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A win-win investment. Where to invest money to make it work. Where to invest money is profitable. Investing in your own business

Description: when free money appears, it is advisable to invest it somewhere so that it works and makes a profit. You need to do this wisely so as not to spend all the money for nothing. So that you do not have to wander in the dark, I have compiled a selection of ideas on where to invest money in order to receive monthly income or make a profit in the long run.
Payment: depends on investment
Requirements: amount for investments (from 1000 rubles), it is advisable to study books on investing.

I must say right away - invest only if you have "free" money. You should not sit on water and bread, hoping to get rich in a month - this does not work. The investment rules are simple:

  • No risk = little profit.
  • Big risks = big returns (if you're lucky).

Therefore, you should not enter the game if you have to bet the last savings. IN last resort use the money saved for vacation - in the worst case, you will spend your vacation at home.

If there is absolutely no free money, try saving 10% of your salary for several months. When you have savings, try to invest them.

The minimum amount for investments is 100-1000 rubles. This money is enough to try your hand without fear and make the first investment.

Over the years, a set of tips has emerged that will help novice investors. Don't dismiss these "truths" that seem obvious. Listen and do not break them, so as not to lose all the money.

  1. Don't borrow- this is the basic rule of novice investors. Never take loans to invest money. There are too many risks of losing everything, and there will be nothing to pay back. Count only on the available money.
  2. Don't put your eggs in one basket. In investment circles, this is called “risk diversification.” Invest in different areas and companies to increase your chances of making a profit. If somewhere the case does not win, in another place you can receive income and recapture investments.
  3. Start gradually so that in the first month you don’t lose all the money you have set aside. Study the issue, invest a little bit (no more than $ 1000), and only when you figure it out and start making a profit, increase your investment.
  4. Invest your profits so that the money keeps spinning and bringing in more money.
  5. Take risks, but in moderation. Be prepared to take risks and lose money. Study offers, analyze and try to find the optimal ratio of profit and risks.

With the help of investments and investments, you can create a passive source of income for yourself. But you need to act gradually and be sure to study a couple of books or courses on investing. Preferably from famous people who understand this matter.

Where to invest money
to receive monthly income

Let's look at where you can invest money to make it work. The article provides several options, so it will not be possible to consider each in detail. Here you will find only basic information, and if something interests you, you can study it in more detail on specialized sites / forums.

1. Bank deposit- a popular way to save money, and increase it a little. The risks here are minimal, if any, so the returns barely exceed the rate of inflation.

Suitable for cases when you have set aside the amount of money for a long-term project (buy an apartment, for a university for a child, etc.), and do not want them to lie idle. In this case, you can be sure of their safety. You will not see big money, but if you are still afraid of risky areas, the option is good.

2. Real estate is a classic investment tool. A well-known rental option, when you get paid every month for the fact that someone else lives in an apartment / cottage / country house. If there is no apartment, you can consider a cheaper option - a garage. This also includes the option with commercial real estate - people do not live, but work in rented premises.

Commercial real estate brings in more money, but there are a lot of nuances to consider.

It should be borne in mind that the premises can be damaged, so it is advisable to insure it against various cataclysms (fire, flood, gas explosion, natural disaster, etc.).

The entry threshold is from 200 thousand rubles and more.

3. Shares in the stock market These are already “serious” investments that can bring good profits. It is believed that this is a very difficult area and it is contraindicated for beginners to get into it. In fact, everyone can figure out the nuances and make money on it.

First you need to open an account with a broker (for example, good feedback about Brokerage house "Opening". Find a list of eligible stocks that pay dividends, you can look on the Internet or ask a broker. Choose the right shares and buy them.

If you do not want or are afraid to manage investments on your own, entrust this matter to a trader - a professional manager.

There is another way to make money on stocks - speculation. The principle is similar to the basic principle of trading: buy low, sell high. But you should not start with this, it is suitable for experienced "players".

The entry threshold is 1000 rubles.

4. Mutual funds- mutual investment fund. You can purchase a share in the investment portfolio of such a fund (shares). After a certain period of time, you will receive a percentage of income equal to the size of your share. But keep in mind that the value of a share does not always increase - you can work in the red.

You can invest little by little in different sectors and sectors of the economy to increase your chances of success.

Keep in mind that payments do not occur every month, but at the agreed time. Therefore, you should not count on monthly profits.

The entry threshold is from 1000 rubles.

5. Investments in startups and young projects- V Lately This direction for investments is gaining popularity. You do not have to search for projects on your own and work with unknown persons. There are special platforms where you can invest in promising projects.

When the project is launched and starts to generate income, you will receive monthly deductions as a shareholder. The amounts of payments and their conditions are described on the websites and in the description of the project.

Keep in mind that not all young startups succeed, and some die before they even start. Therefore, carefully study the proposals, evaluate the business plan and invest in serious projects.

The entry threshold is from $1.

6. Money on credit- You can act as a banker and lend people money with interest. You can offer your services to friends and acquaintances so as not to take risks with strangers and not delve into legal aspects. Or open an organization (which is much more difficult).

Choose an interest rate lower than in other microfinance organizations in order to offer favorable conditions to "clients". Even if the rate is 0.3% per day, it will be 100% per year. Do not forget about the return guarantee - sign a contract or take valuable thing as collateral (like a pawnshop).

Investments in WebMoney- a great way to implement this idea easier, and not ruin relationships with friends. If you have a small free amount on your balance, you can offer it to someone on credit. Conditions are negotiated, a percentage is assigned, etc. And every month you will receive a percentage of the amount issued (assign yourself). There are situations when lenders do not return investments, so there are still risks. Read more in the webmoney section credit exchange.

The entry threshold is from 1000 rubles.

Now you have at least 6 ideas where to invest money in order to receive a monthly income or make a profit in the long term. Follow the basic rules, learn the secrets of investing, and only then start practicing. In this case, it is better not to rush.

Gone are the days when keeping money in a savings account at a bank was considered the accepted norm. Today, everyone knows that money should not be a dead weight, but work. However, this simple rule is not so easy to implement in practice. It seems to many that a small amount of money is not suitable for investing in a business or project. In this article, we will tell you in detail about where to invest. a small amount money to earn a regular income.

Experts argue that the problem of investing money is a complex issue more from a psychological point of view than from an economic one. The fear of investing in a project overrides the economic feasibility of the rule that money must work. Especially when it's not a big amount.

People consider the issue of investing money to be the prerogative of very wealthy and successful businessmen. At the same time, investing is a way of investing money, regardless of the amount.

To narrow down the search for interesting and really working ideas for investing money, in this article we will limit the budget to 50 thousand rubles. But this does not mean at all that ideas cannot be used for an amount of 5-10 thousand rubles.

Here it is more important to understand the principle of investing and the essence of the law launched by Robert Kiyosaki that "money should work."

Are we saving or multiplying?

Before looking for an investment option, it is important to clearly define the goal. If the goal is to preserve capital, then best method there will be a bank deposit. But at the same time, a bank deposit is not the best remedy to capitalize the contribution and get a good profit.

Even at the most favorable interest rates, by the time the contract expires, inflation levels out all economic benefits.

This is where you will have to choose between financial risk and capital growth. It is also important to understand that when investing money in any project that generates income, it is important to wait for the time.

It is impossible to pull money out of circulation, whether it be any business project or investment in mutual funds.

You also need to analyze your financial capabilities and decide on the desired income. Money must be truly free.

Golden rules for successful investing

When thinking about where to invest a small amount of money so that they do not lose them and that they bring income, you need to clearly understand the principle of investing.

The rules of successful investing will help you properly manage your earned money and avoid the mistakes that many beginners make.

Rule number 1. Money must be free

Experts recommend that before any investment of money, secure a so-called "financial pillow". This concept came to us from the West and means a specific amount of money that is necessary to ensure life.

This includes the cost of food, utilities and medical services, the purchase of gasoline, etc. Depending on the situation in the family, the number of children, you need to calculate how much you need for these mandatory expenses per month. Now multiply it by 6 and get the amount that will be the "financial pillow" for 6 months. It is this period that experts determine the most profitable for investing money.

The only exception to this rule is passive income from a bank deposit that was previously placed with the bank.

Rule number 2. Having a steady income

When investing money, you must understand that money cannot be withdrawn from circulation. You must have active or passive income in order not to withdraw money from the project for a certain period of time.

Therefore, if you are not sure that in the near future you will receive a constant income, then it is better to refuse to invest.

Rule number 3. Distribution of money in different directions

Considering that we are specifically considering investing a small amount of money, it will be difficult to distribute it in different directions.

But in order to understand the rules of the investment market, you need to know that diversification allows you to minimize financial risk as much as possible.

Rule number 4. Planning and strategy

Set a clear goal for your investment. It is important to understand how much you want to extract from the capital that you tax and for how long. Write down a long-term and short-term goal. This will allow you to decide on the investment option and choose the most optimal way.

Rule number 5. Learn the types of investing

Before you invest in a project or give it to a professional for work, study everything yourself available ways investing that suits your amount of money.

Compare risks and opportunities. If you invest on your own, you should start with a small amount of money and choose the most simple ways. Over time, by increasing the experience and level of knowledge, you can move to the next level.

You should be careful about offers of quick windfall profits. At first glance, they seem very tempting, but often carry a very high unjustified financial risk.

7 best ways to invest money

  1. Investing in gold or precious metals
  2. Purchase of securities
  3. Starting your own business
  4. PAMM accounts

In order to understand the essence of each of these types of investments, their risks and opportunities, let's take a closer look at each.

Investing in gold or precious metals

When it comes to a small amount of money of 1-2 thousand dollars, then buying gold is the best option. But, as in the case of a bank deposit, here we are talking more about the safety of money than about making a profit.

Unlike a bank deposit, by investing in gold, you will be independent of the inflation rate. Gold does not lose value and every year its face value only increases.

The statistics of Sberbank of Russia show the profitability of metal accounts over the past 5 years in the region of 84%. At the same time, the price for 1 g of gold increased by 30% from 2012 to 2017.

When investing in precious metals (gold, platinum, silver), you don’t have to worry that at the end of the contract, you will receive an amount of money that no longer has the nominal value that it had at the very beginning of the deposit.

Given the economic instability in our country and rising inflation, investors recommend giving preference to just such an investment compared to a bank deposit.

You can choose 4 investment options:

  • buying gold bars;
  • buying coins;
  • depersonalized metal accounts;
  • purchase of shares backed by gold.

The undeniable advantage of such a contribution is the availability of this method.

Here you do not need to have fundamental knowledge in the field of investment in order to calculate the profitability and risks of the project. Silver is purchased in ingots from 50 g to 1000 grams, palladium from 5 to 100 grams.

When concluding an agreement, the bank without fail issues a document confirming the authenticity of gold and its estimated value.

What should you know about this type of investment? Gold is a property, which means that when sold to a bank, you will need to pay an 18% tax.

You can get around this moment if you purchase coins instead of gold. The fact is that they are already money in themselves, so they are not taxed when sold.

Another type of this method of investing funds is OMS (impersonal metal accounts). Such an account can be opened in any Russian bank that has a license for this type of operation.

Video. Investing in gold

The client purchases gold from the bank at the price that is set on the day of the transaction and opens the OMS. The purchase price of the precious metal in the bank will be higher than on the stock exchange.

When opening a special account, the client does not specifically deal with gold. He transfers money to the account, acquiring a certain number of grams. When closing an account, the bank returns to him the cash equivalent of the current account.

At the same time, there will be no need to pay a tax of 18% for gold. OMS are not subject to VAT. Additionally, interest is accrued on an impersonal account, as in the case of a bank deposit.

But a serious drawback is the financial risk. Unlike deposits, such MHIs are not insured by the bank. In the event of a bank failure, there is a high probability of not returning your capital.

Summing up, it should be said that investing in gold and precious metals is safe, but not profitable. If you are more into saving money, then investing in gold is the best option with minimal risk.

If we are talking about making a quick profit, then this path will not be the fastest.

  • long-term investment;
  • availability;
  • high liquidity of gold;
  • precious metals do not lose their value;
  • passive income opportunity.
  • when selling gold, you will have to pay tax;
  • high purchase price of precious metals in the bank;
  • long-term investment;
  • You won't be able to make big profits right away.

Purchase of securities

This type of investment refers to the purchase of shares and bonds of companies. A security is a document that gives certain rights to property or part of it.

A security has a market and par value. What is the difference? The market price is formed under the influence of supply and demand of the stock market. The nominal value is the actual price declared by the company. It depends on the size of the capital of the company. In simple terms, the sum of the total authorized capital is divided by the number of issued shares of the company.

Dividends are paid to shareholders based on nominal value, not market value. As a rule, the nominal value is a very conditional indicator and rarely coincides with the market value, which is formed by demand.

The advantage of such an investment is that you can count on a good income, which cannot be compared with the annual interest from a bank deposit.

The downside is that in order to manage investments, you need to be well versed in the specifics of the stock market.

Securities are one of the most volatile instruments subject to numerous external and internal economic factors. For beginners who still want to try their hand at investing in securities, experts recommend purchasing dividend stocks. In any case, they will be able to make a profit.

Starting your own business

Many of this type of investment, given the small amount of capital, may be very skeptical. However, today on the Internet you can find a lot of business ideas for starting your own business with minimal investment.

Here is just a short list:

  1. Growing house plants.
  2. Flower shop.
  3. Opening of a nail studio.
  4. Shugaring salon.
  5. Breeding nutria or rabbits.
  6. Production of semi-finished products at home.
  7. Home atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes.
  8. Manufacturing gel candles or handmade soap.
  9. Organization of weddings.
  10. Cleaning company.

A mutual fund is a mutual investment fund.

This organization is based on the trust management of depositors' money.

The purpose of such a fund is to manage the funds of investors, while investment processes are handled by professionals.

Simply put, you allow experts to manage capital by investing it in various areas of production.

It should be noted that investing in mutual funds today is no longer as popular as it was 10-15 years ago.

In the early 2000s, the rapid development of such funds allowed their investors to extract up to 500% of the profit from projects. Today we are not talking about such a huge profit, but it is still a good type of investment.

Any citizen who has money to buy one share can invest in a mutual fund.

A share is one part that has its own nominal value. The advantage of such an investment is that you do not need to have fundamental knowledge in the field of economics and finance. Professionals will be engaged in the search for profitable projects. At the same time, the mutual fund does not limit the geographical location of the company. So, you can invest in domestic and foreign companies.

Experts here use the principle of diversification. The one we talked about in the basic rules for successful investing.

A mutual fund allows you to invest money in the development of companies engaged in oil production, the sale of cosmetics, the production and processing of goods.

How does the investment fund work?

For example, you have an amount of 50 thousand rubles. You understand that this is not enough to launch a large project. If you find 9 more people with the same amount, then half a million rubles can already allow you to launch an interesting and profitable business idea. But where to find the rest of the participants? Here the mutual fund just allows you to combine the efforts of several investors for competent money management. At the same time, the fund does not limit the amount of the contribution. Anyone can become a participant, and the income will be distributed according to the amount of the investment.

It should not be forgotten that a certain amount will need to be given to experts, because it is they who will analyze the market and determine where to invest money.

Each of the participants of the fund, depending on the amount of investment, receives a certain number of shares. This indicates that each share has its own face value.

With all the money, the fund to which you entrusted the assets buys shares of companies (maybe different companies) and manages them on the stock exchange. At the end of a certain period, which is stipulated in the agreement, the participants of the fund can withdraw their profit along with the initial capital invested. And they can only take the profit, leaving the captal to work further.

It is fair to say about the financial risk that exists in this type of investment. Of course, it is, but minimal.

Firstly, professionals who have a special education and extensive experience in the field of investing will work with money.

And secondly, given the principle of diversification, the money will be circulating in different projects. The probability that all projects will immediately “burn out” is minimal.

The good news for those who are afraid to invest in mutual funds is government control. But even in this case, in order to minimize financial risk, it is important to choose the right fund.

Consider several criteria when choosing. Don't just focus on profitability. It can be high performance in a short period or a simple coincidence, a lucky coincidence. If it is profitability for you that is the main criterion when choosing, then analyze the profitability of a mutual fund over a long period of time.

There are open and closed mutual funds, which differ in the rules for entry and equity participation.

An open-ended fund is convenient for a minimum amount of equity participation and a short-term investment.

A closed-end fund offers investment for the long term.

Having on hand an amount of 10-15 thousand rubles, you can already safely invest it in a mutual fund and at the same time count on a profit that will grow every year.

Very often, people, having the amount of half a million rubles in their hands, do not come up with anything new, except to place all the funds in a deposit account.

The income from such an investment will be much greater than from a deposit, but only if this fund works well.

  • experts manage the contribution;
  • high profitability;
  • free entrance;
  • low entry threshold;
  • possibility of deposit insurance;
  • state control over the work of the fund;
  • transparency in money management;
  • the possibility of withdrawing money with an open form of deposit;
  • variety of projects.
  • payment for the services of professionals;
  • financial risk.

Investing in PAMM accounts

Another option for investing a small amount of money is PAMM accounts. To some extent, this option is similar to a mutual fund in that it pools the money of several investors.

But the main difference is the management of that money. Anyone can become a trader and manage investment accounts. These are brokerage companies that have recently gained great popularity due to intensive advertising in the mass media.

PAMM is a form of money management by one person who "plays" securities on the stock exchange. All other participants observe the process, making a profit in proportion to the money invested.

In order to implement this type of investment, you need to find a professional successful broker. A professional broker is the key to the success of this type of investment. It is important to understand that all monetary transactions occur without the participation of the depositor.

If you have always wanted to make money on the exchange, but at the same time you understand that you do not have sufficient experience and knowledge, then investing in a PAMM account will be the best option.

Brokers earn their percentage from each transaction, so they are primarily interested in the success of the project. But at the same time, they do not invest their money, which means they do not bear financial risk. For an investor, investing in a PAMM account is good opportunity earning passive income.

Video. Investments in PAMM accounts


Of course, this list of options for investing a small amount is far from complete. In this article, the information was based on the criteria for the amount of capital of 50 thousand rubles and the lack of specific experience.

Today on the Web you can find many proposals on the topic of investing a small amount. In order not to become a victim of scammers, do not consider options for financial pyramids. The tempting offer of quick and high profits is always leveled by the fact of the complete loss of one's capital.

Video. Where to invest a small amount of money?

You go to work every morning, day after day, year after year. And your whole life is more like groundhog day. Every day is like the previous one. All your income received at work you safely spend on life. The result is a vicious circle. And what's next? you think. You need to change something in this life. One way to break the current situation is by investing.

After all, what is investment?

Investment is the investment of money today, with the aim of getting it tomorrow, but in a larger amount. Or getting a permanent passive income from once invested funds.

Of course, you won’t be able to find a large amount right away. Most investors start with very modest amounts, which they manage to put aside from their salary. The main thing here is constancy and time. Together with these parameters, any, even insignificant, capital can grow into a fairly decent amount, allowing its owner to receive a very good income that will exceed your current income. Please note that this will be a completely passive income, generated with little or no participation from you.

Beginning investors face many questions, the main of which is where to invest. Especially when it comes to a very small amount of money. It is the restriction on the amount of invested funds that makes its own adjustments to possible investments. But nevertheless, even with little money, there are many ways to earn and increase your hard-earned money.

6 ways to invest money for a beginner

Investing in bank deposits

Bank deposits or deposits are the simplest and most reliable type of investment. When you open a bank account, you will know in advance. how much income you will receive at the end of the term. And most importantly, GUARANTEED INCOME. Deposits are practically the only financial instrument, the yield on which is known in advance. Other investments do not carry such a guarantee. In them you can both earn and lose. Also, do not forget that the safety of deposits is guaranteed by the state (in the amount of 1.4 million rubles). If the amount exceeds this threshold, then it is better to open several deposits in different banks.

Bank deposits are used mainly as a means of initial accumulation of capital. When a certain level of funds in the account is reached, other investment opportunities become available to the investor. Why? The answer is quite simple - very low profitability. Typically, deposit rates are within the inflation rate. Therefore, getting rich on investments in deposits is unlikely to succeed.

Currency deposits

In the conditions of a difficult economic situation in the country, foreign currency deposits began to gain popularity again. The ruble is rapidly losing its positions in comparison with other financial payment systems. And in order to at least somehow preserve their savings, deposits in foreign currency are used. And although the yield on such deposits is quite modest, in the region of 2-5% per annum, real earnings can exceed the current yield by several times. Due to the weakening of the ruble and, accordingly, the strengthening of the currency.

It was foreign currency deposits that were the most profitable over the past 5 years, among the main types of investments. Those who opened similar deposits a few years ago have already earned more than 230% of profit. For comparison, simple ruble deposits over the same period showed a yield of 83%.

Investments in mutual funds

  • the possibility of investing small amounts
  • tax exemption
  • no need to store at home, exposing the risk of theft
  • can be bought and sold in parts, if necessary

Other possible ways investing in gold (buying bullion, gold coins) - just have the disadvantages that are the advantages of CHI.

27.03.2018 76755 0

Hello! In this article we will tell you where to invest money.

Today you will learn:

  1. Basic principles of prudent investment;
  2. What is the most important investment object;
  3. And where to invest any amount of money in 2018.

Investment Principles

The main principle on which all modern prosperous society is based is that money should make money. And this does not mean that the main goal in life is the endless pursuit of money. If we translate this principle into a more accessible language, then it will sound something like this - free cash should always work and bring additional, passive income.

People who make huge money with their initial capital are called investors. The main thing is not to confuse investors with professional speculators - people who make many short-term transactions in order to make a profit. The investor expects a long-term result - by investing his money, he expects to receive income over a distance of several months to decades.

Professional investors are a special category of people who make money through successful projects of other businessmen. On the one hand, it is quite simple - invest your free funds, do nothing and make a profit. But if you dig deeper, then even at the stage of choosing an object for investment, there are significant difficulties. And after that, observing the project, it is necessary to ensure that it develops in the right direction, continues to function successfully and make a profit.

That is why, if you want to successfully invest money, make timely profits and manage risks competently, your task is to follow simple principles.

Principle 1. Risk diversification. This condition comes first because it is basic. Without it, absolutely any investment will be unprofitable, regardless of the experience, intuition, finances and capabilities of the investor. Diversifying assets means dividing funds among several objects.

Investments are inextricably linked with risk. One of the main principles follows from this - the higher the risks, the higher the profitability. These two parameters are directly related. At the same time, a person should understand that in his investment portfolio there should always be low-risk assets that are guaranteed to bring a small income, regardless of the financial situation on the market, and risky assets that will bring a very high income under favorable conditions.

Principle 2. Only free cash can be invested. This principle is based on banal logic. It is impossible to withdraw funds that are required by a person personally for investment needs. For example, it would be completely illogical to ignore the requirements of creditors, and to purchase a certain investment object for the amount of debt.

That is why, only those funds should be used, the loss of which will not be noticeable enough, and which can then be earned within 1-3 months. Otherwise, it is better to refrain from investing until you have fully settled your financial situation.

Principle 3. Investments should always make a profit. Last but not least principle. It is also banal to simplicity, but many people forget about it. If investments do not bring profit, then they are unprofitable, and therefore, very soon you will be ruined.

That is why, often, profit should come out on top and sometimes it should noticeably crowd out risks, despite the fact that in most cases it will be more important to GET money, and not HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY to get it.

These three simple principles are quite banal, but even some experienced investors manage not to use them. For all its simplicity, the third of them is still the most violated. Some professional investors spend their time, money and other resources on projects that are losing money in advance, saying that sooner or later they will start making money. But main principle investment is that the project must bring money, regardless of what it is aimed at (with the exception of charity).

If you remember these three simple principles, then the investment activity will be successful and will bring a high and stable income.

Where to invest less than 10 thousand rubles

Private lending

Private lending is one of the alternatives to a bank loan. Both individuals and legal entities can also act as debtors, only ordinary people who have free finances. The beauty of private lending is that interest rates often vary depending on the risks and systems in which the loans are made.

Most payment systems have their own platforms where users make short-term loans for each other at higher interest rates. Often they even exceed the interest on loans in MFIs - from 10 to 100% daily. At the same time, lending through payment systems is quite strongly associated with the risks of default Money: according to statistics, about 60% of loans on the Internet are not returned.

An alternative to payment systems with their increased risks and huge interest rates are special platforms for making private loans. Their work is carried out as follows: the user deposits funds into the system, it automatically selects trustworthy borrowers, selects the optimal interest rate and issues a loan.

After that, in case of repayment, the system returns the funds + interest minus its own commission. The risks of non-return are also present here, but to a lesser extent. Therefore, and interest rates on loans fluctuate in the region from 30 to 100% per annum.

And the last option is credit cooperatives. In Russia, this type of lending is underdeveloped, but still has a place to be. It is not worth talking about it much - just know that this is a kind of investment, when many people accumulate money in order to lend to one borrower.


Forex would never have appeared on this list if it wasn't allowed. But according to statistics, only 20% of traders actually earn money, and the remaining 80 only bring money to their broker.

In order to start playing Forex, it will take a lot of time to devote to the formation of the psychological qualities of a real trader. Despite the fact that at first glance the charts move chaotically, the ability to understand them comes after 2-3 days of studying technical analysis. But in order to form psychological stability, your own view of the market and the style of the game, takes an average of 2-3 trader's accounts.

Of course, you can invest more than 10 thousand rubles in Forex, but due to the huge number of risks, this is highly not recommended. Unlike stock investments, which involve only the financial risks of the assets you invest in, many incidents can still happen in Forex, up to the bankruptcy of a broker.

Small resale business

Now it has become fashionable to create one-pagers, advertise some product on them and sell it, winding up 200-300%. You can thank the guys from Business Molodist for this, who explain to everyone why he should spend 200-300 thousand to learn how to trade goods for 2-3 thousand rubles.

But despite the fact that many people have rushed into this, as it seems to them, a profitable business, the niche has not really been occupied yet. There is not a huge number of advertisers who can attract customers with minimal investment, there is no general number of businessmen who can make a competent sales funnel and guide a client through the landing page in such a way as not to leave him even a single chance of refusal.

That is why, if you have 5-10 thousand rubles, the desire to deal with sites and advertising, you can start a business reselling goods through one-pagers. If working with landing pages is too difficult for you, then you can choose a simpler option for selling goods - groups in in social networks and bulletin boards like Avito.


Well, where without hype. A very controversial type of investment, which nevertheless is one of the main sources of income for a certain group of very risky "investors". The essence of HYIPs is this - a small financial pyramid is created, which promises fabulous interest on your deposits. This can be argued in any way, up to “buying stocks, bonds” or something else.

Money for interest comes from new revenues and such a “vicious circle” is created from which there is only one way out - a fictitious bankruptcy of the HYIP after a certain period of time. It would seem - an ordinary pyramid, on which it is unrealistic to make money. But it is not so. Hype diligently pays interest the first time. Depending on the scale - from 1 month to 1 year. That is why some people recognize HYIPs, invest in them, and after a short period of time withdraw their funds with interest. This is how the scheme works - who managed, he earned, who did not manage - lost money.

As you can see, all but the third method is a fairly risky type of investment. But that's why they bring in a lot of money. If you have free funds - no more than 10 thousand rubles, the loss of which will not hit your pocket hard, then these investments are for you.

Where to invest an amount from 10 to 50 thousand rubles

Here we have collected for you 7 relevant ways on which you can earn, having from 10 to 50 thousand rubles. For each of them, any amount from this range will do. The methods differ in that they have an average profitability and, in most cases, a short payback period.

Stock market game

In the first place, of course, is the game on the stock exchange. With a small amount of money, from 300 to 1000 dollars, you can open an investment account with any broker and start learning the basics of trading.

The peculiarity of playing on the stock exchange is that for the first time (from 2 months to 2 years) your task will be to reach zero profitability. That is, you will have to beat the commission of the broker, trading and settlement system with the profitability of all transactions. Reaching this minimum bar is one of the main stages of any trader.

Then there should be the next stage - the minimum profitability. It is measured by the rate of inflation, or by the average levels of bank deposits (which in Russia is often much less than the real rate of inflation). In general, it will take a trader from 1 to 3 years to reach an acceptable level of income. But after that, you will be able to actively trade on the stock exchange and, thanks to this, receive a stable income.

Bank deposit

Simple and low cost. Putting money in the bank is a great way to cover inflation, or go with it almost on an equal footing. Bank deposits are not suitable for anything else.

A little advice on choosing a bank for a deposit: do not look at the top market players, like Sberbank, VTB, Rosselkhozbank and others. They can dictate their terms to clients, which is why the interest on deposits is always lower than in other, medium-sized banks, which, in order to attract resources, must increase their rates.

The optimal period for which bank deposits are made: 1 - 2 years. It doesn't make sense anymore, because no one knows what will happen in the country, what kind of economic crisis will come this time, and a shorter term reduces profitability. The only thing to remember - if possible - do not withdraw funds ahead of schedule. Then, in most cases, your accumulated interest will simply burn out. If you urgently need money, it is better to take a loan, and present a bank deposit as collateral.

Mutual investment fund

Mutual funds in Russia, as well as the investment culture in general, are very poorly developed. But despite this, several leading banks - Alfa-Bank, VTB, Otkritie and Tinkoff have several mutual funds that really deserve attention.

What are mutual funds: they are a kind of trust funds, only with a different legal component of transactions. If in trust funds you transfer money to the manager, and he buys profitable financial assets with it, then in the case of mutual funds, everything is built as follows:

  • you buy a share in the fund - a share;
  • the investment fund adds the money for the share to its own funds;
  • carries out transactions with securities at the expense of all monetary funds;
  • distributes profit according to the shares.

This scheme is most similar to - when income is distributed according to shares, but funds are not transferred directly to the company - a kind of exchange of funds and shares in the company occurs. Mutual funds are good in that they provide a higher return than a bank deposit, but at the same time, their risks are relatively the same.

Site purchase

The most profitable way of investment from all presented in this list. The site is a platform for earning, capital for resale and the ability to promote your own products and services.

There are two ways to make money buying websites: selling ads and reselling a website. Each method is good in its own way. For 50 thousand rubles you can buy a site that brings its owner from 5 to 15 thousand rubles a month, depending on how competently the owner estimated it. And after time for self-sufficiency, you will be able to receive net profit with almost no effort.

Website reselling is a more complex process that requires certain skills in evaluating and selling online resources. In order to engage in resale, it is recommended to create a website on your own, and only after you have gone all the way, you can start reselling as a full-fledged business.

precious metals

When we say “investments in precious metals”, we most often mean investments in gold. It is one of the most demanded metals in today's market, its price is steadily growing over a long distance, and during periods of global crises it simply skyrockets.

A little about why this metal is so valued. In terms of investment, gold is very attractive because any state, regardless of the economic state it is in, is interested in attracting gold reserves. That is why, when prices begin to fall all over the world, there is only one thing left - to seek salvation in the "safe harbor" - investing in gold.

It is easy to invest in it. It is enough to open an unallocated metal account in any bank that provides these services, and you will already have on hand a sum of money equivalent to the amount of gold that you purchased. But you should not count on the fact that it will immediately go up, and money will go to your bank account. In order for gold to bring significant income, 5-10 years must pass.


Cryptocurrency is now one of the subjects of a fierce dispute among investors and economic specialists from around the world. Some say that this is not a currency, because. it is not backed by anything and will disappear over time (we would like to know what, for example, the dollar is backed by), while others, on the contrary, argue that due to the demand for it and the limited quantity, it will become more and more valuable until it is replaced by new ones. types of money.

Cryptocurrency is essentially a computer code. It has no physical weight, security and a clear, fixed course. But that doesn't stop it from being wildly popular with people who want to keep their payments anonymous.

There are several types of cryptocurrencies, but the largest currency is bitcoin. Now it costs about 1 thousand dollars, although some 5-6 years ago a person bought a pizza for 10,000 bitcoins.

You can use cryptocurrency as an investment object only in two cases: when you intend to make money on speculation and if you really believe in the prospect of cryptocurrency growth.

Where to invest an amount from 50 to 500 thousand rubles

Here we have prepared for you more large-scale investment methods that require a large amount of capital.

Investing in stocks and bonds

Investing in securities is a popular money accumulation procedure in Europe and America that almost completely replaces bank deposits. According to statistics, about 50% of American families keep their savings in securities.

Investments compare favorably with paper trading. If you have an amount of 100-200 thousand rubles, any broker can not only provide access to the securities market, but also help with advice on where to invest.

There are two investment options: aggressive and passive. With an aggressive style, you will invest in the papers of promising companies, with a passive style, you only need to pour money into the papers of well-known companies, winning on the difference in price and dividends.

If you need an investment method that requires minimal participation in the process, periodically checking and insuring yourself against big losses, while having a yield of 2-2.5 times more than bank deposits, then investing in securities is the best option.

Trust management of capital

Trust wealth management is a relatively new service that companies of various calibers provide. Starting from banks and ending with special centers, firms provide asset management services for individuals and legal entities.

Trust capital management is as follows: every company has a field of activity in which it has achieved success and can earn decent money. For the most part, this area is trading in the stock market. And in order to increase the volume of investments and reduce risks, such companies attract additional capital, which they invest in profitable assets, taking the margin for their services.

Trust management is best "trusted" to specialists in the banking or related financial sector. You should never put your money in the hands of private entrepreneurs or traders. Most often, these are insufficiently professional stock market participants who cannot earn money themselves and are trying to get investors' funds.

Own business

Everything here is simple and clear, but at the same time complex and confusing. Starting your own business is one of the best (if not the best) ways to invest money.

Starting your own business is no easy task. Need original idea, capital, investors, and, preferably, a team of like-minded people who will follow one idea.

It is important to know that the statistics do not lie: only 20% of businessmen continue to work with their projects. But at the same time, it does not take into account the many companies that were sold to large giants like Google, Microsoft and Yandex for a huge amount of money. And therefore it is important to understand that those businessmen who are left out are not victims of the system. They are victims of their own mistakes, laziness and lack of hard work.

Buying currency

The talk about currency speculation has not ceased since the days of the USSR. But then the currency was in short supply and therefore was in rather high demand. Now there is freedom of market relations, so the currency costs as much as it should. That is why investing in foreign currency is now a rather controversial way of investing.

Investing in foreign currency makes sense when the global crisis begins, or an internal crisis in one of the countries. Then the quotes of one of the currencies fall sharply (in most cases deservedly), but literally in a year and a half they are restored to their usual volumes. A few recent recent examples: the Russian ruble, euro and pound sterling due to various macroeconomic events (sanctions, Trump's appointment and exit from the EU)

What currencies can you invest in?

  • the currencies of the Arab countries, backed by gold (they are resistant to inflation and therefore, behind all world fluctuations, they will stably maintain their high rate);
  • currencies of developing countries of the 3rd world (they are steadily increasing their exchange rate, are in average demand and can be easily exchanged for the currency of your country at any time without loss);
  • cryptocurrency (with all the latest cryptocurrency jumps and hundreds of rumors around it, it becomes an interesting object for investment and speculation. During the period from the beginning of June 2017 to the middle of it, bitcoin broke through the price of 3 thousand dollars several times, and so many once it fell back to 2.5 thousand. Nevertheless, the whole of 2017, starting from spring, was held under the flag of virtual currencies)

In general, investing in foreign currency is suitable for those who like active investing - keep track of their money, make important decisions not once every few months, but every day. At the same time, competent investments in currency can make you a millionaire in one crisis.

Invest in developing your own applications

Own applications - a startup that is addicted to up to 50% of all global entrepreneurs. Most of them create their projects while at their main job, but then the latter becomes uninteresting to them.

If you have money to develop and promote the application (the costs will be about 20 to 80 in favor of advertising), then you can safely occupy this niche, which is just starting to gain momentum. Developing your application can go two ways: manually or with the help of hired freelancers. The first method will take a lot of time and effort not only to create an idea and bring it to the desired result, but also to develop, while the second will require average financial costs.

Development of a simple mobile application can cost $500-1000. A large online project will cost more. In general, the development and promotion of the application can cost 100-300 thousand rubles. Such investments pay off, depending on the project, in 3-6 months.

Where to invest more than 500 thousand rubles

Here we will talk about investments from 500 thousand to several million. If you have money more than 3-4 million, then you must know where to invest it in order to make a profit.

Real estate investment

For some reason, real estate investments in our country, despite their absolute unprofitability and illiquidity, are still quite attractive. This is rather strange for two reasons: interest income from real estate exceeds the minimum (bank deposit) by 3-4% per annum; and the liquidity of investment objects is somewhere around zero. But despite this, most people who have money from 1 million rubles still continue to spend their money on real estate.

Real estate is good because it is stable. But it is stable in the worst sense of the word. Even gold is growing faster than real estate prices in Russia. For the most part, in some areas, prices for apartments, houses and other similar property have gone into negative territory over the past 2-5 years.

The situation in large cities is a little better - real estate there is consistently worth a lot, while refusing to grow. The ever-expanding Moscow region will be an exception, but even there it is difficult to guess which of the districts will be in plus and which will be in the red.

In general, investing in Russian real estate is only suitable for those who want a stable average income while spending a lot. The payback of such investments will be from 5 to 10 years. For those who really want to receive a consistently high income with the help of real estate, it is recommended to take a closer look at the houses and apartments of Eastern and Western Europe. In them, real estate becomes more expensive much faster than in our countries, due to the constant flow of emigrants from other, less developed countries. In Russia, there are other, more interesting and profitable alternatives.

Buying a ready-made business

Buying a ready-made business is an excellent investment option for 1-3 million rubles. It became popular in Europe in the late 90s. Then entrepreneurs who urgently needed a lot of money for new project, or simply those who were tired of the business, sold it to other, more interested persons.

In order to understand whether the project is really profitable, it is enough to be in a team (or work if it is a small business). Then you can see if there really are customers, if the business really brings the declared income, plunge into the process a little and understand whether it is worth buying this business at all.

Having bought a business, you will not need to think about how to launch it, how to deal with competitors and set up production at minimal cost. They will do it for you, they will explain how everything works, and you will only have to control all business processes and make a profit. This option is more suitable for experienced entrepreneurs.

franchise business

As opposed to buying a ready-made business, you can choose a franchise business. A franchise is the exclusive right to use a trademark. In fact, it is doing business under a well-known brand.

Franchise Advantage:

  • simplicity;
  • convenience;
  • stability;
  • profit.

Working with global companies, you will be able to use their successful experience in order to fully develop in a new direction. And also you will have a full-fledged development strategy that takes into account absolutely everything, up to the specifics of the population in your city. True, this awaits you only if you choose the right partner to open a business.

Most often, franchises are provided by companies in the field of fast food and restaurant business. The brightest representative is McDonald's.

It will take from 300 thousand to several million rubles to open a franchise business. This amount will include the cost of the franchise itself, the cost of starting the business, as well as monthly contributions from profits.

Investments in startups

Investing in startups is now one of the most highly profitable types of earnings in Europe and America. Since there is a developed investment culture, most start-up entrepreneurs put their ideas on public display and thus look for potential investors.

Investing in startups is risky, but extremely rewarding. Many young people are in a hurry to realize their ideas and require large investments in their projects. But some of them do not yet know the basics of business, do not understand how to work correctly in order to receive money. That is why investing in startups is associated with high risks.

A little advice. In Russia, there is no culture of startups, as such, yet. Therefore, if you decide to invest your money, then you should choose a good foreign project. Of course, you don't know many features of the business, and there are chances that the idea you invest in will fail, but nevertheless, it is much less risky than Russian startups.

But despite the fact that this way of earning is quite risky, professional investors earn huge amounts of money. The best business angels (those who invest in start-up projects) earned millions of dollars by investing only a few tens of thousands.

Unique art objects

And finally, the most controversial, but certainly an interesting way to invest money - unique items art.

It is impossible to talk about this way of earning for a long time - it is quite simple. You can buy a painting, figurine or any other work of a famous figure that you like for decent money, and then resell it several times more expensive to collectors.

Main investment object

Above, we presented almost all working ways of investing that can bring good profits. But the main object of investment should remain you. Get a good education, necessary knowledge, developing your talents and gaining much-needed skills is what really matters.

Your first investment in time and money should go to the formation of yourself. If you are interested in investing as a way to earn money, then you need to spend a lot of time on getting the necessary knowledge, as well as the skills that investors need so much:

  • stress resistance;
  • "Alive" mind;
  • patience.

When working in any field, you must spend some energy on learning something new about it, no matter how high you are.

That is why every time you think about where to invest this or that amount of money, think about whether you can invest it in yourself.

Now to more practical advice on investment. They will help you invest your funds correctly, minimize risks and “fix” profits in time.

Tip 1. Separate assets

The simplest rule that is often forgotten by many investors when they get a really good offer. Divide your investment on multiple fronts. So you reduce the risks of one-time capital losses to a minimum.

Separating assets is beneficial because they begin to balance each other. A good example is investing in securities. For most investors, the ratio of risky securities to safe securities in their investment portfolios is approximately 30/70. When risky ones go to “+”, they bring tangible profits, about 2 times more than reliable ones. But when risky ones fall in price, reliable ones compensate for their drawdown, bringing the investment portfolio to zero or a small minus. It should also be in other types of investments.

For example, buying ready business, leave some money in the bank or invest it in profitable securities. Then you can at least partially compensate for the losses if the business starts to make losses.

Tip 2. Balance risks and returns.

The analysis of risks and profitability, as well as their comparison, is the main task of the investor. The main rule of the financial market is that risks and returns are directly proportional to each other. This means that when one rises, the other also rises.

But the market is not always “right”. Sometimes he can overestimate something, in the wake of a general positive attitude towards the idea, or vice versa, underestimate. Then there are situations when, at first glance, a reliable and low-yielding instrument is actually very risky. A striking recent example is the situation with bank deposits and revocation of licenses of credit institutions.

That is why always try to analyze how risky this or that idea is, and how much profit it can bring. Always correlate these two important indicators with each other, and when you see that the risks exceed the income, then feel free to refuse further actions. But if the profit significantly exceeds the risks, it is worth considering whether everything is so simple in reality.

Tip 3. Try to get as much information as possible about the scope of your investments.

Of course, you don't have to know absolutely everything about where you invest your money. But you should have at least superficial knowledge about the object of investment. If you want to invest in gold, see why it is so valuable. If you want to buy an apartment and rent it out, find out why the real estate market is considered reliable.

Tip 4. Know how to exit the game in time

One of the most valuable skills is to be able to stop in time. You have to be able to abandon unpromising ideas that are losing or have completely outlived their usefulness, and you feel that they do not deliver initial inspiration to you.

Tip 5. Make a profit.

And most importantly, money should make money. This means that you should make a profit from your financial investments. Not "promising ideas", not "100% payback" and not "everything will work out" should worry you. The main thing to look at is whether you will achieve a profit or not. And are you satisfied with its size.

No matter how attractive the idea is, you should always think about money. This is an investment, not a charity

Real estate, business.

Bank deposits (deposits)

This is the easiest, most elementary and reliable way to invest. You give yours to the bank under certain percentage. Bankers "scroll" this money by investing in other financial instruments. For which you receive a predetermined percentage of profit.

For example, you invested money in a bank for a year at 10% per annum. Bankers immediately give this money to another client in the form of a loan, but already at 20% per annum. As a result, the bank in a year returns your funds to you with accrued interest, and pockets the remaining difference.

The advantage of investing in a bank is that you know exactly how much money you can receive after a certain period of time, while other financial instruments cannot boast of this. You can calculate the profitability of a particular deposit using a deposit calculator, and if you need to calculate the amount of overpayment on a particular loan, then use a loan calculator.

On the topic of bank deposits, read:

Mutual investment funds (mutual investment funds)

This is the second most popular way to invest. In short, mutual funds are a collective financial instrument, when investors' money is invested in one big pot and then professional managers multiply this one big amount of funds by various methods.

Shareholders' funds (as those who have invested their money in mutual funds are called) are usually invested in stocks, bonds, gold, currency, etc. More precisely, they are not just invested, but they are managed. Any fool can just buy shares. The task of professional managers is to find such stocks that have fallen in price at the time of purchase and there is a possibility of their further growth.

In order to determine this probability, technical and fundamental analysis is used, economic situation both in the world and in a single region, news is tracked, as well as many other parameters that are too complicated for a simple layman.

This is the essence of mutual funds, to save people ignorant of these issues from all these difficulties. If you have free funds and you do not have the opportunity to trade on the stock exchange from morning to evening, then it is easier to transfer this money to those people who have plunged into the topic of investing with their heads and have a lot of experience behind them. At least at the initial stage.

Further, as your experience in financial matters grows, you can start buying stocks, bonds and other investment instruments on your own. More on this later, but for now let's get back to mutual funds.

Compared to other financial instruments, investing in shares is more profitable in the long run, but at the same time very risky.

Here you need to constantly keep your finger on the pulse, monitor the situation in the markets, so as to prevent the loss of capital in a strong fall in financial markets that occur during all kinds of crises.

To more clearly understand what profit can be made on shares, watch the video “How to earn 678% profit on Sberbank shares”.

Video: How to earn 678% profit on Sberbank shares


This financial instrument is designed for people who are not inclined to risk. It is very difficult to get a big profit on it. Typically, the return on bonds is no higher than the return on bank deposits. Therefore, this financial instrument can hardly be called a profitable investment.

However, this does not mean that bonds should not be invested. The fact is that it is not recommended to “keep all your eggs in one basket”. Experienced and successful investors always distribute their funds in several different instruments in order to reduce your risks.

Imagine that you have invested all your money in stocks, but after a while there was a crisis in the market and their prices fell. Along with this, the amount of your capital will decrease. To prevent this from happening, you need to invest part of the money in deposits, part of the money in bonds, gold, and so on.

In this case, you will lose on one instrument, but you will win on other instruments. But back to bonds:

A bond is a debt issuance security that confirms the right of its owner to receive a certain amount of money from the issuer.

And in order to understand how to properly distribute funds between various financial instruments in order to reduce risks and increase the profitability of your investments, read these articles:


Forex (Forex, sometimes FX, from English.FOReign EXchange- foreign currency exchange) is a market of interbank currency exchange at free prices.

The essence of Forex is speculation with the currencies of various countries. For example, you bought 100 euros for 90 dollars. And after some time they sold these 100 euros for 120 dollars. Thus, earning $ 30 on this transaction.

In Forex, trading always takes place in currency pairs, as in the example above. Changes in the value of currencies occur constantly and depend on many factors. For example, in Greece the economy is not developing, the state does not receive profits, but the country needs to be supported somehow. Since Greece is part of the European Union (EU), everything in this country is sold and bought in euros.

Thus, the instability of the economy of one state influenced the attitude of investors towards the entire EU. Investors felt a threat to their capital and urgently began to get rid of the euro. All this led to a fall in the value of the euro against the currencies of other states. It is on such movements that money is earned in Forex.

This method of investing can be called profitable only if you yourself trade on Forex, when you already have extensive experience, your own strategy for entering and exiting the market, as well as an iron will.

There are only a few people who have made a fortune in forex. But those who tried to get rich on this and went bankrupt - millions. Draw your own conclusions.

Cumulative life insurance

This way of investing can hardly be called profitable. As the name implies, this is insurance in case of any unforeseen circumstances. Its difference from conventional insurance is that it is a combination of human life and health insurance with a program to accumulate, preserve and increase your capital.

If ordinary insurance simply pays you a certain amount in the event of an insured event, then in this case, if nothing happened during the entire period of the contract, you will be able to receive either the entire amount accumulated over the years, or receive a monthly payment until the end of life.


OFBU stands for Banking Management General Funds. In fact, these are the same mutual funds, but with broader investment functions. On the one hand, this is a plus, since by investing in OFBU you have the opportunity to increase profits through wider investment combinations. On the other hand, it is more risky.

There were cases when OFBU showed a yield of 600% per annum. However, the main problem lies in the fact that the activities of OFBUs are not regulated by legislation, which is why they are less subject to control, unlike the same mutual funds.

There are also cases when the short-sighted activities of managers led to the complete collapse of the OFBU.

You can read more about the activities of general funds of banking management here:. I would add on my own that this moment in OFBU it is best to invest such an amount of funds that you will not be sorry to lose if something happens.

hedge funds

I must say right away that in our country this is a relatively new and not sufficiently developed financial instrument, which is available only to wealthy clients.

The minimum entry amount here starts from a few hundred dollars to a million. In the West, hedge funds are very popular.

Hedge funds do not have a clear regulatory framework, which allows them to freely choose enrichment strategies and use a wide range of financial instruments when investing money in various markets. The result of the work of hedge funds can be both super profits and huge losses.

One of the most striking examples of hedge funds is the Quantum fund, founded by the notorious , who was able to make a profit equal to $ 1 billion in a day!

Structural (structured) products

A structured (structured) financial product is a complex financial instrument that is issued, as a rule, by commercial and investment banks and is created to meet the specific needs of clients.

This financial instrument became especially popular during the crisis. After all, when you invest in a growing market and constantly receive good profit- this is one thing, but when the situation on the markets is not stable, especially during crises, many investors are trying to find reliable ways to invest funds, which at the same time will give them more profit than bank deposits.

The essence of a structural product is simple - part of the funds, as a rule, 80-90% is invested in bank deposits or bonds, but the remaining 10-20% is invested in futures and options.

All this allows, in the worst case scenario, to stay with your money and not lose anything, at best, make a profit of about 20-30%. This is not very much, but it is higher than the yield on bank deposits.

But again, nothing to compare it to. For example, the most successful investor in the world, Warren Buffett, has been providing his clients with about 24% per annum over the past 35 years. 24% per annum does not seem to be much, but only Buffett and no one else can receive such a profit consistently for many years.

Gold and precious metals

For many people, wealth is associated with a mountain of gold. Since ancient times, this metal has been a symbol of wealth and power, so it has become the cause of quarrels, robberies, murders and even wars.

Gold should not be considered as the most profitable way to invest, despite the fact that for last years it has gone up in price a lot. The fact is that most often gold acts as a refuge for investors in difficult times.

When crises dominate the world, in order to wait them out, investors withdraw their savings from stocks, bonds and other financial products, and then invest in gold.

As soon as the crisis recedes, investors immediately look for more profitable ways to invest. This is the reason for the rise in the price of gold in difficult times. But then, the price of precious metals inevitably falls.

Real estate

Real estate has always been a profitable way to invest. Not only that, real estate itself does not depreciate and, as a rule, it only rises in price from year to year. But real estate also allows you to receive passive income from renting it out.

True, there is one serious “but” here, which is the high cost of real estate. In fact, this is an investment for wealthy people. Because of what, this method of investing should be considered not at the initial stage, but when you already have big capital and you have the opportunity to invest in various financial instruments.

True, there are exceptions. For example, you can profitable to invest in real estate at the stage of its construction. At this time, as a rule, there is no need to pay the full cost of housing and you can pay a certain monthly part.

Thus, if you have the opportunity to deposit the required amount and this will not affect the quality of your life, then you can safely look for suitable options. The fact is that at the construction stage, a square meter of housing costs much less than later, when the construction is completed.


Each of the above financial tools, has a certain degree of risk (reliability). Depending on this, the range of possible profit changes. The riskier the financial instrument, the higher the return it can bring. However, so is the loss.

Each of these financial instruments has its own advantages and disadvantages. And under various life circumstances, it is worth choosing best ways investment. But, personally for myself, I have already determined the most profitable way To invest money is a business!

Why? Because business is unlimited dividends! And they will depend only on you. From your efficiency, imagination, diligence, ingenuity.

Any other financial instruments do not depend on you. They depend, for example, on the current market situation, on conditions determined by other people, on financial results a particular company, from the actions of speculators, from marketers developing certain financial products.

Building your own business is entirely up to you.

This is where you set the rules by which you will play. Here you decide how much income you will receive. Of course, business also largely depends on various external circumstances. But, in any case, the last word is yours, even if you decide to sell it.

In 2007, I opened my own business for the first time. It was a small tanning studio. More precisely, it was a small room in one of the hairdressers, in which I installed a solarium, all the necessary accessories, planted an administrator and began to earn money.

This business has many benefits. I will talk about them in future releases. For now, I just want to draw your attention to the fact that this business has brought me good dividends. For the year I received more than 100% per annum.

It was a great test, during which I was able to show many of my talents. Organizational skills, managerial skills, design talents, tested his advertising vision.

I regularly conducted various marketing researches, collected analytical data, negotiated, looked for suitable premises- this is only an incomplete list of those areas in which I applied my knowledge and experience, or mastered new horizons.

When you are employed, you don't have as much responsibility as you do in your own business. These are very different measurements. Hired labor is someone else's. Your own business is yours. You are your own boss. You decide how and when you work and not work. You don't have to report to anyone. This is a fantastic state.

Creating your business, you feel like a creator, artist, a poet. You create your own product or service. And only you are responsible for its quality. It was a very interesting period of my life, when I had to worry a lot, rejoice, worry, strain, enjoy what I did.

Building your own business is very strengthened my faith in myself. If before this event, I had a lot of complexes, fears, worries, doubts, prejudices, then after I organized my business, they melted away like smoke. I am strong. I got stronger. I grew up.

Why am I saying this?

In order to convey to you the idea that by investing in your own business, you receive not only material benefits in unlimited quantities, but also develop in many areas of life including personal and professional growth.

It is unlikely that you will achieve similar results by investing in deposits, shares, mutual funds. Therefore, if you have Free money And you are looking for where to invest then think about starting a business.

If you don’t have free money yet, then urgently start leading in order to collect initial capital. On this topic, I have, which will help you in the near future to accumulate initial capital to create your own business.

Personally, I did not take any loans from banks, did not borrow money from friends and acquaintances. Everything I invested in my own business was the result of my effective management of the family budget.

Now, I am developing several businesses. It's very interesting and exciting. These projects bring me much more profit than when I was employed. These businesses bring me more money than bank deposits or any other financial instruments.

At the same time, I am completely “purple” for crises and everything that happens in the world.

It does not affect my income in any way. This does not mean that I do not work with other financial instruments. Some of my funds lie in bank deposits, some of the funds are invested in shares of various companies, and I regularly buy additional assets of interest to me. Also, there are investments in mutual funds and pamm accounts.

I regularly monitor what is happening in the financial markets and, depending on the situation, make decisions to buy or sell certain products. Investments are a very interesting and big topic, in which there are no limits to perfection.

Don't be afraid to take risks, choose what works best for you, accumulate funds and financial freedom and independence will not be long in coming.

P.S. In conclusion, I suggest you relax a bit and watch a breathtaking video. You have never seen such amazing beauty.

Dessert Video: World's #1 Extreme Video

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