In a private house      07/02/2020

The best water cooler. How to choose a water cooler: a detailed guide to action. The best desktop coolers for home and office

To cool the processor, a cooler is used, which consists of a heatsink and a fan.

Various processors provide different mounts for coolers and have different heat dissipation (TDP). As for heat dissipation, the more powerful the processor, the larger the cooler should be.

For the cheapest 2-core processors (Celeron, A4, A6), any simplest cooler with an aluminum radiator and an 80-90 mm fan will suffice. How larger size fan and heatsink, the better the cooling. The lower the fan speed, the less noise. Some of these curers are not suitable for all processors, so check the supported sockets in the description. For example, Deepcool GAMMA ARCHER fits almost all sockets except AM4.
CPU Cooler Deepcool GAMMA ARCHER

Most coolers for more powerful processors are universal and have a set of mounts for all modern processors. Coolers DeepCool and Zalman have an optimal price/quality ratio, and I will recommend them first of all.

Please note that not all coolers can be equipped with an AM4 socket mount, and sometimes it can be purchased separately, check this point with the seller.

For 2-core Intel processors (Pentium, Core-i3) and 4-core AMD processors (A8, A10, Ryzen 3), a small cooler with 2-3 heat pipes and a 90-120 mm fan, such as Deepcool GAMMAXX 200T (for TDP 65 W).
CPU Cooler Deepcool GAMMAXX 200T

Or Deepcool GAMMAXX 300 (for TDP 95W).
CPU Cooler Deepcool GAMMAXX 300

For more powerful 4-core Intel (Core i3, i5) and AMD (FX-4,6,8, Ryzen 5) you need a cooler with 4-5 heat pipes and a 120mm fan. And the minimum option here would be Deepcool GAMMAXX 400 (4 tubes) or slightly better Zalman from the CNPS10X series (4-5 tubes) for more powerful processors.
CPU Cooler Deepcool GAMMAXX 400

For even hotter 6-core Intel (Core i5,i7) and AMD (Ryzen 7) as well as for overclocking, it is advisable to purchase a large powerful cooler with 6 heat pipes and a 120-140mm fan. One of the best in terms of price / power ratio are Deepcool Lucifer V2 and Deepcool REDHAT.
CPU Cooler Deepcool Lucifer V2

2. Do I need to buy a cooler separately

Most boxed processors that are sold in a cardboard box and have the word "BOX" at the end of the marking have a cooler in the kit.

If "Tray" or "OEM" is written at the end of the marking, then there is no cooler in the kit.

Some expensive processors, despite the fact that they have the word "BOX" in the marking, are sold without a cooler. But the box is usually smaller in this case, and the description often indicates that the processor does not have a cooler in the kit.

If you purchase a processor with a cooler, then you do not have to buy a cooler separately. It usually comes out cheaper, and a boxed cooler is enough to cool the processor, since it is just designed for it.

The disadvantages of boxed coolers are a higher noise level and the lack of a heat sink in case of overclocking the processor. Therefore, if you want to have a quieter computer or overclock the processor, it is better to purchase a separate processor and a separate quieter and more powerful cooler.

3. CPU options for cooler selection

In order to choose the right cooler, we need to know the socket (Socket) of the processor and its heat dissipation (TDP).

3.1. Processor socket

Socket is a motherboard socket for installing a processor, which also has a cooler mount. Different sockets have different types of cooler mounts.

3.2. CPU heat dissipation

As for heat dissipation (TDP), this indicator is also often indicated on the websites of online stores. If the TDP of the processor is not indicated, then it is easy to find it on the website of another online store or the official websites of processor manufacturers.

There are many other sites where you can find out the characteristics of the processor by the model number.

You can also use the search engine Google or Yandex.

4. Main characteristics of coolers

The main characteristics of coolers are supported sockets and TDP, which the cooler is designed for.

Each cooler is designed for certain sockets, it simply won't install on others. Which sockets are supported by this or that cooler is indicated on the websites of manufacturers and online stores.

4.2. cooler TDP

Despite the fact that the TDP of the processor for which the cooler is designed is the main parameter, its value is not indicated on the websites of online stores and most manufacturers. However, this data can sometimes be found. For example, on the site of one of the leaders in the production of coolers, the Austrian company Noctua, there is a comparative table of TDP coolers.

The TDP value of some popular cooler models, determined approximately from the test results, can be found on the Internet. Based on this information and personal experience, I have compiled a table with which you can easily choose the optimal cooler depending on the TDP of the processor. You can download this table at the end of the article in the "" section.

5. Cooler design

CPU coolers come in many different designs.

5.1. Cooler with aluminum heatsink

The simplest and cheapest are coolers with an aluminum radiator and a standard 80mm fan. The shape of the radiator may be different. Basically, in coolers for Intel processors, the radiator has a round shape, for AMD processors - square.

Such coolers are often bundled with low-power boxed processors, and usually they have enough of it. Such a cooler can also be inexpensively purchased separately, but their quality is likely to be a little worse. Well, such a cooler is not suitable for overclocking the processor.

5.2. Plate heatsink cooler

On sale, you can still find coolers with a heatsink made of stacked aluminum or copper plates.

They are better at dissipating heat from the processor than coolers with a solid aluminum radiator, but have become obsolete and have been replaced by more efficient coolers based on heat pipes.

5.3. Horizontal heatpipe cooler

Heatpipe coolers are the latest and most efficient.

These coolers come bundled with more powerful processors. They remove heat from the processor much better than cheap coolers with an aluminum radiator, but they blow warm air in a not very efficient direction - towards the motherboard.

This solution is more suitable for compact cases, since in other cases it is better to purchase a more modern vertical cooler.

5.4. Vertical cooler with heat pipes

The vertical cooler (or tower cooler) has a more optimal design.

Warm air from the processor is not blown towards the motherboard, but towards the rear exhaust fan of the case.

Such coolers are the most optimal, they have a very large selection in terms of size, power and price. They are best suited for very powerful processors and their overclocking. Their main disadvantage is their large dimensions, which is why not every such cooler will fit into a standard case.

The efficiency of the cooler depends most of all on the number of heat pipes. For a processor with a TDP of 80-100 W, a cooler with 3 heat pipes is enough, for a processor with a TDP of 150-180 W, a cooler with 6 heat pipes is already needed. You will find out how many heat pipes a particular processor needs from the table, which can be downloaded in the "" section.

In the characteristics of the cooler, they usually do not focus on how many heat pipes it has. But it's easy to calculate from a photo of the base of the cooler or by counting the number of outgoing ends of the tubes and dividing them by 2.

6. Base design

The base of the cooler is called the contact pad, which is in direct contact with the processor. The efficiency of the cooler also depends on its quality and design.

In coolers with an aluminum heatsink, the heatsink itself acts as a contact pad. The base can be solid or through.

A solid base is more preferable, as it increases the area of ​​contact between the heatsink and the processor, which has a positive effect on cooling. And in a through design, dust can accumulate in the gap between the radiator and the fan.

First, it has a bad effect on cooling. Secondly, the dust from there cannot be cleaned without removing the cooler from the processor, while the radiator with a solid platform can be easily cleaned without dismantling it.

6.2. Radiator with copper insert

The radiators of some coolers have a copper insert at the base, which is in contact with the processor.

Radiators with a copper insert are slightly more efficient than all-aluminum options.

Heatpipe coolers may have a copper base.

This design is quite efficient.

6.4. Direct contact

Some manufacturers are actively preaching almost space direct contact technology (DirectCU), which consists in saving copper by pressing heat pipes in such a way that they themselves create a contact pad that is in direct contact with the processor.

In fact, this design is close in efficiency to a radiator with a copper base.

7. The design and material of the radiator

The efficiency of the cooler also strongly depends on the design of the radiator and the material from which it is made.

The cheapest coolers have an all-aluminum heatsink, as this metal is cheaper than copper. But aluminum has a low heat capacity and uneven heat distribution, which requires stronger airflow and correspondingly noisy fans.

7.2. Aluminum with copper

Coolers with aluminum heatsinks with copper inserts are slightly more efficient, but are no longer relevant.

7.3. copper heatsink

You can still find coolers with copper plate heatsinks on sale.

Copper has a high heat capacity and the heat in it is distributed evenly. This makes it possible to stabilize the processor temperature at a certain level and does not require fast, noisy fans. But the efficiency of such a system is limited due to the fact that the copper radiator has a large thermal inertia and it is difficult to quickly remove heat from it. But such a cooler can be indispensable in compact cases for media centers, since it is quite low.

7.4. Aluminum plate radiator

The most effective today are coolers with heat pipes and a radiator made of many thin aluminum plates.

The heat from the processor is instantly removed through the heat pipes to the plates, which are also quickly removed by the fan airflow due to the large dissipation area. This design has a very low heat capacity and thermal inertia, so the cooling efficiency is greatly improved with a small increase in fan speed.

7.5. Nickel plating

Good branded coolers can have nickel-plated heatpipes, copper bases, and even aluminum heatsink fins.

Nickel plating prevents surface oxidation. It always remains beautiful and shiny. But the most important thing is that the oxide does not interfere with heat removal and the cooler does not lose its properties. Although, by and large, the difference will not be significant.

7.6. Radiator size

The efficiency of the cooler always depends on the size of the radiator. But coolers with large heatsinks can't always fit into a standard computer case. The height of the tower radiator for a standard case should not exceed 160 mm.

The width of the radiator also matters. A cooler with a large heatsink may not fit due to the closely spaced power supply. You also need to consider the size and layout of the motherboard. It may happen that the cooler cannot be installed due to high protruding motherboard heatsinks near the processor, high memory modules located close together, etc.

All this must be taken into account in advance and, if in doubt, measure the required distances in your computer. Better to play it safe and take a cooler a little smaller. If the processor is very hot, and the case is small or the elements sticking out on the motherboard interfere, then tear them off. A horizontal cooler with heat pipes and specially designed with sufficient indentation from the motherboard will suit you.

7.7. Radiator weight

The larger the heatsink, the heavier it is, and the heavier the heatsink, the larger it is. Well, in essence, the higher the TDP of the processor, the heavier the heatsink should be. For a processor with a TDP of 100-125 W, a radiator weighing 300-400 grams is enough, for a monster like AMD FX9xxx with a TDP of 200-220 W, you need a radiator of at least 1 kg, or even all 1200-1300 grams. I will not give the weight of the radiator for each processor, since you will see all this in the table, which can be downloaded in the "" section.

8. Fans

The size, speed and other parameters of the fan determine the efficiency of the cooler and the level of noise that it creates.

8.1. Fan size

In general, the larger the fan, the more efficient and quieter it is. The cheapest coolers use 80x80mm fans. Their advantage is the simplicity and cheapness of replacement (which is rare). The disadvantage is the highest noise level.

It is better to purchase a cooler with a larger fan - 92×92, 120×120 mm. These are also standard sizes and are easy to replace if something happens.

For particularly powerful and hot processors, such as AMD FX9xxx, it is better to take a cooler with a standard 140x140 mm fan. Such a fan is more expensive, but the noise will be less.

It is better to limit the choice to coolers with standard fan sizes, what if you still have to replace it sometime? But this is not important, since among us there are real nuggets of Kulibins who will screw any fan on their knees to any radiator

8.2. Fan bearing type

The cheapest fans have a sleeve type bearing (Sleeve Bearing). Such fans are considered less reliable and less durable.

Fans with ball bearings (Ball Bearing) are considered more reliable. But they make more noise.

Most modern fans have a hydrodynamic bearing (Hydro Bearing), which combines reliability with a low noise level.

8.3. Number of fans

To overclock such monsters as AMD FX9xxx with TDP 200-220 W, it is better to take a cooler with two 140x140 mm fans. But keep in mind, the more fans, the higher the noise level. Therefore, it is unnecessary to take a cooler with two fans for a processor with a TDP of up to 180W. Recommendations for the number and size of fans are in the table from the "" section.

8.4. Fan speed

The smaller the radiator and fan size, the higher its speed will be. This is necessary to compensate for the low dispersion area and weak airflow.

In cheap coolers, the fan speed can vary between 2000-4000 rpm. At 2000 rpm the fan noise becomes very noticeable, at 3000 rpm the noise becomes annoying, but at 4000 rpm your room will turn into a small airstrip...

The ideal option is a 120-140 mm fan with a maximum speed of 1300-1500 rpm.

8.5. Automatic speed control

Motherboards are able to regulate the speed of the cooler depending on the temperature of the processor. Adjustment can be done by changing the supply voltage (DC), which is supported by all motherboards.

More expensive coolers can be equipped with fans with a built-in speed controller (PWM). In this case, the motherboard must also support speed control through a PWM controller (PWM).

It's good if the cooler has a 120-140 mm fan with a speed in the range of 800-1300 rpm. In this case, you will almost never hear it.

8.6. cooler connector

CPU coolers can have a 3-pin or 4-pin connector for connecting to the motherboard. The 3-pins are controlled by changing the voltage by the motherboard (DC), and the 4-pins are controlled by a PWM controller (PWM). The PWM controller can more precisely control the speed of the cooler, so it is better to purchase a cooler with a 4-pin connector.

8.7. Noise level

The noise level depends on the speed of the fan, the configuration of its blades and is measured in decibels (dB). Fans with a noise level of up to 25 dB are considered quiet. By this indicator, you can compare several coolers and, other things being equal, choose the one that emits less noise.

8.8. Air flow

The efficiency of heat removal from the radiator and, accordingly, the efficiency of the entire cooler and the noise level depend on the strength of the air flow. Airflow is measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM). By this indicator, you can compare several coolers and, other things being equal, choose the one that has a higher CFM. But do not forget to pay attention to the noise level.

9. Cooler mount

There are no pitfalls in mounting a small or medium-sized cooler. But with large models there are surprises ...

Carefully read the cooler mounting scheme before buying it. Some heavy coolers require reinforced mounting with a special frame with reverse side motherboard.

In this case, the motherboard should allow the installation of such a frame and there should be no soldered electronic elements at the installation site. There should be a recess in the computer case where the processor is supposed to be located. Even better, if there is a window that allows you to install and remove such a cooler without removing the motherboard.

In a set of universal coolers that fit a variety of sockets, there can be many different mounts.

If the cooler is of high enough quality and expensive, then they will not be superfluous if you suddenly want (or have to) change the motherboard and processor to another platform (for example, from AMD to Intel). In this case, the cooler does not need to be changed.

10. Backlight

Some coolers have LEDs and glow in the dark beautifully. It makes sense to purchase such a cooler if your case has a transparent window through which you can enjoy how it works while you are relaxing. But keep in mind that the backlight can interfere and annoy not only you, but also your family members. Therefore, think in advance where the body will stand and where the light will go.

11. Thermal paste

Thermal paste is applied to the processor to improve heat transfer and this is very important. In cheap coolers, thermal paste can already be applied to the contact pad and covered with a plastic cover.

More expensive models come with a small tube of thermal paste, which can last 2-3 times. Sometimes thermal paste is not included. Check the availability of thermal paste on the website of the online store.

If there is no thermal paste in the kit, then it will need to be purchased separately. The transfer of heat from the processor to the cooler is quite dependent on thermal paste. The difference in CPU temperature with bad and good thermal paste reaches up to 10 degrees!

As budget option you can take KPT-8 in a white aluminum tube. Its thermal conductivity is not that high, but if the processor is not very hot (TDP up to 100 W) and you do not plan to overclock it, then this will be enough. The main thing is that it be original! It is not advisable to purchase it in syringes, jars, plastic tubes with stickers self made, since there are a lot of fakes in such packaging.

It should be absolutely obvious that the packaging is factory.

Close in quality and price is Alsil-3 thermal paste, but even in the original it is sold in syringes that are difficult to distinguish from a fake.

12. Cooler manufacturers

The best cooler manufacturers are the Austrian company Noctua and the Japanese company Scythe. They produce high quality coolers and are well-deservedly popular with wealthy enthusiasts. Noctua gives a 72-month warranty for coolers.

Under the above-named brands, the Taiwanese company Thermalright successfully mows, in the arsenal of which there are very similar models for a slightly more reasonable price.

But the coolers of such well-known brands as Cooler Master, Thermaltake, Zalman are the most popular in Russian-speaking countries. Coolers from these manufacturers have the best price / quality ratio.

But by and large, the manufacturer of the cooler is not so important, since there is nothing special to break apart from the fan. Therefore, it is not a sin to save money and take something cheaper. A fairly large assortment and low prices are offered to us by DeepCool, GlacialTech, Ice Hammer and TITAN.

Don't be afraid to make a mistake, it's just a cooler And let the presence of a guarantee calm your nervous system

13. Warranty

The cheapest coolers come with a standard 12 month warranty. In principle, all that can get out of the cooler is a fan, and it will not be difficult to replace it.

But if you get a good cooler with branded fans, then it's better to have a 24-36 month warranty, as it can be difficult and expensive to find high-quality fans with the same characteristics.

Top coolers are expensive, but manufacturers give them a guarantee of up to 72 months.

I don't recommend purchasing coolers from little-known manufacturers, whose lineup is represented by only a few models, as there may be problems with warranty service. Remember - the guarantee has not hurt anyone yet

14. Setting up filters in the online store

  1. Using the table, determine the main parameters of the cooler for your processor.
  2. Go to the "Cooling Systems" section on the seller's website.
  3. Select the "For Processor" destination.
  4. If you want a better cooler, then choose only the best manufacturers.
  5. If you want to save money, then select all popular manufacturers, in model range which there are at least 15-20 models.
  6. Select your processor socket.
  7. Note the presence of heat pipes in the filter.
  8. The size and number of fans (optional).
  9. The presence of a speed controller (only if necessary).
  10. Cooler height (for a standard case up to 160 mm).
  11. The presence of backlight (strongly narrows the choice).
  12. Other options that are important to you.
  13. Sort the selection by price.
  14. Browse coolers, starting with the cheaper ones (from the photo you can determine the number of heat pipes and the massiveness of the radiator).
  15. Select several suitable models, view their photos from different angles and compare them according to those parameters that were not in the filter.
  16. Buy the cheapest of the suitable models.

Do not overdo it with filters, as you can weed out successful models. Choose only the options that are most important to you.

Thus, you will get the optimal price / quality / efficiency cooler that meets your requirements at the lowest possible cost.

15. Links

Below you can download a table that allows you to easily determine the main parameters of the cooler, depending on the processor heat dissipation (TDP).

CPU Cooler Deepcool REDHAT
CPU Cooler Zalman CNPS10X Optima
CPU Cooler Deepcool GAMMAXX S40

Daily consumption of high-quality water is a guarantee of human health at any age. To make it convenient to extract from a large bottle, you need to buy an ergonomic water cooler. There are many options for such equipment, in order to decide which one is better to choose, consider the rating of the top 10 most popular models with their own features, parameters, positive and negative qualities.

In appearance, the water cooler is floor and desktop. Their technical specifications while they do not differ, the functionality, water quality, mechanism may be the same.

Desktop is cheaper, requires a dedicated space. Best suited for home or small office use.

Outdoor convenient, practical, install such equipment in the room, in the kitchen, in the dining room, if necessary, it is easy to move. One of the most popular attributes of a corporate kitchen, like a microwave. If the dispenser is also equipped with a water heating function, it is even more in demand. It will be a great alternative to a kettle: heats up faster, holds more. As a result, the costs of electricity and idle time of employees in line for coffee pay off in the best possible way.

According to the type of cooling, the equipment is divided into two types, which are radically different, but the result is the same:

DescriptionCooling occurs due to the Peltier element - an electronic module. Fan, it is best to install such a cooler in a clean, well-ventilated area so that it does not become clogged.Reliable equipment, does not depend on room temperature. Works like a refrigerator. Water is cooled at the request of the user.
Minimum temperature10-15 degrees5-10 degrees
Performance0.5-1 liter per hour, the figure may vary depending on the model2 liters per hour
PurposeSuitable for use by 3 - 4 people at home, in a small office.For home, large office, where more than 4 people work.

Modern water coolers have stylish design and great functionality. Made in hi-tech style and will fit perfectly into modern design. Of the additional functions, options, depending on the policy of the manufacturer, the cost of the goods and the specific model, may or may not be installed:

  1. The device is equipped with two mechanisms - for cooling, heating water, which is convenient, practical in offices where a lot of staff work.
  2. By design, a compact refrigerator is built into the lower part of the equipment for storing perishable products or a box for a certain number of liters for sugar, tea, coffee, and dishes.
  3. On tap with hot water some manufacturers install child protection - blocking the supply of boiling water to avoid burns and force majeure situations.
  4. Hot water faucet stopper for cold water supply.
  5. In floor coolers there are up to three built-in taps: cold, room, hot temperature.

A bottle of water in such devices is installed with a bottom, top load. All liquid from the tank is extracted without residue using a special curved tube. Inflated with a water pump. There are models of coolers that are put on a special filter connected to the water supply.

Types of taps for water coolers

There are three types of mechanisms for lowering water:

  1. Lever from below, pressing with a mug - the most popular, running. With one hand, the user holds a glass, the other opens the faucet, water fills the container.
  2. Lever on top, push by hand - a classic look that appeared one of the first of its kind. Both hands are needed to pour water. At the same time, the tap does not contact the glass, which makes the mechanism hygienic and safe for health.
  3. Keys-buttons - a modern nice option, installed on expensive premium models.

Coolers have the following characteristics:

  1. The control method can be mechanical or electronic.
  2. Water is supplied through a flow filter from a water pipe or from a loading bottle from above, below.
  3. The possibilities depend on the functionality inherent in the model.
  4. Profitability - the cost of drinking water and electricity.
  5. Reliability - the devices are made of high quality materials.
  6. Safety - the use of the cooler does not harm the health of the user. The design is designed in such a way as to protect a person from electric shock and infection with microorganisms.
  7. Beautiful original design - ordinary dispensers have a more archaic style, and new advanced luxury models are hi-tech. They fit perfectly into the interior of the office, kitchen and other premises.
  8. Cost - depends on the brand, production materials, established mechanism, dimensions, availability of options.

The cooler is a multifunctional, indispensable device, which was first invented in the beginning. 20th century Halsey Taylor. At the moment, there are a lot of models, brands that create water coolers. Consider the ranking of the best.

TOP 10 best coolers

In order for the user to understand what kind of water cooler he needs, it is worth deciding where it can be placed in the house so that it does not interfere, does not fall and fits comfortably into the interior. If such equipment is chosen for purchase in the office, it should be borne in mind that there is a greater flow of people here, the performance of the device should be better, since it will be used much more often.

In the women's team, where for some reason there are no men, it is necessary to look at the equipment with the bottom loading of the bottle: it is difficult to lift it up, physical strength is needed.

If you buy a cooler with a cabinet at the bottom, a place will automatically appear where you can put disposable water glasses, tea, sugar, spoons and other utensils that you need. Or often the manufacturer installs a mini-fridge under the cooler, which is also convenient, practical - saving space.

  • Desktop Compact Dispenser
  • Top outside bottle
  • No cooling system
  • Small dimensions: 375x28x31 cm
  • Heating is carried out with a power of 460 W
  • Productivity: 5 l per hour
  • budget cost.
  • The device has a small mass.
  • Compact, easy to transport.
  • The "Child Lock" option is set.
  • The tank with room and hot water are located too close, due to which the cool heats up along with the hot.
  • There is a pump pump.
  • There is no cooling system, which is not practical in hot weather.

  • Desktop handy cooler
  • Water is heated at a power of 420 W maximum
  • Productivity is not bad: 4 l / h
  • Faucet with push lever
  • Two indicators of power, heating
  • Small dimensions: 28x34x38 cm
  • The device was created in modern style, has an original design, will fit well into a fashionable interior.
  • Suitable for use in hot climates up to 38 degrees.
  • Price.
  • Dimensions.
  • There is no cooling system.
  • The production material is black ABS plastic.
  • The walls are thin.

  • By type of installation: desktop dispenser
  • There are necessary options: cooling, heating
  • cooler type: electro
  • Water capacity for tea, coffee 5 l/h and chilled 0.5 l/h
  • Weight: 284 kg
  • Ergonomics.
  • Price.
  • There is no child safety lock on the hot faucet.
  • Thin walls between tanks.
  • Water takes a long time to cool down.

  • Tabletop dispenser
  • Keyboard taps
  • 75 W - the power at which water is cooled, at 550 W it heats up
  • Hot water capacity: 5 l / h to 90 degrees, cooled at an average speed of 0.5 l / h
  • Dimensions: 340 x 350 x 382 mm
  • 4.3 kg mass
  • 220 V - operating current
  • 50Hz operating frequency
  • Hot water faucet protection.
  • Stylish design.
  • Performance is great.
  • High price.
  • There are no backlights.

  • Type: desktop dispenser
  • Heating at 700 W
  • Productivity: 7 l/h
  • Dimensions: 29x25 cm
  • On the equipment there are cranes of the "press by hand" type
  • Mechanical control
  • Mains powered
  • Compactness.
  • Neat, beautiful appearance.
  • Combines the function of an electric kettle and a pump.
  • Saves electricity.
  • Good quality.
  • There is no cooling system.
  • The jet of hot water is rather weak, flows slowly.
  • Thin plastic sidewalls.
  • Room water is heated from the hot tank.

  • Chilled, warm water supply
  • Electric cooling
  • Heats up in 4 l/h, 0.6 l/h cools down
  • Power 420 W heating, 90 W cooling
  • Button control
  • Dimensions: 27x32x92 cm
    • Child lock on hot water faucet.
    • Modern design.
    • Universal for home, office.
    • Production material: high-strength plastic, steady against an ultraviolet.
    • There is no locker for the attributes necessary for the cooler: cups, tea, spoons and other things.

    • floor dispenser
    • Worth compressor type of cooling
    • Bottle location: top
    • There is a built-in wardrobe for 16 liters
    • Equipped with two taps for water supply
    • Adequate competitive cost.
    • Laconic, stylish design.
    • It is presented in several colors, only the silver insert remains unchanged.
    • Heats up and cools down quickly.
    • Performance is excellent: cools 2 l/h, heats 5 l/h.
    • Leak protection installed.
    • Big weight.
    • Noisy at work.
    • No faucet with room temperature.
    • Warranty card for one year only.

  • Supply of hot, room water
  • Heating capacity up to 90-96 degrees - 7 l / h
  • Dimensions: 29x26x86 cm
  • Control: pressing with a glass
    • Floor Type Electronic Dispenser
    • "Pressing with a mug" - water supply from a tap
    • With collapsible hot water tank
    • Supports heating, cooling functions
    • Heating up to 94 degrees in 5 l / h, 0.8 l / h up to 10 degrees - cooling
    • Water heating power 500 W, 50 W cooling
    • Quality.
    • Performance.
    • Internal heating element.
    • Power.
    • Stylish design: black body with silver trim.
    • Price.
    • There is no locker.
    • The display is missing.
    • No child lock on hot water faucet.

    • floor cooler
    • Filling method: bottled water
    • Main device options: cooling, heating
    • Dimensions: 310x1000x360 mm
    • The bottle is located externally at the top
    • Heating 650W, 70W cooling
    • Heating 5.5 l / h to 90 degrees, 0.6 l / h to 10 degrees - cooling
    • There is a built-in locker for 19 liters.
    • Performance.
    • Multifunctionality.
    • High quality, premium product.
    • Installed mechanical type of faucets.
    • Management: "pressing the glasses of the crane lever."
    • Large weight: 9.4 kg.
    • High price.

    The device is designed in a modern style. Case color - white. Such a floor cooler is presented in a large assortment. Suitable for a large office.

    To decide which water cooler is better to choose, it is worth considering its future location, how it is arranged, the presence of the necessary functions, dimensions, what power, how much energy it consumes, which company it was developed by. Cooler models of 2019 are made in an ultra-modern style and have all the necessary options for user comfort.


    type of instalationDesktop
    Water cooling and heatingWithout cooling
    Without cooling
    Heating and cooling
    Heating and cooling
    Without cooling
    Heating and cooling
    Without heating and cooling
    Without cooling
    Heating and cooling
    Heating and cooling
    Heating performance5 l/h4 l/h5 l/h5 l/h
    5 l/h
    4 l/h- 5 l/h
    5 l/h
    5.5 l/h
    Heating power500 W420 W500 W550 W
    500 W420 W- 500 W500 W650 W
    Water supply methodHand pressing on the faucet lever
    Hand pressing on the faucet lever
    Hand pressing on the faucet lever
    Taps-keysMug pressurePush buttonMug pressureMug pressureMug pressureMug pressure
    Pricefrom 3700 rub.from 1850 rub.from 3900 rub.from 6500 rub.from 2200 rub.from 3800 rub.from 4500 rub.from 3500 rub.from 7800 rub.from 7050 rub.
    Where can I buy

    Water coolers provide heating, cooling and distribution of prepared bottled or tap water drinking quality. Depending on what kind of water is used in the dispenser, they are divided into coolers, purifiers and water dispensers (POU). In this article, you will learn how to choose a water cooler based on its characteristics, device type and functions.

    (from English to cool - “to cool”) - a device for cooling, heating and distributing bottled water. Despite the fact that other types of dispensers can also cool water, the word "cooler" in colloquial Russian has been assigned to devices that use water from bottles with a capacity of 12 or 19 liters. For most Russians, the main distinguishing feature of the "cooler" was the presence of a bottle mounted on top of the dispenser. “Cooler” in Russia is even called a dispenser without a cooling function.

    Coolers are and, with top or . The principle of their operation is simple: from the bottle, water enters the distribution system: first, into the tank for cold water, then into the hot water tank (if the cooler has a heating function). The water temperature is maintained by sensors that periodically start the operation of cooling and heating systems. Due to this, the cooler always contains some - depending on the capacity of the tanks - the amount of cold and hot water.

    Water heating in coolers occurs with the help of an electric heater - tubular, bottom or external shroud. But there are two options for cooling water: it happens either, or (with a Peltier element). Compressor-cooled units are more expensive, but more reliable and efficient.

    Devices with compressor cooling can have a built-in ice maker or a refrigerator cabinet. Also, there are coolers that have a built-in coffee maker or soda, allowing you to enjoy cold soda.

    Varieties of coolers by types and functionality:

    cooler types


    D26WF, D26WE, D17WK, D17WK silver, D17WK goldIn most cases, a desktop cooler is chosen for use at home. At the same time, the lion's share of sales among desktop water coolers is made up of economy-class models with electronic cooling. In general, this is not surprising, since for home use, as a rule, great performance cooling cooler is not required.
    V41WE (WFH), V44WE, V45RE, V42NE, V33NKA, L01WK, V17WKA, V19WK, V401JKD, V16SKB, etc.A free-standing floor cooler is the best choice in the office of an organization, institution or in production. Having in most cases dimensions within the limits of no more than 40 cm (width and depth, respectively), the floor cooler can be easily placed in almost any room.
    L48WK, L48SK, L01WK, L01SK, L48NKThe water bottle in bottom-loading coolers is placed not on top of the cooler, but in a cabinet located at the bottom. This change allowed: 1) to make the design of dispensers more modern; 2) reduced by at least 40 cm. overall height of the cooler; 3) facilitated the replacement of water bottles. Now replacing the bottle in the cooler has become quite within the power of the average woman.
    V43WK, V41WK, V16WKA, V44WK, L48WK, V33NKA, V803NKD, V17WKA, V45SKB, etc.It is rational to purchase a cooler model with compressor cooling if a large amount of cold water is expected to be consumed. For example, in hot countries people drink more cold water; a device with a small capacity tank and a Peltier board is unlikely to cope with the loads. Exactly the same situation can be in the middle climatic zones, if we are talking about, for example, a hot shop of an enterprise - it is better to pay a little more, but get compressor cooling. The productivity of such a dispenser for cooling water will be at least 1.8 l / h.
    V41WE, V44WE, V42NE, V45RE, D26WE, V45SE, V45QE, V45WEThe cooler with electronic cooling is noticeably cheaper than dispensers that use compressor cooling of water. Devices with electronic cooling are noticeably lighter in weight. However, there are also downsides. First of all, performance: a device with a Peltier element cools up to a liter of water per hour. Although, this minus is not significant if you buy a cooler at home or in an office where the number of cold water consumers does not exceed five people. In addition, when it comes to cold climates, people are more likely to drink hot drinks.
    V803NKDG, V401JKHDG, V401JKDGCarbonated drinking water in the cooler is obtained by saturating water with carbon dioxide in special devices called saturators (another name: carbonizers). For the saturator to work, you need a cylinder of carbon dioxide - disposable or rechargeable reusable. A large five-liter bottle is enough for about 200 liters of soda. However, using a rechargeable cylinder is quite troublesome, because. you will need to look for a place where you can fill the gas cylinder. The SOLFERINO company offers its customers disposable cylinders filled in Italy with food grade carbon dioxide. One such bottle will be enough for you to produce at least 60 (maybe even 80) liters of soda.
    V45WKB, V17WKB, V15SKB, V17WKB silver, V17WKB gold, V16WKB, V33NKB, V15WKB, V16SKBA cooler with a built-in refrigerator is relevant for use in the office. The refrigerating chamber built into the cooler can be used as a mini-bar for storing drinks in small containers, and also allows you to save sandwiches brought from home or a cake left after a birthday during the day. You can leave packaged yogurts and juices in such a refrigerator even for several days. Usually volume refrigerator compartment in a water cooler there are from 10 to 20 liters, for some models up to 60 liters. Inside the refrigerator compartment there are one or two adjustable shelves.
    V44WE, V16WKA, V33NKA, V17WKA silver, V15SKA, V15WKA, V16SKAA cooler with a storage cabinet is always a floor standing cooler model. Which is generally obvious, because. desktop models of coolers are designed to keep the cooler as small as possible. The storage cabinet at the bottom of the cooler can be used to store durable items such as tea, coffee, sugar, and cutlery. As a rule, the volume of a storage cabinet, depending on the model of the cooler, is from 10 to 20 liters. Inside the locker there is usually one adjustable shelf.
    With child protectionV41WE, V42NE, V45RE, V41WK, V16WKA, L48WK, V33NKA, V802WK, etc.In such coolers, the hot water faucet has "child protection". It is necessary to use two hands to pour hot water. A very important functionality for the home, if you have children or small guests, as well as under normal conditions, will protect you from possible spills of boiling water on yourself.
    V803NKDG, V803NKD, V401JKD, V401JKHD, V401JKHDG, V401JKDGThe VIP line of VATTEN coolers is made in Italy and in South Korea. In the manufacture, a careful selection of materials is carried out, the most modern technologies are used.

    The main advantage of the cooler is the use of bottled water, which allows it to be used in any convenient location. Only an outlet and bottled water are required.

    Our health depends on many factors, and the most important place among them is the quality of the water we use. If you want to drink only purified water, then you should consider buying a cooler. Such devices are now increasingly purchased for home, summer cottages, offices and schools.

    About what types of coolers are, how they differ and which model to choose, and will be discussed in this article.

    Cooler and purifier: what is the difference

    A bottled water cooler is a device for cooling and heating water. More expensive models have carbonation and ozonation functions. Water is supplied to such devices from a special container, the standard size of which is 19 liters.

    Purifier - flow filtration cooler. It does not require the installation of a water bottle, as it connects directly to the water supply. Thanks to multi-stage purification, it significantly improves the quality and taste of even very polluted tap water. Allows you to save on the purchase of bottles of water (the quality of which is sometimes questionable), but involves certain expenses for replacing filters. A purifier costs significantly more than a bottled water cooler. Less mobile.

    What should your cooler be able to do?

    To correctly answer the question of how to choose a water cooler, you should decide for what purpose you are purchasing it. In today's market, there are the most different models with the following features:

    • water cooling,
    • heat,
    • cooling and heating.

    The ideal option is a model that heats (up to 95-98 degrees) and cools (up to 4-15 degrees) water. There are coolers with three taps that provide not only hot and cold, but also warm water.

    The market offers us a lot of options for water coolers

    If for some reason you do not want the device to cool water, choose a model with heating, and then hot and warm water will flow from the taps.

    There are also dispensers designed only for pouring water from bottles installed above them. They do not have heating and cooling functions. This perfect option for school installation.

    A few words about cooling

    All coolers heat water in the same way, but the cooling method can be compression or electronic.

    Models with compression cooling work on the principle of refrigerators. They quickly cool a sufficiently large volume of water. But such coolers have an impressive weight and are more expensive.

    Devices with electronic cooling are more affordable and easier to use. Plus, they are cheaper to repair. But these models have low performance, so on a hot day, ensure cold water more than five people are unlikely to be able to. In addition, coolers with electronic cooling cannot be installed in dusty, unventilated rooms: they will quickly fail.

    Floor and desktop coolers: which one is more convenient?

    Regardless of which cooler you decide to purchase, enough space must be allocated for it so that the device is comfortable to use.

    The desktop cooler is more compact and affordable. But such a choice will entail the cost of a table or bedside table for him. Also, desktop models often have fewer features.

    The floor cooler, though not distinguished by low weight and mobility, is much easier to install. The advantage of such models is that they can be loaded with water containers from the bottom, which is much more convenient than throwing a heavy bottle up.

    Additional functions of water coolers

    1. Locker-ozonizer

    Allows you to disinfect dishes, treat fruits and vegetables with ozone in order to increase their shelf life.

    The ozonizer is practically not used in the office, but for home use he will be helpful. In the off state, it can act as a kitchen cabinet.

    2. Freezer

    A useful addition to the cooler for office workers who often take small snacks with them. Depending on the size of the device itself, the camera may have different capacities. Small, about 18 liters, holds several packs of yogurt, juice, a couple of sandwiches.

    For an office with a large number of employees, it is desirable that the capacity be in the range of 40-60 liters.

    When choosing a water cooler for home, you should not purchase a model with a freezer, because you already have a refrigerator. Is it true, interesting solution can become a minibar equipped in such a chamber.

    3. Water carbonation

    A nice bonus for owners of coolers is the ability to carbonate water. To do this, a cylinder with food carbon dioxide is installed in the apparatus. Many manufacturers offer various syrups for making sweet soda for an additional fee.

    If you are thinking about buying a cooler with this feature, choose a model with adjustable carbonation. This function makes it possible to make the water highly or slightly carbonated.

    4. Electronic scoreboard

    Shows the temperature of the water in the cooler. This feature is convenient, but not required.

    5. Water temperature control sensor

    Maintains the water temperature within the parameters that are set. It allows you to significantly save on electricity by stopping the cooler when the water is cooled or heated.

    6. Child proof

    If you buy a cooler with water heating capability, make sure it has a child-proof lock so that a child can't turn on the faucet and get burned.

    7. UV lamp installed inside the storage tanks

    Destroys bacteria by emitting ultraviolet rays. It is relevant for coolers that use bottled water, because during the next replacement of the bottle, various bacteria and harmful microorganisms can enter the device.

    But even despite the presence of such a lamp, any cooler must be constantly disinfected, which is carried out by representatives of an authorized service center.

    8. Integrated plastic cup holder

    Suitable for models installed in offices or schools. For home use He's not needed.

    The cost of the cooler directly depends on the number of cooler functions.

    Let's go shopping

    We buy a cooler for the house

    When choosing a model for home use, pay attention to mini-coolers or small floor-standing devices. The optimal type of cooling is electronic. It is desirable that the cooler be equipped with an automatic temperature control sensor and child protection. If possible, you can buy a model with carbonation and ozonation functions.

    What should be the cooler for the office

    The choice of an office device directly depends on the number of employees who will use it. If there are no more than five of them, then you can focus on the same models that are suitable for the home.

    For large companies, you will need a floor cooler with compressor cooling, equipped with a spacious freezer.

    cooler for school

    It is best to put a regular water dispenser in the classroom. In this case, it will be at room temperature. Thus, you will protect children from burns with boiling water. Also, the schoolchildren who ran in during the break will not be able to drink cold water.