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Rehabilitation after removal of genital warts by laser. All about papillomas and condylomas. Contraindications for laser removal of genital warts

Please respond to those who removed warts with a radio knife or laser. Can you tell me how the healing went? how long did it take? can i go to work? and what is the effect? Thank you in advance!

Hi all! I have the same problem the surgeon went to the laser clinic, he sent me to another surgeon and they have been driving me to pharmacies for 4 months now, apply this and then this, and the condylomas grow and grow all the ass, Masha and the penis, like one big mushroom, I go to the pad of my wife lost my job because of the smell that this rubbish emits. guys save what to do.

Alexei. what the hell are bastards! doctors apparently don’t care, it’s just a mockery! they are experimenting! you are progressing! go to another doctor! You already need an operation!

hi all! This piece was discovered in 2011. on the labia. was in shock. I went to the clinic, passed the tests, the doctor prescribed treatment, pierced Allakin, then therapy, it included 3 procedures, they decreased in size, honestly pleased, then they had an operation to remove it. healed for a long time, 10 days, she said with ointment, she hardly went to the toilet for a little. the wounds tingled. After a while, I passed the tests. negative! 2 months later, she went again for tests - it was confirmed that the virus had reappeared. ” was hysterical. Fortunately, this rubbish did not come out again, the doctor prescribed injections and pills, passed the tests, negative! for the past 2 years I have been going to take tests every 3 months, the result pleases.

She was examined by a gynecologist, immunologist, proctologist, dermatologist. the latter did not cut anything because of the subsequent injury (condylomas are not small on the ass), this bug loves wounds and aggravates the disease. prescribed the innovation Aldara cream. (3.600 rubles) the doctor said that it relieves until it disappears completely. I try until I smeared it. Another immunologist will inject some medicine into the base of the condyloma. In short, for EVERYONE! this garbage does not pass or take place negative analyses.

Hello! I will tell you my story, maybe it will help someone, or maybe they will tell me something. In January of this year, she discovered a formation on her labia. I went to the gynecologist. It turned out to be damn condylomas, not only on the lips, but also in the vagina, and their number was significant. I am a student and from the student polyclinic I was sent to the regional dermatovenous dispensary, where I was tested for all STDs. In addition to HPV, nothing was found (and thank God). The doctor from the dispensary suggested that I remove warts with liquid nitrogen, but since this procedure is not included in the list of services provided by medical institutions for free, this can be done in a paid clinic, where she also works. I came to her for an appointment, she removed my warts - it was terribly painful, and prescribed the following - a course of amixin - an antiviral agent (this is apparently as an immunomodulator) + cauterize the wounds with calendula tincture and treat with panavir-intim spray. I did all this, my young man was treated in parallel with me. By the way, we had warts at the same time, and when I went to the gynecologist, he went to the urologist, only the doctor said that there was no need to take any tests, warts can be removed, but maybe not. Naturally, he, like me, removed them with nitrogen from the same dermatovenereologist as me, with a difference of a week. So, they've been cured. About a month passed, only now the condylomas began to appear again both in me and in him in even greater numbers. We decided that we needed to look for another doctor. Firstly, we did not like the method of removal, and secondly, when you do not see the result of the treatment, you begin to doubt the competence of the doctor. We went to another clinic, where the warts were removed with a radio knife. Regarding the method itself, I can say the following, it is not as painful as nitrogen, more precisely, it does not hurt at all, in comparison, the wounds heal quite quickly, with the exception of very deep ones. I didn't have much discomfort during the healing process. After removal, it was impossible to swim for 3-5 days (it was difficult, but tolerable) and it was necessary to treat the wounds with baneocin (powder). Regarding sex, the doctor said that in a week it is already possible. After 4-5 weeks, you need to come back to her for a second examination, see how the healing process went and remove it if something else appears. After this time, I came to the reception, and it turned out that in those places where the warts were removed, everything was fine, clean, but in other areas there were again a lot of warts, they were removed again. Almost 3 weeks have passed since the last removal. The wounds are healing well. But here's what worries me. Not a single doctor began to do an analysis to determine HPV type Everyone said it wasn't necessary. The virus is there and it's clear. and the type doesn't matter. The second doctor does not prescribe any medications, when I ask her what else can be done besides removal, she answers nothing. The maximum is to strengthen the immune system with well-known rules - proper nutrition, moderate sports, outdoor walks, sleep, less stress and more optimism. I observe all this anyway, only the effect is zero, and it begins to seem to me that I will come to her at the end of June and again I will have a bunch of genital warts, again she will remove them, I will spend a lot of money, and in 5-6 weeks everything will happen again . The most annoying thing is that all this cannot be cured like the flu or a sore throat, to lie down for a week, drink pills, pierce injections at the very least and you are all healthy - enjoy life. Eh, okay. In general, to the point, to summarize - it’s good to remove with a radio knife. In my opinion the best way. Cons - expensive. Pluses - it does not hurt, healing is quite fast, condylomas do not appear again at the site of removal.

Seven days ago, warts were removed with a laser on the anus! I drink a course of pills and treat the scar! how long will it take to heal? A week has passed(((

On the 22nd, I had an operation to remove it in the anus. The doctor said that it would take 2 weeks to heal.

The process of healing, recovery and the consequences of removing condyloma

HPV infection (human papillomavirus), which usually provokes the appearance of warts, is lifelong and is in the blood. Therefore, none of the methods for removing this build-up gives a 100% guarantee for the complete elimination of the disease. Only its external manifestation is removed.

At the same time, it is worth noting that recurrences of genital warts are not so frequent, so it is worth being treated. As practice shows, only 30 percent of these growths are likely to repeat. It all depends on the state of the immune system and the individual ability of the body to resist infection.

How is healing and recovery going?

After removal of genital warts, healing, as a rule, passes quickly. But you need to consider the way they were eliminated.

1. At cryodestruction a small wound remains at the site of exposure to liquid nitrogen. It goes away on its own in 1-2 weeks.

2. As a result chemical cauterization scarring often occurs on the body and the percentage of recurrence of the disease is very high.

3. After dethermocoagulation patients recover quickly and can begin normal sexual activity after 2 weeks. However, the operation itself is the most painful of all.

4.​ Radio wave therapy non-invasive and minimally interferes with the structure of tissues, but has some limitations. It cannot be done to people with implanted devices and functional elements. For example, with a pacemaker and various metal parts.

5. Optimal healing and recovery after laser wart removal. The beam does not affect neighboring areas and does not leave scars, wounds or scars on the body. It has the shortest recovery period.

6​. Medical impact in the form of an application is one of the longest treatment methods. But at the same time, it has the lowest percentage of relapses.

Is further treatment required after genital warts removal?

Yes, required. This is due to the prevention of repeated manifestations of HPV (human papillomavirus). First of all, it is recommended to use drugs that stimulate the protective functions of the body. This will help prevent relapse.

In addition, after removing warts, you must adhere to a certain regimen and use special tools:

Try to avoid chronic overwork;

Prevent beriberi (take vitamin complexes, fresh fruits and vegetables)

Use local antiviral drugs (ointments, gels, sprays);

Beware of hypothermia;

Use condoms, as there are a number of HPV viruses with a high risk of complications - 35, 33, 31, 18 and 16;

Avoid emotional stress.

Consequences of removal of genital warts

As already noted, the most serious consequence of the removal of genital warts is their reappearance. Without preventive measures this usually happens after 3 months. But with the use of special preparations that are applied topically, this can be avoided. It is also likely that bleeding in places of injury during sex with the formation of warty growths.

The most common consequences include:

Recovery after cauterization of genital warts

Removal of warts in the genital area requires some revision of lifestyle and hygiene methods. There is a need to address such an issue as sex after removal of warts. Care of the skin area at the site of surgery should be gentle and help eliminate discomfort.

Status after deletion

After cauterization of genital warts, the patient often feels pain and discomfort during urination and defecation. If the recovery process goes well, the discomfort disappears within 2-3 weeks. If the discharge from the wound surface is transparent, do not worry. The appearance of pus from the hole that formed after the removal of condyloma is an alarming sign, it indicates infection. A visit to the doctor in this case will need to be applied immediately, even if the discharge did not last long.

Care of the postoperative area should be very thorough. Wash your face after every visit to the toilet. The anal area should be washed with baby soap, and the intimate area with a special product with a neutral acid-base balance.

It is impossible to process healing sites with:

  • Alcohol-containing solutions (iodine, brilliant green).
  • Hydrogen peroxide.

It is acceptable to treat these zones with a solution of chlorhexidine or Baneocin ointment.

There is discharge for 3-4 weeks after removal, so it is necessary to wear daily sanitary pads, which are changed every 2 hours.

What preparations to use?

How long the recovery period lasts depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. The removal sites can hurt with any irritation, therefore, in some cases, it is necessary to use anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs:

Topically used ointments with antiviral action, for example, Panavir and Epigen-gel. These drugs are necessary if there is a high risk of recurrence of warts.

Sex life after surgery

Often patients are concerned about the questions: "How long will the recovery last, and is it possible to have sex with warts?". Any irritation and injury to the formations is accompanied by pain, which can be very intense. For this reason, your doctor will tell you to only have sex when the healing process is complete.

Patients with warts on the genitals during intercourse are at risk of damaging the growths, which will lead to their inflammation. There is also a high risk of the spread of papillomavirus infection and the formation of genital warts in other places.

With a normal recovery period, you can have sex after removing genital warts after 2-3 weeks. In some patients, healing is delayed, and any injury inhibits this process. There are cases when the period of abstinence from sexual activity is delayed. How long it will last is determined by the attending physician.

Having sex after cauterized warts should be done carefully, listening to your feelings.

Measures to prevent genital warts

After removal of genital warts, life should be built on the principles of general health improvement. The patient should adhere to the following rules:

  • Eat fortified natural foods.
  • Observe active driving mode.
  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • Take immunomodulatory drugs.
  • To refuse from bad habits.
  • Avoid overwork and stressful situations.

When you can have sex is determined individually. It is important that this process does not slow down the healing of the damaged area. A little discomfort after the resumption of a relationship is normal, but severe pain should alert. How long the recovery lasts largely depends on the method of wart removal.

The appearance of genital warts always indicates a weakened immune system and the need to pay attention to the state of health. General recreational activities are capable, together with surgical methods solve the problem of neoplasms and save the patient from discomfort.

Sex after removal of genital warts. Symptoms of the disease, ways of transmission

Description of the disease

Condylomas are small growths on the genitals, in most cases they are multiple, although they can occur singly. The development of the disease carries a certain threat for the patient, because it is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a serious problem that affects health and sexual life.

Condylomas are a type of papillomas that are located mainly in the anogenital region. Such growths can cause tangible discomfort - both physical and aesthetic.

Types of genital warts in women

In women, there are two types of such papillomas:

  • Pointed. They protrude above the surface of the skin and have a thin leg. They can be either solitary or in colonies of several. Outwardly, such an outgrowth becomes similar to a rooster's comb or a cauliflower inflorescence. Such papillomas are characterized by low oncogenicity and usually respond well to treatment.
  • Flat. Outwardly, they resemble a voluminous birthmark. They differ in that they grow inside the skin, affecting its deep layers. Such papillomas have a tendency to malignancy, and therefore their appearance requires mandatory medical supervision.

It is important! To determine the nature of the formations, it is necessary to visit a doctor who will conduct a complete examination and, on its basis, make an accurate diagnosis.

Types of protection

Because transmission of the virus can occur through the use of condoms, the best way to protect yourself is to not have sex.

When the patient does not stop having sex in the presence of genital warts, you should follow the rules:

  1. The use of condoms. A method that is not one hundred percent protection can significantly reduce the threat of the spread of the virus. The likelihood of infection remains due to the inability of the condom to protect the surface of the skin or mucous membranes of the genitals from contact.
  2. Before entering into sexual contact, do not be embarrassed to discuss the disease with a partner. He may not be aware of the presence of the virus and the threat of its spread.
  3. If symptoms of HPV manifestation are detected, contacts should be reduced, sexual activity should be stopped for the period of therapy.
  4. Do not have sexual intercourse with an infected person.
  5. Don't change partners. The threat of infection increases in proportion to their number.

Course and development of HPV infection

Condylomas are the earliest manifestation of human papillomavirus infection. From the moment of infection to their appearance takes about 3-6 months.

The infection has a high ability to infect cells. One contact with a sick person is enough to transmit the virus.

Within 24 hours, the virus begins to multiply in the body of a new host. In patients with a weak immune system, the infection may remain active for years.

Throughout this period, an infected person is able to infect other people, even without manifestations of the disease.

Symptoms of genital warts in women

The appearance of such papillomas is distinguished by its characteristic symptoms, which may vary, depending on the stage of the disease. At the beginning of condylomatosis, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of small vesicles and tubercles on the surface of the mucous membranes;
  • redness of the skin that is observed around these bubbles;
  • slight manifestations of itching and burning.

After the appearance of external signs in women, the following symptoms are found:

  • increase in size up to 1.5 cm in diameter;
  • outwardly, the growth looks like a cauliflower inflorescence or a cockscomb;
  • increased itching;
  • the appearance of new vesicles and tubercles near the affected area;
  • discomfort during intercourse;
  • spotting after sex;
  • a feeling of dryness in the vagina or, conversely, a sharp increase in discharge.

Localization of genital warts in women

Such papillomas are most often located in the area of ​​the following organs:

  • labia;
  • vulva;
  • vagina;
  • anus;
  • Cervix;
  • urethra.

Location on the cervix in women is much less common than on the external genitalia. But such outgrowths have a tendency to malignancy, and therefore they cannot be ignored.

Therapy can be carried out in two ways: conservative and with the help of removal. Conservative treatment includes taking medications, the action of which has several directions:

  • antiviral (Isoprinosine, Allokin-Alpha, Panavir);
  • immunostimulating drugs (Immunal, Reaferon);
  • general strengthening drugs (Complivit, Undevit, etc.).

When removing genital warts, traditional treatment can also be carried out in order to prevent relapse.

To prevent the appearance of warts is quite simple:

  • observance of necessary hygiene;
  • sexual intercourse only with healthy partners;
  • adherence to the principles of a healthy lifestyle, which helps to maintain immunity;
  • vaccination against the most dangerous strains of HPV;
  • regular preventive check-ups.

Warts in women are treatable. With regular examinations, it is possible to identify health risks in a timely manner and, if necessary, to remove the neoplasm.

Getting rid of genital warts during pregnancy

Elimination of neoplasms on the genitals during an interesting position is not recommended not only with the help of laser coagulation, but also by any hardware method. The removal procedure can be postponed for a time after delivery.

However, if you want to eliminate unpleasant warts now, then cryotherapy or a chemical method will be much more harmless. Exposure to an electromagnetic field during hardware removal can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Symptoms of genital warts

From the moment of infection to the appearance of genital warts, it can take several months or years. It should be noted that the skin manifestations themselves are just the tip of the iceberg. Changes in the skin only reflect the course of the infection. Removal of genital warts does not lead to a cure.

Growths can appear only a few months after infection, and sometimes many years later. In women, formations can be localized anywhere - on the cervix, near the urethra, around the anus, on the small or large labia. Such growths can be single, and sometimes there is a whole cluster.

Despite the fact that warts are called genital warts, their end is not always sharp. As a rule, growths are flesh-colored. In some patients, they are so small that they simply cannot be seen on their own. When localized inside the vagina, condylomas can be injured during sex, and discharge mixed with blood can be observed.

Diagnosis of genital warts

The giant condyloma of Buschke-Levenshtein has a characteristic clinical feature: progressive growth. There is a pronounced tendency to relapse of this disease, even after complete excision of the existing formation.

Exophytic growth is predominantly observed against the background of the presence of invasive. The result is the fusion of individual parts of the neoplasm, which forms its external similarity with the cauliflower inflorescence.

Bushke-Levenshtein's condyloma, from the point of view of the histological picture, is diverse: areas of benign warts are interspersed with areas of atypical cells or squamous cell carcinoma.

To confirm this diagnosis, specialists should carry out differential diagnostics, the purpose of which is to exclude the following possible diagnoses:

wide condyloma, which accompanies syphilis;

common genital warts.

The main diagnostic methods include the following;

  • gynecological examination of the cervix;
  • cytological smear from the cervix;
  • PCR analysis for suspected condylomatosis.

PCR is performed if the doctor has found papillomas, and it is required to establish the type of virus.

Sexual transmission of the virus and genital warts

The virus, which is transmitted during intimacy, contributes to the development of the cancerous process and the appearance of anogenital warts. Infection occurs when unprotected intercourse takes place. However, the course of the disease in some cases may be asymptomatic. The activation of the virus occurs against the background of a decrease in the level of the body's natural defenses.

In the case of unprotected sex, infection with several types of the virus can occur simultaneously, which belong to a high and medium level of oncogenic risk. If symptoms of the disease appear, it is recommended that both partners undergo an examination.

And it is very important in this case to determine the types of viruses. HPV, which is characterized by a low level of oncogenic risk, does not pose a great danger to the health of partners.

However, to make sure that there is no danger to life, it is still necessary to undergo appropriate laboratory tests.

In turn, condylomas, which are formations on the mucous membranes, are localized on the organs of the reproductive system and in the region of the anus. The risk of infection will be much higher in the following groups of people:

As practice shows, the appearance of genital warts can most often be observed on the genitals.

Treatment methods for genital warts

After the invasion of the body, HPV remains in the epithelium for life. It is impossible to completely eliminate it. Therefore, after the physical removal of genital warts, it is necessary to continue to treat the virus in order to suppress its effect. This will reduce the risk of re-formation of growths. You need to take immunomodulatory drugs and vitamins, as well as normalize your diet.

At the same time, the places of removal of genital warts are treated locally with various antiviral agents. They accelerate the healing of wounds, stop inflammation, improve skin condition.

These preparations are produced in the following consistencies:

In the case when the warts were located inside the vagina or in the cervical region, patients are prescribed suppositories with antiviral properties. In addition to drugs that deactivate the infection, agents with a caring effect are used.

Therapy after removing warts depends on the method used. Since the impact on tissues is carried out using different technologies, treatment and care occur by different means.

Every person, having learned about HPV infection, is interested in the question of treatment. This applies to women due to the possibility of the formation of a malignant tumor in the cervical region.

If an infection is detected, but there are no symptoms of its manifestation and normal cytological analyzes, there is no need for treatment.

It is impossible to get rid of the disease through medicines. It can disappear only if there is a strong immune system. If the body is not so strong, the virus remains and can provoke diseases.

If genital warts caused by HPV are detected, cauterization therapy will be required.

Various medications are used to treat genital papillomavirus with symptoms. The bulk of the funds has an antiviral effect and has an immunomodulatory effect.

It must be taken into account that the need for the use of drugs has not yet been proven, and the effectiveness remains in question. None of the medicines is offered by international recommendations for the elimination of papillomavirus disease. This is due to their unproven effectiveness.

To obtain a positive effect when undergoing a course of treatment for papillomatosis (whether cauterization methods or drugs are used), sex must be completely excluded.

This applies to all its variants, not only to the vaginal. Sexual relations after the coagulation technique are possible as a result of the perfect restoration of epithelial and mucous tissues in the area of ​​operation.

After HPV therapy, sex should be protected for 6 months using a condom.

If this type of infection is present in the body, a barrier type of contraception should be used to reduce the risk of infecting a partner.

The main problem is the treatment of a viral infection. It is officially recognized that there are no direct methods that affect the virus itself.

Medical methods can be used to stimulate the immune system, helping the body cope with the infection. This is especially true in debilitated patients.

Immunostimulating and strengthening drugs, vitamins are prescribed. Several attempts at treatment with systemic antiviral therapy have been described, the results of which are not encouraging.

HPV infection is easier to prevent than to treat.

The fight against direct manifestations - warts - comes down to their removal different ways. However, this procedure is only cosmetic.

Removal of genital warts and papillomas is one of the most common cosmetic procedures. Liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction), high-frequency current (electrocauterization or diathermocoagulation), laser ablation (destruction) are used to destroy growths. A simple excision under local anesthesia is possible.

Cryosurgery is a simple and cheap method of effective removal of genital warts using liquid nitrogen. To do this, the applicator, immersed in the coolant, is removed and applied to the condyloma without touching the unaltered skin.

The temperature of the applicator is much lower than -100 degrees. Celsius, which leads to rapid freezing of growths with tissue necrosis.

After the procedure, warts die off within a few days.

Diathermocoagulation or laser ablation has one principle - the destruction and charring of genital warts with the help of high temperature. Under its influence, the growths actually evaporate. The effect is visible immediately. The procedure is safe and painless.

Warts can be removed simply - under local anesthesia, they are cut with scissors. The material can be sent for histological examination. One of the most effective methods.

Removal of large warts in large areas of the skin can be performed under general anesthesia. General anesthesia is also used in children.

An alternative to the physical removal of genital warts is the local application of drugs that cause death and necrosis of their tissues. Topical agents are used only after consulting a dermatologist.

Podophyllinotoxin (kondylin) is a topical preparation obtained from the thyroid podophyllum plant. It has an antitumor effect, inhibits DNA synthesis in dividing cells.

When applied to warts, it causes tissue necrosis. The drug is applied several times, without capturing unchanged skin.

Included in many preparations for the reduction of papillomas and warts, domestic and imported. Carefully.

The drug is poisonous, if taken orally, it can cause poisoning with a fatal outcome. Avoid contact with eyes and healthy skin.

Celandine juice - often used in folk medicine to remove warts. Effectively eliminates warts, has a cauterizing effect. Poisonous, contains alkaloids and toxins, organic acids.

Trichloroacetic acid - used to cauterize genital warts. The drug is very toxic, causes skin necrosis. When applying, avoid contact with healthy skin, eyes (possible loss of vision). The cauterizing action destroys warts, warts and other skin formations. The effectiveness is lower than that of podophyllinotoxin. Used during pregnancy.

The drug Solcoderm and its analogues contain organic acids that cauterize warts. Principle of action and instructions for use as for trichloroacetic acid. Effectively eliminates warts, papillomas and genital warts.

There are many ways to treat, some of them we will consider below.

Liquid nitrogen is usually prescribed if the growths are multiple. After such treatment, pain and irritation may appear on the affected area. Complete healing of the wound occurs after a few weeks. After removing anal warts, sex can only begin after everything has healed.

Laser surgery is mainly used to get rid of large formations. Due to the fact that the list of complications is minimal, treatment can be carried out even for pregnant women and small children.

With a strong pain threshold in a patient, anesthesia can be used. The rehabilitation period is several weeks, you need to refrain from intimacy for all this time.


The essence of this method of treatment is that the formations are affected by a current of different frequencies. After that, the tissues simply die. The procedure is quite painful, so the patient is required to be given anesthesia.

If you have warts on the vulva, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Today, there are several approaches to the treatment of this disease, and an experienced professional, having established the correct diagnosis and assessed the degree of damage to the body, will be able to choose the right treatment regimen.

laser removal, the most optimal destructive method;

radio wave (high-frequency) removal, better with argon-enhanced coagulation.

Destructive methods of influence do not guarantee a recurrence of the disease, therefore, in our country, the use of antiviral drugs is practiced. Immunotherapy is not always reasonably used, more often it is prescribed blindly, without an appropriate examination.

This method sometimes gives side effects in the presence of genital warts, and as a monotherapy is ineffective, but in some cases it can give good result but it is impossible to predict. The best effect is achieved in a combination of destructive and conservative treatment.

Treatment of condylomas of the vulva and vagina leads to a positive result in most patients within 1 to 6 months. At the same time, the virus can remain and be determined in 30% of women, without clinical manifestations, which no longer requires treatment, but observation.

It is important to note that warts that appear on new areas of the skin or mucosa during treatment or after completion of treatment do not require a change in the treatment method. The appearance of new formations in the area where the impact was carried out requires a change in the treatment method.

Patients should be informed about the observance of sexual rest during treatment and conduct examinations until the complete disappearance of genital warts.

Sexual partners should be examined and treated only if there are warts on the penis.

Removal of warts on the cervix is ​​a mandatory procedure in terms of the spread of infection and the prevention of cervical cancer.

· laser vaporization is an effective technique with a low recurrence rate and does not affect the reproductive function of nulliparous patients;

argon plasma ablation - a good effect, especially in nulliparous patients;

radio wave removal - a technique that allows, after removal, to conduct a histological examination;

Cryodestruction is a popular method, but effective for small lesions;

Solkovagin - cauterization of single genital warts with the help of a chemical preparation.

Each of the above methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. In each case, the choice of treatment remains with the doctor and depends on the availability of equipment and the qualifications of the specialist.

With the help of destructive methods of treatment, part of the affected tissue of the cervix, visible or determined by colposcopy, is removed, but not the virus itself. Therefore, gynecologists, along with removal, for the prevention of relapse and the fight against the virus, recommend antiviral or immunomodulatory drugs of local or general action.

The effect of this treatment is not predictable, but in some cases there is a positive result. It is wrong to assume that antiviral drugs are the main ones in the fight against HPV.

These medicines activate the immune system, and it already resists viral aggression. In the practice of treating genital warts of any localization, these drugs have their own niche of application.

Clear evidence in data effectiveness dosage forms not received, so they are practically not used in world practice.

Vulvar warts during pregnancy

Perianal warts require immediate treatment due to the many inconveniences they cause to the patient and the likely progression of the disease. Modern specialists together with excision of formations various methods simultaneously affect the immune system of the patient.

Treatment of condyloma in the anus will be effective if you contact a specialist in a timely manner and strictly follow all his recommendations. A competent effect on the immune system of a patient with condylomatosis activates the protective abilities of the body, and directs all their efforts to combat the papilloma virus.

HPV progression factors are:

acute and exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, mycoplasma genitalium, herpes simplex virus, etc.);

the presence and exacerbation of systemic diseases (diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus erythematosus, thyroid disease, etc.);

immunosuppressive therapy (for example, after organ transplantation);

Care and hygiene after removal of genital warts

Hygiene in condylomas is a set of measures aimed at getting rid of and eliminating the infection of people around with the disease. It will help eliminate the development of neoplasms and contribute to a speedy recovery.

When a patient finds out during a medical examination or discovers genital warts on his own, he is overcome by mixed feelings: frustration, surprise, worries about a sexual partner and not knowing what hygiene should be for condylomas.

What to do if warts appear on intimate places? It is necessary to begin immediate treatment of neoplasms. Why is it so important?

Genital warts without timely diagnosis and treatment can spread and affect the internal genital organs in a woman and the urethra and rectum in both sexes.

Often, the lack of treatment leads to serious complications. Dangerous with condylomatosis is the likelihood of degeneration of formations into oncological disease.

With condylomas in intimate places, you should not use flavored personal care products. To care for skin affected by HPV, it is better to use ordinary baby soap. As for washing underwear, it is not recommended to use washing powder. For this purpose, laundry soap is suitable.

What to do after removal

The postoperative period for the removal of warts on the skin is often accompanied by swelling of the tissues, pain, discharge from the formed wounds (ichorus, lymph) and other unpleasant sensations. What to process? Any pain reliever can be taken to relieve pain. Ketorol is often used, which will help to cope with this unpleasant feeling and relieve puffiness. Take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 40 mg of the drug (4 tablets).

Panavir gel is used after removal of genital warts for prophylactic purposes. Liniment is applied to the area where the procedure was performed, a thin layer 3-4 times a day for a week.

Spray Panavir-intim will help wound healing, relieve inflammation and prevent the appearance of new formations. Also, the doctor often prescribes long-term washing with Epigen-gel. The mandatory course of using the gel after removal can be from 10 to 20 days.

Features of care after removal in various ways

Therapy for HPV consists of two areas: removal of growths and internal administration of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs.

For external disposal of neoplasms, there is whole line methods. The period of recovery of the skin and the care of the affected area after the procedure will depend on the method of removing genital warts.

Consider a table that shows the options for the treatment and treatment of the skin or mucous membrane:

How long does it live? After the end of the recovery period, regardless of the method of removing genital warts, you should continue to improve immunity and lead healthy lifestyle life in order to avoid the appearance of new formations.

Hygiene rules and prevention of occurrence

An important recommendation regarding hygiene in condylomas is the refusal to go to saunas, baths, swimming pools, jacuzzis and similar places. Do not swim in open water until the end of the rehabilitation period after removal. Taking a bath can contribute to self-infection with condylomatosis. To avoid this risk, personal hygiene should be limited to showering.

The next point in the patient's behavior in the event of manifestations of HPV on the skin is abstinence from sexual intercourse during the period of therapy and for some time after treatment. Everything will depend on the selected method of dealing with the pathogen and the method of removing growths. If this rule is neglected, then there is a possibility of damage to the neoplasms on the penis, lips or vagina, which will entail:

  • inflammation;
  • accession of a secondary infection;
  • spread of genital warts to other areas of the skin and mucous membranes.

You can not shave the area affected by genital warts, as warts are easily injured.

The patient must have his own personal hygiene items. He is forbidden to use someone else's washcloth, towel, soap.

For prevention, you can use Panavir Intim spray before and after each sexual contact. Strengthening the immune system will help keep the activation of the virus in the body. A healthy lifestyle and refraining from frequent sexual partner changes are reliable defenders against HPV.

The article was written based on the materials of the sites: www.kondiloma.ru, listratenkov.ru, moyakoja.ru, oborodavki.ru, coriummed.ru.

This method involves the use of a strong energy flow of light, which significantly increases the temperature inside human tissues.

Many will say that removing growths is not necessary, but this is not so. In addition to the fact that they do not look very aesthetically pleasing, warts can still be injured and infected. And the viral component of such warts can be transmitted from one person to another, for example, sexually.

Cause of itching in the scar area after removal of condyloma

Why do scars and scars itch after a surgical procedure? The postoperative period should be taken care of in advance. Proper Care and careful handling of weakened skin will avoid dangerous consequences for the whole organism.

An experienced specialist will tell you about how to treat the affected areas and how to help the skin heal faster. All sorts of discharge or discomfort should not be tolerated, if the place where the growths were located hurts or bothers the person, the patient should consult a doctor without delay.

In cases where the wound does not heal after removal, the specialist prescribes additional examinations of the whole body. Weakened immunity can cause weakness and a difficult postoperative period.

If the scar becomes inflamed again, small sores form at the site of the old wound and create an ideal environment for secondary infections and pathogens. If any complications or additional symptoms appear, medications or procedures are prescribed to the patient. How to care for the skin in intimate areas after removal of condyloma?

Condylomas during pregnancy

Warts during pregnancy are dangerous because a newborn baby can be infected with a virus. In a pregnant woman who is infected with papillomavirus, against the background of changes in hormonal levels and a decrease in immunity, a very large percentage of the development of neoplasms is observed.

Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, you should conduct a study on the presence of HPV in the body. If warts are found, they should be removed and appropriately treated before pregnancy occurs.

In women who are already in position, genital warts should be treated in the first trimester of pregnancy, since their rapid growth can be predicted at a later date. This can cause complications during the further course of pregnancy and childbirth.

After removal of genital warts and until the moment of delivery, the attending physician must constantly monitor the condition of the pregnant woman. Simultaneously with the removal of genital warts, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs are treated and the vaginal microflora is brought back to normal.

As mentioned above, the most gentle and effective means for removing genital warts in pregnant women and, in general, in gynecology, is the method using the Surgitron apparatus. Not bad for the treatment of warts in the vagina and in pregnant women, the drug "Solcoderm".

Treatment of genital warts

Is there a need for further treatment of the disease after removal of condyloma? Drug therapy continues even after the procedure prescribed by a specialist. The patient, who does not want to suffer again from growths in intimate places, continues to fight the virus. The first step is to take funds that strengthen the body's immunity. Without immunostimulants, you will not be able to protect yourself from the virus.

Treatment after removal of warts includes prevention, which should not be neglected. Sports, hardening of the body and a healthy lifestyle will increase the period of remission.

The growths that have appeared are a consequence of the patient's lifestyle and his attitude to his own body. Safe sex after the recent removal of genital warts will not be a chagrin for partners if you follow all the recommendations of a specialist.

Large condylomas do not appear immediately after removal, but after a few months, such a problem again threatens a person.

How long should treatment continue after removal of complex warts? Rehabilitation is determined by the degree of neglect of the disease and the state of the human body. If a man or woman understood how the affected tissue heals, then any consequences will not come as a big surprise to the patient.

You can eliminate viral warts with the help of drugs purchased at a pharmacy. It is important to remember that treatment should only take place after consultation with a doctor and a diagnostic study.

Therapy for the elimination of papillomas consists in a properly selected set of agents that fight infection and resume the body's former protective function.

Preparations for external use on the mucous membranes should have a gentle effect, since conventional wart medicines are aggressive and cause burns to the skin. The patient can choose the most suitable remedy, guided by the advice.

Modern pharmacology allows you to purchase a medicine in a form that is convenient for a person. Pharmaceutical products to eliminate HPV growths are in the form of an ointment, cream, gel, treatment solution, patch, aerosol, or oil.

To treat the papilloma virus and remove papillomas, the doctor prescribes:

  • Allokin - Alpha;
  • Viferon;
  • Interferon;
  • Epigen intimate;
  • Cryopharm;
  • Kollomak;
  • Dermavit;
  • Kondilin;
  • Isoprinosine;
  • Likopid;
  • Cycloferon.

To eliminate the obvious discomfort from growths, anti-inflammatory drugs are sometimes attributed. Malavit is popular, which removes itching and has a sedative effect. Some doctors insist on the use of iodine, oxolinic ointment and hydrogen peroxide solution.

After purchasing medicines, it is important to follow the recommendations, as well as instructions for using the product. Some drugs require special attention and precautions.

The main directions of therapy:

  • the use of antiviral agents and immunomodulators;
  • use of liquid nitrogen;
  • exposure to the skin with a laser;
  • radio wave treatment;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • excision;
  • diathermocoagulation;
  • the use of cauterizing and mummifying drugs.

Therapeutic activities

With genital warts, treatment involves the use of Panavir, a drug that is active against HPV. The medicine is available in the form of a solution, gel and suppositories.

The pharmacological product cannot be used in severe pathology of the kidneys and spleen, during breastfeeding and in case of intolerance to the components.

Immunomax and Likopid are prescribed to increase immune protection. They increase the body's resistance to pathogens. Interferons (Lokferon or Inferon) are often used.

Cauterizing drugs for topical use are also used (Solcoderm, Verrukatsid, Kondilin, Ferezol): they destroy the affected tissues, and after a short period of time, the condylomas disappear. Such healing methods are effective, but after them relapses are frequent.

Removal of genital warts with a laser

An effective method of excision of genital warts is removal with a surgical laser. The method is considered one of the most gentle for the operation. Removal of warts is done by laser beam, which flocculates the vessels and evaporates the pathological tissue. The wound after manipulation disappears within 5-7 days, and after 10 days it is already possible to live a full life.

Laser cauterization is the main way to get rid of genital warts.

Radio wave method

With this method, condylomas are removed using a special radio wave medical generator Surgitron Dual, which acts by means of radio waves, avoiding contact with tissues. The procedure is fast, almost does not injure the surface of the integument and mucous membranes, and is characterized by the absence of pain.

Radio wave excision - the elimination of genital warts by radio waves - refers to low-traumatic high-precision methods of hardware surgery, since it flocculates the excised tissues, while preventing bleeding. After its implementation, scars are not formed, suturing is not required.

Physical ablation is considered by experts to be more effective for keratinized warts. For soft neoplasms on the genitals, contact is more suitable. chemical method removal.


Cryodestruction of genital warts (removal with nitrogen) - destruction of warts by short-term (within 10-20 seconds) freezing of tissues with liquid nitrogen (temperature below -195 ° C). Necrosis and rejection of condyloma occurs.

This method is most often used to remove a few small growths, especially those located on the penis, vagina, rectum, and urethra. Manipulation is not used in hard-to-reach places.

Local anesthesia is used if warts are present in several places, as well as with a large area of ​​​​the lesion.

Is it painful to remove warts with liquid nitrogen? During the procedure, patients feel a burning sensation, and after its completion - moderate pain. Blisters, hyperemia of the skin may appear, but there are practically no scars. Healing occurs on average within two weeks. The probability of recurrence of pathology (after a few months) is 20-40%.

Treatment of genital warts at home

Self-removal of condylomatous growths is similar to chemical methods of exposure and involves the use of plant juice containing substances that can necrotize tissues. Therapeutic manipulations consist in the preparation of compresses, infusions, solutions based on medicinal plants. For home removal of warts are used:

  • propolis - a general tonic;
  • garlic gruel - suitable for getting rid of recently appeared growths;
  • onion - frequent application (up to 15 times a day) of freshly squeezed plant juice will help get rid of genital warts;
  • celandine - effective remedy for treatment at home, requires caution;
  • dandelion - an infusion of plant flowers on a triple cologne, mixed with salt, contributes to the rapid drying and falling off of warts;
  • calendula - an immuno-strengthening medicinal plant; for the treatment of papillomavirus infection, you should drink a decoction with the addition of ginger, chamomile, raspberries, lemon;
  • vinegar - for the treatment of warts, you need to use a solution diluted to a concentration of 3-5%;
  • soda is a safe remedy, used at home to slow down the growth of neoplasms, reduce their size.

Before the introduction of laser removal of papillomas into medical practice, it was possible to get rid of neoplasms either surgically or by exposing the growths to low-temperature nitrogen, chemical reagents, electric shock high frequency.

But due to the pain and long rehabilitation period of these procedures, experts have invented an innovative technique, the essence of which is to influence the wart with a laser beam. As a result, her body seems to evaporate.

Modern medicine has not yet come up with a drug that can remove from the body or destroy the infection - the causative agent of genital warts. Therefore, all treatment is limited to local removal of neoplasms and a course to increase immunity.

There are the following methods for removing genital warts. This is cryotherapy (removal with liquid nitrogen); treatment with products that contain concentrated acid; dethermocoagulation (exposure to high-frequency radiation, high temperatures or an electric knife); laser therapy.

The cost of getting rid of genital warts

Patients themselves choose how the removal of growths will be carried out. The price of procedures in Moscow depends on the location, number, size of neoplasms.

Equally important is the way in which the therapy will be carried out. For example, laser removal costs from 4500 to 5000 rubles.

(if there are no more than 10 warts). For high-frequency exposure, you will have to pay 900-2000 rubles.

/unit depending on the size.

Elimination of formations with nitrogen - 400-450 r. /PC.

Treatment and removal of genital warts is a long process. Conservative therapies are effective, but require prolonged exposure. Surgical methods are more effective, but differ in trauma, the presence of significant pain and the need for rehabilitation measures.

How is the laser hair removal procedure performed?

If condylomas are located in large numbers, then 2-3 operations will have to be performed to remove them. As with other interventions, after laser therapy, a person may feel discomfort. For example, itching appears, which indicates the healing of the crusts. But still, when compared with other methods, laser therapy provides for a short recovery period.

Much depends on how correctly the patient follows the doctor's recommendations, for example, the main ones include the following:

But still, it is worth remembering that laser treatment will not be able to eliminate the virus itself. Therefore, therapy is based on an integrated approach. At the same time, you will have to take medications to fight the pathogen itself. The only unpleasant moment with a favorable operation is a small scar at the site of the former location of the condyloma.

Lasers have been used in surgical practice for a long time. To date, there is a laser equipment with wide operational capabilities. Laser operations are carried out quickly and with virtually no bleeding. This is because the impact on the tissue is produced by powerful laser radiation on a specific area of ​​the tissue.

Removal of genital warts with a laser is performed under local anesthesia. For this purpose, anesthetic ointments or injections of novocaine, lidocaine are used. The operation lasts no more than a quarter of an hour. It takes about one minute to remove a unit of warts.

The laser beam kills the condyloma tissue without touching it and sealing the blood vessels. All microflora in the wound area is also destroyed. The laser beam operates very precisely, which allows not to affect neighboring tissues. During the operation, the surgeon adjusts the power of the laser beam, the area of ​​the affected area, the width and depth of the incision.

If the disease is advanced and it is required to remove a large number of genital warts, then the operation can be carried out in several stages. Moreover, the breaks between stages range from two to four weeks. With the correct operation, scars practically do not develop. After the procedure for removing genital warts, the wound must not be injured and wet during the day.

Laser removal is a modern and effective procedure. Its advantages include speed and lack of bleeding. The disadvantages are soreness. But it should be remembered that the use of a laser is effective only with complex treatment. If you do not take care of your health and do not conduct antiviral and immune-strengthening therapy, then the disease will definitely return.

Removal of papillomas at home with Supercleaner

Supercleaner is an aqueous preparation designed to remove papillomas, warts and corns. In the process of its application, skin defects disappear almost without a trace. Judging by the doctors' reviews, just a few drops of the Super Cleaner liquid easily cleanse the integument from papillomas.

But experts warn against spreading the product onto healthy tissues and rubbing it into the neoplasm. The drug is effective in the treatment of benign elements.

Indications for removal of genital warts

Among women:

  • the outer part of the genitals;
  • vagina;
  • Cervix;
  • opening of the urethra;
  • crotch;
  • inside and outside of the anus.

For men:

  • foreskin;
  • the head of the penis;
  • scrotum;
  • a place near the urethra;
  • urethra;
  • anus, its external or internal part.

Possible Complications

The period after the difficult removal of genital warts will require special attention and caution. Only proper care will avoid excessive scarring of the skin and serious consequences.

What is the danger of the rehabilitation period? The most dangerous and annoying consequence of removing warts is their reappearance. If you do not carry out prevention and do not take care of the state of your own body, the neoplasm will reappear already in the third month after a difficult procedure.

When the disease reappears, complications are difficult to avoid.

The basis of any prevention that prevents relapses are special preparations and agents for local treatment of intimate areas. Often, in the place where the growth used to be, a scar bleeds. During sex, the wound is injured again. Consequences of excision of papilloma on the perineum or near the anus:

  • severe discomfort;
  • itching and severe burning;
  • repeated injuries;
  • scarring of neighboring and affected tissues;
  • discomfort during urination and intimacy;
  • pain during bowel movements.

Why do warts appear?

People suffer from skin rashes in the form of warts, papillomas, condylomas as often as from acne. Warts appear as a result of human infection with papillomavirus.

By appearance they resemble small tubercles, the diameter of which can reach 3 mm.

Unfortunately, you cannot completely get rid of the virus, but you can take the necessary measures to prevent skin rashes.

Infection occurs from the carrier of the virus not only through household items, but also through sexual contact. Often you can catch the virus in a sauna, bath, swimming pool, and other public places. To prevent infection, it is better to use personal items.

  • What is the procedure?
  • Contraindications
  • Removal of warts with liquid nitrogen
  • Care after the procedure
  • What is better to remove warts: laser or nitrogen?
  • Consequences
  • Video
03/01/2013 , Elena Total posts: 25

Please respond to those who removed warts with a radio knife or laser. Can you tell me how the healing went? how long did it take? can i go to work? and what is the effect? Thank you in advance!

  • Answer

10.04.2013 22:17 , alexey

Hi all! I have the same problem the surgeon went to the laser clinic, he sent me to another surgeon and they have been driving me to pharmacies for 4 months now, apply this and then this, and the condylomas grow and grow all the ass, Masha and the penis, like one big mushroom, I go to the pad of my wife lost my job because of the smell that this rubbish emits. guys save what to do.

  • Answer

11.04.2013 02:35, ninel.

Alexei!!! what the hell are bastards! doctors apparently don’t care, it’s just a mockery! they are experimenting! you are progressing! go to another doctor! You already need an operation!

  • Answer

11.04.2013 02:28 , ninel.

hi all! This piece was discovered in 2011. on the labia. I was shocked!!! I went to the clinic, passed the tests, the doctor prescribed treatment, pierced Allakin, then therapy, it included 3 procedures, they decreased in size, honestly pleased, then they had an operation to remove it. healed for a long time, 10 days, she said with ointment, she hardly went to the toilet for a little. the wounds tingled. after some time passed the tests .... negative! after 2 months I went again and passed the tests - it was confirmed that the virus "revealed" again !!! was hysterical!!! Fortunately, this rubbish did not come out again, the doctor prescribed injections and pills, passed the tests, negative! for the past 2 years I have been going to take tests every 3 months, the result pleases.

  • Answer

28.04.2013 06:03 , Lichka

She was examined by a gynecologist, immunologist, proctologist, dermatologist. the latter did not cut anything because of the subsequent injury (condylomas are not small on the ass), this bug loves wounds and aggravates the disease. prescribed the innovation Aldara cream. (3.600 rubles) the doctor said that it relieves until it disappears completely. I try until I smeared it. Another immunologist will inject some medicine into the base of the condyloma. In short, for EVERYONE! this garbage does not pass or take place negative analyses.

  • Answer

31.05.2013 09:31 , SIMka_06

Hello! I will tell you my story, maybe it will help someone, or maybe they will tell me something. In January of this year, she discovered a formation on her labia. I went to the gynecologist. It turned out to be damn condylomas, not only on the lips, but also in the vagina, and their number was significant. I am a student and from the student polyclinic I was sent to the regional dermatovenous dispensary, where I was tested for all STDs. In addition to HPV, nothing was found (and thank God). The doctor from the dispensary suggested that I remove warts with liquid nitrogen, but since this procedure is not included in the list of services provided by medical institutions for free, this can be done in a paid clinic, where she also works. I came to her for an appointment, she removed my warts - it was terribly painful, and prescribed the following - a course of amixin - an antiviral agent (this is apparently as an immunomodulator) + cauterize the wounds with calendula tincture and treat with panavir-intim spray. I did all this, my young man was treated in parallel with me. By the way, we had warts at the same time, and when I went to the gynecologist, he went to the urologist, only the doctor said that there was no need to take any tests, warts can be removed, but maybe not. Naturally, he, like me, removed them with nitrogen from the same dermatovenereologist as me, with a difference of a week. So, they've been cured. About a month passed, only now the condylomas began to appear again both in me and in him in even greater numbers. We decided that we needed to look for another doctor. Firstly, we did not like the method of removal, and secondly, when you do not see the result of the treatment, you begin to doubt the competence of the doctor. We went to another clinic, where the warts were removed with a radio knife. Regarding the method itself, I can say the following, it is not as painful as nitrogen, more precisely, it does not hurt at all, in comparison, the wounds heal quite quickly, with the exception of very deep ones. I didn't have much discomfort during the healing process. After removal, it was impossible to swim for 3-5 days (it was difficult, but tolerable) and it was necessary to treat the wounds with baneocin (powder). Regarding sex, the doctor said that in a week it is already possible. After 4-5 weeks, you need to come back to her for a second examination, see how the healing process went and remove it if something else appears. After this time, I came to the reception, and it turned out that in those places where the warts were removed, everything was fine, clean, but in other areas there were again a lot of warts, they were removed again. Almost 3 weeks have passed since the last removal. The wounds are healing well. But here's what worries me. Not a single doctor began to do an analysis to determine the type of HPV, everyone said that this was not necessary. The virus is there and it's clear. and the type doesn't matter. The second doctor does not prescribe any medications, when I ask her what else can be done besides removal, she answers nothing. The maximum is to strengthen the immune system with well-known rules - proper nutrition, moderate sports, outdoor walks, sleep, less stress and more optimism. I observe all this anyway, only the effect is zero, and it begins to seem to me that I will come to her at the end of June and again I will have a bunch of genital warts, again she will remove them, I will spend a lot of money, and in 5-6 weeks everything will happen again . The most annoying thing is that all this cannot be cured like the flu or a sore throat, to lie down for a week, drink pills, pierce injections at the very least and you are all healthy - enjoy life. Eh, okay ... In general, to the point, to summarize - it’s good to remove with a radio knife. In my opinion the best way. Cons - expensive. Pluses - it does not hurt, healing is fast enough, condylomas do not appear again at the site of removal.

Removal of genital warts can be done different methods- Today there are many technologies for carrying out such a procedure. Speaking about what to do after the removal of skin pathogenic neoplasms, the following recommendations should be made:

  1. After cryodestruction (treatment of neoplasms with liquid nitrogen), a wound appears on the skin. It does not require any special care - healing and recovery take place on their own within a few weeks.
  2. After electrocoagulation, the wounds remaining after the operation also heal quite quickly and do not need special care, so patients can begin their normal sexual life approximately 2.5-3 weeks after the procedure. It should be borne in mind that removal using electrocoagulation technology is the most painful procedure of all available.
  3. After chemical cauterization, scars may form at the site of removal of the neoplasms, which will not go away. When using this method, the risk of relapse is also quite high, so many doctors recommend the use of other, more modern ways removal.
  4. After radio wave removal, the tissue structure is practically not damaged, because the procedure itself is non-invasive. This is an effective way to remove genital warts, but its main drawback is the high cost of the procedure and inaccessibility in many cities.
  5. After laser removal, wound healing also goes quite well. The laser beam does not interact with surrounding tissues in any way, so there are no scars or scars on the skin. The rehabilitation period is short.

The human papillomavirus cannot be cured, so doctors also prescribe immunomodulatory therapy, which can reduce the likelihood of genital warts in the future.

Cause of itching in the scar area after removal of condyloma

Why do scars and scars itch after a surgical procedure? The postoperative period should be taken care of in advance. Proper care and careful handling of weakened skin will avoid dangerous consequences for the whole organism.

An experienced specialist will tell you about how to treat the affected areas and how to help the skin heal faster. All sorts of discharge or discomfort should not be tolerated, if the place where the growths were located hurts or bothers the person, the patient should consult a doctor without delay.

In cases where the wound does not heal after removal, the specialist prescribes additional examinations of the whole body. Weakened immunity can cause weakness and a difficult postoperative period.

If the scar becomes inflamed again, small sores form at the site of the old wound and create an ideal environment for secondary infections and pathogens. If any complications or additional symptoms appear, medications or procedures are prescribed to the patient. How to care for the skin in intimate areas after removal of condyloma?

Postoperative period

Treating warts on your own at home is very dangerous. Such actions can lead to the most serious and unexpected consequences. To eliminate unpleasant growths, you need to understand the essence of the problem. What causes growths on the perineum, near the anus or in intimate areas? The causative agent of the disease is the papillomavirus, which penetrates the cells (epithelial) and changes their structure. As a result, a person develops one condyloma, which grows as the disease progresses. After excision or removal of the neoplasm by modern methods, the papilloma virus remains in the body. The immune system is unable to produce antibodies against this type of virus.

Condylomas during pregnancy

Warts during pregnancy are dangerous because a newborn baby can be infected with a virus. In a pregnant woman who is infected with papillomavirus, against the background of changes in hormonal levels and a decrease in immunity, a very large percentage of the development of neoplasms is observed.

Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, you should conduct a study on the presence of HPV in the body. If warts are found, they should be removed and appropriately treated before pregnancy occurs.

In women who are already in position, genital warts should be treated in the first trimester of pregnancy, since their rapid growth can be predicted at a later date. This can cause complications during the further course of pregnancy and childbirth.

After removal of genital warts and until the moment of delivery, the attending physician must constantly monitor the condition of the pregnant woman. Simultaneously with the removal of genital warts, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs are treated and the vaginal microflora is brought back to normal.

As mentioned above, the most gentle and effective means for removing genital warts in pregnant women and, in general, in gynecology, is the method using the Surgitron apparatus. Not bad for the treatment of warts in the vagina and in pregnant women, the drug "Solcoderm".

Sex life after surgery

Often patients are concerned about the questions: "How long will the recovery last, and is it possible to have sex with warts?". Any irritation and injury to the formations is accompanied by pain, which can be very intense. For this reason, your doctor will tell you to only have sex when the healing process is complete.

Patients with warts on the genitals during intercourse are at risk of damaging the growths, which will lead to their inflammation. There is also a high risk of the spread of papillomavirus infection and the formation of genital warts in other places.

With a normal recovery period, you can have sex after removing genital warts after 2-3 weeks. In some patients, healing is delayed, and any injury inhibits this process. There are cases when the period of abstinence from sexual activity is delayed. How long it will last is determined by the attending physician.

Having sex after cauterized warts should be done carefully, listening to your feelings.

Treatment of genital warts

Is there a need for further treatment of the disease after removal of condyloma? Drug therapy continues even after the procedure prescribed by a specialist. The patient, who does not want to suffer again from growths in intimate places, continues to fight the virus. The first step is to take funds that strengthen the body's immunity. Without immunostimulants, you will not be able to protect yourself from the virus.

Treatment after removal of warts includes prevention, which should not be neglected. Sports, hardening of the body and a healthy lifestyle will increase the period of remission.

The growths that have appeared are a consequence of the patient's lifestyle and his attitude to his own body. Safe sex after the recent removal of genital warts will not be a chagrin for partners if you follow all the recommendations of a specialist.

Large condylomas do not appear immediately after removal, but after a few months, such a problem again threatens a person.

How long should treatment continue after removal of complex warts? Rehabilitation is determined by the degree of neglect of the disease and the state of the human body. If a man or woman understood how the affected tissue heals, then any consequences will not come as a big surprise to the patient.

You can eliminate viral warts with the help of drugs purchased at a pharmacy. It is important to remember that treatment should only take place after consultation with a doctor and a diagnostic study.

Therapy for the elimination of papillomas consists in a properly selected set of agents that fight infection and resume the body's former protective function.

Preparations for external use on the mucous membranes should have a gentle effect, since conventional wart medicines are aggressive and cause burns to the skin. The patient can choose the most suitable remedy, guided by the advice.

Modern pharmacology allows you to purchase a medicine in a form that is convenient for a person. Pharmaceutical products to eliminate HPV growths are in the form of an ointment, cream, gel, treatment solution, patch, aerosol, or oil.

To treat the papilloma virus and remove papillomas, the doctor prescribes:

  • Allokin - Alpha;
  • Viferon;
  • Interferon;
  • Epigen intimate;
  • Cryopharm;
  • Kollomak;
  • Dermavit;
  • Kondilin;
  • Isoprinosine;
  • Likopid;
  • Cycloferon.

To eliminate the obvious discomfort from growths, anti-inflammatory drugs are sometimes attributed. Malavit is popular, which removes itching and has a sedative effect. Some doctors insist on the use of iodine, oxolinic ointment and hydrogen peroxide solution.

After purchasing medicines, it is important to follow the recommendations, as well as instructions for using the product. Some drugs require special attention and precautions.

The main directions of therapy:

  • the use of antiviral agents and immunomodulators;
  • use of liquid nitrogen;
  • exposure to the skin with a laser;
  • radio wave treatment;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • excision;
  • diathermocoagulation;
  • the use of cauterizing and mummifying drugs.

Therapeutic activities

With genital warts, treatment involves the use of Panavir, a drug that is active against HPV. The medicine is available in the form of a solution, gel and suppositories.

The pharmacological product cannot be used in severe pathology of the kidneys and spleen, during breastfeeding and in case of intolerance to the components.

Immunomax and Likopid are prescribed to increase immune protection. They increase the body's resistance to pathogens. Interferons (Lokferon or Inferon) are often used.

Cauterizing drugs for topical use are also used (Solcoderm, Verrukatsid, Kondilin, Ferezol): they destroy the affected tissues, and after a short period of time, the condylomas disappear. Such healing methods are effective, but after them relapses are frequent.

Removal of genital warts with a laser

An effective method of excision of genital warts is removal with a surgical laser. The method is considered one of the most gentle for the operation. Removal of condyloma is carried out by means of a laser beam, which flocculates the vessels and evaporates the pathological tissue. The wound after manipulation disappears within 5-7 days, and after 10 days it is already possible to live a full life.

Laser cauterization is the main way to get rid of genital warts.

Radio wave method

With this method, condylomas are removed using a special radio wave medical generator Surgitron Dual, which acts by means of radio waves, avoiding contact with tissues. The procedure is fast, almost does not injure the surface of the integument and mucous membranes, and is characterized by the absence of pain.

Radio wave excision - the elimination of genital warts by radio waves - refers to low-traumatic high-precision methods of hardware surgery, since it flocculates the excised tissues, while preventing bleeding. After its implementation, scars are not formed, suturing is not required.

Physical ablation is considered by experts to be more effective for keratinized warts. For soft neoplasms on the genitals, the contact chemical method of removal is more suitable.


Cryodestruction of genital warts (removal with nitrogen) - destruction of warts by short-term (within 10-20 seconds) freezing of tissues with liquid nitrogen (temperature below -195 ° C). Necrosis and rejection of condyloma occurs.

This method is most often used to remove a few small growths, especially those located on the penis, vagina, rectum, and urethra. Manipulation is not used in hard-to-reach places.

Local anesthesia is used if warts are present in several places, as well as with a large area of ​​​​the lesion.

Is it painful to remove warts with liquid nitrogen? During the procedure, patients feel a burning sensation, and after its completion - moderate pain. Blisters, hyperemia of the skin may appear, but there are practically no scars. Healing occurs on average within two weeks. The probability of recurrence of pathology (after a few months) is 20-40%.

Treatment of genital warts at home

Self-removal of condylomatous growths is similar to chemical methods of exposure and involves the use of plant juice containing substances that can necrotize tissues. Therapeutic manipulations consist in the preparation of compresses, infusions, solutions based on medicinal plants. For home removal of warts are used:

  • propolis - a general tonic;
  • garlic gruel - suitable for getting rid of recently appeared growths;
  • onion - frequent application (up to 15 times a day) of freshly squeezed plant juice will help get rid of genital warts;
  • celandine - an effective remedy for treatment at home, requires caution;
  • dandelion - an infusion of plant flowers on a triple cologne, mixed with salt, contributes to the rapid drying and falling off of warts;
  • calendula - an immuno-strengthening medicinal plant; for the treatment of papillomavirus infection, you should drink a decoction with the addition of ginger, chamomile, raspberries, lemon;
  • vinegar - for the treatment of warts, you need to use a solution diluted to a concentration of 3-5%;
  • soda is a safe remedy, used at home to slow down the growth of neoplasms, reduce their size.

Before the introduction of laser removal of papillomas into medical practice, it was possible to get rid of neoplasms either surgically or by exposing the growths to low-temperature nitrogen, chemical reagents, and high-frequency electric current.

But due to the pain and long rehabilitation period of these procedures, experts have invented an innovative technique, the essence of which is to influence the wart with a laser beam. As a result, her body seems to evaporate.

Modern medicine has not yet come up with a drug that can remove from the body or destroy the infection - the causative agent of genital warts. Therefore, all treatment is limited to local removal of neoplasms and a course to increase immunity.

There are the following methods for removing genital warts. This is cryotherapy (removal with liquid nitrogen); treatment with products that contain concentrated acid; dethermocoagulation (exposure to high-frequency radiation, high temperatures or an electric knife); laser therapy.

Preventive actions

Cauterization of genital warts does not solve the problem with papillomavirus, which is inside the body. Cosmetic surgery or chemotherapy is just a way to get rid of the external symptoms of the disease, and therefore these activities should be supplemented by a course of taking antiviral pills, as well as the use of topical drugs.

However, no treatment will bring a positive result if a person neglects HPV prevention. In this case, it is very important to take care of your health and reconsider your lifestyle. To do this, you will need to follow the following recommendations:

  • The daily diet should include fresh vegetables or fruits;
  • It is necessary to abandon the use of alcohol and cigarettes or reduce their dose to the limit;
  • Morning exercises will not only invigorate, but will also strengthen the protective functions of the body, which will protect a person from relapse of papillomavirus and various other diseases.

The cost of getting rid of genital warts

Patients themselves choose how the removal of growths will be carried out. The price of procedures in Moscow depends on the location, number, size of neoplasms.

Equally important is the way in which the therapy will be carried out. For example, laser removal costs from 4500 to 5000 rubles.

(if there are no more than 10 warts). For high-frequency exposure, you will have to pay 900-2000 rubles.

/unit depending on the size.

Elimination of formations with nitrogen - 400-450 r. /PC.

Treatment and removal of genital warts is a long process. Conservative therapies are effective, but require prolonged exposure. Surgical methods are more effective, but differ in trauma, the presence of significant pain and the need for rehabilitation measures.


How is the laser hair removal procedure performed?

If condylomas are located in large numbers, then 2-3 operations will have to be performed to remove them. As with other interventions, after laser therapy, a person may feel discomfort. For example, itching appears, which indicates the healing of the crusts. But still, when compared with other methods, laser therapy provides for a short recovery period.

Much depends on how correctly the patient follows the doctor's recommendations, for example, the main ones include the following:

  1. Weight lifting is prohibited.
  2. Solariums and saunas are not allowed.
  3. In some cases, sexual activity is prohibited.
  4. Compliance with personal hygiene in the strictest order.
  5. The first time after the operation, make sure that water does not get into the place of removal of warts.

But still, it is worth remembering that laser treatment will not be able to eliminate the virus itself. Therefore, therapy is based on an integrated approach. At the same time, you will have to take medications to fight the pathogen itself. The only unpleasant moment with a favorable operation is a small scar at the site of the former location of the condyloma.

Lasers have been used in surgical practice for a long time. To date, there is a laser equipment with wide operational capabilities. Laser operations are carried out quickly and with virtually no bleeding. This is because the impact on the tissue is produced by powerful laser radiation on a specific area of ​​the tissue.

Removal of genital warts with a laser is performed under local anesthesia. For this purpose, anesthetic ointments or injections of novocaine, lidocaine are used. The operation lasts no more than a quarter of an hour. It takes about one minute to remove a unit of warts.

The laser beam kills the condyloma tissue without touching it and sealing the blood vessels. All microflora in the wound area is also destroyed. The laser beam operates very precisely, which allows not to affect neighboring tissues. During the operation, the surgeon adjusts the power of the laser beam, the area of ​​the affected area, the width and depth of the incision.

If the disease is advanced and it is required to remove a large number of genital warts, then the operation can be carried out in several stages. Moreover, the breaks between stages range from two to four weeks. With the correct operation, scars practically do not develop. After the procedure for removing genital warts, the wound must not be injured and wet during the day.

Laser removal is a modern and effective procedure. Its advantages include speed and lack of bleeding. The disadvantages are soreness. But it should be remembered that the use of a laser is effective only with complex treatment. If you do not take care of your health and do not conduct antiviral and immune-strengthening therapy, then the disease will definitely return.

What preparations to use?

How long the recovery period lasts depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. The removal sites can hurt with any irritation, therefore, in some cases, it is necessary to use anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs:

Topically used ointments with antiviral action, for example, Panavir and Epigen-gel. These drugs are necessary if there is a high risk of recurrence of warts.

Possible Complications

The period after the difficult removal of genital warts will require special attention and caution. Only proper care will avoid excessive scarring of the skin and serious consequences.

What is the danger of the rehabilitation period? The most dangerous and annoying consequence of removing warts is their reappearance. If you do not carry out prevention and do not take care of the state of your own body, the neoplasm will reappear already in the third month after a difficult procedure.

When the disease reappears, complications are difficult to avoid.

The basis of any prevention that prevents relapses are special preparations and agents for local treatment of intimate areas. Often, in the place where the growth used to be, a scar bleeds. During sex, the wound is injured again. Consequences of excision of papilloma on the perineum or near the anus:

  • severe discomfort;
  • itching and severe burning;
  • repeated injuries;
  • scarring of neighboring and affected tissues;
  • discomfort during urination and intimacy;
  • pain during bowel movements.

Why do warts appear?

People suffer from skin rashes in the form of warts, papillomas, condylomas as often as from acne. Warts appear as a result of human infection with papillomavirus.

In appearance, they resemble small tubercles, the diameter of which can reach 3 mm.

Unfortunately, you cannot completely get rid of the virus, but you can take the necessary measures to prevent skin rashes.

Infection occurs from the carrier of the virus not only through household items, but also through sexual contact. Often you can catch the virus in a sauna, bath, swimming pool, and other public places. To prevent infection, it is better to use personal items.

  • What is the procedure?
  • Contraindications
  • Removal of warts with liquid nitrogen
  • Care after the procedure
  • What is better to remove warts: laser or nitrogen?
  • Consequences
  • Video
  • Reviews

Warts are neoplasms on the skin, they can cause both physical and psychological discomfort. It is better to get rid of them immediately. Cauterization with liquid nitrogen can help you with this.

What is the procedure?

Wart removal with liquid nitrogen or cryotherapy is a very popular way to get rid of skin growths once and for all. The procedure is painless, after it is not needed special care and the price is quite reasonable.

Liquid nitrogen removal is suitable for all types of warts (plantar, flat, common) and even moles. The procedure is good because it is absolutely safe. The percentage of infection with any infection is reduced to 0. This will help instill hope in you and cast aside fear.

How is laser removal performed?

To remove papillomas or moles, laser radiation is used. When it affects the body in the body, blood circulation improves, all internal processes are activated. As a result, tissue nutrition improves.

Before removing moles or papillomas with a laser, the specialist will apply a special agent to the affected area.

It will relieve pain during the procedure. If the neoplasm is larger than 2-3 mm, then the doctor will give an anesthetic injection.


Care of the postoperative area should be very thorough. Wash your face after every visit to the toilet. The anal area should be washed with baby soap, and the intimate area with a special product with a neutral acid-base balance.

It is impossible to process healing sites with:

  • Alcohol-containing solutions (iodine, brilliant green).
  • Hydrogen peroxide.

It is acceptable to treat these zones with a solution of chlorhexidine or Baneocin ointment.

There is discharge for 3-4 weeks after removal, so it is necessary to wear daily sanitary pads, which are changed every 2 hours.

Radio wave method: "Surgitron"

Getting rid of genital warts is carried out by the Surgitron apparatus, which acts on the growth with radio waves. Manipulation is used to get rid of neoplasms both in the area of ​​the anal ring and on the external genital organs. Removal of condylomas by the radio wave method allows contactless action on the formation and making an incision in the skin, followed by removal of the build-up. Since the manipulation is painful, the patient is given local anesthesia before it. Radio wave removal of genital warts is a quick procedure that takes no more than 20 minutes.

The wart is bleeding

Blood is released from the neoplasm only if the blood vessels are damaged. This is usually due to an unintended effect on the wart. Usually minor bleeding does not pose a particular danger, but there is a risk of infection in the body through existing damage.

The location of the wart is also important. If it is located above a large blood vessel or artery, there is a risk of damage to it, which is fraught with profuse bleeding. However, this is possible only in cases where the formation is large and the damage is significant.

How to stop bleeding

Isolation of blood from a wart is fraught with the spread of papillomavirus infection to healthy tissues. To avoid this, it is necessary to carefully ensure that the affected hemalymph does not get on other parts of the skin.

You can stop bleeding with the help of some means, for example, a hemostatic pencil, as well as through the use of cotton or gauze swabs. They should be pressed as tightly as possible to the site of the wound, and then fixed until the bleeding stops.

Intimate life and rehabilitation

To exclude complications after the removal of genital warts, it is necessary to completely abandon sexual intercourse for the entire period of rehabilitation. This is due to the fact that scars remain at the site of removal of growths, which should not be subjected to any influences.

The postoperative scab can be easily damaged, which will provoke the opening of the wound and infection inside it. The consequences of this can be unpredictable - from the formation of ulcers on the mucous membrane to the development of serious diseases of the genitourinary system.

What you need to know about papillomas

Papillomas are neoplasms of viral origin that occur on the skin, mucous membranes of organs. The causative agent is HPV (human papillomavirus). Unlike other skin formations, warts are characterized by a benign course. They are safe because:

  • Does not destroy surrounding tissue
  • Slowly increase in size
  • Does not induce metastases
  • Occurs without symptoms of intoxication
  • Do not interfere with metabolic processes

This is not to say that papillomas are absolutely harmless. In rare cases, they are the cause of health problems: at large sizes, they compress the vascular and nerve bundles, and in the larynx they disrupt breathing.

Such different papillomas

Vulgar papillomas

Such skin formations are the most common. Favorite localization - the palmar and back surfaces of the fingers, the spaces between them, the sole. Often they occur on the lips, in the chin area. Initially, a small spherical papule appears. As it grows, it darkens, acquires a rough surface.

Acrochords - filiform papillomas

These are rounded or elongated skin formations on a thin "leg". Under microscopy, this feature allows you to distinguish acrochords from other warts. In children, filiform papillomas do not occur, they are characteristic of people over 40. Typical localization is the skin of the neck, eyelids, axillary and inguinal regions. Women may appear under the mammary glands. Papillomas occur in folded areas with increased sweating.

Genital warts

They are papillary formations with a pointed end. They are pink or flesh colored. Often merge with each other, arranged in groups. In terms of structure, condylomas resemble acrochords: they also have a thin “leg”. They just form elsewhere. Their appearance is associated with sexual contact with HPV, less often by contact.

Consequently, the genital area and perineum are predominantly affected. In rare cases, genital warts are found in the mouth, lips and cheeks. Among all papillomas, they are the most dangerous. Doctors do not exclude the possibility of their transition to a malignant formation. In addition, warts cause discomfort: they interfere with walking, sexual intercourse.

Flat papillomas

Such skin formations are easily confused with ordinary moles. Their color is indistinguishable from the skin, because flat papillomas often remain invisible. They can appear everywhere: on the face, trunk, limbs, external and internal genital organs. Flat papillomas often occur in children and adolescents, for which they are called "juvenile warts". With age, they go away on their own, so it is not necessary to remove them immediately.

plantar warts

They are found on the sole and toes, palms, less often on the back. There is no need to remove them: over time, they will disappear on their own. However, in cases of damage to the feet with large warts, unpleasant sensations arise: soreness when walking, itching, discomfort when rubbing against shoes. This is the main indication for removal.

Prevention measures

As mentioned above, warts not only cause aesthetic discomfort, but can also become the main cause of the development of serious diseases, including oncological ones. To prevent these complications, neoplasms should be removed. Usually this procedure is recommended in the presence of a large number of warts, or if there are a large number of them.

In accordance with the individual physiological characteristics and type of warts, the doctor will help you choose the best method of removal. It is not recommended to get rid of the neoplasm on your own. Thus, it is possible to aggravate the condition due to the fact that the virus that provokes the appearance of warts will remain in the deep layers of tissues, which is associated with the appearance of even more pathogenic formations.

  • What to do if the wart has grown, it hurts, it has begun to fall off, etc.
  • Condylomas, papillomas and warts - is there a difference
  • A wart comes off: what to do?


It is used to remove small papillomas. Since the essence of the method lies in the thermal destruction of the affected tissue, the people called the method "cauterization". With a heated electrode, they touch the neoplasm and coagulate it together with the vessels, as a result of which a pinpoint burn is formed, which becomes covered with a dark crust within an hour. In the case of single papillomas, local anesthesia is used, and in case of multiple small neoplasms, this is not advisable.

Causes of papilloma

Growths on the skin appear under the influence of the human papillomavirus. Under one name, about 100 strains of viruses are hidden, which provoke the emergence of neoplasms of various shapes, colors and sizes. These viruses enter the skin or mucous membranes and remain forever.

At the moment, pharmacists are not able to provide medicinal product, which can get rid of this pathogen. But doctors have found ways to fight HPV, which we'll talk about a little later.

For a long time, the human defense system is able to inhibit the vital activity of the virus, and therefore the first symptoms of the disease appear after a week or even years. It all depends on how strong a person's immune system is.

If the immune system is able to cope with the virus, then why do papillomas appear? As already mentioned above, the virus remains in the body forever and once the defense system is weakened, it immediately activates and gives rise to growths on the skin.

Immunity weakens for the following reasons:

  • Hormonal disruptions (pregnancy, breastfeeding, taking hormonal drugs).
  • The presence of bad habits (drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism).
  • Unbalanced nutrition.
  • Exacerbation of chronic or congenital diseases.
  • Excess weight.
  • Long-term use of drugs.
  • Promiscuous sexual relations.
  • Frequent colds.

If the human body was influenced by these factors, then neoplasms appear. Doctors recommend removing papillomas, although they do not endanger human life.

Burning with chemicals

Remove genital warts and with the help of chemical exposure:

Tool nameMechanism of action and application
Solcoderm and SolkovaginPreparations, the active component of which are various acids. "Solcoderm" is used for local exposure to external warts. The agent is applied to a cotton swab, which lubricates the formation, after which the affected skin is sealed with adhesive plaster, which helps to prevent burns of the healthy dermis. Condylomas become covered with a crust and fall off after 2 or 3 manipulations.
Solkovagin is used to combat warts that have affected the cervix. Often enough one cauterization, but sometimes repeated manipulation is required.
Podophyllin preparations
  • "Condylox". The medication is applied with an applicator, which is attached along with the medication. Use it 2 times a day for 3 days. Then take a break of 4 days. If the first course of treatment did not give results, the next course is carried out.
  • "Condilin". Condylomas are also lubricated with the drug using an applicator. It is allowed to use the medication no more than 50 times.
FerezolHas a burning effect. It is not recommended to use this drug to remove growths on its own. Cauterization of formations is carried out by a doctor. He will need to smear warts 2 times, taking a break of 4 minutes between manipulations. Then they take a break for a week, and if the growths have not fallen off, they carry out another manipulation.
Trichloroacetic acidAcid cauterization is used to get rid of single genital warts. The tool provokes a burn of the neoplasm, after which it dries up. Before use, it is important to protect healthy skin around with a fat cream or petroleum jelly.

Surgery is justified with extensive growth of genital warts.

IN postoperative period observance of elementary rules of hygiene is of great importance. It is necessary to exclude any ingress of dirt into the wound. Rinsing should be as gentle as possible to avoid irritation due to friction. Recommendations regarding personal hygiene after warts removal include the following rules:

  • You need to wash several times a day;
  • handle detergent not only the vagina follows, but also the anus area, since microbes can get on the genitals from there;
  • When applying and washing off the gel, you need to make movements from front to back. Such actions exclude the possibility of infection;
  • Wipe the genital area with caution, using a separate towel for this;
  • For hygienic procedures it is necessary to use special means for the intimate area. They are more gentle on the mucous membrane;
  • It is not recommended to use tampons during menstruation, it is better to use pads. If, nevertheless, there was a need for them, it is necessary to replace them with fresh ones every two hours;
  • Small discharge from the vagina in the form of an ichor is considered normal and should not cause concern. If available, daily panty liners should be used.

Preventive measures to avoid infection are expressed in refusing to visit baths, saunas, swimming pools and other similar public places for the rehabilitation period. Bathing in natural waters should also be avoided until the wound heals completely. In the first two days after the operation, it is better not to sunbathe in a solarium or under the open sun.

Fluid comes out of the wart

In some cases, a lymphatic fluid, colloquially referred to as "ichor", can stand out from the wart. As a rule, its appearance is due to the reaction of the body's protective barrier to the existing lesion. This kind of liquid consists of a huge number of leukocytes, which prevent the penetration of pathogens into the tissues.

The appearance of lymph may indicate the presence early stages inflammatory process in the wart area. This lesion is a direct indication of visiting a doctor in order to avoid possible complications.

Medical therapy

As a drug treatment for HPV, antiviral drugs are successfully used, which prevent the growth and reproduction of neoplasms. For this purpose, the following are most often prescribed: Interferon, Cycloferon, Acyclovir, Ribavirin.

Complex therapy also involves the use of immunomodulating medicines("Viferon", "Genferon", "Immunomax", "Likopid").

Immunomodulators restore and strengthen the immune system. The action of these drugs is to produce white blood cells, which helps the body to actively fight the virus.

Pus from a wart

If, in case of damage to the wart, measures were not taken in a timely manner to treat the wound surface, an infection can penetrate into the affected tissues, which is main reason development of inflammatory processes. At first, these pathogenic processes proceed almost imperceptibly. However, over time, a cavity filled with a purulent substance is formed in the tissues of the wart, which is released when the formation is damaged.

As a rule, inflammatory processes in the tissues are accompanied by quite strong painful sensations. And with the globality of a purulent abscess, a significant deterioration in general well-being, expressed in the appearance of weakness and an increase in body temperature, is not excluded.

Warts may appear on different areas body, but more often they can be observed in intimate places. Doctors often suggest laser removal of genital warts. This method is considered safe and effective.

What is laser therapy?

This method involves the use of a strong energy flow of light, which significantly increases the temperature inside human tissues.

Many will say that removing growths is not necessary, but this is not so. In addition to the fact that they do not look very aesthetically pleasing, warts can still be injured and infected. And the viral component of such warts can be transmitted from one person to another, for example, sexually.

Indications for removal of genital warts

Most often, warts appear in the most inappropriate places:

Among women:

  • the outer part of the genitals;
  • vagina;
  • Cervix;
  • opening of the urethra;
  • crotch;
  • inside and outside of the anus.

For men:

  • foreskin;
  • the head of the penis;
  • scrotum;
  • a place near the urethra;
  • urethra;
  • anus, its external or internal part.

If the doctor prescribes the removal of genital warts, then there are good reasons for this. The following factors can serve as indications for the elimination of growths on the skin:

In addition, some types of genital warts (for example, 16 and 18) are oncogenic viruses, if present, there is a possibility of developing squamous cell carcinoma.

From all of the above, we can conclude that it is necessary to remove such growths, but the dermatologist will tell the patient how to do this.

How is the laser hair removal procedure performed?

The doctor performs all actions in a special office where the laser removal machine is located. The room must first be brought to an aseptic condition. The main purpose of this method is to necroticize the affected areas with a laser by penetrating deeply under the skin. Due to this, condyloma is subject to rapid destruction.

Laser therapy has its advantages:

It must be remembered that the patient's body must be clean before the operation. In addition, the day before laser therapy, it is forbidden to drink alcohol. All actions to remove genital warts should be carried out by a doctor who has a certain certificate authorizing the procedure.

Does it hurt to remove warts? After the operation, the patient feels a slight soreness, so the removal site is treated with an anesthetic. The procedure takes an average of 15 minutes.

The laser acts on condyloma in doses, this leads to its necrosis. Despite the fact that the method has practically no contraindications, laser therapy is prohibited for pregnant women. This is due to the fact that there may be a threat to the development of the fetus. During pregnancy, the doctor selects another treatment, it begins in the 3rd trimester. Therapy provides for more gentle methods.

After the laser removal procedure

If condylomas are located in large numbers, then 2-3 operations will have to be performed to remove them. As with other interventions, after laser therapy, a person may feel discomfort. For example, itching appears, which indicates the healing of the crusts. But still, when compared with other methods, laser therapy provides for a short recovery period.

Much depends on how correctly the patient follows the doctor's recommendations, for example, the main ones include the following:

But still, it is worth remembering that laser treatment will not be able to eliminate the virus itself. Therefore, therapy is based on an integrated approach. At the same time, you will have to take medications to fight the pathogen itself. The only unpleasant moment with a favorable operation is a small scar at the site of the former location of the condyloma.

Possible Complications

In rare cases, complications may occur. Despite the fact that the use of a laser is considered one of the safest methods, it is worth remembering that this is an intervention in the body, and each person has an individual reaction.

The resulting complications can be divided into the following manifestations:

If something worries the patient after the operation, it is necessary to notify the attending physician about it. Especially with the onset of bleeding, as there may be a threat to life. If the disease recurs, a second laser procedure will be required. But these cases are extremely rare, in general, the operation proceeds without complications.

Negative effects can develop in people who suffer from concomitant diseases, for example, diabetes. In addition, if the patient does not follow the rules of personal hygiene, then in open wound infection may enter.

Other ways to remove genital warts

Not always laser removal is the only right way, in some cases the doctor may prescribe drug treatment, and if there are not so many warts, and they are small, then you can use folk recipes.

It is worth listing the most popular methods of treating genital warts:

  1. Chemical processing. For example, with the help of drugs such as Kondilin and Solcoderm. They are applied only to warts, while neighboring tissues should not be affected. The procedure is available in terms of money issue.
  2. Cryodestruction - removal of warts with liquid nitrogen. The essence of the method is that the neoplasm is frozen, dies and disappears.
  3. Electrocoagulation - warts are removed by high-frequency current (electroknife).
  4. Removal of genital warts by the radio wave method - does not leave scars behind, the Surgitron apparatus is used for the procedure. Such radio wave removal of genital warts can also be used by pregnant women, but this method is quite expensive.

Further success in recovery depends on how correctly the treatment was chosen. You should not try to remove warts on your own, this person risks acquiring additional complications. Carrying out treatment at home, a person cannot answer with certainty which category warts belong to, perhaps they contain cancer cells. Only the diagnosis of the disease can reveal the nature of their origin.

Laser removal of growths at a cost no higher than other methods of combating warts. But it is worth remembering that it, like other methods, only eliminates visible defects, the virus does not disappear anywhere. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a general treatment for the fight against HPV.