In a private house      06/23/2020

How to keep your apartment clean and tidy. Cleanliness and order in the house in a matter of minutes. Order in the apartment is the main condition

People love order in their apartment, when they don’t have to spend hours looking for the right thing or blush in front of unexpected guests. In this situation, the question of how to quickly clean the room is especially acute.

With the modern rhythm of life, when there is always not enough time, housewives are increasingly thinking about how to properly clean their apartment. Moreover, do this in such a way that you spend less effort and quickly restore perfect order in the apartment.

As you know, it’s clean not where people constantly clean, but where they don’t litter. How to maintain order in the house and not spend a lot of time and effort on cleaning? This article provides useful tips for cleaning your apartment.

How to clean up your home: where to start

How to clean a house where, due to your constant busyness, you don’t spend much time, but you want to keep it in order? When cleaning cannot be put off, it is necessary to rationally distribute the work so that in the struggle for cleanliness in the house you do not lose your last strength.

So where should you start? You need to do the following:

  • Make a home cleaning plan and stick to it strictly.
  • Clearly define the time you allocate to tidying up and plan your work accordingly.
  • Check availability detergents, rags and working condition of the vacuum cleaner.
  • Stock up on trash bags.
  • Assign a “work front” to each family member. Feel free to involve everyone who lives in the apartment, including children, in the work. Of course, you can’t trust a child with something complicated, but he is capable of collecting toys and throwing out candy wrappers. And in the future, your child will definitely need knowledge of how to properly clean the apartment.

Cleaning the house should begin in the morning, when there is still a lot of time ahead. It’s better to set aside a whole day and slowly tidy up your home, following the plan.

Apartment cleaning plan

If you do spring cleaning correctly, you will have to repeat this procedure infrequently, and your main task order will be maintained. But some housewives find it difficult to draw up a plan for how to clean the apartment; they simply cannot understand “what to grab onto.” In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, but if you are unable to plan the cleaning yourself, use this scheme:

  • A plan for how to clean your home should start with clearing the space of unnecessary things. Therefore, first of all, get rid of garbage, broken appliances and toys, as well as papers and old newspapers. Methodically walk around your apartment, collecting everything you don't need in bags.
  • Before cleaning your home, wash all your dirty laundry, as well as your curtains and drapes.
  • The most “cluttered” areas in the house are considered to be the pantry, mezzanine and balcony, and keeping order here is not easy. Organize your things compactly, simultaneously throwing out what you no longer need. Be sure to remove dust and dirt from all surfaces.
  • Then you have to deal with the kitchen. In the room where food is prepared, the family spends most time, and therefore order, is more difficult to maintain here. Clean all surfaces, organize cabinets, and clean out the refrigerator.
  • After this, it’s the turn of the bathroom. How to clean this room quickly and efficiently? First, apply a cleaning agent to the plumbing fixtures and taps, and while the product is working, destroying dirt, wash the walls, doors, mirrors and clean up the cabinets.
  • So, the “difficult” areas of the apartment have been cleaned, now let’s start putting things in order in the rooms. Put all things in their places, disassemble bookcases and clothing cabinets, wash and clean all surfaces.
  • The final stage is cleaning the hallway. Place your shoes in their places, hide your purses and umbrellas, shake out the rug and clean the room, not forgetting front door.

By cleaning in this way, you will do the job quickly and achieve perfect order. Afterwards, all that remains is to put into practice the tips on how to maintain order in your apartment.

Apartment cleaning is carried out on a top-down basis.

It is impossible to immediately clean everywhere and everywhere if maintenance cleaning of the apartment is not a weekly ritual. How to clean up your apartment or room so as not to get “stuck” in the process for a week? Take advantage of these little tricks:

  • Don’t take on all the work yourself, involve family members;
  • Before you start cleaning, check that you have everything you need so as not to be distracted during the process;
  • do several things at once: for example, when cleaning out the pantry, turn off the refrigerator so that it defrosts and start washing machine;
  • try not to react to phone calls and messages on social networks, communication “steals” too much useful time;
  • start cleaning the room from corners and hard-to-reach places, gradually approaching the middle of the room;
  • When tidying up a room, proceed according to the “top to bottom” principle, first washing the lamps and windows, and gradually “going down”.

These simple measures will help you get the job done quickly and not get exhausted in the process.

How to quickly clean your apartment

Probably, every family has such friends and relatives who notify about their desire to see each other shortly before they appear on the doorstep. In this situation, it is especially important to know how to quickly clean the room. You will have to perform the following actions at record speed:

  • remove scattered things (remember that this is not the case when every item absolutely needs to get into its place, remove them “out of sight” and then you’ll sort it out);
  • throw candy wrappers, fast food packaging and other trash into the trash;
  • hang clothes in the closet;
  • remove scattered shoes;
  • If time permits, you can walk over the furniture with a damp cloth and vacuum the floor.

The described actions will not take up much of your time, and will eliminate the need to blush in front of your friends or relatives.

How to keep your home tidy

In order not to spend a lot of time on general cleaning, you need to know how to keep your apartment clean and tidy and not have to constantly clean it. Follow simple rules:

  • do not accumulate unnecessary things in closets, waiting for the moment to throw them away, get rid of them immediately;
  • do not leave clothes hanging on chairs or doors, and shoes scattered on the floor in the hallway, immediately put things in the closet;
  • clean a little every day, one “pass” with a damp cloth will not take much time, but your home will already look tidier;
  • if you find it difficult to remember what should be where, and this is main reason, why it is not possible to quickly restore order in the house, you can use the following advice: once bring the apartment into a “exemplary” form, and take appropriate pictures of the situation to use them in the future, and put everything in its place.

The smell in your home is also of great importance. Agree that the “aromas” of cooking food, the contents of the cat’s litter box or stale laundry do not add attractiveness to even a perfectly tidied apartment. Stores today offer wide choose scented candles and air fresheners, place them in your living areas and your home will immediately become cozier.

How to quickly clean a room

Cleaning a room is much easier than tidying up the apartment as a whole, but some principles can be gleaned from the previous recommendations. So, to tidy up the nursery, living room or bedroom, follow the following procedure:

  • collect trash;
  • put things that need washing into the machine (if time permits, wash the curtains too);
  • using a broom, remove cobwebs from the ceiling if they have formed;
  • clean the chandelier and windows;
  • shake out furniture covers;
  • remove dust from surfaces;
  • vacuum and wash the floor.

Cleaning a room is much easier than tidying up a bathroom or kitchen. If you follow the rules, you won’t spend a lot of time on this.

Kitchen cleaning: where to start

Many housewives are intimidated by cleaning the kitchen, since the family spends a lot of time in this room. But if you follow the rules, this process will not turn into a natural disaster.

It's probably not worth mentioning washing windows, work surfaces and sinks. The greatest difficulties are caused by putting things in order in the cabinets and refrigerator.

How to quickly put things in order kitchen cabinets? When cleaning, proceed in the following order:

  • empty and wash cabinets inside and out;
  • put good, “ceremonial” dishes and what you rarely use on the top shelves;
  • place plates, mugs and cutlery that you need every day “at eye level”;
  • if space allows, place cans of cereals, packages of tea and coffee, and other “bulk” products on the same shelves;
  • Place pots and pans in the lower compartments.

Now the cabinets are in perfect order, and every item is in its place.

The next step is cleaning the refrigerator. After you have defrosted and washed the unit, we clean up its contents. You need to do it like this:

  • place food in sealed containers;
  • for storage ready meals use plastic containers and jars, they will not take up much space and the smell of food will not spread throughout the refrigerator compartment;
  • place eggs, vegetables, herbs and fruits in special trays and cells;
  • Place bottles and boxes of drinks on the bottom shelf.

To keep your refrigerator in order, carry out a regular “audit”. Get rid of products of questionable freshness immediately, before the smell of rot and mold settles on the shelves.

Today, many works have been written on the topic of how to properly clean and maintain order in the house. Experts give advice and reveal cleaning secrets to make life easier for the modern woman.

Special means and napkins make the cleaning process much easier.

If you analyze this information, you can highlight the following principles on how to quickly clean up and restore perfect order for a long time:

  • Do not store unnecessary things. Nowadays a trend is gaining popularity when family members throw away 20 things each once a month, this allows them to avoid “cluttering” the apartment.
  • Determine a place for each thing, and always put it only there. This measure will help restore order in the room quickly and without extra costs labor.
  • Make a clear action plan and know exactly where to start cleaning and how to finish it.
  • Distribute work according to the amount of free time, and do not plan many things, having 2-3 hours to spare.
  • Do not give up cleaning products and new cleaning equipment. It’s no secret that with the help of a washing vacuum cleaner or a special brush for washing windows, we tidy up the room much faster than using “grandmother’s” methods.
  • Take the time to clean your home regularly, doing a little every day.
  • Get these useful devices, such as containers for storing underwear, boxes for toys, shelves for shoes and much more, which allows you to compactly pack things, even if there are a lot of them.

Not really

The dining room is more than a room where people just eat: here people communicate and exchange news. It doesn’t matter if you can allocate a full-fledged room for it or if you dine at a small table in the kitchen - there should be order in this area. Often in the canteen they work at the computer, do their homework - they use it as a full-fledged workplace. Therefore, meals become more like a quick snack in the company of a laptop or TV.

When starting to clean this area, write a list of things you do here: schoolwork, office work, crafts. Designate a box for each activity: put unnecessary things in them and put them out of sight so that nothing distracts you while eating.

“You will have to look at rooms not just as a place for furniture, but as an outward manifestation of emotional and spiritual life. For each space, choose at least three word symbols that describe the atmosphere you want to create there.”

In this topic we will talk about how to keep your home tidy and clean.

“It’s clean where they don’t litter and don’t clean up” is a fairly well-known phrase, but it’s worth adding: where cleanliness is constantly maintained. A cozy and tidy home is the dream of every housewife. But not everyone knows how to achieve this while spending a minimum of time and effort.

Especially if a woman works and can devote only one day a week to cleaning, or if there are children living in your house who are guarding order in it. Therefore, we will talk in this material about how to constantly and easily keep your home clean.

How to constantly keep your home clean and tidy: useful habits and household tricks

Even after spring cleaning, if you do not maintain cleanliness, then after a few days you will need to clean it again. And sometimes many keepers of home order thought about the magic “Save” button. But to prevent chaos from occurring again in the house immediately after a high-quality cleaning process, you just need to develop the right habits for every member of the household.

Habit #1. Make a list of things to do around the house

Conventionally, they can be divided into morning and evening procedures.

For example, in the morning you can perform a number of these simple actions:

  • clean up your bed immediately, make your bed;
  • After brushing your teeth, wipe the sink. Or after a shower, wipe the bathroom from wet drops to avoid the formation of soap scum;
  • after breakfast, wash the dishes, put them in their places and clear the table;
  • check the availability of necessary things and products in the refrigerator; perhaps you need to buy something additional.

Evening activities can be like this:

  • prepare clothes for tomorrow. In accordance with the weather forecast, so as not to rush to look for the thing you need in the morning;
  • pack your bag or briefcase for tomorrow. And it is imperative to carry out a small audit there. That is, immediately throw away all the garbage from it, for example, candy wrappers, tickets, non-writing pens, etc.;
  • charge your mobile phone.

Habit #2. Please pay Special attention to "Hot Spots"

  • These are places where magically all unnecessary rubbish accumulates. For example, this is a shelf in the hallway, dressing table, console, chests of drawers, tables, etc. Usually, unnecessary things accumulate at such points: old newspapers, paid bills, supermarket receipts, old shopping lists, coins, etc.
  • It is necessary to devote 5 minutes to such places every day. You can even time it on a timer. And if you haven’t had time to remove everything, you should stop cleaning and continue tomorrow. This way, you can always maintain order, even in the most polluted places. If you remove such “hot spots” every day, you will soon notice how this junk will stop accumulating and becoming an eyesore.
  • For convenience, you can set an alarm or clean up during commercials. But you shouldn’t force yourself to clean all areas at the same time, because in 2-3 days everything will return to its place.

Habit #3. Cleanliness Prevention

  • It is necessary to make it a rule and accustom your household to this - “If you took it, put it back!” If every time after using this or that item you put it back, and can also overcome laziness and wash the cup after yourself, you will never need to waste time and effort on grueling spring cleaning.
  • Every thing should have its place. The main rule is not to move things from one room to another. For example, if these are toys, they should be in the nursery, if these are books, in the living room, dishes, in the kitchen, etc.

Habit #4. Clean even if it's clean

  • Usually, if a place is not very dirty and looks more or less “decent,” we brush it off and don’t clean it up. But over time, it is in such areas that a lot of dust accumulates, and fingerprints remain. It is better to spend 3 minutes of your time and wipe the surfaces of cabinets, sideboards, etc., than to subsequently wash off a layer of dirt using powder.

Habit #5. We do everything at once!

  • If it takes you no more than 2 minutes to do something - don't put it off until later. For example, wash the cup immediately, or throw receipts in the trash. This saves you from the mediocre “I’ll clean it up later” and also prevents clutter from accumulating.
  • The same goes for dishes after dinner, and toys after a child’s play.

Habit #6. Get rid of unnecessary things

  • It is very difficult to keep a house in order where a lot of unnecessary things have accumulated. Learn with ease throw away or give away what you don't need, or something you haven’t used for a long time.
  • Do a little “audit” of your closets and pantry! Anything you haven't worn or used for a long time can be donated to a charity. In general, remember - if a year has passed since you used any item, then it’s time for it to go on a journey.
  • Learn to say goodbye to various things that made you happy at one point: children's drawings, dust bags from trips, cute souvenirs, etc.

Habit #7. Learn to combine business with pleasure

  • While you are waiting for the kettle to boil, wash the sink or countertop, tiles or even the refrigerator. If you are talking on the phone, quickly wipe the dust in visible places or put things away.

Habit #8. Organizing your time and cleaning deadlines

  • It is very tiring to go through all the rooms in one day. Therefore, do everything slowly. Below we offer you a form on how to distribute your cleaning tasks by day of the week.

Of course, at first it will be quite difficult to carry out such habits every day. But to make your task easier, you can write an action plan for every day. And over time, you will notice that all actions will be performed automatically. And then there will never be a mess in the house. And you will not have a feeling of shame and embarrassment in front of your household and relatives.

Can you organize the cleaning like this?

Iron rules to keep your home clean and tidy

In addition to the above recommendations, there are also purity rods. They are accidentally forgotten or deliberately overlooked, but these important(!) details will not only help keep the house clean, but will also be your calling card in front of your guests.

  • You need to start cleaning right! We don’t run around in turmoil throughout the room - first the bedrooms, then moves to the kitchen, and finish cleaning the bathroom! And always start from the door!

Important: Feng Shui strongly does not recommend cleaning or sweeping debris towards the front door. This is how you bring, according to the Chinese sages, your happiness, prosperity and positive energy at home. Yes, it sounds strange that street garbage should be directed towards the house. But this does not mean that he needs to be pulled into the bedroom.

  • The following additional rule is We work from top to bottom! Even from a logical point of view, top dust and debris will fall onto the pre-washed floor, and everything will require new efforts to clean.
  • Don’t take on all the household chores – learn to share responsibilities among each family member! Even if it’s a little help from your husband or even if your child didn’t wipe the dust the right way, be sure to thank him. Believe me, let him now practice doing it not very well, then later he will not know much about it at all.
  • Don't stack things on a chair! This is the “weak point” of almost every inhabitant of the planet. And this cycle never ends. Remember - You either send the item to be washed or put it in the closet. If you are embarrassed that it has already been dressed, that is, you do not want to place it next to clean linen, allocate a separate shelf or hanger and place in the closet. Yes, at least put it in a case, but remove it from the chair where each family member hangs their set.

  • This rule slightly complements one of the cleaning habits right away - Always keep the dining table clean! It contains the most debris, which easily falls to the floor and spreads throughout all the rooms.
  • For the same reason - don’t be lazy to spend 5-10 minutes every day, it’s better to do it in the evening, to wipe the floor in the kitchen and hallway. These are the hotspots for all the trash in the house.
  • Weakness - These are mirror surfaces. They reflect all the chaos at home, so don’t be lazy and wipe them in a timely manner. This is especially true in the bathroom, where toothpaste stains often appear. We brushed our teeth and immediately cleaned up our “work” area. Teach this rule to your children too. Over the years it will reach them at the automatic level.
  • Always keep your toilet clean and fresh! Now there are a lot of air fresheners, tablets for the toilet or tank, gels or other necessary liquids.
    • Firstly, this is the dirtiest place in the house, where a lot of germs always accumulate. And far from the most useful.
    • Secondly, traces of vital activity look extremely disgusting. Therefore, we get rid of them immediately. At the same time, do not forget that you need to work in those places that are not visible to the naked eye. This item is washed everywhere!
  • Bin often also suffers because he is forgotten. Once a week, do not forget to treat it with disinfectants and wash it well, so as not to pick off dried stains later!

How to make cleaning your house easier and how to maintain cleanliness at a constant level: tips

To make cleaning take even less time and you spend less effort, you can use useful tips experienced housewives.

  • Place appropriate cleaning supplies and rags throughout the house in the right places. Dry and wet wipes in the living room or room, a set of detergents in the kitchen and bathroom. This is especially true if there are children in the house. This way, everything you need for cleaning will be “at hand” at the right time. And just do it right now for them “their” place, so as not to look for accidentally spilled coffee or tea in the chaos.
  • So that it never accumulates in the corridor a large number of shoes, worth get a special locker. Shoes should be wiped or washed immediately after a walk, and then put back in place.
  • To keep the baseboards always clean, you need to wipe them with water with the addition of an antistatic agent. This repels dust, and you can forget about cleaning the baseboards for a long time.
  • Also possible when cleaning wooden surfacesadd a drop of conditioner. Moreover, it is not forbidden to wash floors with this drug. It also repels dust well and gives cleaning a pleasant aroma.
  • Teach your children to clean up after themselves. Moreover, this must be done with early age. To instill in a child a desire to clean, you need to turn the process itself into a game. You can turn on the music and let the baby dance and sing. But under no circumstances punish your child or force him to clean up after himself, this will discourage the desire for cleanliness in the bud.

  • Get convenient cleaning equipment. For example, you don’t always want to vacuum with a bulky and inconvenient vacuum cleaner, so it’s better to buy a small and lightweight device to make cleaning much more convenient and enjoyable. You shouldn’t wipe the floor with an already worn out rag that leaves lint marks behind – buy a comfortable mop. Believe me, the desire to clean lies in these details!
  • To avoid losing socks after washing, immediately place dirty socks in pairs in the washing machine. Don't worry - in washing machine They are washable even when folded!
  • If there are pets in the house - Always wash your paws after walking and brush them once a week.
  • Don't forget about ventilation. Often bad smell already creates an uncomfortable atmosphere. 10-15 minutes a day in each room is enough.

The mood of all household members depends on the cleanliness of the house. You always want to return to a house where order reigns and smells of freshness. Therefore, do not be lazy to maintain comfort in your home and teach all family members to do so; besides, with joint efforts this can be done much faster and easier.

Video: How to keep your home clean and tidy - 5 secrets

Hello! I'm glad to see you)

Today I was going to write the second part about the lawn, which ended up being 15 rules for keeping the house clean. happens))).

What is order, cleanliness and degree of clutter at home?? These are all relative concepts. They relate exclusively to specific households and specific people. Each of us has completely individual ideas about these concepts. Someone goes through the carpet with a vacuum cleaner so that the pile lies in one direction and every speck of dust on the shelf causes a state of panic. But for some, such moments are not significant at all. I am not a supporter of absolute order and absolute purity. A home is a place where they live, live fully. Therefore, everything should be in moderation. Just enough to leave time for other aspects of life, and there should be more of it. What rules can be developed to maintain the house in an acceptable condition (and not faint if someone decides to come visit).

  1. We always make the bed in the morning. Almost immediately. An unmade bed causes a fair amount of chaos.

  2. Clean plumbing. Sink, toilet, kitchen sink, the bathtub or shower must be clean.

  3. Every thing has its place. Everything you use should always be sent to its rightful place. It's tedious, yes... But this one-minute task will get rid of the accumulating mess.
  4. Wash dishes immediately(or put it in the dishwasher).

  5. Cook carefully, try to immediately remove the “battlefield”.

  6. Ventilate the apartment a lot - often - regularly.
  7. Dust regularly on surfaces. To do this less often, use a polish with an antistatic agent; dust will not settle as actively; To make it faster, free the surfaces from all unnecessary things, leave a minimum.

  8. Use a vacuum cleaner quite often (but then you can wash the floors less often). If servicing a vacuum cleaner takes a lot of time (for example, you have a washing vacuum cleaner), then leave it for more fundamental cleaning. To quickly collect dust, use a lightweight and simple upright vacuum cleaner. I have both a detergent (I clean with it once a week) and a vertical one: I plug the plug into the socket, five minutes, and the apartment is cleaner.

  9. Do wet cleaning of the floor floor at least once a week, at least with a mop.
  10. Do general cleaning regularly. Plan it in advance and add it to your schedule as something mandatory. How often? This is already individual. For some, once every two weeks, for others once a month, and for others once every six months is enough. But... the less often it happens, the larger the process itself.
  11. Get rid of unnecessary things. A home is not a warehouse, but a reflection of your lifestyle; chaos in it leads to chaos in other aspects of life. About this and .
  12. Improve your home furnishings, think about storing things. Buy baskets and containers. In a notebook or your favorite gadget, write down the dimensions of the shelves and drawers: length, height, width - this will allow you not to miss the dimensions of the containers and use the space rationally, down to the centimeter.

  13. Plan your purchases, make lists- spontaneity of shopping leads to clutter. A wonderful function of female nature: “Oh, how I like this thing! Want!" - turn it off. But don’t torture yourself with a categorical “no!”, just postpone the purchase, take a time out. As practice shows, after thinking and postponing, in 80-90% of cases you are unlikely to return for the item. When purchasing interior items, pre-taken photos of your rooms will help. For example, in my notebook there are samples of wallpaper and pieces of fabric from curtains. Sometimes it is difficult to correlate an item in a store with how it will look at home and choose shades. The purchase must be thoughtful.

  14. Keep your hallway tidy. Organize proper storage of shoes, take care of the “correct” door mat (it should well hold the dirt that we bring from the street). Remember, everyone who comes into the house sees the hallway first, and so do you))).

  15. And of course, create the right mood. Don't think of all these routine tasks as a burden. You are improving your life. Create a harmonious, comfortable space around you. But of course! You deserve it!

That's all for today. I recently switched to a personal domain - this is good, but in the end I lost the very first and so dear comments of my few (I hope) subscribers so far - this is sad. Subscribe, comment, add and complement - it’s nice to know that you visited me.
And most importantly: WHAT ITEMS WOULD YOU ADD? Ideal order in the apartment is always the key to a good mood among household members, because no one will look for things and no one will be ashamed to bring guests into the apartment. In addition, the order of objects in the house helps to concentrate, putting everything on the shelves in your head. You should also put things in order if you are moving out of a rented apartment; you don’t want people to think of you in some wrong way (as if you are slobs and slackers).

Today in our article we will help you put your apartment or house in perfect order by doing everything quickly and correctly.

11 secrets on how to clean up your apartment

  1. Focus on dust. It is impossible to avoid it, since it penetrates us from all places - windows, doors and even vents. We bring it on the sole of our shoes and, of course, outerwear. You can get rid of such dust using a vacuum cleaner, but set it to wet cleaning so that it does not spread dust throughout the space. By removing the dust, you can move the things you need. There is no need to do the opposite otherwise, for example, you can move the bag to another place where dust will already accumulate, so it will remain there for a long time, and it is better not to breathe such air. The place where dust is most visible (especially to guests) is the surface of tables, chairs, televisions and window sills (there is especially a lot of it here, as it blows from the window). Dust can also form on the wallpaper (rarely, but if it appears, it means you have been cleaning the rooms for a long time), vents (it is better to remove them and thoroughly clean them from cobwebs, dirt, etc.). The top ones deserve special attention. ceiling corners, where cobwebs can usually be found.

  2. The first thing our guests pay attention to is the floor. Therefore, you should start by cleaning the floor. Thoroughly clean the carpets (if any), sweep and wash the floor itself (parquet, linoleum, tiles, etc.). It is better to focus on those places that are most contaminated - the hallway and living room, but this does not mean that you can forget about hard to reach places, such as areas under a bed or sofa.

  3. If your apartment is small, then try to take out the trash more often. There is no need to install separate buckets in the bedroom, living room, etc. for this. The fact is that the trash can will be easy enough to notice, but garbage left on a table or nightstand will also haunt you. Therefore, immediately accustom yourself to one bucket (in the kitchen) and daily removal of garbage bags, although the more often the better, because it does not give off the most pleasant smell in the house, which spreads very quickly.

  4. Get rid of things you don't need. Now that the living room and corridor are in order, take care of the objects that surround you. Order comes first rational use spaces in the house. When the house is a mess, there are a lot of things in it that we don’t need. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to throw them away, so we suggest doing it this way: purchasing a large box in which to put all the necessary things. Moreover, identifying an item by necessity is quite simple: put in a box all those items that you have not used for a month, two or more: lamps, pens, magazines, accessories, small equipment (an old mobile phone, for example), etc. You can also place some decorative elements in the box (vases, mugs, figurines, glasses that you don’t like much). After filling the box to capacity, seal it and write today’s date on top. Take the box to the garage, basement, or at least to a closed balcony. And believe me, most likely, you will not look into this box for at least a year (due to necessity), and, therefore, all the collected things are really nothing more than trash for you. After one year, you can safely sell these items.

  5. Once you've removed everything you need, surround yourself with the things you use regularly. Have you ever noticed that you take out all the necessary items from cabinets, shelves and even other rooms, when there are things nearby that you do not need at all? If this is so, then you should urgently reconsider the entire set of objects surrounding you. He is unfaithful. Try to surround yourself by putting in a visible and convenient place only those things that you use, and not those that should be located according to generally accepted canons. By completing this step, you can easily avoid a mess in your apartment, because there will be no unnecessary things, and the necessary things will not create problems for you.

  6. A clean apartment in which everything is at hand is not ideal order. So now it's time for us to get down to hiding unnecessary items from the eyes of outsiders. Come to terms with the idea that there will be guests in your home from time to time, that is, essentially strangers. These may include: people from a repair service, neighbors, inspectors (gas and electricity), friends, colleagues, acquaintances (friends of your children, parents or spouses), etc. They may all have different understandings of order and cleanliness, but in general, there is a rule - to hide your personal life from strangers, so try to distribute things in the house in such a way that even if strangers come to your house at night, you do not feel awkward . So how to do this?! Quite simple! Get into the habit of “always hide personal things!” It doesn't matter if it's money or bed linen. Documents should never be left in plain sight. Small things like glasses, watches, mobile phones, bracelets and other things should also have their place, preferably in bedside table. When changing clothes, put all things in the closet, and dirty linen or clothes in a special basket. Washing should not be carried out over the whole day. It is also better not to leave dishes dirty, but to wash them immediately or put them in the dishwasher.

  7. Keep the kitchen clean. The order in the house can often be determined by the kitchen; if it is clean and well-groomed, then most likely the rest of the rooms in the house will not be dirty. This is often where most of the guests come, drinking tea with you or stopping in for a short conversation. Therefore, this implies several rules that the owner should not forget about if he strives to restore order throughout the apartment. First, as we already said, wash the dishes immediately after dinner, and don't even think about leaving dirty dishes anywhere in the house. Secondly, clean the refrigerator, both inside and outside. It attracts the most attention due to its size and frequency of reference to it. There is no need to store spoiled products in it that are already expired or are not suitable for cooking in themselves (they smell bad and look terrible). Third, thoroughly wipe down all cabinet and kitchen appliance handles (e.g. microwave oven), so that the guest does not get dirty by accidentally touching something. Fourthly, ventilate the room more often so that not only the order and cleanliness in the kitchen is visible, but also the smell does not bother us.

  8. If you have already started tidying up the rooms of your house, then you should not bypass the bathroom. It will be very strange if everything in the house radiates cleanliness and order, and the bathroom somehow stands out from the general background. There should also be a pleasant smell, a clean floor, fresh towels, soap and bottles on the mirror should look clean, and the sink should have a good drain so as not to create discomfort for the guest and yourself.

  9. Now it’s time to think about the order and cleanliness of the “Holy of Holies” - the bedroom. You can feel the order not only by arranging all the items in their places, but also by changing the bed linen, removing small debris from the dressing or coffee table, arranging books or magazines on the bedside table, and also ventilating the rooms themselves. Naturally, here we no longer mention cleaning the room itself. Pay attention to mirrors too. If you are a pedantic person who loves order and cleanliness, you will not feel sufficiently comfortable seeing dirty stains on the mirrors (from touching or cosmetics).

  10. If it is difficult for you to constantly remember what and how should be folded ideally, then we advise you to once create the ideal order (that you would like) and capture it on. Such a picture will help you perform all the actions every time, which will tell you what else you have not done to keep your home in order.

  11. When cleaning up your home, check the technical components of all appliances at the same time. Here we are talking about various equipment, for example, televisions and computers. Check their connections to the outlet and other connectors. Is everything inserted correctly, is there any play or problems (especially with the electrical part, so that there is no short circuit later).

  • Divide the entire apartment into several zones (living room, bathroom, corridor, etc.) and restore order gradually in each zone, do not try to clean everything at once, as you will definitely forget something.

  • Train yourself to clean up your house, at least 15-20 minutes a day, then you won’t have to spend whole days on it once a week or two.

  • If the amount of work is large, then it is better to stretch the process over several days.

  • Scientists have calculated that every month from 20 to 100 unnecessary things appear in the home of the average family. Therefore, we suggest that you take a box with you once a month and forcefully put in it 20 to 30 things that are not particularly dear to you. Take the box to the garage. This way, the apartment will not turn into a “junk storage room”.

  • Before you put things in order, make a list of things you need to do that day and gradually start doing it.

  • If you want ideal frequency and comfort in the room, try to make all horizontal surfaces as clean as possible, and also to have a minimum of objects on them.

  • Never leave an item in plain sight unless it can be hidden in a locker or closet.

  • It’s better to put things in order while listening to fast and favorite music (you can even dance along to it), this way the process will go faster and more interesting. Do not turn on the TV under any circumstances, especially when watching an interesting program or film/series, as you will definitely get caught up in watching it and forget what you wanted to do in the first place. After watching, you are unlikely to want to get involved in the process again.

  • Our editors of the online magazine site recommend finding a separate place for each item, since in this case it will be easiest to find it and also put it in its place. Which will accordingly save time and nerves.

  • Use space wisely! Don't forget about the small shelves that you have in your closet or even coffee table. For example, we always forget about the bedside table on which the TV sits, but it often has a lot of shelves on which you can put remote controls. household appliances, a magazine with a program, favorite DVDs with films, etc.

  • If you are overtaken by laziness in putting things in order, then you can come up with some kind of motivator, for example, invite dear guests tonight or tomorrow, to whom it would be very embarrassing to show the apartment in this condition. Then your laziness will go away, and the desire to clean up your house will quickly appear!

  • Eradicate this “Sovdepov” habit of hanging clothes on doors, chairs and other pieces of furniture. Accustom yourself to order, then you will have to restore it less.

  • Place aroma candles or special air fresheners throughout the rooms, which will create not only an externally pleasant environment, but also rid the apartment of unpleasant odors.