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Why does the tangerine tree dry. What to do when indoor tangerine sheds leaves

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Why do the leaves of the indoor tangerine fall?

All those who grow tangerines at home, probably at least once in their lives, have encountered the problem that leaves fall off indoor tangerines. Unfortunately, this is not the only disease that can overtake this beautiful tree.

Growing a tangerine tree is possible at home, if you follow the necessary care.

Indoor mandarin is valued by flower growers not only as a fruit-bearing tree, but also as a plant that has an incredible aesthetic effect. It looks very beautiful during the flowering period, its flowers smell very gentle and attractive, and when it is covered with fragrant orange fruits, all eyes are riveted only to it.

Modern scientists-breeders have also bred a dwarf tangerine, especially so that it can be kept not only on the street, but also in a city apartment. Its leaves may different reasons dry up, curl up, turn yellow, fall off in very large quantities. The ovary, which was formed for the further appearance of the fetus, may fall off even before the fruit has time to ripen, and if the fruits do appear, then their color, shape, size, taste qualities change significantly for the worse. In order to prevent this from happening, the owner of the plant, when buying an indoor tangerine, needs to tune in to the fact that the tree will require careful daily care. If a person, due to life circumstances, forgetfulness, laziness or something else, cannot carry out this care, then it is better to leave such a plant in the store.

Since mandarin requires a long daylight hours, it is better to use a phytolamp.

As soon as indoor tangerine will be purchased, care for him will have to begin from the very first day of his appearance in an apartment or house.

First you have to choose the right place where the tangerine will stand. It is very difficult to do this. This raises another problem. Indoor tangerine loves very much sunlight, and daylight hours, which happens in middle lane Russia, it is clearly not enough for normal growth, development and fruiting, so the mandarin will have to provide additional lighting and extend daylight hours so that he feels good and does not get sick. Also, to care for a tangerine, you need competent watering, which will have to be done only on time for the health of the tree. In addition, such a plant, like many others, will have to be fertilized, otherwise it may lead to various diseases.

Causes of the disease

During the dormant period, the foliage curls and falls.

It must be said right away that the leaves of indoor mandarin fall off quite often, and this does not always indicate illness. The most common cause of leaf drop is that the plant has gone dormant. What can be done to stop the leaves from falling off? You need to move the tree to a room where the temperature is cooler, as well as reduce watering and stop fertilizing, and if fertilizing, then in small quantities. This period usually starts late autumn and ends in late winter or in early spring. Those people who have had indoor tangerine in the house for more than a year already know its “habits”, and therefore they already take the tree to a cool place in advance and avoid the fact that too many leaves fall.

Leaves can fall off for the most banal reason that every grower should know about: the plant is just hot, the air in the room is dry. If it is not possible to move the plant to a colder place, then you need to spray the leaves and crown of the plant from a spray bottle daily, and preferably several times a day, in order to create additional air humidification. Next to the pot or tub where the tree sits, you need to put a basin or a bottle of water. Water will evaporate, which will create additional humidity in the air. The soil in the pot must not be allowed to dry out. Usually, such a period when the air is too dry and the plant needs additional care happens in summer and in heating season in winter.

The reason that the leaves fall from the indoor tangerine may be that the plant was transplanted incorrectly. Therefore, it is worth remembering whether the transplant was carried out in Lately? What mistakes can be made when transplanting indoor tangerine? First of all, an inexperienced grower can plant a tree too deep into the soil, but this cannot be done. Or perhaps a small plant was placed in a pot too big for it. If the plant has really been recently transplanted and there is a risk that it was done incorrectly, then it must be transplanted again, observing these requirements. And if everything is done right, then the leaves should stop falling.

Very often, “leaf fall” is also caused by the factor that the plant lacks potassium in the soil. In order to replenish it, you need to buy a special fertilizer called potassium nitrate. You need to ask him flower shop Read the instructions carefully and apply in a timely manner.

The leaves of an indoor tangerine can turn yellow and fall off, because cold drafts often walk in the room where it stands, or because the plant is flooded, and it does not need so much moisture. In addition, this can happen because the plant is not provided with additional lighting, which is vital for it.

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Leaves turn yellow

If the mandarin leaves turn yellow and fall off in large quantities, then you need to think that the plant could be attacked by a spider mite. In order to verify this, you need to take a magnifying glass and look at the leaves of the plant. Most likely, it will be possible to see pests with your own eyes. How to deal with them and how to help the plant?

To do this, you do not need to poison the tick with special solutions, you just need big piece laundry soap. Before destroying spider mite, tangerine should be taken to the bathroom and its crown and leaves should be thoroughly washed in the shower - this procedure alone will wash away the bulk of the pests from the plant. But that is not all.

Next, you need to take a bucket or basin, dilute laundry soap in it so that you get a saturated solution and a lot of foam. You need to take a rag or cotton pad and each leaf of the plant, trying not to miss a single one, you need to wipe soapy water with foam. This will kill the spider mite and its eggs. The next day, the plant should be washed again in the shower and washed off the remnants of soap from it. After a few days, the procedure will have to be repeated. In order to completely destroy the spider mite from your indoor tangerine, three procedures will be enough, and the place where the tangerine stood must be thoroughly washed using the same laundry soap, and the plant should recover.

When growing mandarin, various problems can occur, for example, drying, curling, yellowing and falling of leaves, shedding of ovaries, shredding and deterioration. palatability fruits. Many diseases occur due to a lack of trace elements in the soil, with a lack of light and moisture. That is why you should choose the right location for the citrus, if necessary, provide additional lighting, thus increasing the daylight hours, water it in a timely manner, apply fertilizers, and take the tree out into the fresh air in warm weather.

Mandarin leaves are falling

Quite often, one can observe that leaves fall off a mandarin, but this phenomenon does not always indicate a plant disease. The tree can shed its leaves during the dormant period, which usually lasts from late October to mid-February. In this case, you need to place the tree in a cool room with a temperature of 14-17 ° C and reduce the amount of watering.

Leaves can also fall off when the air is too dry. This can be observed in the summer and during the heating season. In this case, you should spray the crown daily, and place a container of water near the pot, this will help humidify the air near the tree.

The cause of leaf fall can also be an incorrect transplant, when the root collar is buried in the soil, or the citrus is planted in a too large pot. It is necessary to eliminate these shortcomings and observe the plant. If the leaf fall has not stopped, you should look for another reason.

Quite often, mandarin leaf fall causes a lack of potassium in the soil. To make up for it, potassium nitrate is used as a fertilizer.

In addition, the leaves turn yellow and fall off with drafts in the room, excessive soil moisture, and lack of light.

Mandarin leaves turn yellow

Many gardeners are faced with the fact that mandarin leaves turn yellow. Most often, the reason lies in the lack of minerals. So, with a nitrogen deficiency, the lower leaves of citrus first turn yellow and gradually all the rest. To replenish nitrogen in the soil, for example, either ammonium sulfate is used, or. With a lack of iron, the leaf plate acquires a light yellow color, the disease develops chlorosis. Chlorosis first covers young leaves, then spreads to old ones. For prevention this disease Once a month, the plant is treated with iron chelate.

Yellowing of the plate may be due to insufficient lighting or too tight a pot. The problem can be solved by transferring the plant to a larger pot with fresh nutrient soil.

Why does the tangerine turn yellow

Another reason why the tangerine turns yellow may be the invasion of the spider mite. The pest infects the leaf plate and sucks the juices from the plant, which leads to yellowing and leaf fall. In order to see the spider mite, you should use a magnifying glass. In the presence of this pest, you need to wipe the plant with soapy water.

For its preparation in warm water add a small amount of laundry soap, make a thick foam, then use a cloth or cotton swab to wipe the leaves and stalks of citrus with foam. Thus, the tick and its oviposition are removed.

Before processing, it is recommended to rinse the wood under the shower. Wash off after this procedure most of insect. The next day after the soap treatment, the remaining soap is washed off in the shower. After 2-3 days, re-treatment is carried out. For the complete destruction of the spider mite, it is necessary to carry out 3 treatments of the tree with soapy water. The place where the affected mandarin stood is thoroughly washed.

Mandarin leaves dry

Sometimes it happens that the mandarin leaves dry, and then crumble. If a dry brown crust has formed on the edges of the leaf plate, the reason is an excess of moisture in the soil. In this case, the tree should be transplanted into fresh, breathable soil with a predominance of leafy soil and good drainage. If rotten roots are found during transplantation, they must be removed.

Often, citrus leaves dry due to lack of moisture. You can reanimate a diseased plant as follows. Put the pot in a bowl of water room temperature so that the water is flush with the rim of the pot. After that, you need to start watering the ground from above. When the soil is completely wet and stops bubbling, drain excess water. Then spray the tree with the preparation "Epin" at the rate of 1 ml per 2 liters of water. Spraying is carried out 2 times a week. This method will allow you to reanimate even a very dried plant.

Many mandarin diseases develop due to improper care and micronutrient deficiencies in the soil. To grow a healthy fruit-bearing tree, it is important to keep this tropical crop in its usual conditions, to follow the slightest external changes and timely take measures to eliminate diseases.

Mandarin leaves turn yellow and fall off for several reasons. This is the result of improper care, the plant may go to rest or be struck by disease. To effectively fix the problem, proper diagnosis is necessary, which only experienced growers. So, why do mandarin leaves turn yellow and fall off? Treatment from specialists detailed photo. Optimal conditions growing a plant.

Why do tangerine leaves fall? Treatment of the disease

Often, the leaves of the mandarin fall in late autumn. Why? In the period from the end of October to the beginning of February, in room conditions, the plant begins a dormant period. This is due to shorter daylight hours.

Although citrus fruits in their natural environment will not fall leaves for the winter, when home cultivation rest period is essential. Without winter dormancy, it may die mature plant, whose age exceeds 3-4 years. What to do? If the mandarin leaves fall in autumn, it is transferred to a cool room, the air temperature in which does not exceed +18 degrees. Here, additional lighting is organized using fluorescent lamp at 20-40 watts, it will provide 12 hours of daylight. Watering is reduced, since a plant without leaves consumes little moisture. Top dressing is not applied to the ground until the onset of a period of intensive growth (end of February - beginning of March).

If it's summer outside, then why does the mandarin's leaves fall? Leaf fall is often a reaction to unfavorable growing conditions. Often this is the result of waterlogging or overdrying of the soil, perhaps these two factors alternate. Regular watering with uniform moistening of the earthy coma is important for mandarin. In summer, it is watered 2 times a week after the topsoil has dried. In winter, watering is reduced significantly, as citrus fruits go to rest. With waterlogging and overdrying, the root system suffers. That is why in both cases it is necessary to place the tangerine in a greenhouse. This plastic bag, which does not touch the leaves of the flower. Watering under the greenhouse is reduced, more sprayed. Epin is added to the water for spraying, for irrigation - once a week root. There should be moist air under the greenhouse. It is aired every day for 15 minutes. The greenhouse can be removed for a longer time, thus accustoming the flower to room conditions, if the leaves no longer fall off and new ones appear.

Leaves fall if indoor tangerine was transplanted incorrectly. In this case, we are talking about a violation of the integrity of the earthy coma around the roots. It is correct if the tangerine is transferred into a pot, the diameter of which is 1-2 cm larger than the previous one, without violating the integrity of the earthen lump. If nevertheless homemade tangerine transplanted and its leaves fall 1-2 weeks after transplantation, it is necessary to put the flower under the greenhouse (how to do it is described in the previous paragraph), reduce watering (in order to reduce the load on the root system), pay more attention to spraying.

Mandarin sheds leaves if the size of the pot has been greatly increased as a result of the transplant. Here we are talking about waterlogging the substrate in a pot. The root system of the plant has not yet occupied the entire volume of soil provided to it. An excess of moisture will accumulate here, which leads to rotting of the roots. In this case, watering should be reduced, wait for the soil to dry, and then water moderately, you need to add root root to the water once a week. Regular spraying with epin will not interfere, do not carry out top dressing, provide the flower with proper lighting, in winter you need to highlight it with a fluorescent lamp.

If a tangerine sheds all its leaves, can it be saved? In this case, you need to find out if its root system has not rotted or dried out. To do this, the plant is carefully removed from the pot, without violating the integrity of the earthy coma, and the roots are examined. They should be elastic and have a light cut. Otherwise, the flower cannot be helped. Next, the plant is returned to the pot and placed under the greenhouse. You can not water it without leaves. The soil can be kept slightly moist, it must be dry on top. Next, the plant is placed under a greenhouse and sprayed, be sure to use epin.

Why do tangerine leaves turn yellow? How to treat the disease?

Mandarin leaves turn yellow if he stands in direct sunlight without shading. In this case, not only the crown of the flower suffers, but also its root system.

Leaves in direct sunlight get burned. In this case, the mandarin leaves become stained, turn yellow and fall off. The root system under the sun overheats, and therefore does not absorb moisture well. This affects the crown. She turns yellow again and falls off. You can also not spray the flower in hot weather. This is best done either in the morning or late in the evening. If the room where the tangerine grows is very hot in summer, then they organize it in the room good ventilation air and be sure to shade the flower. In winter, mandarin can not be grown with high temperature. This exhausts the plant, it needs to arrange a dormant period. So, if the flower turns yellow, then it must be shaded, the earthen coma is not allowed to overheat, watered so that it has time to dry upper layer soil. Here you can use root. Spraying is required, epin is added here.

Leaves turn yellow at room tangerine if it lacks trace elements. In this case, we are talking about chlorosis. Lemon leaves turn yellow, but the veins on them remain green. You can cure a flower with regular top dressing, which includes trace elements such as iron, zinc, sulfur, manganese and magnesium.

With a lack of phosphorus in the soil, young mandarin leaves may turn yellow. They lose their gloss, develop narrow and long. In such conditions, tangerine does not bloom. What to do? It is necessary to regularly feed the plant complex fertilizers. Important!!! Mandarin can be watered only with boiled, settled water. Otherwise, calcium accumulates in the soil (it looks like a white coating on the top layer of the soil). It prevents the roots from absorbing nutrients.

There are many resources on the Internet dedicated to citrus fruits. Studying the most popular of them, I constantly come across newcomers who are trying to find the answer to the same question: " Why are my lemon leaves turning yellow and falling off?". To each such question, I answer that most of the problems of citrus fruits are associated with the root system. If the loss of foliage becomes massive, it is necessary to check the root system. I have already described all this in the topic "", but today I want to touch on this topic again and write in more detail, especially since it was necessary to save a seemingly healthy plant again.

History of leaf fall

A few months ago, I was happy with the acquisition of an adult and very beautiful citrus -. It was with a ripe fruit, which I plucked for tasting. At that moment, I was very alerted by the wet "heavy" soil, which seemed to have been taken right next to the store. However, after several days of acclimatization, he not only showed no ailments, but also gave a good increase in c. Fruits were successfully tied from flowers and the plant as a whole made me very happy.

The only sad thing was that, along with the plant in this store, I also acquired a formidable pest -. After the discovery, the tree was immediately moved to a new location so as not to endanger the entire collection. And then the problems began: 1-2 leaves flew around a day, which looked healthy, and only upon careful examination was a slightly yellowed vein visible. There was no massive leaf fall, but the leaves fell slowly over several weeks. I associated all this with a change in conditions of detention and a pest. But when I stopped noticing the mealybug for a long time and acclimatization had to be completed, I began to worry, but I could not guess what was the reason for the fall of leaves on citrus.

Problem detection

In the store, Chinotto was put in an ugly black bucket. Today I decided to buy a normal white pot and make a transshipment, replacing, if necessary, part of the soil and at the same time making an audit of the roots. What could be assumed by looking at a plant that gave young shoots and set fruit:

But, having taken the tree out of the pot, I began to be horrified: the earthen clod was not braided, and the roots that were adjacent to the walls were rotten:

Taken measures

I realized that a simple transshipment will definitely not end the matter. I had to free the roots from bad soil, but in the center there was an incomprehensible mixture, similar to petrified clay with sand, which could not be easily got rid of:

The picture is scary, isn't it? It is still not clear to me how, with such a state of the root system, the tree not only did not die, but also tried to give growth, as well as bear fruit.

To remove the petrified clay, it was necessary to soak the roots in water for half an hour, adding four caps of the Rooting agent (manufacturer Gilea) there. I don’t have another, and with such a resuscitation of a kumquat, at least he did not interfere.

During the time that the soil soaked, I prepared a light soil mixture consisting of leaf humus and black soil in a ratio of approximately 4: 1:

Indoor citrus plants require the maintenance of a microclimate similar to the natural one. If the rules of care are not followed, the trees begin to hurt. It is important to understand why the mandarin leaves fall and take action, otherwise the plant may die.

Physiological features

In late autumn, the mandarin goes into a dormant stage. This period lasts until the end of winter or the beginning of spring. If not provided at this time optimum temperature And correct mode watering, the plant will begin to shed its leaves.

To prevent this problem, the pot with the tree is transferred to a cooler place (temperature + 14-17 ° C). Watering is reduced, because citrus without leaves does not need in large numbers water. Feeding is completely stopped.

Wrong conditions of detention

If it is summer outside and the tangerine sheds its leaves, the reason may be that the habitat is not appropriate for the culture.


Under natural conditions, tangerine grows in warm countries, so at home it is worth providing it with a comfortable temperature regime. The indicators should be at the level of + 20-25 ° С. When the culture begins to form buds, the temperature is maintained at about +20 ° C.


Mandarin can drop leaves when the air is too dry. This situation is often observed in summer during the heat or in winter during the heating season. For supporting optimal humidity air near the plant, a container with water is installed and sprayed regularly (in the morning or in the evening). You can also increase the humidity with indoor fountain, aquarium or humidifier.

A humidifier installed in the room has a beneficial effect on mandarin


Lack of light is one of the most common factors for leaf fall. Sometimes the plant does not have enough light after rearranging furniture or during the cold season.

Actions in this case:

  • install tangerine tree to a place with high level natural lighting: balcony, loggia, window sill of the south or southeast window;
  • add light with phytolamps or daylight lamps with a short daylight hours.

From direct sun rays protect the plant by shading it. Otherwise, the leaves will get burned, stained, turn yellow and fall off. The root system overheats and does not absorb moisture well, which also affects the condition of the tree.

Wrong care

The leaves of the mandarin turn yellow, and then wither, including due to improper care of the plant.


An excess of moisture is evidenced by dry leaves along the edges with a brown crust. The abundance of moisture often provokes rotting of the roots. To check, the plant is carefully removed from the pot along with a clod of earth. If the root system is sick, the citrus should be transplanted and the rotten parts removed. The soil is changed, drainage is equipped.

If the tangerine has dried up from a lack of water, you can try to reanimate it:

  • water at room temperature is collected in a basin;
  • a plant is placed in it so that the liquid is at the level of the edge of the pot;
  • watering is done from above until bubbles stop forming in the soil;
  • remove, allow excess liquid to drain;
  • tangerine tree 2 times a week is treated with the stimulant "Epin" (1 ml per 2 liters of water).

If the tangerine is dried up from a lack of water, the drug "Epin" will help

At home, citrus in the warm season is watered 1-2 times a day. Deviations in one direction or another lead to bad consequences. Allow the topsoil to dry out between waterings.

top dressing

Yellowing and falling leaves are often associated with a lack of nutrients in the ground:

  1. Nitrogen - first the lower leaves change color, then the upper ones. To eliminate the problem, nitrogen-containing substances are added: ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate.
  2. Iron - develops a disease called chlorosis. Young leaves turn light yellow, after a while old ones are also affected. To prevent the problem, once a month the culture is treated with iron chelate.
  3. Potassium - leaves begin to fall. In this case, potassium nitrate must be added according to the attached instructions.
  4. Phosphorus - leaf plates become small and narrow, lose their gloss, tangerine does not bloom. It is good to feed with complex mineral products.

Excess fertilizer is also harmful to mandarin. Purchased preparations for citrus should be used strictly according to the instructions, taking into account the phases of plant development. It is important to use boiled and settled water for irrigation, otherwise calcium accumulates in the soil (this is evidenced by white coating on its surface), which prevents the tree from absorbing useful substances.

Watering mandarin should only be settled water


If after transplanting the plant began to lose leaves, the process was performed incorrectly. It is necessary to repeat the procedure, taking into account the recommendations:

  1. The soil must have a certain composition: soddy land (50%), in equal parts leafy land, humus, sand.
  2. Drainage should be laid at the bottom.
  3. The pot should match the size of the root system. Growing citrus in a container that is too small or too large will cause leaf drop. The size of the container is increased gradually.

If the root system is damaged, it is washed and treated with heteroauxin or other antiseptic. The plant is placed in a smaller pot with improved drainage.

transplant young healthy tree follows every year. Starting from the age of 7 - 2 times a year. Be sure to transplant after purchase, because store tangerines are planted in peat, in which the supply of nutrients is minimal.

Incorrect reproduction

Inexperienced growers can graft healthy citrus onto trifoliate. Then the plant will definitely shed its leaves, because a deciduous tree was chosen as a stock. Mandarin may even die.

Trifoliata with scion has different biorhythms. In winter, it requires complete rest, while cultivated citrus in room conditions carries out vital processes, albeit at a slower pace. For vaccination at home, trifoliate is suitable only when the temperature environment lower to + 5-10 ° С.


To find out the reason why mandarin leaves turn yellow, you should carefully examine the plant for pests:

  1. Spider mite. You can only see it under a magnifying glass. Recognize the insect by the web that forms on the leaves. The tick sucks the juices out of the plant.
  2. Shchitovka. It resembles aphids, but is a great danger to the plant. As a result, lesions on the leaves appear dark spots, and over time, sticky discharge.

To overcome the tick, the plant is placed under warm shower. The remaining pests are neutralized with a soap solution using a sponge, wiping the stems and leaf blades with it. The next day, the culture is again placed under the shower - in this way soap residue is removed.

For the complete destruction of insects, about 3 treatments are performed with an interval of 2-3 days. You also need to thoroughly wash the place where the flowerpot stands. Against pests, insecticides are used, which are bought in flower shops.


Often tangerine leaves fall under the influence of several factors at once. This fact should be taken into account when diagnosing a disease and choosing a method of dealing with it.

Measures must be taken immediately, because the plant feeds and breathes with the help of leaves. It is worth making sure that the culture is not exposed to drafts, which adversely affect the health of the tree.