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What foods can you eat with diabetes. What can you eat with diabetes? Brief description of the disease

The root cause of the complications that develop in type 2 diabetes is high level insulin in the blood. It can be normalized quickly and for a long time only with a strict low-carbohydrate diet, when the intake of carbohydrates from food is reduced as much as possible.

And only after the indicators stabilize, some relaxation is possible. It concerns a narrow set of cereals, raw root crops, fermented milk products - under the control of blood glucose (!).

Do you want to go straight to the allowed food table?

Click on item #3 in the table of contents below. The table should be printed and hung in the kitchen.

It provides a detailed list of what foods can be eaten with type 2 diabetes, which is designed conveniently and concisely.

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Benefits of a well-established low-carbohydrate diet

If type 2 diabetes is diagnosed on early stage, such a diet is a complete treatment. Reduce carbohydrates to a minimum as soon as possible! And you do not have to drink "tablets in handfuls."

What is the insidiousness of systemic metabolic disease?

It is important to understand that breakdowns affect all types of metabolism, and not just carbohydrate. The main targets of diabetes are blood vessels, eyes and kidneys, as well as the heart.

The dangerous future of a diabetic who could not change his diet is neuropathy lower extremities up to gangrene and amputation, blindness, severe atherosclerosis, and this is a direct path to heart attack and stroke. According to statistics, the listed conditions, on average, take up to 16 years of life from a poorly compensated diabetic.

A sensible diet and lifelong carbohydrate restriction will ensure a stable level of insulin in the blood. This will give correct exchange substances in tissues and reduce the risk of severe complications.

If necessary, do not be afraid to take drugs to control insulin production. Be motivated to diet and that it allows you to reduce the dose of drugs or reduce their set to a minimum.

Incidentally, metformin, a common prescription for type 2 diabetes, is already being explored in the scientific community as a possible massive defender against systemic senile inflammation, even for healthy people.

Diet principles and food choices

Worried that restrictions will make your diet tasteless?

In vain! The list of allowed foods for type 2 diabetes is very wide. You will be able to choose from it mouth-watering options for a healthy and varied menu.

What foods can be eaten with type 2 diabetes?

  • Protein products

All kinds of meat, poultry, fish, eggs (whole!), Mushrooms. The latter should be limited if there are problems with the kidneys.

Based on the intake of protein 1-1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Attention! The numbers 1-1.5 grams are pure protein, not the weight of the product. Find tables online that show how much protein is in the meat and fish you eat.

  • low GI vegetables

They contain up to 500 grams of vegetables with high content fiber, raw if possible (salads, smoothies). This will ensure a stable feeling of satiety and a good bowel cleansing.

  • Healthy fats

Say "No!" trans fats. Say yes! fish oil and vegetable oils, where omega-6 is not more than 30%. Alas, the popular sunflower and corn oil are not among them.

  • Unsweetened low GI fruits and berries

No more than 100 grams per day. Your task is to choose fruits with a glycemic index of up to 40, occasionally up to 50.

From 1 to 2 r / week, you can eat diabetic sweets - only on the basis of or. Remember the names and clarify the details! Unfortunately, most popular sweeteners are dangerous to health.

Always consider the glycemic index

It is vital for a diabetic to understand the concept of the "glycemic index" of products. This number shows the average person's response to the product - how quickly blood glucose rises after taking it.

GI is defined for all products. There are three gradations of the indicator.

  1. High GI - from 70 to 100. A diabetic should exclude such foods.
  2. Average GI - from 41 to 70. Moderate consumption with achieved stabilization of blood glucose - occasionally, no more than 1/5 of the entire meal per day, in the right combinations with other products.
  3. Low GI - from 0 to 40. These foods are the basis of the diet for diabetes.

What increases the GI of a product?

Cooking with "invisible" carbohydrates (breading!), accompaniment with high-carbohydrate food, food consumption temperature.

So, cauliflower steamed does not cease to be low-glycemic. And her neighbor, fried in breadcrumbs, is no longer shown to a diabetic.

One more example. We lower the GI of a meal by accompanying a meal with carbohydrates with a powerful serving of protein. Salad with chicken and avocado with berry sauce is an affordable dish for diabetics. And these same berries, whipped into a seemingly “harmless dessert” with oranges, just a spoonful of honey and sour cream, are already a bad choice.

We stop being afraid of fats and learn to choose healthy ones.

Since the end of the last century, mankind has rushed to fight fats in food. The motto is “no cholesterol!” only babies don't know. But what are the results of this struggle? Fear of fats has led to an increase in fatal vascular accidents (heart attack, stroke, pulmonary embolism) and the prevalence of diseases of civilization, including diabetes and atherosclerosis in the top three.

This is due to the fact that the consumption of trans fats from hydrogenated vegetable oils and there was a harmful nutritional imbalance in excess of omega-6 fatty acids. A good ratio of omega3/omega-6 = 1:4. But in our traditional diet, it reaches 1:16 or more.

Your task is to choose the right fats.

Focusing on omega-3s, adding omega-9s, and reducing omega-6s will help balance your diet towards a healthy ratio of omegas. For example, make cold-pressed olive oil the main oil in cold dishes. Remove trans fats completely. If you fry, then coconut oil which is resistant to prolonged heating.

Product table do's and don'ts

Let's talk again. The lists in the table do not describe an archaic view of the diet (the classic Diet 9 table), but a modern low-carb diet for type 2 diabetes.

It includes:

  • Normal protein intake is 1-1.5 g per kg of body weight;
  • Normal or high intake of healthy fats;
  • Complete removal of sweets, cereals, pasta and milk;
  • A sharp reduction in root vegetables, legumes and liquid dairy products.

At the first stage of the diet, your goal for carbohydrates is to meet 25-50 grams per day.

For convenience, the table should hang in the kitchen of a diabetic - next to information about the glycemic index of foods and the calorie content of the most common recipes.

ProductCan eatLimited possible (1-3 r / week)
with stable glucose numbers for a month
cereals Green buckwheat, steamed with boiling water overnight, quinoa: 1 dish of 40 grams of dry product 1-2 times a week.
Under the control of blood glucose after 1.5 hours.
If you fix an increase from the initial one by 3 mmol / l or more, exclude the product.
root vegetables, greens,
All vegetables that grow above ground.
Cabbage of all varieties (white, red, broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts), fresh herbs, including all types of leafy (garden salad, arugula, etc.), tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, bell pepper, artichoke, pumpkin, asparagus, green beans, mushrooms.
Raw carrots, celery root, radish, Jerusalem artichoke, turnip, radish, sweet potato.
Black beans, lentils: 1 dish of 30 grams of dry product 1 r / week.
Under the control of blood glucose after 1.5 hours. If you fix an increase from the initial one by 3 mmol / l or more, exclude the product.
Avocado, lemon, cranberry.
Less commonly, strawberries, wild strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, red currants, gooseberries.
Divide into 2 doses and accompany with proteins and fats.
A good option- sauces from these fruits for salads and meat.
No more than 100 g / day + not on an empty stomach!
Berries (blackcurrant, blueberry), plum, watermelon, grapefruit, pear, figs, apricots, cherries, tangerines, sweet and sour apples.
Seasonings, spicesPepper, cinnamon, spices, spices, mustard.Dry salad dressings, homemade olive oil mayonnaise, avocado sauces.
and cheeses
Cottage cheese and sour cream of normal fat content. Hard cheeses. Rarely - cream and butter.Cheese. Sour-milk drinks of normal fat content (from 5%), preferably homemade sourdough: 1 glass per day, preferably not daily.
Fish and seafoodNot large (!) sea and river fish. Squids, shrimps, crayfish, mussels, oysters.
Meat, eggs and meat productsWhole eggs: 2-3 pcs. in a day. Chicken, turkey, duck, rabbit, veal, beef, pork, offal from animals and birds (heart, liver, stomachs).
FatsIn salads, olive, peanut, cold-pressed almonds. Coconut (it is preferable to fry in this oil). Natural butter. Fish oil - as a dietary supplement. Cod liver. Less often - lard and rendered animal fats.Fresh linseed oil (alas, this oil quickly oxidizes and is inferior to fish oil in terms of the bioavailability of omegas).
DessertSalads and frozen fruit desserts with low GI (up to 40).
No more than 100 grams per day. No added sugar, fructose, honey!
Fruit jelly without sugar from fruits with GI up to 50. Bitter chocolate (cocoa from 75% and above).
Bakery Not sweet pastries on buckwheat and nut flour. Fritters on quinoa and buckwheat flour.
Sweets Bitter chocolate (Real! From 75% cocoa) - no more than 20 g / day
Almond, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, pistachios, sunflower and pumpkin seeds (no more than 30 grams per day!).
Nut and seed flour (almond, coconut, chia, etc.)
BeveragesTea and natural (!) coffee, still mineral water.

What can not be eaten with type 2 diabetes?

There are many prohibited foods. But don't be scared! Keep the list in front of your eyes. In a month, you will be able to weed out harmful items from the menu easily and automatically.

  • All bakery products and cereals not listed in the table;
  • Cookies, marshmallows, marshmallows and other confectionery, cakes, pastries, etc.;
  • Honey, unspecified chocolate, candy, natural white sugar;
  • Potatoes, carbohydrate-coated fried vegetables, most root vegetables, except as noted above;
  • Store-bought mayonnaise, ketchup, frying in soup with flour and all sauces based on it;
  • Condensed milk, store-bought ice cream (any!), store-bought products of a complex composition marked “milk”, because these are hidden sugars and trans fats;
  • Fruits, berries with high GI: banana, grapes, cherries, pineapple, peaches, watermelon, melon, pineapple;
  • Dried fruits and candied fruits: figs, dried apricots, dates, raisins;
  • Shop sausages, sausages, etc., where there is starch, cellulose and sugar;
  • Sunflower and corn oil, any refined oils, margarine;
  • Large fish, canned food in oil, smoked fish and seafood, dry salted snacks, popular with beer.

Do not rush to dismiss the diet due to strict restrictions!

Yes, it's unusual. Yes, no bread at all. And even buckwheat is not allowed at the first stage. And then they offer to get acquainted with new cereals and legumes. And they call to delve into the composition of the products. And oils list strange. And an unusual principle - “fats are allowed, look for healthy ones” ... Sheer bewilderment, but how to live on such a diet ?!

Live well and long! The proposed nutrition will work for you in a month.

Bonus: you will eat many times better than peers who have not yet been pressed by diabetes, wait for grandchildren and increase your chances of active longevity.

Understand that type 2 diabetes is not to be underestimated.

Many people have risk factors for this disease (among them is our sweet and starchy diet, with bad fats and a lack of protein). But the disease occurs most often in mature and elderly people, when other weak points have already formed in the body.

If the disease is not brought under control, diabetes will actually shorten life and kill prematurely. It attacks all blood vessels, the heart, the liver, will not allow you to lose weight and will critically worsen the quality of life. Decide to limit carbohydrates to a minimum! The result will please you.

How to properly build a diet for type 2 diabetes

When formulating nutrition for a diabetic, it is beneficial to assess which foods and processing methods bring the most benefit to the body.

  • Food processing: boil, bake, steam.
  • No - frequent frying in sunflower oil and strong salting!
  • Emphasis on the raw gifts of nature, if there are no contraindications from the stomach and intestines. For example, eat up to 60% fresh vegetables and fruits, and leave 40% for heat-treated.
  • Choose your fish carefully small size insures against excess mercury).
  • We study the potential harm of most sweeteners. The only neutral ones: based on stevia and erythritol (erythritol).
  • We enrich the diet with the right dietary fiber (cabbage, psyllium, pure fiber).
  • We enrich the diet with omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil, medium-sized red fish).
  • No to alcohol! Empty calories = hypoglycemia, a harmful condition when there is a lot of insulin in the blood, and little glucose. Dangerous fainting and increasing starvation of the brain. In advanced cases - up to coma.

When and how often to eat during the day

  • The fragmentation of food during the day - from 3 times a day, preferably at the same time;
  • No - late dinner! A full last meal - 2 hours before bedtime;
  • Yes - daily breakfast! It contributes to a stable level of insulin in the blood;
  • We start the meal with a salad - this restrains insulin surges and quickly satisfies the subjective feeling of hunger, which is important for obligatory weight loss in type 2 diabetes.

How to spend a day without hunger and spikes in insulin in the blood

We prepare a large bowl of salad and 1 recipe with baked meat - from the entire set of products for the day. From these dishes we form breakfast, lunch, dinner close in volume. Snacks (afternoon snack and 2nd breakfast) to choose from - a bowl of boiled shrimp (sprinkle with a mixture olive oil and lemon juice), cottage cheese, kefir and a handful of nuts.

This mode will allow you to quickly rebuild, comfortably lose weight and not hang out in the kitchen, mourning the usual recipes.

Remember the main thing! Reducing excess weight in type 2 diabetes is one of the main factors in successful treatment.

We have described a working method of how to establish a low-carb diet for a diabetic. When you have a table in front of your eyes, what foods you can eat with type 2 diabetes, it’s not difficult to create a tasty and varied menu.

On the pages of our website, we will also prepare recipes for diabetics and talk about modern views on adding nutritional supplements to therapy (fish oil for omega-3, alpha-lipoic acid, chromium picolinate, etc.). Stay tuned!

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Read on this page what you can not eat with diabetes, what foods you need to exclude in order to take control of impaired glucose metabolism. On the site site you can learn how to take control:

  • type 2 diabetes;
  • gestational diabetes in pregnant women;
  • type 1 autoimmune diabetes - in adults and children.

The main thing to do is to strictly refuse forbidden foods overloaded with carbohydrates. They are listed on this page. The information is presented in the form of convenient lists. helps to normalize blood sugar, to avoid the development of complications. Diabetics who follow it feel just as good, if not better, than their healthy peers. This often upsets doctors because they lose patients and their money.

What not to eat with diabetes: a detailed list of prohibited foods

Patients with diabetes should not eat food that quickly and significantly increases blood sugar. Below you will find detailed lists foods that should not be eaten. Approved products are listed on the " " page. See for yourself that there is a large selection. A healthy diet for diabetes is also satisfying and tasty.

From permitted products, you can cook a variety and luxurious dishes. They will delight food lovers without harming their health, but rather improving it.

Watch a video about how the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates you eat affect blood sugar.

All foods containing sugar and starch, as well as fructose, are prohibited:

  • table sugar - white and brown;
  • potatoes in any form;
  • any sweets, including those with the inscription “for diabetics”;
  • cereals and cereals;
  • any products containing wheat, rice, buckwheat, rye, oats and other cereals;
  • products in which sugar was secretly added - for example, market cottage cheese;
  • regular and whole grain bread;
  • bran diet bread, crackers, etc.;
  • flour products - white, as well as coarse grinding;
  • muesli and cereal for breakfast - oatmeal and any others;
  • rice - both white and brown, unpolished;
  • corn - in any form.

All foods containing sugar or starch are pure poison. They raise blood sugar instantly and strongly. Even the fastest types of insulin (for example,) cannot compensate for their harmful effects. Not to mention diabetes pills.

Read about products for diabetics:

Attempts to increase insulin dosages to bring down sugar after eating forbidden foods increase the risk. This is an acute complication of insulin misuse. Each of his episodes can end in fainting, calling an ambulance, and even death.

The site site promotes methods for controlling impaired glucose metabolism that it has developed. You have already realized that these methods are contrary to the official instructions. But they really help. And the recommendations of the Ministry of Health cannot boast of good efficiency. After you switch to, you do not have to buy expensive medicines, spend a lot of time and effort. Watch the video.

Keep in mind that in diabetics who strictly follow the diet, insulin dosages fall by an average of 7 times. The risk of hypoglycemia is reduced by the same amount. Blood sugar stays more stable throughout the day.

Vegetables, fruits and berries

Forbidden vegetables and fruits:

  • fruits and berries any (!!!), except for avocados and olives;
  • fruit juices;
  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • Bell pepper;
  • beans, peas, any legumes;
  • boiled and fried onions;
  • tomato sauce and ketchup.

You can eat green onions. Onion, which has undergone heat treatment, is prohibited, but in its raw form it can be added a little to the salad. Tomatoes can be consumed in moderation, no more than 50 g per meal. Tomato sauce and ketchup should be strictly avoided because they usually contain sugar and/or starch.

What dairy products should not be eaten:

  • whole and skimmed milk;
  • yogurt, if it is fat-free, sweetened or with fruit;
  • cottage cheese (no more than 1-2 tablespoons at a time);
  • condensed milk.

What else needs to be excluded:

  • any products that contain dextrose, glucose, fructose, lactose, xylose, xylitol, corn syrup, maple syrup, malt, maltodextrin;
  • products sold in the diabetic section that contain fructose and/or flour.

So, diabetic patients should not eat foods overloaded with carbohydrates. Unfortunately, it is impossible to list them all here. If you wish, you will always find some kind of sweetness, flour product or fruit that is not included in the lists. Don't think you're fooling a strict dietitian by eating these foods. By violating the diet, diabetics harm themselves and no one else.

The results of the treatment are only your concern and no one else's. If you have friends and/or relatives who are truly worried, then you are very lucky. Doctors deliberately give their patients false information about the control and consequences of type 2 and type 1 diabetes.

Study food nutrition charts, especially their carbohydrate, protein, and fat content. Read the ingredients on the labels carefully before making your choice at the grocery store. It is useful to test products by measuring blood sugar with a glucometer before meals, and then 5-10 minutes after it.

Try not to eat any processed foods. Learn how to cook delicious and healthy food. Compliance with diabetes requires effort and financial expense. They pay off by increasing the life expectancy of patients, improving its quality, because complications do not develop.

What cereals can not be eaten with diabetes?

Rice, buckwheat, millet, hominy and any other cereals are strictly prohibited, because they terribly increase blood sugar. You can easily see with the help of a glucometer that cereals and cereals made from them are very harmful. One such visual lesson should be enough. Buckwheat diet does not help diabetes at all, but rather brings disability and death closer. It is impossible to list all the cereals and cereals that exist here. But you get the idea...

Diet options depending on the diagnosis:

Why can't you eat rice and potatoes?

Potatoes and rice are made up primarily of starch, which is a long chain of glucose molecules. Your body can break down starch into glucose fantastically quickly and efficiently. It starts in the mouth with the help of an enzyme found in saliva. Glucose enters the bloodstream even before a person has had time to swallow potatoes or rice! Blood sugar rises instantly, no insulin can cope with it.

After eating rice or potatoes, it takes several hours for blood glucose levels to return to normal. At this time, complications develop. Eating rice and potatoes brings significant harm to the body of diabetic patients. There are no pills or insulin that can help avoid this harm. The only way out is a complete rejection of prohibited products. Brown rice affects blood sugar just as badly as white rice, so no rice should be eaten.

Read about prevention and treatment of complications:

Why can't a diabetic eat eggs?

Many doctors and diabetics believe that eggs are bad and it is better not to eat them. Because eggs raise blood cholesterol levels. Actually, this is a delusion. Eggs are a great food for diabetics and everyone else. It is an affordable source of the highest quality protein. As for cholesterol, eggs increase the level of not bad, but good high-density cholesterol in the blood. By observing and eating eggs, you do not increase, but rather lower your risk of a heart attack.

Diabetes mellitus, which can be either congenital or acquired, disrupts carbohydrate metabolism. The production of insulin, which is responsible for regulating blood glucose, slows down, which, if left untreated, can lead to both disability and death.

Given the seriousness of the disease that disrupts the functioning of the whole organism, when the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to contact a specialist who will determine the severity of the patient's condition, prescribe an effective treatment regimen, and also give recommendations regarding nutrition.

Diabetes can go unnoticed for a long time. And a person learns about the disease by chance, at the next preventive examination. But there is a list of symptoms that indicate that the process is running and diabetes has become a part of a person's life. This:

  • uncontrollable thirst;
  • frequent urination;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • active weight loss;
  • decreased sexual activity;
  • regular dizziness;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • loss of visual acuity;
  • cramps and numbness of the limbs;
  • poor tissue regeneration;
  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • skin itching;
  • low body temperature.

Diabetes is characterized by pain in the heart area, the development of hepatosis (fatty liver cells) and cirrhosis (replacement of liver cells by connective tissue cells).

"Bread unit": how to calculate

Bread unit (XE) - a measure of the amount of carbohydrates entering the body. It is generally accepted that 1 XE is equal to 12 grams of digestible carbohydrates. It is especially important to control the amount of XE in type 1 diabetes. So the patient will be able to clearly plan his diet and regulate the daily dose of insulin.

There are various tables that indicate the amount of XE in the product, but over time, every diabetic learns to determine it “by eye”. For example, a slice of bread contains 1 XE, and a banana contains 2 XE. At one time, a diabetic should not eat more than 7 XE. Each grain unit raises blood sugar by 2.5 mmol/l, and a unit of insulin lowers it by 2.2 mmol/l.

Health food for type 1 or type 2 diabetes

With type 2 diabetes and the absence of excess weight, the caloric content of the diet is not limited. It is important to reduce the number of carbohydrates that affect blood sugar. To do this, you should follow simple rules:

  • give preference to food containing plant fibers (vegetables);
  • reduce cooking to a minimum;
  • exclude sugar and various sweets from the diet;
  • eat fractionally small portions (5 times a day).

Type 2 diabetes, accompanied by overweight, requires caloric restriction of the diet. Getting rid of just 5 extra pounds, you can significantly improve your well-being. For the convenience of dieting, all products can be divided into three groups:

In type 1 diabetes, it is important to prevent a rise in blood sugar. The list of allowed foods for this disease includes: whole grain pastries, cereals without oil, vegetable or light meat broths, low-fat fish and seafood, vegetables and unsweetened fruits, low-fat sour-milk products, dried fruits and honey in minimal quantities.

Banned for this type of diabetes: sweets and pickles, smoked meats and fatty soups, fried meats and fatty dairy products, sugary drinks, fruits (bananas, peaches, grapes), potatoes, confectionery and pastries.

How to calculate the glycemic index of foods

The glycemic index (GI) is responsible for the ability of foods to raise blood sugar levels. The slower carbohydrates are digested (low GI), the lower the risk of high blood sugar. All food products are divided into 3 groups:

  • low GI (from 0 to 55);
  • medium (56-69);
  • high (from 7 to 100).

The GI is affected not only by the product itself, but also by the way it is prepared. For example, the glycemic index of raw vegetables is lower than that of stewed vegetables.

High and low GI foods

Knowing the GI of a product, you can reduce the level of sugar in the blood and prevent its further increase. For convenience, when compiling the diet of a patient with diabetes, you can use the table:

Low GI foods (0 to 55)
Rice (unpeeled, basmati) 50
Orange, kiwi, mango 50
Grapefruit, coconut 45
Pasta (from durum wheat) 40
carrot juice 40
Dried fruits 40
Apple, plum, quince, pomegranate, peach 35
natural yogurt 35
Tomato juice, fresh tomato 30
Apricot, pear, tangerine 30
Barley, lentils, green beans 30
Fat-free cottage cheese, milk 30
bitter chocolate 30
Cherry, raspberry, currant, strawberry, gooseberry 25
pumpkin seeds 25
Eggplant 20
Broccoli, white, colored, Brussels sprouts, celery, cucumber, asparagus, zucchini, onion, spinach 15
Mushrooms 15
nuts 15
Bran 15
leaf lettuce 10
Avocado 10
Parsley, basil 5
Medium GI foods (56 to 69)
Wheat flour 65
Preserves, jams, marmalade 65
Whole grain, black yeast and rye bread 65
jacket potatoes 65
Pickled vegetables 65
Banana 60
Ice cream 60
Mayonnaise 60
Buckwheat, oatmeal, long grain rice 60
Grape 55
Spaghetti 55
shortbread cookies 55
Ketchup 55
High GI foods (70 to 100)
White bread 100
muffin 95
Baked potato 95
Honey 90
Instant porridge 85
Carrots (stewed or boiled) 85
Mashed potatoes 85
Muesli 80
Pumpkin, watermelon, melon 75
Sugar 70
milk chocolate 70
Sweet drinks with gas 70
A pineapple 70
White rice, semolina, millet, noodles 70

The rate of glucose breakdown also depends on age, physiological characteristics of a person, physical activity, and even the region of residence. Therefore, when calculating the GI, you should consult with your doctor.

Diet No. 9 was created taking into account the peculiarities of the absorption of carbohydrates by patients with diabetes mellitus. Helps normalize carbohydrate metabolism:

  • reduction of calorie intake to 2200-2400 kcal;
  • restriction of carbohydrates to 300 gr. per day, protein up to 100 gr., and fat - up to 70 gr.;
  • compliance drinking regime(2.5 liters of free fluid per day).

For dietary meat dishes lean meats are used, fish and poultry are steamed. For garnish, fresh and stewed vegetables are preferred, from dairy products - low-fat kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese, bread - rye or with bran. Fruits are consumed both fresh and in the form of compotes, jelly and fruit drinks prepared with the addition of sweeteners.

Easy Diabetic Recipes

The diet for diabetes should be balanced and complete. For example, you can cook lush fish cakes, vitamin salad and an original diabetic dessert.

Pike perch cutlets


  • pike perch fillet - 200 gr.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • white bread - 50 gr.;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • butter - 10 gr.,
  • salt and herbs to taste.


  1. Grind the fillet in a meat grinder;
  2. Add bread soaked in milk;
  3. Enter softened butter, salt and herbs;
  4. Cook the formed cutlets for a couple of 15 minutes.

Carrot and kohlrabi salad


  • 100 gr. kohlrabi and carrots;
  • 20 ml. oils (vegetable);
  • salt to taste.


Grate the peeled vegetables on a coarse grater, salt, mix and pour over with oil.

fruit yogurt

To prepare a simple and delicious dessert, you will need the following products:

  • 300 ml. homemade curdled milk;
  • 200 gr. berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries);
  • sweetener.


Whisk all ingredients in a blender and serve garnished with berries.

Menu for a week with diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is not a sentence that excludes favorite foods from the patient's diet. Using the recommendations of nutritionists regarding the principles of nutrition in diabetes, you can create not only a healthy, but also a tasty menu for a week. For example:

Time/day of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Breakfast 180 gr. fat-free cottage cheese with berries, a piece of bread and tea 70 gr. millet porridge with 2 tablespoons of carrot salad and a glass of tea 70 gr. buckwheat with 2 tablespoons of vegetable salad, bread and jelly; carrot and apple salad (65 gr.), 2 slices of bread and a cup of milk beetroot salad (65 gr.), 50 gr. barley, a piece of bread and a glass of tea a glass of low-fat kefir 70 gr. millet with carrot salad (70 gr.), a slice of bread and tea
2nd breakfast kefir a cup of jelly and tangerine a cup of tea and 2-3 plums a glass of mineral water and an apple a cup of tea and an apple unsweetened apple kefir
Dinner 200 ml borscht, 120 gr. boiled beef, a glass of dried fruit compote 100 gr. roast, 3 tbsp. green peas, bread, compote steam cutlet (70 gr.) with vegetable stew (100 gr.), bread and a glass of compote 200 gr. vegetable soup, 3 tbsp. buckwheat and 120 gr. goulash, a glass of jelly portion of cabbage soup (200 gr.), 120 gr. oatmeal with stewed zucchini (70 gr.), a slice of bread and a glass of berry juice or compote chicken fillet (120 gr.) with a portion of buckwheat (60 gr.), green peas(3 tablespoons), bread and a cup of tea steam fish (120 gr.) with zucchini caviar (70 gr.), bread and tea
afternoon tea a glass of decoction of rose hips cup of tea and orange berry jelly (50 gr.) and a cup of tea 100 gr. fruit salad and a cup of tea 100 gr. fruit salad and mineral water 30 gr. crackers with half a glass of pineapple juice 120 gr. fat-free cottage cheese
Dinner 150 gr. steam fish with 3 tbsp. barley, a portion of vegetable salad (65 gr.) And a cup of tea portion of buckwheat (150 gr.) with vegetable salad (65 gr.) and a slice of bread, 30 gr. crackers and half a glass of orange juice 70 gr. barley, 120 gr. boiled chicken, vegetable salad (65 gr.), bread and berry juice 60 gr. millet porridge with fish schnitzel (100 gr.), a slice of bread and a mug of tea 200 gr. barley with squash caviar (50 gr.) and a cup of tea stewed cabbage (150 gr.), vegetable salad (65 gr.), cheesecake and a cup of tea fish cutlet (100 gr.) with 4 tbsp. barley, cabbage salad (65 gr.) And a glass of berry juice
2nd dinner kefir and orange grapefruit a glass of low-fat kefir and an apple 100 gr. cottage cheese and a glass of tea a glass of low-fat kefir 2nd dinner: kefir and berry jelly (50 gr.) low-fat kefir

The calorie content of such a diet does not exceed 2200-2400 kcal, which allows you to control not only blood sugar, but also weight.


Elevated glucose in the body is a systemic endocrine disease. The phenomenon is associated with a decrease in insulin production due to the occurrence of a pathological autoimmune process, a decrease in the susceptibility of insulin receptors in organic tissues. As a result, the level of glucose in the blood rises. For this reason, patients with diabetes need to eat only types of food allowed for diabetes. The list of restrictions imposed by diabetes, what can and cannot be eaten, a table of recommended and not recommended foods are listed below in this material.

General rules

People with diabetes need to eat strictly defined food due to the fact that this disease is associated with metabolic disorders, and therefore the state of the body directly depends on what the diabetic eats. The disease of the first form occurs during an autoimmune process, when beta cells die in the pancreas.

In conditions of lack of an enzyme that beta cells produce, sugar accumulates. Regarding what you can not eat with type 2 diabetes, it is important to consider that it is important to exclude food with a significant mass of sugars in the composition, some other. Insulin injections are also prescribed for type 1 diabetes.

The situation is more difficult with the fact that you can eat with type 2 diabetes. In this case, the production of insulin occurs normally. But the receptors in the tissues that are supposed to bind to insulin do not function. However, the pancreas receives a signal about too little insulin, it generates it. A lot of "useless" insulin accumulates in the patient's blood. Therefore, there is a list of what you can not eat with this disease, because this food contributes to increased production of insulin.

Products for type 2 diabetes should not only have a small GC (glycemic index), but also be low in calories. It is with this type of disease that diabetics gain excess weight(and vice versa, excess weight can cause disease). Therefore, often, patients have to follow a low-calorie diet. What to eat with diabetes in this case, the doctor will recommend.

First form

Products prohibited in diabetes in this case are few. This form of the disease is insulin-dependent, the patient only needs to carefully monitor the glucose content and inject insulin in a timely manner. However, there are still some limitations:

  • Healthy foods for type 1 diabetes are those that contain a minimum of carbohydrates;
  • No more than 60% per day of the consumed nutrients should be carbohydrates;
  • Butter sweet pastries also cannot be eaten with type 1 diabetes;
  • Exclude all sweet foods for diabetes (including those that are not prepared with sugar, but with its substitutes);
  • Soda and purchased juices from packages are harmful products for this type of diabetes;
  • Do not eat pure sugar in type 1 diabetes.

In a small list of what foods are not allowed for diabetes in an insulin-dependent form, those foods that can cause significant jumps in sugar volume are placed. As a result, an increased amount of insulin is required. All this renders Negative influence, and therefore people with this disease are better off avoiding this food.

Until recently, it was believed that it is useful for type 1 diabetes to reduce fat intake to 5% per day. However, recent studies by American endocrinologists have shown that this does not make sense. The same applies to the question of whether it is possible to eat spicy and fried, these are dishes that can be eaten. However, fried products have a negative effect on the state of blood vessels, therefore they should not be used after a stroke in diabetes mellitus, as well as with problems with the cardiovascular system.

Body weight in the second form

As mentioned above, the diet for type 2 diabetes is largely dependent on body weight. It is important to carefully control it. After all, the receptors that bind to insulin are located mainly in the tissue of fatty deposits. With its excessive growth, they are damaged, destroyed. And this can lead to type 2 diabetes.

Also on its own, type 2 diabetes can cause weight gain by experiencing an almost permanent voice. For this reason, the list of products for type 2 diabetes is formed by the physician, taking into account whether or not the patient needs to lose weight.

However, a list of universal recommendations has also been developed regarding what diabetics can and cannot eat. Prohibited foods for type 2 diabetes are listed below:

  1. smoked products;
  2. Sausage;
  3. Fat should not be consumed;
  4. High-fat red meat (low-fat red meat is acceptable for type 2 diabetics in small portions);
  5. Bird skin;
  6. Mayonnaise and sauces on this basis should not be consumed;
  7. Butter;
  8. Purchased fruit juices (you can drink home-made vegetable juices with diabetes);
  9. Fatty cheese with more than 30% fat (low-fat cheese for diabetes can be eaten in small quantities and after consulting a doctor);
  10. Fatty milk (fat content over 2%);
  11. Cottage cheese with a fat content of more than 4%;
  12. Semi-finished foods for diabetes should be completely excluded, because they contain a lot of preservatives and fats;
  13. Canned food in oil;
  14. Chocolate, sweets, cakes, sweet pastries, jam (sugar in diabetes should not be consumed, like all dishes containing it);
  15. Sugar-rich fruits are forbidden foods for type 2 diabetes.

The above are strictly prohibited foods for diabetes. And a list of dishes is highlighted, eating them is permissible in strictly defined volumes. A list of dishes for diabetics with an indication of their consumption rates is available below.

Table 1

Limited use

If you love sweets, you need to eat products for diabetics. These food products for patients with this disease include a sweetener in their composition. When it enters the stomach and is absorbed, it does not cause an increase in the percentage of glucose, after which it is excreted through the kidneys. These foods for diabetes with their long-term consumption can harm.

Type two: fasting

Despite the presence general recommendations and lists of what you can eat with a sugar failure and what you can’t, some patients choose a different way to control their own weight - fasting. Especially well the method helps "beginners" diabetics, whose experience of the disease is small. Fasting helps not only to get rid of excess body weight, but also to maintain normal sugar levels.

In order for such a diet for diabetics to bear fruit, it is important to follow it, observing a number of rules:

  • Prepare the body for fasting 5 - 7 days. At this time, the main thing that you can eat with diabetes is vegetables;
  • Thoroughly cleanse the intestines;
  • The duration of fasting should be at least 10 days. The result may appear in a shorter period, but it will not be fixed;
  • Many patients wonder what drinks they can drink while fasting. It is better to give preference to water, but you can also drink vegetable juices;
  • Get out of fasting gradually. This takes 5-7 days. The list of allowed products during this period is small. The main thing that is eaten with type 2 diabetes at this stage is mucous porridge, you also need to eat vegetable broths. Portions should be small, and meals should be fractional - often and in small portions. On the 2nd - 3rd day of release, meat can be introduced into the diet. The main thing that people with type 2 diabetes eat at this stage is boiled or cooked white meat, for example, chicken breast.

The method is prohibited for people after a stroke, suffering from cardiovascular pathologies, failures. In the presence of other pathologies and chronic failures, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will list what is impossible with diabetes, and what is possible and useful for this patient. Fasting has a lot of contraindications.

Type two: carbohydrates

A diabetic diet should be built around the ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the diet. The first thing to do is calculate their balance. Their correct balance will allow maintaining the patient's weight, the percentage of glucose at a normal level. Allowed foods on failure suggest few carbs. With the help of such a diet in diabetes, significant jumps in glucose can be prevented in both types of failure. Such a nutrition program has been successfully used for type 2 diabetics after a stroke.

  1. Pasta;
  2. Rolls, bakery and confectionery products;
  3. Potato;
  4. Fruits (it is permissible for diabetics to eat certain acidic fruits in a very small amount);
  5. Bee Honey;
  6. The most harmful food for diabetes is one that includes easily digestible carbohydrates, i.e. pure sugar.

Below is a list of what foods you can eat when you are sick, but in a minimal amount:

  1. Whole grains excluding white rice;
  2. Whole wheat bread;
  3. Kefir, fermented baked milk and the like, not sweet and with a fat content of up to 4% (permitted products in case of failure - fat-free natural kefir, yogurt);
  4. legumes;
  5. Vegetables are allowed foods for this failure, but on a low-carbon diet, beets, tomatoes, zucchini, carrots should be eaten in small quantities.

Even when purchasing diabetic products (for type 2 diabetics), you need to find out what percentage of carbohydrates is there. Some diabetic foods include quite a few. It is better to refuse such products.

Once you've made a list of what foods to eat when you're sick, it's easy to calculate your carbohydrate intake. The first thing to calculate is their mass consumed per day. It cannot be more than 20 - 25 g. This amount is divided by the number of meals. It is necessary to decide what to eat with diabetes so that the intake of carbohydrates is relatively uniform.

In addition, with diabetes, you can eat only when there is a strong hunger and avoid snacking. Also, with diabetes, you need to eat in small portions and eat slowly enough. This will allow you to eat a smaller amount of food, since the satiety center in the brain begins to work only 15-20 minutes after eating.


Diabetes mellitus nutrition involves only correct and healthy. For this reason, it is necessary to exclude alcohol and cigarettes - these products disrupt metabolism. For the same reason, the main thing that you can not eat with this disease is canned food and fast food.


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What foods can not be eaten with type 2 diabetes? How to make a menu for every day with diabetes, suspicion of it or obesity? Endocrinologist Olga Demicheva talks about nutrition in type 2 diabetes mellitus, which is an important component of treatment, in the book "It's time to be treated properly."

In contrast to type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1), a bright debut accompanied by thirst, profuse urination, weight loss, and a sharp onset in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2), as a rule, does not happen. Usually the disease is almost asymptomatic for several years, so more than half of the patients with diabetes in the world are unaware of their disease. And they don’t know about it either until the first complications appear, or until the accidental detection of elevated blood glucose levels.

With a thorough survey of patients with newly diagnosed diabetes, it is possible to find out that in recent months (years) they note rapid fatigue, some decrease in muscle strength, a tendency to urinate at night; in addition, women may be disturbed by itching in the perineum, and men - erectile dysfunction. But all these symptoms are often not considered by patients as a reason to see a doctor.

The criteria for diagnosing DM2 by blood glucose analysis do not differ from those for DM1, but age over 40 years, the presence of visceral diabetes, poor symptoms of diabetes, and normal (and sometimes moderately elevated) levels of own insulin can confidently distinguish DM2 from DM1.

The main thing is not to starve! Nutrition for type 2 diabetes

A patient with type 2 diabetes should ensure the normalization of body weight, not cause hyper- and hypoglycemia, and reduce the risks of atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension.

Meals should be frequent, fractional, small portions (usually 3 main meals and 2-3 intermediate ones) with a daily calorie content of about 1500 kcal. The last meal is taken 40-60 minutes before a night's sleep.

The basis of nutrition - low glycemic index (GI) complex carbohydrates, i.e. slowly increasing blood glucose levels; they should make up to 50-60% of the nutritional value.

Most confectionery products, sweet drinks, muffins, small cereals have a high GI; they should be eliminated or reduced to a minimum. Low GI have whole grains, vegetables, fruits rich in dietary fiber.

The total amount of fat should not exceed 30% of the total calories, saturated fat - 10%. Saturated fats are easy to distinguish from unsaturated fats: unsaturated fats room temperature have a liquid consistency, and saturated ones are solid, they can be cut with a knife and spread on bread.

Every meal should include adequate amount of protein to stabilize glycemia and ensure satiety. It is recommended to eat fish at least 2 times a week. Vegetables and fruits should be present in the diet at least 5 times a day. Sweet fruits (grapes, figs, bananas, dates, melons) should be limited.

Starvation in diabetes mellitus is contraindicated, as it is a severe stress and, with existing metabolic disorders, can lead to acute vascular complications, depression, and breakdown into a "food binge".

Don't oversalt food. Try not to exceed 5 grams of salt per day (1 teaspoon).

Alcohol, as a source of "empty calories", an appetite stimulant, a destabilizer of glycemia, should be excluded from the diet or minimized. If it is impossible to refuse alcohol, preference should be given to dry red wine. Try to limit alcohol to one dose per day for women or two for men (1 dose = 360 ml of beer = 150 ml of wine = 45 ml of spirits).

Usage antioxidants (vitamins E, C, carotene) are not recommended, since there is currently no evidence base for their use, but there is a possibility of long-term adverse effects.

Important give up smoking to reduce the risk of cardiovascular and oncological complications.

At the same time, it should be noted that 2–3 weeks after smoking cessation, the function of olfactory receptors, which are partially suppressed in smokers, is restored. As a result, it is possible to increase appetite due to the "enhancement" of food flavors. This fact requires special self-control to avoid overeating.

This is what the "nutrition pyramid" looks like with DM2.

Menu for a week with type 2 diabetes

It is recommended to exclude simple carbohydrates from the diet: sugar (including fructose), confectionery (cakes, sweets, sweet buns, gingerbread, ice cream, cookies), honey, jam, fruit juices, etc. All these products dramatically increase blood sugar levels and contribute to the development of obesity. In addition, to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, which progresses rapidly in T2DM, it is recommended to exclude animal fats: fatty meat, lard, butter, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese, cheese, etc.

The consumption of vegetable fats and oily fish should be reduced: although they do not increase the risk of atherosclerosis, they contribute to the progression of obesity. In type 2 diabetes, obesity is a serious problem complicating the course of the disease. If additional nutritional advice is needed, such as those related to impaired kidney function or an increased risk of gout, these points should be discussed by the attending physician.

I breakfast
wake up
II breakfast Dinner afternoon tea Dinner Late
(for 30-60
min. before
Mon Oatmeal in water without oil and sugar or grain bread with dehydrated
curd cheese. Coffee or tea without sugar.*
Tomato juice with biscuits. Salad of fresh cabbage (cucumbers, tomatoes) with lemon
juice. Vegetable soup. Bread. Fish with rice. Miner-
al water.
Apple, unsweetened biscuits, tea without sugar.* The vinaigrette. Lean beef with maca
ronami from durum wheat. Tea without sugar.
neva porridge without oil (3-4 hundred
fishing spoons) or cereal loaves. A glass of 1% kefir.
Tue Capus-
thick meatballs, grain bread. Coffee (tea) without sugar.*
Low-fat drinking yogurt with biscuits. Fresh cabbage salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, Bulgarian-
paprika) with lemon juice. Tomato soup. Bread. Chicken breast with vegetable stew. Mine-
real water.
Peach, unsweetened cookie. Pickles. Veal with Greek
porridge. Tea without sugar.
Oat flakes with a hundred
kanom milk or 1% kefir.
Wed Soft-boiled egg. Potatoes, baked
baked in the oven (2 pcs.). Coffee (tea) without sugar.*
Apple. Greek salad. Lenten borscht. Grain bread. minced meat
roved pepper (with beef and rice). Mine-
real water.
Crackers from grain bread with fruit drink.* Turkey breast with cauliflower. Tea without sugar. Muesli with a hundred
kanom 1% kefir or milk.
Thu Cheesecakes with xylitol jam. Coffee (tea) without sugar.* Vegetable juice with unsweetened biscuits. Salad from fresh cucumbers with lemon juice. Lenten cabbage soup. Grain bread. Bakla-
women with meat. Mine-
real water.
100 g cherries Wine-
gret, chicken cutlets (steam). Tea without sugar.
2 slices of any bread. A glass of 1% kefir or milk.
Fri Millet porridge on water without oil and sugar or grain bread with dehydrated
cottage cheese (brynza). Coffee (tea) without sugar.*
Berry knot with biscuits. Salad from sauerkraut. soup vermicelli
left on chicken broth. Bread. Chicken breast with rice. Mine-
real water.
Pear, savory biscuit. Fresh cabbage salad. Low-fat fish with
boiled potatoes. Tea without sugar.
neva porridge without oil (3–4 hundred
fishing spoons). Sta-
can 1% kefir or ayran.
Sat One egg omelet. Grain bread with cheese. Coffee with milk without sugar or tea. Obezzhi-
raw yoghurt without sugar. Unsweetened cookies.
Salad of tomatoes with onions, 1 teaspoon of olive-
cow's oil, salt. Solyanka soup on lean broth. Bread. Veal with vegetables. Mine-
real water.
Watermelon (1 slice). Veal cutlets with lentils. Fresh vegetables. Unsweetened tea with marma
fret on xylitol.
Cereal loaves. A glass of 1% kefir.
Sun Pearl barley. Low-fat cottage cheese. Coffee with milk without sugar or tea. Green peas with 1 piece of any bread. Bakla-
zhany with garlic (low-fat). Chicken soup with noodles. Bread. Chicken giblets with buckwheat
neva porridge and vegetables. Mine-
real water.
Apple or beetroot slices, baked
baked in the oven (no sugar).
Lean fish with rice. Tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs. Oat flakes without sugar with fermented baked milk.

* with sweetener

Physical activity in T2DM

Low physical activity (physical inactivity) is a mortal enemy of civilized mankind. Regular physical activity is important for the treatment of obesity, reduction of hyperglycemia, normalization of blood pressure, prevention coronary disease hearts.

In DM2, the fight against hypodynamia is especially relevant. The fact is that with hypodynamia, the muscles stop actively using glucose, and it is stored in the form of fat. The more fat accumulates, the lower the sensitivity of cells to insulin. It has been proven that 25% of people leading a sedentary lifestyle can detect insulin resistance.

itself regular. muscle activity leads to metabolic changes that reduce insulin resistance. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to practice daily 30-minute intensive walking or jogging 3-4 times a week, preferably 1-1.5 hours after eating, which helps to reduce insulin resistance and improve glycemic control.

You can conduct an independent "experiment" using a household glucometer, and observe how glycemia decreases after 15 minutes of physical activity.