Toilet      04/13/2019

Processing of fruit trees and bushes in autumn. Processing currants in the fall from pests and diseases

Have you ever paid attention to city plantings? All of them do not look very aesthetically pleasing: all kinds of bugs frolic on the trunks, branches and foliage look unhealthy. It's all about improper care and failure to perform such an important procedure as tree care in autumn. Why this event is held, as well as what means to use, we will talk in this article.

Autumn work

  • Destruction of pests;
  • Fight against pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Defense against winter pests (hares, mice) and frost protection.

These tasks are solved using several procedures:

  • spraying;
  • whitewash;
  • installation of protective equipment.

Processing trees and shrubs in autumn for disease prevention is the spraying of plants with fungicides.
If this event is not carried out, microorganisms (causative agents of diseases) can spread to all plantations. Warm, humid weather favors the rapid growth of bacteria. If the garden is not sprayed in time, in the spring it will suffer from various diseases and fungi.

A mandatory procedure in the care of the garden is treatment of trees from pests. Just at this time, insects are going to hibernate. They equip themselves with a winter lodging for the night in the bark of plants, on branches, in tree trunks. To destroy most types of insects, it is enough to carry out sanitary pruning and digging trunk circles. To destroy insects hiding in the pores of the old bark, the boles are whitewashed.

The processing of tree trunks includes the following procedures:

  • cleaning boles from old bark with a scraper or a metal brush;
  • treatment of injuries (putty with garden pitch);
  • whitewashing with a special whitening compound.

Such processing will destroy the "nests" and burn the eggs and pupae of insects. For effectiveness, insecticides are added to the composition for whitewashing.

Also processing trees for the winter includes installation of heaters on stems - this is the weakest point of the plant, if the tree gets frostbite on the trunk, the chances of its survival will be close to zero. To protect the plant, the trunk is wrapped with roofing material or roofing felt (height - about 1 m), in especially frosty areas it is recommended to lay a burlap or straw gasket between the roofing material and the bark.

Provide rodent safety very simple:

  • lay out poisonous baits in the garden (will save from mice);
  • wrap the trunk over the "fur coat" with barbed wire (protection from hares).

How to spray plants

At the moment, a wide range of special formulations (often a combination of fungicides and insecticides) are sold in gardening stores for autumn spraying garden. However, we will consider the most popular means.

  • Until mid-October urea treatment. This excellent tool to combat fungal diseases, as well as scab and spotting. In addition, carbamide perfectly burns insect eggs and harms pupae. However, it is highly undesirable to use urea at the end of the autumn season (closer to winter), since this composition saturates the plant with nitrogen. Carbamide is often used as a nitrogen supplement. If you spray it on the garden for the winter, vegetation processes are activated in the plants. The garden will not have time to prepare for sleep before the onset of frost and, most likely, will die. Therefore, the processing of trees with urea in the fall is possible, but only until the end of October. A month before the onset of frost, it is not worth spraying the garden with urea.
  • To fight the scab, powdery mildew and putrefactive diseases, other fungicides can be used. For example, excellent results are shown treatment with copper sulphate. This tool can be used at any time of the year.
  • If in blue vitriol add slaked lime in a ratio of 1: 1, we get the so-called Bordeaux mixture - an excellent composition for the simultaneous fight against diseases and insects. Bordeaux liquid treatment- the most popular type of spraying today. The product has a soft bluish tint, so if your plants are covered with a sky-colored film, do not worry. Over time, the color will wash off, but there will be no vicious insects or harmful microorganisms left in the garden. :)
  • Sometimes used on sites treatment iron vitriol, especially for apple orchards. This fungicide acts similarly to copper sulfate, but additionally saturates the vegetation with iron. This is an extremely important microelement for the Yablonev tribe. He takes an active part in many oxidative processes in apple trees, plums, cherries, peaches.

In addition, insecticides can be added to copper or iron sulfate. This will provide more effective fight with insects.

After all autumn procedures(pruning, treating trees with fungicides in autumn, whitewashing, installing insulation and protective equipment) do not forget to clean up the planting area. You do not process garbage in the form of fallen leaves and cut branches, and insect pests may well winter in them, and pathogens can multiply. Therefore, all garbage must be collected and put on fire. :)

Also, all fruit trees in autumn need pour plenty of water and whiten. The thickness of the whitewash should not be more than 2-3
mm. They are usually bleached with diluted lime: for young seedlings with tender bark, a weak solution is prepared, for old trees, the solution should be richer. For example, for young trees they take 1 kg of slaked lime per 10 liters of water + 1 kg of clay and 100 grams of copper sulfate (for old trees they take 2 kg of lime and a double dose of copper sulfate). If you add another 100 g of cow dung to this whitewash for density (the consistency of thick sour cream should be obtained) and a little finely chopped straw, you will get the so-called clay talker, which covers wounds and cracks on tree trunks. Such a putty performs well protective functions and does not crack for a long time.

Cracks and wounds on fruit trees can also be cover with garden var. It is purchased in the store or prepared by yourself. How to prepare garden pitch: Melt 100 g of rosin and 200 g of beeswax separately over low heat, then combine and add 100 g of unsalted fat. After the fat has melted, the mixture must be poured into cold water. Everything, the garden pitch is ready, now you can get it out of the water and roll it into a ball. Before use (for plasticity), it is slightly heated. Such a putty is stored for sealing the wounds of trees for a very long time.

pruning fruit trees in autumn it is advisable to carry out only in the southern regions, where winters are short and warm. Pruning trees in the northern and middle regions in September-October can lead to freezing of the bark at the place of the cut, drying out of the wood and, ultimately, to the death of the tree. In these areas, pruning is carried out in the spring, usually in mid-late March.

Like any fruit tree, it is loved by pests and, accordingly, is susceptible to various diseases. We conclude that in order to obtain good harvest care is needed. It must be timely and correct, and not once a year. processing is effective late autumn from various and .

Appointment and timing

Over the years, over the years experienced gardeners compiled a calendar, thanks to which anyone can find out when and what processing needs to be done, because the harvest is at stake.

Most of diseases are revealed during fruiting, when fruits that have not fully ripened to the end begin to rot and crumble. Therefore, the autumn processing of the apple orchard carries a preventive task: that is, those who did not die in the fall will be destroyed in the spring.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to process trees during fruit ripening.

The optimal month is November, processing in early autumn can lead to yellowing and fall of the foliage, and even worse - to burn the leaves, which in turn is fraught with the death of trees from frost.
If the processing is done correctly, then the result will be visible next year - the garden will please with abundant fruiting. Spraying is carried out in dry calm weather. Be sure to clean the near-trunk area from foliage and debris before starting this procedure.

What to process?

Knowing that autumn processing is a preventive measure to reduce the disease and the reproduction of pests on trees in the spring, and also destroys those who hid in the bark to overwinter, the question arises of what can be processed Apple orchard autumn. Let's take a look at some of the drugs.


Spraying with this substance can be carried out after up to 50% of foliage has fallen from the trees with a concentration of up to 5% (500 grams per 1 liter). For greater effect, spraying is carried out in late autumn on a bare tree, maintaining a solution concentration of up to 10% (100 grams per 1 liter).

We process not only the tree, but also the earth around it, using it for two purposes at once: and, and. This concentration of the solution can not be used on the leaves - they will get burned and fall off ahead of time, without giving the tree nutrients to the end, and this can negatively affect cold resistance.

Whitewashing trees with this drug at all times is not only decorative, but also protects the bark of plants from adverse factors:

  • protects from burns when there is no foliage that protects from the sun;
  • protects against temperature fluctuations and, accordingly, helps against cracking of the bark in winter;
  • is a barrier against various pests in winter.

Gardeners with experience advise whitewashing trees with lime 3 times a year. White color whitewash reflects the rays of the sun, and the trunk does not have time to heat up, but this procedure must be performed correctly.

Gardeners recommend whitewashing the entire trunk with the lower skeletal branches up to half the length in dry and calm weather so that the lime can fix and dry on the trunk.

Important! For better adhesion of the finished solution to the tree trunk, it is necessary to add clay to it, laundry soap, glue.

For the quality of this process, it is necessary that:

  • the prepared mixture was not very thick, as there would be lumps, and not very liquid, otherwise the solution would drain from the barrel;
  • color only white - a guarantee of reflection of sunlight;
  • so that the rain does not wash away the whitewash, the presence of glue in the solution is mandatory;
  • for young trees that must be whitewashed, the concentration of the mixture should be less than for adults;
  • the tree trunk must be cleaned of lichens, dead bark removed and disinfected with an ash-soap solution.

garden var

Garden var is a well-known remedy that is used to treat large cuts from cut branches and to cover wounds in order to protect them from pathogenic microbes, fungi and loss of tree sap.

It is one of the safest and effective means garden medicine: you can buy ready-made var at retail outlets, or you can cook it yourself. The advantages of this tool are:

  1. Ease of preparation and application to the surface.
  2. It hardens well and does not fall off the treated surface.
  3. Retains moisture and prevents wounds from drying out.

The following substances are taken as the basis of garden pitch:

  1. Beekeeping products -,.
  2. Fats that are eaten - various vegetable oils, salo.
  3. Mixtures used in agricultural technology - from the vine,.

Did you know? In order to speed up the healing process of wounds, it is necessary to add to the garden var, when it is already ready, powdered heteroauxin tablets in the ratio: per kilogram of the mixture one tablet.

Finished preparations

In addition to the above substances, you can protect with special liquids, so anyone can decide how to treat the trees in the fall, depending on time and money.

One of the most popular drugs is "Insecticidal drug 30+". With its help, they fight with, moth,

Due to the fact that bacteria multiply rapidly under the bark of untreated trees, the vegetative process slows down. Plants slowly "wake up" after winter. Therefore, the processing of fruit trees in the fall is very important. To do this, you need to prepare the plants. Processing of trees that are older than six years begins with the removal of old bark and lichen wire brush. This is necessary so that pathogens of various diseases cannot hide. Immediately after removal, the trees need to be processed. The last spraying in the fall occurs when all the foliage has fallen. You can perform this procedure after the first frost. To begin with, all foliage, fallen branches and weeds are removed. The protection of fruit trees is provided by solutions of copper or iron sulfate, urea, etc. Each drug is aimed at a certain type of threat. Therefore, the processing of fruit trees in the fall cannot consist in spraying with only one agent. The drug is selected depending on the desired results. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in question at the end of October.


This drug is intended for spraying and feeding fruit trees - apple trees, cherries. After the procedure, the plants are saturated with iron and useful trace elements. Processing fruit trees in autumn helps to improve oxidative processes. The drug fights pests, destroys lichen, scab, moss, black cancer, cytosporosis. Iron plays an important role in the life of fruit trees. Its lack reduces the amount of yield and leads to incomplete development of the fruit. It is very easy to prepare a solution of ferrous sulfate. It is necessary to dilute one kilogram of dry powder in a fifteen-liter bucket of water.

blue vitriol

This remedy, which includes a fungicide, prevents the appearance of putrefactive diseases, scab, powdery mildew, spotting. it is recommended to spray trees twice - in spring and autumn. The treatment of fruit trees in autumn with copper sulphate is especially recommended for pears, apple trees and plums. You can, of course, spray other plants in the garden. Plum copper sulphate provides a protective reaction against moniliosis, klyasterosporosis, coccomycosis, curly. The remedy protects pears and apple trees from scab, moniliosis and phyllosticosis. For fruit trees (up to six years old), up to two liters of copper sulfate per seedling is enough. Consumption for older plants - up to ten liters. Fruit trees are recommended to be sprayed in the morning or evening. The weather should be calm, and the temperature should be from +5 to +30 degrees. From contact with the drug, it is necessary to protect people and animals, and also to prevent it from entering water sources.

Treatment with urea (urea)

Apparatus for processing

The processing of fruit trees in autumn is simplified thanks to existing mechanical or manual principle actions. These devices protect the gardener from contact with the preparations, spray them evenly. Regardless of the principle of operation, all devices are equipped with a spray pump. Differences between mechanical devices manual models lies in their ease of use. And, of course, there is a difference in their cost. Mechanical devices are more convenient, but more expensive. And for spraying trees with handheld device periodic pumping is required.

Additional processing

The processing of fruit trees in the fall from pests and diseases should not be limited to spraying with copper, iron sulfate or urea. Plants also need to be watered and whitewashed abundantly. The layer of lime on the bark should be at least three millimeters.

If the tree has cracks and wounds, then a little cow dung and finely chopped straw should be added to the lime. The resulting solution will protect the plant from cracking.

Another way to protect is garden pitch. You can buy it at the store or make your own. To do this, take one hundred grams of rosin and two hundred grams of beeswax. It is necessary to melt these substances (each separately), then mix them and add one hundred grams of unsalted fat. Before filling cracks, the var must be heated.

Autumn preparation in the southern regions involves pruning trees. In northern cities, this will doom the plant to freezing.

An experienced and enterprising gardener always takes care of his plants so that they bring maximum useful fruit. In order to carry out excellent prevention or elimination of tree diseases, urea spraying is used as an option in the autumn.

Urea as a substance and its action

Urea or Carbamide is a concentrated nitrogen fertilizer (46%) in the form of odorless white crystals, which is used both for spraying trees and for watering, fertilizing, planting plants, including garden ones. Its active substance is nitrogen, which not only promotes the growth and development of plants, but also destroys their pests, prevents fruit rotting.

What gives the autumn treatment of trees with fertilizer?

The onset of cold high humidity, which accompanies late autumn, are the optimal environment for the formation of infections and diseases fruit trees your garden. To prevent this, it is necessary to carry out the autumn treatment of the garden with urea in the form of spraying.

Cherries, sweet cherries, apricots, and especially apple, pear and plum trees need to be processed not only for obvious pests, but also for prevention purposes. This will provide your trees with not only health, but also strength for lush flowering and a large ovary of fruit in the spring.

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Treating your garden trees with urea in the fall will eliminate or prevent such diseases:

  • Fungal infections;
  • Scab;
  • spotting;
  • putrefactive diseases;
  • Pests living and wintering in tree bark, etc.

Rules for the autumn spraying of the garden with nitrogen-containing fertilizer

The best time is late autumn. Urea, as a highly concentrated nitrogen-containing fertilizer, in order to prevent and destroy pests, should be used in late autumn, i.e., when the leaf fall is at the second stage or has already ended. The approximate month of this stage is the beginning-end of November, depending on climatic latitudes.

Earlier processing garden trees in autumn, urea can lead to tree burns, premature fall of foliage, which will affect their vulnerability to frost and low nutrient intake.

Dry calm weather is preferred. A process such as spraying garden trees with nitrogen-containing urea requires both the absence of wind and dry weather. First, it will provide maximum effect, which will not be carried away by the wind and will not be washed away by precipitation. Secondly, it is much safer for your health and your possibly yard animals, because the composition of the fertilizer includes pesticides.

Preparing trees for processing. This applies mainly to trees older than 6-10 years, and which have obvious bark diseases. Before processing them, remove the diseased and affected areas of the bark with the help of hands or a metal brush, spatula. This will provide, when spraying, direct access to the site of the lesion, as well as accumulations of insects.

As for the foliage, even affected by diseases, as unnecessary, it is not recommended to remove it and is also subjected to processing. In the spring, the processed foliage will become an excellent fertilizer, a kind of compost for trees.

Spray solution preparation. The difference between urea, as a top dressing and a therapeutic drug, is in the preparation of its solution. So, for the destruction of diseases and pests, a very concentrated solution is prepared per 10 liters of water, at least 500 g of fertilizer, and preferably 500-700 g.

Wood processing scale. Under the treatment with urea in the fall, the entire crown of the tree should fall completely, i.e. small spraying is used, which will maximally destroy existing problems and prevent possible diseases.

Safety. Take care of your health and use all the necessary protection for working with chemical fertilizers: respiratory mask or thick gauze bandage, rubber gloves, goggles, etc. Wash your hands and face at the end of work, and also send work clothes and shoes to the launderer.

And some secrets...

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunch, clicking not of their own free will;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints ...

Now answer the question: does it suit you? Can such pain be endured? And how much money have you already "leaked" for ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with professor Dikul, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

A very interesting video that describes the whole process of spraying trees with urea:

In order to get a more abundant harvest, and also so that the fruits are distinguished by their juiciness and large sizes trees must be treated with special preparations. It is also worth noting in this case that for the treatment of trunks and branches, it is necessary to use drugs that are on a specialized list of approved products.

If you are a beginner gardener, it will be difficult for you to decide on your own the substances that are necessary for processing. If possible, it is best to contact an experienced gardener.

What preparations are better to use, as well as what else trees need during processing, we will talk in this article.

It is also worth noting that in order to obtain the most effective result, it is best to process trees several times during the year. But we will touch on the topic autumn processing trees.

Tree processing in autumn

It is imperative to treat trees in autumn, as this procedure is a necessary measure to prevent the spring invasion of insects, and therefore your yield may also increase.

Approximately in September under the bark, in upper layers soil, and under the fallen leaves, insect pests, as well as their larvae, begin to accumulate. Thanks to the timely digging of the soil and the treatment of trees with chemicals, you can significantly reduce their number.

Immediately after the harvest of apples and pears, the crowns and trunks of trees must be sprayed with a solution of urea (400-500 g per 10 liters of water). Urea is an excellent tool in the fight against scab.

But in order to fight scab and fruit rot, you can also use copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture.

It is very important that in the fall you properly dig up the soil and remove the fallen leaves. Some gardeners dig the soil along with the leaves. In their opinion, in this way they improve the quality of the soil under the trees. But this opinion is erroneous.

Fallen leaves must be removed and composted to destroy, for example, the spores of clusterosporium and coccomycosis remaining in them.

The soil itself must be dug up to a depth of 15-20 cm between the rows and 10-15 cm around the tree trunk. To prevent damage to the root system, you can use garden forks by placing them along the roots.

Not infrequently, dried and disease-damaged shoots become wintering grounds for pathogens and insects. As a mechanical method of struggle, you can prune and destroy these shoots. But in addition to this, it is also necessary to clean the bark of fruit trees from moss, lichens, dead bark, collect and destroy diseased fruits.

These procedures can help in the fight against spider mite, rust pathogens, with powdery mildew, anthracosis, with bud moth, with shoot gall midge, with currant cushion.

IN autumn period it is necessary to remove and burn the trapping belts, along with the apple codling moths, weevils and other pests that climb there.

As a final step in pest control, it is necessary to treat the trees with Bordeaux mixture.

The solution is prepared as follows: in 3 l warm water dissolve 300 g of copper sulfate. We dilute 400 g of lime in 10 liters of water, stirring constantly, then combine these mixtures (copper sulfate must be poured in a thin stream).

It is necessary to spray trees in late October - early November. And it is best to perform this procedure in sunny calm weather, trying to process all the shoots and main branches of trees.

For spraying itself, you can use a special sprayer with a cylinder in which the mixture will be under pressure.

Bordeaux liquid treatment is very useful in the fight against scab, powdery mildew, gray mold, purple spotting, coccomycosis and other dangerous diseases.

Spraying Bordeaux liquid in the fall is also good because you can thoroughly treat your garden, but without causing any harm to beneficial insects.

Also, the ovaries or ripened fruits are not processed, which is an actual problem in spring and summer, with a massive departure of insect pests.