Toilet      03.03.2020

Through wood burning. Pyrography - wood burning for beginners with different tools. Exploring Surfboard Pyrography by Peter Walker

Today more and more more people different ages enjoys wood burning. This type of needlework is widely available and requires a minimum of basic skills and maximum care when working. Wood burning is called "pyrography", the pattern is applied to a wooden surface using a special electric burner, which can be purchased at specialty needlework stores. You can come up with wood burning drawings on your own, or you can find ready-made templates and sketches on the Internet.

Material selection

The best material is a board made of alder, birch or linden. Wood should be soft and light, especially if this is your first work. Beginners also use regular plywood. Before applying the drawing, such a board must be sanded sandpaper. Or you can do everything on a cutting board that will be ready.

Sketches can be drawn on the board by hand, or can be translated through carbon paper or stencil.

How to draw

Make sure the board is dry before burning. Put connection points on the drawing translated with a pencil and only then draw lines. To get a thin line, the electric burner should be moved quickly, and vice versa, if you want to get a thicker line, move the pen of the tool more slowly.

No need to press hard on the electric burner when drawing a picture. When the line is finished, the pen must be torn off sharply.

First, the outer contour is burned out, then you can gradually move on to the inner details, to the center. It is best to burn out in parts, that is, you need to give the newly burned elements the opportunity to cool. So work a little in one area, then leave it and move on to another, and so on, until the whole work is completed.

After burning, the surface should cool slightly, then carefully, so as not to damage the strokes and lines, especially small ones, you need to sand the board with fine sandpaper. Paint with watercolor or oil paints possible only when the work is completely cooled down. After painting, the work must be waxed, that is, subjected to a wax finish. Thanks to waxing, the pattern acquires a soft sheen and retains natural color wood and saturation of colors.

Examples for inspiration

Patterns for wood burning can be very diverse: animals, flowers, ethnic ornaments, nature, and so on. They can be used to decorate cutting boards, as paintings in the home, or as gifts for family and friends.

For beginners, it is best to choose simple drawings, as in the photo:

Children can also engage in pyrography, of course, under close attention, because you need to work with a hot electric burner. For little masters, there are also interesting, beautiful and easy drawing patterns:

Do this interesting view needlework is quite simple, the main thing is not to be afraid and follow your imagination. Happy creativity!

Video on the topic of the article

And in order to get acquainted with the topic in more detail, you can watch specially selected video materials on this topic.

Pyrography is the process of burning wood with the fixation of the applied pattern using a special device. IN Lately This well-forgotten art is gaining popularity again. This good way For modern man relieve stress, escape from the daily hustle and bustle, while creating decorative interior details and more with your own hands. Learning to burn wood for beginners is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

The art of wood burning gained popularity in Russia at the end of the 19th century. It was mainly used to decorate nesting dolls. It is believed that the birthplace of decorative burning is Peru. However, in one form or another pyrography was manifested in the culture, perhaps, of all peoples.

The first wood burning apparatus is cumbersome and imperfect. It operated on gasoline, which guarantees sufficient heating of the platinum needle. For uninterrupted operation, the master had to ensure a constant supply of fuel, I regulate it with a foot pedal. The process was quite labor intensive.

The moment came when the technique of burning was replaced by decorative painting. However, many masters continued to decorate household items (caskets, chests, jugs) in the technique they loved.

Features of modern devices

The main tool for work, pyrograph ( burner) - the most important detail during the burning process. Modern equipment different from previous models. Previously, the unit was a small box and a soldering iron with tips in the form of a paper clip. The modern device is more complex. Which burner to choose depends on the individual preferences of the master. Each of the devices has its pros and cons.

Disadvantages of modern pyrographs:

  • long heating and cooling time;
  • risk of burnout during prolonged use;
  • uncomfortable handles in some models.

Wire aggregates have their drawbacks:

  • high price;
  • expensive repairs;
  • needles require frequent replacement;
  • Difficulties in finding spare parts.

Many craftsmen try to make tips for a burning soldering iron from wire at home. However, some experience is required to perform such procedures. Beginners are still advised to limit themselves to factory copies.

The most primitive burning device consists of several required elements:

  • a step-down transformer;
  • lever;
  • various attachments (feathers, filaments).

In hobby and art stores, you can buy a burning machine, necessary materials and even ready-made kits for pyrography. So, for decorative wood burning you will need:

Many novice craftsmen are interested in whether it is possible to burn wood with a soldering iron. Of course you can, this is the easiest way to make patterns at home. However, it must be taken into account that the work will require several soldering irons of different diameters.

Boards made of deciduous trees (maple, linden, oak, alder) are best suited for pyrography. Less fit conifers, as they are sometimes difficult to clean from resin. The board should not have noticeable flaws - knots, cracks, etc.

When preparing the working surface on your own, you need to sand the board with fine sandpaper and rub it with a mixture of water and chalk in a ratio of 1: 1, then dry it thoroughly.

Wood burning for beginners is a simple and exciting process. As in any business, there are rules and regulations here. to be followed:

In order to master the art of pyrography to perfection and learn how to properly burn on wood, you should not stop at early stages work discussed in the article. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with educational video tutorials on the topic, you can visit special courses. It is important to remember that, like any applied activity, pyrography requires constant practice, honing skills. The result will not keep you waiting.

Wood burning, or pyrography, is the process of drawing a pattern on a piece of wood using a soldering iron. Pyrography allows not only to relieve stress, but also to bring something wonderful to any home. Burn for your pleasure, hang your artwork on the wall or give it to your friends. Whatever you choose as a subject for your painting, you first need to familiarize yourself with the basics of wood burning.


Part 1

Wood burning basics

    Prepare the necessary tools. In order to start pyrography, you will first need a set of basic tools. After you've done some drawings, you might want to expand this set, although the following tools will suffice:

    Pick up an acceptable piece of wood for pyrography, it is better to turn the wood surface over with the smoother side up. The hardness of wood varies on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the most soft wood(e.g. balsa) and 10 being the hardest (e.g. pterocarpus). If you're just starting to burn, it's best to choose a soft wood. Hard wood is expensive, heat resistant, and usually dark in color. On the other hand, soft wood is cheaper, easier to burn, and lighter, which allows for a wider range of contrasts. Try the following varieties of soft wood:

    • pine;
    • Linden;
    • birch;
    • ash;
    • maple.
  1. Carefully take the wood burning tool. The appliance heats up very quickly, so before Before operating the instrument, place it on a secure stand. Always put on and take off the soldering iron with pliers. Wait two minutes or more to allow the appliance to warm up. While the appliance is heating up, keep it on a stand or in an earthenware pot to avoid the possibility of a sudden fire.

    Sand the wood before you start. Take 320 micron sandpaper (32-H or P46), wrap it around wooden block or attach to a sanding block and sand evenly over the entire surface of the wood. Parts of the wooden surface will gradually become more distinct and harder, resulting in a smooth surface.

    • In the process of sanding, process the wood along the grain. The structure of the tree is the direction of the wood fiber. Finishing the wood grain will eliminate small bumps or scratches that can result from sanding against the grain.
    • When you're done sanding, wipe the surface with a damp towel. This will help clear the surface of the chips, and it will be much easier for you to sketch.
  2. Apply light strokes instead of clear lines. Many beginners make the big mistake of applying too much pressure to the wood surface, believing that it is necessary to draw a sketch. This is wrong. In fact, it is better to apply light strokes. So, it will be easier for you to guide the pencil, erase unnecessary lines and eliminate the possibility of burning on the wrong lines.

    Take your time when you burn. You're not going to win the prize for burning in record time. Wood burning, no matter what material you use, is a long process. When familiarizing yourself with the burnout pen, remember:

    • The best option is constant pressure on the surface. Beginners are advised to apply the pattern with the same force over the entire wooden surface.
    • The longer you hold the burning pen in one place, the darker and deeper this area of ​​the drawing becomes.
  3. When burning, it is easier to move the device along the fiber. Rotate the piece of wood so that the fibers are pointing down. This will make your job easier as you will be moving the instrument downwards most of the time. When burning against the fiber, the resistance will be greater.

    Practice with wood, experiment! Once all the burning materials are ready and you've learned the basics, grab some wooden planks to practice with the different nibs. Thus, you will have an idea of ​​which tip to use in which cases. The choice of nozzle depends on what you want to draw and how much detail your drawing will have.

    Part 2

    Drawing a picture on a tree
    1. Choose the drawing method that suits you. While drawing without a finished sketch is too difficult for you, use ready-made images. There are three basic way painting on wood.

      Just draw the image. If you are an artist and know how to draw, it will be most convenient for you to apply the drawing directly to the tree with a pencil. It's not the easiest and effective method, but in this way you will avoid the lifeless and constrained style of drawing, many artists unwittingly strive for this, copying images in all details.

      Transfer the drawing using graphite paper. Draw or print a picture. Place the graphite paper down on a wooden surface, after covering it with masking tape so as not to spoil the future picture. Then lay your drawing on top. Using a 2M pencil, outline the drawing with smooth lines. Remove the graphite paper and draw all the lines again with the same pencil.

      Use the transfer tool. This flat nozzle heats up to transfer the ink of the printed image directly onto the wood surface. Scan or find a picture on the Internet that you like. Print the image, preferably on laser printer. Then attach the drawing with a clip to a wooden board and start heating it with a nozzle. Slowly, gradually smooth the back of the image using the Transfer Tip (where there is ink). Remove the sheet of paper and check if the pattern is printed.

      Part 3


        Start with a choice convenient location for a board - place it so that you can reach the device to any part of it. It only takes a second, but you have to do it all the time. If you lean over the plank and burn at a dangerous distance from the body, it will be much more difficult for you to burn.

        It is better to start burning the drawing from the bottom or from the outer edge of the sketch. Thus, if you make a mistake, your mistake will not be conspicuous. Don't worry - you can fix your mistake later by simply sanding the wood in the right place.

        Depending on which tree you're burning on, don't be afraid to walk over the same spot three or four times. Remember, the quieter you go, the further you will be. Touch the wood lighter - this way you can move the burner more quickly. At first, try to burn "toward" and not "away from yourself", resting your wrist on the plank, if possible.

Everyone remembers one of the entertainments of childhood - wood burning pictures or portraits. And the smell of a burnt tree remained in my memory forever. Everything returns to normal. Today it's called pyrography, and it's back in vogue. Computers are computers, and many children want to express their individuality in a different way. Not just for kids, to say the least. Let's remember how this is done and what is needed for this. Below is all the information for beginners and more.

Everyone remembers one of the entertainments of childhood - wood burning

The burning apparatus (pyrograph) is the main equipment. Previously, it was a plastic box (usually yellow) with a small soldering iron inside, in which the tip looked like a paper clip in appearance and thickness. Today, when this art is returning, the burner is a more serious device. There are also devices of the old type, but, nevertheless, it is better to purchase a burner with hard feathers. It will last for a long time, because it is highly durable, and it has a lot of different attachments.

There are also cons:

  • long heating - long cooling;
  • sometimes - uncomfortable (heating) handles;
  • the possibility of burnout, with long work.

Wire burners have more serious disadvantages:

  • high cost;
  • expensive repairs;
  • frequent replacement of thin needles;
  • difficulty in finding spare parts.

The choice of burner is a purely individual decision. But most choose the first option. You can recommend a Stayer pyrograph. Excellent burner suitable for all materials.

How to use the device? This burning device is conveniently located in a plastic box, which is convenient for transportation. The kit includes a stand for a soldering iron (which is very important), a set of nozzles of 20 pieces (constantly necessary and curly ones). In general, a great gift for both a novice pyrographer and a professional one. Next, you need a wood burning kit. It will be cheaper and easier than doing independent search necessary hand tools. There is enough material for the first time. The sets look like this:

There are several boards in a good set, some with ready-made sketches. Still need pictures that are not a problem to find. For starters, they are again in the burning kit.

Gallery: wood burning (crafts - 25 photos)

Burning lesson and technique - master class for beginners (video)

Preparation and burning wood with a soldering iron: beauty technology

Having prepared the necessary equipment, decide on the material. It is better to stay on soft woods.

Good fit:

  • pine;
  • Linden;
  • birch;
  • ash;
  • maple.

Having prepared the necessary equipment, decide on the material

You need to let the device warm up on the stand. Then take a properly sanded material. Remember:

  1. It is necessary to grind along the fiber - so all the bumps and roughness will go away.
  2. After sanding, be sure to walk over the material with a damp cloth. Be sure to let the material dry.
  3. Next, you need to carefully draw a sketch on the surface of the prepared material with a pencil, with light strokes.

When you start work, forget about haste: no one sets the task of execution on speed. This is not a fast process. Like any art, it requires thoroughness and gives great pleasure from the work done.

  1. Sketch, if you draw poorly yourself, apply to the surface with a carbon paper.
  2. It is necessary to apply the drawing on the prepared surface with a soldering iron with the same effort - so there will be no gaps on it.
  3. Do not overexpose the red-hot needle in one place - the tree will darken more strongly than in other places. This may ruin the final look.
  4. Hold the material with the fibers down - this will make it easier for the needle to go through it without encountering obstacles and resistance.

Always be careful and remember: you are working with a hot tool. Keep it always on a stand: better once again blow on the water, but don't get burned.

How to burn on planks: the birth of the first masterpieces

As mentioned, this will require the following tool:

  • sketch (it can be any one you like more);
  • boards (pine, linden, birch, ash, maple);
  • refractory stand for pyrograph (mandatory!);
  • pyrograph.

Depending on the need and features of the pattern, change the nozzles that you always keep at hand

  1. Prepare a board. Clean it with fine sandpaper. Rub with a water-chalk solution. Allow the plank to dry (you can only burn it when the material is dry).
  2. Transfer the selected sketch to the board.
  3. Turn on the pyrograph. Wait until the pen glows and turns red.
  4. Then, with the same pressure, draw the pen along the outline and all the elements of the sketch so that a clear dark brown stripe appears (or black, if you want).
  5. The burning is completed when all parts of the sketch are drawn, and it turns into a full-fledged drawing.

Depending on the need and features of the pattern, change the nozzles that you always keep at hand. This technology for beginners allows you to quickly learn the art of pyrography.

Burning on plywood: the easiest way

The process of burning on plywood is not much different from pyrography on a thick board. Buy plywood sheets easily in any construction market. You can ask, and they will cut it into pieces, right size. Plywood weighs less and costs less than other materials. It contains no harmful resins. You need to choose plywood from birch, pine, beech, no more than 2 centimeters thick.

After choosing plywood, the process follows the already given scheme.

  1. The plywood needs to be cleaned. Wet with a solution of chalk and water. Let the plywood dry.
  2. During the drying time, you need to choose a sketch, pencil, carbon paper.
  3. Once the plywood is dry, start transferring the sketch onto the plywood.
  4. Turn on the pyrograph - it must be on a stand.
  5. After the pyrograph is hot, and the sketch is transferred to plywood, start work.

The process of burning on plywood is not much different from pyrography on a thick board.

Himself, observing this simple technology, you can burn out anything: from a simple inscription to a real picture. Doing this is easier than it looks.

What nozzles are better to buy

It is enough to purchase a set of nozzles to start. This is what a great set, tested empirically, looks like.

Exist various ways decoration of the wood surface, one of the simplest and most spectacular is pyrography, or wood burning.

Any piece of wood can be made beautiful and unique by adding just a few contrasting touches.

It is not difficult to become a master of creating masterpieces in the technique of burning. To do this, you do not need to purchase expensive equipment, just buy or make a wood burner.

It's really simple - to create a beautiful and original thing, even artistic talent is not required, any images can be downloaded from the Internet or an album of drawings can be purchased in a store.

Ways to create images

The principle of creating a pattern by burning is that part of the wood is charred, darkens, thereby contrastingly stands out against a general light background. Working with very thin instrument, you can write pictures on wood.

Exist various technologies pyrography, many of them are complex and require special equipment. Among others:

  • open flame treatment;
  • firing using a clay stencil;
  • burning with hot sand;
  • friction burning on a lathe.

These are quite complex techniques, but an electric device is best suited to create pyrography masterpieces at home. In the device of such a wood burner heat the sting is created by the flow of electric current through it.

The industry produces various models of burners, so it is easy for a novice master to choose suitable tool. In addition, having the skills to work with a soldering iron, similar device can be assembled by yourself.

Varieties of burners

Choosing a burner is a responsible matter. It is on its characteristics that the quality of the products obtained largely depends. Both professional woodworkers and novice craftsmen use two main types of burners. These are devices with a wire sting and models with a hard tip.

Hard pen

This device is in many ways similar to the most common soldering iron. Its working part is a sting that heats up nichrome wire hidden under a metal case. Unlike a soldering iron, the burner is equipped with removable nozzles of various geometries. Depending on the price of the device, their number can reach 20 or more pieces.

The abundance of nozzles allows you to draw strokes of different widths and shapes, and by combining them, create unique images. Hard pen wood burners are characterized by low price, high durability, easy operation. As disadvantages, it is worth mentioning the warm-up time (5 minutes or more), as well as the bulky design with a long handle, which complicates the performance of delicate work.

With wire pen

In wire pen burner devices, the heating wire itself is the working tool. The current is supplied directly to the pen, so the tool is ready for use almost at the moment of switching on. Devices of the middle and highest price categories have a power regulator, which allows you to choose the optimal thermal regime for any type of work. The small thickness of the wire used and its bending create a small contact patch with the material, which makes it easy to perform the most delicate work.

The disadvantages of this type of burners include only a relatively high price and complex repairs.

Separately, it is worth noting the string cutter-burner. This is a device that allows using a heated nichrome thread to cut parts from a thin board or sheet material wood based.

How to work correctly

It is easy to see that the working tool of a wood burner resembles an ordinary pencil, and therefore the technique of working with it is not much different from ordinary drawing. It is only important not to forget that the "pencil" is very hot.

The whole process of work can be represented in a few simple steps.


It is necessary to choose a board on which the drawing will be applied. Its surface must be even and smooth. For leveling, the wood is cycled, treated with sandpaper.

A good material for burning, especially for a beginner, is plywood. It is cheaper, its surface is almost ready for use, you just need to level it with sandpaper.


For those who have drawing skills, it is not difficult to cope with such work, moreover, masters can do without a sketch, working immediately as a burner. Beginners can be advised to choose a suitable picture on the Internet, print it and transfer it to work surface. Here the old time-tested carbon paper comes in handy, you can scale the image by transferring by squares.

For a novice master, it is worth choosing simple drawings that are not abundant small details. In addition, it is better to immediately make something concrete, not some kind of abstract plank, but, for example, a plywood microwave stand that can be decorated with floral ornaments.


With a heated sting of the burner, they begin to apply a drawing along pre-marked lines. The handle of the instrument is held like a normal pencil.

The drawing begins with the outer contours. Straight lines are performed with quick movements without pressure. It is not difficult to make an accent, to draw a thick line, you just need to slightly reduce the speed of movement of the burner. On curved sections, it is necessary to hold the tool perpendicular to the surface of the plank, avoiding excessive pressure.

Note! If there are several closely spaced lines, you should not try to draw them as quickly as possible, the wood must cool, otherwise the gaps between them may burn out.

The shade of the line can be changed within a fairly wide range. This is easy to achieve by changing the temperature of the tip, the shape of the working tool (in the case of interchangeable nozzles) and the angle of inclination.

Final processing

The finished image is processed with fine-grained sandpaper. After that, they are covered with a layer of furniture varnish, if desired, partially or completely painted.

The simplest homemade burner

To decorate a small board with pyrography or just try your hand at a new business, it is not necessary to buy a professional device.

From a soldering iron or radio components

You can make your own wood burner from a soldering iron. For this, it is better to choose a model with a replaceable sting. Nozzles with the required profile are easy to make from a copper or brass rod.

A practically professional device for burning out can be made according to a scheme with current regulation through the primary winding. To work, you need very few parts: a transformer, several resistors, capacitors and dinistors. The circuit is not particularly complicated, however, the manufacture of the device will require knowledge and skills in working with a soldering iron.

Mini burner

If soldering radio components does not appeal or there is simply no time, you can make a device of the simplest configuration. To make a mini burner you will need:

  • unnecessary power supply (charger) from a mobile phone;
  • syringe needle;
  • sewing needle;
  • material for the handle (wooden skewer or brush handle);
  • soldering iron and solder;
  • shoe thread;
  • electrical tape or heat shrink tubing.

The manufacturing process of the burner is not particularly difficult. You should start by preparing a needle from a syringe. The plastic part bites off from it, in this device it will not be needed.

On wooden handle both needles are attached diametrically opposite. The easiest way to fix them with threads. The sewing needle is gently bent to such an extent that its tip barely touches the tip of the hollow needle from the syringe.

The plug is bitten off from the old power supply, it is also not needed. The ends of the wires are stripped. The wires are soldered to the needles. Polarity doesn't matter. On this manufacturing homemade burner wood is almost finished.

As a final touch, it is necessary to give the product an attractive appearance and create conditions for convenient operation. The wire is tied to the handle. This can be done using the same thick thread. This design will be convenient and reliable, however, it is worth strengthening the thread with glue, and after it hardens, put heat shrink on the handle or wind electrical tape.

Note! The tip heats up almost instantly. The principle of operation of the device is extremely simple: resistance arises between the needles and the needle from the syringe (due to the fact that it is thin-walled) is heated.

Perhaps, such a burner will not be able to make a picture (insufficient power, not the most convenient sting), but to practice and decorate, for example, cutting board can be done with ease.

CNC burner

The burner will help add originality to the interior, diversify it with products self made, but not only. On the manufacture of paintings created by fire, you can make good money. landscapes, decorative panels, portraits, household items and kitchenware with elements of burning are in consistently high demand.

Significantly simplify the creation of masterpieces by burning will allow the use of modern technologies. Machine tools with program control have long become commonplace in woodworking and metalworking shops. There are similar solutions for pyrography. Such a burner can be connected to a personal computer, transfer the required image to it, and it will do the rest by itself.

To make a CNC wood burner with your own hands, you will need much more knowledge and materials. Usually for production purposes, such machines are bought. But for those who want to assemble the device on their own, you can use a laser to burn it out.

In general, there are two directions for the development of CNC burners. They differ in the main working tool.

laser burner

As the name implies, the main part of the machine is a laser. It is from this that its main advantages emerge:

  • high drawing accuracy due to the small contact patch;
  • versatility, the machine can be used when working with wood, leather, films, paper;
  • the burner is immune to changes in temperature and humidity.

As disadvantages, one can mention the low speed of the laser burner and the difficulty in rendering halftones. In addition, the cost of such devices is high.

Burner with nichrome thread

Working part this device- Nichrome filament. Actually, this is a unit turned from a conventional wood burner into a more functional and modern appliance. Its advantages:

  • saturation of the picture;
  • the machine works on wood and leather;
  • high speed of work;
  • lack of granularity characteristic of a laser device;
  • no harmful radiation.

With all the apparent advantages, it was not without its drawbacks. This burner is sensitive to the microclimate of the room. The slightest change in the basic indicators will entail a decrease in the temperature of the sting, as a result, a decrease in the contrast of the pattern. In addition, the working tool has an extremely low service life.

Pyrography as an art appeared in the 18th century, and since then its popularity has only grown. Classic multiplied by modern technologies gives excellent results. Burnout is worth adding to your list of hobbies, no matter how the work is organized. You can buy a simple device, you can make a wood burner with your own hands, the main thing is that the result pleases, and the process brings pleasure.