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Irga - composition, useful properties and contraindications. Potassium permanganate for plant health - reliable and irreplaceable

Irga plant - beneficial features and its contraindications are optimally balanced, it is used in medicinal purposes for the health of the body. There is also harm from it, but it is minimal. Irgi uses berries, flowers, leaves and bark. They make tinctures, fruit drinks, syrups, ointments and rubbing. Familiarize yourself with the contraindications for using parts of the shrub, find out how irga is useful for the body.

What is irga

The irga berry has a dark blue color with a bluish bloom, reminiscent of blackcurrant, but smaller in size (up to 10 mm). A shrub grows in forests, in forests, summer cottages, it is distinguished by its unpretentiousness. In the south and middle lane Irga common or round-leaved from the Rosaceae family is common in Russia; during flowering, it is considered an excellent honey plant.

The leaves of the plant are falling, round-oval, dark green above, light below, turning yellow-red or dark brown in autumn. The flowers are white-cream, collected in corymbose brushes at the ends of the shoots. The fruits of the round-leaved shadberry ripen in July, have a dark blue, almost black color. After drying, they retain all useful properties, are used in traditional medicine, cooking.


The fruits of irgi contain a lot useful substances: pectins, sugar, malic acid, vitamins B, P, ascorbic acid. Lead, cobalt, copper are isolated from trace elements, tannins, flavonoids, sterols, fiber are isolated from organic active substances. There are practically no proteins, fats in fruits, only 12 g per 100 g of carbohydrates. The calorie content of irgi is low - it is 45 kcal per 100 g.

Beneficial features

Based on the rich composition of fruits, leaves, bark, we can identify the following useful properties of irgi:

  • antioxidant - strengthens the immune system, relieves pain, eliminates the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation, increases resistance to stress and infectious diseases relieves depression;
  • prevents the development of oncology, prevents Alzheimer's disease;
  • promotes the excretion of salts of heavy metals, toxins, radionuclides from organisms;
  • prevents the occurrence of vascular diseases, improves heart function;
  • multivitamin remedy for the prevention of atherosclerosis, beriberi, gastrointestinal diseases;
  • vitamin P serves to prevent the development of varicose veins, myocardial infarction, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases their elasticity, and normalizes sleep;
  • Canadian shadberry juice has an astringent effect, has an anti-inflammatory effect, is effective for enterocolitis, gastrointestinal disorders, colitis;
  • fruits have a sedative effect, dietary properties, work effectively with increased nervous excitability, insomnia;
  • due to the content of carotene, vision improves, night blindness is cured, the risk of cataracts is reduced;
  • Irgi juice eliminates the consequences of purulent sore throats, stomatitis, inflammation, periodontal disease effectively strengthens the body due to the prevention of beriberi.

The benefits of irgi for the human body

The irga tree is famous for its fruits, which contain 12% sugars, a certain amount of organic acids, tannins, dyes, vitamins, pectins. There is a lot of fatty oil in the seeds, and tannins in the bark and leaves. Compared to grapes, irga contains more vitamins C, P, carotene, and minerals. Useful properties of the plant for different categories of people:

  1. For men. Serves for the prevention of heart attacks, strokes, atherosclerosis, eliminates sexual disorders that have arisen due to poor vascular function. Irgi berries heal the body, strengthen sleep, increase appetite, and have a tonic effect.
  2. For women. Restores the body after menstruation, stops pressure surges, mood swings, prevents vein diseases, atherosclerosis, normalizes memory.
  3. For those who are losing weight. Suitable for those who limit sugar intake, the low calorie content of fruits allows you to prepare desserts from them.
  4. For pregnant. Reduces blood pressure, eliminates excessive irritability, swelling lower extremities, suitable for the treatment of colds, sleep disorders. Contraindications are low blood pressure in hypotensive patients, allergies. Irga should be consumed by pregnant women in limited quantities.


Irgi fruits contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C and flavonoids, which resist cancerous tumors. Vitamin P strengthens the elasticity of capillary walls. Juice is used for gargling with stomatitis, purulent tonsillitis, raw berries are useful for disorders of the nervous system, insomnia. Healing dried fruits prevent diseases of the kidneys and liver, reduce high pressure and blood clotting, prevent thrombosis.


The main useful property of irgi flowers is the normalization of hypertension and the elimination of heart failure. The shrub blooms in May, then the raw materials are harvested. An infusion of flowers, dry or fresh, is taken chilled for cardiovascular diseases. It tones up the work of muscles, reduces pressure, normalizes sleep, eliminates the feeling of anxiety.


The leaves and bark of the shrub contain a large amount of tannins, which are effective in the treatment of purulent wounds, burns, and gastrointestinal problems. Healing decoctions are prepared from these parts of the irgi. For cooking, you need to take the leaves harvested in May, and the bark collected in the fall. An infusion of the bark is used to prevent diseases of the digestive tract. Irgi leaf tea relieves nervous tension.

The use of irgi in traditional medicine

Fruits, leaves and bark are used in the form of infusions, juice, fruit drink, decoctions, alcohol tinctures. Fresh berries can be used to boost immunity, dried - to prevent viral diseases. Parts of the plant are used for diseases of the vessels, stomach and intestines, diabetes, high cholesterol, and for the health of the nervous system. Contraindication - low blood pressure.

For vascular diseases

In the treatment of atherosclerosis, an infusion of berries will help. Take 2-3 tablespoons of fruit, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Strain the infusion, take half a glass twice a day between meals. With weakness of the vessels, take two glasses of fruit, pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Squeeze to make a concentrated infusion, and drink a glass a day, divided into two doses.

For diabetes

To normalize the work of the pancreas, take a 0.5-liter jar, fill ¾ with fruits and fill to the top with water. Infuse the mixture for three days in a dry, dark place. Take a medicinal decoction of four teaspoons a day. If diabetes has led to phlebitis and ulcers, an infusion of 200 g of leaves and roots of shadberry with 100 g of fruits can be used to treat wounds. horse chestnut, infused with 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos. Wipe the decoction on the affected areas. Contraindication - allergic reactions to the plant.

For gastrointestinal disorders

From diarrhea, gastritis and enterocolitis, a decoction of the bark of irgi will help:

  1. Take 20 g of crushed dry or fresh bark.
  2. Pour 400 ml of boiling water and keep in a water bath under the lid for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Strain, add water, bring to the original volume.
  4. Refrigerate and drink half a glass four times a day.

For intestinal upset:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of dried berries with a glass of boiling water, keep covered for two hours.
  2. Strain, squeeze.
  3. Drink a third cup three times a day half an hour before meals.

For nervous disorders

Leaf tea is used for stress, insomnia and muscle relaxation. Brew it like a regular drink, using 2-4 leaves per glass. Drink warm with honey. To eliminate anxiety, an infusion of 30 g of irgi berries with chokeberry mixed with 10 g mint or lemon balm. Fill the mixture with a liter hot water, leave for an hour, drink before going to bed. Contraindication is individual intolerance.

With hypertension

In cardiovascular diseases accompanied by hypertension, an infusion of fresh or dried flowers with healing properties will help. Pour two tablespoons of raw materials with two cups of boiling water, wrap, leave for three hours. Strain, drink a cold decoction of two tablespoons before meals. If you suffer from hypertension, it is recommended to take 2-3 tablespoons of fresh crushed fruits, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour. Strain, squeeze the infusion, drink 100 ml twice a day between meals.

Harm and contraindications of irgi

In connection with possible harm, negative influence on the body the use of irgi fruits has its contraindications:

  • individual intolerance, allergic reaction to parts of the plant;
  • a contraindication is working with mechanisms, in an area with increased concentration of attention, driving a car;
  • fruits should not be abused by people with low blood pressure;
  • hemophilia is a contraindication due to the properties of berries to reduce blood clotting.


Irga, medlar, currant, amelanchier, honey apple - as soon as they did not name a shrub plant from the Pink family. It is common in Europe, America, Asia, Japan and the Caucasus. Grows wild, cultivars have been bred. The plant is valued for its unpretentiousness, abundant flowering, bright seasonal color of leaves and sweetness of small blue fruits. Outwardly, they resemble large currants, but in fact they are tiny apples.

Useful properties of irgi have been known for a long time - leaves, bark, inflorescences and fruits of the plant are used. In Europe, it became widespread in the 16th century - delicious sweet wine was prepared from the berries.

The plant fell in love in America, where entire plantations are grown for this purpose. The berries are good fresh, they are used to make jams, marmalades, and make stuffing for baking.When dried, they retain their beneficial properties, and taste like raisins.

Composition and calories

Irga berry is a source of bioactive compounds. They contain 29 polyphenolic compounds: anthocyanins, phenolic acids, flavonols, triterpenoids, carotenoids, catechins, chlorophyll and tocopherol.

aidenes in irga and trace elements: manganese, copper, iodine, lead and cobalt.

Irga - a low-calorie product - in 100 gr. contains 45 kcal, so the berry is used in weight loss diets. It speeds up lipid metabolism, which affects weight loss.

What is useful irga is determined by the content of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds. Their protective properties, as well as vitamins and minerals in the composition, reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.

For muscles

Ursolic acid in the composition of irgi resists the development of muscle atrophy caused by aging and various diseases.

For the heart and blood vessels

Vitamin P cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol, lowers blood pressure and normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

For metabolism and diabetics

There was a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood after taking irgi. The berry is recommended for diabetic patients.

For skin

Irga is an excellent skin remedy that is used in cosmetology to make it smooth and soft.

For immunity

In America and Europe, wine from shadberry, jams and jams are found on sale. Choose products in intact packaging and carefully monitor the expiration date.

The genus Irga (Amelanchier ovalis) belongs to the Rosaceae family. Numbering more than two dozen species, the plant in our hemisphere grows everywhere. Irga is not demanding on soil and abundance of moisture, some of its varieties tolerate even forty-degree frosts.

Usually irga grows up to two and a half meters in height, capturing more and more new territories with rhizomes with surface shoots. Its leaves, as if covered with felt, turn bright red, yellow and even burgundy in autumn. Collected in small clusters, the flowers have a creamy hue; their nectar produces excellent honey. Small fruits, ripening, change color from red to blue-violet, almost black.

Irga has many names. In England, it is a shady shrub, a useful or June berry, cinnamon (akin to its Russian name). She received the last name for her resemblance to black grapes. We also call it wine or baby berry. And in the south of France, she is known as "bringing honey." In America, her name sounds - Saskatoon.

Beneficial features

Irga is rich:

  • tannins and dyes;
  • vitamins P, C, B, carotene, trace elements, overtaking grapes in saturation with vitamin C;
  • fiber, pectins;
  • it contains more than 10% sugars.

Its fruits are used:

  • to improve digestion, strengthen the intestines;
  • with avitaminosis;
  • with cardiovascular diseases;
  • its freshly prepared juice is successfully used to treat sore throat with angina, as a dietary remedy. For older people, it helps in strengthening blood vessels and preventing heart attacks and varicose veins. He also contributes better sleep in his disorder.

Infusions of flowers normalize blood pressure, help fight heart weakness.

Leaves because of their astringent properties in the form of infusions are used for diarrhea, pancreatitis, and in addition, they accelerate the healing of wounds.
The bark of the plant, rich in tannins, is also used. A decoction of the bark treats sore throats, burns and wounds. It is also used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Features of making juice from irgi fruits

Irgi juice is a useful dietary product, but it is not squeezed out of freshly harvested fruits. The fruits are stored for several days in a dry place, scattering them in a small layer on paper, and then squeezed. 30% sugar is placed in the squeezed product, heating it until completely dissolved.

Irgi berries are not rich in acids and have a sweetish taste. Therefore, citric acid and (or) other more acidic juices, for example, red or black currants, and some varieties of apples, are added to juice made from shadberry berries. Then the resulting product is sealed and placed in the cold.

Landing and care

One-two-year-old shrub seedlings in autumn or spring are placed in prepared deep (up to half a meter) furrows with a “checkerboard” with a meter interval between them. For planting, it is better to choose sunny places with loose, organic-rich soil. Plants are well watered, mulched with humus or peat. At the same time, no more than 10 cm of the trunk with 4-5 developed buds are left above the ground.

Long or weak branches should also be pruned in a timely manner. It is better that there are few such shoots - 2-3 on one trunk.

A three-year-old bush should have up to a dozen branches; for this, weak, damaged shoots are removed. The plant is responsive to periodic anti-aging pruning.

When propagating irgu with seeds, they should be sown in fertilized beds, watering abundantly. Annual bushes are to be transplanted to permanent place.

The varieties are propagated by grafting cuttings. Rootstock are two-year-old mountain ash.

Of all the variety of varieties of irgi, the most promising, which can be used as a picturesque hedge and because of the delicious fruits, the following species:

alder-leaved shadberry

A shrub that grows up to 4 meters in autumn has a bright yellow color. Its fruits are quite large and sweet. 10 kg of berries are obtained from one bush.

Canadian shadberry

Reaches 8 m. It has pink, bright red or purple leaves, acquiring an autumn copper or orange color. The fruits of this variety of shrubs are smaller than the previous berries, but very tasty, and the flowers are of particular beauty. The bush gives 6 kg of fruit.

Irga blood red

Not a very tall shrub, with an average yield, its almost black small berries have a very pleasant taste and aroma. Foliage changes color from bright green to orange.


High-yielding plant with very beautiful flowers and elegant foliage. And the berries of this variety are very juicy and sweet. The plant does not require labor intensive care.

homemade recipes

Irgi jam

The sorted, washed berries are blanched for a couple of minutes. Then they are poured with 60% hot syrup, bringing to a boil over low heat. Dessert is insisted for half a day, then it is boiled with the addition of 1 g citric acid for every liter of jam. For 1 kg of berries you need less than half a kilogram of sugar. You can add a little more black or red currant.

Compote of shadberry berries with red or black currant

For its preparation, take 2 parts of the fruits of irgi and 1 part of other berries. Berries washed and put into jars are poured with 50% syrup. The filled containers in a saucepan with water are brought to a boil and left for another 5 minutes, and then rolled up.

Irgi puree

The washed berries are placed in boiling water for a couple of minutes, allowed to drain, rubbed through a sieve or ground. Then an equal amount of sugar is added, mixed and allowed to cool. The finished product is laid out in jars and, closing thick paper stored in a cold place.

The berries are also dried, dried, while getting an excellent substitute for raisins.

Irga (video)

Wine, baby berry, cinnamon is a wonderful plant that has a decorative purpose, used in medicine, dietetics and cooking. It is easy to breed on personal plot. Irga is unpretentious, frost-resistant, has beautiful leaves, fragrant flowers and tasty berries. For treatment, use all parts of the shrub (except the roots). Vitaminized juice, jams, mashed potatoes, preserves are made from its fruits, which serve as a delicious filling for baking and are an independent wonderful dessert.

Usually gardeners pay a lot of attention to various ornamental plants requiring great care. However, not whimsical crops, such as the irga tree, are abandoned and located in an inconspicuous corner of the site.

In many countries, the plant is grown as an ornamental, it has a bright and beautiful flowering. In autumn the leaves turn red and yellow. When berries appear on the irga, birds fly into the garden. In addition, the berries are very tasty and children love them very much.

Shrub types

The irga shrub has about 20 varieties. Basically, they all grow in North America. In nature, they can grow in the most unexpected places, climbing to a height of about 2 km. Sometimes they can be found even in the tundra zone, where conditions are quite harsh.

The most common culture in our country is round-leaved irga. She came to us from the Crimea and the Caucasus. Very often, irgu can be found on the edges of forests and near small groups of trees. She "settles" in this way thanks to the birds who love her very much.

Irgi properties

Irgi berries do not contain sugar. As they mature, the content of various vitamin groups and microelements increases in them. They are knit and have a slightly acid taste.

Such properties are due to tannins and a large number acid, most of which is malic acid.

Jam, wine, jam is made from the fruits of irgi. They can be dried, canned and juiced.

They choke best a week after harvest. Often the game is used in a mixture with other fruits.

Due to its rich composition, irga has such useful properties as:

  • Removal of inflammation;
  • Helps with colds;
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • Has an antibacterial effect.

As a rule, we do not really care about the fact that such a plant will certainly be on the site. It often appears on its own. Its seeds are well spread by birds.

Along with this, it is quite popular with Western gardeners, because it has a bright, attractive appearance. Blooming irga is very beautiful in spring, in summer during fruiting and in autumn during leaf fall.

Many garden compositions are created around the irgi. So, if you don’t have such ideas yet, you can peep them from your “colleagues” on various photos irgi.

Growing a plant

In general, you won’t have to think in a special way about how to plant an irgu. This culture is not whimsical enough. It can grow in various types soils and withstand severe frosts.

Certainly, the best option for it will be well-moistened, fertile soil. Irgi will not have any special claims for placement on the territory. Like other shrubs, she loves Sun rays but not very intense. It can be planted along the fence or at home, where most shadow prevails.

Irgi is planted using standard methods for shrubs. It is best that it be a one-year-old or two-year-old sapling of irgi. It needs to be planted at a depth greater than it grew before - 5-10 cm will be enough. This will form strong root shoots.

Usually bushes are planted in a checkerboard pattern, at a distance of up to 2 meters from each other. For planting, you will need to dig deep furrows so that the roots comfortably “sit down” in it.

The easiest way to propagate irgi is to divide the bush during transplantation. In addition, you can plant it with a green cutting (in summer).

There is also an option to plant seeds of berries, however, this must be a crop of the same year. After planting, for example, a bush, landing pit you need to pour abundantly with 8-10 liters of water and mulch the soil with the same earth or peat.

Special care for the bush is not required. You can sometimes prune along with the trees. To do this, you need to remove old trunks and keep strong ones, you also need to get rid of diseased or affected shoots.

Irga bears fruit every year. If there are several bushes on the site, then the crop can be quite large. It is harvested in July in several passes, as the berries ripen unevenly.

You can keep them fresh for a couple of days. room temperature. If you plan to keep them longer, it is better to put them in the refrigerator.

Photo of irgi

XIX century. The attention of the buyers of one of the Moscow markets was attracted by the stalls with an outlandish blue berry covered with a bluish bloom. Overseas merchants glibly praised the product, passing it off as Corinthian grapes, known since Ancient Greece its sweetness and thin skin. Those wishing to try an unfamiliar delicacy appreciated its unusual, delicate taste. So in Russia for the first time appeared currant, or irga, the beneficial properties of which are also appreciated by our contemporaries. It is believed that the name of the plant is rooted in the Proto-Slavic language (which became the basis of all Slavic languages) and means "something unprecedented, unfamiliar, overseas."

The composition and useful properties of the plant

In the Caucasus and Crimea, in the Urals and Siberia, you can find these unpretentious spreading shrubs of the Pink family with oval leaves of rich green color. In the spring they dress up in fragrant snow-white flowers, in the fall they change their decoration to a bright crimson. And in the summer there is a scattering of dark blue fruits, similar to miniature apples, about 10 mm in diameter, with juicy and sweet pulp.

But the plant pleases us not only with its beauty. Irga has useful properties that help a person maintain youth, activity and excellent health for a long time.

Due to the unique composition, the berries are valued not only for their palatability but also a healing effect on the human body.

  • The high content of fructose and sugar gives the fruits a special sweet taste, it is not for nothing that the other name of the irgi is a honey bush.
  • Pectin is considered the orderly of the body, it absorbs and removes toxins, radionuclides, salts of heavy metals, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, having a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels.
  • Antioxidants activate the human immune system, accelerate cell regeneration, strengthen nervous system.
  • Rutin, or vitamin P, makes blood vessels elastic and strong, slows down the aging process, fights cholesterol plaques.
  • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, participates in the process of growth and repair of tissue cells.
  • Beauty vitamin B2 is responsible for beauty skin, the state of the nervous and digestive systems, disease resistance.
  • Vitamin A improves vision, the state of the reproductive system, is a means of preventing tumor formations, strengthens the immune defense of a person.
  • Organic acids are responsible for metabolic processes in the human body and the acid-base balance.
  • Tannins have astringent, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties.
  • Fiber is a special dietary fiber that enhances the motility of the human stomach and intestines.
  • A large number of trace elements - iodine, lead, copper, manganese, cobalt - is involved in all biochemical processes occurring in the human body.

Thanks to this unique composition and healing properties the plant is often referred to as a potent herbal antibiotic.

The blue color of any fruit indicates the presence in their composition of vitamins and trace elements necessary to maintain the health of our blood vessels, heart, stomach and intestines, as well as to prevent beriberi.

Indications for use

Medieval treatises on medicine have survived to our times, in which healers often mention irga as an indispensable medicinal drug. Today, the valuable properties of the plant are undeservedly forgotten and practically not used. And completely in vain - after all, this is the simplest and most effective way restore and improve health.

The use of irgi berries brings beneficial changes for the body:

  • strengthens blood vessels, which is an excellent prevention of stroke, atherosclerosis and heart attack;
  • prevents the development of eye diseases, especially cataracts, improves twilight vision;
  • calms the nervous system, relieving depression, insomnia, the effects of nervous stress and emotional overstrain;
  • due to the presence of tannins and astringents, it easily copes with diseases of the oral cavity and gums - gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis;
  • relieves hypertension and heart rhythm disturbances;
  • restores the inflamed stomach and intestines with gastritis or colitis, and a decoction of irgi berries can easily cope with poisoning and diarrhea;
  • cleanses the skin of purulent wounds and rashes, improving the regeneration of epidermal cells;
  • treats kidney and liver diseases;
  • beneficial effect on veins with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • is a good remedy for the treatment of angina.

Irgi berries will protect the body of a person who works a lot at a computer from the effects of harmful electromagnetic radiation.

Medicinal properties are possessed not only by the fruits of irgi, but also by its leaves, flowers and bark. Tincture of dried flowers of shadberry in the fight against high blood pressure and heart failure is more effective than many medicines. A decoction of the bark, rich in tannins, relieves wounds and bedsores, diseases of the stomach and intestines. With angina and acute respiratory infections, they gargle with them. And the infusion of leaves - the best remedy with periodontal disease. Flowers and leaves are harvested in May, fruits are harvested during their ripening period, and September is best for harvesting the bark.

Benefits for Women

Many traditional healers call irgu a female berry, and not without reason - its benefits for female body undeniable.

During pregnancy, sweet medicine will favorably affect the condition of the expectant mother:

  • increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • reduce the manifestations of toxicosis due to the high content of vitamins;
  • will become a source of trace elements necessary for the proper formation of the fetus, primarily magnesium;
  • get rid of such unpleasant accompanying symptoms like high blood pressure, edema, insomnia, nervous irritability;
  • help to cure a cold without resorting to medication.

During menopause, fresh berries, tinctures and decoctions will help get rid of painful symptoms: irritability, insomnia, hypertension, heart palpitations and severe uterine bleeding.

What woman does not dream of healthy, young, beautiful skin and a taut, slender figure? A few berries of shadberry a day will help maintain vigor and good mood, and the skin will be made toned and fresh, thanks to the large amount of vitamins, antioxidants and pectin contained in the fruits.

The value of fruits for men

Statistics show that the male body is more likely to suffer from diseases of the heart and blood vessels than the female. The risk group is made up of men who have crossed the 60-year mark. At this age, irgi berries will be especially useful, because under their influence much-needed biological processes will start:

  • the vessels will be cleansed and strengthened;
  • blood pressure will decrease;
  • the work of the heart will improve;
  • sleep and appetite will improve.

Irga must be present in the diet of men working on hazardous industries. Due to the presence of pectin and antioxidants in its composition, traces of heavy metals, toxins and toxins will be removed from the body without a trace.

Is it possible to give irga to children

It is not recommended to give irgi berries to children under 5 years of age. Irga, like all fruits of red or of blue color, is quite allergenic and can cause an unexpected reaction in a small child. In addition, a side effect of such a delicacy is a rapid decrease in pressure, which can lead to dizziness, nausea, weakness, and even loss of consciousness.

Irga will bring great benefits to older children. It will become a source of trace elements necessary for mental and physical development, calm the baby's nerves, improve sleep, remove fears, increase endurance and performance. And freshly squeezed shadberry juice is an excellent antiseptic, it can be smeared with broken knees and insect bites.

The Polzateevo magazine recommends that you make sure that the child does not overeat sweet fruits. Remember: everything is good in moderation. The daily intake of irgi for a child is no more than 50 grams per day. Otherwise, expect digestive problems.

Irga for diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a complex disease characterized by high blood sugar levels and whole line serious consequences:

  • excessive weight gain;
  • drop in visual acuity;
  • thinning and fragility of blood vessels;
  • malfunctions of the immune system, which entail frequent colds, diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx;
  • body intoxication.

Irgi berries are able to prevent or alleviate all these painful conditions, so they will be useful for diabetics. The only condition is not to exceed the daily intake of fruits due to the presence of sugar.

Irga with pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas due to a violation of the outflow of digestive juice and enzymes. These substances accumulate and destroy not only the tissues of the gland itself, but also the blood vessels. This condition is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and other painful symptoms.

A decoction of shadberry leaves containing tannins will stop diarrhea and relieve inflammation. An infusion of berries will also be useful in this situation. Vitamins will relieve nausea, activate the immune system, antioxidants will improve metabolic processes, and pectin will remove toxins from the body, improving the patient's well-being.

How to use irgu

The benefits of irgi berries have been tested by time, they are useful in any form: fresh, dried, frozen. Interestingly, even after heat treatment, this plant does not lose its healing properties.

For medicinal purposes, the following are most often used.

  • Berry infusion - 2-3 tablespoons of fruits are poured with a glass of boiling water and left to infuse for 30 minutes. Strained infusion is taken ½ cup in the morning and evening for hypertension, atherosclerosis, eye and stomach diseases.
  • Infusion of bark - pour a tablespoon of bark with a glass of boiling water and hold for 15 minutes over low heat. Then insist a couple of hours and take ¼ cup twice a day for diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • flower infusion- pour a handful of dried flowers of irgi with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 2 tablespoons three times a day for high blood pressure and heart rhythm disturbances.

Irgi berries are also widely used in cooking: compotes, jams, tinctures, fillings for pies, marshmallows - such dishes will conquer the most sophisticated gourmets with their delicate taste.

Be careful!

Useful properties of irgi leave no doubt that it belongs to medicinal plants. But, like any medicine, these fruits can bring both benefit and harm.

  • People suffering from allergies should eat berries with great care. Because of high content anthocyanins - substances that cause the dark blue color of fruits - irga becomes the strongest allergen.
  • There is no need to get carried away with treats for hypotensive patients, as there is a danger of pressure drop to critical levels.
  • Do not abuse the delicacy of the sick diabetes due to the high concentration of sugar in the fruit.
  • Substances contained in the fruits of irgi contribute to blood thinning. Therefore, they are strictly contraindicated in people suffering from hemophilia - blood incoagulability - and prone to bleeding.
  • Berries have a relaxing and calming effect. Do not eat them in situations that require increased concentration.

Do not eat berry berries with milk. The dangerous "neighborhood" of milk proteins and tannins is highly likely to lead to diarrhea.

It is worth remembering that in no case should you collect irgu in places with unfavorable environmental conditions or near roads. Fruits have the ability to accumulate salts of heavy metals and toxins found in the earth, water and air, and the beneficial properties of irgi in such circumstances will be reduced to zero.

Plant the irgu on suburban area. This plant is sure to please the eye and maintain your health for many years.