In a private house      06/26/2020

DIY hip or hip roof. How to make a hipped roof and calculate the structure How to build a hipped roof

The hip roof (hip) is one of the most popular roofing structures in the field of private housing construction. A hipped roof, unlike gable roof structures, has additional triangular slopes. How to make a hipped roof yourself? To do this, you first need to study it design features, construction technology. After creating a roof project: calculate required amount building material, create drawings with the exact placement of all structural elements, and indicate other points.

In this article

Types of hipped roof structures

  • Hip roof is classic version hipped roof with two trapezoidal and two triangular slopes.
  • Semi-hip roof structure is a hip roof in which the triangular slopes are shortened. This option is used if there is an attic.
  • Hip roof - the roof structure resembles a pyramid, all four slopes are triangular in shape. It is used to cover buildings with a square structure; you can make a hipped roof for a gazebo.

Advantages of using a hip roof

Design hipped roof consists of a rectangular base, four inclined planes, slopes, two of which are trapezoidal in shape, and two triangular, located in the area where the pediments are located on the gable roof structure. Attic windows, dormer windows, bay windows, and cuckoo windows are installed on the slopes. This gives the roof a special look.

The main advantages of using a hipped roof structure

  • Due to the absence of gables, such a roof is more stable than a gable roof against strong wind loads, therefore it is recommended for construction in regions where strong gusty winds prevail.
  • A larger number of slopes is more effective in draining melt, rainwater and snow. Snow is practically not retained on such structures.
  • Under such a structure you can arrange a fairly spacious attic space.
  • Another important advantage of a hipped roof is the affordable cost of the structure due to the use of building material made of wood for arranging the rafter system, on which a roofing covering can be laid at any price.

Creating a hip roof project

How to build a hipped roof with your own hands? To do this, you must first prepare a design project with drawings and detailed details of its installation. To correctly determine the optimal angle of inclination of the slopes, you need to carefully study the manufacturer’s recommendations roofing, climatic conditions. For example, for slate the recommended slope angle can be from 15 to 60 degrees, for rolled soft roof- up to 18 degrees, for tiles - 30-60 degrees.

Important! The amount of precipitation in winter is of great importance. In case of intense snowfall, it is better to make the slopes steeper so that the snow can easily roll off the roof.

Having selected the optimal pitched roof angle for your region, you need to calculate the height of the ridge and its other parameters. When calculating the rafter system, it is necessary to take into account the length of the rafters, cross-section wooden beam, run size, installation step.

When creating a hip roof project, you also need to take into account the following loads:

  • mass of used roofing material, coverings in general;
  • weight of waterproofing and insulating coating;
  • amount of annual precipitation;
  • wind, snow load;
  • arrangement of additional elements on the roof: skylights, lights, antennas, etc.

Important! Having calculated all possible loads on the roof structure, it is necessary to add a certain margin of safety, which will guarantee the stability of the roof in unforeseen circumstances.

Also, all purchased lumber for the construction of the rafter system must be pre-treated with an antiseptic.

Rafter system

The design of a hipped roof involves the selection of a specific cross-section of the components of the rafter system. The cross-section is selected depending on the calculation of the expected loads on the rafter system during the operational period. In this case, wind and snow loads and the angle of inclination of the roof slopes must be taken into account.

It is imperative to provide a safety margin for the rafters and calculate the pitch, taking into account their load-bearing capacity. The design of the rafter system is selected in relation to the parameters of the building: it is recommended to use inclined rafters if there are columnar supports or an internal load-bearing wall. If the possibility of forming such supporting structure is missing, then it is necessary to equip the rafter system hanging type. For some types of buildings, both options for rafter systems are used.

When creating a project, you need not only to choose the right rafter system, but also to determine the need for additional fastening elements, for example, ties, braces, which give the structure greater rigidity, prevent it from loosening after long-term use, and also reduce the percentage of load on the rafters themselves .

Load calculation

Considering in detail how to make a hipped roof yourself, it is recommended to pay Special attention calculations of possible loads on the roof structure.

Types of possible roof loads:

  • the loads that constantly act on the roof are the mass of the sheathing, protective materials(waterproofing, insulation), roofing material;
  • temporary (non-permanent) loads - the mass of snow accumulated on the roof in winter, wind loads, and other environmental influences;
  • additional loads are additional elements, fixed to the rafters, for example, a water tank, ventilation system chambers, etc. (additional elements should also be taken into account in the process of creating a project and calculating the rafter system).

When designing a rafter system, two calculations are made, one of which is aimed at analyzing the strength (you need to make sure that the system can withstand the expected loads). Another calculation is aimed at analyzing the possible deformation of all roof elements.

After all the required calculations have been made, drawings of the rafter system of the hipped (attic) roof are made. Detailed diagram must contain the dimensions of each component, as well as the method of their fastening.

Today you can significantly simplify calculations for the rafter system of a hipped roof structure using computer program, which will also help prevent accidental errors.

The final stage of arranging a hipped (attic) roof is its insulation. For this, it is recommended to use polystyrene foam or basalt wool. Insulation material placed between the rafters. It is also necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing to protect the roof from moisture.


A hip roof is enough complex design for construction with your own hands. Therefore, before you start covering your house with roofing material yourself, it is worth thoroughly studying the technology for constructing such a structure and consulting with experts in this field. The length of its service life will depend on how correctly and efficiently all stages of roof construction are carried out.

Hip or hipped roof– one of the most popular roofing options in the construction of individual housing around the world.

Unlike a gable roof of a house, on the sides of which gables are mounted, a hip roof has additional slopes in the shape of a triangle.

A do-it-yourself hipped roof is very difficult to make, and if you are interested in how to make a hipped roof, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the theoretical part first.

Before starting work, you should carefully calculate everything, draw up drawings and a project in which you need to indicate the placement of various elements and other design features.

The calculation of a hipped roof and the design must take into account all the loads that will affect the building.

The structure must be very durable, able to withstand strong winds, snowfall and other weather conditions. Its service life also depends on how correctly the roof material is selected.

That is why, when creating a project and drawings, it is very important to calculate everything correctly. Project of a hipped roof in the photo:

Before creating a project and drawing of a hipped roof of a house, you must first find out the angle of inclination of the slopes, which depends on many factors, such as the purpose of the attic, the choice of roof material, and the characteristics of atmospheric influences.

Most often, the angle of inclination of the roof of individual houses is from 5 to 60 degrees.

If precipitation and winds are the same in your region great strength, then the angle of inclination of the structure may be insignificant.

If in your area there is often heavy rain and snowfall in winter, then the angle of inclination of the hipped roof of houses should be from 40-45 to 60 degrees.

The finishing material, as well as installation features, also depend on the option, what angle of inclination the structure will have:

  • if the angle of inclination is less than 18 degrees, wavy and flat slate, and rolled materials for roofing;
  • when the angle of inclination is up to 30 degrees, varieties of tiles are usually used;
  • For a roof with a slope angle of at least 30 degrees, piece material is usually used.

Calculation of the roof slope in the photo.

The design and calculation of the structure must take into account where all elements of the roofing system will be located. When you have determined the slope of the hipped roof, you also need to calculate the height of the ridge.

Rafter system of hipped roof

The installation of a roof for this type of private house involves calculating the required cross-section of the rafters. The calculation is made based on the loads that your hipped roof will receive.

Calculations, as well as the design design, must include wind load, the maximum possible mass of snow in winter, the angle of the roof.

When calculating the distance between the rafters, you need to evaluate their ability to withstand loads, as well as their safety margin, which should be 1.4 or more.

The type of structure of the rafter system depends on the characteristics of the building, and therefore can be different.

If the house has a load-bearing wall or supports made of pillars, then layered rafters are usually used, but if the installation of support is impossible, then hanging rafters are made.

In some buildings, both types of rafters are used simultaneously.

Carrying out drawing and project future construction, it is important not only to decide on the type of rafter system, but also to take into account additional fasteners that will give the structure strength and reduce the load on the beams.

Calculation of roof loads

When developing a drawing and design for the roof of individual houses, it is important to correctly calculate the loads.

Loads are of the following types:

  • constant - the weight of the insulating material, various materials finishing and insulation, weight of materials
  • for the roof and the weight of the sheathing;
  • temporary - the weight of snow in winter, Negative influence wind;
  • additional – various designs, which are attached to the roof.

When creating a design and drawing for the roof of your house, you should adhere to the average snow load, which is 180 kg per square meter.

But if the angle of inclination is 60 degrees or more, then the snow load is not taken into account.

As for wind loads, their average value is usually 35 kg per m2, but if the roof slope is less than 30 degrees, this amendment is not taken into account.

After all the calculations have been made, you can begin to select the material for the roofing.

The photo below shows a diagram of the structure of a hipped roof and the name of all structural elements.

Selection of materials for roofing

When the area of ​​a hipped roof is covered with roofing material, a lot of waste is left behind.

Therefore, in order to cover the area of ​​a hipped roof, roofing materials whose elements are small in size are usually chosen.

The most common materials for covering the roof area are flexible or ordinary tiles, slate sheets, ondulin, and metal tiles.

To build a roof that will last for several decades, you need to pay special attention to the selection of materials for the rafter system.

Typically, wood lumber is used to construct a hipped roof. coniferous species.

Do not neglect the quality of wood; choose a material without defects that can further reduce the quality and durability of the structure.

An important criterion for choosing lumber is its humidity, which should be no more than 15 - 20%.

If this indicator is exceeded, the timber should be dried before use, so that during service the hipped roof does not become distorted or deformed.

The installation of rafters for the roof of a house is usually carried out using a rectangular beam, the cross-section of which should be calculated for each individual case.

To build such a structure, boards with a rectangular cross-section measuring 50 by 100, 50 by 200, 100 by 150 and others are usually used.

If the need arises, during the work you can double the boards to obtain the desired diameter.

To build a hipped roof, special steel elements are often used that firmly hold the rafters in one position for many years.

In addition, supports for ridge girders are also often made of metal.

Construction of a hipped roof

All wooden parts for the roof frame they are treated with a special compound that will protect the wood from fire. In places where the timber will be adjacent to brick or stone, it must be wrapped in waterproofing.

The installation of a hipped roof begins by laying a mauerlat along the perimeter of the roof area of ​​the building.

It is secured using wire loops or pins, which are embedded in the wall or floor slabs. Next, install the central beam, which is located on the central axis of the house.

It should rest on the floor slab or internal wall.

In order for the structure to be absolutely symmetrical, it is important to correctly calculate and mark the location of the diagonal rafters, as well as the ridge supports.

The height of the ridge must also be marked with maximum accuracy.

Clear symmetrical markings of the structure will distribute the load evenly and prevent future distortion of the roof.

After the Mauerlat has been installed along the perimeter of the roof area, beams are placed under the ridge girder. The height of the ridge must strictly comply with the design drawings.

Diagonal beams withstand high loads during service, so they must be installed very well.

If the length of the timber or board is not enough, the diagonal supports are made of two parts. To ensure that the joint does not experience extreme load, a support beam is installed under it.

The structure can be made most rigid if the joint with the support is located at a distance equal to a quarter of the length of the rafter beam from its upper edge, which is attached to the ridge.

It is best to install diagonal rafters using prefabricated rafter legs, which are easy to install. You can watch the installation process of diagonal rafters in the video.

The construction of this roof involves the installation of not only full-length rafters that are connected to the ridge, but also those that are attached to diagonal beams - rafts.

The closer to the corner of the house, the shorter the narozhniki.

The distance between the rafters is determined during the development of the roof project, but it should be taken into account that each slope must have at least three central rafter beams.

To give the structure maximum rigidity, supports, braces and tie-downs are attached in the required places. The rafter fastening diagram can be seen in the photo.

The final stage of the roof installation is the installation of rafter sheathing. Typically, timber measuring 50 by 50 mm is used for lathing. The lathing pitch depends on what roofing material you have chosen.

If the attic space will be used as a living room, then ventilation should also be installed.

Today, all manufacturers of roofing materials also offer ridge parts of the same textures and colors.

The main ridge and ridges that cover the gaps between the main slopes and the hips are installed on the hipped roof.

The installation of the hipped roof is completed by installing eaves and gutters. The whole process is shown in the video.

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A hip roof is considered one of the most complex structures. Like any other, it has its advantages and disadvantages. To make an informed decision, you need to familiarize yourself with the actual performance characteristics of a hipped roof.


As you can see, the advantages of a hipped roof are questionable, but the disadvantages are significant.

Practical advice. Professional builders recommend choosing hip roofs only in exceptional cases when other options are unacceptable for various reasons.

Types of hipped roofs

Each country has its own building traditions and style preferences. What types of hip roofs are used by architects?

Table. Types of hipped roofs.

View hip roof Short description

The most simple roof, has two hip slopes of a regular triangular shape and two inclined ones in the shape of trapezoids. The lower the angle of inclination of the slopes, the greater the overhang can be made to protect the facade and the surrounding area.

All slopes converge at one point, the roof ridge is missing. It is used as a covering for buildings of regular square shape.

A successful attempt to improve the classic hip roofs. The hip slopes are slightly lowered, which allows the installation of small windows. It has a significant drawback - due to the installation of windows, it becomes even more complicated difficult installation rafter system. There are more complex options such a roof - another small hip slope is made above the window.

It has low pediments and small hips above them. The peculiarity of this design is that all rafter legs rest on parallel load-bearing walls. Due to this, the design is slightly simplified and the attic space is increased.

There are no universal recommendations for choosing the type of hipped roof; each developer must make a decision independently or after consultation with architects. But you should always remember that there are other, cheaper and good options rafter systems.

Step-by-step instructions for building a hipped roof

As an example, let’s look at the simplest of the listed types of hip roofs – the classic one. But even this simple design A hip roof is much more complex than any gable roof.

Important. You can start building a hip roof only after the professionals have made all the calculations. The best option– order a house project from the relevant organizations. This will cost much less than restoring the structure after its destruction.

During construction own home thousands of issues have to be resolved, giving preference to one or another design solutions and materials. Even if the work is performed by a professional company, responsibility for this choice lies with the customer. And when a house is built independently, then the responsibility of the homeowner lies not only in coordinating the project, but also in its implementation.

In the old days, knowledge of how to build a house was passed on by word of mouth from the old generation to the new. Moreover, every adult man put them into practice, creating a home for his family. Nowadays, a person without construction skills does not know how to build with his own hands. However, you can get this information on the Internet, starting from finished projects and ending with video instructions.

Appearance and benefits

A hip roof, also called a hip roof, consists of 4 inclined planes, slopes and a rectangular base. Two of them have a trapezoidal shape, they are located on the sides, and the end slopes resemble triangles and are located where gable roof there would be gables. Dormers or dormer windows, cuckoos, and bay windows are placed on the slopes, which makes the appearance of such a roof even more interesting.

Those who are planning to build a hipped roof with their own hands explain this choice by its advantages:

Creating a Project

Before starting construction, it is necessary to create its design and drawings to avoid errors in the process installation work. After the length and width of the house are determined, the following calculations are made:

Composition of the rafter system

To understand how to make a hipped roof, you need to know the composition of its rafter system. This is the totality of all the supporting elements that form the frame on which the roofing material rests. It includes:

Frame installation

A hip roof can be erected quite simply, provided there is the necessary tool and pairs of physically strong assistants. The work is performed in the following order:

Having studied the question of how to make a hipped roof of a house with your own hands, you can save a lot on the wages of a hired team and be confident in the quality of the work performed. Although the structure is considered complex, its assembly is quite possible for a person with basic construction skills, theoretical knowledge and the desire to build a house on their own!

Video instruction

Choosing the type of roof for a future building project is very important stage construction. A mistake in this matter is costly: the integrity of the image is destroyed, harmony and respectability are lost. To cover a large private house with your own hands, architects and designers often recommend a hipped roof. Its device successfully combines recognizable appearance, reliability and practicality that no homeowner can resist.

Appearance and design

A hipped type roof consists of four intersecting planes, slopes. Two of them, triangular in shape, are called end ones; they replace pediments. The remaining two are trapezoidal, known as façade. The range of slope angles is between 15-60 degrees, and the choice of roofing material is limited only by imagination.
The design of a hipped roof consists of the following required elements:

  1. A ridge located at the very top of the roof, at the intersection of the planes of the slopes.
  2. Slopes, four surfaces located at an angle to the base of the roof and covered with roofing material.
  3. Overhangs, parts of the roof protruding beyond the perimeter of the base, necessary to protect the walls of the structure from water ingress. Overhangs are formed by elongation rafter legs or special parts - fillies.
  4. A rafter system that is not visible from the outside, but it is a frame, a support for a hipped roof, forming its geometry.
  5. A drainage system that removes excess liquid from the surface of a hipped roof. Typically, an external drain is installed, consisting of a gutter, a water inlet funnel and a vertical pipe.
  6. Snow guards, small sides located along the edges of the slopes, preventing the sudden collapse of the snow mass accumulated after a snowfall.

Varieties of forms

The term “four-slope” hides several types of roofs, consisting of the same number of slopes, but having different structures:


A hip roof is a complex structure that requires precise calculations and design. If previously these tasks were only possible experienced craftsmen and designers, now everyone can solve them using a computer and special software. During the calculations, a diagram is drawn up and determined:

The result of the design process is a diagram that reflects the actual dimensions and relative positions of the parts of a hipped roof.

Rafter system

The hipped roof rests on a frame called rafter system. Almost all of its elements are made from coniferous wood. Since wood is a natural material, moisture and bacteria have a destructive effect on it. To reduce it, deep penetration antiseptic treatment and fire retardant are used to protect against fire. Includes:

Do-it-yourself installation of a hipped roof is a great way to complement the architectural design of a private house. By making an effort and building it yourself or hiring professional craftsmen, the homeowner will become the owner of a comfortable, beautiful home!

Video instruction