Mixer      04/04/2019

Growing onions as a business. Growing green onions: a ready-made business plan

If you have opened this article, then you are facing specific task- grow a good crop of green onions in your basement. Therefore, we will immediately get down to business, reserving the final part of the material for curious facts and general points.

So, we have to build the right racks for growing onions, prepare planting material, plant and enforce optimal conditions for excellent results. Read on for everything in order. Let's get started!

Shelving construction

Perhaps it is the racks that can be considered the most suitable device for organizing the cultivation of green onions in basement. To begin with, the ability to arrange shelving in several tiers is a great advantage that will help you make the most efficient use of the available space.

Having shelves in several tiers can significantly save space.

It is also very convenient to work with racks, since it is easy to attach a variety of additional equipment to them (for example, lighting systems), and if you plan their location and size correctly, you can greatly simplify further care and harvesting processes.

Use of reflective surfaces.

  1. Distance between shelves. If you are building several shelves side by side, plan the distance between them. The minimum gap that does not impede the passage and work with the crop is a distance of about 1 meter.
  2. Shelf length. It can be anything, depending on your goals and how much space you have in your basement for growing.
  3. Width. It is important not to overdo it with the width. This setting may vary. If the rack can only be approached from one side (for example, it comes close to the wall), then its width can be from 0.5 to 1 meter. If there is access from two sides, the width, respectively, can be doubled. It is important to choose a width of the structure that will not impede further work.
  4. Height. Here, too, it is important to choose the most convenient option for work. Most often, it is recommended to make racks in two tiers so that you do not have to take care of the crop and harvest it, standing on some high and unstable structure. Make the height of the first tier about 1 meter, the second tier can be placed after about 0.5 meters.

Conclusions. The length of the rack can be any, while other parameters should be selected taking into account how comfortable it will be for you in the process of work. The distance between adjacent racks should not hamper movements, the width and height should not make it difficult to work with the crop. Growing onions should not turn into "hard labor", try to ensure proper comfort.

What are the racks made from?

In order for our racks to be stable, reliable and strong, in addition to dimensions and convenience, it is also necessary to choose the right materials used for their construction.

Wooden shelving is an easy option to implement.

Wooden shelving is the simplest option and is great for beginners. If you want to try yourself in this business for the first time and growing greens is new to you, for the first time you can choose this particular material.

  • cheapness;
  • it is relatively easy to work with a tree (process and fasten with self-tapping screws).
  • lower reliability of the structure (in comparison with metal);
  • predisposition to the appearance of mold and fungus, decay.

Each tier of the rack must be equipped with side rails. Permissible height side - no more than 10 cm. polyethylene film(can be wrapped around the edges of the sides). In the future, we will pour the substrate for growing on the film.

Pay Special attention on the floors of the tiers. They bear the pressure of the substrate, onion and moisture, so it is critical to ensure maximum strength. The thickness of the board for floors should be at least 30-50 millimeters. You can lay the boards with small gaps (about 2 centimeters), then less material is required. It is important to strike a balance between economy and reliability.

Metal shelving is a much more "solid" option. Suitable if growing greens brings you additional income or you know for sure that you will be doing this all the time for your own needs.

  • stronger and more reliable design;
  • durability.
  • high cost;
  • susceptibility to corrosion (although the problem of rust, as you probably know, is completely solvable);
  • harder to work with than wood.

Let us designate the principles of construction of a metal rack, which differ from those described above.

To fasten the structure, you can use welding or a metal drill and fasteners. It is important to understand that in the first case you will get a non-separable rack.

The construction of metal shelving requires compliance with safety measures and precautions (as well as wooden ones, by the way). Handle sharp edges to avoid cuts, use angles of at least 50x50x5 to increase reliability, use a level to evenly load all racks.

Don't forget to paint the metal shelving to protect it from the humidity that comes with growing green onions.

And a couple more useful tips. First, for additional savings, you can use scrap metal. Second, remember to combine various materials to achieve the same result - it depends on your imagination and skill.

Preparation of planting material and planting

green onion can be planted both on the ground and applied hydroponic installations which have already been repeatedly mentioned on our website. However, due to the unpretentiousness of the onion (from this point of view), it is easier to plant it in the ground.

Usually simple garden soil is used. You can add sand and peat. You can also use a special substrate.

Carefully cut off the top of each bulb.

It is advisable to choose the bulbs themselves relatively small (about 3–5 centimeters in diameter). Carefully sort and remove spoiled and moldy specimens. The tops of the selected bulbs are cut off (about 1 centimeter), after which the planting material is placed in warm water for several hours.

Then you can start planting. Bulbs can be placed quite close to each other, leaving gaps of a few centimeters. Do not bury them completely in the ground, leaving the top of the bulb above the surface.

Optimal conditions

Let's start with temperature regime. This is one of critical factors, which directly affects the rate of obtaining green onion "feathers". Optimum temperature, which contributes to the speedy achievement of results, is +20 - +25 °C. In this case, you will get the germination of greenery after about three weeks.

A little trick recommended by some experts. On initial stage keep the temperature in the basement around +15 °C. At this temperature, root systems actively develop. When green onions begin to sprout, raise this figure to the optimal value indicated above.

It should be noted that the basement is great option to maintain a good temperature. In summer, it may well be in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe required indicators, and in winter it will be enough just to additionally heat the room.

Onions will grow well if you create optimal conditions for them in the basement.

Make sure that the temperature of the upper and lower rack (which is closer to the ground) is approximately the same. Otherwise, consider the difference in ripening speed.

Another factor that is of the utmost importance in the process of growing green onions relates to the lighting system. This moment is often referred to as minuses, since it implies increased costs, including electricity. But additional lighting is indispensable, since our greens require enough light to grow. Onion refers to plants, the development of which is significantly accelerated with an increase in the length of the daylight hours (photoperiod).

The minimum length of daylight hours for onions is about 10-15 hours. It is desirable to approach exactly the second value, because with a lack of light, we will not only slow down the cultivation, but also get an almost tasteless yellowish crop.

Another trick. Cover surfaces that absorb light with a reflective material. For example, foil. This simple technique will allow you to significantly increase the efficiency of lighting.

Moisture also plays a significant role. Onions should be watered intensively, but the formation of "stagnant" water should be avoided. If the onion is heavily poured, an undesirable rotting process may begin. On multi-tiered racks to implement drainage system quite problematic. But we covered the tiers with oilcloth, so it will be enough just to observe that the water has time to evaporate and does not stagnate, adjusting the intensity of watering.

Finally, we mention the importance of good ventilation in the basement. Among other things, it will help to cope with bad smell, which very often accompanies the process of growing green onions.

Interesting facts and useful properties

Finally, we mention a few interesting facts and talk about useful properties green onion.

Harvested crops can be sold or used for cooking.

Many consider the cultivation of this plant as a source of additional income. It turns out something like a family home business. In this case, the crop is planted taking into account the main holidays, when the demand for products is high. In some cases, entrepreneurs manage to achieve very decent profitability.

But it also makes sense to do this solely for your own needs. Green "feathers" of onions are very beneficial for health, we believe this is no secret to anyone. It fights microbes, contains a lot of useful substances and, moreover, is an excellent antioxidant, and in winter it serves as an additional tool to help overcome beriberi.

It is not for nothing that people say that onions and baths rule everything. We wish you good harvest and good health!

Growing green onions right choice varieties and places, 3 tips from experts, pitfalls and profitability of this business.

Capital investment: 30,000 - 100,000 rubles.
Payback period: 6-12 months.

Green onions are the most popular type of greens in our country.

Everyone knows that it is rich in vitamins, and besides, it has good taste.

In some families, it is grown at home on the windowsill.

But most prefer to buy in supermarkets.

Moreover, it makes it possible to purchase goods even in winter at an affordable price.

You can grow it not only for your own needs, but also turn it into a business.

This approach is fully justified.

After all, with all the features, the business requires a minimum investment of capital, which, moreover, quickly pays off.

Growing onions is a simple process that does not require special preparation and a long ripening period.

Demand for greens continues all year round, but in winter for the same volumes it will be possible to gain 3-4 times more.

Consider what you need to know for growing onions in a greenhouse.

Choosing a variety for growing onions in a greenhouse

Growing onions in a greenhouse can serve two purposes - collecting onions or feathers.

Each option has features, based on which a variety is chosen. planting material.

Consider the main varieties of onions for growing for sale:

    Tiered bow.

    The most common option, as it is absolutely unpretentious.

    From 1 kg of seed bulbs in a month you can get from 2 kg of greens.

    In this case, it is enough to provide low lighting and room temperature.


    IN winter time This variety is not grown.

    Usually they begin to plant it in the spring, in order to then move the seedlings to open ground.


    A more profitable variety for growing greens, as it gives good feathers, while having a low cost of planting bulbs.

    Slime onion.

    Like other types of onions, this variety is unpretentious to the conditions.

    It differs in the structure of the leaves (they have rounded tips), as well as a slight “taste” of garlic in the smell.

    In recent years, it has become more and more popular.

    It is also chosen for its high frost resistance and the fact that it is an early ripening variety.

How to choose a place to grow onions?

If onions are grown for sale, they are planted on an industrial scale for a whole year.

In summer, they use landing in open ground, because green onions are unpretentious and grow in almost any conditions.

With cold weather, the process is transferred to where artificial lighting and heating are installed.

A greenhouse can be built on your own plot, which requires cash investments.

Or it will grow other products in greenhouses.

Otherwise, greenhouse areas should be rented.

This will not be as financially and labor intensive.

Also, the area for sowing is also rented in the summer, if there is no own plot with fertile land.

Growing onions at home cannot become a source of income.

For a full-fledged activity, you will need at least 25-30 acres of territory.

Sales market for greenhouse green onions

Finding sales outlets is the main problem of growing green onions in a greenhouse.

This issue must be resolved before the landing of the material.

After all, the "life" period of greenery is short and it must be sold immediately after harvesting.

Ways to market green onions:

    Retail sale on the market.

    Suitable for selling small batches, for example, if you grow several types of greens and vegetables in a greenhouse.

    Through the Internet.

    Usually, individuals purchase greens in small batches due to the short shelf life.

    But for drying, home preservation or other purposes, customers can look for direct suppliers.

    So they receive guarantees of maximum quality and freshness of the goods.

    You can find buyers via the Internet: create a website, place ads on boards, communicate on specialized forums.

    Shops and supermarkets.

    The main channel for wholesale distribution of products.

    It is important that there is registration and certificates for the goods.

    Otherwise, green onions can only be sold to small retail outlets.

    Cafes and restaurants.

    They also order greens from suppliers regularly and in large quantities.

What is special about growing green onions for sale?

Growing green onions in the greenhouse has some subtleties that can only be learned through practice.

Or from those who have already been engaged in such a business.

Three main tips from the experts:

    Disease prevention.

    If you have not yet dealt with the cultivation of greens, then you have no idea how destructive diseases can be!

    Almost instantly, the focus of infection spreads to plants, destroying them and disfiguring them.

    Lost in attention preventive measures, you can lose the entire crop of green onions in 1-2 days.

    commodity condition.

    Each onion variety has its own ripening phase.

    This is something to keep in mind when planting bulbs and planning your schedule.

    While you wait for full ripening, some of the goods may deteriorate and lose their condition.

    However, in the absence of assistants, it is difficult to harvest on your own.

    Therefore, even when planting planting material of the same variety, take breaks between sections of 5-7 days.

    So the green onions will “keep up” gradually, and you will always have goods for sale in the state of the desired condition.

    Preparation for sale.

    It is important to offer customers not only fresh, healthy, but also beautiful green onions.

    This fact is not a basic requirement.

    And yet the goods for sale must be cleaned of dirt, bulbs, bundled and neatly packaged.

    At this stage, the question of the need to hire assistants is once again raised.

    This can be avoided by involving family members in the work.

Onion growing business plan

A calendar plan is necessary to keep track of business development.

It is important to understand whether all stages occur on time.

And most importantly, when you get the first profit from growing onions.

Event1 month2 months3 months
Renting or building a greenhouse
Purchase and installation of equipment
Planting purchased material
Sale of goods

How much should I invest in growing green onions in a greenhouse?

Financial calculations are necessary even if the entrepreneur starts growing with small batches of onions.

Consider the items of expenditure, provided that you have your own plot of land and water supply.

Monthly expenses consist only of replenishment of stocks of planting material, payment utilities and transportation of products.

However, if you want to hire a business assistant, another expense item will appear - staff salaries.

What should aspiring entrepreneurs look out for

when growing green onions, you will learn from the video:

Profitability of growing green onions in a greenhouse

The level of profitability of growing green onions will directly depend on the season.

If the figure is 50% in summer, keeping a greenhouse in winter will reduce the figure to 30%.

This is due to the appearance of additional costs for lighting, heating.

However, it happens that the profitability grows up to 250-300%! It is difficult to predict such a development of events, therefore, it is not worth relying on this indicator.

Starting with a small greenhouse area, you can get about 20,000 rubles of profit per month.

Growing on an industrial scale will bring already from 150,000 rubles.

To do this, it is necessary to sell from 3 tons of onions.

The highest prices are from April to June.

At this time, the price rises 1.5-2 times.

Also, a jump is observed before the holidays.

It is better to start in this business in August-September.

To begin with, it is worth landing a small batch and trying to implement it.

If everything goes well, you will be able to recoup the investment in a season.

To growing green onions in a greenhouse made a profit, it is important to assess the demand and sales volume.

Also be aware of the potential risks.

Although this crop is absolutely unpretentious, a sharp drop in prices or poor seed quality can lead to losses.

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In continuation of our topic about business in the countryside, we decided to consider growing onions as a business. It turned out that in this simple lesson you can earn a decent amount. So, if you decide to make money on your own business, we offer you the option of growing onion crops.

Growing onions as a business: what to grow and how?

For the purpose of sale, you can grow different onions: onions or feathers. And each of these species has its own characteristics in cultivation, sale, circulation. All this affects the business, its expenses and income. To show good example on specific numbers, we took as the basis of our article the most common and unpretentious onion - onion.
Onions are grown in warm conditions. It will take about 4 months for it to fully mature. During this time, young feathers can be cut from it and sold, and after the expiration of the term, the root crops themselves can be put up for sale.

Grow onion easier from purchased sevka - these are already formed young bulbs, which in 1 week will already let the first shoots to the surface. The average purchase price of onion sets is 100 rubles per 1 kg. For such a business, you will need at least 200 kg, it will cost 20,000 rubles.

What else is needed to grow onions?

Of course, land is required. Onions should be planted at the rate of 200 g of sevka per 1 m2. That is, for our 200 kg, you will need 1000m2, or 10 acres of land.
In a business like growing onions, in addition to the “embryos” themselves, fertilizers will be required. By itself, the onion culture is unpretentious, but fertilizers are also indispensable. Here's what we'll need:
Superphosphate (30g per m2)
Potassium chloride (17g per m2)
Nitrogen fertilizers (8gr per m2)
Phosphorus fertilizer (10g per m2)
Potash fertilizers (10g per m2)
On average, for each m2 the price of all the above fertilizers together will be about 15 rubles. And for fertilizing the entire plot for 1000m2 - 15,000 rubles.

Summarizing all costs

Given the above information, to grow onions on 10 acres of land, we need:
Onion sets, 200 kg - 20,000 rubles.
Fertilizers - 15,000 rubles
Total: 35,000 rubles

Profit from the sale of onions

From a planted set, a full-fledged onion grows in 4 months on average. The yield is about 7 kg per m2, that is, from ten acres after 4 months we will collect 7 tons. The average selling price of onions is 20 rubles per 1 kg. It turns out that the sale of 7 tons at a retail price will bring us an income of 140,000 rubles.
Do not forget about a secondary method of making a profit - the sale of green onion feathers. In our case, in 4 months from 1 m2 you can get 0.5 kg of greenery, and from the entire site - 500 kg. At a price of 150 rubles per 1 kg, you can get 75,000 rubles from the entire green crop.

We get that the income for 4 months from 10 acres is 215,000 rubles, and net profit- 190,000 rubles.
It is much easier for residents of warm regions to do such a business, but also for those living in middle lane do not despair. By increasing the volumes in our scheme, you can secure a profit for yourself in one summer, which is enough for a whole year.

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When snow falls outside the window and fluffy snowdrifts lie, it's so nice to see fresh greens on the table! In addition, in winter, natural vitamins are especially needed by our body. And the first assistant in the fight against colds or flu is green onions. Phytoncides secreted by onions disinfect the room, destroying bacteria, viruses and fungi.

It helps to cope with beriberi and spring fatigue, increase immunity and improve digestion. Green onion feathers will not only serve as a bright decoration for dishes, but also have a beneficial effect on the body.

Although you can buy green onions in the supermarket both in winter and summer, they can not be compared with grown on your own windowsill. Firstly, by planting green onions at home, you can pick required amount feathers for cooking, and secondly, you will be sure that the greens were grown without the use of any harmful substances and chemicals.

By planting green onions at home, you can pick up the required number of feathers for cooking at any time

Growing onions at home may seem accessible to any child - stuck an onion in the ground in flower pot and watch the green feathers appear. However, if you decide to take the matter seriously and eventually harvest a rich harvest of not only greens, but also the bulbs themselves, you will need to take into account a number of basic rules and nuances.

Video about growing green onions at home

Instructions on how to grow green onions at home

You can achieve greenery from the bulbs in winter by forcing on a feather, that is, by sprouting the root crops themselves. For this, onions are usually used, which you have grown in your garden or bought in a store. Optimal fit multigerm varieties(Timiryazevsky, Spassky, Strigunovsky, Arzamassky, Pograsky, Soyuz). The bulbs should be approximately the same diameter - about 2 cm, not damaged or diseased.

Place the calibrated bulbs in a container with hot water(+40 degrees) and put on the battery central heating for a day. After soaking, you can remove the layer of brown husk to verify the quality of the selected root crops and remove the damaged layer, if any. Before planting, the top of the bulbs is cut off by one and a half centimeters.

You can achieve greenery from bulbs in winter by forcing on a feather

Prepare the soil in the container

To sprout onions at home, you can use any boxes, bowls, containers or pallets with a depth of 7 cm. It is best to prepare two containers so that you can grow green onions in a conveyor way - then you do not have to wait for the next batch of onion feathers to sprout.

As a soil, you can use earth or a substrate: fine expanded clay, fine gravel, sand. The substrate should be pre-washed with a hot concentrated solution of potassium permanganate and running water. Fill the boxes with soil 3-4 cm, if you have chosen a substrate, fill it with water so that it covers the surface by 1 cm. Dip the prepared bulbs into the soil every two centimeters, keeping them upright. It is not necessary to deepen the onion too much, only the roots should be in the water, otherwise the bulbs will rot.

Further green care

Planted bulbs need to be watered every other day warm water

The container for a week is placed in a warm place where the temperature does not fall below +25 degrees. When feathers 1-2 cm high appear on the bulbs, the box should be moved to the windowsill. Ideal windows that face the southwest, south and southeast. If sunlight not enough, you can additionally highlight containers fluorescent lamps. Only if there is sufficient lighting, green onion feathers will accumulate useful material and acquire a rich taste.

Planted bulbs should be watered every other day with warm water. Make sure that the water is constantly at a level just below the surface of the substrate, and the soil does not dry out.

The first green feathers should not be cut, otherwise the further growth of greenery will stop. The cut is made three weeks after planting the onion, and it is better to first cut off the extreme feathers, since the feather grows from the middle. In order for the greens to grow continuously, the interval between plantings in different boxes should be 10-12 days.

Video about growing green onions

Growing green onions in water

There is another popular way to grow onions at home without using soil. The bulbs are handled as described above and stacked tightly in an upright position on a shallow tray. Water is poured into the pan so that it covers the bulbs by a quarter. As the water level drops, it will need to be topped up again. In two weeks you will have fresh green feathers ready to eat.

The greens do not need additional feeding, since it takes all the useful substances during growth from the bulbs. But to accelerate the growth of feathers, you can add water with dissolved in it wood ash(per 10 l 50 g).

  • fixed costs
  • Realization of green onions
  • Business Startup Technology
        • Similar business ideas:

We bring to your attention a business plan (feasibility study) for opening a greenhouse for growing green onions with a total area of ​​500 sq. m. This is a small greenhouse complex, which can actually be located in a personal subsidiary plot.

How much money do you need to start a green onion growing business

Let's start by calculating the financial costs of organizing the project. According to some reports, the construction of one square meter of a greenhouse with partial automation and a microclimate takes about 4,000 rubles. Accordingly, the construction of a greenhouse with a size of 500 square meters. m. will cost 2 million rubles. In addition, it is worth considering the costs of purchasing planting material (50 thousand rubles), registration land plot(150 thousand rubles), summing up communications (100 thousand rubles) and buying a car for transporting grown products (500 thousand rubles). Thus, the minimum investment for starting a business will be 2.8 million rubles.

fixed costs

The main expenses of a greenhouse farm for growing green onions are related to the payment of wages and electricity costs. To ensure normal operation, the farm needs: 2 greenhouses (planting, cutting, packing plants), 1 handyman, an accountant (outsourcing is possible), a driver (delivery of products). The payroll fund for such a team is at least 100 thousand rubles per month or 1.2 million rubles per year. Next is electricity. The lighting of one square meter of greenhouse space takes an average of 246 kWh per year. For 500 sq. m. will take about 123,316 kWh per year. At a price of 6 rubles per kWh, annual electricity costs will amount to 739,896 rubles. Approximately 16,500 cubic meters are consumed for gas heating. meters per year (for a greenhouse of 500 sq. m.), which in monetary terms corresponds to 32,871 rubles of funds spent. Other expenses are associated with the purchase of packaging material, fertilizers, seeds, the cost of renting a land plot (if the land is not owned), paying taxes (STS). Tentatively, it takes about 1.4 thousand rubles per square meter. For a 500 sq. m. will require 700 thousand rubles a year. Hence, the total annual cost of maintaining the greenhouse is 2.64 million rubles.

Download greenhouse business plan

Realization of green onions

The implementation of green onions, according to the business plan, will be carried out in several ways:

  • Carry out wholesale deliveries to retail grocery stores and distribution networks. To work with stores, large volumes of production and high-quality packaging of goods (for example, in stretch film) are required.
  • Offer green onions to wholesale dealers. In this case, the price will be slightly lower, but there is no need for packaging of goods and less headache with sales.
  • Supply the product to processing industries and enterprises in the field Catering(cafes, restaurants).

How much can you earn growing green onions

Green onions are a profitable plant. From one kilogram of planting material (bulbs) it receives up to 2 kilograms of green onions. Some technologies (for example, bridge landing) allow you to place on one square meter up to 800 bulbs. On one square meter per month, you can grow up to 5 kg of green onions. Accordingly, from 500 sq. m. the output will be about 2500 kg per month. The wholesale price of green onions in spring and winter is 150 rubles. per kilogram. Thus, the revenue of the greenhouse industry, subject to 100% sales of all grown products, will be 375 thousand rubles. For a year, taking into account the non-seasonal summer period (income is 2 times less), you can earn up to 4 million rubles. The profit of the greenhouse farm for growing green onions, according to the calculations of the business plan, will be: 4,000,000 - 2,640,000 = 1,360,000 rubles. With such indicators, the project pays off in a little more than two years. The profitability of the business is 51%.

Recommended download greenhouse business plan, from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete finished project which you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step by Step Plan to Start a Green Onion Growing Business

  1. Conducting a situational analysis of the greenhouse business in the region.
  2. Market research.
  3. Drawing up a business plan.
  4. Acquisition of greenhouses, arrangement of storage facilities.
  5. Business registration.
  6. Purchase of seed.
  7. Equipment preparation.
  8. Starting a business.

How to choose business equipment

For growing green onions, it is necessary to equip a room instantaneous water heaters, with the help of which warm watering of plants will be carried out. Ideally, when the crop is grown on purchased soil with the use of fertilizers. For illumination, you will need ultraviolet light lamps. All equipment can be purchased in specialized stores. When buying in bulk, many offer discounts. It is possible to reduce the growing period of greenery and increase yields when using the aeroponics growing method. The technology will require special equipment costing about 4 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m. It is advisable to use it for areas over 100 square meters. m. Do not forget about packaging equipment finished products. Buying devices is easier and more profitable in online stores.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

  • 12.2 - entrepreneurship in the field of agriculture.
  • 12.1 - growing vegetables.

What documents are needed to open a business

Growing green onions for your own purposes is not a commercial activity. But if you are engaged in the business of growing greens, you will need to register with the tax service. To legalize the activity, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur by providing a photocopy of the passport, an application and a receipt for payment of the state duty.

Which taxation system to choose

For a green onion growing business, it is best to apply a UAT of 6%.

Do I need permission to open

Running a greenhouse business does not require licensing and certification.

Business Startup Technology

You can grow onions for greens in glass, polycarbonate or film greenhouses. Glass greenhouses are much more expensive, but allow you to grow greens year-round. Film greenhouses are most often used by entrepreneurs at the initial stage of doing business. Polycarbonate greenhouses are the golden mean for growing. modern device differs in durability, durability and allows to grow cultures in a cold season. Onions can be grown in 2 ways: from sets and seeds. The choice of agricultural technology depends on the equipment and the desired result.