In a private house      03/30/2019

How to deal with ants in the area. How to get rid of garden ants folk remedies

Any gardener or gardener is aware of the fact that not all types of insects are friendly to humans. Some pests - for example, ants - should be disposed of immediately. Experts advise to always approach the solution of the problem in a complex way, since there is no universal method. From this material you can find out what types of insects live in the garden, how to get rid of them folk remedies, and what is the vital activity of insects on fruit trees and shrubs.

On personal plot There are many species of both beneficial and harmful insects. Although the ants are the orderlies of the forest and bring certain benefits to the garden - they loosen the earth, allowing it to receive oxygen and some useful material, destroy some pests. But at the same time, they contribute to the spread of aphids, protecting it from pests, transferring it to new crops and eating its sweet milk, harming the roots of crops that are damaged as a result of the creation of many kilometers of underground passages.

Often, black and red ones settle in our plots, they are pharaohs, ants. Blacks are also called garden. They do not build an anthill, which sharply differs from their forest relatives, living in a small depression in the ground, on top of which a characteristic hill rises.

Their dwelling is sometimes located in the roots of trees and shrubs. They feed on aphid secretions, creating a successful symbiosis with it. She spoils plants, and goosebumps provide her with a comfortable existence and protection from ladybugs and other lovers to feast on aphids. Because of its invasion, cultures can even die. Therefore, the fight against ants must begin with the removal of aphids.

It is also difficult to compete with ants in the garden if they are red. They quickly restore the number of the colony, get used to the pesticides used, and choose the root systems of crops to create nests. In just a few years, insects of this species can destroy a tree. If the nest is just in the garden, and not in the roots, then nothing will grow near this place. There is a version that red insects can even milk aphids. If possible, it is advised to use folk remedies for ants in the garden, so as not to harm beneficial insects and plants.

Video "How to defeat ants in the garden"

This video features the most effective methods control of these insects.

Folk insect control methods

How to get rid of annoying ants by popular methods among the people?

They use natural repellents, the smell of which is unpleasant to insects - tansy, parsley, laurel, mustard, anise, tomato tops. You can spread the leaves and stems of plants near passages, trees, along the fence to scare pests away from the beds. Insects are intolerant of the smell of mint and valerian, so they are often planted along the plantings of the main crops.

You can sprinkle soda on ant heaps. Or spread ash or lime near the nests, cover anthills with them.

Even to fight ants, a mixture is used, composed of aromatic herbs of oregano and sulfur in a ratio of 1: 2. With it, it is even permissible to dig the entire garden.

Often, habitats are flooded with a solution of 1 tbsp. boric acid and 4 st. l. Sahara.

The treatment of “heaps” with a solution of kerosene is also suitable - for this, 10 tablespoons of the product are taken and mixed with 10 liters of water.

It is also known to dig up nests in the evening and pour boiling water into it. By this method it is really possible to get to the queen herself and new larvae, but it is not always effective.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about the old folk methods struggle.

The oldest that has come down to us excellent tool- it's a sheepskin. It is cut into strips, which are moistened with carbolic acid, and raspberries are wrapped around them somewhere at a height of 15 cm from the surface of the earth. Moreover, the strips must necessarily be turned inside out.

How to get ants out of the garden with carbon sulfide? A furrow is made around the shelter of insects, a product is poured into it and set on fire. But this is a radical method, since beneficial insects can also suffer along with harmful ones.

You can fill the home of pests with chopped garlic or onions.

Such a folk remedy for ants in the garden, like poison bait, helps. It is prepared with one third of a teaspoon of borax, 3 tablespoons of water and 1 tablespoon of sugar. All components are combined, heated, after cooling, add 1 teaspoon of honey.

Prepare sweet water from sugar, honey and water. If in the previous version the poison is laid out near the habitats, then you need to pour it in a trickle into the anthill using a groove. When the ants follow the sweet path, you will need to collect them - sprinkle them with salt, trample them, throw them into the water. After a few days, the procedure is repeated, but a new groove is required, installed in a different direction.

Insects do not like the smell of ash, as well as crushed bark, lime. They are often poured near the places of deployment of pests.

You can put the heads of smoked herring in the dwelling of uninvited guests, or it itself in a crushed form. But this method often causes discomfort to the gardener himself.

It is permissible to remove goosebumps from the site by laying a layer of ash and soot on their dwelling, sprinkling table salt on top.

Sometimes chopped garlic or wormwood branches are placed on the paths along which insects move.

How to deal with uninvited guests with yeast? 1 tablespoon should be poured with cooled boiled water. According to the consistency, the mixture should turn out akin to thick sour cream. For sweetness, it is advised to add a teaspoon of jam. The bait needs to be renewed from time to time, as it tends to dry out.

Traps are also set - a mixture of honey, sugar, borax and water is poured into the jar. To make it easier for insects to get into the jar, they put a kind of ladder made of straws.

Ants on fruit trees and shrubs

Insect control is required to be carried out not only in the garden, but also on berry bushes and fruit trees. To protect crops, you do not need to use some kind of insecticidal preparation. The natural sheepskin already mentioned above will do. It is cut in strips and wrapped around bushes with trees with wool outward at a height of 15–20 cm from the ground. Do not forget to apply carbolic acid to the coat to enhance the effect. It repels goosebumps with its pungent smell.

Insects often attack berry beds, resulting in crop loss and plant death. The method of struggle is chosen with an eye on the stage of development of crops. If the bushes are still blooming, it is recommended to arrange containers with a yeast-based mixture. If they already have green fruits, they are sprayed with a solution ammonia based on water. It is pre-prepared from 1 tablespoon of alcohol diluted in 8 liters of liquid. After insisting 30 minutes, the solution is used for processing. This concentration of alcohol will not harm the plants.

Significant inconvenience and harm is caused by ant colonies that have settled in a summer cottage. They can be everywhere: in beds, in a greenhouse, flower garden, under stones. Getting rid of them is difficult, but there are proven ways and effective methods.

Why you need to fight ants

Gardeners and gardeners who have had a problem with ants know that having chosen your lands, they themselves will not leave, but will only arrive, so their populations need to be reduced. Huge colonies of these insects cause damage to flowers, trees, crops and reduce crop yields. They create a lot of trouble:

Become the cause of the spread of aphids and scale insects;
damage basal rosettes and roots;
destroy young shoots and flower stalks;
make the soil more acidic;
spread weed seeds;
damage wooden buildings, sometimes lead to premature destruction;
cause problems to people with bites, leading to allergies, rashes, irritations.

Folk remedies for garden ants

When a cluster of ants is found, any actions begin with the elimination of the reasons that attract their settlements. All types of these insects prefer carbohydrates, which are given to them in full by scale insects and aphids. If you clear the garden of aphids - the main source of food, then the ants will go to more grainy places. Treat affected areas soapy water, collect ladybugs in the field and bring them to the site. Attract birds, they actively eat aphids (hang feeders), plant herbs.

Destruction of anthills

If it is possible to dig / collect an anthill in a bucket, then do it and take it away from the site. More often, the passages are located deep in the ground and there is no way to get to the center of the cluster. In this case, use baking soda - sprinkle powder on ant mounds and paths.

Soda does not harm the soil, on the contrary, it reduces acidity. You can also use ash, quicklime. Processing is repeated regularly.

Helps mechanical destruction, digging, followed by pouring boiling water. If in the beds with strawberries you found settlements directly in the outlet near the roots, then mechanical methods cannot be applied here: pour the solution in proportion to 30 g per liter linseed oil, 5 g of soda.

Traps and lures

Help to significantly reduce the number of ants traps with baits. Based on the love of these insects for sweets, use honey, jam, sugar. Make a few “sweet” paths to the equipped trap and then regularly collect and destroy ants by lowering them into a steep salt solution.

More effective way- the use of poison, decomposed near the anthill. This is not about pesticides. Harmful effect on ants medications: boric acid and borax. The concentrate should not be saturated and is prepared in two ways.

1) Half tsp acids are dissolved in half a liter of water + sugar.
2) 1 tsp powder + honey / sugar water.
3) 100 ml of water + half a glass of sugar + st. spoon of honey + Matchbox Boers.

Unpleasant odors

You can scare away ants by using plants whose smell they cannot stand. Plant in the garden or spread on the paths, next to the anthill, parsley, lavender, mustard, mint leaves, as well as garlic, tansy, wormwood, marigolds. Anthill powder works well with sawdust soaked in anise oil and chopped garlic / onion.

Ants can't stand the smell essential oils, created on the basis of conifers, are moving away from kerosene, smoked fish, ground pepper. Spread out rags, cotton pads moistened with turpentine help 100%.

Strawberries are subjected to special treatment against goosebumps. Yeast-based “treats” that are detrimental to these insects are effective here: 1 bag of dry baker’s + a tablespoon of honey. This mixture is laid out between rosettes of strawberries in plastic bottle caps or on cardboard. Spraying with a solution of ammonia works well (1 tablespoon per bucket of water). Similar way excluded during flowering and ripe berries. In this case, sprigs of tansy, mint, and wormwood are laid out.

Chemistry from garden ants

Insecticides - quick effect. Give preference to preparations based on diazinon, as this substance is quickly neutralized and reduces the likelihood of exposure to humans and pets. With diazinon you can buy gels, pastes, solutions and granules. For example: Muracid, Great Warrior, Thunder, Anteater, Ant.

Granules not only quickly eliminate the activity of ants, but also continue to "work" for about a month. To do this, they are buried in places of accumulation of insects by 2-5 cm. Otherwise, they act with an anthill, it is appropriate to use a gel or solution here. This will help neutralize the entire colony, including the larvae.

In greenhouses, insecticidal crayons can be used. They handle everything wooden surfaces racks and fences beds. When fighting ants, do not forget about the benefits of these little workers, as they help clear the area of ​​caterpillars and larvae, promote soil aeration, improve structure, and increase phosphorus content.

Since childhood, we have been accustomed to thinking that ants are harmless insects that do not cause much harm to people and plants. But sometimes their number becomes alarmingly large, and the harm from them becomes incommensurable with the benefits. Let's look at the methods of dealing with ants in the country ( garden plot), using folk and chemicals.

What are ants and what is the harm from them

Ants belong to the class of arthropods, there are more than 8800 species. They have a developed intellect, live in colonies, each of which has more than 10 million insects. The colony has a queen - a uterus that lays eggs. The life span of an ant is 1 year. They live everywhere - on the ground, plants, trees, in human homes. Food for ants can serve as the juice of plants, leaves, and insects.

Ants are the only ones on Earth, except for humans, who are capable of waging war and capturing other individuals of their species into slavery.

They cause significant damage to the private economy:

  • transfer blanks for future sowing: seeds or seedlings;
  • they eat tender flower buds and ornamental plants;
  • gnaw on root crops and sweet berries;
  • the main problem is that where garden ants appear, aphids will definitely start up. These two species of insects live in symbiosis with each other. Aphids secrete juice that ants feed on, and they, in turn, provide them with protection from other insects (flies, lacewings and other beetles). And aphid is the inevitable death of plants, flowers and young shoots of trees.

In the fight against ants, the main thing is not to overdo it, as they rid the garden of harmful insects.

We create barriers

To expel ants from the site, for starters, you can use the blocking method:

1. Application of a tire. This method is suitable for protection against pests of trees. To do this, the tire is cut in half, buried in a pre-dug hole. Then water is poured into it, which will serve as an obstacle to insects.

2. We make a foil barrier on a tree trunk. We take a dense foil, wrap it around the trunk so that the foil does not touch the bark. Ants simply cannot climb over such a fence.

3. Use of sticky belts. They are wrapped around bushes or young shoots. Ants, when hit by such Velcro, will be in a death trap and will not be able to go to your plants.

4. Wrap fruit bushes or trees with smooth paper that is impregnated with vegetable oil. Ants will not be able to overcome a slippery barrier and will not touch the crop.

Advice! If you have double-sided tape at home, then you can use it, then you do not have to buy special baits.

Folk methods

Thanks to folk recipes, you can not spend money on ready-made funds, save money, but at the same time achieve an equally effective effect. Basically, such recipes are based on the creation of poisonous bait, after eating which, the ants die after a while.

  1. Mix 2 tbsp boiling water, 1 tbsp. sugar, borax (boric acid) at the tip of a teaspoon, 1 tsp. honey. With the resulting mixture, we coat the ground around the plants, not forgetting to renew it daily.
  2. We dilute a solution consisting of 40 g of sugar, 10 g of honey, 5 g of boric acid and 45 ml of water. Pour the resulting solution into a small bowl and arrange in places of greatest activity of ants. Empty bottle caps can be used as small dishes.
  3. We make balls of minced meat and boric acid (5 g per 50 g of meat) and lay them out near the anthills.
  4. Dissolve 1 tbsp in 50 ml of water. yeast and one tablespoon of jam. The resulting mass is smeared on a cardboard and placed in places where ants accumulate.
  5. In small jars of alcohol or other medicines, you need to dissolve sugar (2 tbsp) and honey (1 tbsp). Get a kind of liquid trap. Ants will voluntarily go to the bait and drown in it.
  6. In places of the greatest accumulation of ants, you can decompose the leaves of wormwood, tansy or mint. These insects categorically do not tolerate such pungent odors.

Boric acid is a proven and humane way to deal with ants

Destruction of the anthill

These methods are based on the destruction of the house of ants. There are several ways to do this:

1. You can try to move the nest. To do this, they dig it out with a shovel and take it away from the dacha. The main thing is to make sure that you completely remove the nest, along with the queen, and she settles very deep in the ground.

2. Ants do not like strong smells. Therefore, you can place at the top of the anthill the insides of herring, cloves of garlic or onions, parsley. Thus, the ants will leave their home.

3. Ground cinnamon can be scattered around the anthill. Insects do not like this smell and soon leave their holes. Also, many advise to sprinkle the top of the anthill: tobacco dust, salt, semolina, or cover it with hot ash.

4. Another way is to fill the anthill:

  • boiling water;
  • concentrated solution of tomato tops;
  • hot vegetable oil;
  • solution consisting of 10 liters of water, 2-3 glasses vegetable oil, and two glasses of any shampoo and vinegar;
  • kerosene.

We use chemicals

Modern pesticides give a guarantee in the fight against ants. Almost all insecticides are based on diazinon. This substance causes paralysis, thus destroying adults and larvae. Such means include "Muracid", "Ant", "Anteater", "Thunder-2". An anthill should be treated with a solution based on these funds, and the places of greatest activity should be sprinkled with granules or powder. In the future, in the treated areas, the ants will not start nests.

Also on sale you can find all kinds of traps ("Clean House", "Pic Ant", "Dohlox") and scarers ("Tornado", "Zene"). Traps are:

  • electrical. Ants caught in them die from the discharge of current;
  • adhesive. Insects are attracted to the smell emanating from these baits. Once in them, they will not be able to get out;
  • poison traps. Passing through them, the ants become infected with poison and transfer the poison to the anthill.

Repellers do not destroy insects, but only drive them away from their location. They are ultrasonic, working due to an ultrasonic pulse and electronic, working on the basis of an electric field.

I would like to note that ants not only harm, but also protect our garden from some insects. Therefore, it is not worth removing them completely. To get started, use more humane ways: folk recipes or repelling ants, and only then try chemicals. Moreover, many industrial poisons are dangerous for the health of small children and animals.

How to get rid of ants in the garden - video

Fighting ants in the garden - photo

Fighting ants is a topic of interest to many owners of cottages and garden plots. Some prefer to immediately use radical chemical agents, others do not recognize them and try more painless - folk methods. We will talk about both of them.

When ants become a threat

Ants are part of the site's ecosystem. Even from school textbooks, we know about their diligence, that they are human helpers in the fight against harmful insects. In practice, when a lot of them are bred, they themselves turn into a serious threat to the crop and annoy summer residents very much, nibbling berries, flower buds, settling aphids on shrubs and fruit trees.

There are millions of them, they entangle very quickly country cottage area kilometers of underground passages. The underground structure of their dwelling is complex, they have somewhere to hide from danger, so the mounds of anthills multiply at a rate of up to 2 per day. Sometimes they even climb into the house, but the worst thing is when they populate the root system of a tree - it is doomed to die within 2-3 years.

Ants are useful on the site, if they do not become too many

If ant nests appear on the beds, then nothing grows around them. And their special relationship to aphids? They milk her and are interested in having a lot of her, so they breed entire colonies on trees and garden plants, and she sucks the juice, thereby destroying young plantings. The aphid itself is even more dangerous than its patrons.

They say that ants are predators in relation to caterpillars and beetles, but in reality this is not so, in practice - they are not predators at all, but simply cattle breeders who collect and cherish aphids in order to feed them with secretions of queens and offspring.

Getting rid of these insects is difficult, but necessary, while it is desirable to do without chemistry that affects not only the anthill, but everything that is around it. At the same time, it is necessary to fight against aphids, because where there are aphids, there are ants and vice versa.

How to deal with ants with millet

Radically getting rid of ants is still not worth it. Our goal is simply to scare them away from our garden and beds. One of the most painless methods of struggle is the use of ordinary millet. The process consists of 5 stages and looks like this:

1. Sprinkle grits on an anthill.
2. Ants drag him inside.
3. Croup clogs the passages, because. their diameter is much smaller and the anthill ceases to function.
4. Ants panic and leave their habitat, and the queens with clutches of eggs remain inside.
5. An abandoned anthill is filled with water and the problem is fixed.

Tip: After this procedure, insects do not leave forever. Some time will pass and they may return. You will have to repeat all the steps, especially since it is not difficult, not very expensive and not dangerous for environment. Just make sure that the birds do not immediately eat the cereal.

Boric acid in the fight against ants

Sometimes, having arrived at the site in the spring, we find red ants moving in a chain in places where we carelessly left something edible in the country house.
We see working ants, and their destruction will not give a result, because the queen will remain, and it is hidden deep, securely and is able to quickly restore the colony. Therefore, even by establishing the place where the ants return with their prey, we most likely cannot simply get to the nest. Yes, and it may not be in the house itself, but somewhere outside.

In the matter of exterminating uninvited guests and preventing their further invasion, boric acid, known for its antiseptic properties, will come to the rescue.

Folk methods of dealing with ants are safe for humans and the whole garden

Efficiency folk recipes based on the use of boric acid is explained by its influence on the nervous system of insects. Absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract of an ant, it spreads through all peripheral nerves and causes malfunctions. nervous system leading to paralysis and death of the insect.

There are several recipes for poisoning worker ants, which in turn will bring poison to the queen of the colony:

  1. Dry bait. It is made by mixing an equal amount of sugar and boric acid powder. It is scattered along the path of movement of ants.
  2. Boric acid and chopped meat. To several teaspoons of the last ingredient, add 1 same spoon of poison, mix and make very small balls. It remains only to spread them on ant paths. Meat can be replaced with potatoes, fish, yolk, flour, honey.
  3. Solution. Boric acid is added to a container of sweetened water. It is important to follow the recipe exactly - a teaspoon of sugar and how much boric acid. Exceeding the amount of poison, we will quickly kill the worker ants, and they will not have time to bring the contents of the container to the uterus.

Other methods of struggle

There are other methods that allow you to deal with ants more or less effectively:

  • Use of sticky belts. To prevent ants from transferring aphids to young shoots, they set up traps in the form of special Velcro belts. Insects stick to them.
  • Lures. Several ordinary sponges are soaked in honey, then placed where the ants are most active. Insects crawl there and they can be destroyed mechanically.
  • Jars of sweet water. They are placed on ant paths and the ants simply stuff themselves into them and drown.
  • Jars with meat products. Ants also willingly go to these baits.
  • Smell repulsion. Ants cannot stand the aromas of mint, elderberry, wormwood, sunflower oil, garlic. Try after removing the arrows, scatter them near the anthill, insects will not like it very much. Some summer residents water all the boundaries of their plot with a decoction of garlic arrows.

The fastest way to help cope with ants chemicals

  • Poisons. The most effective is dichlorvos.
  • In the case of uninvited guests living in the house, you need to add forest ants to them, they will bring the domestic ones out. They say that this method is 100% effective.
  • Spray. Try Frontline, it is certainly expensive, but it works immediately and very radically. Look for it at the vet.
  • "Regent". It helps well if its aqueous solution is injected with a syringe into the holes visible on the cap of the anthill.
  • Funds in tubes. They are called differently and are sold in hardware stores. If they lubricate the paths of movement of insects, this will lead to their illness and further infection of the colony. So the high cost of funds is quite justified.

The second method is contraindicated if there is a possibility that the meat balls will be found by a child or pets. In this case, it is better to completely abandon this technique.

Advice. Watering the anthill with boiling water, you will not cause significant damage to it. It is designed in such a way that its “roof” can withstand all kinds of precipitation, and the system of moves in it is so perfect that it will accept any amount of liquid.

As you can see, the “ant problem” is solvable, although the event itself is not easy. The methods described by us will definitely help, if not get rid of, then at least drive away unwanted inhabitants.

How to overcome ants in the area: video

Fighting ants: photo

Ants, which are ahead of even cockroaches in terms of the number of individuals, are real orderlies of the forest and unwanted guests on the plot. Although at the latter they also bring some benefit, the harm they cause to crops exceeds it. Therefore, the fight against garden ants- an important task for every self-respecting gardener. It requires a competent integrated approach, otherwise the uterus will quickly restore the number of insects. What is the harm from the life of ants that inhabit the garden and garden, and what methods can be used to permanently destroy pests?

Red or pharaoh ants are dangerous neighbors, less often household plots suffer from black ants. The fight against ants is very difficult, since their number is in the millions, insects make many kilometers of underground passages. And new individuals are able to appear on the site at a rate of up to several pieces daily. Ants breed intensively and can create new nests every week. To permanently exterminate them on the site, you should destroy the uterus. Even if the anthill is destroyed, it is sometimes able to survive and create another in a new place.

Of course, goosebumps also bring benefits - they enrich the earth with oxygen and useful elements, loosen it, and fight other insects. But the harm done to the future crop makes gardeners think about how to get rid of ants in the garden. After all, these little workers spoil vegetables, fruits and root crops. They tend to feast on the sweet juice of carrots, pumpkins, berries and other crops. All sugar-containing varieties of vegetables and root crops suffer from their attempts to gnaw the surface of the fruit.

Goosebumps also like to collect sweet juice from flowers, especially from rosebuds. Along the way, they damage the petals, as a result of which the flower begins to hurt and fade. Breaking through underground passages, insects spoil the soil, as its level of acidity increases. In the proposed conditions, it becomes problematic for many cultures to grow and develop. More goosebumps spread aphid colonies. Since they love its sweet-tasting milk, they protect aphids from attacks by other insects.

There are many ruined trees on the conscience of ants, as they settle in the structure of the bark. Making moves in it, insects in just a couple of seasons can make a young healthy tree rotten and unviable. In view of all of the above, goosebumps already appear before us on the site as pests, and there is a natural desire to get rid of them.

Video "The harm of ants in the garden"

From the presented video you will learn about the damage that ants do to trees, grasses and plants.

Means to combat garden ants

Wondering how to get rid of garden ants, remember that insects like to settle in places where the land is rarely cultivated. Because no one will disturb them there. To prevent the invasion of goosebumps, tree trunks are often treated with a strong solution of lime. It is necessary that it covers not only the trunk, but also the ground around the tree. If there is already an anthill on the site, decisive action should be taken.

Some gardeners try to get rid of ants in the garden by destroying their nests. To do this, add lime, ash or ash to the soil and dig up the pest locations. But this method does not always work for sure. Experts advise removing the root cause of the population explosion of ants - aphids.

Among effective methods, helping to cope with ants in the garden, one can distinguish chemical preparations, physical methods and folk methods proven by the experience of many generations. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the choice will be yours.

Physical Methods

For example, physical methods do not always give results. Since, getting rid of the ground part of the anthill, along which mainly working individuals move, you will not get to the underground, where the queen resides.

Physical impact, that is, the destruction of the anthill from above, can confuse insects, but not time. Pouring boiling water into the anthill is also not the best option. It is detrimental to red ants, but does not penetrate deep into their homes.


Chemical methods involve the use of pesticides sold in stores. Many funds are produced on the basis of the strongest poison - diazonin. For example, such a tool as "Anteater", "Ant", "Muratsid", "Thunder-2". They have an intestinal-contact effect on the body of insects. That is, the poison enters their body through the coda and mouth, resulting in paralysis. Each of the drugs has a protective effect for up to 3 weeks, and the first results are visible after 2-3 days.

Most of the drugs are available in liquid form, so before use they will need to be diluted according to the instructions. It is necessary to carry out processing in the morning or in the evening when there is no wind outside. The fact that the insecticidal preparation remains in the soil for a long time is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage is that goosebumps do not return to such a site for a long time. The downside is that harmful elements can penetrate into the future crop.

Sticky traps and sticky belts work well. Such devices should be secured around the trunk with a rope. Pests that stick to them will surely die. Trapping belts perfectly protect trees not only from goosebumps, but also from spiders, as well as caterpillars. The sticky surface does not contain insecticides and is resistant to moisture. You need to place the belt at a level of 70 cm from the ground. You can purchase a sticky trap from Aeroxon or Argus.

Folk methods

Quite a lot is known about the methods by which gardeners have been fighting garden ants on their own for many years now. Therefore, let's try to figure out how to deal with ants, the most popular among them.

About digging up an anthill and spilling it with boiling water has already been said above. Such attempts to save the harvest are not always effective.

You can try to scare away insects with the help of plants that are natural repellents. Garden ants will probably try to leave the area where leaves and stems of tansy, parsley, mint, valerian, tomato tops will be tied to tree trunks, Bay leaf. You can lay them out in the aisles or plant mint and valerian bushes in these places.

To get rid of ants in the area with a simple baking soda, you need to sprinkle it with the places of deployment of insects, as well as their nests.

It is real to destroy insects by taking a solution of boric acid and adding 4 tablespoons of sugar to it. Such a liquid must be poured into an anthill. There are other recipes for poisoned baits based on boric acid.

Another folk way- a remedy made from sulfur and oregano grass. Its components are combined in a ratio of 2:1. Then the resulting mixture should be sprinkled on the affected areas and dig the soil.

Some craftsmen prepare poison from ants from kerosene. It is taken in the amount of 10 tablespoons, diluted in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is poured into the discovered nest.

You can treat the places of deployment of pests with garlic or onion juice, which they also do not favor.