

When buying several packs at once, do not forget to check the specified batch number on each of the selected packages, and also check the size of the tile. If you notice that the difference is more than one millimeter, then it is better to take another package.

Buy all the materials necessary for repairs with a margin, since a few percent of their total amount will be written off for trimming and fighting.

Doing your own quick repairs in the bathroom may not be as easy as it seems at first glance due to the small size of the room. Nevertheless, if you make all the necessary efforts, use high-quality materials and tools, everyone can cope with the task.

Photo of bathroom renovation

What can happen to the laid floor tiles, if immediately after that start repairing the walls? In the best case, the flooring will take a long time to clean. In the worst case, you will have to replace the floor finish in whole or in part. Therefore, when repairing a bathroom, it is necessary to clearly remember what sequence of actions must be performed.

In this article, we will understand the exact sequence of actions and answer the question - where to start repairing the bathroom?

Planning is considered the most important and mandatory step in the repair of any premises. But what is it for if you are going to renovate your bathroom? In this case, planning allows you to achieve the following:

  • see the final decision;
  • determine the sequence of repair work;
  • define required amount finishing and building materials.

Planning allows you to determine where to start. At this stage, you can decide on a suitable design solution, as well as choose the option of laying electrical wiring and placing plumbing fixtures. The project will allow you to choose desired scheme communications.

Bathroom renovation - layout

This is the longest stage, even if you are assisted by a professional designer. It is important to discard unsuitable options and settle on a suitable solution for each family member. You can proceed to the next stage only after a thorough study of this.

Purchase of materials

Do not give preference to the cheapest materials. This applies equally to building materials and finishing materials. Quality repair can't be cheap. So, when using a grout with low cost and low quality, you can lose safety. Over time, fungus may appear on the seams and behind the tiles. As a result, after 2-3 years it will be necessary to carry out repairs again.

The bathroom is a special room that has a certain level of humidity and temperature. These indicators are not constant here, but they are often increased. Therefore, it is impossible to use cheap finishing and building materials here, as they significantly reduce the duration of operation of this room. If you lay ceramic tiles on a cheap adhesive composition in the kitchen or in the hallway, it will not hurt the repair. But in the bathroom, this option is unacceptable.

You have decided to renovate the bathroom, where to start in the first place? After planning is completed, you need to move on to purchasing the necessary materials. You can save money if you use a cumulative discount system. It exists in almost any salon or large hardware store.

We remove everything unnecessary from the bathroom

If you want to save money, you can dismantle it yourself. In this case, the quality of the new repair will not suffer, and you will not have to pay for dismantling.

Features of dismantling in the bathroom

These jobs do not require professionalism. They must follow certain rules. When dismantling, you should not break anything. Everything needs to be taken apart carefully. It's not a matter of preservation for the purpose further use and not for sale. The main problem is security. In case of improper work, you can not only damage the structure, but also injure yourself.

Dismantling the bathtub from the bathroom

Removal of old coatings and disassembly of the finish is carried out in a certain sequence. No matter how this process looks from the outside, it must take place according to a strictly worked out scheme. To protect yourself, you must first decide what and how to properly beat off or cut off.

If you're planning a major bathroom renovation, where do you start with the demolition work? Carry out the following sequence of actions:

  1. Remove all old fixtures and fittings from the bathroom.
  2. Delete old tiles and paint from wall, ceiling and floor surfaces.
  3. Dismantle the walls, if necessary for the project.

Please note that the walls are cleaned down to concrete or brick, and the floor and ceiling - to the floor slabs. Otherwise, your repair will not be of high quality and durable. But the greatest attention must be paid to the surfaces of the walls. It is important that they are perfectly even. If a deep notch or a hole from a perforator remains, sooner or later the finish will begin to deteriorate.

Another problem is the installation of hidden communications. It is important to do it correctly and very accurately. Usually, hidden communications in the bathroom are understood as plumbing and electrical wiring. They are installed in pre-made strobes.

If you want to make a major overhaul in the bath, the photos in our gallery will suggest a suitable solution. When carrying out a major overhaul, both the internal wiring of the electrician and the water pipes with risers should be changed. As for the wiring issues during the overhaul, a new input will be required.

Old wiring, as a rule, cannot cope with the load that modern electrical appliances exert. Previously, the bathroom used only lighting, which consumed no more than 200 watts. At the moment, not only more powerful lighting is being installed in this room, but also a washing machine and a tank for heating water. The total power consumption is usually at least 4.5 kW.

The increased power also dictates new safety rules that apply to both electricity and water supply. The main safety rules include the following:

  1. Quality grounding device.
  2. The presence of RCDs and circuit breakers.
  3. The presence of an "anti-flood" type system, which is mounted directly on the risers.

To decide where to start repairing the bathroom, the photos on our website will help you solve this problem.

Floor waterproofing

It must be carried out without fail. Thanks to high-quality waterproofing of the floor in this room, it is possible to retain about 100 liters of water if the room is flooded.

This means that water simply will not penetrate to your neighbors from below. But she is unlikely to save from big flood, which is associated with a breakthrough of the riser. But waterproofing will give the time needed to shut off the water supply. You do not have to worry about small leaks, which sometimes happen during the use of the bathroom.

Bath waterproofing

What should be high-quality waterproofing? At its core, it is a “trough”, the sides of which are the lower part of the walls, and the base of the floor is the bottom. To seal these surfaces, the following options are used:

  1. Bituminous mastic.
  2. Roll insulation.

Surface leveling

Smooth surfaces will be the key to an excellent view of the decoration of the room as a whole. You do not know where to start bathroom renovation? It is important to correctly level the surfaces before facing them. Many say that they do not need to be leveled, as this can be done during the tiling process with glue. But this is the wrong decision.

A significant layer of glue can cause it to "float". Because of this, the reliability of setting the tiles to the surfaces of the floor and walls is reduced. In addition, you will have to provide a fairly large budget for the purchase of adhesive composition.

Leveling the walls in the bathroom

Leveling surfaces will be cheaper if you use drywall sheets or plaster mix for this. In this case, you will not need to buy a lot of glue to install ceramic tiles on the surface of the floor and ceiling. And proper alignment leads to the fact that the tile is glued exactly on all parts of the plane.

Finishing bathroom renovation

It is necessary to carry out the following sequence of actions:

  1. Coat floor and wall surfaces.
  2. Repair ceiling.
  3. Replace door.
  4. Furnish the room.

Surface cladding begins with wall surface finishing. Then finish the floor surface. After that, you can lay the bottom row of tiles on the wall. It is also called undercut. It is important to lay the tiles in this place last, as they will have to be cut in any case. After that, the tile should stand for at least 2-3 days. After that, you can start grouting and move on to other work.

Repair of the surface of the bathroom ceiling is carried out only after the completion of the finishing of the room as a whole. then install the door. It is important that it cope with high humidity. All actions must be carried out after the finishing work is fully completed.

How can you make the bathroom more comfortable?
First of all, we need to carefully analyze what we have.

The first is the area and volume of our bathroom. Based on this, we can plan various improvements in our bathroom. We may have a large shower or bathtub in mind, washing machine and etc.

But we must definitely keep in mind that our bathroom will be much more comfortable if it is spacious enough so as not to hamper our movements.

It is equally important to change the wall covering of the bathroom. Most often there we have tiles, thanks to modern technologies the variety of colors and shapes of tiles is huge

We also need to choose from this huge number those tiles, the wall cladding with which will create for us a feeling of convenience and comfort. The color and shape of the tiles on the wall determine how comfortable we feel in the bathroom.

If we have a large bathroom, then when renovating the bathroom, we can fill it with various items for comfort and convenience. It can be: vases, flowers, cabinets and lockers, stools and benches. The bathroom can become convenient place for storage of linen and various household trifles.
Music or TV, safely installed in the bathroom, can create the necessary mood. Currently, a wide variety of audio and video equipment is being produced that runs on 12 V that is safe for us.

Many of us carelessly put 220V sockets in the bathroom, but in vain. If you need to install such outlets, you need a qualified electrician who can competently secure our stay in the bathroom.

Self-renovation of the bathroom is not a cheap pleasure. As a rule, we are more concerned about the issue of saving than unnecessary spending.
The most effective way to transform our bathroom is to reorganize its space. How to change the layout of the bathroom.

Cleanliness is a very important part of bathroom comfort. Keeping our bathroom clean is one of the free but effective ways creating comfort.

The transformation and reorganization of our bathroom is very diverse.

This may be the installation of a water heater, an important device that allows you not to be upset by seeing an announcement on the entrance door about turning off hot water for almost a month. Consideration must be given to the installation of a water heater.

Turning off such familiar hot water creates great inconvenience in maintaining personal hygiene for all family members.

A water heater, in which water and electricity 220V work together, is a complex device. Having decided to install it, it is better to consult an electrician and plumber. These two specialists will jointly decide how to make the use of this device convenient and safe, and maintenance is not expensive and easy.

Another way of transforming our bathroom is lighting. See how stores highlight their merchandise with lighting, we love it and it sets the mood. We can also use similar way, to change the atmosphere in the bathroom, according to our mood. It can be added to our bathroom and germicidal lamps are very effective as additional helpers in cleanliness.

Screed installation

The screed is done only on a clean, dry floor. It is necessary to remove all debris from the floor so that no grains of sand remain. After that, the floor is primed with a brush. Then the mixture for the screed is prepared.

First you need to determine the curvature of the floor. For this, it is used building level. If the floor is level, then no screed is required. With height differences per 1 m2 no more than 1-2 cm, it is done cement-sand mortar. But if the curvature exceeds 2 cm, then a concrete mixture of cement, crushed stone and sand will be required.

Concrete mixture to eliminate large height differences is prepared from cement, crushed stone and sand in a ratio of 1: 3.5: 2.5 in a concrete mixer or thoroughly mixed by hand in a large container.

After preparing the solution, beacons are installed on the floor, along the upper part of which a horizontal line can be drawn. If you put a building level on top of the lighthouses, then it should show a flat surface.

Then the prepared mixture is poured onto the floor in parts. It should reach the top of the lighthouses, but not completely. After an hour, the beacons are pulled out of the dried solution, which is why it is required that the solution does not completely cover their tops.

The resulting cracks from the beacons are filled with a solution. After that, the room is left to dry the floor. During drying, it is better to cover the floor surface with plastic wrap, due to which the concrete will not crack.

Tiling bathroom surfaces

Tiling bathroom surfaces is no easy task. As we have already said, before facing, it is necessary to prepare the surfaces - primed, level, if necessary, etc.

The leveling layer during application does not need to be thoroughly rubbed, but it is necessary to perform a rough cleaning to get rid of all protruding roughness. Glue can be mixed manually or using a drill with a nozzle. The adhesive is applied to the surface of the floor or wall with a comb trowel. Having applied glue, we press the tile to the surface and tap it with a fist or rubber mallet. To comply with identical seams between the tiles, special templates are inserted that look like “P”-shaped brackets or plastic crosses. After the glue has set (usually one day after the lining), the templates are removed.

The seams are rubbed with a special composition, matched by tone and color. Let's dwell on this moment in more detail. The thing is that it is almost impossible to choose a grout that perfectly matches in tone (and even more so in color) with a tile. A grout similar in color and tone sometimes looks generally tasteless. Therefore, the tone and color must be selected so that they not only match, but also stand out in comparison with the tiles. Usually the seams are made somewhat lighter than the tiles and in colder colors. It is necessary to rub the seams after the glue has completely dried, but not earlier than after a couple of days, especially when using a light grout. Excess grout must be removed with a dry cloth immediately after it "grabs". To get even seams, go over the fresh seams with a piece of silicone or vinyl insulated round cable. The diameter of the cable should be approximately twice the width of the seam, then the seams will be smooth and evenly depressed along the entire length.

Well, you did your own bathroom renovation. Having spent a lot of time, you saved some money, gained skills that will be useful to you more than once, and most importantly, you made repairs the way you yourself wanted. It remains only to attach lamps, mirrors, mount plumbing fixtures, put furniture.

How to do it all, how to install showers, hot tubs, siphons, faucets, bath screens, as well as how to work with wood, plastic, ceramics, paint, glass and much more useful and interesting you can learn by reading my blog Man in Dome.Ru. Subscribe and come again and again, so as not to miss anything interesting!

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Choice of finishes

The next stage of bathroom renovation is the choice of finishing materials. The most common option is tiles on the walls and on the floor. This finishing method is popular as it is durable and easy to clean. But the cost of such finishing is high. There are cheaper options, but no less interesting. For example, cork or PVC tiles can be laid on the floor. Walls can be painted, pasted over with special wallpaper, applied decorative plaster on them.

Not fewer options for decorating the ceiling. The standard way of finishing is bleached or painted ceiling. But recently, suspension or tension systems have become more popular. They allow you to hide communications, although they take a few centimeters in height. Ceilings in the bathroom can be:

  • tension;
  • from drywall;
  • rack (from aluminum rails);
  • PVC panels.

Depending on the type of ceiling, the sequence of repairs in the bathroom changes. When choosing stretch ceiling, it is done last. After all other finishing work is completed, the doors are installed. The plasterboard ceiling, as well as bleached or painted plaster, is finished simultaneously with the walls or a little earlier - so that whitewash or paint does not fall on the walls. Suspension systems (except drywall) are assembled after finishing the walls.

Drawing up a plan and procedure

After you have decided on all these issues, you have chosen plumbing and Decoration Materials start drawing up a plan. After all the old decoration has been removed, the dimensions of the room are measured with an accuracy of up to a centimeter, and the dimensions are transferred to the plan. On this plan, all communications are drawn, distances to all points of their exit are drawn, plumbing and furniture are drawn on a scale. After all, the location of the outlets of the water supply, sewerage depends on the position of the plumbing and its size. The following is the work plan:

  • Dismantling of equipment: baths, washbasins, electrical appliances.
  • Removal of old finishes from walls, floors, ceilings.

  • Replacement of water supply and sewerage, installation of new cut-off valves. When replacing the water supply, if necessary, filters can be installed; check sewer valves are often installed on the sewer in apartments to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  • Electrical wiring. The wires are mounted in the walls, strobes are made under them, in which a corrugated sleeve or plastic cable channels are laid.
  • Wall decoration. Here the sequence of repairs in the bathroom depends on the type of finish chosen and the initial state of the walls. Under the tile, the alignment of the walls with plaster is required, for painting and wallpaper, the final alignment using putty is still necessary. When laying tiles, they are laid starting from the bottom, but not from the first, but from the second row. The first row from the floor is laid later, after the floor is made.
  • Ceiling and lighting installation. In most cases, built-in lights are used; for the bathroom, they must be in a special sealed case.
  • Floor finishing. If there are large differences in altitude, before starting finishing works(after laying the electrical wiring) a leveling screed is poured. While all other work is going on, concrete is gaining strength. At this stage, the selected finishing material is laid on a pre-leveled base. After laying the first row of tiles (with pruning as necessary).

  • Installation of a washbasin, bathtub, other plumbing fixtures.
  • Furniture installation.

This step by step plan bathroom renovation. There is only one caveat: when to install doors. Usually door frame put after they prepare the walls for decoration. In this case, the wall decoration will fit close to the box.

This is important if platbands are not provided from the inside. Door leaf can be hung later - after the end of all the "dirty" work or immediately, but protect it with a thick plastic wrap

Otherwise, it is desirable to follow the sequence of repairs in the bathroom without changes.

Surface leveling

Smooth surfaces will be the key to an excellent view of the decoration of the room as a whole.

You do not know where to start bathroom renovation? It is important to correctly level the surfaces before facing them. Many say that they do not need to be leveled, as this can be done during the tiling process with glue.

But this is the wrong decision.

A significant layer of glue can cause it to "float". Because of this, the reliability of setting the tiles to the surfaces of the floor and walls is reduced. In addition, you will have to provide a fairly large budget for the purchase of adhesive composition.

Leveling the walls in the bathroom

Leveling surfaces will be cheaper if you use drywall sheets or plaster mix for this. In this case, you will not need to buy a lot of glue to install ceramic tiles on the surface of the floor and ceiling. And proper alignment leads to the fact that the tile is glued exactly on all parts of the plane.

How to make a bathroom renovation modern

Color matching is very important

The times when the premises were repaired with the materials that could be obtained are long gone. Now the construction market offers the widest range of modern and beautiful facing coatings, plumbing fixtures and all kinds of accessories.

You will have every opportunity to make your bathroom convenient, comfortable and with a competent bathroom interior.

Do not think that since the room is small, you will not be able to make it modern and beautiful.

It is only necessary to choose the right colors and shades in the room, thereby visually expanding it.

  1. To make the ceiling in the bathroom seem higher, use more bright hues than on the walls. If they are already light, then the ceiling should be white.
  2. about to do modern renovation bathroom, do not be afraid of rich shades. Cold dark color will give the space richness and depth. As a result, you can use materials of all blue shades or dark blue tones for lining the bathroom.
  3. If you want to make the room "warm", choose pastel colors, and to create bright spots, use accessories. Such a design technique will give a sense of the depth of space.
  4. Do not use rich red or brown tones for wall cladding. They visually reduce the space.
  5. Large drawings and shiny accessories are too overwhelming room interior. And here transparent materials and light decor items create its airiness.
  6. When using mosaics or tiles, refrain from buying a bright set. In the bathroom you relax and unwind. Bright walls will not allow this to be done.
  7. It is worth remembering that large ceramic tiles always reduce the visual space. Therefore, if your bathroom is very small, choose a tile, no more than 30 × 20 cm.
  8. Large mirrors add elegance to the room and expand the volume of the room.

Room decoration

Finishing in the case of cosmetic and major repairs can vary greatly. The instructions for tiling are as follows.

Laying tiles start from the top edge of the bath. Since the surface of the edge is not very even, it is usually impossible to maintain the same joint width along the entire border with the bathtub. The tile has to be cut very evenly or close the seam with a corner or a plinth.

Cutouts are made in the places where communications are supplied. The sockets are placed so as not to get into the joint. On outside corners the tile is sawn at an angle of 45 °. Fitting and laying the bottom row of wall tiles is carried out only after the flooring.

When laying the cut tiles, they try to take them out of sight and hide them in corners, under a bathtub or boxes. For a precise fit, manufacturers offer borders, friezes, inserts, but they are much more expensive. More affordable option- use of scraps of tiles of a different color.

After the laying is completed, the seams are filled with grout based on epoxy resin, excess fugue is removed immediately. Hardened fugue is more difficult to remove and can scratch the surface.

Installation of PVC panels is easier than working with tiles and takes much less time. PVC panels are mounted on rails made of wooden slats, metal or plastic profiles with hidden fasteners - kleimers. The tree is pre-treated with antiseptics.

From above and below, the cut ends are hidden by starting strips. In the corners set the outer and inner corners

Particular attention is paid to the vertical evenness, especially the first plank, and the alignment of the pattern. Complete the finishing process by installing a tension or false ceiling

Laying new pipes and electrical wiring

They start chasing walls for pipes and electrical wiring, thoroughly equipped with respiratory, vision and hearing protection. In the lower part of the wall, where the pipes run in a single bundle, communications are usually removed into a box. It is not necessary to hide pipes in strobes if they are covered with a bathtub or shower tray from above.

Metal plumbing risers are painted and packaged in thermal insulation material to protect them from condensation and prolong their service life. The sewer riser is replaced with the help of a management company. So that the apartment does not interfere with the noise of water drained by neighbors, sewer riser covered with soundproofing.

Before wiring in the plumbing cabinet, a frame installation system is mounted for the hidden installation of the toilet bowl, which saves some space. After connecting the pipes of hot and cold water supply to the collector with the installation of meters and sensors, they check the strength and tightness of the connections - pressure testing. This is a mandatory procedure for major repairs.

Electrical wiring is supplied to the locations of electrical installation products and equipment. For electrical safety, the wires are hidden in the corrugation and a ground loop is made. In order for the wiring to be done correctly, the work must be carried out by an experienced person.

After laying the communications, the strobes close up and erect the walls of the plumbing cabinet with a hidden inspection hatch. Depending on where it is more convenient to open, forward or sideways, choose one of two options for the design of the hatch - sliding or hinged. For the period before the installation of new plumbing, they put old toilet.

DIY bathroom decor

Everything should be in one color scheme, which is successfully combined with the color schemes used in the renovation of the bathroom

At budget repair the owners of the apartment will have to go for some tricks to spice up the look of the renovated bathroom. You can do this with:

  • stylish curtains near the bathroom;
  • creative wall stickers
  • unusual shelves and hangers with new towels.

Things from home pantry. For example, a mirror in a carved frame, together with the already familiar and rather boring, will create a completely different atmosphere and emphasize the individuality of the owner of the apartment. Other old things will also be interesting to fit into the interior. For example, a vintage suitcase can be turned into a vintage-style wall cabinet, or an old sewing machine can become a sink stand. The same function (provided, of course, that there is enough space in the bathroom) can be performed by an old bicycle.

Useful for DIY decor:

  • painted in White color a ladder that can turn into an original wall-towel rack;
  • a pile of old newspapers - you can make paper tubes from them, which in turn will become material for weaving a laundry basket;
  • seashells brought from trips - to decorate the frame of the mirror;
  • a basket that stood idle in the closet, which can be nicely placed on a shelf and store a spa set in it;
  • a bouquet of dried flowers - it will decorate any bathroom, the main thing at the same time is that it blends harmoniously with the tiles.

You can decorate a bathroom relatively inexpensively with the help of cute little things:

  • in the "marine" style (using pebbles and shells; stickers with the appropriate theme);
  • in country style (add wooden shelves to the interior, a wicker basket for furniture and textiles on the floor).

Everything is the details that radically change the look of a familiar place. Moreover, in some cases, they can even ... replace the repair itself, because thanks to them the space will change and become better.

It is quite possible to save your money when renovating your bathroom. The main thing is to observe a few simple rules: use high-quality materials, strictly observe the technology of work and not start a global redevelopment (in any case, it will cost a very decent amount). And it’s also worth doing the maximum work yourself so as not to pay builders for work about the same as for building materials in a store.

Processes outright

Despite its bright name, this period may turn out to be the darkest. This is because when it is carried out, it is most often necessary to eliminate the shortcomings that could appear during the period of primary operation. So, you may need:

Re-filling the floor and laying a new coating.

Finishing the floor

  • Replacement doorways, window frames and window sills.
  • Leveling walls, laying tiles.
  • Replacement of plumbing and pipes.

Therefore, this type of alteration will not be cosmetic at all, but capital. That is why the lion's share of the budget should be allocated for this stage.

Sometimes, due to shrinkage of the building, it is necessary to replace windows

Laying tiles

The finishing step will be immediately followed by finishing, and at this stage, you can already give free rein to your imagination and realize all the most interesting ideas, since there are no longer any restrictions on the quality of the finishing building materials used, and upon completion, you can use absolutely any decor and furniture. The reason for this is simple: now nothing needs to be moved from place to place or dismantled for the period of change. So it is after this stage that you can safely raise the grand piano and oak furniture set to the top floor.

Finishing will transform your interior

Interior of a studio apartment in a modern style

Where to begin

Any work in the bathroom begins with determining the location: sinks, baths, showers, furniture.

To do this, the location of all objects is drawn on a piece of paper. The future environment of the room depends not only on your own desires, but also on the convenience of laying pipes. It is necessary to place all objects in such a way that it is convenient to pull pipes for supplying and draining water to them.

After that, the calculation of the necessary materials is performed. And for this you need to know the size of the room. It is necessary to accurately measure the height and width of the walls, the dimensions of the ceiling and floor. After that, calculate how much tiles you need on the walls and floor. You also need to consider whether you need to lay tiles behind the bath. If not, then this area must be subtracted from the calculated one. But do not forget about a small supply of materials (about 10%), which will be spent on cutting. If you decide to lay tiles, read the articles Preparing walls for tiles and How to lay tiles.

We start repairing the bathroom with our own hands, the first steps

The room in which we take water procedures is considered very specific. Serious humidity and temperature fluctuations are constantly present here, water flows in large volumes in it. It is clear that for the repair of such a room it is necessary to select special materials that can withstand all negative influences. To finish the premises of interest to us, they usually choose:

  • plastic panels;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • tiles (for walls and floors).

These materials have the required qualities that allow them to be used in a room where there is steam and high temperature.

Finishing the bathroom with plastic panels

In addition, the bathroom should have a special atmosphere that promotes relaxation of a person. So, you need to correctly think over the design of this room and choose it correctly. color solution. Most often, bathrooms are made in pastel colors that do not irritate a person, but, on the contrary, soothe him. nervous system after a busy day. Professional designers recommend finishing bathrooms with products in beige, blue, peach, and blue shades.

Now you need to decide on the scope of work and make a plan for their implementation. The sequence of self-renovation of the bathroom, as a rule, is as follows:

  1. Preparing the room for renovations.
  2. Analysis of the state of the existing floor covering and the choice of technology for its restoration or complete replacement.
  3. Floor repair, insulation and waterproofing.
  4. Installation of sewer and water pipes.
  5. Laying electrical wiring.
  6. Plastering of ceiling and wall surfaces, their sheathing with the selected material and insulation.
  7. Installation of an efficient ventilation system.
  8. Installation of sanitary equipment.

The above sequence will allow you to spend a minimum of time on giving the room for water procedures perfect look.

Determine the type of repair

Bathroom renovations can include:

Unplanned. The need for spontaneous repairs may arise if an unforeseen situation arises (a pipe burst or your neighbors flooded you). If you decide to replace the bathtub, then this may entail a sudden repair (change of sewer pipes, installation of other plumbing, tiling, etc.);

Scheduled renovation. According to the complexity and material costs, the planned repairs can be major or cosmetic. Of course, cosmetic repairs are cheaper, but such work can only be carried out if there is no fungus and the plumbing and plumbing are in good condition. Such repairs include the replacement of wall and ceiling coverings, renovation floor and faucets. And a more serious repair, even if not quite a major one, requires thorough preparation and a serious approach.

This is interesting: How to choose curtains for the bedroom and create a harmony of style and comfort: we explain carefully

Rules for choosing inexpensive, but high-quality plumbing

One of the secrets to saving money when renovating a bathroom is careful planning of all expenses in advance.

It is important to remember this when making an estimate for plumbing before going shopping. It would not be superfluous to study the price range in advance by sitting on the Internet for a couple of hours.

Savings for each item can range from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles. You can also win significantly when buying a promotional product or when buying a product for which a plumbing delivery service from the store to the house relies as a gift.

Acrylic bathtubs retain heat well, and the water poured into such a bathtub remains warm much longer.

As for the bathroom, here the most budget option is made of acrylic. This material is cheaper than cast iron, but at the same time it has its own significant advantages:

fairly simple installation;
easy care;
safety in use (which is very important if the family has small children or elderly people who have a high risk of injury when falling on a cast-iron surface).

You can also save money due to the size of the bathroom. The smaller it is, the cheaper it is. Another option is not to change the home bathroom at all. A - to resort to the procedures of its "rejuvenation" due to the restoration with acrylic. As a result, it will look like new, and you can do the work yourself, without the involvement of specialists.

When choosing a sink, you should look at the models of domestic production. Russian products are cheaper, but at the same time no worse than eminent foreign counterparts.

In addition to Russian sinks, washbasins from Poland, Slovenia and Bulgaria meet the “price-quality” ratio well

In addition, you should not discount the sellers who work on the principle of "from the warehouse" - that is, at more affordable, in fact, "discount" prices: you can select the desired model from them on the website on the Internet, after which the seller himself will promptly deliver her to the buyer's house. Payment - only after acceptance of the goods, which eliminates the possibility of fraud.

In addition, there is another way, which, however, is not suitable for everyone. And someone will generally consider it wild, although for fans of life hacks it’s worth bringing it, perhaps: it has long been noticed that you can often find completely new plumbing fixtures near garbage cans near new buildings. The owners of apartments in newly built houses decide to replace it, not because it is bad, but because they want to have a completely different sink or bathroom. As a result, plumbing solutions from the developer are sent to a landfill, although they could well serve - at least for several years.

Separate conversation - about pipes and mixers. It is also not worth saving on them. At the slightest hint of rust, it is better to replace the pipes. Installing new plastic ones will prove to be an inexpensive option, which will also reduce costs. But what, again, cannot be saved - these are valves and valves. It is necessary to choose and install only the highest quality ones, even if they are more expensive.

How to save money on wall decoration

Wall painting can be attributed to the budget option for finishing, but smooth and prepared walls are required.

One of the main rules inexpensive repair in the bathroom - do not try to save on materials and on the services of craftsmen, inviting unskilled workers who will make everything cheaper, but worse.

First of all, this concerns the decoration of the walls. Here it is impossible to reduce the expenditure part at any cost and use cheaper materials. They will last for a very short time and, at least in a couple of years, you will have to think about starting a new repair.

There are five options for inexpensive finishes walls. This:

  • painting (suitable oil and acrylic paint for rooms with high humidity);
  • usage wall panels PVC (or lining - a cheap, moisture-resistant and easy-to-use material, which, by the way, will help hide existing wall defects);
  • pasting with a film (it is also not afraid of moisture, it keeps well on flat surface and allows you to experiment with colors);
  • registration with a sheet mirror (it corrects the space, allows you to save on the purchase of a mirror and is easy to mount);
  • inexpensive tiling.

The last option is the most preferred. Tiles should last for several years. In doing so, she:

  • practical (withstands temperature extremes and is not afraid of water);
  • looks good on the wall;
  • easy to care for (can be put in order using powerful detergents);
  • has a number of advantages over other options (when laying tiles, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room does not decrease as when using PVC panels, for example).

How to save on walls? A few ideas:

  • buy inexpensive domestic tiles;
  • carry out lining not the entire wall from floor to ceiling, but only the apron in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom and the sink (the rest can be painted or pasted over with special, moisture-resistant wallpaper);
  • trim part of the wall with more expensive tiles, and part with simpler tiles, turning this into a kind of design decision;
  • replace not all the old tiles, but only part of it;
  • level the walls with moisture-resistant drywall, and not with mixtures (this will cost less and take less time).

The ease of use and durability of the finish depend on the correct choice of tile adhesive with the desired characteristics.

You can save money when choosing tile adhesive. So, of the two brands common in Russian building materials stores - Ceresit and Moment, you can purchase the less expensive Moment, because its qualities correspond to the required hardness range. In addition, it is produced by the same manufacturer as Ceresit - Henkel. And she is responsible for the quality.

In general, you can really save on building materials if you start purchasing them in advance, and not buy everything at the very last moment. So, you can save the contents of your wallet when buying in a store belonging to a large distribution network:

  • goods in the last copy (sellers often make discounts on them);
  • tiles from the remains of the collection (it can also be bought at half price, and sometimes even cheaper);
  • building materials, which are subject to special discounts for a certain period of time.