Toilet      07.03.2020

How the dressing room is finished - stages of work and arrangement options. Dressing room decoration: rules and methods of design Modern dressing room

So, the construction of the bath is completed, which means that you can proceed to the most interesting - the interior design, which is advisable to start with the dressing room - the main room for relaxation. Options interior decoration many: the design will depend solely on your desires and the limitless possibilities of indefatigable imagination. Remember, the carefully thought-out filling of the room, from which the bath actually begins, will help create ideal conditions for a comfortable pastime. We decided to equip a dressing room - the photo selection presented in this article will help you do it competently and tastefully.

Dressing room design

Before proceeding directly to thinking through the interior, you should understand the functions of the room. Its main purpose is to prevent cold air from entering the steam room and provide cozy conditions for relaxation.
That is why the design of the dressing room requires detailed study, many nuances must be taken into account: where to hang things, where to store towels, what to drink tea from.

The beauty of design is in simplicity, it is not customary to clutter up the dressing room with unnecessary furnishings

Thinking about the problem of arranging a dressing room, you can, of course, shift the burden of responsibility to specialists, but it is much more interesting, following the recommendations of professionals, to create an original dressing room with your own hands.

With regards to fashion trends, you can see that the “a la Russ” style is more relevant than ever, so if you want to create something unique, but taking into account current trends, this option is a win-win. Sturdy furniture, floral decor, small lamps, a pot-bellied samovar, shelves of the author's work... Why not a piece of paradise where everything is filled with harmony and peace?

Style is created by details: according to tradition, baths are sheathed with wood and furnished with a stable, simple wooden furniture

No less popular classic interior dressing room, where wood carving is appropriate, unusual furniture, hand-made items, paintings, i.e. everything that can best emphasize the luxury of the situation.

Well, if neither the first nor the second option correlates with your attitude, you can try the high-tech style. A fireplace with a remote firebox, decorated with glass, stone and metal decorations, stylish bedside tables and a service of strict forms will look just great.

Below are options for creating a unique atmosphere of the dressing room, conducive to long tea parties or heart-to-heart conversations in the company of best friends.

The interior of the dressing rooms in the photo

The procedure for arranging a dressing room

First you need to think over a work plan, visualize what you want to create. This will help not only achieve the goal with maximum accuracy, but also save a lot of time.

The choice of material for finishing

Tree - best material for interior decoration, combining environmental friendliness and safety. These indicators are extremely important when arranging a bath.

It is important!
Use for finishing wood, characterized by low thermal conductivity. Inspect the tree carefully: there should be no resin stains and knots on the bars.

The following types of wood are suitable for finishing:

  • Linden, when heated, will give a bouquet of fragrant essential oils which are not only pleasant, but also beneficial for the body. An important advantage is that the linden does not darken and retains its original appearance for a long time.
  • The wood of the exotic abachi tree does not heat up, making it indispensable assistant in decorating.
  • Cedar, despite the wonderful aroma, must be used with caution - the resin can release enzymes that adversely affect a person's well-being.

The best option is a combination of coniferous and deciduous woods, which will create an exclusive interior.

Room features

The dressing room usually takes small area so it's important to take a few things into account. The room must be functional, because. is intended not only for storing things and bath accessories, but also for a pleasant stay.

Based on this, space zoning should be provided: there should be a place for a dressing room, brooms and other bath attributes, dining table, exit for the stove, which will help to heat the steam room without opening once again door.

It is important!
Try not to clutter up the dressing room with unnecessary furniture and unnecessary items: it should be spacious here.

The room should be spacious: nothing should interfere with movement and rest

On one side of the wall, you can place a table and benches, and on the other - a washbasin, small locker with mirror and hanger.

The main pieces of furniture that you can’t do without are hangers, a table and chairs. You can arrange a sofa and chairs made of leatherette or water-repellent fabric. Also, do not forget about a small chest of drawers or a bookcase for things where you can put clothes, towels, tablecloths.

The choice of furniture provides room for imagination

Popular styles in finishing the dressing room and the steam room itself are country, rustic and chalet, Provence and modern, minimalism and oriental (for Turkish hammam), as well as Asian style, which also gravitates towards minimalism. Let's break down each style point by point and find out what color and finish they need.

Style Color spectrum Finishing material: floor / walls Furniture Budget
Country red, brown tree/tree wooden $
rustic light or dark brown stone or tile/wood wooden $$
Chalet chocolate, coffee, stone gray stone/stone or massif wooden, slabs $$$
Provence light, white-blue, gray-white tree/tree wooden $$$
Modern any, even bright or neon tree/tree any, including plastic $
Minimalism black and white, white, white and gray porcelain tile or marble/marble or stone concise and fashionable $$$
Eastern (hammam) white-blue, orange-red or golden-orange marble/marble or mosaic in oriental style $$$
Asian minimalism black, white, brown wood/wood + porcelain stoneware stylized $$$

The dressing room usually has a small area - about 10-20 square meters, therefore they do not create different variants plans, but different methods decorations (including ethnic ones) that do not affect the specific arrangement of furniture.

What can be placed in the dressing room

Atmospheric, as a rule, you can create with your own hands: here the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfinishing from natural wood was originally laid down - a material that is simple, affordable and quite flexible in terms of finishing. There are three rooms in the bath that need to be arranged - a relaxation room (it is also a dressing room), a steam room (actually a bath or sauna) and a shower room. Consider the dressing room for functionality.

  • Restroom. Usually composed of a dining group or upholstered furniture, sometimes it includes a mini-kitchen, a brick fireplace, a beautiful bay window or. It is important to understand that the humidity of the steam will also penetrate into this room, so it is best to design it as practical as possible. Many people prefer to use lining with moisture resistant impregnation.
  • Furniture. It should be practical, moisture resistant, which is not afraid of high humidity for a long time. For example, natural rattan or techno-rattan are great, but MDF or chipboard furniture is absolutely not suitable, it is not only impossible to use it here, but also dangerous to health (humidity can cause poisonous glue to evaporate into the air).
  • Kitchen. Not all dressing rooms have a kitchen, but placing it here is a fairly popular idea. By the way, with access to the terrace with barbecue, it will be as functional as possible. She usually has small size, as well as an area with a bar counter and a decorative sideboard.
  • Storage space. In the dressing room there may also be a warehouse necessary for have a nice rest details. Brooms, aromatic oils, scented candles, water with a certain aroma - all this can be found here.
  • TV area and fireplace. In addition, in the lounge part there is a fireplace and a TV. Usually the layout of the dressing room is such that the upholstered furniture is oriented precisely towards these items, so that you can enjoy watching the fire or watching your favorite TV show with pleasure.

  • Swimming pool or tub. They can also be located in the dressing room. In this case, it all depends on the specific layout and the chosen style for decorating your bath. The pool is not an obligatory element of the dressing room, because it takes up a lot of space and requires almost the same amount of money for implementation as the rest of the bath.

TOP-5 design techniques in the design of the dressing room

The dressing room, like any other room, requires careful design and high-quality walls and ceilings. Also here you need themed furniture, suitable both in functionality and style. Design tricks from professionals will help you make your break room as interesting as possible.

  1. Proper lighting. It is fundamentally important for the dressing room. Firstly, there should not be bright and white light here, only warm yellow shades Otherwise, you will not be able to fully relax. Bright light should be replaced with diffused, it is best to abandon the chandelier in small room, replacing with stretch ceiling with clapboard trim with many built-in lights. Suspended ceiling Illuminated is ideal for a small dressing room, where a chandelier usually looks too big and makes the room feel less cozy.
  2. Textiles and decor. These are things that you should not forget about when decorating the dressing room. It is thanks to them that you can stylize the interior as Provence or country, chalet or Asian minimalism. For decor, you need to prudently put shelves, hammer in nails for paintings or posters, leave a place in the sideboard.
  3. Mosaic decoration. Very popular in the design of the dressing room in different styles- classics, oriental, Greek and others. It can be implemented even without a font or pool, where it is usually most appropriate.
  4. Wall decoration with clapboard or blockhouse. A popular idea that not only looks very authentic, but is also inexpensive.
  5. Bright decorative accents in natural tones. Marsala, emerald, canary yellow and others bright colors add depth to the interior.

More more ideas for decorating a dressing room and a steam room - in this video.

Have you tried and built a beautiful hut-steam room? Now we need to finish the bath from the inside, which requires no less attention than outdoor work. High humidity and high temperatures put forward special requirements for materials, because not all of them are able to withstand difficult conditions operation. It depends on the choice of sheathing how long the structure will last, how comfortable the procedures will be. Different rooms in the bath require their own approach to finishing, but the most difficult is the finishing of the steam room in the bath.

The design of the steam room in the bath Source

What material is suitable for a steam room

For internal works there is a mass finishing materials. To make it easier for you to choose what will be the finishing of the steam room in the bath, photos and pictures ready-made solutions every designer has. It is worth recalling that even if you yourself made a choice, it is better to coordinate it with a specialist, because not all materials are suitable for installation inside the hottest room.

Considering specific conditions operation, the corresponding requirements are imposed on the finish:

    moisture resistance;

    heat resistance;



    environmental friendliness.

Important! For the interior decoration of the bath, you should choose natural materials.

When the temperature rises, the plastic deforms and begins to release bad smell, and ordinary tiles crack after heating. Therefore, the use of such a finish is unacceptable in the steam room.

The best option is wood. The structure of the finish depends on financial capabilities. For example, lining is cheaper than timber, it is chosen if it is necessary to meet a certain budget. Basically, the owners of baths prefer hardwood. Below is an example of what the interior of a bathhouse might look like, a photo of the classic version.

High-quality wood for the interior decoration of the bath Source

There is an opinion that it is not necessary to sheathe inner part steam wood conifers, because when the temperature rises, it releases resin. But this statement is debatable, because the resin has a beneficial effect on health, cleanses the respiratory tract, and strengthens the heart.

Sewing or not interior softwood, it's up to you - maybe someone from the household has an unpleasant smell of pine needles or vice versa ...

If lining was nevertheless chosen for lining the bath, then it must be of high quality. Particular attention needs to be paid outdoor processing material - on its surface there should be no chips, knots, cracks. Lining should not deform: swell when heated or shrink at normal temperature.

If for some reason wood does not suit you as a material for interior decoration of a steam room, you can give preference to heat-resistant tiles, which have proven themselves well with significant temperature changes.

Video description

How the ceiling is insulated and the walls are finished in the bath is shown in the video:

Ceiling protection

Before finishing, the ceiling should be protected from hot steam. To do this, use aluminum foil or a building membrane.

Important! Do not use foil with glued mineral wool or expanded polypropylene. When heated, these materials release toxic substances.

Protecting the ceiling in the bath with aluminum foil Source

The use of lining - rational or not

Definitely yes! Lining made of linden, aspen, cedar, abasha has become popular due to its properties. It tolerates temperature changes, high humidity, is aesthetic, does not absorb moisture. The lining of the lining has a low thermal conductivity - it does not heat up, but transfers heat into the air.

The lining for the bath is not varnished, antiseptic, paint, it is used in its natural form.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer bath construction services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Preparing the walls for decoration

Starting to finish the walls, they solve the issue of insulation and waterproofing. Without such measures, the bath will not last long, and healing procedures will be reduced to simple hygiene. For insulation, the walls are covered with mineral or basalt wool. The second is more resistant to high temperatures, so it lasts longer.

Wall insulation in the steam room with mineral wool Source

Masters consider cork to be the best thermal insulator for walls in a bath. This agglomerate does not burn, does not rot, is resistant to fungi and mold.

Crate - to do or not to do

Masters prefer to install the crate and attach the interior trim to it. The popular base size is 50x50, less often they make 70x70. The step is not a standard and varies depending on the size of the blocks being reinforced.

The crate is made of wood, less often of metal. Given the operating conditions, the metal must be treated with moisture-resistant compounds. Lining or logs are fixed with screws, nails. They must be copper or brass. The installation of the base is done perpendicular to the skin.

Lathing of walls in the steam room for lining source

Stages of lining

    Perimeter wall and ceiling fix the beam. Fasteners should be every 80–100 cm.

    Cut pieces of insulating wool placed between the tree without ramming.

    Above cover with a waterproofing. The joints are sealed with aluminum tape, Special attention giving corners.

    Equip ventilation. To do this, fill the remote rail. It will provide a small gap (2–3 cm) through which air will be vented.

    Do separate upholstery doors and windows.

    Fasten the lining. You need to start from the corner, fixing each part vertically. This position will ensure free flow of water. If a horizontal arrangement of blocks is planned, make sure that the spikes are at the top. This will protect the lock from moisture.

    Lining, located in the corners or near the walls, cut off before right size . It is especially important to cut the corner block correctly. It is necessary to accurately calculate the angle of inclination so that the neighboring block is correctly fixed.

Furnace insulation with sheet metal Source

    metal- stainless steel or profile iron is mounted on the wall behind the stove;

    Red brick- laid between the wall and the fire;

    tiles resistant to high temperature (kaolin);

    minerite– a heat-resistant board made of cement and special components.

Video description

Step-by-step installation of lining in the steam room, see the video:

We make the floor in the steam room

Not only comfort, but also safety depends on the choice of raw materials for the floor. Moisture on smooth tiles or linoleum can lead to falls and injury. Installation of such materials will turn the floor into a skating rink. In addition, linoleum, when heated, emits an unpleasant odor containing substances harmful to health.

The optimal choice of floor for the steam room is wood. It does not require special coating, moreover, with such a design, the room will be kept in uniform style. It is worth noting that the wooden floor in the bath is not made of oak. This wood becomes stronger when wet, but at the same time its surface begins to slide.

Good for concrete. A floor made of such material will be strong and durable. Tiles are laid on top of it, but the surface structure of such a coating is important. It should not be glossy, a pronounced relief is needed. The floor is laid at a slight slope to the water drain.

Laying tiles on the floor in the bath source

Laying tiles is carried out from the corner, installing crosses between the blocks, tapping with a mounting hammer. After 2-3 days, the seams between the tiles are overwritten. Wooden gratings are placed on top, which allow you not to step on the cold floor and provide additional safety in case of possible slipping.

And now the shelves

Very important point- shelves in the bath. Since constant tactile contact is assumed with them, increased requirements are put forward for these elements:

    they should not get very hot;

    better if cool down slowly;

    must be environmentally friendly;

    don't slip and not be very rough;

    not have external damage;

    easy to wash.

Again, a tree is most well suited for this purpose. Thoroughly cleaned, without knots and notches, it has served people in the bath and steam room for centuries. Shelves should not have sharp corners, which can cause injury. They are not made solid, leaving between wooden planks small distance.

We equip the dressing room

The main function of the dressing room is to keep warm. The temperature in the room is not high, so it is good to use coniferous trees to decorate the walls in a traditional style.

Design of the dressing room and rest room "under the tree" Source

The interior decoration of the bath from a log creates an atmosphere of antiquity, ancient fairy tales. A light aroma created by pine, fir, spruce is appropriate here. The wood of these species resists fungus and mold well. It does not crack after drying, durable. When heated, fir almost does not emit resin.

If preferred hardwoods, experts advise decorating the room with birch. The lining can be laid out not only in even rows, but also in a pattern. It is important that the walls in the room are covered with one type of wood.

Bathroom and washroom

These rooms do not have much high temperature, although the humidity is as high as in the steam room. The choice of finishes in the bathroom and washing room is more extensive. Fans of bath procedures recommend using natural raw materials for such rooms - wood or stone. Pine is the leading wood among available material, however, with prolonged use darkens.

Washroom design example Source

Plastic is acceptable, as there is no high temperature, and it tolerates moist air well. For the shower, you can use ordinary tiles.

What is better to use for decorating a rest room

The rest room should be beautiful and cozy, so the design of the room comes out on top. It is not necessary to install heat and moisture resistant materials here. The relaxation area should be:

    easy care;


    environmentally friendlym;



Video description

For interesting ideas for interior decoration of the bath, see the video:

Finishing the rest room in the bath, in addition to traditional wood, can be done:


    porcelain stoneware;

    natural stone ;

    decorative plaster.

Important! The tree is not mounted immediately after delivery to the construction site. It is brought into the room and allowed to stand for a couple of days, so that it "gets used" in the bath. After such a procedure, the tree does not undergo deformation when heated and high humidity.


Finishing the bath from the inside requires effort and imagination. But, if you do everything right and entrust this work to professionals, the bath will last a long time to restore strength and health. It remains for you to choose what will be the finish of the bath inside: a photo of the steam rooms will help you find best option style and materials.

The design of the dressing room should be worked out taking into account technical requirements and ease of operation. In the conventional sense, this room is used for undressing / changing clothes before bathing procedures. Another meaning is the passage room. The modern dressing room in the bath is also used as a relaxation area after the steam room. It is the purpose of this room that will directly affect the interior design.

Interior and layout of the dressing room

The main functional purpose of this room is the ability to comfortably undress / change clothes before bath procedures. Therefore, the following requirements for the dressing room should be taken into account:

If these nuances are foreseen at the design stage, it will turn out to be comfortable in operation.

Layout Features

The design of the dressing room is inseparably linked with the development of the general. At this stage, a clear understanding of the functional purpose of the room is required. Whether it will be a dressing room only or, due to the compactness of the building, it will also contain a relaxation area. What additional conditions are required for bath procedures (tea drinking, massage, karaoke and watching movies, etc.)?

Project and planning of a bath from a bar with a dressing room

Having decided on the purpose of the premises, they begin planning:

Proper zoning will help ensure a comfortable stay in the bath. Video selection of interior design and dressing room layout.

Communication planning

This design stage is associated with the zoning of the dressing room. Pay attention to the following communications:

Competent calculation and location of communications allow you to organize the optimal microclimate in the dressing room.

Features of pre-finishing

Finishing the dressing room implies its waterproofing and insulation. Such measures make it possible to quickly warm up the room, and long time keep it warm:

The question "how to insulate the dressing room?" is given special attention. The level of comfort and safety of rest, the service life of the building depends on the quality.


The interior of the dressing room should not only meet the aesthetic requirements of the owners, but also complement the healing effect of the procedures. Therefore, only environmentally friendly materials should be used for cladding. The most widespread are the following types:

The combination of stone and wood gives a special coziness to the room. It is not enough to solve the question of how to build and finish your dressing room, it is also important to create a special atmosphere of comfort by choosing a stylistic design.

Cozy bath with warm dressing roomperfect solution for country house or suburban area in our region. Such a bath house is suitable for use all year round, because a thick log perfectly retains the temperature and does not allow the premises to cool down quickly. The simple but thoughtful layout of the sauna is attractive to customers who value practicality and comfort.

The company "Zhar-banya" specializes in the construction of bathhouses from logs "in the bowl" and "in the paw".

Compact or spacious, simple or equipped with additions, projects enjoy well-deserved attention among the residents of Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny.

50 photo ideas for decorating a bath inside: choosing a style and type of wood

Such baths are built in a short time (5-10 days, depending on the complexity of the project) without loss of quality.

The Zhar-banya company offers its potential customers transparent cooperation with the conclusion of an agreement and a detailed estimate, which eliminates the possibility of abuse or deceit.

What will a bath with a warm dressing room look like: photo finished projects can be found on the company's website in the "Our Works" section.

Experts advise to familiarize yourself with appearance built baths to visualize which project is suitable for a particular site.

Layout of bathhouses with a warm dressing room

All projects of baths with a warm dressing room presented on the site are practical and comfortable.

The traditional division of the log house into two or three parts is considered the most rational in terms of subsequent operation:

  • Small baths, consisting of a dressing room and a steam room, are well suited for a small family.

    No more than 3 people can steam in such a log house at the same time.

  • Spacious houses (dressing room, washing room and separate steam room) are designed for larger companies (3-6 people).

Those who wish to build one house on the site, in which it will be possible to both bathe and stay overnight in the summer, should pay attention to the “baths from a log with an attic”.

The principle of complex construction is especially convenient for those who cannot donate square meters land on the site.

Bathhouse 4 to 6 from a log house / "INTO THE BOWL"

Chopped by hand "turnkey".


Bath 2.5 to 4.5 from a log

Chopped by hand "turnkey".


Bath 2.5 to 3.5 from a log

Chopped by hand "turnkey".


Wardrobe Design Tips & Photos

The dream of every summer resident and owner of a private house is to build a swimming pool on their site. Bathtubs can vary in shape, material, size and different parameters, but they always match - without a bathroom, there is no bathroom.

The theater starts from the hanger and the bathtub starts from the lobby.

They do not just take off and leave the outfit, but also relax, soar, drink tea or cold yeast on a carved wooden table with comfortable benches.

Why do you need a wardrobe?

The waiting room is built in such a way that moisture from the steam room does not penetrate into it, and clothes remain dry.

Closet rooms should be lit, not cold air. so the window becomes small. Exterior doors should also be low to maximize heat. Ordinary entrance doors have a height of 2 meters, and the entrance doors rarely exceed 160-170 cm and a width of 60-70 cm.

Entrance doors in the lobby are better on the south side.

This will protect from the cold north wind, and in winter snowy snow will be reduced.

The door to the steam room is even lower. This door should not open in the couples room, but in the reception area. This stops the penetration of steam and keeps the air in the cabinet dry.

The technical purpose of the wardrobe is to create an obstacle for the entry of cold air into the steam room. In the rooms of the room you can relax to enjoy the water.

Wardrobe closet room

The waiting room can be built in any size, usually with a size of 2x3 meters.

In such a small room, you can put a table with a bench, a hanger. The choice of interior design options is quite high.

Usually saunas built from diaries do not need additional lighting. the main task in this case, good heating and processing of impregnated wood. protect the tree from negative effects.

If the building still needs interior decoration, so there are many options.

It should be noted that due to high humidity the choice of materials for internal treatment must be seriously considered.

Materials suitable for decorating the walls of the reception room.

  1. Polyvinyl chloride This inexpensive and practical material is easy to assemble, and even wooden walls do not require a frame.

    The choice of colors is wide, which allows you to design in any style. But plastic cannot be used on the wall between the wardrobe and the teramo. because it can deform and highlight harmful substances when heated.

  2. Rubber color. A novel that quickly captures the market. Apply this color to any surface. The color is waterproof, will not crack or burst.
  3. Block house that mimics log walls fits perfectly into the lobby.

    but it must be carefully installed, especially at corners, at connection points from windows, doors, near exits.

  4. Coating. The panel lining is mounted vertically so that moisture is not retained. Its thickness should not be less than 16 mm. On flat wooden surfaces the slab can be laid without containers.

What is the best tree to use for dressing?

  • Oak. It meets all strong, durable and strong requirements.

    It has antiseptic properties and has a positive effect on blood vessels and pressure.

  • African abash is characterized by low heat capacity, hardness, resistance to deformation and good properties.
  • Canadian cedar is resistant to high humidity, fire resistant, does not warp due to temperature changes.

    When heated, antibacterial essential oils are released.

  • Lime is highly resistant to texture and color, does not radiate tilt when it is heated, absorbs sounds and water, and gives off a pleasant, relaxing scent.
  • Aspen is not sensitive to moisture, it does not deform.

    He may lose his appearance over time. so it must be processed. Aroma Aspen calms down.

  • Larch is strong, so it is difficult to process it. Worthy to withstand high performance durable. It lowers blood pressure and strengthens the immune system.
  • Boron is ideal for closing the wardrobe. It is resistant to decay and fungus, does not decompose or deform, and is also durable.

    Over time, pine develops a pleasing reddish hue. It has antibacterial properties and improves immunity.

The floor can be made of wood or ceramic tiles with anti-slip coating.

Designer wardrobe versions

wardrobe design

The main quality of the wardrobe is comfort.

Arriving at the steam bath, vacationers should not think where to go, where everything needs to be done so that you do not absorb and pollute them. Therefore, appropriate benches, hangers and shelves should be provided.

In addition, it is desirable to equip the lobby, so there is a place to meet friends, relax after a steam room.

The interior of the dressing room should be comfortable and functional.

Russian style

The most traditional bathing style. The space can be simply transformed with a lot of traditional little things: aromatic oaks and birch butterflies, dried herb clusters, ornamental grubs, a big homemade shiny side and a bunch of steering wheels. Also help to create an atmosphere of knitted chairs, carved wooden benches and tables, wooden carvings, unusual and mountain ash, dishes and towels with decorations.

You can inspire the interior of traditional Russian villages.

Upholstered furniture and textiles - cute curtains, tablecloths, napkins and towels - will be used to bring elements home comfort in the closet, like in my grandmother's house. To keep excess moisture in, all that is dear to the heart will help to create a quality built-in hood.

Match Style

Pretty popular solution. Furniture of brutal extermination, often imitating small arms and flames, natural and vegetable ornaments, carved animals and plants on wood.

The decoration is complemented by a mirror framed in hanging wood, painted with dark lacquer. Hang brooms, bouquets of dried herbs. This waiting room gives the impression of a fairytale forest home. feeling close to nature.

You can appreciate the charm of this style in the photo.

Yacht style

This style is also very popular in modern bathrooms. This is great for rooms that combine wood, metal and plastic. If these elements are present in the wardrobe, you only need to style them. To become a real lobby captain, you need:

  • chrome, visible metal parts and surfaces.

    Pipes that once hide can become bright accent on the design of the yacht;

  • Fur is another important attribute. Fur or skin of animals on the wall or on the ground perfectly complement the interior;
  • doors to the boiler room, various control levers and other elements technical work can be selected and styled;
  • on the floor of an excellent strong panel, a lot of red carpet material resistant to moisture will be visible;
  • To complete the walls, a station wagon is ideal, it is useful to look like oak in this style;
  • Decorative items and furniture should be chosen for their moisture and durability.

Great examples of the sailing regime that you can see in the photo.

Classic style

In the bathroom, you can feel not only yachts, but also nobles and nobles.

To do this, you need to choose classic shape. Furniture with elegant shapes, curved legs, skillful carvings, gilding, interesting stylish shelves design, curved hangers for antiques. Textiles will help create the right atmosphere - a luxurious tablecloth, stylish furniture upholstery.


What furniture do you need in the bathroom?

Bathroom storage

With no benches or hangers, it's definitely out of control, it's the bare minimum required. But this does not mean that there is nothing else in the wardrobe. Absolute redundancy will be a small box or booklet. where you can put clean clothes, towels, tablecloths and other necessary things. Of course, if there is an option, then in the lobby you can place not only a chair and benches for relaxing, but also a refrigerator or even a TV.

If you want to put a sofa in a coffee shop, then choose upholstered furniture from leather or leather, and due to high humidity, textiles will quickly become useless.

If you don't want to sit in a steam room on your skin, then you get a blanket of natural products. All textile products in the wardrobe should be quick and dry. For long-term use of furniture and decorative element in the lobby, you must ensure that the vapor barrier and insulation are carried out in accordance with all regulations.

Choose your favorite version or make your own. Each wardrobe looks different in its own way and has an impression of the character of the master. If you want to see interesting ideas, you can choose your photos.

According to the website: